• Published 3rd Feb 2014
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Fiddling with Her Heart - Kevinltk

Octavia is one of the most renowned musicians in Equestria, and yet she feels something is missing in her music. A seemingly normal trip to Ponyville changes everything when she hears the sound of a fiddle coming from the apple orchards.

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Chapter 38: Something Found

Octavia’s hoof glided up and down the neck of her cello, hitting note after note. Her bow was almost a blur as it ran across the strings, matching the almost maddening pace. She had spent many hours, even days, refining the complicated song until it was suitable for what she had planned for it.

Instead of just the sounds of her cello filling the room, a heavy, pulsing beat joined her music. Not only could she hear it, but Octavia could also feel the pounding sounds shake her entire body. At certain intervals, a symphony of synthetic sounds accompanied her cello, both contemplating and clashing with her playing.

Reaching a certain point in the song, Octavia suddenly stopped playing, allowing the electronic music to launch into a solo as the notes slowly climbed higher and higher. Many of the sounds that were blasting through the room were of things she had never heard of before. When it reached its apex, the room fell silent.

Octavia clenched her jaw, bracing herself for what was coming next.

A few seconds later, a booming bass, almost like an explosion, shook the room as the drop shattered the silence.

Octavia felt her body rattle from the influx of sound, but she picked up her cue a few measures later as she rejoined her cello with the synthetic beats. Back and forth the two different instruments went, sometimes fighting for dominance, while other times fusing their sounds together to produce something entirely new. Eventually, the song came to an end as the electronic notes tapered off, and Octavia finished it with a drawn out note.

Octavia kept her pose as she let a few pants escape her mouth and a few beads of sweat dripped down her. The performance was exhausting, yet also quite the rush. She could feel her heart pounding and needed a moment to regain her composure.

“That was awesome! Come here, Tavi!”

Octavia sighed before neatly stepping to the side with practiced ease.

A white unicorn with two tones of blue in her mane leapt from behind a set of speakers and soundboards and flew through the air before faceplanting onto the spot where Octavia was standing just a second ago.

“Aww, why did you do that, Octy?” Vinyl whined as she quickly shot back up onto her hooves another second later, unfazed by her face’s collision with the ground. Even her signature shades had somehow remained affixed to her eyes, undamaged.

“Don’t you like me?” Vinyl asked with a quivering lip.

Octavia rolled her eyes. “Vinyl, what did I say about your so called flying hugs?”

Vinyl’s quivering lip instantly disappeared. “Um, don’t do it in public?”

“Yes, and?”

“Be careful where I put my hooves?”

“Yes, and?” Octavia repeated, this time trying to hide the light blush that had formed on her face.

“Uh… Oh, not when you’re holding your cello?”

“Vinyl,” Octavia chided, holding up her instrument. “What am I holding right now?”

Vinyl smile sheepishly. “My bad.” The moment was short lived as her nervous grin quickly grew to massive proportions. “But come on, Octy, we finally finished recording our set! Don’t tell me you don’t feel like celebrating, even a little bit.”

Octavia rolled her eyes again, something that she found that happened quite often in the presence of her deejay friend, before chuckling. “I am happy. After all, it did take us several months to put this all together, and in my opinion, it all sounds amazing. It seems so long ago when we were bickering over every few notes.”

“I know,” Vinyl replied, returning to her equipment. “It feels like forever. Can’t wait to hear it all once I’m done tweaking it. Just give me a few minutes to let me finish working my magic on this latest piece and then we can listen to what we made.”

Octavia nodded, taking the time to relax and recount all that she had done with Vinyl Scratch.
It had been a couple of months since Apple Bloom was discharged from Canterlot Hospital. With all of her preparations set for moving, Octavia joined Apple Bloom, Twilight, and Applejack on the train ride back to Ponyville, her new home.

As predicted, Pinkie had wanted to immediately drag everypony to a party, to celebrate their return, as soon as they set hoof off the train. During the party, Octavia and Applejack announced to the rest of their friends that they were now together as a couple.

