• Published 26th Oct 2014
  • 1,594 Views, 37 Comments

Mark of Baen - CrypticMetaphor

In the final installment of the Baen duology, Baen must fight old enemies and come to terms with his past to prevail

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Author's Note:

This is the same chapter prior to the revision, but this is the only original chapter, the rest from here on out are all going to be revised! ENJOY!

Months can be long for many, but to some, it was like time passed with the blink of an eye. The ponies of Ponyville had gotten along pretty well for themselves, the fact that they had a princess living among them that would be more than happy to hear any grievances they had or just to hang out with eased their nerves greatly. It was also that, and the sheer fact that the rebuilding of Equestria in certain areas had finished a long time ago and life had returned to sense of normalcy. At the moment, Twilight Sparkle was busy running errands in town. Even though she was a princess, she did enjoy the little things in life that made her feel more grounded. Be it from shopping for groceries, straightening up the castle’s library, cleaning the Crystal Mirror, or taking care of Nibbles for Baen. But why did she enjoy taking care of a salamander of all things? Well in truth, it was a reminder that eventually the barbarian in question would eventually return to her and Ponyville.

Many ponies of Equestria not only enjoyed Baen’s company, but he was considered a hero among the kingdom. No more than several months ago, he had defeated The Four Harbingers; it was then that his leave started. At first he took a month off to recover and hang out with the six mares and his own friends, doctors’ orders. It was then that he decided to go on his month vacation with his marefriend Coco Pommel to the sea side city of Santa Carta. Both ponies had enjoyed it immensely, the sheer fact that they had all that time to themselves made them closer than ever. Baen then decided to take a couple more months to himself, to venture to the other kingdoms in Equestria and see the sights, he had sent them post cards and said he would return soon and said he missed them. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t miss him as well, she was his Blood Sister and he her Blood Brother, they were almost like family. As she walked from Baen’s home, the salamander known as Nibbles sleeping contently in her mane, she stopped. Her ears flicked slightly as she heard a distant noise.

“What is that,” she glanced around, “Come on Twilight; it’s just probably your imagination.”

Nibbles clicked a few times before curling in a ball.

“You know, you’re kind of cute when you aren’t trying to eat my mane or Spike,” she chuckled as she approached town…though wishing she hadn’t.

Ponies were running around frantically in a panic. Screams were heard accompanied by smashing in the distance, she then noticed Applejack filing ponies through the town.

“Applejack, what’s going on here?!”

Applejack snapped her head around and sighed in mild relief, “Oh Twi, thank Celestia you’re here, we have a BIG problem.”

“What is it? Hydra? Manticore? Discord having a sugar rush,” she stopped for a moment, “Pinkie and Discord having a sugar rush while riding a Hydra being led by a Manticore?”

“Neither, it’s…well….it’s a,” Applejack froze when her ears flicked.


The roar shook the glass in every window as a mighty crash was heard. The two ponies turned their heads as the side of a building blew outwards to the street, what emerged made their blood run cold. Standing before them was a massive creature, a good two feet taller than full grown Manticore.

“A LION!?”

Twilight’s exclamation alerted the massive lion as it turned its head. Two burning yellow eyes fixed on the two ponies. Its fur was the color of spun gold and its claws, which were unsheathed and clicking on the ground, were as dark as the blackest steel. It licked its chops as it advanced; it’s fangs as sharp as any razor.

Twilight started backing up as the Lion advanced, “Applejack, where did it come from?”

“Ahm not sure to tell ya the truth,” she flinched as the Lion skulked closer, “me and the family were just runnin the stand as usual. The next thing we knew, this here jungle cat surged into town and started tearin into everything like Applebloom into an apple tart.”

Twilight couldn’t help but stare at the creature, “I’ve never seen anything like it before. Well I mean I’ve been to circuses, but this lion…it’s almost unnatural.”

“Twi,” Applejack stated, “everythin in Equestria that ain’t civilized isn’t natural.”

“No I mean last I checked,” she eeped when they backed into a wall, “Lion’s never grew this large.”

The beast tensed and made to leap, but was swiftly taken down by a familiar rainbow blur.

“Rainbow Dash!”

Dash landed on a nearby roof and shook her hind hoof, “Ouch! That thing has a thick jaw,” she glanced at Twilight who teleported AJ and herself beside her friend, “You two alright?”

