• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 5,418 Views, 406 Comments

Fiddling with Her Heart - Kevinltk

Octavia is one of the most renowned musicians in Equestria, and yet she feels something is missing in her music. A seemingly normal trip to Ponyville changes everything when she hears the sound of a fiddle coming from the apple orchards.

  • ...

Chapter 24: Invitation

“Got to pick up the pace,” said Applejack as she continued to prepare an assortment of sandwiches. “We’re cuttin’ it pretty close before we have to go meet our friends.”

Octavia let out a huff while she packed a basket with apples. “And whose fault is it that we’re late?”

“Hey, not my fault it took so long to clean up all that water,” protested Applejack.

“Maybe you could have woken me up with a much cleaner way. Whose bright idea was it to use a volley of water balloons?”

“Apple Bloom,” Applejack quickly replied without looking up. “She even threw the first one.”

“So, who was the one who threw the other nineteen?” Octavia asked, staring at her friend with a deadpan face.

“No comment,” Applejack answered, a small smirk appearing on her face.

Octavia’s hoof smacked into her face and slowly dragged down her face. “I swear, it’s like living with two foals. At least one of them knows how to be mature when it’s needed.”

“Well, Ah do think Ah am the most maturest pony there is,” Applejack proclaimed.

“I was talking about Apple Bloom,” Octavia remarked dryly. “She certainly knows how to restrain herself from inflicting mental trauma on her friends.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Applejack asked, turning to wink at Octavia before going back to the sandwiches.

Octavia rolled her eyes again. “Anyway, where again is the picnic?”

“It’s right at the outskirts of town leadin’ to Canterlot. There’s a lot of hills in that area, lettin’ you get a great view of Canterlot and the surroundin’ area.”

A knock on the door interrupted their hasty preparations.

“Can you get that, sugarcube, while Ah finish these sandwiches?” Applejack requested.

“Sure thing,” Octavia obliged, wiping her hooves with a towel before heading for the door and opening it.

Behind the farmhouse’s entrance was a gray pegasus mare with a blond mane. She had a bright smile on her face, and her blue hat and matching uniform bore the mark of Ponyville’s postal service. Slung across her chest was a slightly bulging stachel.

“Um, may I help you?” Octavia asked, her head slightly tilting to the side.

“Hi there!” the mailmare chirped, her voice upbeat and cheery. “Is there a Ms. Octavia Melody living here?”

“Yes, that would be me.”

“Great!” The gray mare reached into her bag and pulled out a bundle of letters with her mouth. “This is all the mail we’ve been holding for you,” she stated, her voice slightly muffled by the paper and parchment she was holding.

“Oh, thank you,” Octavia replied and took the mail in her hoof.

“Thank you for using the post office. Have a nice day!” the mailmare said in her peppy voice before turning to fly away.

Octavia shrugged and shut the door.

“Who was it?” Applejack’s voice asked from the kitchen.

“It was just the mailmare with my things,” Octavia answered before inspecting her delivery.

Junk… junk… advertisement… pyramid scheme… A frown appeared on her face, and it grew bigger as she continued to sift through her mail. She let out a groan when she finished the inspection. All this time and all I get is junk mail?

She chucked the whole pile of letters into the trash. Still no letter from Fancy Pants about my gig? It’s getting pretty close to the scheduled event. She bit her lip as she felt a small pang in her chest. Is it because I did not get a spot? I thought I did well at the audition.

Another knock at the door startled her out of her musing.

Opening the door revealed the gray pegasus again. She had a sizable envelope in her mouth. “Sorry, I almost forgot this. It was separated because it was sent as priority mail from Canterlot.”

Octavia immediately perked up and quickly grabbed the mail. Her heart skipped a beat when she recognized Fancy Pants’s address on the parcel. “I was getting worried about this,” Octavia stated as she returned her gaze to the mailmare. “Thank you again for…”

Octavia trailed off as she stared at the pegasus. Just a few moments ago, she did not notice anything unusual about the mailmare besides her abundance of cheer. But now, the mare’s amber eyes were slightly skewed and pointing in different directions.

“Is there something wrong, miss?” the gray pony asked.

“Oh, sorry,” Octavia replied, breaking out of her daze. “I was just wondering if you were okay?”

The mailmare cocked her head. “I’m doing fine. Why do you ask?”

“It’s… well… um…” Octavia pointed at her own eyes.

The gray mare continued to stare back for a moment before giving a slight jolt. “Oh, sorry about that.”

