• Published 28th Mar 2014
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Taismo: Discovering Equestria - RockStarMLP

A misuse of Chaos Control sends two of Mobius's most recognized heroes to a new world called Equestria. As they find a way home, they explore and enjoy the world of magic and friendship by six new best friends

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Chapter 4

"All aboard for Ponyville!"

As the conductor of the Ponyville Express at the Canterlot Train Station made the last call for passengers, the train’s last two passengers had raced their way onto the platform. One was Spike, the faithful number one assistant of Princess Twilight Sparkle, who led the way onto the train as he was followed by Cosmo, the Seedrian in search for a way back home to Mobius, and her greatest hope, her best friend. They got on the train and shared a seat in the car second to the front, sitting at a window facing the station. Just seconds after sitting down, the train’s whistle blew and began departing from Canterlot, and Cosmo watched out the window as views of the capital city moved by. She put herself into thoughts of the near future, unaware of her little companion trying to talk to her about the same thing.

“I’m telling you, Cosmo, you’re going to love Ponyville,” Spike was saying. “It’s a great town, and everyone there is really nice and awesome! There’s this great bakery where one of my friends work at that makes the best desserts ever, even though I’d prefer a gemstone platter myself. All the ponies there are as kind as can be, and there’s this one pony, she’s the most beautiful, talented dressmaker you could ever meet. Maybe when we get back I can get everypony together…”

He stopped talking when he noticed how Cosmo was looking out the window, not noticing this when he started to talk. What he saw from the corner of her face was a look of sadness and concern, and who could blame her? Being in a strange new world without the slightest idea of how to get home or how alone she really was wouldn’t be for anyone, so he tried to focus more on her than about Ponyville.

“Don’t worry, Cosmo. I’m sure Twilight will be more than able to help you out,” he told her, getting her attention by patting his claw on her shoulder.

This caught her attention as she turned her head away from the scenic view of Equestira. She looked down at Spike to say “I’m sorry. I could hear you talking, but my mind was thinking of other things. I really hope you and Princess Celestia are right about your friend. Right now, she’s my last hope to find my own way back.”

“I know, but you can still try to enjoy yourself while you’re here. You need to cheer yourself up a little,” Spike suggested, and an idea found him rather than him trying to find one.

“Well if it ain’t little Spike,” said a voice coming up from the back of the car. When the little dragon and Seedrian turned around to see who was coming up, he noticed that it was a friend from back in Canterlot, pushing a cart of delicacies.

“Hey Donut Joe,” Spike greeted him. “What are you doing on the train?”

“I’m heading to Baltimare for the yearly family reunion. Since I’m making a side trip to Manehattan after that to get some new cooking supplies, I figured I’d bring some business with me and sell some donuts during the ride to Ponyville,” the colt explained. He then reached to pick up a glazed donut, and a sprinkled donut with golden yellow frosting. “Might I interest you and your friend here in a snack?”

“You know it,” the little dragon replied happily, and happily accepted the offer. He paid Joe the last bits he had on him for the meal before the colt went off to serve other ponies. He then said to Cosmo “Now that was lucky. Let me tell ya, there’s no better donut around here than a Donut Joe donut. Here, give it a try.”

Cosmo took the donut handed to her, the one with the golden yellow icing, thanking him for the snack. While the little guy was enjoying his treat, she took a bite of the donut, enjoying its great taste very much, but the icing’s color reminded her of Tails, so much so that she didn’t take another bite.

“Tails, I don’t know where you are, but I swear you’re somewhere here, with me,” she thought to herself quietly. She then said in open thought “I miss you, and I hope I find you, wherever you are.”

“Who do you miss, your close friend you mentioned earlier?” Spike asked, his mouth still full of donut deliciousness. She silently nodded yes as he swallowed his food, then came up with an idea.

“Tell you what, if it helps you feel any better, why don’t you tell me a little bit about your world, and at some point I’ll tell you more about here?”

