• Published 28th Mar 2014
  • 3,195 Views, 44 Comments

Taismo: Discovering Equestria - RockStarMLP

A misuse of Chaos Control sends two of Mobius's most recognized heroes to a new world called Equestria. As they find a way home, they explore and enjoy the world of magic and friendship by six new best friends

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Chapter 13

Author's Note:

Alright, I want to have this addressed prior to the chapter being read to help readers better understand a particular concept-

The Team JAG Band is my own kind of tribute band, playing songs by many bands and artists for fun and celebration. Now, this is a concept I've been had since I began Taismo, and I know it may seem confusing, especially with the lineups for the songs. Instead of having just one lineup playing through a whole set, I decided at the start to have various lineups for particular bands, all of which centralize around the original four lineups by the Master Four (Jason, Ash, Gohan, and Yugi). Here's the breakdown for each lineup

Jason lineup- Jason on vocals/instrument with Ash on lead guitar, Gohan on drums, Yugi on bass guitar
Ash lineup- Ash on vocals/instrument, Gohan on lead guitar, Yugi on drums, Jason on bass guitar
Gohan lineup- Gohan on vocals/instrument, Yugi on lead guitar, Jason on drums, Ash on bass guitar
Yugi lineup- Yugi on vocals/instrument, Jason on lead guitar, Ash on drums, Gohan on lead guitar

That's how the band lineups centralize, with notable exceptions explained in the lineup descriptions. Down in the story in bold is how the set is detailed, and each hyperlink, well you can imagine what they are.

Lastly, I do NOT own any of these songs and use them to solely help enhance and tell the story. Please support them by giving their songs a chance and buy their songs/albums.

Now then, with that all explained, enjoy Chapter 13 as I go work on my current project...

“Attention, everypony! Attention!” Mayor Mare called out from the second balcony of town hall. The attention of practically every pony in Ponyville heard her calling, and either directed their attention from where they were to listen or approach and gather around the building.

“Citizens of Ponyville, it is my esteemed honor to present you a special announcement from a dear icon of ours. Please direction your attention to our very own Princess Twilight Sparkle, and her friends, Tails and Cosmo.”

Coming out from the closed doors below were the three she mentioned, receiving a cheering round of applause – or hoof-stomping as it were – as they approached a podium that was there for the purple alicorn to address the crowd from. Tails and Cosmo stood at each side of her, giving a small bow of respect for the Ponyville citizens, and for the Seedrian, a little wave to Derpy and the Cakes in the crowd. Twilight had a pre-prepared collection of note cards to use to help deliver any kind of speech for any given reason, so she brought them out, gave them a quick shuffle, and began to read off them one by one…

“Good people of Ponyville, welcome to this special announcement…”

“It is a wonderful honor to be here before you to address this to you…”

“And help promote and share a most wonderful occasion to come.”

“I am proud to announce a special treat for all ponies…”

“For all creatures and critters of all ages…”

She began to go on in such a form for several more cards, and its consequence was not to the liking she’d always strive to make. Instead, most of the ponies began to become bored, some beginning to yawn or doze off. She wasn’t noticing this herself, so it took a respectful observation from Cosmo to show that. The cards were put away as the princess chuckled in uncomfortable embarrassment, and decided to get straight to the point.

“For those of you who have not noticed, a large structure has been being built just outside of our fair town,” Twilight said, pointing her hoof out in the direction of the structure. “Not to worry, however, for it serves as a location for a special event that it taking place tonight by some very new friends of ours.

"As you know, my friends up here with me are new to our home and have stayed here learning more about Ponyville, and all of Equestria itself, as they are not from our own world. Tonight is their way to give back to us as we graced them with our kindness and hospitality this past week. It is also a new introduction of some brand new friends…”

As the ponies amongst the crowd began to murmur to themselves about what was supposed to happen, most of Tails and Cosmo’s friends appeared around them, along with Twilight’s best friends as well.

“It is an esteem honor that we forge a bond of better permanence between Equestria and Mobius, with an event dedicated in pony honor. Before 8 o’clock tonight, gather in the eastern field under Rainbow Dash’s home near the diamond mines, so that we may celebrate a great union together. Tonight, we celebrate our newfound friendships with a special performance by a very special group, known as the Team JAG Band! I await to see you all there, everypony!”

The speech ended with a mixed reaction, most of the ponies cheering as they all were curious about what exactly this meant.


Throughout the afternoon, a large stage structure was quickly constructed by two of the most ingenious inventors and stage managers ever known – the new concert stage of the interdimensional supergroup Tails is a proud part of. The Master Four returned to Ponyville, managing to move the open portal between Equestria and Mobius to the ideal field that they were shown by Applejack and Fluttershy earlier, and expanded it enough for the stage and their equipment to travel through with ease.

Behind a large and black drape that kept the stage’s contents out of sight, Twilight and her friends were introduced to the large group that formed this band, and were told of the great importance this was for them. For this particular band, it was one of many firsts that they were proud to accomplish.

