• Published 28th Mar 2014
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Taismo: Discovering Equestria - RockStarMLP

A misuse of Chaos Control sends two of Mobius's most recognized heroes to a new world called Equestria. As they find a way home, they explore and enjoy the world of magic and friendship by six new best friends

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Chapter 12

Three teenage dragons became a threat to first the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Snowstar, and after a chase into Ponyville, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends were new targets. The three’s presence was all to steal a gem that the fillies had, which in reality was the purple Chaos Emerald that was transported to Equestria with Tails and Cosmo during Chaos Control. Most of the ponies and Cosmo sought shelter inside the Golden Oak Library and watched as the heroic fox not only gave Twilight the emerald to use with her own powers, but after making a deal of how things will go with the three foes, ascended himself to his Super Saiyan form.

Needless to say that the sight of this was almost unbelievable if all but the fillies hadn’t seen the visions of the Metarex war’s climatic conclusion, or during a recent race. Except, only able to hear what was going on, Snowstar was left in the darkness of her blindness to understand anything that was happening?

“What’s going on? Why is everypony acting so shocked? What was with all the screaming?” she asked, scared and confused.

“Ohmygosh. Ohmygosh. Ohmygosh. Ohmygosh. Ohmygosh. Ohmygosh. Ohmygosh,” the only words Rainbow Dash could say out of her mouth at that moment.

“Land sakes! I can’t believe he just did it right in front of us,” Applejack said.

“That was totally cool!” Scootaloo yelled.

“Are my eyes playin’ tricks on me?! Did Tails just, turn gold?” asked a confused Apple Bloom.

“YOU BET! THIS IS GREAT! HE’S GOING GOLD TO TAKE ON THE RED… AND PURPLE… AND BROWN… THOSE DRAGONS ARE GOING DOWN!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, answering the yellow filly’s question.

Fluttershy was crotched on the ground shaking in life-threatening fear. It was one thing to deal with dragons. It was another thing to see what Tails had become through the visions. But seeing it happen right in front of her was more terrifying than she could imagine. She whimpered with her head down and her front hooves covering her eyes, saying over and over “I will not look. I will not look. I will not look…”

Standing next to her was Cosmo, who kneeled down to try to tell her “Fluttershy, you have nothing to be scared about. It’s still Tails out there. He’s just a little different to do the right thing. Trust me.” Although she heard no verbal response, the yellow pegasus hooves stopped shaking, a start to somewhere.

Confused by everything, Sweetie Belle asked her big sister “What in the hay is going on out there?! What did Tails just do?”

“He’s tapped into a strange power that nopony’s ever seen before, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity explained. She then looked at where Spike had set the two outfits she ‘gave’ to him to guard before, but just for a moment. “It’s like how I find new inspirations for my work, but for him, it’s his style of added strength.”

The little unicorn had no idea what her sister had meant, and instead looked over at how Snowstar was acting. She said to her friend “Snowstar, I think that Tails and Twilight will have this all taken care of. That screaming, it made him… well, it turned him into…”

“What are you saying? He’s different now?” asked the blind filly.

“Well,” Cosmo said, “what’s she’s trying to tell you is that Tails out there, he’s become a special state of being at the moment to stop the dragons.”

Unable to hold in her excitement about this, Rainbow Dash squeaked out of her mouth “And it’s SO AWESOME!”


As Tails stood in place in his Super Saiyan form, Twilight stared at his transformation in amazement. To see events in a vision was one thing, but in front of her eyes rivaled even the rise and banishment of Nightmare Moon.

“Something is different about him now,” he said to herself quietly. “This new form must increase not only his abilities, but his attitude as well. Seeing it in person, I can see why he didn’t need this.” Her eyes looked at the Chaos Emerald levitating next to her, and then said “I better not waste any time doing nothing.”

The three dragons just stared at him strangely, not stupefied by the fox’s new appearance, but just lost. “Whoa,” the purple dragon said. “What was that trick all about?”

“Forget that,” the brown dragon said. “Check out his fur. It changed colors.”

Garble snapped back into his focus to tell his two friends “Forget the new look. We made a bet, didn’t we? Now let’s trash this furry freak and get that gem.” The other dragons snapped back to the same reality, and they prepared to begin the fight.