They told them everything. How they met, Applejack’s past, what happened during and after the royal wedding, and how they finally got together, they left nothing out. Applejack had a tough time recounting some of her memories, but with Octavia standing next to her, holding her hoof, she was able to tell the secrets she had been keeping from their friends for so long. When their story ended, everypony went in for a giant group hug. Not only was it wonderful to hear their friends’ praises and congratulations, it was a proud moment for the both of them because it made their relationship feel more official.

Soon after Octavia settled back into the house she purchased from Fancy Pants, she met up with Vinyl Scratch. The white unicorn was ecstatic when she told her that she was going to take up the collab offer that she brought up all the way back at the royal wedding.

Over the course of a few months, between the occasional performance in Canterlot and helping out at Sweet Apple Acres, Octavia got to work on a series of songs with Vinyl as well as other musical opportunities. Like she mentioned before, Vinyl would sometimes meet with some other musicians that resided in Ponyville.

When Octavia was introduced to them and got the chance to play a couple of songs with them as Vinyl recorded the music, she found that many of the ponies were actually very talented. To Octavia’s surprise, Spike was among those musicians, finding out that those dexterous claws of his made him quite adept at playing the piano.

When asked what she was going to do with the recordings, Vinyl said that she incorporated many of them into her own creations so that she could use them at her gigs. Many of the other musicians were either too uncomfortable to be in the spotlight or did not have the means to perform in front of others. Vinyl’s method allowed them to get a bit of recognition for their talents, and she made sure to compensate them whenever she used their works, even though many of them insisted she did not really have to.

When the two of them had started working on producing a few songs together, Octavia began having second thoughts about their collaboration. Even in the beginning, she would have to admit that she was not a fan of the kind of electronic music and dubstep Vinyl was known for, but she wanted to keep an open mind and was willing to try anything at least once. She ended up regretting it when they ended up spending weeks arguing and trying to figure out a way to combine their skills.

Their music styles were so different, and their opinions clashed so much that Octavia nearly wanted to call the whole thing off at one point, but Vinyl’s optimism and energy was infectious and spurred them on. Combined with her carefree manner and eccentricities, Vinyl was a bit of an airhead at times, but actually quite enjoyable, despite the many disagreements they had. In fact, Octavia found her demeanor quite similar to Pinkie Pie, which would easily explain how she was Pinkie’s main music supplier for all of her big parties and how the two of them were good buddies.

Over time, they finally were able to work out their differences and were able to actually begin working on writing and playing songs. Once things got rolling, their sessions together became much more pleasant, and they spent many afternoons at Vinyl’s place, experimenting with their music until they found something they liked.

“It’s done!” Vinyl triumphantly announced before slamming her hoof on another button. “Now, feast your ears on this!”

The speakers beside her began booming as the music they just finished began to fill the room. Octavia could hear her cello mixed with the synthetic sounds and even though Vinyl’s parts were indeed loud, they did not drown out her playing. As the song went on, Octavia found that despite sounding a bit odd, their two styles actually meshed well together, and before she knew it, she was swaying her head and tapping her hoof along with the beat.

“So, what did you think?” Vinyl asked with an eager grin when the music stopped.

“It sounds absolutely wonderful,” Octavia answered honestly. “It’s like hearing my cello being played in a whole new light, and I did enjoy your parts. It really gets the blood pumping.”

“I know, right?! It gets you all psyched up and makes you want to dance. I can’t wait for my next gig. I’m going to blow everypony’s minds,” Vinyl happily stated, making her own explosion sound at the end. “We made some great tracks, and I’m glad that you decided to work with me. I had a lot of fun.”

“I had fun as well, Vinyl. Despite butting heads with you more than a few times, you actually are quite engaging. It’s been a treat to see how you take the time to help spread other ponies’ music, and I commend you for that. In fact, I think I might have something that could let you do that even more. Tell me, do you know who Fancy Pants is?”

