• Published 26th Oct 2014
  • 1,595 Views, 37 Comments

Mark of Baen - CrypticMetaphor

In the final installment of the Baen duology, Baen must fight old enemies and come to terms with his past to prevail

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Author's Note:

WHEW!!! That was a big one. I apologize if it seems rushed, if not, I hope you all enjoy it!! Next up, the road to the final showdown with Vida!!!

It was evening when Twilight came back to the Villa of Cornucopia. She looked around in mild awe, but stopped in her tracks when she noticed Baen. He was presently laying on his back lifting a few barbells with some Fleecian guards spotting him. He stopped for a moment and his gaze met hers. Twilight huffed and looked away as she curtly trotted past him while he just snorted in annoyance. Baen went back to his workout while Twilight entered the main lobby of the home. Cornucopia was watching Baen from a window when Twilight entered.

“He’s been at it since you left,” Cornucopia shook his head, “He’s a stubborn one that’s for sure.”

“That’s one word for it,” Twilight muttered as she slowly walked up the stairs which Cornucopia took notice of.

“If I might ask Princess Twilight,” he inquired curiously, “Is everything alright?”

“Everythings fine,” she sighed, “I just need to get some sleep.”

“Lovers spat, I see,” Cornucopia nodded sagely, “It will pass.”

Twilight whinnied in surprised and smacked into the doorframe of her room, “Wha!? No, Baen’s not- He’s ENGAGED!”

“Ah, missed your chance then.”

Twilight sputtered as she became red in the face.

Lotus Blossom came to rest beside the flustered alicorn, “Dearest stop.”

Cornucopia noted his wife and the relieved expression on Twilight’s face, “Ah...right. Sorry about that love.”

“Now, come to bed,” Lotus Blossom said with a small smile, “We have much work to do.”

“Ah but love, we have company,” Cornucopia quickly added as he was levitated to her side, “show some restraint.”

“Well of course,” Lotus Blossom said as she trotted briskly, “Those tax and zoning forms won’t fill themselves out. We must both conserve our energy, it’ll be a long night.”

“....what?” Cornucopia squeaked out as the door shut.

Twilight chuckled lightly at the pair which got her thinking back to those two ponies she had seen earlier in the day. It was clear they had some sort of connection with Lion Heart and, possibly, might no more about him. She nodded resolutely. She’d find them tomorrow and get to the bottom of this champion. She looked back to the door to the Villa, the dull thunks and grunts of Baen’s workout faintly heard. She shook her head and her room door behind her.


Twilight came down from her room, after a quick shower and complimentary breakfast, and was face to face with an armored up Baen who was readjusting his plating. Twilight fixed him with an even stare while Baen looked back at her with an equal look of mild disdain.

“So, still going through with it then?” Twilight asked dryly.

“Yup,” Baen replied curtly.

“Well, just so you’re aware, I’m taking measures to at LEAST figure some things out,” Twilight replied as she walked past him with a flick of her tail to his nose, “So when you decide to drop this ridiculous rivalry with Lion Heart and remember the reason we came here, I’ll be in town for another few hours until the guards come to take me to the boat.”

“Don’t wait up,” Baen said with a dismissive wave.

Twilight grit her teeth in mild anger as she harrumphed out the door.


“Selfish...pig headed...testosterone fueled DUMBNESS!!!” Twilight flustered out as she stalked through the streets in a sour mood. She had been asking and searching around for the two mystery ponies for hours with little success. Many ponies could only say they had SEEN them, but not recently.

“Spike would help me come up with some more choice terms for it, he’d even admit when HE WAS WRONG! and-,” she perked up and then her gaze went down, “Spike…..”

She sat on a bench and looked to the side, “What am I even doing here ...I should…,” she sighed as she placed her face on her hooves, “this isn’t helping anything, I’m just mad at Baen being...himself. I thought I was over that,” she chuckled as she leaned a little back and looked at the sky, “I guess old habits do die hard.”

She looked down and stopped, the ponies she had been looking for staring right at her.

“Uh…,” Twilight quickly composed herself, “HI! I mean,” she cleared her throat, “Hello there, um...you wouldn’t by chance know Lion Heart would you?”

