• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 5,418 Views, 406 Comments

Fiddling with Her Heart - Kevinltk

Octavia is one of the most renowned musicians in Equestria, and yet she feels something is missing in her music. A seemingly normal trip to Ponyville changes everything when she hears the sound of a fiddle coming from the apple orchards.

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Chapter 17: Run...

Octavia was in her room, rummaging through her bags and checking to make sure she had everything for another stay in Ponyville. Fortunately, she did not have much to pack since quite a few of her things were still in Ponyville. Satisfied that she did not forget anything, she grabbed her bags and cello and headed downstairs.

She placed her stuff by the door before heading into the kitchen for a quick breakfast. Passing by her coffeemaker, she grabbed the last bottle of apple juice and apple from Applejack’s gift basket then sat down at the kitchen table.

As she enjoyed her fruity breakfast, she reviewed the day’s plan. The ticket she picked up last night was for a train that was leaving pretty early in the morning, hopefully allowing her to avoid running into too many ponies before the day really started. Before boarding though, she had to visit Fancy Pants to say goodbye to him as well as dropping off a spare key to her place. Once she got on the train, it should be an easy trip to Ponyville and then relaxing there until the news passed.

She let out a sigh as she finished her meal. I knew the media sometimes blew stuff out of proportion, but I never thought it could get so bad that I would have to get out of Canterlot.

With her hunger sated, she walked back to the front door, strapping on her bags and slinging her cello onto her back. Oh well, at least I get to hide out with my friends. A small smile appeared on her face as she opened her door.

Her smile and jaw immediately dropped.

On the street was a large crowd of ponies, many holding cameras or notepads, and they were all looking at her. Octavia only had the time to blink once before the mob rushed up to her, barraging her with questions and camera flashes.

“Octavia, Octavia, is it true that you are plotting to end all social gatherings in Canterlot?”

“Who is the mysterious pony you have been secretly dating?”

“Octavia, rumor has it that you are actually planning to overthrow the princesses.”

“Are you really the reincarnation of Nightmare Moon?”

“Is is true that your mind is being controlled by some sort of weird alien thing?”

Octavia slammed the door close on their faces. She let out a groan as she quickly locked the door.

I can sneak out the back, she thought, running towards the back door and opening it.

“Hey, it’s Oct—”

Octavia slammed close another door, shoving her back against the door as she breathed heavily.

Maybe they’ll go away if I stay inside long enough, she thought as she went upstairs and looked out a window.

She brought a hoof to her face. The news reporters were still crowding her front door and judging by the empty chairs and tents in front of her house, they were not leaving anytime soon.

She started pacing nervously around her home, occasionally peeking out the windows, as her train’s departure time drew closer and closer. Looking out at the street below one more time, Octavia saw Fancy Pants and Fleur walking towards her place. As they got closer, she saw that Fleur was pointing a hoof up at her. Fortunately, the other ponies were occupied with staring at her front door or trying to peek through the first floor windows as the couple discussed something.

Fleur started walking towards the side of her house, leaving Fancy Pants behind. Following Fleur’s movements through her windows, Octavia met her at the side of her place, looking down at her from a second story window.

“Octavia, are you alright?” asked Fleur as the window was opened.

“Yes, but I’m trapped. I can’t get out the front or back door without them noticing me,” replied Octavia.

“Fancy Pants will distract the ponies at the front, and I’ll keep watch for anypony else. Can you climb down here?”

“I think so. Let me go find something to use,” Octavia replied. Failing to find any rope in her house, she trotted to her bedroom, grabbing her bedsheets as well as a few extras from the closet.

These bedsheet ropes work, right? she wondered, frantically braiding and tying the blankets together. The process was frustrating using her hooves, but she finally managed to get it done.

Just as she was about to put her cello on her back, she sighed. Besides being awkward to carry around, the bulky instrument would be a dead giveaway to anypony who saw her, even from a distance. There was no choice but to leave it behind.

Rearranging her closet, she safely tucked away the instrument in a corner. With a stroke of luck, she found an old cloak that she once used many Nightmare Nights ago.

Strapping on her saddlebags and donning the cloak, Octavia was ready to make her escape. She tied one end of her makeshift rope to a door knob and threw the rest out the window. After testing to make sure the rope would support her weight, she climbed out the window.

She looked down to check on Fleur. She felt her body go stiff as her eyes shot wide open. She gulped, suddenly feeling a bit dizzy. Is it just me, or did my house gain a few stories?

“Octavia, is something the matter?” asked Fleur.

“Um… maybe we can try this later, or I can just hide in my house until things die down,” Octavia replied in a shaky voice as she clutched the rope tighter.

