• Published 26th Oct 2014
  • 1,596 Views, 37 Comments

Mark of Baen - CrypticMetaphor

In the final installment of the Baen duology, Baen must fight old enemies and come to terms with his past to prevail

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Author's Note:

And I ain't leaving for that long again!

As the panic and rush of fear from the Wraith attacks winded down. Everypony went about their separate ways, while a small crowd congratulated Stardust on her victory over the horrible phantasms that had attacked. Stardust, after politely accepting the last bit of thanks from the townsponies, she approached the duo of Twilight and Baen.

“Well not much of a welcome wagon hm?” she tittered lightly, “I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting to see…..”

She trailed off as she noted Twilight’s Cutie Mark and Baen’s….overall appearance and gawked, “Holy hollyhocks, your Princess Twilight Sparkle and Baen the Barbarian!”

Twilight chuckled lightly, “Weeeeell…..yeah,” she noted Baen staring and nudged him.

“Um...Yes, it’s nice to meet you Lady Stardust,” Baen intoned politely, though his mind was on...other things.

Stardust giggled as she ran a hoof over Baen’s chest plate, “I have to say, the photos of you don’t do you justice.”

Baen playfully smirked, “Is that so?”

Twilight coughed rather hardly and fixed him with a mild glare as Baen blinked a few times.

He then straightened and intoned a tad too deeply, “I am sorry ma'am, but I must inform you that I am currently engaged and therefore cannot entertain any prospects you may have.”

Twilight nodded with a pleased smile as Stardust pouted but then her smile brightened, “Well, that moment of horror aside, what brings two famous ponies such as yourselves to our proverble neck of the woods.”

Twilight approached the mare, “We’re on an important journey and we need supplies for the road ahead. Mostly essentials, like compasses and-”

Baen raised a hoof, “Food will be fine, and maybe some rope and tents.”

“Baen, if we’re going to be trekking through the mountains we need far more than rope and tents. We need ACTUAL mountaineer supplies,” she stated mildly exasperated as the barbarian’s nonchalant attitude.

“Oh ho, is this a lovers squabble I see?” Stardust grinned playfully as Baen and Twilight blushed bright red.

“WE ARE NOT LOVERS!!!” Both quickly yelled.
Stardust waved a hoof, “Oh relax, I was just having a little bit of fun. Come on,” she tilted her head in the direction of the town square, “I’ll show you to the market.”

As the three ponies ventured forth to the market, Twilight noted how the town seemed to be in a rough horseshoe shape with City Hall at the far back. As they walked, Twilight noticed that everypony seemed to be un-boarding up windows and coming out of hiding.

“Soooo, Stardust right? What exactly was happening back there when we arrived?” The Princess of Friendship seriously questioned as Stardust’s pace slowled.

“Right…,” she muttered, “Well you see, those nasty spirits you saw were living shadows, the mythology texts of ancient Fleece call them Wraiths. They’ve been attacking Hollow Shades on account of the lack of actual sunlight from above the canopy.”

Twilight tapped her chin, “I think I read about those….once. Wait a minute,” she thought, “How’d they even get here in the first place? I don’t think living shadows could traverse long distances easily.”

“And you’d be right,” Stardust said with a knowing smile, “but even the locals don’t know. They just showed up one day and then...well...you saw what happened.”

Baen tilted his head, “So how’d a mare like you defeat them? I mean no disrespect, but you don’t seem all that strong.”

“Ah well, don’t judge a book by it’s cover Baen,” Stardust’s horn lit up with golden light, “When I was a filly, I was always good with light spells. They were always so beautiful, sparkling, bright, and they could be altered for so many amazing purposes!”

Twilight giggled a little as she matched pace with Stardust, “Oh I know! I personally love the star trail spell with a minor chromatic enchantment thrown in-”

“But I never even expected they would be my special talent,” Stardust continued ignoring Twilight much to her surprise, “If anything, this town is lucky I came here when I did. The most powerful light magic user in Equestria,” she looked down slightly but then perked back up.

Twilight snorted a tad at the boast as Baen nodded, “I see,” he looked around and noticed they had arrived in the market.