Twilight nodded as the Lion growled up at them, “Yeah,” the Lion started pacing in front of the roof, “Can you fly and get Fluttershy to see if she can reason with this lion?”

Rainbow chuckled lightly, “Funny you should mention that,” she then turned around fully to reveal the pegasus in question latched to Rainbow’s side shivering in fright.

Fluttershy whimpered, “I…I tried talking to it, but it wouldn’t listen and it tried to eat me!”

Twilight gently pried Fluttershy off, “Well that eliminates Plan A,” she then blinked, “Wait…where’s Pinkie Pie and Rarity!?”

Applejack raised a hoof, “Calm down sugarcube, they’re safe. Rarity’s in her shop with Pinks, they were having a brainstormin session about a few ideas for,” she waved her hoof as she found her words, “party casual wear.”

Dash nodded with a smile, “Yeah, then I flew over to the shop and told her to go into lockdown. It’s just us against big and nasty here.”

Twilight bit her lip as she saw the Lion glare up at them, “Oh…”

Rainbow noticed her look and nudged her with a cocky smirk, “Relax, we got this in the bag.”

Twilight set herself and nodded, “Right,” she glanced around and noted her surroundings, a plan forming, “Alright, I got it.”

She looked to Rainbow, “Rainbow, I want you to lure it toward Town Hall but make sure it stays on you and away from anypony else!”

Rainbow saluted, “Got it!”

Twilight looked to Applejack, “AJ, get your strongest ropes and follow me, and Fluttershy….,” she noticed the trembling pegasus again and smiled and gave her a pat, “just stay here and relax,” she levitated Nibbles down to her, “Here, Nibbles will keep you company and safe.”

Nibbles licked Fluttershy’s nose causing the shy mare to smile, “Okay, just be careful.”

Twilight nodded as she and AJ teleported away.

Dash puffed out her chest and flew in front of the Lion, “HEY FURBALL!”

The Lion snapped its head to growl at the cyan pony as Dash wiggled her flank at it, “Come and get me!”

She zipped off as the Lion roared and gave chase.


At the train station, a lone afternoon train pulled into the station as a pony disembarked. The pony was wearing a yellow and red tropical shirt and a pair of sunglasses. The pony glanced around and stared at the fact that there was nopony around to greet him. He scratched his wild rose red mane, a rose red rune the cutiemark adorning his flank.

“That’s odd,” a large suitcase was deposited beside him, “I thought everypony would be here.”

A mint green unicorn ran into view and stopped when she saw him, “OH THANK CELESTIA!”

The Stallion raised an eyebrow when Lyra approached, “What’s the problem?”

“It’s Princess Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. They’re a fighting a massive Lion alone!”

The stallion pulled of his shades as his emerald green eyes sparked, “Where.”


Twilight and Applejack appeared in Town Square and saw two things. The area surrounding the building was wrecked, and Rainbow was literally flying circles around the massive jungle cat.

“Come on you flea bag! Try and hit me!”

Rainbow dodged around another swipe and laughed.

“Alright Applejack,” Twilight gestured to four of the metal banner posts, “I’m going to tell Rainbow to draw it between those and when it passes those first two, get it’s left front paw. Once that’s done get the other,” she levitated a pair of the ropes in front of her, “I’ll work on the back legs.”

“Gotcha Twi,” she reared back, “Let’s wrangle us a Lion!”

The ponies split as Twilight yelled, “Rainbow, bring it toward Applejack!”

“On it,” she flicked a rock at the Lion’s snout drawing its attention and then blew a raspberry before flying for the posts.

The Lion roared in anger and was in hot pursuit as Twilight took up position. Right as the Lion went into position; a rope snaked out and ensnared the front paw. Losing one of its legs, the Lion ate dirt as soon its other paw joined its twin. Twilight quickly levitated the ropes to its hind legs and tied all four ropes to the steel posts. The Lion thrashed in its bonds, roaring loudly in frustration and rage.

Twilight trotted to her two friends, “Alright. Now we just need to figure out what to do with it.”

“I say we stick it in a cage,” Rainbow stated, “let it do some time while we call Princess Celestia.”

Applejack nodded, “Seems like the reasonable thing to do, any cages layin around that are big enough?”

Twilight taped her chin, “I know a barrier spell that could do the trick, but we have to act fast. Even though I enchanted your ropes, I doubt they’ll hold.”


“….for long….”