Saying nothing, Tails only stared out at the dragons, his eyes focused on his current mission to take them down. He turned his head around just enough for an eye to look back at Twilight, who looked at him in return, and without a word, gave her a nod, and turned his head back around. It was his way of telling her to do what she could with the emerald right then and there. Next, he took a fighting stance to begin combat, his face keeping the same expression as the three dragons prepared to attack themselves with overmuch confidence. The fight began when he only said three words to them-

“Let’s do this.”

“Get him!” Garble yelled, and the dragons immediately went in to fight. Twilight immediately began to focus her magic and enhance it with the Chaos Emerald.

The first thing the dragons attempted was going at Tails one on one, each from a different angle with their own approach. The fox used his abilities to take them on in the same order they came in. The brown dragon used his larger size to charge in like a cannonball, only to be countered by a solitary punch and be sent rolling on the ground so far. The purple dragon attempted to come in at the side, using his fire breath to engulf the warrior in flames, but failed after taking in two quick kicks that diverted him towards the distant well. The red dragon used his tail to try and swipe the fox away, but Tails flew into the air to dodge, and charged back down straight towards the foe.

“Gotcha,” Garble smirked, and unleashed a powerful fire breath straight towards the fox, shrouding the hero in flames. When he stopped, the dragon looked up and said “That’ll take care of him.”

As he looked up, the stream of flames faded, and Tails emerged from it unharmed, not even the smallest hair turned to cinder. Even holding back, he left-hooked the dragon’s face hard enough to knock the beast into the ground. He set his feet back on the ground between the three beasts and the focusing alicorn princess while the trio got back to their feet and regrouped to keep going.

“Lucky shot, you runt,” the red dragon snorted. “Don’t expect to let that happen again. Now we know we can’t take you too lightly.”

Tails smirked and lifted his hand to give a ‘bring it on’ gesture, and left it at that.

The three then charged in to fight him together, soaring in with their wings, and the heroic fox raced up right back. When the two sides collided, three claws as fists missed their punches, and three different legs missed their kicks, and three tails nearly got tied into a knot when trying to put the hero in a bind. Tails grabbed them all by their tails and swung them around in circles a few times before letting go, sending them soaring in the air and crashing almost right in front of Quills & Sofas. Fortunately, the sight of the dragons kept all the other ponies safe and hidden inside the buildings, so no one would get hurt by crossfire. Losing their tempers, the dragons decided to go all out.

“Take that sorry freak down! I don’t care how, just do it!” Garble exclaimed, and they raced back in, their ignorance still too great to see that they were clearly outmatched.

Every attempt proved to be the same – attack the fox, and get knocked back a distance. In all reality, Tails was toying with them, not even using the full potential being a Super Saiyan can give, being merciful because there was no point in fatal punishment. Everyone who could watched the battle go on, and the ease their friend was having.

As for Twilight, the battle allowed her to keep her focus in check as she worked with her strongest magic to help end the battle.
“Come on… come on…” she said to herself, struggling to accomplish the spell he had in mind. To do this, she would need to have to open her targets to a path to send them where they could do no more harm, but it was very advanced, and even being the newest alicorn princess doesn’t guarantee the perfect power-up.

“Alright, I almost got it. I just need an extra boost…”

The purple Chaos Emerald still hovered next to her emitting its magical glow. She brought it closer to her, letting it hover just in front of her to focus on. She then remembered part of Cosmo’s description of the emeralds…

“When you use a Chaos Emerald, you connect with it to bring out its potential, much like how you and your friends used your Elements of Harmony. Harness the great power you hold within yourself – the strength of your heart – and you can tap into its energy to use as you wish.”

“The strength of my heart…” Twilight thought to herself aloud. “The strength of my heart, like how I used the Elements of Harmony… I used them with my friends… My friends…”

All her friends from Ponyville, and their two newer friends from Mobius, became her focus, thinking of them and the many memories that were made. The emerald began to react to this, sharing its energy with her, and making it show. Her body began to emit a thin aura of light, and the magic aura already shrouding her horn glowed brighter. Her once shut eyes opened to emit the brightest light as the two magics fused inside her into a greater power unlike anything seen in Equestria.

“Whoa! Look at Twilight! She’s glowin’ brighter than a pony after tasting a rainbow,” Applejack said, all of those inside the library still watching.

“I can’t believe my eyes. I hope the poor dear is alright,” added Rarity, sounding very concerned.

“Don’t worry,” Cosmo said, “she’s just fine. She’s harnessed the power of the emerald.”

“What does that mean?” Scootaloo asked.

The Seedrian looked over at the filly and replied “It means her magic is even more powerful right now.”