“Fancy Pants?” Vinyl repeated, scrunching up her face in thought. “Nope, doesn’t ring a bell.” A frown appeared on her face as she continued talking with a hint of disdain. “Let me guess, he some sort of bigwig who’s actually a—”

“He’s a dear friend of mine,” Octavia quickly added.

“Swell guy!” Vinyl immediately finished with a broad grin and without a hint of negativity. “Yep, he sounds like a really cool dude, and I have nothing bad to say about him whatsoever.”

“Right…” Octavia replied, one of her eyebrows reaching for the ceiling. She had to admit, despite almost making a blunder, Vinyl’s instant turnaround was kind of impressive. Either the unicorn was quicker on her hooves than Octavia thought or that such a skill was only learned through a lot of experience. She assumed it was the latter.

“Anyway,” Octavia continued, “he’s coming to Ponyville next week to look at Rarity’s new fashion line, and I was wondering if you were free for lunch so that—”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Vinyl interrupted, waving her forehooves in protest. “Look, I’m flattered, Tavi, but I don’t need you setting me up with—”

Octavia swiftly conked Vinyl on the head.

“Ow! Taaaviii!”

“He’s happily married, you dolt,” Octavia stated with a deadpan face. “Let me finish before you make such wild assumptions. I was hoping we would be able to meet up with him. I gave him a sample of our work some time ago, and he liked it. Since you only use your tracks at gigs, I was wondering if you were interested in perhaps making a record.”

“A record?” Vinyl asked. “I don’t know, Tavi. I tried that once before, and it pretty much was a big flop.”

“That’s why I want you to meet him. He’s interested in making with us. We have quite the unique lineup, and with his connections and business skills, I’m sure that it will do well. Not only that, but it won’t be just our music. We can also include the pieces we made with the others. You’ll still be helping them spread their music around but on a much broader scale. I’m sure a lot of them would not mind having their names on a record.”

“Hmm…” Vinyl hummed as she thought about the proposal.

“Fancy Pants is a fair businesspony and won’t hoard all the profits,” Octavia added. “He’ll take a fair portion for his work, and we’ll take the rest to split it with everypony that contributed.”

“And nopony is going to tell us what music we can and cannot play?” Vinyl asked.

“We’ll have full creative freedom.”

Vinyl took a few more seconds before giving Octavia a big grin. “Sounds good to me. Let’s do it. If you think he’s cool and will help us get more ponies to listen to our awesome music, then I’m all in.”

Octavia breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Vinyl. I’ll let you know when we can meet up with him as soon as I find out.”

Octavia’s eyes strayed to a clock on the wall, and she let out a small gasp before hastily packing away her cello. “Oh dear! Is that the time? I’m sorry, Vinyl, but I have an appointment to get to.”

“No problem, Tavi,” Vinyl assured along with a wave of her hoof. “We just finished all of our tracks anyway, and I wouldn’t mind taking it easy for a bit. I guess we can pick things up once we find out if your friend wants to do that record deal.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll be happy to work with us.”

“And if he doesn’t, I’ll just win him over with my charming personality.”

Octavia resisted the urge to roll her eyes and instead bade Vinyl goodbye.

As soon as she got on the streets of Ponyville, she took off in a brisk trot. Despite not wanting to be late, she made sure to return the waves or greetings she received as she headed for her meeting. She had only really begun living in the town for a few months, but the friendly ponies made it feel like she had been here for years. She even already knew more ponies in her new home than back in Canterlot. It was nice to recognize many of the ponies she passed by instead of seeing them as just random faces on the streets.

When she arrived at her destination, a cursory glance at the clock tower in the distance told her that she was not late, and she took the respite to shift her cello into a more comfortable position and catch her breath.

“Hey, Octavia! Over here!”

Octavia smiled as she looked in the other direction, seeing both Apple Bloom and Applejack heading right towards her.

“Sorry we’re late,” Applejack apologized. “Apple Bloom’s teacher wanted a few words with us.”

