• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 5,418 Views, 406 Comments

Fiddling with Her Heart - Kevinltk

Octavia is one of the most renowned musicians in Equestria, and yet she feels something is missing in her music. A seemingly normal trip to Ponyville changes everything when she hears the sound of a fiddle coming from the apple orchards.

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Chapter 23: Aftermath

The sound of birds chirping reached Octavia’s ears, rousing the gray mare from her slumber. With a quiet moan, she slowly opened her eyes, only to quickly shut them again when a ray of light shined directly into her face. Muttering a few curses about the sun princess conspiring to try and blind her, she used a hoof to shield her eyes as she reopened them.

As she became fully conscious, the feeling of her hoof wrapped around somepony along with the weight of that same somepony leaning on her registered in her mind. She turned her attention to the source to see Applejack resting her head on her shoulder, still snoozing away.

A smile appeared on Octavia’s face as she watched her friend continue to sleep. Applejack looked so calm and peaceful, her chest slowly moving in and out from her soft, rhythmic breaths. Not too long ago, the two had found themselves in this same situation, but instead of trying to extricate herself from the awkward position like last time, Octavia just shifted her body to allow Applejack to get into a more comfortable position.

Octavia’s smile became more subdued when she laid eyes on the picture that was lying between them. The events of last night came to the forefront of her thoughts. With an abundance of coaxing and prodding, she got Applejack to tell her everything. Applejack had been tormented for years with the passing of her parents, but she kept up a strong front for the sake of everypony else. Only through chance and circumstance was Octavia able to unravel her secrets.

The one thing that stood out most of all was the promise she made to Applejack. The promise to be there for Applejack when she needed her, and Octavia had no intention of ever breaking that pact.

Glancing up at the sky, Octavia saw the position of the sun and noted that it was past the usual time Sweet Apple Acres woke up. After surviving the madness of the reunion and then staying up late to talk, it was no surprise to her that they had slept in. Applejack for sure was the most exhausted due to the painful memories she unearthed. Alas, even though Octavia wished they could rest a bit more, they both had obligations that needed tending to.

Looking back at her sleeping friend, she contemplated about possibly getting a little bit of revenge for all the times she was rudely awakened. However, given the events of last night and being the good friend she was, she pushed the thought away, although a bit reluctantly.

“Applejack,” Octavia softly uttered.

The sleeping mare showed no signs of waking.

“Applejack,” Octavia repeated a bit louder followed by a nudge.

This time, Applejack stirred a little, letting out a small moan.

“It’s time to get up, Applejack. Your family is probably wondering where we are.”

She giggled when her friend’s face scrunched up. It was actually kind of adorable. Slowly, Applejack’s eyes opened up halfway and looked up at her.

“Hey,” Octavia greeted with a soft smile.

“Hey,” Applejack replied along with a yawn before getting off Octavia. “Did we really sleep the whole night out here?” she asked as she stretched out her legs and looked around.

“We did. You pretty much fell asleep after confessing everything. I figured you were too tired to make it back to the farmhouse. I hope that’s alright with you considering what happened the last time we slept together out here.”

Applejack gave a light chuckle. “Na, it’s fine. We came a long way since then. After what we’ve been through, spendin’ the night together is nothin’. And Ah gotta admit, this time was kind of nice.”

Octavia nodded. She picked up Applejack’s picture and held it out to her. “So, how are you feeling?”

Applejack sighed and took the picture. “Honestly, Ah’m not sure,” she replied as she gazed at the memory. With another sigh, she packed it back into the case before continuing. “It still stings after havin’ to go through all of that, but at the same time, things feel a bit… Ah dunno… different. Ah think it feels like there’s a pit in my stomach, my chest feels lighter, and my head feels a kind of muddy.” Applejack let out a groan as she massaged her temples with her hooves. “It just feels all weird.”

Octavia leaned over and placed a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder. “It’s alright, Applejack. You went through a lot last night. I would be worried if you said you were completely okay. It’s perfectly fine to be unsure, but it will eventually get better. Things like this won’t heal overnight.”

Applejack turned to look at her. “You really think it will get better?”

“I do. You are a strong pony. It will probably will take a lot of time and work, but you’ll get through this, and I’ll be right there to help you along.”

A small smile appeared on Applejack’s face. “If you say so. Thanks, sugarcube.”

