• Published 26th Oct 2014
  • 1,594 Views, 37 Comments

Mark of Baen - CrypticMetaphor

In the final installment of the Baen duology, Baen must fight old enemies and come to terms with his past to prevail

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Far within the Diamond Dog mines, Vida was pouring over books as the diamond dogs were in a trance like haze of bliss. They served her fruits and oats whenever she would beckon them forward, one Dog deposited some more ‘borrowed materials’ at the hooves of their mistress.

“Here you go oh marvelous Vida, more pony books,” the dog said with a smile, “has I done good?”

Vida smiled sweetly at the Dog and ruffled his head as he panted in happiness, “Indeed you have my loyal pet, now away with you,” she stared at a light brown book that was quite sizable with the royal crest on the front, “Hm…how pray tell did you come across such an official looking tome?”

The Dog swelled with pride and made a loud bark. Soon, armored Diamond Dogs dragged in three guard ponies. Two were under the left and right arm of the right most Dog, the left one possessing only one guard. The guards were roughly thrown to the ground, their helmets rolling away from themselves. Vida smiled with mirth as she readjusted herself atop her makeshift throne, two of the guards were pegasai, and the last was a unicorn.

The Unicorn stood up, “Who are you?! What is the meaning of this! This is grounds for treason!”

Vida lightly giggled as she sauntered fluidly toward the three guards. The two pegasai leapt forward in an effort to restrain the mare, but they were restrained instead by the two Dog Guards. Vida approached the unicorn and eyed him up and down, in a manner similar to a predator sizing up its prey.

“Tell me guard,” she mused, “Do you answer to the so called monarchs of the sun and moon?”

The Unicorn snorted, “I do, and what you have done this day is grounds for both treason and theft,” he stepped forward, “If you come quietly, I assure you that I will petition Princess Celestia to grant you a fair trial.”

Vida graced the stallion with a lidded smile as she slowly wandered around him. The Unicorn didn’t know why, but this mare, she was almost entrancing. Her every movement was like a dance, the times he had heard her voice was like somepony was serenading him with a song. It was if somehow, she was in his mind, and yet she wasn’t.

“I must ask,” Vida cooed as she dragged her tail under the guard’s chin, “I’ve been looking into some knowledge, specifically on this time period and magic. But It seems that I am EVER so lost on the subject,” she deftly licked the guard’s cheek and whispered in his ear, “you wouldn’t by chance be able to assist me, would you?”

The two pegasai squirmed to get free, but there gaze fixed on their commanding officer. They saw it, it was subtle at first, but they could distinctly see the power he was now under. The mare pressed her lips to his. The look of surprise on his face relaxed as his ears folded back, a soft blush appeared on his face as emerald green rings outlined the edges of his irises. The rings gave off a soft glow, and the mare then pulled away with a victorious smile.

“Of course, my lady,” The Unicorn stated with a smile, “I will help in any way I can.”

One of the pegasai yelled out, “Gilded! Have you lost your sense!? She had these Dogs kidnap us!”

His partner nodded, “She’s a witch! She’s enchanted you! Ensnared you in her dark curse, snap out of it,” the pegasus then when pale as Vida approached him.

“Witch….I have not been called that in quite some time,” she smiled sweetly as she caressed the guard’s face with her hoof, “I’ve never liked the term that much. I find it lacking tact and manners,” her eyes flashed dangerously, “and I appal being called Witch.”

Nopony outside of the mines heard the loud surge of magic and the blood curdling scream.


Back in Ponyville however, the day had been fairly average. Baen, after returning five days ago and letting slip the news of his intention of proposing to Coco, was currently assisting Applejack at the farm. It turns out that Big Mac had to travel to Manehattan to seal a possible deal for an outside Ponyville expansion of the family Orchard, just by a few yards, but the red tape surrounding it was more his speed due to his discerning eye on fine print. Who knew such a quiet stallion was so well versed in zoning and profits.

Applejack whipped the sweat from her mane with a well-executed flick of her head, “Whooo! That was one heck of a day. I’m more tired than a black cat runnin a marathon in a heat wave.”

Baen smiled as he booted one last tree, “Agreed. What time is it by the way?”

Applejack glanced upwards and shielded her eyes for a moment, “Mah guess….about half past 3 in the afternoon,” she chuckled and playfully nudged the barbarian as she passed him toward the house, “I ought to get ya to help around her more often, ah’ve never finished this early before.”

Baen shook his head as he followed the farm mare to her house, “I’ll help if you ever have need of me,” he smiled as she looked back at him, “what are friends for?”

Applejack chuckled with a good natured grin, “That’s the spirit! Wanna join me for a late lunch? My treat!”

Baen glanced back toward Ponyville but nodded, “Sure, I’m not one to turn down free food.”

Applejack chuckled as they both entered the farm house, “You and me both!”

Both friends soon arrived in the kitchen and both ponies chit chatted as Applejack whipped something up. Using what they had on hand, some hashbrowns, some eggs, and an assortment of peppers with some pepper, Applejack whipped up a dish Granny Smith referred to as ‘Surprise’. It tasted quite good and was greatly filling. Almost like an omelet, but with vast differences in taste and texture. After their meal, the two went to the living room to sit and merely chat while the food settled. After a bit of friendly chatter, they both lapsed into silence.