The mare rolled her eyes, “Unfortunately.”

Twilight tilted her head as The Stallion nudged The Mare, “Shottie, come on,” his voice was almost whispery in tone but loud enough to be heard, “She doesn’t mean any harm, her stars are bright and aligned with ours, she can help us.”

“Okay and even if they are,” ‘Shottie’ shot back, “why should we even bother anymore? Lion Heart hasn’t even given us the time of day for months, he doesn’t even-”

“Um excuse me,” Twilight interrupted with a polite gesture, “I can sense there’s some...tension here? I mean I am the Princess of Friendship and I don’t mean to toot my own horn but,” she leaned in a little, “Friendship problems aaaare my speciality.”

‘Shottie’ sighed and looked at The Stallion, “You’re sure of this?”

“Yes. The stars never lie.” The Stallion replied with a nod.

Twilight was a tad confused at the statement, “Huh?”

“Oh, forgive us your highness,” ‘Shottie’ said as she gave a bow, “I am Sure Shot, and this stallion to my left,” she waved a hoof at her now small smiling companion, “Is Star Weaver.”

Star Weaver gave a polite nod, “Salutations Princess.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Twilight tilted her head as she continued to stare at Star Weaver, “excuse me for asking but...you mentioned the stars.”

“Yes. The stars are many and they shine when fate has plotted it’s course, all creatures big and small are born under series stars. When the stars of one shine with others, they are threads of fate destined to intertwine,” Star Weaver said calmly, “as is the way of the ever changing star map of life and destiny.”

Twilight stared in mild awe as Sure Shot chuckled, “Sorry, he gets like that whenever somepony brings them up.”

“No, I kind of figured that out,” she chuckled but then approached the two, “But what I really want to know is about Lion Heart. Just...who is he exactly?”

Sure Shot narrowed her eyes, “Why do you ask?”

“It’s nothing nefarious, it’s just my friend is going to...probably get hurt and I wanted to know if there was a way to dissuade him. That’s all,” Twilight reassured as Sure Shot relaxed.

“If you really want to know...well,” she looked at Star Weaver who nodded slowly.
“Alright, walk with us.” Sure Shot tilted her head and lead Twilight through the streets.

“Before anything, you need to understand something…,” Sure Shot said calmly, “Lion Heart isn’t..a bad guy. A bit of a hot head yes, but not bad.”

Twilight looked at Sure Shot and Star Weaver as the two seemed...saddened.

Star Weaver looked at Twilight, or she assumed so through his blindfold, “The three of us...well, we were orphans. We were raised together at the Golden Laurel orphanage, but we never properly met until one day.”


The three colts shoved a smaller Star Weaver into the mud, the younger colt shivered as he covered his eyes and grasped around for his bandage that covered his eyes.

“What’s the matter Weaver? Looking for your wittle bandage? Come on! Let’s see those eyes of yours!” The more stockier Colt mocked, “look at us and we’ll give it back.”

“Please….,” Star Weaver whimpered, “I can’t see…”

“Star Eyes, Star Eyes, Star Eyes can’t see the sunlight!” The colts mocked as Weaver continued to grasp around.

“HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!” a voice rang out as a much taller but thinner Sure Shot came to his side, “You know he needs that! What’s your problem?”

“What? We just want to see his eyes, that’s all,” A Colt with a unibrow said with annoyance.

“He CAN’T show you his eyes! You know that! It hurts him!” Sure Shot snorted.

“Whatever, move over.” The Stocky One shoved the filly into the mud causing the group to laugh.


All present turned to see a small colt with a wild black mane glaring at The Stocky One.

“What?” The Stocky One challenged as he approached the smaller colt, “What did you say Lion Heart?”

“I said apologize. Teacher always tells us to never bully ponies smaller than you.” Lion Heart shot back, his chest puffed out, “Apologize right now or I’ll never forgive you!”

“Get lost squirt,” The Unibrow snapped back, “or you can join them for a mud bath.”

Lion Heart hopped in place, “I’m NOT SMALL! I just haven’t hit my growth spurt yet!”

The Stocky One waved a hoof at his friends who went over to grab him.