Octavia nodded as she took her hoof off Applejack and leaned back into the tree. “So, what are you and your family going to do now that the family reunion is over? I suppose that there’s a lot to do now.”

“Kind of. We still have to clean up all the stuff left over from the party, and then we have to do a bit of catchin’ up on the farm work since we were busy with the reunion,” replied Applejack.

“I see,” Octavia took a few moments to tap her chin in thought. “Are you and your family opposed to me helping out?”

Applejack let out a light chuckle. “Surgarcube, you’re free to do whatever you want. You’ve been helpin’ out the whole time you were stayin’ here, and Ah don’t think you’ve really needed me to help you with your music for a long time. Don’t feel like you owe us anythin’.”

“I know that, but since I’m staying in Ponyville for a while longer, I might as well make productive use of my time, and I get to spend more time with my favorite pony.

“Gee thanks, sugarcube.”

“I was talking about Apple Bloom,” Octavia remarked with a smirk.

“All I’m hearin’ is you volunteerin’ to look after her and her friends,” Applejack replied, flashing a smirk of her own.

Octavia’s smile instantly fell. “Apparently, I might have misplayed that.”

Applejack chuckled. “Well, if you’re up to help out, Ah ain’t gonna turn you down. Your help is always much appreciated.”

“Of course.” Octavia cleared her throat. “And since I’ll still be helping out around the farm, don’t you think it would be more convenient for everypony if I remained close by?”

Applejack sat up and stared at her. “Are you sayin’ what Ah think you’re sayin’?”

“I mean, if that’s okay with you and your family that I stayed for a couple of more days,” Octavia added.

Applejack’s face lit up with a big grin. “Of course it is.” She looked down at the ground and rubbed the back of her head. “It really would make things easier for me.”

Octavia chuckled. “That’s why I offered. Now, all we have to do is discuss more suitable hours and a more appropriate means of waking me up.”

“Sorry, sugarcube, ain’t budgin’ on those stuff,” Applejack replied with a snicker.

Octavie rolled her eyes. “I’m already regretting my decision. Anyway, shall we head back to the farmhouse? Later today, I would like to take some time to check up on my place as well as the mail.”

“Yep,” Applejack replied as she got up, slinging her fiddle onto her back. “We can head into town after we grab a quick bite. Ah was plannin’ to talk to our friends today anyway. Ah want to see when Ah can do that picnic to thank them for helpin’ with the reunion and to catch up.”

“Sounds like a plan. Let’s hurry back. I really am feeling a bit hungry,” Octavia remarked, following Applejack as she made her way out of the clearing. Not more than a few seconds later, her stomach voiced its agreement.

Applejack stared at her with a raised eyebrow. “Just a bit hungry?”

“Shut up,” mumbled Octavia as she looked away with a scrunched face. Her cheeks were slightly puffed out and tinged red.

“This seems to happen to you quite often,” Applejack pointed out.

“Not my fault I need a bit more energy to put up with you. It doesn’t help your shenanigans make me miss a decent meal every now and then,” Octavia quickly retorted.

“Ah dunno,” Applejack replied, a malicious grin slowly growing wider on her face. “Ah’ve noticed you’ve been able to really put away your food ever since you started stayin’ here. If you ask me, you seem to be gettin’—”

“You don’t want to finish that statement,” warned Octavia along with a glare.

“Fine, fine… Octubbya,” Applejack shot out before sprinting off, her cackles ringing through the orchard.

“That was horrible!” Octavia yelled at the retreating mare. “Get back here! You can’t hide from me, I know where you live!” Even though she was scowling, it quickly dissolved into an eager grin as she pursued the not so punny mare.

The two mares ran the whole way back in their impromptu chase, laughing all the way. After putting away the fiddle, they took a few moments to catch their breaths and settle down before entering the house.

“We’re back!” Applejack announced when they stepped inside.

“Where have you two been?” Granny Smith asked from the kitchen. “You two were gone without a word while we were still asleep.”

Applejack blinked. “Uhh…”

“We just had some issues that needed to be resolved,” Octavia interjected. “We’re sorry for worrying you.”

“Is that so?” Granny Smith’s asked, looking at the both of them up and down.

Octavia could not help but feel Granny Smith was carefully scrutinizing for some reason. She dismissed the thought before adding, “We also decided that I should stay for a while longer to continue helping out with the farm.”