After what seemed like hours, Applejack cleared her throat.

“Alright, ah’m gonna address the elephant in the room,” she stated finally, “About you propsin to Coco. Ah know you don’t want to start sweatin over it, but Baen,” she gave him a concerned look, “are ya sure that ya want to get hitched right now? Ah mean ya said yerself once, you don’t want to be anchored down just yet.”

“I know Applejack,” he sighed as he stared at the farm pony, “But it’s more….I want somepony to come home to. Somepony to keep me….me, you understand right?”

“Ya just want somepony to make sure your hooves stay on the ground,” she smiled knowingly, “To make sure ya never forget to come back home. Ah understand, but are ya ready to take that step? It’s a pretty big choice that could make or break you.”

Baen sat there for a moment, thinking hard on his answer. After a few more minutes of contemplation, he nodded.

“I’m sure.”

Applejack narrowed her eyes and leaned forward, her green eyes searching own for any uncertainty or lies. Baen started to sweat a bit as she rubbed her chin, her critical eyes searching, prodding his very soul. After a few more minutes she leaned back and nodded with closed eyes.

“Eeyup, you’re ready,” she stated finally.

Baen exhaled in relief as she smirked with one open eye, “Buuuuuuut, if ya want to prove to yourself that you’re ready,” she hopped down from the sofa and tapped Baen on the chest, “Go ask her as soon as ya can. Quit sittin around on yer flank.”

Baen looked to the side and shifted nervously, but then his gaze became steeled as a confident smile appeared.

“You’re RIGHT!”

He burst outside…..and then fell into a bunch of surprised ponies. Applejack looked down in stunned shock. The rest of the girls were in a tangled mess, with a not to amused Baen staring at them all.

“How long were you all listening?”

Twilight chuckled nervously, Baen’s gaze fixed on her.

“You planned this…”

Rarity managed to free herself from the tangle of bodies as did everypony else, “It’s not that we planned it darling.”

Rainbow Dash nudged him, “We just wanted to give you the push to just get it over with. I mean, ever since you let it slip all those days ago, you’ve been pretty all over the place.”

Twilight nodded, “Baen, we just want to see you and Coco happy,” she smiled and they all lined up in front of him, “We’re here to help you to make sure that you’re not nervous and maybe give you a bit of a hoof.”

Baen raised an eyebrow as Rarity levitated a box over to him. It was a small thing made of white material. He placed it on the ground and eased it open, gawking. Resting inside was a golden band with gold etchings on it. Atop the ring were three small gem stones. In the center was a heart shaped gem, one half was ruby red, while the other was a pale blue. On the left and right of the heart gem were smaller circular white gems that glowed with inner rainbow light. Baen looked at the ring and then to the smiling faces of his friends.


Pinkie Pie hopped over to him, “Oh it’s nothing much, we all pitched in a little something to help make it,” she hugged him, “Think of it as our wedding present and our welcome home present.”

Baen slowly shut the box as the girls stared at the now trembling barbarian.

Applejack tilted her head, “You alright Sugar?”

Fluttershy looked to the side, “Oh, I think we might have shocked him too much. Or he might not like it….”

Baen looked up at them, happy tears falling from his eyes. He embraced the six in a large hug.

“What did I do,” he whispered quietly in happiness, “to deserve such good friends as you six.”

The mares smiled and hugged him back.

Twilight then whispered back, “The train leaves in a couple of hours.”

Baen nodded as the seven separated.

“Alright,” he stated wiping away his tears and steading himself.

“I’ll go home, get cleaned up!”

The girls followed him as he marched toward his house with purpose, “I’ll ready the ring, prepare my words,” he raised his front hoof and shook it at the heavens, “Tieg will be with me in this time of great purpose! I WILL PREVAIL!!!”

Twilight blinked, “Uh…Baen, you’re just proposing to Coco, not going off to fight an army.”

Baen turned around and booped Twilight on the nose, “Ah but my dear Twilight, love is the greatest battlefield of all!”

He rushed down the street, “And I’ll stand victorious with the spoils being the blood soaked altar of marriage!”

He was almost out of site before he yelled back, “BLOOD SOAKED I SAY!!!!!!”

The girls looked after their overzealous friend.

Applejack blinked, “Well….at least he’s confident.”

“And absolutely insane,” Rainbow added.

“Oh come now girls,” Rarity said, “Baen’s just excited. Or perhaps its nerves,” she thought a little more on it, “Or…perhaps he did just lose his mind.”

Twilight stood before her friends, “Whatever it is. We promised to be there for him, so we better go prepare for the trip,” she glanced back toward where Baen had vanished to, “Something tells me he’s going to need our support.”


Back in Baen’s house, the barbarian had just finished washing himself at a ludicrous pace. Nibbles rested on the sink as his master stared at himself in the mirror.

“This is it old friend,” he stated, “I’m going to ask the mare I love to marry me.”

Nibbles yawned.

“I can do this,” he muttered.

He ran downstairs and grabbed the ring box and his ax before rushing out the door.