• Published 28th Mar 2014
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Taismo: Discovering Equestria - RockStarMLP

A misuse of Chaos Control sends two of Mobius's most recognized heroes to a new world called Equestria. As they find a way home, they explore and enjoy the world of magic and friendship by six new best friends

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Chapter 7

Tails and Cosmo enjoyed the wonderful tour of Ponyville the Mane 6 shared to show them, seeing several different places and many, many new ponies to meet. When Twilight finally joined, the rest of the day was spent casually as they all enjoyed dinner at the café, dispersing to their homes after that, and turning in when the night came, nothing unordinary for anypony or anybody. Their royal friend insisted that the couple would stay with her for the duration of their visit, and they gratefully accepted, sharing her spare bed set up by Spike and Twilight’s beds. It was the first quiet night any of them had since the couple’s arrival to Equestria, and it felt to have gone by very fast, even with sleeping through the entire night.

Just as the sun cracked over the horizon, the purple mare and baby dragon woke up with yawns and adjusted their eyes to see, but the spare bed was empty.

“Huh? Where did Tails and Cosmo go?” Twilight said.

Little to her knowledge was how the two woke up a little while before them, with Cosmo getting out of bed first and Tails noticing her walk down the bedroom steps. He got up and followed her, joining her on the upper balcony to watch the sun rise.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Just like from back home,” Cosmo stated.

“Yes, and it is,” Tails agreed. As happy as they were with where they found themselves and how they’ve been treated, their way back home still being unknown bothered them. “I hope the others are doing alright.”

“So do I. They must be worried sick about us. Amy, Cream, Maria,… Mother,…” she said, sounding sad.

“I’m sure they are. I bet Knuckles said something without thinking by now and is arguing with Rouge or Sonic about it,” he said jokingly, and it worked as the two shared a little laugh together. “Still, I think they’re trying to figure this all out from their end. It was Chaos Control that brought us here, but they’d still have to figure out where we’ve gone, and how to find us.”

“If only we could find a way to reach out to them, just to let them know we’re alright while we figure out a way back home,” she said.

Nodding once, he replied “I know. Even if I knew how to open a dimensional portal with just energy, there’s no telling where it could lead to. For now, we just have to do the best we can.”

“Tails,” Cosmo said, sounding worried, “do you think we’ll ever see them all again? Do you think, we might never be able to get back home?”

“Cosmo,” Tails answered, sounding strong, “I promise that we’ll find a way back. Somehow, someday, we’ll get back to Mobius, and I’m sure we’ll find it with the help we’ve found here. When that day comes, and it will be soon, we’ll make sure our worlds remain connected, and return the friendship the ponies have given us, and more.”

Little to their notice, Twilight and Spike were standing a few feet from the open door of the balcony. They didn’t fully approve of eavesdropping, but a small exception could be made with this case. “I don’t know how we will, but we will help you two out,” the purple alicorn thought to herself. “That’s a promise I’ll keep for you, just as I would for any friend.”

She then turned to her faithful assistant and said “Spike, get me every book I have involving magical portals, alternate dimensions, and space-time theories.”

“Will do,” he said, giving a salute, and ran off to gather every book he could.


The princess immediately went to further her research to help her new friends, doing all she could to put together the best solution possible. When Tails and Cosmo saw her back to work, they offered to help in any way other than research, given that they were unable to read and recognize most of the Equestrian script, but all that she could suggest was provide information when needed.
The morning went on in such a manner, with a nice omelet breakfast Spike cooked up, taking a turn of change when a knocking was heard at the front door.

Rarity had quickly stopped by to bring Cosmo over to her boutique and design some new clothes for her as promised, and although she extended the offer for Tails to come as well, he chose to decline.

“I’m sorry Rarity, but I’m going to stay with Twilight. Her research may need for information and knowledge to figure things out for me and Cosmo to get back home, and I need to focus on that,” he told her.

“But of course,” the white unicorn replied. “Well, hopefully I’ll get you to come by. I’d love to design something new for you as well.” She then turned to Cosmo to say “Shall we get going now?”