“Well, that’s mighty nice of you. Are you two about to head off to help Apple Bloom and Big Mac with the reunion clean up?”

“We will later today. We have a few things we need to do first, like havin’ some grub,” replied Applejack as they sat at the kitchen table.

The two of them grabbed a few apples and some apple juice for a quick snack. Like her applebucking, Applejack worked through her meal in a timely manner, while Octavia munched on hers at a more subdued pace.

“We also need to head into town to take care of some things,” Applejack added between apples. “Ah have to talk with our friends, and Octavia has to check out her place now that the reporters are gone.”

“Oh? Is there somethin’ the matter with your place, dear?” Granny Smith asked, turning her attention to Octavia.

“It just has been quite some time since I been there, so it would be nice to take a look at it.”

“Ah, that’s a bit of a shame. Ah was kind of hopin’ you would be able to stay and help me out with a few things.”

“Really? With what?” Octavia asked.

“Oh, this and that. Some organizin’, cleanin’, and decoratin’ around the house. We got a bunch of trinkets from the reunion that we could put around the place. You have a better eye and touch for that kind of stuff. Much better than Applejack at least.”

A frown appeared on Applejack’s face. “Hey!”

“Sorry, Applejack, you might be great at workin’ on the farm, but when it comes to makin’ the house look nice, you tend to be a bit lackin’ in that area,” Granny Smith replied nonchalantly.

Octavia let out a giggle as Applejack rested her chin on the table and grumbled. “Well, I suppose there’s no harm in me staying to help. I can always check on things another day.”

She poked the grumbling mare. “Applejack, would you mind informing the post office to forward my mail to Sweet Apple Acres? I asked them to hold my mail while the reporters were around.”

“Sure thing, sugarcube,” replied Applejack as she finished devouring her last apple. “Ah guess if there’s nothin’ else, Ah should get a move on.”

“Take your time, Applejack. Octavia and Ah will be here havin’ a good time,” Granny Smith answered with a smile.

“All right then, Ah’ll be back later to help Apple Bloom and Big Mac with the chores. Bye,” said Applejack as she left the farmhouse.

“So, what shall we do first, Granny Smith?” Octavia asked.

“Oh, don’t worry about it, dear. Go ahead and finish your snack first.”

Octavia nodded and proceeded to finish her last apple. As she ate, her eyebrow rose slightly when she noticed that Granny Smith was looking directly at her. “Is there something wrong? You have been staring at me quite a bit since we got back.”

“Oh nothin’. Ah was just thinkin’ about somethin’ while you ate.”

Octavia shrugged. It was a bit odd, but she just assumed the elderly mare was simply waiting for her. She quickly finished her apple and started washing it down with her drink.

“So, been sleepin’ with my granddaughter?” Granny Smith suddenly asked.

Spending a lot of time in Canterlot, Octavia learned the manners and habits to be able to conduct oneself with grace and dignity. She thought of herself as quite the refined and proper mannered mare. However, the spray of liquid that had just shot out of her mouth was certainly contesting that thought.

“W-what?!” she cried out in between coughs.

Granny Smith’s cackles rang through the house. “Always love doin’ that.”

Recovering from her coughing fit, Octavia frowned at the laughing mare.

“Oh, don’t be such a sourpuss. Laughter is good for the body and soul, and Ah was just lightenin’ the mood before we get down to business.”

“I see where Applejack and Apple Bloom get their sense of humor from,” Octavia replied dryly.

“Just doin’ my job,” Granny Smith remarked as she moved to the living room. “Now come on, we got somethin’ important to do.”

Octavia shrugged before following the elderly mare.

“Sit right here next to me please,” Granny Smith said, getting on the couch and patting a spot right next to her.

Octavia cocked her head. “What are we doing, Granny Smith?”

“Ah actually just wanted to have some time alone with you to talk.”

Octavia blinked before taking her seat. “Oh, alright, what do you wish to discuss?”

“Ah believe Ah already asked about you sleepin’ with my granddaughter,” Granny Smith stated, her face no longer displaying any emotion.

A huge blush instantly appeared on Octavia. “Wait, you were seriously asking that?!”

Granny Smith nodded.

“W-what makes you think we did such a thing?”

“Ah know you two were actually out all of last night.”

A bead of sweat started dripping down Octavia’s face. “That doesn’t necessarily mean we were sleeping together.”

