• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 5,420 Views, 406 Comments

Fiddling with Her Heart - Kevinltk

Octavia is one of the most renowned musicians in Equestria, and yet she feels something is missing in her music. A seemingly normal trip to Ponyville changes everything when she hears the sound of a fiddle coming from the apple orchards.

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Chapter 9: Expectations

For the first time in weeks, Octavia had a restful although short sleep. Finally being able to meet with Applejack and getting her to agree to do what she can to help with her music, it felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, her worries dissipating with Applejack’s words. Octavia had rushed home to rest up for the next day, eager to prove herself to the orange mare. She knew that farmers tended to start their day earlier than other ponies, so Octavia woke up bright and early, Celestia raising the sun just a mere few moments ago. Despite going to bed late and rising at the crack of dawn, she felt ready to tackle any chore Applejack had planned for her.

Eager to meet up with Applejack, Octavia took a quick shower to wash away any remaining dregs of sleep still clinging to her before preparing a simple breakfast. She frowned when she remembered that her other possessions from Canterlot have not arrived yet, including the necessary utensils to make a good cup of coffee. Fortunately, Octavia had brought along a few packs of instant coffee to help satiate her need for the caffeinated beverage.

As she mixed the coffee powder with hot water while she pulled out a cupcake from a bag, courtesy of Pinkie, Octavia wondered what her future now held. She imagined that she would need at least a few weeks to learn whatever Applejack was going to teach her. With Applejack now helping her, surely her music would improve, and she would retain her status as a famous musician. Remembering the stress and anxiety she felt, she promised herself to try to not push herself so hard. She also vowed to set aside some time, whenever the opportunity presented itself, to visit the new friends she made.

Sitting down with her breakfast, Octavia started munching on the cupcake. As the sweet pastry was consumed, she took a sip of her coffee. Her face scrunched up in disgust as soon as she tasted the coffee. It tasted bland and did not have the same reinvigorating qualities that she usually felt from her usual brew. With a grimace, she chugged the rest of the coffee, cursing her need for caffeine. Having enough breakfast, Octavia put the remnants of her meal away in the kitchen before leaving her house and making her way towards Sweet Apple Acres.

It was still pretty early, but Ponyville had quite a few ponies already up and about, tending to their own businesses. As Octavia made her way through the streets, she saw stores and stalls were beginning to open for the day, and up in the sky, a team of pegasi were manipulating the clouds to prepare today’s weather. Octavia smiled when she saw a blue blur flew through the air, leaving a chromatic trail in its wake, as cloud after cloud in its path were demolished.

Arriving at Sweet Apple Acres, Octavia saw a hulking, red stallion unloading a cart full of apple-filled baskets. She recalled that her friends mentioned Applejack worked the farm with her brother, Big Macintosh. Seeing no sign of Applejack, she walked towards the stallion to introduce herself and to find out where was Applejack.

“Hello there, are you Big Macintosh?” Octavia asked.

“Eeyup,” he replied as he turned his attention towards her.

“A pleasure to meet you. I am Octavia. Did Applejack mention I was coming?”


“Is she around?”


“Well, do you know where I can find her? I’m supposed to be helping with the chores.”

“Eeyup,” he answered, pointing towards the east.

“Thank you. It was nice talking to you,” Octavia said as she bade farewell to the informative stallion as she walked into the east orchard.

Trotting through the forest of apple trees, Octavia noticed that many of the trees had been picked clean of their fruit. Applejack must already be hard at work. The sounds of something heavy hitting wood and the grunts of a pony reached her ears. Following the sound, she found Applejack unloading a few baskets from a cart ladened with the containers and laying them around the base of an apple tree.

Curious to see how the apples were harvested, Octavia decided to watch Applejack. After finishing with the baskets, Applejack turned her back towards the tree. In one quick, fluid motion, she raised her hind legs and then lashed out with them, bucking the tree and causing a reverberating thump. All the apples in the tree dropped from the branches and into the waiting baskets. Octavia was impressed.

“That was amazing,” Octavia stated, her mouth slightly agape with awe.

“Hmm?” Applejack turned towards the voice. “Oh, hey there, Octavia. You made it.”

“But of course. I promised that I would give it my all, so here I am. Now, what needs to be done?” Octavia asked, eager to start.

“Well, it’s still applebuckin’ season, and there’s a lot of orders to fill, so we need to harvest as many apples as we can. Ah think it would be best if you just start here in this orchard while Ah go start on another part of the farm. Do you know how to applebuck?”

“Was that the method I saw you use to get all the apples down?”

Applejack nodded. “Yep, best way to do it.”

“I never tried it before, but from what I observed, it seems like you just kick the tree. Surely it can’t be that hard, right?”

Applejack chuckled. “You’d be surprised. Just make sure to ease yourself into it, so you don’t strain yourself.” Pointing to a nearby apple tree, she asked, “Why don’t you try it out on that tree over there?”

Octavia nodded as she approached the target tree. Picturing Applejack’s previous movements in her head, she turned around and attempted to mimic the apple farmer. Octavia pushed herself up onto her forelegs only to lose her balance and fall forward, giving her face an abrupt meeting with the ground.