“Sure, but just a moment please,” Cosmo answered, and stepped up to her loved one to say in a sweet tone “I’ll see you later, okay?” She then gave him a kiss on his cheek, brushing her finger through his muzzle as she stepped away.

“Have fun,” he said to her, and the two’s eyes were locked on each other up until she and Rarity had walked out of the library. Turning back to Twilight, he said “Alright, now where were we?”

“Let’s see… I believe we were on parallel dimensions and universal theories,” Twilight stated, then checked with her best assistant to confirm. “Is that correct, Spike?”

Looking down at notes he was taking to keep records of all information that was shared between those of the two worlds, he nodded and replied “Yep. Last thing I have here is ‘Mobius and Earth’ from Cosmo.”

“That’s right. Now what were you two saying about Mobius and this Earth place, Tails?” the purple alicorn asked.

Tails explained about the history with his home world and the one of a world he had recently revisited, the Earth of Station Square. Further discussion and research led them both to believe that these two worlds being connected in a similar manner looked unlikely, so their efforts went into other directions.

Boiling points came close, but surfaced when after going through nearly every book possible, Twilight growled a loud “UGH! None of these tell us anything!”

“Our two worlds have their own theories and facts, but barely anything piece together,” Tails added, with a sliver of disgruntlement in his voice. “All we can say is that Cosmo and I coming here was as random as you could think. If Equestria and Mobius are in parallel dimensions, then there would be a connection easier to be seen.”

“This is become almost too unbelievable, but the two of you being here is all the proof there is to show for me to believe it all. What other way is there to find a solution if nothing we know can work?” the alicorn ranted, bowing her head and feeling defeated.

“I’m sorry.”

The two tried to calm down as he stepped up to place a hand on her shoulder. “It’s not your fault, Twilight. I have plenty of experience of different worlds having different knowledge and how to function most things, and this is no different. It’s just difficult to take in when you don’t know what to do, but I can tell from you and your friends, like how my friends and I are, that we won’t stop and give up.”

This lifted her spirit some, and she turned over to face him and say “Thanks for that, but we still have to try and figure out something. There has to be another direction we can try.”

“I agree, but where else in Equestria can we find any more useful help?” he asked. “Is there another place we can go, or another pony we can ask?”

The two thought quietly for a few moments before Twilight had a stroke of brilliance and hope. “Zecora! Of course, she knows a lot of magic from outside of Equestria. She can help us out.”

“Oh yeah, your zebra friend we met yesterday,” Tails said, thinking back to his and Cosmo’s tour of Ponyville and meeting her. “Where can we find her?”

“Well,” Twilight responded, “she lives over in the Everfree Forest.” Her tone wasn’t exactly comforting, and he was confused about that, asking if there was a problem. She said “I’ll explain on the way, but Everfree Forest is a very ‘different’ area of Equestria.”

The two then left the library to make their way into the forest.


Meanwhile, Cosmo was led by Rarity to Carousel Boutique, the premiere fashion place of Ponyville, and was immediately given a quick tour. The two made their way upstairs to the pony’s bedroom/workspace, where a white cat named Opalescence rested on some fabric on the ground.

“Well, that’s basically the entire tour,” Rarity said after a look around the room, “so let’s now talk about your new attire.”

“I really appreciate the idea, Rarity, but I couldn’t ask you to do something like that for me,” Cosmo said, but before she could say anything more, she was put in the center of the room as her pony friend began to work.

“Oh think nothing of it, dear Cosmo. I’m always pleased to make new outfits, especially for friends like you,” the unicorn said.

Using her magic, she used a measuring tape to measure Cosmo’s figure – her height, limbs, curves, everything – while also levitating a quill to take notes. “Why don’t you tell me more about yourself and where you’re from? You said the other night you were… oh, what was it… a Seedrian?”

“That’s right,” she confirmed. “The Seedrians are a special species of plant who solely wish to live in harmony with all life plant and animal. My mother is the leader of our race, and their city of Synthesis back on my world.”

“How fascinating,” Rarity said as she kept working. “I must say I’ve never seen living plants such as yourself, so kind and gentle. Any relation to it includes ones that are dangerous and threatening. You must have a better understanding of peaceful living.”