“Miss Cheerilee says that she’s really happy that Ah finally caught up with all my work,” Apple Bloom chirped proudly. “Ah’m so glad that Ah’m done doin’ all that extra homework.”

“That’s so good to hear, Apple Bloom,” Octavia praised. “I knew you could do it. Just remember to keep up the hard work.”

“Vinyl gave you any trouble today?” Applejack questioned with a smirk.

“Just her normal tomfoolery. The good thing is that we finally finished the tracks we have been working on. Anyway, how’s Sweet Apple Acres doing? As I recall, Twilight was going to help look at your recent financial records today.”

“We’re doin’ alright. Sales won’t be as pretty this year, but it’s not like we had a bad season before. It would’ve been a lot worse if it weren’t for our friends and family helping out. It’s been pretty tough gettin’ stuff back up to snuff, since we were gone so long, but we’ll survive. Everypony is happy and healthy, and that’s what really matters.”

“Um… guys, shouldn’t we get movin’?” Apple Bloom asked. “Ah do have an appointment.”

Applejack nodded. “Yea, you’re right. We’re goin’ to be late if we just keep chattin’ out here. Let’s go,” she said, ushering the other two along.

Octavia looked up at the building they were heading into. They were at Ponyville Hospital, a place that they had all become very familiar with. As Dr. Panacea promised, he had set up a system so that Apple Bloom would come to this hospital every few days, stay for a bit to receive her treatment, and then leave as soon as it was done.

Octavia made sure to accompany the two ponies every visit. It was a bit of a nuisance to have to schedule around the necessary procedure, but it was a small price to pay to provide support to the two ponies she had grown so close to.

“Hey, Nurse Redheart,” Apple Bloom greeted the pony at the front desk when they entered the building.

“It’s good to see you again, Apple Bloom,” Redheart greeted back with a smile. “Here for another round?”

“Yea, Ah guess,” Apple Bloom said with a bit of a frown. “It’s not like Ah can skip out on it.”

Redheart chuckled softly. “Well, today’s going to be a little bit different. Dr. Panacea came in today, and he wishes to speak with all of you.”

The news was met by varying degrees of surprise by the three ponies. As per the doctor’s orders, they had met with him quite a few times over the past few months. For those meetings, they often had to go to Canterlot, where he and his team were still working. Considering his busy workload, it was a bit unusual for him to come to Ponyville. It was even more unusual that they had no scheduled appointment with him.

“Did he say why he was here?” Octavia inquired.

“No, he didn’t,” Redheart answered. “He actually just arrived not too long before you guys. You’ll have to ask him yourself. He’s in room three right now.”

They silently nodded before following her directions. On the way, Octavia stole glances at her two companions. Apple Bloom was unfazed by the change of plans. Applejack, however, was a different story.

She could see Applejack subtly chewing her lip, and her breathing was slightly faster. It was clear to Octavia that she was nervous, and she shared the same trepidation. A doctor does not pop in for a surprise visit without a good reason.

When they arrived at the room, they were welcomed by a smiling Dr. Panacea, a sight that helped assuage their fears a little.

“Um, hey, Dr. Panacea,” Applejack greeted with just a hint of quivering in her voice. “We didn’t expect to see you today.”

“Sorry for the sudden visit, but I had to see Apple Bloom before her next treatment,” Dr. Panacea explained.

“Are you givin’ my medicine to me today, doc?” Apple Bloom asked.

Dr. Panacea shook his head. “I don’t think you’ll be getting any treatment today.”

Six wide eyes stared at the unicorn doctor.

“Did… did somethin’ happen?” Applejack asked.

“Oh no, nothing bad has happened, I assure you,” Dr. Panacea quickly replied.

Octavia let out a breath of relief, not realizing she had been holding it. She heard Applejack doing the same thing.

“So then why did you want to see me, doc?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I wanted to talk about how long we should continue your treatment, but I need to ask you something first, Apple Bloom. The last time we met, you mentioned that you were still getting tired a bit easily. Is that still true?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Yep. When Ah’m off with my friends, Ah still have to ask them to let me take a break pretty often. Even though they said they don’t mind, Ah still feel kind of bad that Ah’m holdin’ them back.”

