• Published 28th Mar 2014
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Taismo: Discovering Equestria - RockStarMLP

A misuse of Chaos Control sends two of Mobius's most recognized heroes to a new world called Equestria. As they find a way home, they explore and enjoy the world of magic and friendship by six new best friends

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Chapter 1

In a magical land known as Equestria, the ponies of Ponyville were enjoying a beautiful sunny day, the first day of their spring season. The winter wrap-up from the day prior was done in record time and everypony was spending their day tending to springtime responsibilities and enjoying themselves at the same time. Out in a flower-filled field that you could view the town’s front horizon, a few friends were enjoying their day together with a small picnic. There was Applejack, an orange pony and hardworking farm girl, along with Rarity, a white unicorn known for her fashion expertise, plus Rainbow Dash, a cyan pegasus who was busy flying around in the air, and lastly Twilight Sparkle, a studious and book-smart purple pony, but more specifically, an alicorn, and newest Equestrian princess. Each of them were taking in the wonderful time of peace and tranquility that they tend to have, most of the time at least.

“This was such a great idea,” Twilight said. “Having the chance to spend time together to relax is just so peaceful.”

“Ahhh, Isn’t spring the season with the most wonderful start?” Rarity said, lounging happily in her chaise sitting adjacent to their picnic blanket.

“Well next to applebuck season I’d say it is,” Applejack stated. “There’s nothin’ like that first sunrise on all the apple-filled trees on the farm.”

“I’m talking about seasons of weather, Applejack, not seasons of annual chores,” said the white unicorn.

A hovering Rainbow Dash then said “Oh, lighten up, a season’s a season isn’t it? Besides, I don’t want to start to hear you two arguing on a nice day I worked my flank off to make.”

“RD’s right,” agreed the orange mare, “so let’s steer clear of sayin’ things no need to be said. And speakin’ of your weather work there, Rainbow, why don’t ya come down and relax for a few? Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy should be here any minute now.”

“Not until I get Twilight up here to practice flying,” Rainbow Dash said, pointing her hoof to their royal friend. “She’s been trying to avoid flying lessons for days, and I want to get her back in the air and show us what those wings can do.”

Twilight picked her head up from a book she was trying to read, a textbook of various spells that were once too difficult to try before becoming a royal alicorn. She then said “Rainbow, I told you I’ve been busy with important research. It’s been taking up a lot of my attention lately, and learning to fly better was just something I had to back off from for a little while.” What she said wasn’t entirely true, because she still felt uncomfortable learning to fly better than her current abilities would allow. Where she has proven that she could fly very decently, she’s still far from her best, and wasn’t that eager to keep trying, at least not until she felt better about herself to go ahead.

“It’s quite alright, darling. Some ponies just need to value patience a little better,” Rarity said, directing it towards both Twilight and Rainbow.

Trying to follow the subject with a different focus, Applejack added “Speakin’ of waitin’, where are those two ponies and those new cupcakes from Sugarcube Corner? I’ve been wantin’ to sink my teeth into one of those all day.”

“I don’t know. Fluttershy said she had to help some of the woodland creatures first, but I wouldn’t think it would take her this long,” the purple alicorn pondered aloud.

Landing on her hooves next to Twilight, Rainbow Dash said “Her loss. She probably got roped into some critter fight to deal with.”

“Or she could’ve lost track of time I suppose,” Twilight added.

Just then, a fifth mare’s head appeared and said “Orrr she’s got so much work to do for so many animals that she has so much on her mind and completely forgot about our super special springtime picnic.” The head belonged to Pinkie Pie, the optimistic pony of perfect parties. “Hopefully she gets here soon, or she’ll miss her chance to try these out,” and the pink pony showed an open box of cupcakes.

Her friends’ eyes opened wide at the brightly decorated treats, all looking very delicious. “My goodness, Pinkie, those look amazing. I’ve never seen food shine like some of my gem-studded dresses,” Rarity complimented.