Twilight, now feeling the full power of the emerald enhancing her magic, felt incredible at what was coursing through her and ready to be unleashed. She noticed the fight and that Tails was still holding his own easily, but she wasted not a second more to look up above her and shoot a stream of immense magic. It shot up in the air, only to stop just so high in the air, perhaps ten feet at best, and began to manifest into an oval of energy, better described as a portal like what her spell called for. Those in the library watched in shock and awe, while the fighters saw what was taking place right then.

“What the heck? Where did that thing come from?” Garble asked confused.

The brown dragon pointed out at the source and said “Check it out. It’s coming from that pony.”

“No way,” said the purple dragon, the sight of her actions confirming it to him. “How did she pull that off?”

“A little help with some magic from where I’m from,” Tails said, keeping a stance just a few feet in front of them and blocking them from Twilight. “That get you wanted so bad holds great power, and now she’s using that to make sure you three don’t mess with anypony around here again.”

The red dragon tried to bluff when he looked up at the magical portal to ask “Oh yeah? What are you planning to do that’s so bad?”

“Just get you guys out of here. Nothing more needed than that,” the fox replied. “Unless you can choose to turn around and leave right now. Do that, and we won’t use the magic at all, and you’ll know where you end up. Besides, you can’t beat me, let alone get past me.”

As much as the dragons didn’t want to admit it, the fox was right, but instead of giving up, their eyes wondered back to the library, and all the ponies and one strange girl inside. This gave them the idea from a threat they made before, and make a terrible choice of tactics.

“Fine, runt, have it your way,” Garble told him, and the three dragons went airborne. “But if we’re going down, so is that treehouse and all your friends inside!” The three dragons then flew off, aiming for the library and began to unleash a combined fire attack to burn the tree down.

When Twilight saw this, she knew she had to use some of her magic to stop this new attack. As she was about to cover her home in a force field, Tails appeared in front of the flames and blocked the attack with a single open hand, keeping the tree safe.

“Why those lowlife brutes! Nobody tries to hurt any of my friends!” she exclaimed. “Enough is enough. I have to end this.” With one more focus of her magic, the portal above her was at the pinnacle she could get it to reach. What happened next surprised them all, as the portal didn’t send the three dragons away by sending them inside, but instead, something came out of it, a voice that only two people could recognize.


A blue streak shot out of the portal, straight into the streaming inferno. It began to take over Tails’s job of stopping the fire from burning down the library, doing so by spinning around in a golden blue sphere that kept charging towards the dragons. When it made contract, it knocked the trio back, forcing their attack to stop and regain flight control before they would crash into the ground. Tails, Cosmo and everypony looked out at the new hero that arrived at the scene, who lowered himself with his feet touching the ground, followed by the fox.

“SONIC!” Tails exclaimed happily. The figure standing before him, it was none other than Sonic the Hedgehog, his oldest friends and older brother figure.

The blue hedgehog, a Super Saiyan like Tails, turned around with a smile of relief and happiness to see his little brother. The two then ran up to each other to give one-another a warm greeting of a bro-hug, glad to see each other again after what felt like so much longer than reality. “Glad to see you’re alright, buddy,” Sonic said. “What about Cosmo?”

“She’s inside that tree,” Tails replied, pointing towards the window she was looking out of.

The heroic hedgehog saw her look out very happily, and this enhanced his relief and happiness even more. “That’s great. We’ve been worried sick about you guys,” he said, then pointed to the dragons to add “but where are we, and what was with those guys?”

“I’ll explain later, but right now those guys are trying to steal and hurt our new friends here,” Tails answered.

The dragons’ short-fused anger finally reached their most livid points as Garble snorted so much that flames came out of his nostrils. “Oh great, what’s this? A new freak crashing in from nowhere?” he complained.

“I don’t know, but that was some hit. He got me right on the head,” the purple dragon added, rubbing the top of his head in hurt. “Maybe we should get out of here.”

“No way,” the red dragon argued. “I’m not running away from some namby-pamby ponies and those freaks of nature! You two take them on, and I’ll get the ‘princess.’”

The dragons stormed in to make a last-ditch effort for their prize. Tails quickly told Sonic “We have to protect her over there. She has a Chaos Emerald,” pointing towards the still spell-active Twilight.