She smiled at him and replied “That would be nice, if you wouldn’t mind at least. Thank you, Spike.” Before saying another word, she decided to take another bite of her donut, and after swallowing began to talk about her home back on Mobius. “Back in my world, I’ve been very fortunate to live in a place where my clan can live in peace, and my many best friends are just as much my family. I live in a lovely home near Green Hills with Tails, my most special friend and someone I’ll love forever…”


The day moved forward in Ponyville that felt usual to most ponies, but longer for a selected few and their newest interdimensional friend, Tails. The fox, although recovering nicely from his previous battle back home, was not still fully able to do much without risking exhaustion and collapse, so he remained with Twilight at the library where the two shared information about each other’s worlds. The princess, who kept that identity of herself quiet from him, enjoyed learning whatever she could about Tails’s home world, so much so that she began to take notes about it all.

Some of the other ponies stayed or stopped by throughout the day, all except for Rainbow Dash, but only for so long so they could not only take care of their own responsibilities, but help in a search to find any trace of his closest friend. As the afternoon hours passed on, Tails began to try and help Twilight go through some of her books to research whatever they could about dimensional travels or mystical portals that could help him find a way home, while holding mild discussions about each other’s worlds at the same time.

“So your home world of Mobius has advanced technology that’s both relatable to some of our own, but most of it far more advanced than what my friends and I have told you about? That’s so fascinating,” Twilight said as intrigued as any new information would be. “I can only try to imagine what it all could be.”

“It can be quite the sight at times,” Tails said in return, expressing very slight boast with his experiences. “It’s too bad I don’t have a translator with me. Something like that would help me be able to read your books. I hate to say it, but I can’t make much of your scripts other than the numbers.”

“It’s alright, Tails. You don’t need to help me out so much, since you could use the rest after all,” she said to him, then looked back to her book. After just another minute looking through a book, she let out a small, frustrated “Ugh,” and used her magic to toss the book into a pile she had already stacked.

“Something wrong, Twilight?” he asked her, setting a book he had aside and stood up onto his feet.

As she used magic to get another book, she replied “I’m sorry, Tails. I just don’t like it when not a book I go through gets me any lead of how to figure things out. At least I’ve still got at least half the library to work with.”

“That’s true,” he said. “I can tell that you really enjoy learning, both from all the books you have here for yourself, and the notes you’ve taken about my home.”

They then both looked at all the notes she took, enough to start an encyclopedia of his home dimension. Twilight just smiled feeling a little embarrassed, and Tails saw this and just had a small laugh. “It’s quite alright. You actually remind me of a little bit of myself, wanting to learn what I can for better knowledge, but mine’s isn’t as historically focused like you.”

“I appreciate the compliment,” she said. “So, you’ve told me about your home planet and the many inhabitants that live there, including the alien plants and that one guy, Dr. Eggman? Are there any kinds of ponies that live there like myself or my friends?”

“No, I’m afraid not. There are many types of people where I’m from, but no ponies or horses,” he answered. “It’s mainly mammals like me and my friends, Eggman as a being I described to you as a human, and the Seedrians, the plant race and Cosmo’s clan.”

Throughout the day, Tails had mentioned about Cosmo quite a few times, and even though he tried his best not to show it, his heart hurt more and more wondering about her well-being. Hiding it after trying so hard all day became more difficult, and he showed it this time as his face showed a frown. As Twilight saw this, she could easily tell what he was feeling, and tried to make him feel better by saying “I know it’s impossible not to think about it, but if you keep focusing on the worst,…”

“I know,” he said, cutting her off. “Trust me, I’ve thought like this before.”

The princess tried to cheer him up by suggesting “Tell you what- why don’t we, and I can’t believe I’m saying this for myself, take a break from the books and do something fun? Maybe you can look around Ponyville with my telescope and I can tell you what you’re looking at?”

“Thanks, but I don’t think I’ve got the fun in me for it right now. Some of my thoughts, from my past, they tend to take over my mind for a while after building up so much,” he told her.

“Why is that? What are some of these thoughts you have?” she asked. Since they began to talk, she had learned much about him and where he’s from, but not all the details. Some things from his eventful life had their time and place to be talked about, but now wasn’t the right time.

“I’d rather not say, not for now at least,” he replied. “I’m sorry, Twilight. If you don’t mind, I’d like to think on my own for a while.” She offered him to go wherever he’d like in her home, and he found a place to do so- her balcony outside.