“Thanks,” Pinkie replied. “It’s a brand new recipe the Cakes and I have worked on for the next National Desserts. If it works out, we’ll turn these cupcakes into mega-cakes, and you guys will be the official taste-testers!”

“Mega-cakes?” asked Rarity.

“I think she means a full-sized cake,” said Twilight, “right Pinkie?” The pink mare nodded with a “Mhmm.”

“Well then what are we waiting for? Let’s dig in on those things,” Rainbow said, starting to reach for a cupcake.

Applejack then grabbed Rainbow’s tail and jerked her back. “Hold on there, missy,” she said with the tail still in her mouth, then spit it out to add “I’m as hankerin’ for one of those as the next pony, but we should wait for Fluttershy to get here first.”

Just then, it happened- Pinkie Pie’s Pinkie sense went off. “Uh-oh! Twitchy tail,” she said, and all the ponies began to look up. Just a second later, an earth-rumbling sound was heard from the distance. Every pony’s attention turned towards where it came from.

“What in tarnation was that?” asked Applejack.

“I haven’t the faintest of ideas,” said a puzzled Rarity.

“I wonder what it could’ve been,” Pinkie said, then began to compile thought after thought of theories. She was about to go on and list them when they heard a screaming sound coming from the same direction.

“I know that scream anywhere. That was Fluttershy!” Twilight said, and jumped up onto her hooves. “Come on, girls, we have to go find her and find out what’s happening!” All of her friends followed her lead, running and flying as fast as possible to reach their friend and find out what caused such sounds.


In a nice open meadow not far from the Everfree Forest and the town, Fluttershy was busy tending to the aide of some of her animal friends. She was a quiet and very caring pegasus, very skilled in helping all kinds of animals in whatever ways she could, and today she was very busy. Her first couple jobs included helping feed a bundle of new baby rabbits and a first rehearsal with her choir of many birds, and as she was on her way to meet her friends, she found two baby birds on the ground, under a branch where their nest rested. They were still new to flying, having being carried from the south for spring by their mother, so they couldn’t figure out how to flap their wings to get back up to the nest after having fallen out a little while ago. Fluttershy walked over to them to help instruct and encourage the two little birds in hope that they would be able to do it on their own, and without her doing it for them.

“Alright, now let’s try again. Do it just like how I taught you,” she said with much encouragement. The two birds began to flap their wings again in attempt to get high enough off the ground, and so far they were doing well. “That’s it, you can do it. Just keep on flapping…”

One began to put out more effort and flap faster, closing their eyes and not looking as one crashed into its sibling, forcing both of them to fall back to the ground. They got back on their feet, both looking sad at another failure. Little did they know that they had an undesired audience watching from the other side of the tree.

“Awww, it’s okay, don’t be sad,” Fluttershy said to them with her always soft and kind voice. “That was your best try yet. I know you’ll get it right if you just keep trying. Come on, let’s see you flap up back to your nest.” Where she shut her eyes for just a second and smile, her two little friends yelped in fear and raced behind her front hooves shaking in worry.

“Oh goodness, what’s the matter?” she asked concerned, and the two pointed a wing towards their reason of fright. Appearing from the other side of the tree was a snake, and a mean one who likes teasing smaller creatures that he’d eat them with one big bite.

The birds kept themselves behind Fluttershy’s front hooves, but the mare wouldn’t stand for this, especially knowing this snake from previous times. Trying to calm her two little friends, she told them “Don’t you worry about that little snake. I’ll take care of this bully,” and she turned her head up towards the little slithering menace. In the past, she has willing let the snake off easy in hopes that the teasing attitude would lighten up or come to pass, but now seeing that she was wrong, it was time to put a hoof down and use the seriousness that was The Stare, a firm attitude with a firmer stare from her eyes.