Octavia watched with interest as the pegasus scrunched up her face. Slowly, the eyes realigned so that they were once again looking straight ahead.

“Sorry again about that. I have something called Exotropia, and sometimes my eyes get all funny,” the mailmare explained as her smile returned.

“Um… no problem. I was just wondering if you were hurt.”

“Thanks for the concern, but I’m alright. Anyway, I have to get back to work. Bye!” the gray pegasus said before flying off again.

What an odd mare, Octavia thought before closing the door again and tearing into the new package.

Inside the parcel was another envelope and a small note. Seeing Fancy Pants’s signature at the bottom of the note, she started reading it, eager to hear from her friend.

Dear Octavia,

It was unfortunate that I could not see you off before you left for Ponyville, and I hope this package finds you well. The good news is that it seems the buzz about your activities have started to die down, and the public have moved on to the next rumored scandal.

This package should also contain news about your audition. It arrived yesterday, and knowing how impatient you are times, I sent it out right away. While I have not read it, the amount of material that resides within the envelope does not suggest a rejection notice, and so I must congratulate you on your accomplishment.

Don’t forget to drop by when you come back for your job.

Fancy Pants

P.S. Please give my regards to your friends. Especially to your marefriend.

Octavia stared at Fancy Pants’s note with a deadpan face for a few moments before crumpling it up and tossing it into the trash.

“Idiot…” she muttered while she opened up the other envelope, revealing several sheets of paper. The first sheet was notably of a higher quality, having a gilded border and written in an elaborate, decorative script.

Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor. Come celebrate the union of these two ponies at the Royal Castle in Canterlot. A reception will be hosted in the castle grounds after the ceremony.

Octavia’s eyes slowly widened as she read the invitation. A royal wedding? Could it be? She quickly went to the next letter in the stack.

Dear Octavia Melody,

Your performance at the audition was exceptional, and we would like to congratulate you for the commendable show. Because of your outstanding display, we would like to extend an offer to you to be part of the music ensemble that will preside over the wedding ceremony. A portion of the reception after the ceremony has also been reserved for you to perform any music of your choosing.

Enclosed is your invitation to the wedding, which you may attend regardless of your decision to perform, as well as the details and specifics of the event and what is required from you.

Octavia stared at the letter in her slightly trembling hooves with wide eyes and her mouth agape. Her stunned face slowly dissolved before it morphed into a wide smile as her body started bouncing up and down excitedly. She heard somepony squealing, and it took her a moment to realize it was actually her making the sound.

Her composure finally shattered when she broke out into cheers and bounced around the hallway. It was going to be her grandest performance. Besides the hefty sum for her services, playing at a royal wedding was a once in a lifetime opportunity. She would have even accepted the position for free. The prestige and honor alone would be more than enough.

“Somepony is happy,” came Applejack’s voice, halting Octavia’s celebration.

“Um, yes. Maybe just a tad,” Octavia replied as she tried to reign in her smile and assume a calmer stance. A light blush was present on her face.

Applejack chuckled. “A tad? For a second, Ah thought Pinkie Pie was here with all the screamin’ and jumpin’ you were doin’. Ah take it that there was some good news.”

“I got the gig!” Octavia could not help answering cheerfully.

Applejack gave her a warm smile. “Well congrats, sugarcube. Ah knew you would get it.”

“I never played for such a big audience. This is going to be my finest performance yet,” Octavia said as she reread the letter. “It’s in Canterlot and… and…”

Octavia’s cheerfulness dissipated when she noticed that she did not finish the last part of the letter.

Please keep in mind that although we would be happy to have you, if no response is given within three weeks, we will have no choice but to rescind our offer and find a replacement.

We eagerly await your decision.


Octavia’s face paled.

“Uh, sugarcube, something wrong? You don’t look so good all of a sudden,” Applejack asked, eyeing her with concern.

Octavia gulped before glancing at the written date in the corner of the letter and then checked a calendar hanging on the wall. She screamed.

Applejack jumped, her eyes shooting wide open. “Whoa, girl, what’s wrong?!”

“Tomorrow is the last day for me to send back a reply!” Octavia shouted at Applejack as she grabbed the mare’s shoulders, her pupils shrinking to mere pinpricks. “If they don’t hear back from me, I automatically forfeit the position!”

“Hey, hey, calm down now,” Applejack said, patting one of Octavia’s hoof with her own. “Just relax. There’s nothing to worry about. You still have time. It doesn’t take long to send a message to Canterlot from Ponyville.”