All three colts were sent flying into the mud puddle in an instant.

“He’s a freak!! RUN FOR IT!” The Stocky One shouted as his two cohorts ran away in fear.

Lion Heart picked up the bandage and came over to the whimpering Star Weaver with a friendly smile, “Here you go!”

Star Weaver quickly snatched the bandage and tied it around his eyes.

Sure Shot stood up with Weaver, “That was really brave, thank you! I’m Sure Shot, and this is Star Weaver.”

“I’m Lion Heart,” the smiling colt said as he offered a hoof, “Would you two...want to be friends?”

“How did you do that?” Sure Shot asked before taking his hoof.

“Idunno, I just...kind of can,” Lion Heart started with a shrug.


“Ever since, we were inseparable, or at least I thought so,” Sure Shot said with a grimace, “Ever since he found that stupid trinket of his…”

“Trinket?” Twilight questioned.

Star Weaver nodded as they came before the arena, “When we were older, we started going on adventures. Treasure hunting, monster fighting, that sort of thing,” he mumbled.

“Then one day we found this old temple and we of course,” Sure Shot said with a hoof wave, “went in, and then that’s when the trouble started.”

“The stars told me there was a strong light within, most likely some powerful magic,” Star Weaver intoned and with each word Twilight slipped deeper into thought, “Lion Heart went in first as he always did and found the stone box. Within was the amulet-”

“Amulet….wait,” Twilight whipped around to look at the two, “That amulet! Was it made of gold and had a lion on it?”

“Yes, it what he wears all the time now,” Sure Shot said in mild surprise.

“I knew that necklace of his looked familiar!,” Twilight said as small burst of magic produced a book before her, the pages flying fast until it stopped which Twilight tapped, “AHA!”

Sure Shot came to her side and gasped at the picture, “The Amulet of Nemea. That’s it!”

“The stars never lie,” Star Weaver replied sagely with a nod.

Twilight read the entry, “The Amulet of Nemea, grants the strength of fifty stallions with stamina everlasting to whomever wears it.”

“I knew that piece of gold should’ve been given to the Mayor,” Sure Shot cursed under her breath.

“So he’s been wearing this ever since you found it?” Twilight asked seriously as the book vanished with a snap of it falling shut.

“Yes, and it...started to change him,” Sure Shot said as she looked to the side, “He became more concerned with winning at all costs, his ego got worse, and he became more arrogant.”

“Absolute power corrupts,” Twilight draped a wing over Sure Shot’s back, “You’ve been trying to get him to see that, haven’t you?”

“It gets harder every time,” Star Weaver nodded with a sad expression, “He’s closed his ears to us.”

“Your his friends and I learned a long time ago that any good friendship is worth fighting for,” Twilight smiled at the two, “He’ll listen, you just have to fight.”

The sound of the crowd within the area caught their attention causing all three to jump, “Oh no.. The Match! BAEN!”

Twilight ran into the coliseum with Sure Shot and Star Weaver behind her.


Baen walked out onto the sand covered ground, his eyes narrowing as his opponent appeared before him once more.

“Look, can we hurry this up? I have a few very eager mares waiting for me outside,” Lion Heart said with a smirk.

“I’m afraid those mares will be left wanting once this day is over.” Baen shot back with equal cockiness.

“You know something? I’m getting sick of your mightier than thou attitude, you may be a hero from where you come from Mr. Stallion out of Time, but in here! I’M THE HERO!” Lion Heart proclaimed loudly as the crowd roared with him, “so do what I suggested before and go home.”

Baen nodded as he reached up and undid a strap, his chest plate clattering to the ground shocking Lion Heart.

“What...what are you doing?” Lion Heart said as Baen shook off the rest of his armor.

“A true warrior, an HONORABLE warrior, fights fairly,” Baen said firmly as all gasped at his scars that covered his body, “And as you can see, I’ve seen FAR more fights than anypony in this time could ever hope to fathom. I’ve danced with death many times over as well. So, if you’re so sure of your abilities,” he threw his axe aside, “Fight me as the day we were born. No vestments, armor, and weapons, we fight like stallions! Not colts!”