“Now look here, mister,” she said to the snake, “just who do you think you are? Do you think being a bully makes you so much better than any other animal? Well it doesn’t, and it should be ashamed of yourself.” The snake just rolled his eyes without care at first, but a small object high in the sky caught his attention, something that looked to be getting bigger, and closer, fast.

Not noticing the phenomenon herself, Fluttershy continued to Stare at the snake, thinking she got his attention locked towards her. “I don’t want you to be bullying anybody else ever again, or I’ll see to it that I find your mother and tell her what you’ve been up to. Bullying is uncalled for for any animal, and you need to apologize for it. So, what do you have to say for yourself?”

All the snake did was scream and slither away in a fast panicking state, and kept on moving. This caused all three to be stunned, especially the yellow pony. “Oh my,” she said to herself, “I think my Stare overdid it for the little guy.” The two little birds were more curious and walked out to each side of their pony friend, looking around until their eyes saw what the snake saw. Something was hurdling towards the ground, but no one could make out what it was, and it was coming straight near them, causing the two birds to chirp and flap frantically.

Noticing this, Fluttershy turned her head around towards them to say “What’s wrong, little friends? Is there something else tha-aaaaAAAAAAHHHH!”

Her speech turned into a small, not-so-much echoing scream as she caught sight of this as well. Before any of them knew it, the object crash-landed hard into the ground, causing a small quake in an aftermath. A strong gust of wind and dust came from the crash, blinding Fluttershy from seeing much else. The strength of that force pushed her and her winged friends back, with her landing flat on her back and staying there until the gust had died down to nothing. When it all seemed calm again, she lifted herself back up onto her hooves, and found two little birds flying around her head. In fact, they were the same little birds she’s been with, finally finding the ability to fly after the occurrence, and showing this to their friend.

“I… I… um…” Fluttershy muttered for a moment before shaking her head to come back to reality. “Oh, I’m so proud of you both, but if you could, please, fly back up to your nest now.” The two did, and flew up to their nest, which surprisingly stayed in one piece, but lifted up onto another branch in the tree, but at least not too much higher than the original branch it rested on.

As for Fluttershy, she knew something was wrong, but kept going back and forth with herself about seeing what just caused this strange happening, or run away. “Oh, I should see, in case it’s something important,” she said, but then added “No, no, I can’t, because who knows what could be there.” Where the mind kept going around the idea, her body began walking towards the newly made crater, continuing to say “I should take a look, otherwise another little animal friend could’ve gotten hurt and I wouldn’t have seen it. But what if I do, and instead of that, I find some kind of monster? No, I should try. It’s what any of my friends would do if they were in my position, and as much as I hate the idea, I have to…


Her body had take her towards the edge of the crater, and her eyes turned to look inside to see what was being revealed as the cloud of dust cleared. The first thing she saw looked to be an arm, and an open claw, reaching out of the ground and into the air. Her fears immediately overtook her as she feared the worst and kept screaming, and she began to run for her life away from the scene. She just kept on running as fast as her legs could let her go, her eyes shut and every fiber of her being terrified. The lack of paying attention on her part failed to notice that she would run straight into another pony, forcing her to land back onto the ground. When she opened her eyes, she saw that she ran into Twilight and her friends, the first one directly, and some relief came over her while the others expressed concern.


“Fluttershy, what the hay has gotten into you?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“And why are you running away screaming?” added Rarity.

The two colliding ponies recovered and got back on their hooves, with Twilight saying “What’s going on, Fluttershy? You’re acting as if there’s something chaotic happening again.”

“There is! At least, I think there is. One moment I was with two little birds and a snake, when this thing, it just came down and crashed,…” Fluttershy went on to say, but being in such a panic, wasn’t clear or making much sense.

Trying to comfort her and be gentle, Applejack stood next to her with a hoof on the shoulder and said “Take it easy, Sugarcube. Now tell us what you saw.”