All three mares turned in fright and saw the Lion free and cutting its bonds, its eyes then fixed on the three as its body tensed like a wound up spring. Its teeth and claws bore as it prepared to pounce…only for something to halt its advance. A pair of shades bounced off its snout. The four creatures turned their heads and saw somepony who they did not expect to see, standing nearby on a roof behind them with a suitcase propped up was none other than the Red Maned Rabble Rouser himself.

Baen looked at Twilight and grinned, “I leave for a few months and Ponyville is attacked, you’re slacking off.”

Twilight shook her head with a snort, “Good to see you too Baen.”

Rainbow smirked, “Took you long enough knuckle head.”

Applejack pointed at the Lion as it started its advance anew, “Uh, ah hate to interrupt the banter,” Baen blinked and nodded.

“Right,” he ripped off his shirt and kicked his bag.

The bag rattled as he leapt from the roof. The lid burst open as armor pieces shot out like miniature rockets and attached themselves to the pony as he landed. His pendant catching the light as his axe landed in front of him in the ground.

Twilight nodded as she stood beside her friend, “Well it’s good to see my armoring enchantment is working like a charm.”

Baen nodded with a focused look as the others joined him, “It’s quite useful indeed. What is this beast?”

Applejack shook her head, “Were not sure, ahm actually hopin you would know.”

Baen shook his head, “Haven’t seen it before.”

Twilight nodded, “Alright, so it’s going in blind then.”

Baen smirked as he wrenched his ax free, “My kind of fight.”

Baen rushed the creature, his axe raised high as he swiped at it, his ax made contact…but it bounced off its pelt like it was armor.


The beast smashed the barbarian hard across his chest plate, the barbarian was like a bullet when he crashed into town hall and into the office of a shocked Mayor Mare.

“Hey Mayor, you look good today,” Baen smiled through a bit of pain.

Mayor Mare shook her head, “I’ll inform the construction company your back. Oh by the way,” she smiled at the warrior, “please get that feline out of my town.”

Baen saluted upside down, “Can do.”

He leapt from the hole, but froze. He glanced down and noticed his armor had a huge gash in it.

“How could,” he looked up and saw Twilight and the girls attempting to fight back against the beast.

Dash and Applejack hurled objects at the Lion, but they bounced off without injury. Twilight fired concentrated magic blasts that only seemed to antagonize it even more. Baen shook his head, what manner of Lion was this? He tapped his chin, no conventional weapons could harm it, and its claws cut through his armor like it was tissue paper. There had to be something…..


Baen looked up and saw Applejack bucking a bench into the beast’s snout, “A little help!?”

Baen nodded and stepped forward, noticing a statue nearby, something clicked in his head as he left his ax behind. Letting loose a loud cry, his Wrath aura flared bright as he leapt onto the Lion’s back and grappled it’s head. The Lion thrashed hard in an effort to get the pony off, Twilight and the girls could only stand by and watch as he beat its head with his armored hoof. His hind legs secured around its neck as he rained blows down on it.

“Applejack,” he yelled, “Tie its tail!”

Applejack nodded and grabbed one of her shorter ropes and lassoed the limb and pulled.

“Twilight! Aim for its eyes!”

Twilight nodded as she charged a spell. Baen planted his hind hooves on its neck and pushed off and landed behind it as Twilight fired a continuous stream.

Baen grabbed the rope in his teeth as did AJ, he ushered Dash over to assist which she did in gusto.

Applejack then nodded hard, “PULL!”

The three ponies pulled hard as the Lion got closer, Baen then released the rope and slid on the dirt, his aura still active as he got under the Lion. The distraction of having its eyes and tail attacked diverted its attention as Baen placed his hind hooves on its chest and heaved. The Lion roared as it landed hard on its back. Baen sprung, he looked to Twilight as he was in mid air. She nodded and encased him in her telekinetic aura, she then pushed him hard toward the Lion’s head. Baen brought his two front hooves forward.


The sound broke through the air as the Lion went limp.

All four ponies panted as the stared down at the unconscious creature.

“Did you kill it?” Dash asked as she poked it.

“No,” Baen shook his head, “I merely rendered it unconscious.”

“How? Your ax, not even my magic could harm it,” Twilight circled the creature and erected her barrier spell.

“Well it seemed no mortal weapon or spell could HARM it,” Baen rang his hooves out, “So I concluded that the best method would either be strangling it, or get a massive blow to the head would do the trick.”