Agreeing to this plan, the two each stopped a dragon with ease, but Garble was still closing in on Twilight. However, even at top speed, he couldn’t stop what came next, and that was even more figures jumping through the portal right in front of the alicorn, forcing the beast by an unknown being’s punch to divert and crash into one dragon, and then the other. Showing up just in time were Knuckles, Amy, Rouge, Cream and Cheese, the first of whom throwing the punch.

“What in the…” Twilight started to say, stunned to see what had just happened before her, but up until she had to refocus on the magic. Tails and Sonic ran up to her side to meet with the others, and watching the princess readying herself to use her magic. She took a brief moment to say “Tails, I’m ready when you are…”

The fox nodded, and although overjoyed to see his Mobius family, he asked them to stand back, leaving as open space between his and Twilight’s viewing range and the dragons. All the others inside the library began to flood out and stand alongside the newest arrivals. With a Super Saiyan-glowing fox and magically all-powerful alicorn standing side by side of each other with an army of friends behind them, the trio of troublesome dragons were finally stuck in a corner of no escape, and started to express fear.

“Oh man,” the brown dragon said as she shook on the ground. “We’re doomed.”

“Maybe… maybe they’ll show some mercy?” the purple dragon hoped. Tails’s hand then faced them, and began to glow a strange new energy of which they’ve never seen before.

“Oh man! Bail, guys, bail!” Garble cried, and they began tripping over each other trying to make an escape.

Tails and Twilight looked each other with a grin, and then looked back at the dragons. She then called out to them “Consider this a lesson for you bullies…” He then followed it with a more strict, fearful tone saying “You do NOT ever dare to hurt Our Friends AGAIN! NOW GET LOST!”

The fox then blasted an energy blast at the ground just before the dragons, blasting them straight up into the air. The purple pony then used her magic to open a new portal just above them, swallowing them up to spit back out in an unknown location far away, immediately sealing it behind them. The battle was over, and the two there and one hedgehog behind them powered down, with him returning to his normal state and her stopping to use her magic and the Chaos Emerald’s power, the latter feeling most tired. Nevertheless, it was a time to rejoice.


Cosmo jumped up and swung her arms around her beloved, hugging him happily as all the others followed. “You were incredible,” she said to him, and pecked his cheek with a kiss. She then let one of her arms down to wrap around Twilight to say “You both were. Thank you, Twilight.”

The two showed their care by rubbing their heads against each other. Then, they were surrounded at all sides by their friends, all of whom ecstatic at what they saw, and Tails and Cosmo’s having been found. Voices layered onto each other as they all tried to say something at once.

“Oh I’m so happy we found you! We were so worried!”

“Yee-haw! That was one of the most amazin’ things my eyes ever did see!”

“Twilight, that was absolutely extraordinary!”

“Glad to see the two of you are alright. It’s been a long week.”

“And Tails was all like ‘YAAAAAAHHHH!’ and then he was all super gold and super fast and kicking dragon tail left to right. And Twilight, she was all super glowy and powerful like a super duper super star! And then, they both were ‘BOOM!’ and ‘BLAST!’ and then…”

It would take another few minutes before they could all calm down to a point that Tails and Cosmo could peacefully reconnect with their friends from back home. The couple then gave an introduction of their pony friends to their home friends and vice-versa, along with brief histories of what happened to them when they arrived and the ponies being very friendly towards them.

The portal that Sonic and the others crossed through, to most of their surprise, still remained opened in the air, and caught the attention of the other Ponyville citizens. Sonic and Knuckles explained on how the Master Emerald detected the use of the missing Chaos Emerald back home, serving as the portal source between the two worlds, and that a few additional friends were soon to follow after announcing the permanent halt of an interdimensional search party. After so much storytelling was done, the two worldly groups kept discussing details that were partially mentioned.

“So you’re Sonic, huh? I’ve heard a lot about you, being the so-called ‘fastest in all worlds,’ am I right?” Rainbow Dash asked the blue hero.

“That’s right,” Sonic replied. “I see Tails told you about my history, so what’s yours? You a speed queen or something?”

“You can say that, but you can know me as the best and fastest flyer in all of Eqeustria,” the cyan pegasus responded, and gave a quick little demonstration in the air. When she finished showing off, she lowered back down to say “I’m sure I can teach you some of my awesomeness sometime, after you show off some of your stuff.”

“Alright,” he said back, and in the blink of an eye he raced off a random distance, and not even ten seconds later returned with an apple in his hand. He took a bite out of it and enjoyed the taste.