Lion Heart felt all the eyes on him as a bit of sweat pooled on his brow, but he quickly regained his smirk, “Alright sure, if you’re so eager to lose! How about we make this interesting! If you beat me here and now,” he threw his toga and other adornments aside, “not only will you be the Champion of Champions, but whoever loses leaves town and never returns!”

Lion Heart unclipped his necklace, the metal clattering much heavier to the ground as it should have as Baen nodded when he noticed this, “Deal.”


Baen turned to look at Twilight, “You can’t fight him he-”

Baen fixed her with a look and she stopped. It wasn’t a look of anger for interrupting, not a look of contempt or even disdain. The look only said one thing.

‘Sit and watch.’

Baen turned his attention back to Lion Heart as Cornucopia’s voice rang out, “The challenge and terms have been set, at the gong, begin!”

The gong sounded and Baen stood firm.


Lion Heart stopped and looked to see a worried Sure Shot and Star Weaver looking at him, their faces pleading with him not to be foolish. Lion Heart tched and rushed Baen, yelling-

His world was destroyed in an instant.

Baen’s hooves seized him mid-run and, remembering the move from his training with Rainbow Dash, lifted him into the air while the barbarian stood on his hindlegs. Then the two crashed down hard back to the earth. Lion Heart’s vision flashes white as the wind from within him left and came back in a blink of an eye. Baen glared down at him. Lion Heart, for the first time in his life, trembled in fear beneath the barbarian’s glare. The Wrath Aura illuminated the two as Baen’s eyes glowed red with raw might. His rear hoof came down and crushed the amulet to pieces. Lion Heart felt tears of shame in his eyes as he looked away from Baen’s glare, refusing to stare him down.

“Everypony,” Baen stated loudly as he stood up to his full height, “This stallion has deceived you all and sullied this ground of honorable combat with cheap tricks,” he sharply pointed at Twilight, “Twilight, if you please.”

Twilight was flustered as she looked from side to side nervously, “Uh well...he used the Amulet of Nemea to grant himself more strength and stamina to win every encounter...it’s in Vol 12. of Pre-Equestrian Artifacts; Expanded Edition.”

Cornucopia looked to his wife who brought his own copy before him and he flipped through it and stopped, “By the Sun and Moon...she’s right.”

The booing that followed was immense as Lion Heart picked up his things and looked at his friends and then to Baen who approached him.

“You are no warrior, you’re not even a hero,” Baen said lowly, “until you figure out exactly what it means to be either,” he pointed to the exit, “Leave MY arena, and never return.”

Lion Heart looked down shamefully as his pride crumbled, “I just...I just…”

“Leave,” Baen said firmly, “Now.”

Lion Heart turned and ran from the arena as Twilight looked down at the stoic stallion.


“How in Celestia’s name did you know about that amulet being the cause?!” Twilight shouted at a mildly calm Baen as he was flooded by Fleecian’s looking for autographs or a brief word.
“Give me some credit,” Baen mused as he signed a picture for a filly, “I’ve fought plenty of ponies who’ve used magic talismans in combat. I come from a time when that was the norm. Granted it took me a moment to figure it out, but I realized it when we exchanged blows.”

“Wait...so when you were mad at me, you were FAKING IT!?!” Twilight yelled out in anger.

“Hm? Oh no, I was legitimately angry,” Baen said with a small grin, “but it took me a while to realize I was acting foalish. Which is why I wanted to apologize to you.”

“Apology accepted, I guess. Uuugh, I swear, you’ll turn my mane grey by the time I’m my mother's age,” Twilight said as she deflated.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Baen said as he wrapped a leg around her and ruffled her mane, “Grey isn’t your color.”

Twilight frowned at him but her attention was then drawn to Sure Shot and Star Weaver who looked solemnly into the distance.

“He left,” Sure Shot said quietly, “We tried to stop him but he wouldn’t listen.”

“His stars are fading,” Star Weaver said with a saddened tone, “if something isn’t done, he’ll be lost to the destiny the stars he was born under meant for him.”

Baen was indifferent as he glanced to Twilight, “When will the boat be ready?”

“Another hour or so,” Twilight said as she noted his expression.