After taking a couple moments to calm down more, she explained what had happened about the giant crash, the source of the previous quake. Taking in all the information, Twilight knew that there was only one thing to do- investigate. She led her friends back to the site of the situation, with some extra force needed to help bring Fluttershy back, but they all arrived nonetheless. By this point, the cloud of dust had cleared the entire area, leaving just the large hole in the ground to look inside and the dusty remnants of its creation. “Wow, that’s big,” Twilight stated. “I wonder what made this.”

“Oh-oh-oh! Maybe it was giant candy falling from the sky! Or wait, maybe it’s…” Pinkie said, but was silenced with Rainbow Dash’s hoof in her mouth.

“How about instead of wondering, somepony walks over there and find out?” the rainbow-maned mare suggested.

“Then by all means, after you,” Rarity said.

“I wasn’t suggesting me,” Rainbow argued.

Still in fear, Fluttershy said “Maybe, we don’t have to look. I know whatever’s down there, it’s scary. Scary is enough to know, isn’t it?”

After rolling her eyes, Twilight said “Fine, I’ll go take a look,” and stepped forward to the crater. When she reach the edge, she looked down and saw what Fluttershy had seen before, but now there was more to it- it was an arm attached to an entire body. She then gasped “Ahhh! Oh my goodness!” She then opened her wings and gently flew down inside towards the body, giving it a closer inspection. It was just barely moving as it showed signs of breathing, covered in several scrapes and body damage, and she then saw not one, but two tails. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Looking down from above, her friends began to look into the crater. “You alright down there, Twilight?! Did you find what caused this?!” Applejack called out.

“No, girls,” she called back out, “not a what, but a who!” She then stood to the side to show them what they had discovered. Twilight and her friends had no idea about what was going on here, but they just discovered the unconscious, damaged body of an otherworldly fox, who was in dire need of urgent help at once.


Exploring through the battle zone that was Mobius, Tails had reached a familiar place- the garden he and his friends spent their day while having the master bedroom remade as a surprise for his love. When he arrived, he found the once beautiful field of flowers dead and withered, or charred by a wildfire, but what he found waiting for him was a sight much worse than he could imagine. Standing there waiting for him was a full-powered Galvatron, with a captive in his hand, in the same way as back during that unforgettable day.

The Decepticon started to laugh his evil laugh as his open hand charged with incredible power, and when Tails tried to race to the rescue, Dark Oak appeared out of nowhere and attacked back, pinning the fox to the ground of flowers that flew into the air as dust and ashes. Struggling to get back on his feet, he couldn’t escape the Metarex’s clutches in time to watch Galvatron repeat his actions as his energized fury struck the one he held captive in what could be called an evil ray of light, and all Tails could do was cry the victim’s name out in heartbreaking agony…



Then, all looked black and blurry, and he began to hear echoing voices he couldn’t make out. His eyes struggled to open, only seeing the blurred images of his environment, but when he finally could awaken himself, he saw himself in a bed in an unknown place. As his eyes fully opened, the fox found his body somehow bandaged and more healed than he last remembered as he kneeled up from being covered in an astronomical bedspread. “Huh… What happened?... Where am I?” he asked himself, and then heard the voices again, sounding like they were coming from below, but when he tried to move out of the bed, his body refused as it still felt too sore. Then he heard the sound of someone, or something, walking up the steps towards where he was. Then he saw a sight he couldn’t explain to himself at first as a winged unicorn appeared at the top of the staircase.

“Oh, good, you’re finally awake. We were worried you were too hurt to recover this soon.”

The voice came from Twilight, walking up as she levitated a tray of food and medicine alongside her. She tried to keep a happy and sincere face at the stranger, who looked quite confused himself. Trying to think of something else to say that didn’t start a string of questions, she added “You were lucky we found you when we did, or you’d still be in the ground right now.”

The two-tailed fox just remained quiet, his mind processing what was going on. He was looking at a talking, purple unicorn with wings, something that shouldn’t be out of the ordinary for where he is from and all that he’s seen in his life, but given recent events, it was the last thing he expected to see. The tray she brought up was set down on the bed in front of him.