Cream spoke to Fluttershy and Twilight as she said “Thank you so much for taking care of our friends. We were worried so much for their safety and well-being when they disappeared, but they were very fortunate to be found by you.”

“Well we can say that Tails really made an entrance, to be put it,” the purple alicorn said, “but if you should thank anyone it’s Fluttershy. She’s the one who found him in the first place, and Cosmo found us after that.”

“Oh, well, it was nothing, not a big deal really. I was just glad to help,” Fluttershy added, but stuttered. So many new beings to meet made her feel quite shy, and her friend giving her attention for her actions wasn’t helping.

Amy was next to them with Pinkie Pie, who both noticed this, so the pink mare decided to wrap a hoof around the yellow pegasus to say “Are you kidding? You pretty much kept Tails from being a clump of mess in the ground. You should be proud of yourself.”

“Yeah… Thanks,” the pink hedgehog added, her voice strained by some overwhelmingly happy emotion. She and Cream then stepped forward to the two mares to hug them, and the ponies returned the favor.

“Alright, I guess I’ll be the one to ask since no one else is,” Rouge said, asking a question that could really use a further explanation. “What the heck was going on here with those three oversized Knuckleheads?”

This was a topic not absent from Twilight’s thoughts as she was wondering about that, and what led up to it. Still having the Chaos Emerald, she levitated in everyone’s view to explain. “Those dragons were trying to hurt our little friends and steal this as a trophy. That’s nothing new about most dragons around here, but about how exactly this thing got here is another story…” All the ponies’ eyes directed towards the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Snowstar, who were standing by Tails and the time, but quickly huddled together.

“Girls, do you care to explain what exactly happened with those raging monsters?” Rarity asked.

“Uh… well… you see…” Sweetie Bell tried to say, but Snowstar interrupted her.

“It’s not their fault. They were just trying to help me, honest.”

“Is that so?” Rainbow asked. “What did you say your name was again? And where exactly are you from?”

“And how did you manage to find the Chaos Emerald?” added Knuckles.

Snowstar felt so scared and fragile that she couldn’t mutter a word out right away, scared to tell the truth. Apple Bloom, however, spoke up by saying “She’s a filly who found her way to our clubhouse a few nights ago.”

“She was getting picked on so badly that she needed to find somewhere safer, and we found her and offered to help out however we could,” Scootaloo added.

“I see,” Twilight said in a very sincere voice, “but we need to hear this story from her, girls. I’m glad you want to help her with the best intentions, but right now it’s her place to explain, not yet yours.”

Before another word could be said, the portal above them began to surge and change forms. It also began to descend and stand near the library, transforming from an over to a rectangular shape. Then walked out four new beings, ones that were very strange, yet similar, to those of Mobius, but a species of their own. The looks on their faces were very familiar to six of the ponies, having a flashback of Tails and Cosmo’s history as a reference. They each walked up to the group, very much the same emotional expression Sonic and the others shown when first finding their friends in this new world.

“It’s about time we’ve gotten here,” one of them said. “We had to make sure we had this dimension’s coordinates mapped out and programmed into our database before we could cross through one of the gates at headquarters.”

“Tails, Cosmo,” said another, “it’s such a relief to see you’re alright. And I see you’ve found some new friends.”

“Yeah, we have” Tails replied happily to them. Cosmo then addressed the ponies to say “Everypony, I’d like you to meet some of our closest friends, the Master Four of Team JAG – Jason, Ash, Gohan, and Yugi.”

The four stepped forward towards the group as the couple returned the gesture, each side glad to see each other after such a long week. All four looked around at who they were seeing for the first time, very fascinated to learn more, but they put their main focus on their two friends. “You have no idea what you missed throughout the week. We’ll have to tell you all about it when we get back,” Yugi stated.

“Wait! You’re not going back right now, as in right now right now, are you?!” asked Pinkie Pie.

“Well, it was an intentional offer we had, in case they needed any sort of attention, but it looks like it isn’t needed,” Gohan answered.

“Not at all,” Cosmo said, but her head turned back towards Snowstar. “However, we still have another matter that needs our attention.”

Curious about this, Ash asked “Did something happen here just now? We knew there was a reason that the Chaos Emerald was reacting, but what for?”

“It seems there’s much more to discuss here, as well as some new introductions from our part,” Twilight stated. “Why don’t we all go inside the library and talk?”