“Ow,” Octavia’s face muttered into the grass. Her cheeks tinged red with embarrassment when the sound of Applejack trying to restrain a giggle reached her ears. Scrambling to get back up on her hooves, Octavia gave Applejack, who was attempting to hide a smile and trying to not look at her, an unamused stare.

With a huff, Octavia got back into position for another attempt at applebucking. She was not used to putting her weight on her forelegs, but she knew what to expect this time and adjusted her weight for it. Digging her hooves into the ground, she raised her hind legs and kicked. She smiled with delight when her hooves hit the tree and a soft thump met her ears. Eager to see the results, she hastily turned to see the fruits of her labor. To her disappointment, only a few apples had fallen to the ground.

“Not bad,” Applejack commented. “You got the general idea down. All you need now is some practice to work on your speed and technique then you’ll be buckin’ like the pros.”

Octavia stared at the paltry amount of fallen apples. Since Applejack could harvest an entire tree in one kick, she would hardly make a dent in Applejack’s list of chores at this rate. She knew she could do better. She had to do better.

“Let me try again,” said Octavia.

“Alright then. Give it another go.”

Once again, Octavia readied herself for another attempt at applebucking. Determined to match Applejack’s strength, she swiftly got on her forelegs and thrusted her hind legs at the tree as hard as she could. A loud thump mixed with a sickening crack echoed throughout the orchard as the rest of the apples fell from the tree.

Octavia let out a yelp in pain as her hind legs burned with agony. Her forelegs wobbled from the pain before giving in, sending her sprawling to the ground.

“Octavia!” Applejack cried out as she rushed to kneel by Octavia’s side, eyes wide with concern and checking for any injuries. “For goodness sake, girl, why did you go and do that?”

“I had to.” Octavia grunted as she tried to slowly get up, still slightly trembling from the pain. “I promised you I would give it my all.”

“Easy now.” Applejack sighed as she shook her head. “Look, Ah know you really want to do the music thin’ with me, but it’s not gonna to matter if you end up getting seriously hurt. Ah’ve been doin’ this for years. You can’t just expect to become a pro at somethin’ in just a couple of tries. If you go all out right at the start, you’re just gonna burn out mighty quick. You have to pace yourself.”

“But we agreed that if I assisted with your chores, you would help me with my music. I have to keep my end of the bargain,” Octavia stated as she finally sat up on her haunches, her legs still recovering from the shock.

“Like Ah said, it won’t matter if you’re too injured to even touch an instrument. Don’t fret yourself over how much you can do. Just the fact that you’re helpin’ means somethin’,” Applejack stated as she got up.

Octavia’s head drooped, her eyes staring at the ground. “It just doesn’t seem right if I can hardly do anything for you while you are able to do so much for me,” she said along with a sigh.

Applejack dismissed Octavia’s concern with a wave of her hoof. “Don’t worry about it. Ah could tell that your music playin’ means a lot to you. Ah would’ve eventually found some time to help you out. Friends help friends.”

Octavia’s head shot up to look at Applejack, her eyes widening in surprise at the proclamation. “You already consider us friends? Even after our awkward introduction?”

Applejack chuckled. “Last night was definitely interestin’, but you already are friends with the other girls, and Ah trust their judgement. You seem like a nice pony. Ah would be happy to call you a friend.” She smirked. “Why? Got a problem with that?”

“N-no,” Octavia quickly replied as she nervously tapped her forehooves together. “In fact, I’m very grateful. It means a lot coming from you.”

“Good. Now, Ah really need to get back to work. Will you be alright if Ah leave you here while you rest up?” Applejack asked.

Octavia nodded. “It’s no problem. I’m sorry for worrying you and taking up your time.”

“It’s alright. Anyway, Ah’m gonna go ahead and head for the north orchard. Ah’ll just leave the cart of baskets here in case you want to want to try it again. All you have to do is fill the baskets. Don’t worry about pickin’ them up. Big Mac will come along and get them later on. If you get too tired or sore, don’t be afraid to head back to the farmhouse.” Applejack said as she started to walk away.

Suddenly, Applejack turned around, giving Octavia a stern look. “If you do end up tryin’ your hoof at applebuckin’ again, you better take it nice and slow. Ah’ll be back to check up on you, and if Ah see you pushin’ yourself too hard again, Ah’ll hogtie you and drag your butt out of here.”

Octavia nodded vigorously as she chuckled nervously, unsure if Applejack was joking or not. “Y-yes, you have my word.”

Applejack gave a small smile of satisfaction and nodded, resuming her walk and leaving Octavia.

Octavia let out a sigh as she lay down on her back. She turned her head to look at what her desperate exertion accomplished. Even though she did finally manage to completely knock down all the apples, going all out had sent her crumbling to the ground. Applejack was right. If she overdid it, she would just get hurt and cause problems for Applejack. Going nice and slow would allow her to work at a steady pace.

Octavia got up, determination burning in her eyes. Even though Applejack told her she did not really have to do much, she would have none of that. She would do as much as she could, and assist with Applejack’s chores. After all, like Applejack said, friends help friends.