• Published 28th Mar 2014
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Taismo: Discovering Equestria - RockStarMLP

A misuse of Chaos Control sends two of Mobius's most recognized heroes to a new world called Equestria. As they find a way home, they explore and enjoy the world of magic and friendship by six new best friends

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Meanwhile: Confession

It was the Master Four against Dark Oak and Galvatron, the latter mechanical villain only participating at a few moments rather than this colleague who was aggressive and assertive. Sonic and the others had to step aside at this point, the strongest fighters now too weak to be as effective in combat as they were at first, and just watched as the battle took its course, mainly in the skies above them. Even though the four warriors felt exhaustion from all the fighting they’ve had to do prior to having to report to Mobius, they continued on through the fatigue, and their combined abilities would start showing the same from their Metarex foe.

Whether it was adopted Pokemon techniques, traditional fighting skills, Duel Monsters spirits guiding them, or an armed weapon in their grasp, the four kept going, but they and their friends couldn’t shake away the curiosity of the Decepticon’s presence lacking involvement. The battle took its course at the summits of the mountains that overlooked Synthesis, where many Seedrians looked up in surprise and fear of what was happening in their world again.

From the rooftop of the Seedrian Council were several of those of the highest authority of the plant species, watching all they could from their distance. “There must be something we can do. Sonic and the others are unable to keep this up much longer,” said Chrysanthemum with worry.

“Our defenses were useless against Dark Oak when he first appeared, and most of our aerial fleet is damaged. I don’t know what can be done,” Daisy stated.

“Our air forces are down, but we have what members of our small army left stationed around the city. This is our best right now. We know we are no close to matching the powers of the Brotherhood, so to interfere would only doom us all,” Lucas said.

“I just don’t understand something,” Galaxina went on to say. “Galvatron has done almost nothing, only watching the fight for the most part, and not even focusing on Synthesis as he’s done before. What more could this week bring, and how does he play a role in it?”

“He’s the leader of the Brotherhood of Darkness. He has a role in everything they’ve done,” Lucas stated.

Starla then added “But what will he do this time? It just seems, out of place this time…”

Earthia’s mind absorbed everything being discussed, watching what parts of the battle she could, and above all, thinking about what Dark Oak had done to her family a few days ago. She thought of her daughter, and the fox she considered a son, and how her race’s closest enemy caused them to disappear. All she wanted to do was make the evil forces pay for their actions, but she knew she was powerless to do that herself, only wishing to find a better involvement in healing wounds under everyone’s skin. Her attention shifted from her thoughts when one of the others spoke up to seek authority.

“Earthia, what should we do?” asked Daisy.

The Seedrian leader contemplated options silently first, making sure to instruct her peers and her people in only the best ways. Once she concluded her available options, she turned back from the battle to give her instructions. “Lucas will remain and lead our military with myself. The rest of you, go to Synthesis’s communication center and assure our people are, and will, be safe. Then, contact Dr. Eggman at Team JAG Headquarters, inform him with all up to date information, and ask to aide in the search for my daughter and son.”

Her friends and family acted on the commands with no hesitation, leaving only herself and Lucas on top of the building to see what they could of the fight taking place.


Galvatron had his eyes on the civilization for the last few minutes during the conversation, himself also in deep thoughts. He turned back to the fight when a clash of energy blasts between Dark Oak and Gohan caused an explosion that sent them both in far opposite directions. The other members of the Master Four began to charge in, but the Decepticon used his abilities to overpower them and regroup the four, immediately standing behind his colleague afterwards. As each side got back up from their feet, the exhaustion was showing more than ever, but the pride each side had remained intact.

“Dark Oak, the chaos you’ve brought back to this place must end,” Atem said. “Your games are growing too old to deal with time and time again.”

“You make it sound as if I’m now boring to you,” the Metarex said back. “Tell me, does having an army of interdimensional soldiers steal the Chaos Emeralds not anger you? Does knowing the aftermath of our last encounter here not strain your thoughts and emotions?”

“That’s something you should know about after all these years,” retorted Gohan. “After everything you’ve put us all through since Cosmo came to this planet to find help, you cause nothing but anger to us, and fear to so many more.”

Standing just a few feet behind the four were Sonic and the group of friends that could watch what had gone on for so long. Most of them have dealt with the Metarex more times than anyone from Team JAG, the only exceptions being the engaged heroes Kim and Ron, but regardless of how many times any of them had dealt with them, the feeling was mutual – they were sick of it.