“Good idea,” Tails agreed, and he, Cosmo and Twilight led everyone inside. The Master Four followed last, the group entering in ‘size order’ suit other than the leading trio. Jason whispered amongst them “Looks like we have a new world to get to know more about. Let’s see where this goes…”


Several conversations took place inside the library, starting with a brief introduction between the Master Four and the ponies, who in turn explained how they found and helped Tails and Cosmo in every way they could. The next was about how the Chaos Emerald mysterious managed to make its way to the new world as well and how it was found, which turned all attention to the blind filly Snowstar.

She confessed her story to them all heartbreakingly about her life in Cloudsdale with all the bullying and lack of happiness, and explaining how the Cutie Mark Crusaders looked out for her when she was found in the apple orchard and how not to put any trouble on them. It then led into what had just happened with the dragons and how Twilight was the one who harnessed the emerald’s power that somehow made a connection between the worlds of Equestria and Mobius. This led into brief explanations about Team JAG and its history as they tried to reach conclusions over the handful of questions unanswered.

“So let me see if I understand this correctly,” Twilight stated, referring to the emeralds’ mystic ways. “All seven Chaos Emeralds are not only mystically connected together, but also with this Master Emerald that’s more powerful than all of them?”

“The seven Chaos Emeralds are the servers; our hearts intensify their power. The Master Emerald reacts to that and detects how the energy is used,” Knuckles explained.

“Because of that, and what you were doing with that energy from the purple emerald, the portal you opened contained enough of your own power to enhance the Chaos energy, making its way through the two worlds and for us to trace the source’s location,” Ash added.

Rarity’s eyes were lit up with amazement by the thought of the Master Emerald’s greatness. “That Master Emerald sounds just magnificent. If only I could gaze at that beauty with my own two eyes.”

“It’s quite the eye candy, hun. Take it from me, I’ve tried to get my hands on that jewel for years,” Rouge said to the pony. “Just don’t get any high hopes to get near it because it’s got a hot-headed hunk of a security guard.”

Knuckles’s faced began to turn bright red in embarrassment, letting his short-temper out a little by saying “Hey, someone’s got to protect the Master Emerald from jewelry robbers like you!”

To avoid any unwanted argument from this, Applejack changed the topic back to Snowstar. “I think we have a more important issue than diamond care right now,” she said, looking at the blind filly who were surrounded by three other fillies. “Sugarcube, did you really think runnin’ away would solve your problems?”

The filly was initially relieved that the conversation’s topic shifted from her, but she cringed as it came back on her. “Well… I… I just couldn’t…” she tried to say.

“But Applejack, you just heard everythin’ she just told you. She couldn’t stand it anymore,” Apple Bloom told her big sister.

“I understand,” the orange mare said sternly, “but this isn’t about you fillies right now. We’ll get to your role in this later.”

“We know what we did should’ve been handled better,” Scootaloo said, expressing shame, “but we never planned to keep her hidden forever. We made a deal that she could only stay for a little while to feel better about talking about it when we’d bring her to you guys.”

“It was the best way for us to help her. We didn’t want to force her into doing something she didn’t want to do, not like how she felt forced to run away,” Sweetie Belle added.

“It was all about helpin’ Snowstar realizin’ that you can’t run away from your problems, and being supportive and carin’ like we would for each other,” Apple Bloom also added.

Fluttershy then intervened by saying “Girls, you did have the best intentions at heart, we can see that, but this is something very serious. Everypony she cares about must be worried sick about her back home.”

“She’s right. A family isn’t happy if a member is lost or missing,” Cream added, with Cheese also adding “Chao-chao.”

“I doubt it,” said a quiet Snowstar. “Nopony likes me. They just feel sorry for me. My family doesn’t know what to do with me anymore. They’ve done all they could to help and nothing worked. The best advice they could give me now was about my great ancestor Snowdrop.”

Puzzled to know more about this, Yugi asked “And who is Snowdrop?”

Rainbow Dash was puzzled about the filly’s whole story until that name came up. There was something very familiar about her, and the mentioning of her ancestor put the pieces of the puzzle together. “I got it! I can’t believe I didn’t see it before,” she said aloud, and asked the filly “Your ancestor is Snowdrop, the same Snowdrop that invented the snowflake?”

When the blind filly nodded gently, Twilight was also as surprised about this as Rainbow Dash. “Oh my goodness, I can’t believe I didn’t see it myself. You’re practically a splitting image of her,” she said, and then instructed her faithful assistant “Spike, get me the History of Seasons book, and open it to Winter Section XI.”