“Well this is where I leave you, It’s been a pleasure. If you ever want to talk some more before you both leave, my house is just at the edge of town,” Stardust added with a smile.

As Stardust trotted away, Twilight’s eyes narrowed in thought. The information she’d been given knocking around inside her head. Baen was checking some rope by yanking it taut and loosening it. Twilight however trotted over to one of the towns ponies.

“Excuse me,” she asked politely, “I was curious, when exactly did these Wraith attacks start happenening?”

The Stallion tapped his chin in thought, “Honestly….it was a few days after Stardust arrived. I can say though,” he smiled as he trotted away, “We’re sure lucky she chose to come here when they did.”

Baen finished paying for the supplies as Twilight approached him, “Baen, something’s not sitting right here.”

“How so? I made sure to get you a seperate tent,” Baen said somewhat confused.

“No not that….though thank you for your consideration on that,” Baen nodded as she continued, “But, don’t you find it rather odd that these Wraiths showed up shortly after Stardust came here?”

“What exactly are you saying?” Baen tilted his his head, though Twilight could tell he was putting it together rather fast.

“I’m saying that little miss lightshow might not be the hero this village thinks she is,” Twilight intoned in a whisper, “I think she might be responsible for this whole mess.”

“Twilight,” Baen said, “it sounds like, to me, that you might be jealous.”

Twilight blinked in mild surprise, “Me? Jealous of her? Are you serious!!”

Baen started to trot toward another stall, “I saw the way you reacted when she mentioned she was the ‘most powerful light magic user in Equestria’.”

“That’s because it was a clear boast! Don’t you find it rather odd that the weakness of these things is light and a mare whose talent is light magic just HAPPENS to show up to stay here?” Twilight stated mildly exasperated.

“It is odd yes,” Baen stated, “but we can’t accuse her. It’s as the pink one once said, we have to catch her hoof in the pie.”

He blinked for a second,” Or was it something about a jar of cookies….”

Twilight rolled her eyes for a second, “Look, metaphors aside, something is clearly going on. We can’t just leave Hollow Shades like this, who knows what might happen if those Wraiths run free,” Twilight looked to the side, “I know Spike is on borrowed time. But I wouldn’t be a Princess of Equestria if I allowed such a threat to exist when I was here to do something about it.”

Baen nodded, “True words,” he thought for a moment before turning to face his friend, “What’s our play then?”

Twilight tapped her chin in thought, “I know it’s not right, but we need to look around her house.”

Baen looked to the side for a moment and then nodded affirmatively.


Twilight and Baen wondered deeper into town and eventually to its outskirts. As they trotted both took notice that the light of the village faded and the natural light of the trees is what lit their way in an odd form of mood lighting. As the two came to a large tree, Twilight was glancing around and then turned to Baen.

“Baen...there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you for quite sometime,” Twilight whispered.

“Hm...what is it Twilight?” Baen asked curiously as he readjusted his pack, Arondight becoming more secure.

“Way back...well when we first met, did you ever….well,” Twilight blushed a tad, “No it’s stupid.”

“Twilight, what’s the matter?” Baen asked, “If there is something wrong you can tell me.”

Twilight just shook her head slightly, “It’s stupid….it was just a thought that came into my mind a long time ago...I just never said anything. But with us on a quest and you being engaged to Coco got me thinking on it again.”

Baen looked at her as she turned to look him in the eyes, the light casting a peaceful glow on the two, “If things had gone differently, if we had been more open with each other….do you think you could’ve ever loved me like you do Coco?”

Baen’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, “Where’s this coming from?!”

Twilight’s eyes widened slightly and cursed herself mentally, “It’s just...well I was talking with Cadance about some things while you were on your vacation and well. She asked me what you meant to me and if I had any regrets,” Baen stared at her stoically as she continued, “honestly...it took some time to sort it over in my head but I told her my only regret was that I couldn’t be there for you. To be that mare who could give you warmth and love in those early days.”

“And what do you feel now?” Baen asked calmly.