“Then what were you two doin’?”

“It’s kind of… personal…” Octavia answered slowly, remembering Applejack’s request.

“Like sleepin’ together?”

“Uhh…” Octavia’s eyes darted around. Granny Smith’s simple, yet effective tactic had caught her by surprise and was backing her into a corner.

“Got to tell me somethin’ if you want to change my mind,” Granny Smith pointed out.

“We… talked.”

“May I ask what was so important that you two had to sneak out to discuss it?”

Octavia fidgeted in her seat and looked down. “I… can’t really say.”

“And why is that?”

“It’s a private matter that we both agreed to not talk about.”

Granny Smith stared at her in silence for a few moments before asking, “How much did she tell you?”

Octavia’s gaze returned to Granny Smith. “About what?”

“About her parents.”

Octavia’s jaw dropped. “How… how did you…”

“My body might not be as spry as it used to be, but that doesn’t mean the same thing about my mind. Ah noticed the signs. Ah know where you two have been runnin’ off to so often. It’s that clearing with a big old tree in the middle of the orchard, isn’t it?”

Octavia slowly nodded, her jaw still slightly agape.

“Ah figured that’s where you two have been disappearin’ to a lot. As far as Ah know, only Applejack, Big Mac, and Ah know about that spot. Ah figured there was somethin’ goin’ on between you two sometime after you started helpin’ out around the farm.

“At the reunion, Ah recognized Sonya’s fiddle as soon as Ah saw you with it. That pretty much told me that you have been able to really connect with Applejack. She doesn’t let anypony touch it. Either she really trusts you, or you got somethin’ on her.”

Octavia quickly shook her head. “No, no, no, I would never do anything like that to Applejack or anypony else.”

“Ah know you wouldn’t, but could you please tell me everythin’ that’s happenin’ between you two?”

Octavia bit her lip. “I don’t know. Applejack asked me to keep things to just between me and her.”

Granny Smith’s eyebrows arched down as she gave a stern gaze filled with determination. “She’s my granddaughter. Don’t you think it’s better for Applejack to tell me? Ah know she is still dwellin’ on the past, and Ah’m worried for her.”

Octavia reeled back from the glare. After a moment, she let out a sigh. “You’re pretty good at being persuasive.”

“Years of experience, dear,” Granny Smith replied, softening her glare a bit.

“Alright, I suppose since you already know the main issue, and it’s for Applejack’s benefit, it should be alright for me to fill in the gaps.”

She went on to explain everything, starting from how it all started with her doubts in her music and leading up to her extended stay at Sweet Apple Acres. As she talked, Granny Smith hardly interrupted except the occasional request for clarification. Reminiscing about her times with her friends and the Apple Family brought a small, fond smile to her face.

“I took the fiddle out of the farmhouse to prevent it from getting damaged by the reporters. It was by only chance that I was able to take it out before the farmhouse come down,” Octavia remarked, finally reaching the events of the family reunion.

“When I checked the fiddle for damage, I came across a picture. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was a picture of all of you, including Apple Jon and Sonya. It was taken a few days after Apple Bloom was born. That was when I started figuring out what Applejack was hiding.”

Octavia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Later that night, I saw Applejack was not in her room, and I immedietly knew where she was. After finding her at the clearing, we began talking about various things including what happened at the reunion. One thing led to another, and I ended up finally confirming my theory about Applejack’s parents.”

Octavia slowly opened her eyes and looked down. “I confronted Applejack to tell me about what happened to them. I kept on insisting that confessing would help her feel better, and she eventually did. It was… difficult for her and was even painful for me to see her in so much distress. She pretty much collapsed from exhaustion at the end, and that’s why we were missing when you woke up.”

Octavia sighed. “Looking back, I can’t help but wonder if I was too harsh to force her to relive those memories.”

Granny Smith patted Octavia’s shoulder. “There, there, dear. You did what you had to do. Sometimes we have to hurt the ones close to us to help them.”

Octavia slowly nodded. Suddenly, her eyes widened slightly. “Oh my goodness, I forgot to ask, how are you feeling, Granny Smith?”

“Thank you for the concern, dear, but don’t worry about me. Ah made peace with what happened and moved on. Ah still have good friends and family to take care of and enjoy.” Granny Smith frowned. “Ah just wish Applejack would do the same.”

“Is it true that she’s the one running the place?”