“We weren’t sure if you were hungry or not, so my friends and I made you a snack with some apple cider to drink,” Twilight added, explaining the tray’s contents. “That pill you see there is some medicine, a little something that can help heal any sore muscles you might have.”

He looked down and saw a sandwich with contents that looked like flowers along with a few apple slices. As his mind began to process things better, he decided to be more direct and say “Thank you,” and then reached out for an apple slice. Before he could have a bite, he then added “Could you tell me where I am?”

Happily replying, she said “You’re in Ponyville, and this place is my home, the Golden Oak Library. This was the closest place we could bring you after finding you so seriously hurt.”

“And by ‘we,’ you mean yourself and your friends?” he asked.

“Of course,” she replied, and the alicorn princess pointed her hoof towards five others approaching them, four by stairs and one by flight, all surrounding the bed he was sitting in.

He looked around at them all, his mind accepting the reality that he was surrounded by six ponies, but still trying to process a whole lot of other things. As he did, he said “So, I’m in Ponyville? I’ve never heard of that place before.” He then decided to ask “Who are you all?”

Going first, the purple pony said “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and these are my best friends.”

“Howdy,” greeted the orange pony. “My name’s Applejack. We here in Ponyville always like to make new friends.”

“The name’s Rainbow Dash,” the blue pegasus followed. “Gotta say, I’ve never seen anyone like you around before, or as beat up.”

“Rainbow Dash, mind your manners now,” the white unicorn addressed her friend. She then turned back to the fox to say “Hello, my dear, I am Rarity. It’s so good to see you, well, somewhat alright. If it wasn’t for my dear friend next to me, we may never have found you,” referring to Fluttershy.

The bright yellow pony just kept herself shy and quiet for the first moment, but then finally said “I’m… I’m Fluttershy.” Her volume dropped so low that he couldn’t hear, and asked for her to repeat her name. “I’m… Fluttershy.” The second time seemed quieter than the first, so their royal friend decided to make the introduction herself.

“Her name is Fluttershy, and like Rarity said, was the one who originally found you. If it wasn’t for her, you’ll still be a fox in a hole… so to speak,” Twilight said, realizing what she was saying at the end and feeling slight guilt in her choice of words.

Then the bright pink pony popped right in front of his face to say “And I’m Pinkie Pie, And I’m Sooooo Happy to meet you! You look like you’re a great person. Well, somepony who’s beaten up like a piñata, but a great person I’m sure!”

All that he could do was watch and listen to them all, and after what Pinkie had said, he tried to show them a small smile and chuckle, but his mouth barely formed one and a sound wasn’t made. Other thoughts blocked him from expressing much at the moment. He took a bite out of the apple slice he grabbed and loved the taste, devouring the rest of it in one gulp. After swallowing, he said with much gratefulness “It’s nice to meet you all. Thank you for all this.”

Her turn to ask the serious questions, Twilight kindly said “Thank you, and you’re welcome. Would you please be kind enough to tell us who you are, and where you came from?”

He looked around at them all, then back at her and replied “My name is Miles Prower, but I preferred to be known as my nickname, Tails. I’m from Mobius where my friends and I were…”

Tails stopped talking as his inner thoughts on recent events began to focus more on the most important matter. His silence and stillness made the six ponies feel awkward, so Rarity asked “Is something the matter, Miles, I mean, Tails?”

For who he was thinking about, there was a matter he needed to change topics to. “Please tell me,” he began to request, “did you find someone else where you found me, a girl where I’m also from? She would be around my height with green hair, blue eyes and red rose buds?”

Expressing sad disappointed, Twilight answered with “I’m sorry, but you were the only one in that crater that we found. Judging by how it was formed, you were the only one to fall into the ground in that spot.”

“And did y’all say, ‘red rose buds?’” asked Applejack. “Is that some kinda fancy getup from when yer from?”