“Now, don’t you worry about that, Apple Bloom,” said Applejack in a comforting voice. “Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are both good ponies, and they’re happy to just spend time with you. It doesn’t matter if you’re actually doin’ stuff. What matters is that you are all together.”

“Yea, yea, Ah know. It’s still kind of annoyin’. Ah thought Ah was supposed to be gettin’ better, not goin’ back to bein’ tired all day.”

“That’s actually kind of expected. Your body is still recovering from your illness,” Dr. Panacea explained. “Not only that, but you have received a lot of medication. While the treatment is designed to treat Morbiferum, it’s not exactly easy on your body as well. I’ve done some calculations, and I think it would be best if we stopped your treatment.”

“Wait, so you mean Ah don’t have to waste my time comin’ to the hospital anymore?!” Apple Bloom asked eagerly.

“Your last few tests have actually shown that you are clean of Morbiferum. We just continued the treatment to make sure we get every last trace of it, but I think we have reached the point where we don’t have to do that anymore. So for the most part, yes, you won’t have to visit the hospital anymore other than an occasional check up with me.”

“So, does this mean…” said Applejack.

Dr. Panacea nodded. “Besides keeping an eye on her, for all intents and purposes, we can pronounce Apple Bloom fully cured of Morbiferum.”

As soon as that diagnosis was given, the room was filled with the rambunctious yelling of an excitable filly.

“Ah’m cured! Ah’m cured!” Apple Bloom cried out over again, jumping up into the air each time she uttered those words.

“Wow… It’s over… It’s finally all over,” Applejack breathed out, softly chuckling.

“Is there anything we have to watch out for?” Octavia asked over Apple Bloom’s celebration.

“It will take time before she’s back up to full strength, so make sure she gets her rest and doesn’t overexert herself,” Dr. Panacea answered. “Other than that, there shouldn’t be any special requirements except our checkups.

“Oh my gosh,” Apple Bloom suddenly piped when she finally calmed down enough to talk after a few moments. “Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are goin’ to be so excited to hear the good news. Ah can’t wait to tell them. Are we done here? Can Ah go tell them?!”

Dr. Panacea chuckled. “Yes, yes, we’re done here. You’re all free to go and enjoy your lives. You all deserve it.”

“You go on ahead, Apple Bloom,” said Applejack. “Ah want to have a few more words with Dr. Panacea, but be sure to be back home for supper.”

“Sure thing. Bye!” Apple Bloom complied before bolting out the door, her cheers echoing through the hospital halls.

“Ah can’t thank you enough for savin’ my little sister, doc,” Applejack said when the noise died down. “It’s taken us months, but she can finally go back to bein’ a normal filly. Thank you again for givin’ her a second chance.”

“Now, now, I should be the one thanking all of you,” Dr. Panacea replied. “I know it must’ve been very difficult to raise all that money, and I still am astounded that you were actually were able to do it.”

“It’s all because of this amazing mare right here,” Applejack proudly proclaimed, throwing a hoof around Octavia.

“It’s not like I did everything by myself,” Octavia remarked, her cheeks lighting up with just a hint of red. “Regardless, I’m just glad that I was able to help Apple Bloom.”

“Oh, it’s much more than that,” said Dr. Panacea. “Between the data we collected from treating Apple Bloom and your donations, I dare say that we are so much closer to be able to call Morbiferum nothing more than a thing of the past. Not only that, but some of the equipment we used to help cure Apple Bloom can be repurposed to give us a jumpstart on our other research projects. We’re probably months or even years ahead of schedule in curing other diseases. Because of all of your efforts, you helped make the future brighter for a lot of ponies.”

“Oh my,” Octavia uttered, a bit stunned at the chain of events. “Are you serious? I didn’t realize we would have such a profound effect. I don’t know what to say.”