Granny Smith sighed. “Pretty much. After Apple Jon passed away, Ah took charge for a while. Ah had to call in a bunch of favors to make ends meet until Applejack and Big Mac were able to take over. Applejack had a better understandin’ on how to run things than any of us, so that’s how she ended up being in charge.”

Octavia sighed. “And that’s part of the reason she hides her feelings. Since so many ponies rely on her and Sweet Apple Acres, she thinks that she is not allowed to show any sign of weakness. Even though she goes to the clearing to vent, it just reminds her of her parents, and the cycle just keeps on repeating.”

Granny Smith slowly shook her head. “Applejack took it the hardest when the both of them passed away, and Ah knew she never really fully got over it. Ah’ve tried talkin’ with her many times, but she keeps on insisting that she’s fine.”

“She does that because she loves you and does not want you to worry.”

“Ah know.” The elderly mare took Octavia’s hooves into her own and looked directly into her eyes. A small smile was on her face. “And ah have to thank you, dear.”

Octavia cocked her head. “For what?”

“Ah haven’t seen Applejack be so happy for a long time until she went and made friends with Twilight and the others. Even then, Ah knew she never talked about what happened with them. But you got her to open up to you. She trusts you, and Ah think Applejack is gonna be just fine as long as you’re around. You’re a really special pony.”

A light blush appeared on Octavia’s cheeks. “Thank you.”

“Will you do this old mare a favor?”

Octavia nodded. “Sure.”

“Please take good care of my granddaughter. She’s been through a lot, and Ah just want her to be happy.”

Octavia smiled. “Of course. You didn’t even have to ask.”

“Thank you, dear.” Granny Smith’s smile suddenly disappeared. “Still doesn’t change the fact that you slept with her.”

A healthy shade of red once again graced Octavia’s face. “W-we just fell asleep together. We didn’t do anything funny!” she replied loudly.

Granny Smith chuckled. “You’re too easy, dear. You gotta loosen up a bit.” She leaned in and whispered, “Especially if you two do decide to do somethin’ funny.”

Octavia let out a yelp and covered her face with her hooves.

“Ah’m back!” came Applejack’s voice.

Octavia quickly set down her hooves and looked away from her returned friend.

Applejack cocked her head. “Somethin’ wrong with you, Octavia? You look a bit red.”

“I-it’s nothing. I guess I’m a bit winded after helping Granny Smith.”

Granny Smith chuckled.

Octavia cleared her throat. “Anyway, are you really finished with everything? Seems like you just left not too long ago.”

“What do you mean?” Applejack asked. “Ah’ve been gone for a few hours. It’s already pretty late in the afternoon.”

“Really?” Octavia looked out the window. Sure enough, it was getting pretty close to when the sun had to set. Apparently, she spent a lot more time reminiscing than she thought.

“And to answer your question,” said Applejack, “Ah did see all of our friends. Turns out that the best time for everypony is tomorrow. Ah also went to the post office like you asked me to, and they said that they’ll bring your mail tomorrow, including the ones they held. Ah even swung by your place, and everything looked fine.”

“Thank you for doing those things for me, Applejack.”

“No problem.” Applejack started making her way back towards the door leading outside. “Well, Ah’m gonna go check up on Apple Bloom and Big Mac. If you’re done here, do you feel like comin’ along?”

Octavia nodded. “I’ll be out in just a moment.”

“Alright then, Ah’ll be outside,” Applejack replied as she exited the farmhouse.

“Well, it was nice talking with you, Granny Smith. I’ll see you later,” Octavia said as she got up. Feeling a hoof from behind, she turned back to the elderly mare who now had a somber expression on her face.

“Just do be careful, dear. You might be helpin’ her, but Applejack has been strugglin’ with this for years, and she never was good with her emotions. Ah’m afraid one of these days she might go do somethin’ she’ll really regret, and you’ll get caught up in it.”

“Don’t worry, Granny Smith. I know there will be more obstacles ahead, and I have no problem confronting them. I promised Applejack I will always be there for her, and nothing will change that.”

Granny Smith smiled. “Applejack sure knows how to pick em. You helped settle a bunch of my worries.” She softly pushed her away. “Go ahead, dear, she’s waitin’ on you.”

Octavia smiled back and gave a slight bow before making her way outside to join her friend, ready to help her out in anyway she can.