Baen nodded as his ears flicked, “Wait…”

A loud shriek met the group as all turned and heard the sound of crashing, a massive shape emerging from far down the street. Several guards went flying in all directions as the massive hulking shape stomped forward. It was in the shape of a bull, large and stocky with vicious horns atop its head. It’s eyes gave off an orange glow as it’s shiny bronze like fur gleamed in the light of the sun.

“A Brazen Bull!” Twilight proclaimed as ponies left and right ran for cover, “I’ve only ever really read about these, but their highly aggressive and very destructive. We need to get everypony clear so-”

Sure Shot and Star Weaver leapt past the two and charged forward.

“Seems like they have this well in hoof,” Baen said with mild surprise.

Twilight went to move forward but Baen stopped her, “What are you doing?! We have to-”

“Wait,” Baen said matter of factly, “This isn’t our fight.”

Twilight looked at Baen to object, but the expression on his face was one of assuredness that radiated a strength in the air. She could tell he was ready to leap in to help, but he wouldn’t, but why? Sure Shot was using her wings to notch her bow and fire at the bull while Star Weaver, whom was off to the side, was chanting to himself as his horn gave off a steady white glow. Star Weaver’s left front hoof was on the bauble around his neck which also mirrored the magical glow on his horn as his chanting continued.

“ANY TIME WEAVER!!!” Sure Shot yelled out as she managed to hop onto the bull’s head and start to ride it’s neck to keep it occupied.

“Luna, hear me, grant me the power to smite my enemy with the dazzling radiance your night bestows. Grant me favour,” beneath his blind fold a bright silvery glow burst forth, “Grant me STRENGTH!!!”

Star Weaver’s horn gave off an unusual hum as his white magic became midnight blue with silvery stars and dazzling white twinkles. Twilight could only stare in awe.

“Oh my gosh! He’s a Night Seer!! It makes sense now!” she said with glee.

Baen looked at Twilight as Star Weaver’s horn started to glow brighter, “A what?”

“Right, I forgot, that magic was after your time,” Twilight watched on as the aura increased in size, “There’s legends that pertain to thousands of years ago that when the Princesses formed their kingdom, Luna assembled a small group of creatures before her. That day, she bestowed upon them the gift of the Star Sight. The Star Sight, in itself, is an extremely rare magical phenomenon that some colts and fillies might be born with. Their eyes are glazed over with a silvery inner light, but because of this they can’t see in the day or in intense light. However, whomever possesses it is connected to not only the ethereal plane of Night Magic, but supposedly to Luna herself. It was because of this trait that some became great mystics and even VERY accurate fortune tellers, being able to read the stars of creatures to determine their destiny and sense immense magic.”

“And what else?” Baen said as the magic aura bled forth from Star Weaver’s horn to the ground.

“They’re also able to...well,” Twilight watched on as the magic formed armored looking unicorns before Star Weaver, “they could shape the night sky itself with raw Night Magic!”

Star Weaver pointed, “FORWARD!”

The Star Ponies surged as a unit and attacked the Brazen Bull from all sides while Star Weaver blasted beams of his white magic at it. Both ponies worked as a tight knit unit to bring down their metallic-like foe. Both ponies fought valiantly as the bull thrashed and raged in an attempt to throw Sure Shot from it’s neck and smash the Star Ponies around it. Star Weaver yelled out as Sure Shot was sent flying into a shop stand, the unicorn stallion rushing to her side as the bull scraped the ground. The Brazen Bull charged as Star Weaver threw up a shield that hissed and broke on contact with the bull. The sudden mini explosion sent the beast reeling back, a piece of a broken horn slicing Star Weaver’s blindfold causing him to howl in pain and cover his eyes as light hit him from the sun.

“I can’t SEE!! Luna! I CAN’T SEE!!!” he yelled out as he fell beside Sure Shot who shielded him as best she could with her wings.

Sure Shot looked on in horror as the bull rose, Baen cursing as Twilight started to ready her horn. The bull charged, intent to skewer the two ponies before it. Then, there was a loud clang. All stared on as Lion Heart, who had closed the distance before anyone could see, was holding the bull back with his great strength.