“I suppose you can say that. The Seedrians have a stronger connection with vegetative species than anyone else from our galaxy, because we can sympathize and understand them, being like them ourselves,” Cosmo added.

“You mean you can communicate with plant life? My goodness, you are quite special, aren’t you?” the white unicorn said. She took a few more measurements of Cosmo’s head, waist and feet before looking over all her notes. “Now you must tell me about that wonderful special someone of yours, Tails. How did you two become such a close item?”

Both Cosmo and Tails had shared stories of each other with the ponies, but the most detailed they went into the events of the Metarex War focused on the war itself, and not so much of the better moments. “Well, you know that it was after when I found him and our friends from Mobius to warn them about the Metarex, correct?”

“Yes, and you also said that you two had your moments that brought you closer together,” Rarity stated.

Cosmo nodded, and explained “That’s right. We spent time together at some points during the start of the voyage, but it was when we were at a world that was already deprived of the life it once had. We were trapped underground when on a search, but after exploring we found an enemy factory there and managed to shut it down. It was the first time he personally give me confidence and better understanding of things I only knew as legends. But I think it was a little while after that, when he helped me prepare a party.”

All of a sudden, Pinkie Pie’s head popped through the room’s window as she exclaimed “DID SOMEONE SAY PARTY?!”

Rarity was shocked but only enough for being used to Pinkie being who she was, but Opal jumped into the air and clawed onto the ceiling, Cosmo was scared enough to be put in small panic. The unicorn turned to the pink mare to say “Sorry, Pinkie Pie, there’s no party here, just conversation.”

The party pony then replied “Okie dokie lokie!” and left, closing the window behind her.

Seeing how Cosmo still was, Rarity calmed her down by saying “I’m terribly sorry about that. It’s never a party in Ponyville without Pinkie Pie involved. Come now, why don’t you keep talking about your falling in love with Tails?”

Shaking off her shock, Cosmo said “Of course… Well, we were halfway through the war, and I wanted to thank everyone for all they’ve done, so I decided to throw them a surprise party.” She paused and looked out the window to see if Pinkie would pop in again.

“Tails discovered my surprise and offered to help me, so with him and a few others we put together the rest of the party. I thanked him for helping me, and I remember him saying word for word ‘You don’t have to thank me, Cosmo. I like being with you,’ and I liked it too, us working and being together. Later on, he gave me a special flower pendant of mine which he polished it with a beautiful shine, and we spent most of our time together since.”

“Oh that is just adorable, my dear,” Rarity said, enjoying this story the more it was told. She then used her magic to pull out a variety of working materials to make new outfits, but not before taking blank paper and a pencil to sketch out some of her ideas. Trying to sound gentle with her choice of words, she then asked “Before that awful tragedy that took place, were there any moments that, shall we say, sealed the deal for you two? What made you decide he was the one for you?”

“There’s quite a few really, all of them wonderful,” Cosmo replied, “but I suppose it was ‘sealed’ on a planet we visited called Marmolim, a world of magic remedies and love spells.”

“Love spells, you say? It doesn’t sound to me that you or him would use such magic,” the unicorn stated.

“Well, in our defense, it wasn’t a willful choice,” said the Seedrain, and further explained herself. “During our time there, I was given a dark prediction of my future, which led me into many disbeliefs. It was thanks to my friends that I regained some inner strength, even pointed out how Tails and I were ‘close,’ but at one point, it was Tails who told me how special I was, and we accidentally tripped into a love trap that activated a powerful love spell that would join us together forever.”

“Is that so? Who was the trap initially for?” Rarity asked.

Cosmo replied with “It’s a long story, but I’ll explain that to you sometime.” She paused for a moment before continuing with “Love spell or no spell, we sat together in each other’s arms, looking out at a wonderfully lit full moon, feeling happy and peaceful. I never felt so close to anyone before him, and it felt… it all felt right, like there was nothing to fear when we had each other by our sides. It proved to be true again and again after that, and at one point up to… well, you already know.”