“Well, I do.” Dr. Panacea bowed. “I am honored to have met such wonderful mares, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

“The feelin’ is likewise, doc,” Applejack replied. “Good luck on all your research work, and we’ll see you next time.”

“I look forward to it.”

Once Octavia and Applejack left the doctor and stepped outside, they started making their way towards Sweet Apple Acres.

“I still find it a bit hard to believe that we made such a big impact,” Octavia commented.

“You’re the one that did all the work, though,” Applejack pointed out. “You’re the one who came up with the concert idea and actually performed in it. Without you, we would have never raised that kind of money. You’re a hero.”

Octavia shook her head. “I think you and the others might have me beat with that. After all, it’s not like I saved Equestria… several times.”

“A lot of that is because we have the Elements of Harmony to play around with. Sure we might do bigger things, but you helped Apple Bloom and a whole lot of other ponies with nothing more than a big heart and your talents. Ah think that’s just as good, if not better.”

“Applejack, I appreciate that, really, but all I did was raise bits. There are plenty of other ponies who could do the same thing.”

Applejack leaned in and nuzzled Octavia’s neck. “Even if you don’t feel like a hero, at the least, you’re my hero.”

Octavia snickered. “That was so cliche, Applejack.”

“Probably,” Applejack agreed, chuckling along with her marefriend. “But it doesn’t change the fact that it’s true. Ah was helpless and didn’t know what to do, and then you came runnin’ when Ah needed you the most and fixed everything. You didn’t just save Apple Bloom, but you also saved me.”

This time, it was Octavia’s turn to nuzzle her marefriend. “And I would do it again. You’ve been through so much and still manage to keep on going and take such good care of everypony else, including me. I really admire that, and I’m glad that I was able to help you.”

“And that’s why Ah love you. Say, do you have any other plans for the rest of the day, sugarcube?” Applejack asked as Sweet Apple Acres drew near.

“No, I don’t. All I had planned was spending time with you and Apple Bloom at the hospital.”

“You should stay for supper. Ah’m sure Granny Smith is goin’ to make it a big one once she finds out Apple Bloom is all done with her treatment.”

“That sounds lovely.”

“Until then…” Applejack said, looking at Octavia with a grin. “We got a bit of free time, and you got your cello with you…”

Octavia smiled back and nodded, knowing exactly what Applejack was planning.

They dropped by the house to tell Granny Smith and Big Mac the good news. Before the two older ponies could get in a word, Octavia and Applejack were already out the door again, their laughter filling the air. They made a quick pit stop to pick up Applejack’s fiddle before heading out. With music instruments in tow, they raced through the apple orchard, eager to get to their favorite spot.

Before long, they arrived at the clearing where they met, where everything began. It was where they had made some of their most cherished memories together. They took their place under the shade of the tall tree in the middle, and with deft hooves, they had their instruments out.

Standing at ready, Applejack leaned in and nudged Octavia. “Ready?”

Octavia responded with a kiss on Applejack’s lips. Just like their first time, it still made her heart flutter, filling her with euphoria and energy. After a moment, she pulled back, gazing at Applejack with a smirk.

“Guess that answers my question,” Applejack said with a laugh as Octavia started playing. She stole a quick kiss on Octavia’s cheek before joining in.

The clearing filled with the sounds of their duet as they let their hearts guide their hooves. Their dulcet tones overlapped and intertwined together as they lost themselves in the music and with each other. They were in perfect harmony.

Octavia glanced up at Applejack, and their eyes met. The adoration and passion for her was clear in Applejack’s eyes. Their love had only grown stronger over time as they spent more and more time together, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other.

Brought together by music and bound together by trust and friendship, Octavia and Applejack no longer felt that something was missing in their lives. They had found a special somepony who would always be there to listen to their troubles, to share laughs with, and to pick them back up when they fall.

They had found each other.

The End

Author's Note:

Thank you all for reading!

Just because this story has ended, that doesn't mean it's completely over. Besides working on new stories, expect to see at least one or two bonus chapters somewhere down the line.

For the author notes and more information on future plans, read this.