“Sorry, but we didn’t, and you’d think that somebody with green hair and rose buds would stand out easily,” added Pinkie, thinking to herself how anypony could miss such a sight.

“Enough about your friend. You haven’t really told us much about yourself or this ‘Mobile’ place you’re supposed to be from. How do we know we can fully trust you?” inquired Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow!” Twilight said to the cyan mare with an angry glare of disappointment.

Rainbow then added “We have no idea about anything that’s going on with this guy. I’m just keeping my eyes out for anything suspicious.”

“But what about his friend? Perhaps we should keep an eye out for this girl for him. She could be lost, and scared,” Fluttershy stated.

Before another pony could speak, Tails set the tray to the side of him and began to get out from the bed sheets, feeling his body’s pain still being great. “What are you doing there?” Pinkie asked.

“I need to go find her,” he answered, “I can’t just sit around not knowing where she is or if she isn’t safe… Not again. Thank you for helping me, but…” He cut himself off as he got on his feet and his body was not enjoying this. Even with the help from these six ponies, he was not ready to get moving again. As he began to collapse, Twilight rushed next to him and used her back to catch and support him up.

“Oh no,” she said sternly. “You’re not going anywhere in your condition. You need to stay here for the night and rest. If you feel any better tomorrow, then we’ll go out and help you find your friend.” As he tried to start an argument with “But, I…” Twilight immediately responded with “No buts, now here…” She then used her magic to pick him up and put him back in bed, resetting the tray in front of him.

“You really shouldn’t push yourself too hard, or you could hurt yourself even more,” Fluttershy said with much caring and kindness. She then grabbed the pill and cider glass in her hooves and presented them to the fox. “Please take this medicine and have some more food. In the mean time, we can help you find your lost friend.”

Tails felt very reluctant at first, but he knew they were right, and accepted the aide of these newfound caregivers, perhaps even friends. After a sigh and sad expression, he tried to smile again as he replied “I will. Thank you again,” and proceeded to swallow the pill and have a drink. After tasting the latter, he added “This is really good.”

Most of the ponies began to smile, saving Rainbow Dash who still held her suspicions. Using her magic, Twilight pulled out from under her bed the parts of her spare bed and set it up. Seeing this happen, he put two and two together about something and stated “Am I resting in your bed, Twilight?”

“Yes, but it’s alright. This spare bed does come in handy when extra guests stay the night,” she replied. He and her friends then looked out the window and noticed that it was the start of the night as the sun fully set.

“Well look at that, it’s finally night,” Applejack stated. “I was wonderin’ where the day was goin’, because it sure went by slow.”

“Yeah,” Tails said in a quieter volume.

The ponies were starting to see just how sad he was, as even though he gave tells that he was enjoying his snack, worry and depression were taking over. The orange mare spoke again, asking “What’s wrong there, Sugarcube? Got yer friend stuck in mind?” All he did was slightly nod in reply.

Trying to give him positive reassurance, Rarity stated “I’m sure that whoever and wherever your friend is that she’s just fine. First thing in the morning we’ll start a search across Ponyville to see if anypony else may have seen her, or get some clues of where to go and try.”

“Why don’t you tell us more about your friend?” suggested Twilight, concluding setting up the second bed. “The more we get to know about her, the more we have to work with to find her.”

“Yeah, and we can have everypony else spread the word until we find her,” added Pinkie Pie.

Although he still felt estranged for where he was and what was going on Tails was beginning to see more than just six people surrounding him, and started to consider them kindred spirits to he and his friends back home were like. Thinking of the best way to describe her, he began to say “She’s more than just a friend- she’s my best friend, the most important person in my life. Her name is Cosmo, and she’s my life that hurts me too much inside to stay still without knowing where to start finding her. I just wish that things didn’t end up… if I was better at…” His emotions were beginning to take a toll on him as he started to feel regret for some of his actions during the earlier battle he was in, attacking himself mentally for not doing better than he had done. Most of the ponies attempted smiles turned to frowns, saving Rainbow Dash who just grunted after a few moments.