The first was that it was the first show they would play in the new year, having just finished concluding their second annual festival, entitled JAGFest, on Team Sonic’s home world. Another great importance that, being in a new place in a newly discovered world, it would also be the first performance of that world. Additionally, it would also be the first crowd of ponies the band would ever play.

Another first was the stage setup, having retired the one used during the past year after performing in a place called Station Square. From the front going back, there were two special custom percussion setups consisting of many different percussion instruments and tools, and five microphone stands that held wireless microphones and could raise in and out of the stage if not used.

There was then a four-leveled tier of the musicians’ setup- the ground level having a grand piano at the center and two stair passes on each end, and the third level having three different drum kits – the main center one, the Puffy stage right setup, and the newcomers’ custom kit. The second level had a full DJ setup between the main and Puffy drum kits and a massive keyboard/synthesizer/sampling setup between the main and newcomers’ drums, all while having a small pipe organ and a smaller scale keyboard setup on opposite ends, and the top level was a fully open walkabout with three more microphone stands.

It had all that and the space on the second and third levels to move and walk around while performing, all the while the rest of the stage setup to the standards of the band’s best performance quality. However, due to having so much technology to introduce to a semi-technological world as it was, there was no background screen, and instead a special selection of backdrop curtains.

And the last of firsts, was the fact that this would be the first official performance of the band’s newest members since they joined the band just a couple weeks ago. Prior to what happened on Mobius, the band itself had no idea about what to do or where to go to start a great new beginning, but given what has happened, they lucked out with one of the best opportunities to be given.

All six ponies felt like their jaws hit the ground so hard that they hit rocks, or jewels in Rarity’s case. They got the exclusive first look at everything, being told what exactly to expect, and even glance at the ideas that were going to be carried out that evening.

“Sweet Celestia! This stage has more gizmos and gadgets than Twi’s science lab,” Applejack said, standing on the stage getting a good look at everything.”

“I know, right?! This is going to be the most Epic Concert Ever!” Pinkie Pie added. “I haven’t been this excited since I found out we were going to have that picnic the other day!”

“And we all know how that turned out,” Rarity said, hiding her more negative feelings about it behind her teeth rather than speak it. “But this stage, it is by far the most productive design I’ve ever seen. How could you possibly accomplish this?”

Tails grinned and replied “Well we do have some awesome stage managers,” and then turned his head to call out “Isn’t that right guys?!” Surprising them all from above, two boys gave a thumbs-up as one said “Nothin’ to it but to do it,” having an accent in his tone. They then disappeared back up to finish.

Looking from side to side, Fluttershy noticed something and seemed concerned. “Excuse me, but does anyone know what happened to the girls? I thought they were just here with us,” she said.

“I think they stayed outside, somethin’ about showin’ Tails and Cosmo’s hometown friends around,” the orange mare replied.

“Actually, I think our friends are backstage,” Cosmo said. “I think that, after earlier, the girls just wanted to spend some time together, and Snowstar, she seemed unsettling.”

“Because she found out about Rainbow Dash,” Twilight stated. Earlier on, the purple pony asked her friend to have Snowstar’s family in Cloudsdale informed of her finding, requesting a private audience with her the next with the assurance of the blind filly’s safety with her newfound friends. “I told her about what we did, and she’s scared to face her family.”

Faces fell across the stage area, feeling sympathy for the filly, but it was interrupted when Rainbow had just returned and got a look at the stage itself. She flew around amazed at everything as the others watched, not even paying attention to what her friends were discussing on the ground when arriving.

“Ah yeah! This is gonna be sweet!” she said excitedly. “I can see everything that will happen right up from my house. So… awesome!” When she lowered herself onto her hooves, she failed to notice the long faces as she reported her mission being accomplished to Twilight, but then noticed when she finished. “I take it the kid’s not too happy about that?”

Most of their heads bowed, and Twilight replied “She’s still going to have a hard time going back home, no matter what we tell her. I just wish there was more we could do to get the message through to her.” After a moment, a stroke of brilliance came to her mind. “Wait a minute…”

“Twilight,” Tails said, “don’t worry. We’re way ahead of you on that. Just wait until tonight...”


The afternoon and early evening hours passed by, and sooner than anypony could think, the time of the festivity was near. The entire field before the stage was filled with nearly all of Ponyville’s mares, stallions, fillies and colts, and at the very front center of the crowd were Twilight and her friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Snowstar, and Sonic and the gang from Mobius, only leaving just enough room for one more friend to join them in the next few minutes.

Cosmo peeked out from the side of the stage, still shrouded by a black veil only illuminated by a few white lights shining through the day’s twilight, to see all her pony friends and the town’s citizens, pleased with the turnout, and ran to the backstage area where her loved one and band mates were making last set preparations. They went over the setlist another time, checked the tunings of their instruments, pointed out where to break and where to keep going, all making sure to provide the ponies with a brand new experience that they’d never forget.

Phineas and Ferb appeared a couple minutes after Cosmo, with the first saying “Alright everyone, the stage and crowd are good to go. You’ve got three minutes before show time.” The band thanked them for the informing, and the two stage managers left to each stand at a different control panel, one of which serving as a front-of-house simulator as they didn’t set one up in the crowd.

“Let’s bring it in, everypo… I mean, everyone,” Tails said, catching himself from saying ‘everypony’ by mistake. No one else cared, but a couple did try to hold in a chuckle. The entire band, plus Cosmo, huddled together to give each other a preshow hyping before taking the stage.

“Here we are guys, our first show of the new year,” Jason said, starting everything off. “Are we ready to kick off a new year of shows with a bang?”

“You know we are,” Yumi answered eagerly. “These ponies seem pretty cool, but they could still use a little lesson about rockin’ out.”

“I think we’ll manage pretty well,” Aelita added happily.

Ash then said “But what we can’t forget is why we’re doing this – having found Tails and Cosmo safe and sound, and giving some respect back to those who helped in doing so.”

“Thank you for that,” Cosmo told them all. “This will mean so much to them, even if they don’t know exactly what to expect from what you do. Please, let’s start giving back whatever we can.”

“Cosmo, we can promise you that and much more. This is a new beginning after all,” Dan said.

“That’s right,” Gohan stated, and most of their eyes turned towards their two newest members – the engaged crime-fighting duo of Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. “Kim, Ron, tonight’s your big debut with us, the start of a new year and new stories to make. You ready for this?”

Ron then said in a exciting and yelling fashion “You know I am! Let’s teach some ponies how to giddy-up JAG Band style!”

“And let’s watch the horse analogies here, alright? We don’t want to offend any of the ponies out there, especially if they’re friends. But tonight, let’s bring our world to theirs as they’ve given theirs to Tails and Cosmo,” Yugi said next.

“I can’t wait! So many of those ponies are so nice, and I want to give them the same attitudes we give each other,” the optimistic Ami said.

Kim then added “We’re more than ready to go. This band hasn’t done all it has before without giving it all, and I’m excited Ron and I can help give, too, so let’s give it beyond our best shot.”

Last to add anything was Tails, who told them all “This means a lot to me, to both Cosmo and me. This last week here, it’s been so wonderful to us, even if we felt lost from you guys and our families from home. It’s our first time doing this here, and let’s make it that it won’t be the only time. For Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, for our new close friends of this beautiful world, let’s show them what this band can do!”

“Hands in!” Ron yelled, and let his hand out in the middle. The band never did something like this before, but they followed suit until twelve different hands piled on each other in the center. “Alright, on the count of three, I want to hear PONY! Ready?! 1… 2… 3-“


The Seedrian heroine told her beloved fox “Have fun tonight,” and their lips met for a quick peck of a kiss. Their eyes locked onto each other’s up until she was out of sight, and he got ready to take the stage as they had just one minute to go.

She made her way out to the crowd, walking down the slim open space between the stage and front row of ponies, and reaching her friends waiting in the crowd. There was just enough space between her Ponyville and Mobius friends to squeeze in comfortably, smiling happily at them all.

“They all set to go back there?” Sonic asked with an eager smirk.

She nodded in return and replied “They can’t wait to do this.” Her head then turned to the ponies to add “And we all can’t wait for you to see this for the first time.”

“Neither can we,” Twilight said, sounding just as excited as Cosmo did.

“So am I,” Fluttershy added. “I’m so excited I could just cheer so much…” She then took a deep breath to let out her loudest cheer-


“I’m still confused about this whole ‘lineup changes’ your friends were telling us about. What the heck does it all mean?” a puzzled cyan pegasus asked, with a younger orange one adding “Yeah, it makes no sense…”

Just then, the lights behind the veil went dark, catching the attention of the entire audience as most started to cheer in eagerness for what was to come. Pinkie quickly chanted in a high, squealing tone “IT’S STARTING! IT’S STARTING! IT’S STARTING!” The time had struck 8 o’clock, as some ponies could hear from the town clock tower, and thus, the performance had begun…


SONG TITLE – Band, Artist or Source/lead vocalist and lineup/additional musicians on stage with Master Four + scenery/stage actions for song

A TWINKLE IN THE SKY – Kingdom Hearts/audio instrumental
DON’T STOP BELIEVIN’ [JOURNEY] – Northern Kings/Jason + lead guitar/Tails on keytar, Aelita on keyboards/synthesizers
STORYTIME – Nightwish/Yumi with Jason lineup/Jason on rhythm guitar, Tails and Ron on keyboards/synthesizers
LOLA MONTEZ – Volbeat/Gohan + rhythm guitar/Dan on keyboard
HAIL TO THE KING – Avenged Sevenfold/Yugi/Kim on rhythm guitar

“HELLO PONYVILLE!!!” Ash called out to the audience, the first of the band to speak out to them. Ponies cheered nice and loud, but he decided to bring out more. “Come on now, HOW ARE YOU DOING TONIGHT?!!!” The response this time was much greater than the first, much to his satisfaction. “My name is Ash, and it’s my honor to introduce to you who we are-

"We are the Team JAG Band! And tonight, we’re here to give you what we share to so many others for the first time. We’ve got a long and great night for you, so let’s get back to it… This is one of our most personal favorites, by one of the best bands from a different world. This song’s called New Divide…”

NEW DIVIDE – Linkin Park/Ash/Dan on lead guitar and Mike Shinoda backing vocals, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer, Yumi on bass guitar, Jason on turntables/MIDI pad/special extended synthesizer intro performed by Tails
JUST STOP – Disturbed/Gohan/Kim on rhythm guitar
IMAGINE: VIOLET SKIES – In This Moment/Ami with Gohan lineup/Gohan on rhythm guitar
A TRIBUTE TO THE FALLEN – Killswitch Engage/Ash with Jason lineup/Jason on lead guitar and backing vocals, Tails on rhythm guitar/lights fade out to darken stage
WHERE ANGELS DARE TO ROAM – Kill Devil Hill/Yugi/lights remain off until full band kicks in
TWISTED TAIL OF THE COMET – Newsted/Jason + rhythm guitar
SIX – Chimaira/Ash/Yumi on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboard/synthesizer/samples

Gohan then took center stage, wearing on him a special purple guitar with black circle patters coming from the center. He took his turn to speak by saying “Are you still going good out there, everyone?!” His reply was a cheer like what Ash had got the crowd to give earlier, much to his pleasure. “We know you don’t know us, so here’s the deal-

"Princess Twilight, who’s down here in the front row with her friends and some of our closest friends, she and her friends know who we are already. There’s a special, one-of-a-kind performance we have coming up in a little while, and only then will we introduce ourselves to you. But for right now… let’s get back to some hard-rocking love!” Four cymbals tapped from the main drum kit, and the rhythm helped begin the next song…

CRAZY HORSE – Black Label Society/Gohan + lead guitar
STAND UP – All That Remains/Jason/Kim on rhythm guitars and extra backing vocals
UNITY – Shinedown/Yugi/Tails on keyboards
LEGENDARY CHILD – Aerosmith/Ash/Dan on rhythm guitar
FLY BY NIGHT – Rush/Yugi/Tails on keyboard
ORION – Metallica/Gohan + rhythm guitar

The stage was dark again after the previous song, but only for a few seconds before a recognizable fox walked out on stage with a guitar. The uproaring cheer of the crowd, especially his closest friends in the front row, made his entrance feel spectacular as he took a stand at one of the microphone stands adjusted to his slightly shorter height. “Ponyville, I’d like to take a moment to quickly tell you how much I appreciate all that you’ve shown myself and my loving Cosmo during our time here, because thanks to you…”

Tails found himself stopping as the sounds of cheers and stomping hooves echoed in the air and vibrated the ground under him. He picked back up a moment later with “Thanks to you, we truly felt like we were in a new home away from our home, and treated us so equally. I’ve gotten to know some of you, so now, allow me to introduce to you, my band family…”

Across the darkened stage, the rest of the band were in position for the next song, with the two stage managers standing on the top stage level with wireless controllers to shine down a light on each introduced person one at a time. Tails began to name off each band member, each one having a light shining down at their current position and greeted by a happy cheer from everypony-

“Up on the top tier of our stage, they are two great guys who helped more than anyone to bring this show to your world. Meet Phineas and Ferb!...

“Next is our favorite electronic music and DJ enthusiast, a non-singer but vital bringer of great musical sounds- Aelita Hopper!...

“Taking to the front-of-stage percussion madhouse to my left, he is known by many as the great Ghost Hero. Say hello to Dan, better known as Danny Phantom!...

“And to my right on a similar setup, he and his fiancé are our newest members to our amazing team of performers! Welcome to his first show as an official band member, Ron Stoppable!...

“Behind me at her keyboards, she’s Ron’s ‘special somepony,’ as you could call it, and a renowned heroine. This is her first show as well, so make some noise for Kim Possible!...

“To each of my sides are a duo who are already a famous and established music group, but always willing to contribute to our little hobby, even with their own music. Say hello to Puffy- Ami and Yumi!...

“And now, these next four are the guys who founded this band, and everything it stands for. Without them, we wouldn’t even be here today. First up, behind the drums, he is our heavy metal fighter of Darkness, and the driving force behind what we do. I introduce to you- Jason!...

“Next, we have one of the three singers to bring this song to great life. He comes from a world that lives besides amazing creatures known as Pokemon, and one of the most persevering friends I know. Meet Ash Ketchum!...

“This next guy is perhaps the strongest, traditionally-trained martial artists on this stage, currently taking on one of the best singing roles we enjoy. He and his family and world are the great leaders of how we face our greatest challenges. Make some noise for Gohan!...

“And lastly, debuting in a brand new position for this next song, he is the champion of the ancient combat of Duel Monsters and a great leader. He is known by many names, but for here, you can get to know him as the King of Games- Yugi Moto!”

With each introduction done, the entire audience cheered and stomped grandly and loudly to welcome the newcomers of Equestria. Perhaps it was the six ponies, baby dragon and four fillies Cosmo and the others were with that were the most loud and noticeable, at least to everyone on the stage, especially the fox. He let the cheering go on just long enough for it died down before he got things going again by saying “And for those who haven’t met me yet, my name is Miles Prower, but you can call me Tails. This next song is one we hope you come to enjoy like we have.

"It is called Solitaire/Unraveling…”

SOLITAIRE/UNRAVELING – Mushroomhead/Ash with Jeffrey Nothing vocals/Gohan on J-Mann vocals and Yugi on Waylon vocals, Tails on lead guitar, Yumi on rhythm guitar, Ami on bass guitar, Dan and Ron on custom percussion, Kim on keyboard/synthesizer, Aelita on keyboard/turntables/samples, Jason on drums
GET UP! – Korn/Yugi/Dan on rhythm guitar, Tails on keyboards, Aelita on programming/turntables/samples
UNDAUNTED – Adrenaline Mob/Jason/Kim on rhythm guitar
FRIENDS FOREVER – Puffy AmiYumi/Ami and Yumi with Jason lineup/Jason on rhythm guitar, Aelita on keyboards/samples
BATTLE BORN – Five Finger Death Punch/Gohan/Yumi on rhythm guitar
SHE LIKES ROCK N ROLL – ACDC/Ash/Ron on rhythm guitar
RAINBOW IN THE DARK – Dio/Yugi/Tails on keyboard/synthesizer/outro jam

“If you’re ready for me, I want to hear you tell us! Make some noise, Ponyville!” Dan called out to the crowd, and the equestrian audience provided him with a much wanted roar of noise.

The next song began to play as intended, and he added to say “You’ve been great with us all night, so let’s see how much more we can bring out of each other. You give us what you can, and we’ll give you all we got. It’s my turn to sing, and this is by one of my favorite bands to listen to. I hope you like it too…” The song he was talking over then transitioned into the next one, continuing the concert…

BIRTH – DEATH – 10 Years/instrumental with only Tails on piano, Ami and Yumi on violins
…AND ALL THE OTHER COLORS – 10 years/Dan with Ash lineup/Ash on rhythm guitar
ROCK ‘N’ ROLL FANTASY – Bad Company/Jason/Ron on rhythm guitar
HOME – Daughtry/Gohan + acoustic guitar/Kim on rhythm guitar, Aelita on keyboard
BEYOND THIS TWILIGHT – Nine Inch Nails/Jason/Yumi on rhythm guitar, Tails on symphony keyboard, Aelita on keyboard/synthesizer/samples
ONE LIGHT – 3 Doors Down/Yugi/Tails on lead guitar and co-vocals
SOMETHING BETTER – Flyleaf/Kim with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar, Ron on ‘newcomer’ drum kit, Ash on Sonny Sandoval vocals/fadeout jam

Yumi walked back out onto the stage, standing at the microphone stand from the center’s left, the heavy rocker smirking with please. “That was an awesome song, wasn’t it?! Make some noise for Kim for killing it with Ash!” She allowed a couple moments for the pony audience to respond before continuing.

“So this place is still brand new to us, and I’m sure there’s still a lot more to see, but we met some of you earlier through our great pal Cosmo. Meeting them, I learned about how important friendship is to them, and I know that all too well with my partner in stage crime. We’ve got an awesome song lined up for you next, and I’m here to help out my best friend Ami. Get her out here with your cheering!”

At Yumi’s command, the crowd cheered again as not only a pink-haired, guitar-wielding musician walked out, but so did other band members, taking their positions across the stage. When Ami reached the center microphone stand, she took a turn talking, saying “Thank you so much, Ponyville, you’ve been making this a great night. To add something about what Yumi just said, we’ve met a small group of ponies who are right here in front of us, and we learned about a couple ponies with great fears.

"When we play any show anywhere, we always try to include songs that give a meaning to where we play, some we play every night like New Divide and a couple songs coming up, and tonight, Yumi and I decided to give a double treat to them, to all of you, of some great songs we enjoy. You saw us perform our own song before, but this next one is by a new band we’ve started to play. By a great girl named Orianthi, this song is called Courage…”

COURAGE – Orianthi/Ami + lead guitar with Ash lineup/Ash on extra rhythm guitar, Yumi on co-vocals with Lacey Sturm vocals, Aelita on keyboards
BLACKBIRD – Alter Bridge/Jason + rhythm guitar
ON THE ROOFTOP OF QUASIMODO – Apocalyptica/Tails, Dan, Ami and Yumi on cellos with Kim on drums
THE UNFORGIVEN – Metallica/Gohan + rhythm guitar/Tails on acoustic guitar
THE TALISMAN – Iron Maiden/Yugi/Tails and Dan on rhythm guitars, Ron on keyboard, Ami on acoustic guitar/spotlights on only Yugi and Ami until end of acoustic intro
PARALYZED – As I Lay Dying/Ash/Dan on rhythm guitar and clean vocals
STRAIGHT FOR THE SUN/DESOLATION – Lamb of God/Gohan/Yumi on rhythm guitar/drum solo between songs done by Jason, Ami and Ron on all three drum kits
BEFORE I FORGET – Slipknot/Jason/Tails on rhythm guitar, Dan on keyboard/synthesizer, Ami and Yumi on custom percussion, Aelita on turntables/samples

The Master Four remained on stage following the previous song, shifting the lineup so that Yugi to take the front again.

“Alright, Ponyville, can you power through with us for a while longer?!” he called out, receiving a great, but tiring, roar of cheering from everypony. The next song, humorously chosen just for that night, began to be played by the rest of the band as he said “We’ve got just over an hour left with you tonight, and we want to make sure our new friends here see all of our best gone through. But I need to know one thing- have you been having fun tonight?!” The ponies cheered again, louder than the previous time, much to his enjoyment. “Here’s a song titled about dragons. Hope you all like it, including you Spike.”

The song currently being performed came to its conclusion, and transitioned straight into the next song…

UNICORN – Gojira/instrumental performed by Master Four except Yugi/Yugi’s talking over song
WHERE DRAGONS DWELL – Gojira/Yugi + rhythm guitar
LOST IN PARADISE – Evanescence/Yumi with Gohan lineup/Gohan on rhythm guitar, Tails on piano, Aelita on keyboard/synthesizer
BUBBLES – Linkin Park/Ash/only with Tails on keyboard, Ron on rhythm guitar
IT’S THE FEAR – Within Temptation/Ami with Yugi lineup/Yugi on rhythm guitar, Tails on piano, Aelita on symphonic keyboard/synthesizer, Kim on co-vocals with her own voice
NOTHING TO SAY – Slash/Yugi/Tails on lead guitar, Dan on extra rhythm guitar
RIGHT HERE IN MY ARMS – HIM/Gohan/Tails on keyboards

“Here’s hoping I get this right,” Kim said, taking a quick turn at speaking to the crowd, but watching her interdimensional grammar. “We’ve got a few more to go, everypony! On behalf of the whole band, I’d just like to say, that these were inspired from what we learned from Twilight, and all her wonderful friends. More importantly, each and every song goes out to Snowstar…”

The ponies in the front were quite surprised to be given such kind respect, especially the blind pegasus filly, who initially wasn’t comfortable about going to a concert. It took Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Sonic to encourage her otherwise, and at that moment, she felt very blessed.

THE SONG YOU SING – Creed/Jason/Tails on rhythm guitar, Kim on acoustic guitar
FRIENDS WILL BE FRIENDS – Queen/Ash/Tails on piano/keyboard
WORDS DARKER THAN THEIR WINGS – Alter Bridge/Jason + co-lead guitar/Ash on Mark Tremonti vocals as well as lead guitar/Jason opened song before performing with “Here’s one more for you, Snowstar. Listen closely…”/fadeout outro

As the previous song ended, the stage went dark and emptied of any performer, the sign that the main set had ended. Every pony, dragon and Mobian cheered happily and wanting just what little more that could be given in the performance, but Cosmo excused herself, saying she had something to do with Tails and nothing more. The ponies she became close with were confused, but Sonic and the gang just smirked or chuckled at what they knew, promising to keep it a secret.

Before any of them knew it, the stage lights shot on and electronic music, a sound of EDM and dubstep, blasted out all of the speakers, and the silhouette of a performer behind the DJ setup. Then, from unnoticed positions, the Master Four used wireless microphones to start a brand new tradition for the bend’s concerts.

“Mares and Stallions of Ponyville, fillies and colts of all ages- do you have it in you to party with us for another song?!” Gohan called out, receiving a response of immense excitement in return, especially a certain pink mare.

“We’re here to start something new that we’ll be doing for all our upcoming shows, and even better, it’s a song we’ve never played before!” Yugi followed, the audience’s cheering escalating greatly.

“We want to see every damn pony out there giving all they’ve got with us for this one-time encore! Can you do that for us?!” Jason added, the crowd confirming the request.

Then, Ash and Dan walked out onto the stage, visibly shown by the stage lights, but kept the silhouettes of others taking the stage dark. Ash then announced “This song goes out to Tails, Cosmo, and all our new friends here in Equestria! This song… is called… A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES!!”

A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES – Linkin Park & Steve Aoki/Ash on Chester Bennington vocals and Dan on Mike Shinoda vocals/Aelita on turntables/programming/samples, Tails on lead guitar and extra vocals, Yumi and Phineas on bass guitars, Ron and Ferb on rhythm guitars, Ami on drums, Kim on keyboards/Jason, Gohan and Yugi reappear on stage after first chorus, all on co-vocals with Master Four Bands singers/during second chorus, an unknown force brings Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie on stage, joining Tails and Cosmo at main microphone stand to help sing

Immediately after the song ended, the entire field unleashed the loudest cheer of excitement and fun heard all night as the band waved out to the crowd, and Tails and Cosmo shared a group hug with the ponies. Before they all departed the stage again, Ron ran up to a microphone to yell out “Thanks a lot, Ponyville, you all rock! Show some love to Aelita who brought the electric beats tonight!”

Aelita just took a bow and waved, saying briefly into a microphone set up at the DJ setup “Thank you, it’s been a blast!”

“Now listen up,” Ash said, in a semi-commanding form, “I need everyone to hear what I have to say. Our friends, Tails and Cosmo, would not be here without these great ponies up here sharing so much care to them. We are honored to call them outstanding individuals. For your friends and ours, make some noise for these awesome ponies – THE MANE 6!” The crowd’s cheer escalated even higher, everypony giving the six onstage ponies some well-given praise.

“And lastly,” Jason addressed the crowd, “this whole night wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for the help of one incredible alicorn. From the bottom of every heart of the Team JAG Band and our friends from Mobius, give it all that you’ve got left for Your Amazing, Your Wonderful, Your Friend & Ours – PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!”

Then was unleashed the loudest cheer of the night, praising the Princess so much that she blushed right there on stage in front of them all. Her pony friends surrounded her for another group hug, but Tails and Cosmo found their way in to join, hugging each side of the purple pony and giving her a heartfelt “Thank you,” for everything she’s helped do.

Without stalling any longer, the stage emptied again for another minute, the Mane 6 jumping straight down to where they stood for the entire show, but Cosmo staying behind. A minute of darkness would pass until anything happened again, and this time, it was the final part of the night’s festivities. The stage-managing brothers took their places back behind the controls, and got things underway for the last few songs of the night…

FRIENDS IN MY HEART – Kingdom Hearts/audio instrumental
NUMB – Linkin Park/Ash/Dan on lead guitar and Mike Shinoda vocals, Tails on piano, Yumi on bass guitar, Jason on turntables/MIDI pad
HERE WITHOUT YOU – 3 Doors Down/Yugi/Tails on lead guitar and lead vocals

“Thank you so much, Ponyville, for making tonight so amazing!” Jason called out to the audience. “It’s all come down to this, and we’re ready to close the first chapter of a brand new story for us! This is our last song, so let’s end this with a rock and roll bang! Ash, if you’d please…” The lead guitarist then played the opening notes of the night’s final song…

WHAT IF – Creed/Jason/Tails on co-lead guitar/guitar duel bridge between Tails and Ash, each playing six solos/rest of band walks out to have fun after guitar duel/outro jam of Metallica’s ‘The Call of Ktulu’ outro/show ends with all band members taking a bow, with a second bow only by Tails and Cosmo for the Mane 6


It was barely half an hour after the show when Pinkie Pie managed to turn the inside of Golden Oak Library into an after-concert party place. She always had her party cannon on her to help set things up, to which that confused those not familiar with the ways of Equestrians, but they didn’t care for it too much.

That night turned into the most festive event since the party thrown for Tails and Cosmo, and with so many guests – the Mane 6, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Snowstar, Tails, Cosmo, Team Sonic, and the entire band – it was a party on both levels of the Princess’s home, even an occasional trip onto the balcony for those who wanted a quick breath of night air. Everyone had something to say about more topics than one could hear clearly at once, including sharing the band’s big bag of tricks of how they perform the way they just showed everypony. The ponies and fillies still couldn’t believe everything they were hearing about, let alone what they witnessed just a while ago.

“…And do you remember when he was like ‘Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! AaaaAAAHHHHH!?’ Plus how, during that other song, how he and she were singing back and forth like that?! Oh, and then there was when all three of those guys were singing on that one song earlier on, which was so cool…” Scootaloo rambled on, still energized from the show’s display even given the late night time it was.

“Thanks, Scootaloo, I’m glad you liked it so much,” Kim said, having a little laugh out of flattery.

“Are you kiddin’?! That was one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a whole lot of crazy, but this was a good kind,” Applejack replied. “Ain’t that right girls?”

“You bet!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle yelled together.

Ron, having his ego slightly inflated from the praising ponies, added “Well it takes a good amount of teamwork and skill to do something like that. Maybe someday you’ll do something amazing together, too.”

That was one of the many conversations taking place, but Rarity called out to “Everyone and everypony! May I have your attention?! Please, everyone!” Her interruption brought them all back together downstairs, since there were fewer upstairs than below, noticing her levitate the two clothing bags she’s had with her most of the day.

“I just have to say how much your arrival to Ponyville has been so, ‘unique,’ to all of us. Where I must admit I find some songs too uncouth and far from charming for my taste, I will be last to say how extraordinary it was nonetheless. Since you’ve given my friends such a spectacle, allow me to return to favor. I present to you my gifts to Tails and Cosmo, and the firsts of a new fashion line I call- ‘Worlds Divine.’”

The unicorn then revealed in front of them all her newest creations, starting with a new suit for Tails. It was normal in terms of formal appearance, but crafted to specifically fit him and no one else, including a feature on the back of his pants to allow his two tails to not be an issue. When she lowered the suit for him to hold and take a closer look, he smiled and said “Wow, these are cool. I can’t wait to try them on.”

Revealed next was Cosmo’s dress, one that was described as the creative crossover between her original dress and one of the ponies’ gala dresses. It gave a strong symbolism of nature’s delights with colors right from the Seedrian Spirit Stone, shining with several gems embroidered in the fabric. She held her new dress in her hands in absolute astonishment and said “Rarity, this is beautiful. I just love it. Thank you so much.”

“It was nothing at all, darling,” Rarity replied. “The fact that you both love how they look so much is thanks enough.”

Some of the couples’ friends took a step closer to take a look, admiring how they looked. Perhaps it was Amy and Pinkie Pie whose eyes were most lit up at the sheer beauty, but the latter did think that the fox’s suit could’ve used a matching fedora. Snowstar, however, didn’t participate in the topic and had herself secluded on the other side of the room, not wanting to be somewhere she’d really have no place in. She could hear hooves walking towards her, belonging to the first ones who noticed her.

“What’s wrong, kid? Not having a good time?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I am,” the blind filly replied, sounding softly, and non-assuring. “I’m just, resting here, that’s all.”

“Well I guess that’s understandable, it’s been a long day after all,” the cyan pony said.

Those around her could tell she was not as happy as she was when the concert began, and she was then asked “Are you worried about what will happen now that we know about you?”

The question came from Fluttershy, a voice the filly was much more comfortable hearing rather than Rainbow Dash’s. She overheard about the rainbow-maned pegasus’s message sent to Cloudsdale, and did not like it at all. “I don’t want to go back. I had so much fun with my new friends, and listening to so much of that music, it was… it was wonderful. Am I going to have to leave it all?”

“Oh, Snowstar, you won’t be leaving any of this,” the yellow mare said, her tone soft and kind like always. “You shouldn’t worry about that.”

“Especially tonight,” Rainbow added.

“I know I shouldn’t, but…” the filly said, but stopped when another voice interrupted.

“What kind of party is this if there’s someone feeling down?” This new voice belonged to Sonic, he and Tails noticing her, but only he came over to say anything. “Come on, kid, let’s find a way to get you enjoying the party a little more.”

“I don’t know,” Snowstar said softly.

“Hey, there’s no sad times at one of these parties, you got that?” Rainbow told her. “Sonic’s right, we need to liven this party up.” She then turned around to get everyone’s attention to call out “Hey guys, we need something fun to do, pronto!”

“Do you have any suggestions?” asked Twilight.

“I don’t know, something cool to do to keep Snowstar out of the dumps,” the cyan mare replied.

Those who could see her directly noticed the filly seeming sad, and so the Cutie Mark Crusaders all ran up to huddle around their friend to help boost her morale. “I say we chow down on some of Pinkie’s awesome cupcakes!” Scootaloo said.

“Maybe we can play some kind of game,” Sweetie Belle added.

“How about some more music?” suggested Tails. “Let’s have a little more fun with that.”

“More music? You mean, all of that loud equipment, packed into here?” asked Fluttershy.

“Not necessarily,” Jason replied, and turned to two particular brothers. “Phineas, Ferb, is our acoustic gear still at the stage?”

“Actually, no,” Phineas said, and went out the front door to bring in a couple guitar cases. “We kinda figured this was going to happen, so we thought ahead and brought a few of the guitars with us.”

Tails smiled, taking one of the cases from him and said “Great thinking, guys. Thanks,” and he opened one of the cases. It was technically his case after all, and inside was one of his oldest acoustic guitars. “I think it would be a nice idea to play a little something, on a smaller scale, just to liven things up a little.”

“Of course. I’d prefer something a little quieter compared to that show of yours,” Twilight stated. She meant no insult by it, but the ponies could easily say they did not expect everything they saw from the Team JAG Band earlier, and the last thing she wanted was her home packed with insanely loud instruments.

No one else really said anything, only a few words exchanged when Phineas and Ferb gave the rest of the band the remaining few guitars from outside while Tails tuned his guitar just right. He then asked Cosmo to go over by Snowstar, in concern that if more cheering up was necessary, his loved one could help do so. Once everyone got situated, he strummed the guitar a couple times with his fingers, and began to play a song called “Be Somebody” by his favorite band to play, 3 Doors Down. It began to resinate with everyone, especially Snowstar and Twilight.

In Snowstar’s mind, she knew what was coming in her life, but after Tails played a song, and then the Master Four played some, joined by a couple other band mates, all while surrounded by her best friends, her attitude improved. As songs such as “What’s This Life For,” “Nothing Else Matters,” “Beautiful,” and “Mama I’m Coming Home” were played through, the entire atmosphere shifted. The party turned into something more that connected every pony and visitor together, so much so that Twilight grabbed Spike and the two went upstairs.

“Spike, take a letter, for Princess Celestia,” the purple alicorn requested.

Confused by this, the little dragon asked “A letter, right now? Why now, Twilight?”

“I have some important information that I’d like her to know about at once. It is absolutely necessary,” Twilight explained.

“But isn’t she still away on royal business?” pondered Spike.

Twilight then answered “I’m sure she isn’t currently too preoccupied to receive a letter. Now please, Spike…”

The dragon just shrugged his shoulders, and then began to write down every word Twilight was saying. It was a longer letter than most she’s sent in the past, mainly her lessons about friendship she had learned since residing in Ponyville, but the subject remained the same. Once it was completed, Spike used his magic fire breath to send the letter to wherever Celestia was. What they both failed to recognize were overhearing individuals who hid in the staircase, originally following the alicorn to see where she was going, but instead overheard everything she had said. They fled back down when the two came back to the party, seeing nothing but smiles and enjoyment all around.

What was also unexpected, at least so soon, was Spike coughing up a new message from Celestia…