Octavia nodded and took a deep breath, releasing Applejack from her grip. “You’re right. Sorry about that. I guess all the excitement got me a bit too worked up.”

She trotted to the living room and grabbed a piece of paper and pencil. “Still, I have to send in a response right away,” she remarked as she hastily wrote her reply and placed it in an envelope. “I can’t let such a wondrous opportunity just slip away. All I have to do is get this to the post office, and they should be able to get it to Canterlot in time.”

She glanced up at a clock, eliciting a frown to appear on her face. “Oh dear, we should have already left to meet our friends.”

Applejack waved a dismissal hoof. “Don’t worry about that, sugarcube. Your stuff is important. Ah’ll go on ahead and explain what happened while you mail that letter. They won’t mind at all if you’re late.”

“Sounds good to me. I’ll try to finish quickly and be there as soon as I can. See you and the others later,” Octavia replied, briskly walking out the door and towards the post office.

She was able to maintain her swift pace the entire way to the post office. Making good time and barely feeling any exhaustion caused a faint smile to appear on her face as she entered. Nice to see all that farm work has done wonders for my body. Looks like I’ll get to the picnic in no time.

Her smile disappeared when she stepped inside and saw a rather sizable line of ponies. Settling for a groan instead of applying her hoof to her face, she joined the line.

After a few moments, a voice called her from behind. “Hey, Octavia,”

Octavia turned around to see Twilight’s assistant, Spike, setting down a box that was more than half his size. “Spike? Why are you here and not at the picnic?” she asked.

“Twilight said I could only go to the picnic after I finish all my chores,” Spike explained as he set down the box.

Octavia frowned. “That doesn’t sound fair. I can’t believe she would do that to you.”

“Yea! It’s not like I did one teensy weensy little thing that Twilight might not have approved of. She can be so unfair sometimes.”

One of Octavia’s eyebrow rose. “Spike, what did you do?”

Spike’s eyes slightly widened. “Um… nothing… What makes you think I did something?”


“Okay, I might have overslept.”

The eyebrow climbed up Octavia’s face. “Really? Is that it?” she asked in an unconvinced tone.

Spike twiddled with his claws. “Well, I might have also found a stash of gems that Twilight was trying to hide from me and might have snuck a gem…”

The eyebrow rose even higher.

“And then I might have ate another… and another… and another… or maybe the whole thing… It’s possible I might have overslept because I might have passed out from eating too much.” Spike rubbed the back of his head with a claw. “Yea…”

Octavia was able to send her eyebrow to reach heights that the average pony could not dream of achieving.

Spike looked up at her with an unamused face. “Okay, you can stop giving me that look now.” He rolled his eyes. “Sheesh, you’ve been hanging around Applejack too much. You’re really getting into the honesty thing she does, and you even do the same eyebrow thing she does.”

Octavia’s other eyebrow and eyes suddenly rose to meet the rogue eyebrow.

“Uh, I didn’t mean change your face,” Spike said, giving her a skeptical look. “Seriously, that’s a bit creepy to look at.”

Octavia shook her head and cleared her throat. “Sorry, your comment just caught me by surprise. Anyway, how many more things you have to do before you can go to the picnic?”

Spike pointed at the box next to him. “Just have to drop this off, and then I’m free.”

“What’s inside?”

“Just Twilight’s findings and notes on a bunch of stuff. She’s sending them to some science institute in Canterlot.”

Octavia’s eyebrows furrowed. “This is filled with all of her reports?”

Spike scoffed. “This is a report. She kind of does this a lot. When she focuses on something, she sometimes really gets into it.”

Octavia silently nodded.

“So, why are you here?”

“Oh, I had just found out that I got a big gig back, but in order to keep my spot, I have to send in my reply today.”

“Well, that’s cool. Congrat—” Spike’s cheeks suddenly puffed out, and he covered his mouth.

Octavia backed away right before Spike let out a belch, shooting out a plume of emerald flame into the air that morphed into a scroll secured by a red ribbon and a golden seal with an engraved horseshoe.

“A message from Princess Celestia?” she asked when the scroll dropped into his claws. It was quite fascinating, and just a tad disgusting, that Spike could use his fire breath to send and receive letters from one of the rulers of Equestria.

“Yep.” A frown appeared on his face as he stared at the scroll. “Uh oh.”

“Something the matter?”