Tails kept himself secluded out on the balcony for what turned into hours, sitting on the floor with his arms resting on the railing. His mind raced with different thoughts from the past, and those since awakening in the new world he was in, all connecting back to Cosmo. He may have been found by a group of ponies who treated him with care and respect, which he found incredibly fortunate, but not knowing where she was, how she was doing, or feeling as alone without him as him without her, it wouldn’t stop keeping his mind uneasy.

It was evening when all of Twilight’s friends returned to the library, discussing what they have learned during the afternoon, which resulted in nothing other than the alicorn and fox’s interdimensional education. They talked to each other downstairs in the main library, trying to not have their guest overhear what they would say.

“Did you ask everypony you could about any sights of Cosmo?” Twilight asked, their current discussion about the search for the missing Seedrian.

“Every single one we could come across,” Rarity said. “I went to the spa, Quills & Sofas, anyone who came to the boutique, and the spa again.” Some of the ponies gave her a glare about the second spa visit. “Don’t look at me that way. The first time was a regular appointment, and the second was after asking so many ponies all day.”

Fluttershy then added “I asked anypony I ran into, and told my critter friends to let me know if they see anyone like her. I just hope I gave them a proper description.”

“I wouldn’t get too worried about that. This Cosmo is definitely a standout kind of girl, so she wouldn’t be hard to miss if ever found,” Applejack stated. “Back at the farm, I told the family about what’s happenin’ and they said they’d keep their eyes open, too.”

“What about you, Pinkie Pie?” the purple pony asked her bubbly pink friend.

Pinkie Pie then pulled out a scroll, and began to read off it. As it unraveled, it just kept getting longer. “Well… I checked Sugarcube Corner, the bank, the bowling alley, the lake, town hall, the school, Applejack’s apple cellar, Sugarcube Corner again, the diner, the toy store, the joke shop, both the toy store and joke shop again, the park, the bog, the hospital, that one restaurant that I thought was a tavern that wasn’t a tavern but actually the new sandwich place that used to me the old buffet before it got infested by all those parasprites that smelled the food all the way from Everfree Forest and devoured everything but…”

“Thank You, Pinkie! We Get It!” yelled one of the ponies, covering the pink mare’s mouth with her hoof to silence the running list. This pony was Rainbow Dash, her first time back at the library since meeting Tails last night. “So the point is we haven’t found this person around here. What do we do now?”

“I wish I knew, but there is something I’d like to know from you Rainbow Dash. What was with your attitude change from how it was last night when Tails woke up to what you’ve been up to since you dashed out of here?” Twilight asked.

Putting on a stubborn front, Rainbow said “Hey, I flew all over Ponyville AND the outside area looking for this Cosmo while taking care of the weather at the same time in the day AND night. I just went off to start looking, that’s all.”

“Calm down there, Rainbow,” Applejack told her. “Twilight wasn’t criticizin’ you about what you did, but you could explain to her why you were doin’ all that. You told some of us last night, after all.”

“She did?” asked Fluttershy. She and Twilight came to realized that this must’ve been after most of them left last night, and they stayed to talk to Tails. When making this realization, she then said “Rainbow Dash, we all know you’d go out of your way to help anyone when they needed help. That must be why you…”

“Not exactly,” the cyan pegasus interrupted, getting frustrated. “Look, I just have my reasons, and I’d rather figure out what we should do next than talk about this.”

“Come on, Rainbow Dash, drop the attitude you got going on this time. Why won’t you just tell us?” Twilight asked, becoming just as frustrated as her friend.

The two mares were standing opposite of one-another as it was, so having them in a position of ongoing debate and conflict was not something the other ponies wanted to see accelerate.

Applejack got between the two and said “Now hold your horses there, you two. We’re here to help a new friend, not argue with another.”

“Applejack is right,” agreed Rarity. “Let’s keep our focus on our poor little foxy friend upstairs. I saw a little of him as we all walked in. He looks absolutely miserable, and we need to fix that.”

“Maybe, if it’s possible, that we should expand the search farther out of Ponyville,” Fluttershy suggested.