The girls blinked at him, “Thankfully I went for the latter before the former.”

“Well well, there’s a sight for sore eyes!”

Baen glanced behind him and stared at Discord, “Ah Discord, you look well.”

Discord was about to answer but his eyes lit up when he saw the creature in the magic cage, “A Nemean Lion?”

Twilight walked to Discord, “You know what this thing is?”

“Well of course,” Discord showed his lion paw, “I am part Nemean after all,” he stroked his beard, “It’s odd though….”

Rainbow narrowed her eyes in suspicion, “Why?”

“Because last I checked, the last one died out when I took the big boy seat for the first time,” he shrugged as he started poking it with a feather, “frankly I’m surprised you four managed to take it down. These things are notorious for being tough cookies to stop. Also for their high diet of pony meat,” he gave them the thumbs up, “nice job! I’m sure old Sunbutt has a gold star in her saddle bag for each of you.”

The three mares sighed, but Baen hugged the four beings with a big smile, “It’s good to be back!”

The four beings smiled and hugged him back.

Twilight nuzzled him, “It’s good to see you.”

Pinkie Pie then appeared with Rarity and Fluttershy.

“Oh my!”

Pinkie Pie nodded, “I’ll get my jumbo kitty crate!”

Baen released his four friends, “Girls!”

The three mares smiled, “Baen!”

Rarity halted and gasped, “Oh dear your armor!”

Baen glanced down at his chest plate, “Oh….yeah, you wouldn’t mind…would you?”

Rarity smiled as Pinkie hugged him, “Not at all dear, I feel a tad out of practice,” she glanced at the Lion, “though I appal working with furs. Its pelt is positively divine. Such a shade of gold,” she gasped as the spark of inspiration appeared in her eyes, “Apologies everypony, I must go back to the Boutique!”

The girls shook their heads as she yanked Baen’s armor from his body and ran off. Baen smiled as ponies came out of their houses to welcome the barbarian back. After greetings were given, an hour later, Princess Celestia and Luna arrived to survey the culprit of the damage.

Celestia stared at the growling Lion, “Such a creature…,” she nodded with conviction, “I’ll take this…Nemean Lion back to Canterlot to be contained and studied. Rest assured we shall not harm it.”

Luna backed off as it swiped at her, “Lest it gives us reason to.”

The princesses turned as the magic cage was levitated away by unicorn guards and smiled at the seven ponies.

“It’s good to see you alive and well Baen,” she glanced at the girls, “once more you have saved my little ponies from death. If this keeps up I may have to pay you on a regular basis.”

“Wouldn’t hurt.”

Twilight bopped him on the head as the monarchs laughed.


As greetings and jokes were exchanged in Ponyville, the local Diamond Dogs were staring at their most unusual prize. The Rock Emerald. A dog named Thorn had dug it out months ago, but after doing so, he had started acting….funny. He kept calling it ‘My Lady’ and talking to it. At the moment he was in holding and they were still deciding on what to do with it.

A Diamond Dog with a red vest known as Fido drummed his claws on the table as the other Dogs stared at it, “I say we keeps it. Stick it in wall.”

A smaller dog jumped in his chair, “But Emerald drove Thorn cuckoo, gem is bad!”

Fido growled, “I am boss, I decide what we do.”

The small dog growled back, “Like grabbing pony?”

Fido pointed at the dog, “You swore never to speak of that!”

The gem started to pulse with light as small cracks appeared on it.

“Don’t like being reminded of failure?”

The dogs started bickering, but then the gem exploded. The dogs were sent sprawling as green smoke filled the room. Soon it cleared and a shape became fully visible. The shape was a slender unicorn mare, her figure an envy of many from her time. She was garbed in a green robe with gold trim and a matching clasp. Fixed in the center was a round emerald. Her mane was an emerald green and like her tail, fell in a seductive yet elegant cascade. Her coat was a light white and on her flank was her cutie mark. It was a blue heart encircled by acidic yellow vines with thorns. Atop her head was a gold tiara. The smoke retracted and condensed at the center of her tiara and became a green gem. Her lighter emerald green eyes looked around the cavern with mild interest. Around her hooves were gold rings with intertwining lines engraved on them as she shuffled a little.

Fido stood up and pointed, “Where did pony come from! Why you here!”

The Mare raised an eyebrow, a small smile appearing as her horn gave off an eerie green light.