The slaughter, the lifeless worlds, the goal of solely death and destruction, all consequences of the enemy’s actions that they chose to stand against after the calling of a single girl, who spoke for the entire galaxy over eight years ago. A few of them had their own words to say to Dark Oak, and decided to make themselves heard at that moment.

“He’s right you know,” said an exhausted Sonic, being supported up by Amy and Cream. “One of these days, it’s all going to come down to the end, and we’ll finally see which side will be the winner in the end.”

“That’s right! And you better bet that hollow metal head of yours it’s going to be us!” followed Amy.

“We’ll see soon enough,” added Shadow, standing on his own two feet. The Chaotix tried to help him up, but the hedgehog’s pride forced them to hold back their helpful offer. “Something tells me you’re just here to figure that out for yourselves, seeing the days number down.”

“Interesting thought,” Ash stated, and then addressed the two enemies. “Why don’t you tell us how right he is about that?”

“Yes,” Galvatron stated, and just left it at that.

“Is that what this is all about?! Because you two freaks feel old?!” exclaimed Ron. “Come on, one of you has been causing insanity for decades, and the other longer than anyone I know being alive!”

Kim, although not as expressive as him, couldn’t help but agree with what he said. “You know, that makes a lot of sense to me,” she said, and just left it at that.

“As you’ve said before, this war of ours has gone in nowhere but circles for years, even far before the Metarex and Team JAG actually came to be,” Dark Oak went on to say. “I look back on all the times of conflict and the wars that they took place in, thinking of how often the cycle will continue. Then, when Chaos Control last happened, I realized that as long as you all have each other, it never will. We’ll always come back stronger and deadlier, and you’ll come back to oppose us every time. So long as those two are around, this will be as well.”

“So what’s your point?” Knuckles asked in a growl, supported onto his feet by Rouge.

Galvatron’s horns began to glow a solid black aura, followed by his eyes, and he told them “The sad reality is this – somehow those two will find a way to get back here, wherever they’ve ended up. So long as those two exist, our war will as well, for with them you can accomplish anything, but without them, you will turn to nothing. The closest we’ve come to success following our battles at the center of this galaxy was when Dark Oak’s sword thrust through that pitiful woman last year. That was only for fun for us.”

“Fun? FUN!” exclaimed Jason, his dark rage taking control of him. What happened with his closest friend was still a sore spot for him, having never dealt with a matter such as that that couldn’t be fixed. They all began to feel his power levels spike as he began to make a certain transformation.

“How Dare You! What you did that day, I’ve never wanted your deaths in my hands more than ever!” His body began to flash a change between his current form, and his most powerful form he only accessed before, the shadowy figure in the dark cloak and wielding an incredible scythe.

“Don’t even bother with that. This battle is over,” Dark Oak said back. Surprising the heroes, they just wondered what was going on next, to which their answer came as Darkness began to shroud both the Metarex and the Decepticon, returning them to the Brotherhood’s headquarters. “What happened this week was nothing but a field trip of sorts, to only pursuit a chance of Chaos when it was available. What happened here today, it was just a field study I needed to conduct, to see how you truly are without that wretched couple.”

“Don’t you DARE insult them!” the dark warrior lashed out.

“Or what? Yes that scythe you gained caused us great damage, but it still won’t do you good here today,” Galvatron said back. “Our conflict here is over, spending day and night going on back and forth with no clear winner… not yet at least. Remember this, and remember it well – the end of our feud may be closer than we all think. Only time can tell that, but rest assured, whether it’s true or not, we’ll never let our efforts lighten. The next time we meet, an end will come, and we Will make sure of it. Until we meet again…”

The shroud of Darkness then swallowed the two and they vanished off of Mobius, leaving the entire group lost and confused about how to take this, let alone address this to the rest of Team JAG. For the time being, it would seem that the hectic battling had finally concluded, which allowed the strongest warriors to power down back to normal, get some rest, and return to the most important matter at hand –

Finding Tails and Cosmo, wherever they may be.

The first thing any of them had to say following the entire time was Knuckles. For the longest time, he had a sense based on his connection with Chaos energy. “I need to return to Angel Island,” he said. “I need to return to standing by the Master Emerald.”