The more she listened, the more Rarity fell in love with the story, from its description to how Cosmo’s tone of voice made it sound so important. She fought herself back from letting tears form, trying to be the lady of class she makes herself to be, hiding her face behind the paper she was drawing on.

“My goodness, I’ve heard and seen tales of love before, even with our Princess of Love, but that… that was just so touching,” she said, sniffling a little before moving the paper from in front of her. “After hearing this, I must design you both outfits that will leave you speechless.”

“You don’t have to…” Cosmo tried to say, but the unicorn interrupted her by stating “Not another word, Cosmo. I insist that I make for you the best attire my artistic abilities can create, and I never take ‘No’ for an answer. I might be short the measurements of your darling fox, but once I get those, I already have ideas in mind for him, and as for you…” She then showed Cosmo her drawn-visions of the initial design.

“My goodness, that looks phenomenal,” said the Seedrian, seeing all the detail her friend had put into just the design. “I understand you won’t accept my refusal, but you don’t have to do so much like that for me. It’s too ungrateful for me to accept this without doing anything in return.”

Rarity hummed a chuckle and replied “Sorry, but you can’t talk me out of it. And you both don’t need to worry about doing anything for me. It’s always a pleasure to create new ensembles, and for you two, I’ll make sure you look like a prince and princess…” She then stopped talking, her mind rushing and eyes wide open, striking new brilliance as she said aloud “Idea!” Using magic again, she began to draw two new designs, and beginning to work with the fabrics and materials to piece together a brand new outfit.

“Cosmo, I assure you that you’re going to love this new one-of-a-kind masterpiece, and so will Tails,” she said, but after looking back at her friend again, she ceased continuing to look at Cosmo’s chest. Resting there was a beautifully colored gem, one she’s never seen before, although having seeing it since meeting Cosmo. This time, she looked at the gem more carefully and its details. “If I may ask another question, Cosmo, where did you get such a magnificent gem such as that?”

“My Seedrian Spirit Stone?” Cosmo asked to confirm. “It was a special gift from my mother, during the fourth anniversary celebration back home,” and she went on to tell the gem’s story, and its importance.


Taking their time with a walk through the Everfree Forest, Tails and Twilight were getting close to Zecora’s home with hopes that the zebra could be of any help in their mission. Since exiting Ponyville, the princess began to explain about the forest’s dangers and abnormalities, from how the environment acts to what dwells within it, such as the timberwolves and cockatrice. Their conversation soon brought up the topic of the former Castle of the Two Pony Sisters, and for the matter, the roles of the two princesses themselves.

“So this forest used to be their home? Why would they have a castle in a place like this if it has so many threats?” Tails asked.

“Nopony really knows, but it’s believed that this forest wasn’t always how it is today,” Twilight answered. “When Princess Celestia and Princess Luna came to power, many things changed in Equestria, all for the better and greater balance, just as they bring us day and night.”

“What do you mean by bringing day and night?” the fox asked. “I thought they rose and set on their own.”

“Nope. Princess Celestia is the lead ruler of Equestria, who raises and lowers the sun every day. Her sister, Princess Luna, is the princess of night, so she raises and lowers the moon, brings out the stars, and looks over everypony in their sleep,” the alicorn explained.

“Interesting,” he said, thinking of how different this world was, and also, how balanced with magic it has shown to be. He then said “All other worlds where I’m from have planets that revolve around suns on their own, and moons that revolve around them. I’ve never known a world where magic controls it.”

“Well, now you do. Maybe you’ll have the opportunity to meet the princesses like Cosmo did,” Twilight said with a grin, with Tails smiling back in agreement.

He then asked “It sounds like that your princesses have been around much longer than most ponies. How long have they actually ruled over Equestria?”

This was a question with a very particular answer, considering how much history it would cover. “Well, Celestia has ruled much longer than Luna, mainly because of her, to be put it, absence after a disagreement over a thousand years ago. You see, Luna became the evil Nightmare Moon, whose mission was to bring everlasting night and shun the sun as she believed Equestrians shunned her night. Celestia used the only magical force powerful enough to stop her – the Elements of Harmony, which banished Nightmare Moon into the moon until she escaped when I met all my friends in Ponyville.”