“You got it,” Spike replied, and quickly rushed to get the book, having to climb over some ponies and hedgehogs to reach it on one of the higher shelves. When he pulled it out of the shelf and called out “Here it is,” he jumped down and opened up to the page she had asked for. Inside it was just the proof she needed, and she used her magic to levitate the book over to the Master Four and others to show them.

Rainbow began to give a quick history of what she knew about the ancestor in question. “Back when I was a filly, I learned that not only did pegasus ponies control all of the weather in Equestria, but also some of the things we get out of it. A long time ago, a blind pony named Snowdrop created the first snowflake and presented it to the Princesses as a symbol for the winter season. She became so legendary that there’s an entire wing of the weather factory dedicated in her name, and the exclusive place to see and make the snowflakes.”

“Wow, Rainbow Dash, who knew you were such a super smart smarty pants like Twilight with history,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Yeah, but it’s pegasus pony history, and if it’s legendary, I know it, being a legend myself,” the cyan pony said, letting her bragging side out a little.

Although they couldn’t read the text, the picture inside had eyes of Team Sonic and the Master Four jumping back and forth between it and the blind filly in the room. “This is incredible. She’s a perfect match to her,” Amy said.

“So I’ve been told,” Snowstar stated. “I might look like history, but I’m treated like I’m less than nothing.”

“Come now, Sugarcube,” Applejack said to her. “You’re fall more than nothin’.”

“But I am, and nothing can change that. Being just like my ancestor isn’t something I wanted to be famous about in any way, but it’s what I am that makes ponies treat me so mean. I can’t go back to that again,” the blind filly said, whimpering about it until she began to cry a little. It was a terrible sight to see, but Tails decided to try and help.

“Listen, Snowstar,” he said, making his way towards where she sat on the ground surrounded by the Crusaders, “your family history has nothing to do with your hurt feelings. I know about bullies from experience.”

She could tell when he stood before her and the Crusaders and kneeled down for a closer view. Her seemingly empty eyes looked up as tears were flowing down her cheeks, saying “You were treated like nothing, too?”

“Yes, I was, perhaps even younger than you,” Tails said, and gave a quick history of his past.

“You see, I’ve always been smart and wanted to invent things, and would spend so much time being creative. Before I met Sonic, or Cosmo, or basically anyone in this room, I had no friends, and jerks picked on me and broke my creations because I was different. They even began to mock me for having two tails. It hurt a lot to deal with it, but after I met my friends I became a better person, because they respected me for who I was like how I care for them. You just need to find the right people to call your friends.”

“And when you do find them, you know you found the best pals you could ask for. Right, Tails?” Sonic added, the two brothers giving each other a thumbs-up in agreement.

“Awww. I wish I could do that,” Pinkie moaned, complaining about the hand gesture ponies were unable to do themselves.

“I wouldn’t get too concerned about that, Pinkie. There’s still something we ponies can do,” Rarity told her, and she reached a hoof out, having the two share a bro-hoof with one-another.

Redirecting the topic back to Snowstar, Fluttershy added “You understand what we’re saying, don’t you? I mean, if you don’t, I’m sure we can try explaining it again.”

“No, I get it,” the filly replied, still very saddened. “It’s just I’ll never find that back home. I have no friends there…”

“Oh would you give it a rest about getting friends?” Rainbow told her. “Judging by the looks of it, I say you’ve made a few pretty great friends right there next to you.”

Knowing who that specific reference was about, Snowstar said “I know. I said I have no friends there… but here… here was where I found it. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, they’re the first real ponies I’ve met that were nothing but kind and supportive. They… they’re my first friends. If I go back, I’ll lose that…”

“What are you talkin’ about? You won’t lose us,” Apple Bloom said with a reassuring tone. “You’d think we’d just forget all about you and the fun we had together? No way, no how.”

“We think you’re awesome just for who you are. The more we got to know you, the more we liked having a new friend,” Sweetie Belle added. “Besides, we wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you. We managed to find help from those dragons, didn’t we?”

“But if… if I get sent back home…” sobbed Snowstar.

“Don’t you worry about that. Just because you’d be there doesn’t mean you lost us. Besides, if any of those jerks try to mess with you again, they’ll have to answer to me. I’ll get up there and show that you don’t mess with any friend of the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Scootaloo told her. She wanted to include the whole trio, but she knew about how only pegasus ponies can stand on clouds.

“You see,” Tails said, “you just have to look for the right people, and I think you’ve got some pretty great new friends with these three.”

“And you have all of us,” added the princess of the land. “Right, everypony?”

“Right,” every pony answered.

“And you have us as well,” Cosmo added as well.

Snowstar felt a loss for words for the second time that week, and her tears of sadness turned into those of joy. She began to emerge with happiness and did so by hugging with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and not wanting to let go of something she never thought she’d have – friends. Some of the lighter-hearted ones found the scene so cute that they brushed a tear out of their eyes with a finger.

The topic shifted again when Jason said “Twilight, you mentioned something about friendship being your strongest morality, didn’t you? I think those fillies just showed us that proof.”

The alicorn smiled and replied “Well I did mention that earlier, yes, but there’s so much more to it. Friendship here, it is a wonderful thing that has made each of us stronger and greater than we could ever have hoped.”

“I see,” the dark warrior replied. “I think we can all say that we’ve shared that in our lives.”

“But not like this,” Tails interjected. “This world has a special kind of friendship. Cosmo and I have learned a lot about it, and there’s so much that can still be learned.”

The Master Four looked at one-another for a moment before Gohan said “Perhaps we can learn more, but for now, what matters most is that you two are alive and well. We have your new friends here to thank for that.”

The six ponies each smiled at the compliment, appreciating the recognition for something that these other-worldly beings would do as well. “Well that’s mighty kind of y’all, but it was nothin’,” Applejack said.

“Anyone else here would do the same. There’s a lot of great ponies to turn to for help,” Fluttershy added.

Spike interjected to add “And one awesome dragon.”

Cosmo chuckled and started to say “You’ve all done so much for us. I wish I could think of any possible way to return all your care and kindness.”

“Hey, what are friends for? Plus you gave us some fun stuff to do when you got here. Question is what to do next,” Rainbow Dash told her friends.

“What kind of fun stuff are you talking about?” Ash asked. For the next few minutes, Tails and Cosmo gave quick summaries about what their last week has been in Ponyville, including quick mentions of others they have met. When they finished, he added “Interesting. Maybe we could try to offer something.”

“Really?! Like what?! Something super-awesomely-amazing?!” Pinkie asked.

The Master Four shared the same thought, and a glance they shared with each other made its way around the room. At first, Tails and Cosmo, then Sonic, and then the rest of the Mobius heroes. The ones left in the dark were all the ponies and fillies, so Twilight decided to ask in observation “What are you all smiling about?”

Tails turned around to ask “Twilight, do you think that we could ask a couple friends to come here and bring something of ours? We have an idea of how we’d like to start giving back to you all.”

“I don’t suppose that would be a problem, but that depends on…” the alicorn tried to replied, but only to be interrupted by Rarity.

“Oh my! How could I be so forgetful? In all this conversation and dragon dilemmas I completely forgot about my designs to give!” the white unicorn yelled dramatically.

“Don’t worry about that, Rarity,” Cosmo told her with a kind smile. “If you’d like, allow us to do something for you first. We couldn’t possibly accept more giving from you before doing so.”

Yugi then said “Well, we know that everyone’s been taking it easy since we called off the search. Let’s see if the group can get together for a show tonight. I’ll get Phineas and Ferb if you guys can handle the rest.”

“Sounds good,” Jason said, then turned his attention back to the alicorn princess. “Twilight, would it be alright if one of your friends could show us the biggest open field here in your town? We’d like to show you, and Ponyville, something you may enjoy.”

“I suppose, but what is this something?” she asked.

No one answered the question, leaving everypony confused even more. Excusing themselves to make the necessary preparations they needed, the Master Four went back through the portal outside of the library as all the others exited after them. Applejack and Fluttershy offered to show them the biggest field nearby, and Twilight recommended going to see Mayor Mare about getting the word out throughout the town about whatever was going to happen.

However, Twilight had pulled Tails, Cosmo and Rainbow Dash over so that she could ask the pegasus to get a message to Cloudsdale, and more specifically Snowstar’s family, to which she agreed to in a flash. She didn’t dash off in an instant, however, as both mares wanted the couple to tell them what was supposed to be happening, because it became so confusing that it turned to worry about what was to come. Each of them smiled, assuring that what was to happen was quite alright, and answered their curiosity with two questions of their own-

“You’re world is very familiar and diverse with music, right?” asked Cosmo.

“Do you remember about the even we held after that war you saw, the day of Revival?” Tails said.