“I feel bad, because those thoughts were stemmed from selfishness and a little bit of jealousy. I feel stupid because now I’m telling you this after I’ve known you for so long, and I feel even worse because I might’ve just ruined things with-”

“Twilight.” Baen stated firmly as she looked up at him to have him embrace her in a hug which shocked her, “Always remember this. You may not be the mare who I’ve given my heart too, but you’re far more special than that.”

Twilight blinked as he squeezed a little, “The girls, you, and everpony I know are my friends. But you,” he looked her in the eyes, “are my rock. It’s true you can be nosey and at times pushy, but you always find someway to bring me back. You put a fire in me and everypony,” he smiled warmly, “and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’d go to the ends of the earth to find you.”

Twilight smiled warmly, and then started to laugh with tears in her eyes, “Wow, that sounded like something from Rarity’s romance novels,” she stared at Baen who was smirking, “That...I of course...don’t read.”

Baen chuckled, “Alright alright, as Rainbow Dash would say, enough with the sappy stuff. We have a job to do.”

Twilight nodded with a swell of determination and they galloped further down the trail until they came to a two floor cabin, noting the inside currently had a light on in it.

“She must be home still,” Baen whispered as he ushered Twilight to a window overlooking the living room.

Both ponies peered inside as they saw Stardust inside...her mane frazzled and seemingly panicking.

“No no no NO! This wasn’t supposed to happen,” Stardust said with panic in her voice as her eyes darted to a copper urn with strange markings and black images on it, “Why. Why did they have to come here now of ALL TIMES when I was so close!.”

She looked around frantically, then turned her head toward the window when a distant sound was heard. Baen and Twilight were plastered against the wall and out of sight. As she yelled toward the noise. The sound of fading hooves and an opening door were heard as a Starlight was apparently talking with somepony else.

“Who's she talking too?” Twilight asked as she peeked around the window and gasped at a top hatted elderly stallion, “It’s the mayor!”

Baen then heard the hoofsteps heading toward them as Twilight casted a cloaking spell. The two listened closely as the mayor walked with Stardust toward town.

“Miss Stardust, I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for us,” The Mayor said with a beaming smile.

“Oh mister Mayor, I was just doing what any concerned citizen would’ve done,” she tittered lightly as her eyes darted from side to side.

“Which is EXACTLY why today I’m going to award you the Hollow Shades trophy of Upstanding Citizenry.” The Mayor said with pride as Stardust placed a hoof on her chest.

“Mister Mayor….I’m honored,” she said as the two faded into the distance.

Twilight lifted the spell as she looked toward Baen. The two nodded and gave chase.


Meanwhile, across Equestria, Vida was currently standing in front of a large clearing atop a mountain. The caged Spike rattling the bars as Vida tapped her chin, as she glanced around.

“Hm...this is the same place,” she turned to Fido, “And you’re positive this is the exact location?”

“Yes, My Lady,” Fido said, “Dogs read map exactly as you asked.”

Vida nodded as she trotted over to Spike only to stop at a large thump. She turned her head sharply as some dogs and brainwashed ponies in emerald armor hurried to lift the large ice chunk.

Her temper flared lightly, “Careful you fools! That thing is worth more than your lives!!”

She then inhaled calmly as he smile returned, “Now watch drakeling, you Equestrian’s think you know magic? Allow me to demonstrate what TRUE magic looks like.”

Spike narrowed his eyes as Vida stood on her hind hooves and raised her forehooves to the sky, the ends of them glowing in tandem with her horn. Spike and everycreature started to shake as the ground began to quake. A large series of cracks appeared on the ground in front of Vida. The stone heaved and bubbled as the rumbling increased. After a few more seconds, a large crash was heard as large spires of green and grey stone began to erupt from the ground toward the sky.

Spike stared in awe as a large castle raised up before all present, “Holy moley.”

Eventually the rumbling ceased, and a great castle as large as Canterlot was now situated atop the mountain. Vida smiled in satisfaction as she ushered all inside.

“Twilight…” Spike spoke in a hushed whisper, “I hope you get here soon.”

The main door then slammed shut with a resounding slam akin to thunder.