“Alright, I’ve had enough. Time to get out and do something,” she stated, and with the flap of her wings she bolted out of the bedroom and out the open balcony door, flying off into the night sky over Ponyville.

“Where is she off to in such a hurry?” Pinkie wondered.

“I haven’t the slightest of ideas, but I say we should go find out and leave our new friend here to rest,” Rarity stated.

“Sounds good to me. Let’s get goin’,” agreed Applejack and the trio began to make their way out. As the two went on ahead, she turned back to ask “Fluttershy, ya comin’ along?”

“You go on ahead. I’ll stay here with Twilight for a little longer before I go home,” she replied.

“Alright. Good night y’all, and mighty nice to meet you Tails,” the orange mare said, and then ran off to meet with the others.

Tails didn’t look back up before she was gone, thus unable to reply, but he still had some of his emotions to handle at the same time. The thoughts of not knowing where Cosmo was or if she was safe, and his worry began to overtake him enough to shed a sad tear from his eye that dripped into his cider cup. Twilight and Fluttershy saw this open sadness coming from him and tried to aid in comfort and support.

“Just like Rarity said, I’m sure your friend Cosmo will be just fine, Tails. In our experience, as long as you believe in that, it will be true,” said the purple alicorn.

“I always try to believe that, but with all due respect, not knowing anything more than what I know now keeps me heartbroken,” Tails replied, not happy with looking down at her attempt in optimism. Then, he felt something grab hold of him with no expectation. His eyes redirected to see Fluttershy wrap her front legs around him and give him a hug.

“You poor dear, we’re so sorry you feel this way,” said the bright yellow pony in the sweetest of tone. “Don’t worry, we’ll do whatever we can to help you find her.”

“That’s right,” Twilight added, and decided to hug him as well.

He had no idea how to take this, after feeling that he’s been so cold to them, and yet these ponies were giving him so much kindness. He saw such actions only from his closest friends, being so open to those they’d even only get to know after a few minutes. He returned the kindness by finally making a small smile and wrapping one arm around each pony to hug in return. “Thank you,” he said to them, “thank you so much. I may not know much where I’ve ended up, but I know one thing- I’ve found wonderful new friends like you and your friends.”

When the hug broke, the two ponies saw him look much happier, pleasing them much. Twilight then said “You know, if it helps in any way, I’ve also traveled to a different world that was very strange to me when I was there. It was quite an experience, mainly because I wasn’t fully myself. If you’d like to hear about it, I’d be more than happy to share the story with you.”

“Of course. This isn’t the first new world I’ve traveled to myself, so I’d be more than happy to listen,” Tails said.

“But only if you eat the rest of your food. You need to get your strength back after all,” Fluttershy said, in a kind but instructive tone as she held pointed at his sandwich and remaining apple slices in front of him.

Seeing how he had no way to argue with her, and a still hungry stomach to feed, Tails simply said “Yes, Fluttershy,” and began to eat his sandwich. After the first bite, he tasted things he’d never normally eat, then looked at it more carefully to see its contents of apple butter, daisies, daffodils, and some hay. This was truly indeed something he’d never see himself doing – eating flowers and hay between bread slices – but he didn’t bother to say anything, partly because it actually tasted decent, and turned over to the purple mare to say “So, Twilight, what was this other world you visited?” From there, she started her story, and the three talked with each other for quite a while after until it was time for them to get some rest. Although the two-tailed fox had practically no idea about where exactly he was and what was happening outside of this Ponyville, he tried to embrace the hospitality and positivity that these six ponies have given him, a complete stranger to their world, and to his highest hopes, he may be able to find the better half of his heart in this same world as well.

Author's Note:

Not much for me to say other than this is the start of the series, and my very first MLP story I created.

As for my infinite brohoof displayed [/)∞(\], before anyone asks me why I used that, I'll just give my answer simple and direct- why not?