“That’s a great idea!” Pinkie exclaimed. “I say we start out by going as far as Las Pegasus and San Franciscolt, maybe even Acapulcolt!”

“Easy there, Pinkie. Maybe we should start a little closer and ask Princess Celestia for some help. When Spike gets back we can send her a letter telling about everything,” the group’s alicorn princess said.

Suddenly, she realized something about one of whom she just mentioned. “Oh my gosh! I forgot Spike comes home today! He’s bound to have all those books and scrolls I asked him to bring back from Canterlot, but I can’t exactly leave for too long with Tails here.”

“Take it easy there, dear. I’m sure Spike can handle it himself,” Rarity assured her friend. “Besides, I’m sure Tails could use some company to at least talk to. How long has he been out there on the balcony?”

Thinking back in how the day went, Twilight answered “A few hours. He hasn’t moved or said a word since he sat down.”

“He must really miss his friend. The poor thing,” Fluttershy said, and nearly every face fell in sympathy for him. The only exception was Rainbow Dash.

“Alright, you know what, I’ve heard enough sad talk. I’m going to do something about this,” she said, then raced her way through her friends and up the stairs without a pony able to say a word.

“What has gotten into that pony?” Twilight pondered, then checked the time.

“Why don’t you and Fluttershy go keep an eye on her and Tails? The rest of us can go and meet with Spike at the train station,” Applejack suggested, and all the ponies agreed and went off in their own directions.


Tails’s seclusion from the ponies left him in a place of his own, thinking about how difficult he’s been towards them with all the help they’ve done for him. He hated the way he was acting, but this was something both old and new to him- traveling to a new world being familiar, but unsure what became of Cosmo after Chaos Control that he never dealt with before. He was so distracted that he didn’t sense Rainbow Dash coming for him, not noticing until he heard the door onto the balcony open and her saying “Hey, Tails, you got a minute?”

He turned himself around just enough to see her and replied “Sure. You’re Rainbow Dash, right?”

“Yeah, the one and only,” she said with some boastful pride. She dropped that attitude and walked over to stand next to him.

“I’m here to talk to you about a couple things. One is our search and, well, we covered all over Ponyville but haven’t found a trace. All the other ponies we told will let us know if they found your friend.”

“Thank you,” he said to her. He turned his head to look right at her, and looked for a few seconds. “Finding her was your initiative for dashing out last night. Is that right?”

At that point, Twilight and Fluttershy arrived by the doorway, but didn’t walk out to the two quite yet. They stood there watching to see where this conversation was going, and what they heard next was something they almost never hear. Rainbow Dash said to him “Well, yeah, it was the main reason why I left, but there was another reason. It’s about the way I acted towards you last night, being so cold and rude. So, about that… I’m sorry.”

Tails could tell that she was forcing through pride to say that, but he was still curious about apology. “It’s alright, Rainbow. I could imagine that seeing someone as different as me would make others do that, but why exactly did you act like that?” he asked.

The cyan mare took a seat next to him and started explaining herself. “Look, I’m not sure how often crazy things come dropping from the sky from where you’re from, but here, when something like that happens, it’s almost never good. I could tell how beat up and worn out you were when my friends and I found you, but something in my head told me that there was something about you that not everypony was seeing, and I didn’t want to take any chances.

"I acted the way I did to make sure nothing funny would happen because we didn’t know if we could fully trust you, and I took it the farthest. After seeing how you acted when you wake up, and how my friends described you today, I knew I was wrong about you, but didn’t want to admit it. Anyway, I’m sorry for being so cold to you before.”

He didn’t speak anything at first, and the two watching ponies didn’t step into the conversation yet. Like her stubbornness, he could tell that she was being genuine, and recognized her kind of behaviors before. He wrapped an arm around her and gave her a smile, the first one he had all afternoon, and said “Thanks, Rainbow, I really appreciate it. In fact, you remind me a lot of some friends back home.”

She smiled back at him, replying with “That so, huh? Anyone cool?”

“Well, you remind me of most of them because you seem to put the safety of your friends before anything, but most of all, you remind me of one of my closest friends Sonic,” he told her.

“Yeah, I try to do what’s best for others before what’s best for me whenever I can,” she boasted. Her two friends just rolled their eyes to each other over that statement. “So what’s this Sonic like?”

“Well,” thought Tails, “he’s always there for us when we need him and take on a challenge when he knows he should. Plus he’s pretty much the fastest person you’d ever meet, both on his feet and in his mind. He’s one of the best friends you could ask for, especially after he led us into helping Cosmo out when we first met her.”

“Fast guy, huh? I bet I can give him a run for his money, seeing I’m the best flyer Equestria’s ever seen,” Rainbow said with much confidence. She’d go on about herself, but not before she saw him starting to laugh a little, which caused her to laugh herself. It was at that point that Twilight and Fluttershy revealed themselves as they started to laugh too. The two were walking out onto the balcony when the laughter died down, and their friend asked “How long have you guys been standing there?”

“Not too long. The others went to meet Spike at the train station, and we stuck around to help out Tails if he needed anything,” Twilight replied.

Fluttershy then said “We hope that we didn’t interrupt your conversation. I’m sorry if we did.”

Tails didn’t say anything at first, but Rainbow said “It’s no problem, right Tails?” He was zoned out for a few moments before he came back to the conversation. He said “Sorry, I was just thinking to myself again. What Fluttershy just said reminded me a lot about Cosmo.”

“I did? Oh, I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t make you more upset about missing her,” the bright yellow mare said.

“No, no, it’s fine. It’s just that Cosmo always tended to apologize for reasons she had no reason to apologize for in the first place. She didn’t want to be a burden to anyone for anything,” he explained.

Out of all of her friends, Rainbow Dash learned the least about Cosmo other than her description and how apparently close she was to him, so she said “This girl sounds like the most important thing in your life. What is your deal with Cosmo, anyway?”

He remembered as far back as the day the two first met, and told the three ponies “She came right out of the sky from the stars of our galaxy back home, similar to how you actually found me yesterday, but for slightly different reasons. Since then, we found ourselves spending more and more time together while we were traveling with our friends, sharing stories from our lives and enjoying being with each other so much that it would go on for hours on end.

"We created this bond that no one could break, because we somehow created a love for each other that could never be broken. I always tried to help her become a happier and stronger person, and in return she helped to make me an even greater person than I could even think of becoming. Cosmo’s my best friend in life, and I couldn’t imagine one without her in it.”

His touching description played the heart strings of each pony that had each of them tearing up, except for Rainbow Dash, who fought to hold her tears back. He had to clear his throat himself, trying not to react the same, but a purple hoof rested on his shoulder as he turned to see Twilight looking at him. “She sounds very special, Tails. It must be amazing to have someone so close in life like you do,” she said.

“It’s much more than that,” he said. “She’s my life’s greatest blessing, and all I want is for her to be happy and safe. It’s hard to think that when I’m here and I don’t know about her.”

“I’m sure she’s just fine. You just need to have faith in each other,” Fluttershy said to him.

“Yeah, what they said,” Rainbow Dash added. “Why don’t you tell us more about her? It could help you feel better.”

The fox looked around at the three ponies surrounding him, and couldn’t have felt luckier to have befriended such kind-hearted strangers turned to friends. He cleared his throat again, and used his hand to wipe away a tear that was forming in his eye, then said “Well, there’s so much to say about her and our times together. When we’re home, we have so many times to have fun and relax in our home, from my workshop and practice area to her gardening and favorite spots to take it easy. Our family and friends, they would always try to find us to have us find them somewhere to be together, but the truth is, every time we’re together, it never gets better than that.” The skies above them began to make the starting changes into the night as the evening colors shined while he went on to tell more about his beloved Cosmo.


It was near the time the Ponyville Express would arrive, and Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack were waiting at the station for it. The station wasn’t that far from the library since the two were a seeing distance from one-another, so they weren’t too far away to help their coming friend back with everything needed to be taken back. They stood on the platform, or hopped in place for Pinkie’s case, waiting for the train as they talked about the current matters they were dealing with.

“Do you really think we could find this Cosmo?” Rarity asked.

“Beats me, but we can’t just wait around and do nothing hoping she’d just show up,” Applejack said. “I still don’t put it passed me that Tails came here on his own though.”