Tails took all this in and tried to best understand it all. “That’s insane,” he said at first, not really knowing how to respond to it at all. “How did she turn into a villain in the first place, and for that matter, what made her herself again?”

“Princess Celestia has told me that it was the hate that took over Luna’s heart and made her what she became, but like how the banishment was done, my friends and I harnessed the Elements of Harmony to return Nightmare Moon back into Princess Luna, and she’s returned to her royal place since,” the alicorn explained.

They then found themselves standing in front of a homelike structure, with tribal items surrounding it, which Twilight pointed out as Zecora’s home. Tails still had some questions regarding Nightmare Moon, and these Elements of Harmony that were mentioned, but that would have to wait a little while. The two approached the door and knocked on it, and just a moment later, their zebra friend opened it with a delighted face.

“Princess Twilight, a pleasure to see you, and I see you’ve brought Tails, too,” she greeted them.

“Good day to you too, Zecora,” Twilight said in return. “We hope you don’t mind, but we were wondering if you could help us out with some information for our research.”

“A quest for knowledge that you search for? Please come in and tell me more,” Zecora said, and welcomed the two into her home.

She brewed some tea for them all to drink as Tails and Twilight took turns explaining about the efforts being done to open a dimensional path between the ponies’ world, and Tails and Cosmo’s. Where he explained about he and his beloved were unintentionally sent to Equestria without a known way back, she added what information they had gone through in Ponyville and how barely anything meshes together.

“That’s why we decided to come out to you. Twilight has told me that you know magic from your homeland that differs from magic most ponies here know, and maybe you could help us somehow,” Tails said, concluding the two’s explanations.

“Hmmm,” hummed the zebra, thinking deeply. “A magical path to new places and to encounter new faces, a very difficult spell that not many could show and tell.”

“Does that mean that spells like that are unlikely possible?” Twilight asked.

“It is not that easy, your highness, to have the right answer to confess,” Zecora replied, then used her hoof to show them all the various ingredients and resources she works with for her magic. “I have learned many tricks to cast the spells I need, but even all of this can serve any sort of deed. To travel between worlds is not one too known, but something that magical ponies like alicorns have shown.”

“We have?” the purple alicorn wondered.

The fox looked at his friend, seeing how she looked as lost as him. He turned to Zecora to say “From what I’ve learned about alicorns they possess the strongest magic, but there was nothing we found so far that suggested them traveling between dimensions.”

After a sip from her cup, the zebra said “Perhaps not found in any book, but let’s use examples for a closer look.”

“Examples…” Twilight muttered, and tried to think of anything of the sort to explain. “Well there is the teleportation spell. I began to use it better since first moving to Ponyville, starting by sending myself from one spot to another, eventually using it as far as having Spike run in a continuous loop.”

“That’s right. You mentioned that story at the party the other night, having him run on and on to clean a kiss off his cheek,” the fox stated, the group having a little laugh.

She then went on to say “One of the first books I was using for research was one about basic teleportation spells that taught me how to do it, but it only gave the instructions and results of doing it.”

“Twilight Sparkle, look closer into how the spell is done, and how exactly you magically run,” Zecora stated. “Between going and coming, there’s a delay, is that safe to say?” She thought about that, and then nodded yes. “It is only a belief that I can mention, that you then travel through another dimension.”

Both Tails and Twilight’s opened wide as they said together “Really?!”

The zebra nodded and continued to say “Something I’ve learned in my magical ways, is that spells have much to say. You may learn how so much is done, but knowing all that happens is close to none.” She then stepped over to her cauldron, luring the two over with a special dust she used to cast a viewable insight from the brew inside. “As I said before, my words are opinion and nothing more.”

“But it’s still possible to accomplish a portal spell?” Twilight asked.

Zecora directed their attention into the cauldron, showing images of their desired mission and what was mentioned thus far in their conversation. “The magic you seek is not out of grasp, but is a very challenging task. The world in between here and there, you must travel through if you dare. To find your path, and make it last, you’ll need to connect the two realms, perhaps fast.”