“Leave! My friends! ALONE!!” Lion Heart bellowed in righteous fury.

Lion Heart released another mighty yell as he smashed his forehead into the bulls thicker one. The blow sent the bull skidding back and made the creature dazed, it’s head shaking to clear the stars from its eyes. Lion Heart turned around and ripped a shred of his toga off with his teeth and quickly wrapped Star Weaver’s eyes.

“Weaver! Weaver! Open your eyes. Are you okay?” Lion Heart asked with worry.

Star Weaver gave a weak nod and gave a small smile, “Yes...I’m fine, it’s good to see you again Lion Heart.”


“TALK LATER!! FIGHT NOW!!!” Sure Shot yelled as she pointed behind the stallion.

Lion Heart whipped around as the heavy hoof falls came toward them once more. Lion Heart grit his teeth as he leapt into the air, his hind leg coming down from a frontal somersault. The hindleg crashed down atop it’s skull, it’s horn dragging through the dirt as it cartwheeled. There was a loud crash as the stone store front off to the side came down atop the stunned and now unconscious bull.

Lion Heart turned to his friends as Baen and Twilight approached, “Guys...I wasn’t fair to you, or anyone here in Fleece. I just wanted to be accepted as a hero so badly I...I got swept up in all the praise and-”

“Became a bit of a heel?” Sure Shot said with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes…” Lion Heart said with shame.

“The stars said you’d come back, well, mostly,” Star Weaver said.

Lion Heart smiled as he noticed Cornucopia and several other ponies started to gather. When the ponies around him fixed him with their stares, Lion Heart’s smile vanished and his ears drooped.

“Mayor, what I did was inexcusable. It’s like Baen said, I dishonored the Coliseum,” Lion Heart turned, “I’ll...just go get my things and be on my way.”

“My boy, there’s no need for that,” Cornucopia said causing Lion Heart to look at him with shock, “Yes, it is true that by using that amulet you earned your title by false means. However,” he smiled warmly and gestured around, “What you did here demonstrates that even without that trinket, you have the makings to be a great Champion once more. With training of course.”

“I do?” Lion Heart asked in surprise as Baen came to him.

“Yes, you do,” Baen conked him on the head slightly, “I saw it the moment I met you. You’ve got the same fire I do, and that unnatural strength of yours is also quite formidable as well.”

“My strength…,” Lion Heart looked at his hooves, “for the longest time I never knew why I had all this power, even for an earth pony, I might never know. But I know now that I’ll train and use my strength properly to get my title back,” Lion Heart pointed at Baen with resolve, “rest assured, one day, I’ll beat you fair and square. COUNT ON IT!”

Baen laughed and smiled at the stallion with mild pride, “Well said. I look forward to that day. But until then,” he leaned over, “I’m still the Champion of Champions.”

“He’s right,” Cornucopia rubbed his chin, “But with that being said...how will-”

“HEY! YOU!” Baen pointed at a large stallion with chiseled features who was clearly a stone worker.

:”Me?” He said with surprise.

“You’re champion now.” Baen said plainly causing all present to become highly confused and shocked.

“I am? AWESOME!” The Large Stallion yelled.

“But-but Baen, are you sure you should give up-” Cornucopia was cut off by a slight hoof wave from Baen.

“I’m a barbarian, I’ve been champion of many things, but I don’t even live here. It wouldn’t be fair to everypony else and besides,” he looked at Twilight, “We have a dragon to save.”

Twilight smiled with a happy squee.

Cornucopia coughed a few times, “Ah, right. The boat, well,” he looked to The Large Pony, “Granite, I’ll swear you in properly when I get back.”


Lion Heart looked to Baen and the two nodded as the younger stallion trotted to join his friends.

Baen yelled after him, “Train hard my friend!!! Write me every once and awhile, and then, when you’re stronger. We’ll settle things!”


After a lengthy goodbye and boarding the jettie, the shore line was far behind them as they began to approach their destination. Baen’s eyes narrowed as he noticed the approaching shoreline.

Baen stood beside Twilight as the dark shadows of the mountain range beyond the shore cast them in darkness.

“Hold on Spike,” Twilight said with firmness, “We’re almost there.”

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