“That’s what I was thinking as well. I don’t think I could bear to see his face if she was never found, or anything worse. Something about what happened that sent him to Equestria has really shaken him up,” the white unicorn pointed out.

“I know,” Pinkie agreed. “It’s like it was something so beyond terrifying and wrong that it would have that affect on anypony that would have to deal with the same thing. It’s like their world has their own Everfree Forest or something.”

The orange mare thought about this and stated “I’m not sure what’s worse- if what Pinkie just said is true, or if it could be even worse.”

“I’d rather not even think about it,” Rarity said.

“Me neither. I’d rather think about what kind of parties and cake and fun that other world has. Maybe they have their own kind of super party that they do to make others happy and smile just like me, but with something that could make it more than a party,” said the pink mare, getting excited by her own thoughts. She then had a huge gasp and said “What if… what if… they have super ultimate interdimensional parties?! That would be AMAZING!!”

Her two friends looked at one-another with less than agreeable looks, and Applejack then said “Pinkie Pie, I’d hardly believe that they’d be able to throw parties like how you imagine it. Besides, you are the best party pony in Ponyville.”

“Got that right,” Pinkie said with a laugh.

“But that still doesn’t change about how we can help that poor Tails,” Rarity pointed out. “If only Spikey-Wikey didn’t have to be at Canterlot when we found Tails, otherwise we’d send a letter to Princess Celestia about it.”

“Relax there, Sugarcube. I’m sure the princess will be as helpful to us now as she would be earlier,” Applejack said. Just as she stopped talking, the sound of a train whistle blew, and the three ponies turned to see the train coming in. “And won’t you look at that. The train’s finally here, and just before dark too.”

The train pulled in and slowed down to a halt at the station, and passengers began to depart just a couple seconds after. The three were standing on the opposite end of the platform from where their expected dragon was, so they didn’t notice the passenger he was with during the ride. When one of the coach’s doors opened, they could see Spike exiting and ran over to greet him, who saw them coming with much surprise.

“Hey there everypony. What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Twilight said you were comin’ in on this train, so we thought we’d come greet you and help haul back all the…” Applejack said, but the three noticed that he had no books or scrolls or anything with him.

“Excuse me, Spike, but we thought you were bringing back some things from Canterlot for Twilight,” Rarity pointed out.

“Well, I was, but something came up and I had to leave it all behind,” Spike told them.

“Really? What was that important?” Pinkie asked.

The little dragon turned to his side and waved out for someone to step out of the train. “It isn’t what is important, but someone who is,” he answered, and stepping out of the train was a young woman, looking a little tired but a lot like a certain description they received earlier. Green hair, red rose buds, an amulet and floral dress, it all fit from what they were told before. “She came to Canterlot looking for help, and Princess Celestia requested me to bring her here to see Twilight,” he explained further. “Her name’s…”

“That hair. Those buds. That amulet. It all fits,” Rarity stuttered. “It couldn’t be…”

Seeing this girl become confused, Applejack spoke up and said “Pardon me, miss, but would you be…”

“This girl that we’ve started looking all over the place because you’d be a one-of-a-kind to find for a friend of ours?!” Pinkie asked.

The girl was unsure of how to answer that question, so she just introduced to herself- “Hello. My name is Cosmo.”

The three mares couldn’t believe it, and Pinkie Pie got so excited by this that she grabbed a megaphone she pulled out of nowhere to exclaim as loud as she could “TWIIIIILIIIIIIIIGHT!!!! TAAAAAAIIIIILLLLLSS!!!! WE FOUND HER!!! WE FOUND HER!!!! WE FOUND HER!!!!!”

The echoing sounds reached the group sitting out on the balcony, not to mention the greater Ponyville area, perhaps even as far out as Canterlot. The alicorn princess, two pegasi and one two-tailed fox heard this with a little ringing left in their ears, putting them all in a surprising state. Tails, however, couldn’t believe what he had just heard himself, saying to himself “What… what did she say? They found her... Cosmo?!”

When Pinkie put her megaphone away, and those on the platform were trying to shake off the effect of that calling, Cosmo just stood where she was in a strange combination of shock and surprise. “Wait, did you just say Tails?!” she said. “He’s here? He’s alright?!”

“He’s seen better days, but yes, he’s here,” answered Rarity.

“I can’t believe it,” Cosmo said, smiling a giant smile and her eyes watering to cry. “Please tell me where he is.”

“We’ll do you one better! Follow us!” Pinkie added, and she led the group to run off the platform and around the front of the train to the other side of the tracks. When Cosmo made it across, the pink mare pointed her hoof towards the library, more specifically the upper balcony. “He’s right up there!” Without saying a word, the Seedrian began running as fast as her body would allow towards that direction.

On the balcony, the four that were up here noticed the group that made its way across the tracks, but with the sky starting to turn dark, it was becoming difficult to see completely clear. They looked over the side of the balcony railing as much as they could, but Tails got a very familiar sense of who he was seeing again. “They’re starting to hoof it over here. I think it is our friends, and the smallest one there, that must be Spike,” Rainbow Dash said.

“You’re right,” Fluttershy added, “it is them. But that one in the front, I’ve never seen anyone like that before… That must be-“


The calling voice grabbed the fox’s attention in all the best ways, and a great wave of relief and happiness surrounded him, his mouth smiling wide and his eyes starting to cry. He knew it was her, and that voice proved it, and now he could sense through his heart that it was her heart coming towards him. “It’s her! It’s Cosmo!!!”

“That’s wonderful, Tails!” Twilight exclaimed, as she and her friends became overjoyed for him. “I’ll make sure to race down there and bring her up to…” She stopped before finishing her sentence when she saw him show them all something that was quite surprising given how his condition appeared.

Tails jumped into the air, ignoring what pain his body was still feeling, and used his energy to propel him in an incredibly fast flight down towards his approaching Cosmo. The ponies stopped in their tracks and watched as they saw the two reunite with each other, locking onto one-another in their arms as he flew up into the air circling them around and around. At first, they started to laugh, but when the spinning stopped in the air, so did that. The two’s tear-filled eyes stared into one-another, with no desire to look away for even a slight second. In their sights, their best friend was alive and safe, with them, and that they were not alone in this new world after all.

“Oh, Tails,” Cosmo said lovingly, “I feared I wouldn’t have found you like this. You’re okay, and after all that happened.”

Tails had to give a slight cringe of pain, but he chuckled it off and said “Not completely, but I don’t care about that. I’m just glad you’re alright, and that you’re here with me. I wanted to find you so badly, but…”

“Don’t blame yourself,” she told him. “We were fortunate to have been helped by who we’ve met. All I care about right now is you and I are together again.” She then started to cry, not in an upset manner, but overcome with joy.

He couldn’t help but act the same himself, but he quickly put it aside to say “And all that matters is that we’re not apart anymore. I love you, Cosmo. I love you so much.”

She used one of her hands to hold the back of his head, and then said “And I love you, my hero. I love you too, Tails.” Then, she pulled his head toward her, their lips meeting for a beautifully loving kiss. As it went on, the sun had finally set, and they shared that moment under the stars and moonlit night of Equestria.

Their tears dropped down from their faces onto the ground below like a light rainfall, and everypony who was there watched this beautiful moment with their own joy as well. What they saw was truly a display of a loving bond that they could barely begin to understand completely, but it was still a wonderful sight to behold. Each of the ponies reacted in their own way- on the ground, Applejack’s eyes watering up immensely as she smiled, Rarity acting similar but her lips waving as she tried not to cry aloud, Pinkie Pie sitting on the ground crying her lungs out as tears flowed out like broken faucets. On the balcony, Fluttershy’s eyes flowed with tears as she couldn’t help feeling so happy to see the lovers together again, Rainbow Dash trying to keep herself from getting too emotional terribly as a couple tears fell and she made very quiet, but still hearable, wimpers, and Twilight Sparkle just stood where she was and let her eyes run with tears as she smiled at the beauty that was Tails and Cosmo’s love

“There’s so much more to them,” she thought to herself. “I just know it. They’ll teach us something great about beings so close, and I look forward to learning all about it.”