She paused from talking, as she thought carefully of what to say next. Feeling the need to know whatever he could get out of her, Tails said “Even if that’s possible, how can it be done? I mean Cosmo and me, we have abilities that we could use, but I’m not sure how useful they can actually be in this case.”

“Tails, my friend, what you need to find home, is in Equestria, either at still or in roam. For you and Cosmo to find your way back, you will need Princess Twilight, and one thing you lack. The key you need and be dimensionally freed, comes from the world that houses you, that of which is all I’m sure is true,” Zecora answered.

“I think I get it- to get them back home, we need to find something from Mobius, that Tails and Cosmo would know, and use that with my magic to open a new way to travel – a new teleportation spell,” Twilight said, hoping she had reached the right realization.

They all continued in conversation for a while longer, both of the matter at hand and other more recreational topics. After so long, the two thanked Zecora for her help and decided it was time to leave, and seeing how late in the day it had become, decided it was time to return to Ponyville.

“I think that sometime tomorrow or the next day I should bring both of you back out this way. If you’d like to know more about things here, and perhaps figure out what we can do with what Zecora informed us with, we can visit the old castle and Tree of Harmony.”

“Of course,” Tails replied, but in his mind he thought many theories and questions, a couple of which included “The Tree of Harmony, and the old castle? Will they be any help either? What else from home could have come here with us? There’s been no sign of anything.”


In the evening hours of the day, a hungry and tired filly was making her way towards wherever her hooves could take her. This little pony had no idea where she was, and the fact that she was blind was not helpful to her traveling at all. In fact, she was surprised by herself just how far she believed to have traveled and low long she’s been going on. All she had on her was a gemstone she found the night before, keeping her warm as she trekked on during the day, until little did she know that she began to walk into an orchard.

“There are so many trees here,” she said quietly and to herself, after having bumped into quite a few. “I wonder where exactly I’ve…”

She then accidentally bumped into a tree headfirst, and little did she know was that it was an apple tree, and three apples came down and struck her head one by one. Already being exhausted and fatigued from traveling so much without anything to even eat, the third apple to hit her made her so dizzy that she collapsed right there on the ground. Little did she know was that she wasn’t the only filly in the area.


In a more private area of Sweet Apple Acres was a little clubhouse that served as a special headquarters of three little fillies – a yellow earth pony named Apple Bloom, a white unicorn called Sweetie Belle, and an orange pegasus known as Scootaloo. These three fillies were best friends, and members of their own ‘secret’ society known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who would work together to earn their ‘blank flanks’ their cutie marks and discover their special talents.

Tonight was a night of a special mission – a sleepover in their clubhouse where they’d try a couple night-oriented ideas. Being close to the Apple family’s barn, their families agreed to allow them to do this without constant supervision, and Applejack last checking on them just a few minutes ago before going to bed herself. The three fillies, eager to get things started, prepared for the night ahead of them.

“Alright, Cutie Mark Crusaders, let’s get our nighttime mission started,” Apple Bloom said, holding up a small checklist in her hoof. “Now let’s see if we have all the things we need- Pillows and sleeping bags…”

“Check,” answered Sweetie Belle.

“…Flashlights and lantern…”

“Check,” Scootaloo answered.

“…Snacks, drinks, first aid kit, and backup snacks, drinks and first aid kit…”

“Check,” the two ponies answered.

“And lastly… our capes, blankets, and list of ideas… Check,” Apple Bloom concluded. “Alright, we got everythin’ we need. So what do you want to do first?”

The three fillies thought about their options for a couple seconds, but Scootaloo was first to suggest “How about we try to earn our cutie marks in star watching?”

“You mean astronomy,” Sweetie Belle pointed out, defining the idea by its scientific label.

“Yeah that,” the orange pegasus stated. “You really are a dictionary, aren’t you?”

Before an argument would start, Apple Bloom said “Sounds like a great idea to me. Let’s do it!” She then led them up to the highest room of the clubhouse that held their telescope, where an astronomy book they borrowed from the library yesterday waited for them to use as a reference guide. Once they got up there, the yellow filly stated “Alright, let’s start our new mission,” and the three yelled together-

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Astronomers Are GO!”