“Octavia, you’re going to miss your train, and there’s no way you’re going to survive if you hole up in your house,” chided Fleur. “Hurry up!”

Octavia gulped again. “Okay…” she answered meekly. Taking a deep breath, she resumed her climb down. It seemed like hours before she finally inched her way halfway down the building. Suddenly, she felt a lurch on the rope. Looking up, she saw that one of the knots was coming loose. Panicking, she tried to quickly shimmy down the rope in an attempt to reach the ground, but the rope came apart. She let out a small scream, plummeting into a bush.

“Ow, ow, ow.” Octavia winced as she crawled out of the bushes, leaves and twigs sticking to her cloak.

“Goodness, are you alright, dear?” Fleur asked with concern, helping her up.

“Ugh, I think so. I hope I never have to do that again,” replied Octava. “Thank you both for coming. How did you know I was in trouble?”

“We were expecting you to come over. When it was getting late, we decided to check up on you. It’s a good thing we did,” Fleur explained as her magic floated the blankets back into the house and shut the window. “Hurry along now. I’ll distract the others while you get away.”

Octavia nodded. “Thank you both again,” she said before bolting for the train station.

The train was scheduled to leave in a minute, and she did not feel like jumping onto a moving train today. Sprinting down the streets and dodging ponies, she made it to the train station in record time, seeing the vehicle had not left yet. Heavily panting, she made her way to a train conductor standing next to one of the train’s doors. “It’s not… too late… to board… right?” she asked between gasps.

The conductor stared at her with a raised eyebrow. “Uh… no. Did you not hear that we’re having a bit of engine trouble? We can’t leave for maybe another twenty minutes.”

“Oh…” Octavia felt one of her eyes twitching. “I suppose… I did not…”

The conductor cleared his throat. “Uh… if you have your ticket, you may go in and get a seat.”

Octavia slowly nodded, pulling out her ticket with a trembling hoof. Entering the train, she picked a passenger car near the end, plopping her exhausted body down on a seat next to an open window.

She let out a relieved sigh. Finally, all I have to is just sit back and relax.

Her ears perked up, hearing a conversation from outside the train drift in through the window.

“Hey, Daily Scoop, why are we heading to Ponyville?”

“Because the higher ups really want to get a follow-up on that Octavia girl, Shutterbug.”

Octavia got up, peaking out the window. She saw a male blue pegasus, who she guessed was Shutterbug, holding a camera. He was talking to another stallion, a green earth pony.

“So, why aren’t we camping her place like the others?” asked Shutterbug.

“There’s already another team at her place here in Canterlot. I’ve been doing some digging around, and I found out that she has another place in Ponyville. Think about it, if we can catch her at her house in Ponyville, we’ll have an exclusive. We’re practically guaranteed a big bonus if that happens,” answered Daily Scoop.

“Sounds like a plan. Come on, let’s get on.”

Octavia slinked back into her seat, letting out a groan. Great, even Ponyville isn’t going to be safe. What am I going to do?

As she thought about what to do, she heard familiar voices coming from the next car.

“Hey, Daily Scoop, I’m going to check all the cars in this direction. Maybe we can find something interesting.”

“Sure. Who knows, maybe Octavia is on this train as well.”

Octavia let out a yelp as they laughed, slipping underneath her seat just as the door opened, admitting Shutterbug. Hiding underneath the seat, she watched with wide eyes as the pony slowly walked across the car before exiting through the other side. She sighed in relief, letting out a breath she did not even know she was holding.

After a few moments passed, Octavia started to shift out of her hiding spot, only to quickly shove herself back in as both doors at the ends of the car opened.

“Find anything?” asked Daily Scoop.

“Na. There’s hardly anypony else on the train,” answered Shutterbug.

“Can’t blame them. Why would anypony want to go to that backwater town? Come on, let’s get a seat. Looks like the train is about to leave.”

Please don’t sit here. Please don’t sit here. Please don’t sit here, Octavia silently prayed.

“Why not just here?”

Octavia’s hoof rammed into her face. Seriously?! Is there some higher power getting some sadistic pleasure watching me suffer? This can’t get any wor—

Octavia was interrupted when her face was shoved into the floor by the seat cushion she was hiding under.

“I swear these train seats are getting lumpier every time I ride them. Whatever, I’m going to take a nap. Wake me up when we’re there.”

Octavia let out a silent scream of agony. It was going to be a long train ride.

Author's Note:

Is there some higher power getting some sadistic pleasure watching me suffer?

Maybe... :pinkiecrazy: