• Published 28th Mar 2014
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Taismo: Discovering Equestria - RockStarMLP

A misuse of Chaos Control sends two of Mobius's most recognized heroes to a new world called Equestria. As they find a way home, they explore and enjoy the world of magic and friendship by six new best friends

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Prelude: Confrontation

Peace was far from sight on the planet Mobius as a standoff between two sides took place inside a flying fortress hovering high above Angel Island. There were two conflicts take place, where one on the island saw Sonic and his friends being confronted by enemies of many worlds that blocked their way with combat, and the other taking place in the fortress that saw the heroic Miles ‘Tails’ Prower holding an injured and barely conscious Cosmo in his arms. The fox was battle damaged himself as he was kneeled at his Super Saiyan state, having fighting through waves of opponents and his own rage to reach his heart and soul, captured and tortured by a well-known foe of theirs, and a top commander of the Brotherhood of Darkness. Inside a dimly-lit room was a chamber that held all seven Chaos Emeralds, used to power a device that would turn the fortress into an indestructible planet-destroying meteor, able to maintain its structure even after numerous planetary collisions. Standing by the device’s power generator and the emeralds, the one responsible for everything going on that day watched the battle-torn couple.

“It seemed too easy to accomplish all this,” said the villain. “Tracking all the emeralds while you were off dimension jumping for your foolish music festival, completing my new doom ship’s construction, and striking you when you would least expect it. Perhaps the easiest part of this, was abducting her.”

Tails could only look down at Cosmo, disappointed in himself for not being there for her when she needed it most, and now, she was harmed and wounded. He didn’t move or say a word, just allowing his rage-glaring eyes to shed a couple tears as he thought of his friends- Sonic and the gang, with Dan Phantom and Team Possible among leading forces as the Master Four were spread out across other worlds, all fighting a simultaneous attack made against himself, and his loved one. As his thoughts continued, the villain continued to speak.

“All of your friends, like your flower, believe in themselves and each other that they can succeed in defeating us. How you all manage to go for so long conflicts me with impatience, and humor. It’s gone on and on like this for years for so many of you, whether it was Dr. Eggman, or Organization XIII, or even all the times the Metarex went on the attack, and you still refuse to surrender.

"Tell me this- with the Chaos Emeralds at my disposal, and my plan about to come to accomplishment, what goes through your mind? Do you fear the lives of all your friends below us, or do you only think of yourself and your weed?”

Feeling his rage rise in his heart again, the heroic fox said back “I don’t feel as cold as you do. My friends and I all do what we do for what’s best for each other, and then for ourselves! They will take care of what you’ve got going on right now, but for what you’ve done to Cosmo, I’LL MAKE YOU PAY!!!” His rage shined a glow around him and his beloved, blinding them from the villain in a golden sphere.

The foe looked at this and saw what the fox was up to. “Your attempts are useless. She is near death again, and without the emeralds in your control they won’t save her…” Before continuing, a sudden wave of energy raced across the room, sending a surge through the villain’s body, and the device itself. “What… Where did that power come from?”

Two more surges of power were unleashed, causing the same effects as the first, leaving the foe even more curious. When the light died down, Cosmo was lied down carefully onto the floor with Tails, powered up to Super Saiyan 2 standing just beside her, and looking to finish what the enemy had started. “I won’t let you get away with anything! Not again!” proclaimed the fox, and he charged straight in to attack.

Lying on the ground and having her body seeming surrounded by an aura of energy, Cosmo’s strength was rebuilding, and her conscious becoming stronger and clearer in thought. Where her eyes remained shut, her heart could sense what was taking place. “Tails, you’re right,” she said in her thoughts. “Our bond is strong, just like the bonds we share with our friends. I know you can do it, because we all have each other.”

The fight between Tails and the enemy was intense, each one refusing to hold back or fight lightly around the emerald-powered device. Their mercilessness became so great that they each slammed one-another into the towering weapon, making damages both visible and unseen to the naked eye. Seeing that more was needed to be done for a successful attack on Mobius, the villain stated “Your power is great, but your heart is still weak!” Attention was then redirected back towards the Seedrian heroine as the foe prepared to fire a blast of energy right at her, enough to kill her.

“Don’t you dare harm her!” exclaimed Tails, and closed in for an attack, but when he threw a punch to stop the attempted attack, the foe vanished. He had swung his fist through air, just able to notice the enemy relocating to the distance where his better half was, and immediately raced to her. “No! COSMO!!”

When an electrical surge from the device lit the entire room, it shined on the enemy, whose energy intended to kill Cosmo was blocked by her beloved Tails, who took the attack head on and was blasted back straight into the device’s computer programming base. Both the blast and the impact did its damage, and the fox found himself face first on the floor with the wind knocked right out of him. Little to all their knowledge, all the damage the foe’s machine had taken had caused great complications in its operations. An alarm began to sound as the computer controls at the base began to go haywire and unable to be accessed appropriately. The villain in the room did not find this sight pleasant in any way.

“What?!” he exclaimed and raced over to see the damage. “No, the controls are too damaged! I can’t repair it in time to shut it down from going off!” With no point in carrying out a plan best left abandoned, the foe had to think fast of what to save all this effort from becoming a lost cause. Looking over at the barely conscious Cosmo first, he then noticed Tails trying to get back up as he stood on his hands and knees. Turning back towards the device’s controls, the villain thought for a moment, only one thing came to mind. “I don’t know what my machine will do to you now that it won’t function properly, but the least I can hope for is that it does me enough to end you both here today!”

A slam with a merciless fist against the control panel sends the device into activation, but not before he walks over to Tails and kicks the hero hard in the stomach, sending him in a tumble to land just near Cosmo too winded to move. The villain then opened a dark portal for means of escape, prepared to retreat and hope for the best in the couple’s worst outcome. The last sentence he’d thought he’d ever get to say to them was “Farewell, Tails and Cosmo. Wherever you end up, you will no longer serve as my opposition again.” Leaving the world of Team Sonic was Dark Oak, ruler of the Metarex, returning to the base of the Brotherhood to behold what the Chaos Emeralds would do to the two that foiled his plans more than even Sonic or Dr. Eggman have done in the past.

Just as the portal of Darkness closed behind it, one other opened at Angel Island below, where the Master Four of Team JAG emerged out from to help in the fight on Mobius, but no one expected to see what happened next. From within the flying fortress, a bright white light emitted and spread out from Dark Oak’s machine, engulfing everything in its path within its glow. It first began to cover Tails, who reached out to hold Cosmo’s hand to try and save them both, but he could only move the one arm in time to grab hold of her hand before using the other to help aide in their escape. The light then engulfed them both, followed by the many areas of the fortress, and then the entire ship itself and prevented all who tried to look to see what happen next- just as the ship was blinded fully away, everything in the sky vanished. No trace was left to be seen of the giant flying fortress, the seven Chaos Emeralds, and the two close friends of that world and many others. That light has been seen time after time before, and for Sonic and his friends of Mobius, it was easily recognized as one thing- Chaos Control.