They immediately opened the book and Sweetie Belle took the first turn looking through the telescope. Fortunately for them the skies were all clear, showing nothing but the endless stars to be seen, and nothing out of the ordinary for that matter.


Over an hour would pass, the three fillies taking turns looking towards the stars, running out for snacks, or identifying what constellations they saw, which they already knew and learned about from their sisters and friends. As Sweetie Belle was looking in the book and Apple Bloom out the opening for the telescope, Scootaloo was having her turn looking through the telescope up at her stars, with her patience running low.

“This is getting us nowhere! There’s nothing going on up there!” she complained.

“I think you’re right,” sighed the yellow filly. “The stars are nice, and they are twinklin’ like always, but there’s nothin’ interestin’ for us to discover.”

After having a little yawn of boredom, the little white unicorn looked into the book and said “Maybe if we try to look for something in particular, like a shooting star or a comet…”

“Those are practically the same thing!” Scootaloo said, complaining more. “Let’s face it, this mission’s a dud. We’re not going to find anything that gets us our cutie marks like this.”

As Apple Bloom kept looking out onto the orchard, she used her flashlight to see through the night at the many apple-filled trees, maybe find a new mission for the three Crusaders to work on. As the light moved along, it caught a twinkling light, like a star, not too far from them. Her curiosity led the light to the source, and when she saw what she thought she saw, she stated “What in tarnation is that?”

“What’s what, Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Down there, on the ground, it looks a… a little pony,” the yellow filly said.

“Let me see,” Scootaloo said, and navigated the telescope down to where the light was pointing at. What she saw was exactly what her friend was seeing.

“Oh man, you’re right! There’s another pony down there, and they look out cold!” She jumped down from the stool she was standing on and led the others out of the room saying “Come on, Crusaders, we better check this out.”

The two fillies felt reluctant about this idea, but shook it off when the thought of an endangered pony sank in more. The trio ran out of the clubhouse with their flashlights and wearing their capes towards where they spotted the pony. Upon their arrival, they found the filly unconscious by one of the trees, surrounded by a few fallen apples, and one particular item as well. They stepped up to this newfound filly closer, and slowly, to see just how alright she was.

“She’s still breathing,” Scootaloo observed. “That’s a good sign.”

“But what’s a pegasus pony doin’ passed out here in the orchard?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I don’t know,” Sweetie Belle said. “I don’t recognize who she is, either. Maybe she’s not from here?” Her eyes then turned to the particular item, a purple jewel emitting a glow. “And what in Equestria is that? I’ve never seen a gem like that before.”

“You got me,” stated the orange pegasus.

The yellow pony then said “Well whoever she is she must have traveled here for some reason. Maybe we should wake her up and ask why she’s here in the first place.” Little did they notice was that the unconscious filly wasn’t as unconscious as they thought.

“I don’t know, guys. Maybe we should go get Applejack and tell her about this. For all we know this pony’s lost and needs to find a way home,” the little unicorn suggested, but her words awakened the strange pony enough to talk.

“Wait… please… don’t tell anypony…” was all she said, struggling up onto her feet. Her eyelids were barely open, but they opened just enough for a moment to show that her eyes looked quite different by the crusader trio. The filly nearly collapsed back onto the ground, but just down enough to use her wing to hold the gemstone next to her.

“Here ya go,” Apple Bloom said, wrapping the blanket around her. “You look awful tired. Come on, you can stay at our clubhouse tonight.” She then helped the strange filly up, and helped to move her along.

All the filly said in quiet response was “Thank you,” and the four fillies began their short trek back, with Scootaloo leading the way with light as the other two helped support this newfound pegasus pony. They had so many questions for her, and hoped to get some answers when it was possible. They didn’t think they were earning any cutie marks for becoming pony rescuers, but that thought didn’t last too long, for now they dismissed any plans of earning their marks in favor of discovering who this pony was, and the sooner the better, for helpful purposes.