“Well, you see this seal here?” Spike asked, pointing to the golden circle. “That means it’s something important.”

“So, why don’t you just read it?” Octavia asked when Spike tucked the scroll away without opening it.

“I don’t open it unless Twilight is with me. Guess she’ll just have to wait until I ship off her package.”

Octavia glanced at Spike’s package and then to the still daunting line of ponies in front of them. “Is there anything special you have to do to mail the package?”

“Nope, I just have to check it in at the desk.”

“Then why don’t you let me take care of the shipment for you? You can deliver the message to Twilight and join the picnic.”

“Really? You sure?”

Octavia nodded. “No sense that the both of us have to stay here if we only need one pony to do the job.”

“Awesome, thanks,” Spike replied with a big smile.

“No problem. Just make sure you get quickly that message to Twilight.”

“Sure thing. Thanks again. I owe you one. See ya!” Spike said, waving at her as he exited the post office.

With her friend gone, Octavia let out a sigh and turned back around to resume the dull wait. A few moments later, she found herself frequently glancing at the clock and fidgeting around. Under normal circumstances, Octavia would be perfectly capable of patiently waiting in line. But since she was late to a picnic with her friends, she could not help but feel a bit apprehensive. It felt like both time and the line were crawling along just to spite her. Only after what seemed like several agonizing, boring hours of staring at nothing in particular did her turn finally arrive.

“Hello there, I’m Post Haste,” greeted a light-brown stallion with a darker brown mane and wearing the post office’s uniform. “How may I help you today?”

“I need to have this package delivered to Canterlot,” Octavia replied, setting Twilight’s shipment on the desk. “I was told all I have to do was drop it off.”

“Alright then, let’s see.” The stallion inspected the package and then let out a chuckle. “Oh, another package from Twilight. Don’t worry, we know well enough what to do with it,” he replied, dropping off the box in the backroom.

“Is there anything else you need?” Post Haste asked when he came back.

“I also have a letter that also needs to go to Canterlot,” Octavia stated, pulling out her own mail. “It’s imperative that it arrives at its destination as soon as possible.”

“If that’s the case, we do have an express delivery service where we can send a pegasus right away to hoof-deliver it. Since Canterlot is not that far away, it should arrive within a few hours. It does cost quite a few bits.”

“That sounds just fine to me,” Octavia replied as she hoofed over the letter and the required currency.

The mail pony nodded before turning his head to the backroom and calling out. “Hey, Derpy! Got a job for you!”

“What do you need, Mr. Post?” came a familiar bubbly tone. The same gray pegasus from earlier today emerged from the backroom. “Oh hi, Ms. Octavia,” Derpy greeted when she came out.

Octavia blinked. “Um, hi.”

“This mare needs this letter delivered to Canterlot right away,” Post Haste stated, hoofing the letter to his subordinate.

“Sure thing!” Derpy replied with a salute before tucking the letter into her bag. “Don’t worry, I’ll get this delivered safe and sound. It was nice meeting you again, Ms. Octavia,” she said as she trotted past her.

Octavia continued to stare as the odd pegasus exited the building. “Um, I’m sorry if this comes off rude or offensive, but is she going to be alright?” she asked Post Haste. “She seems like such a lovely mare, but my letter is very important, and she seems a bit… um…”

Post Haste gave her a small smile. “You’re not the first pony to wonder about her. I know Derpy might seem like a bit of a ditz at times, but rest assured, she will get the job done. She’s our best worker, and she just loves helping out. You can’t judge a pony just by first impressions.”

“A fine lesson. Very well, I shall trust her.” Octavia gave a small bow. “I’m sorry for doubting the both of you.”

Post Haste chuckled. “That’s alright. Is that everything, miss?”

Octavia nodded. “Yes, thank you for all your help.”

“Have a nice day, and thank you for using the post office,” Post Haste said as she made her exit.

Octavia let out a sigh of relief when she got outside and started to head for the picnic. Now that her spot was pretty much secured, she was free to relax again until she had to return to Canterlot.

It occurred to her that in the rush to get her mail sent, she never actually told Applejack she was playing at a royal wedding. A grin broke out on her face when she realized that she would be able to make the big announcement to all her friends at the same time. With Twilight’s connection to Princess Celestia, the possibility that her friends would get invited to the wedding and get to watch her perform was not a far-fetched idea. Filled with eagerness, she picked up her pace and galloped the rest of the way.

When she arrived at the picnic site, she was met with something else than a peaceful meal together. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Spike were chatting excitedly, while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew in circles above them, also talking enthusiastically. Rarity had passed out onto a pillow with a huge smile on her face. The only one that did not seem to join in the merry mood was Twilight. She was sitting by herself, grumpily staring at Canterlot in the distance through half-lidded eyes.

“Hey, Octavia, you made it!” Applejack called out.

“Hi, Octy!” Pinkie Pie greeted, waving both of her hooves over her head at her.

“Sup,” Rainbow quickly said as she landed.

“Oh, it’s good to see you again, Octavia,” Fluttershy remarked, making a softer landing than Rainbow Dash.

“Hello, girls,” Octavia replied. “And Spike,” she added when she turned her head towards him.

“Hey, Octavia. Did you get Twilight’s package and your letter mailed?” Spike asked.

Octavia nodded. “Yes. I came here straight from the post office.”

“Cool. Thanks again for doing that for me.”

“It was no problem.” Octavia glanced at the unicorns and her other engergetic friends. “Did something happen? You seem to be rather excited for just a picnic.”

Applejack grinned. “Sure did. Princess Celestia just invited all of us to help out at a big wedding coming up.”

Octavia’s eyebrow was getting a fine workout today as it started rising yet again. “Oh? Who’s getting married?”

“Well, it’s this princess with a really long name and a pony named Shining Armor.”

Octavia barely suppressed a snicker.

“And get this, not only is Shining Armor the captain of the Royal Guard, but he’s also Twilight’s brother.”

Octavia’s eyes widened slightly. “That’s amazing.” She looked back at the grouchy lavender unicorn. “But why does Twilight seem unhappy? Shouldn’t she be happy for her brother?”

Applejack rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof. “Yea, Twi ain’t too happy because they haven’t talked to each other for a while and then only finding out about the whole thing because of an invitation from Princess Celestia. The wedding came out of nowhere for her.”

“Ah.” Octavia nodded. “I suppose that’s quite understandable. I probably would be a bit miffed myself if somepony close to me kept such a big secret from me. Hopefully she’ll get over it soon to be happy for her brother. Anyway, what kind of jobs did the Princess Celestia ask you to do?”

“I get to throw the biggest, bestest wedding reception ever!” said Pinkie. “There’s gonna be so much confetti, and streamers, and cake, and music, and games, and balloons, and punch, and—”

“I get to perform my Sonic Rainboom right after they kiss,” Rainbow Dash added after shoving her hoof into Pinkie’s mouth. “It’s going to be the most awesome wedding ever!” she stated with a hoof pump.

“Ah was asked to be in charge of the caterin’. Ah’m thinkin’ of gettin’ a few of my relatives to come help out,” added Applejack. She pointed to Twilight and the still happily unconscious Rarity. “Rarity gets to design a bunch of wedding dresses, and Twilight is the one in charge of organizin’ and keepin’ track of everythin’.”

“Sounds like you all have a lot to do,” remarked Octavia. She turned her head towards the yellow pegasus. “And what do you get to do, Fluttershy?”

“Oh, I was asked to play music at the wedding reception with my bird friends,” explained Fluttershy. “I’m a bit nervous, but it’s such an honor.”

Octavia grinned. “Well then, it looks like we’ll probably be practicing together.”

“Huh, what do you mean?” Fluttershy asked as she and the others all turned to look at her with confused faces.

Octavia giggled. “The gig I got is for the very same wedding. I’ll also be playing during the ceremony and then putting on a performance at the reception.”

“Sugarcube, that’s wonderful!” cheered Applejack. “We’ll all get to work together and watch you perform!”

Octavia nodded. “I’m quite pleased how things turned out as well. Also, I would be more than happy to let you all stay at my place.”

Pinkie gasped and almost pushed her smiling face into Octavia’s. “Slumber party at Octavia’s?!”

“Uh, hate to burst your bubble, sugarcube, but the princess already mentioned providing rooms for us at the castle,” Applejack pointed out.

“Oh,” Pinkie frowned before an eager smile came back a second later. “Party at Octavia’s?”

Octavia chuckled. “Sure.”


“Come on, let’s get back to the picnic,” said Spike. “All this excitement has made me hungry again.”

Everypony laughed and agreed as they sat down and resumed eating while they continue to chat about the upcoming wedding.

Well, this is surely going to be a most memorable occasion, Octavia thought before she joined her friends to enjoy the rest of the picnic in their hype.