• Published 26th Oct 2014
  • 1,596 Views, 37 Comments

Mark of Baen - CrypticMetaphor

In the final installment of the Baen duology, Baen must fight old enemies and come to terms with his past to prevail

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Baen and Twilight exited down the ramp of the airship, glancing from side to side at the street before them. Fleece itself, though not immaculate, was a sight to behold. Every building was built to a different size and level of architecture. Near every building, much to Baen’s surprise was a small garden or some form of beautiful plant life. The streets were composed of simple slats of stone which clicked every now and then when somepony walked. The walls of each building from shop to home was a stonewashed grey with red clay shingles for roofs. There were no windows the two ponies could see, but shutters more than made up for it. Large marble columns bordered some of the streets with large brass dishes that gave off an aroma of scented oil. Beyond the city was a vast desert of golden and white sand, but there atop a cresting hill atop a series of marble steps was a large Acropolis adorned with golden tokens to the sun and pearl ones for the moon. Near the far western border of the town was a large opulent villa, and in the dead center of the town, was large looming structure that cast a shadow over the streets bordering it.

Twilight’s eyes were alight with wonder as she trotted giddily in place. Every pony dressed in a toga’s of different hues and colors. Baen merely regarded the whole situation with mild indifference, having been used to such large and ancient seeming cities before. Guards garbed in bronze armor that was similar to Crystal Empire armor, but had a much smoother look that bled with an antique feel. They were stocky and hefting javelins, standing as still and emotionless as statues. They wore matching black toga’s under their armor

“Isn’t this amazing!?!” Twilight shouted with glee as she zipped to every landmark within her line of sight, “This is phenomenal! I’ve only ever really read about Fleece and I’ve ALWAYS wanted to come here! The culture, the sights,” she inhaled sharply, “The smeeeeells. It’s so enriching!”

Baen chuckled, “Twilight, as culturally enriching as this is, we have a job to do.”

“Right, right of course,” She blushed with embarrassment before composing herself, “We have to stay focused an- OH MY GOSH!!! It’s the Acropolis of The Sisters!!!!!”

Baen rolled his eyes and gingerly took Twilight’s tail in his mouth and pulled her along down the street, much to the mild amusement of the citizenry. After a bit of dragging, in an attempt to stay on task, Baen eventually released a heavily embarrassed Twilight.

“I did it again didn’t I?” Twilight muttered.

Baen raised a hoof, “Just a tad. But it’s a quality I find...endearing.”

“Stop,” Twilight said with mild mirth.”

Baen looked around, “So, what’s so special about this place anyway? I’ve been to plenty of ancient cities.”

“What’s so- Really?!” Twilight sputtered before cutting off his path to his surprise, “Fleece is a cornerstone of Equestrian myth as WELL as world history!”

“In what way?” Baen said with a raised eyebrow.

“Well for one, the ponies of Ancient Fleece still to this day practice the old ways of worship concerning Princess Celestia and Luna. Even when Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon they would still leave offerings of silver bits, bushels of lavender, and pearl statuettes.” Twilight said with a knowing expression, the kind she always took whenever she flexed her knowledge for a friend, “Not to mention they’re architecture and agriculture mastery enabled them to maintain such a lush township in the middle of the desert for centuries,” Baen glanced about and noted just that as she continued, “And this, you might find interesting,” she leaned up to Baen with a sly smile, “Fleece is called the ‘City of Heroes.’”

Baen stopped, “Come again?”

Twilight smirked a little as she spun her hoof in the air, “Ancient Fleece is well known for its myths of old, stories of amazing as well as astounding labours and deeds,” She folded her wing in front of her mouth in a mock mysterious fashion, “daring mysteries and artifacts and creatures of the ancient world that aren’t around today.”

She stood on her hind legs and whipped her legs out, “Because of all these, and the various philosophers, poets, and even hearty warriors that have come and gone, Fleece was and forever is known as the CITY OF HEROES!!!”

Various citizens smiled at the display and nodded, happy that somepony took so much love for their city and legends. Baen nodded in recognition, looking at the city in a different light as the two continue to walk, but slowed when they heard sounds of commotion. The duo stopped in the shadow of the large bowl like structure in the center of town when a resounding cheer rose up. Baen turned to a mare whose hair was done up in a braid. The lime green mare smiled up at the building as Baen approached.

“Excuse me,” the mare turned as Baen stopped, “Might I ask, what is going on in there?”

“Oh! You must be that barbarian that’s been the talk of Equestria lately,” she said with an odd accent, “Well, since you’re from out of town, this is-”

“The Grand Coliseum!” Twilight chimed in much to the mares mild amusement at her eagerness.

Twilight giggled bashfully, “Sorry, continue.”

The Mare chuckled and turned to Baen, “Well at the moment ‘The Games’ are happening and from the sounds of it, the final match before the main event is just starting. Which means he will show up again.”

“He?” Baen asked with mild interest.

“Why, the Champion of The Coliseum of course, Lion Heart,” the mare blushed at his name and swooned lightly, “such a handsome stallion.”

Baen tilted his head up at the coliseum as the cheering rang out again, an interested grin appeared as Twilight started to sweat a little, knowing that look all too well.

“Baen,” Twilight intoned with concern, “I know that look, remember what Princess Celestia said after you floored the new captain of the guard last time?”

Baen rolled his eyes and did a mild imitation of Celestia’s voice, “Please refrain from going barbarian on the subjects of our land...unless of course the situation is unavoidable.”

Twilight nodded as she eased her wing onto Baen’s back and subtly turned him away from the large building, “Eeeexactly, so I think we’ll just move away from the den of testosterone and grand-standing and make our way to the Mayor’s villa to acquisition a boat!”

Baen however, was undeterred, and stood rooted to his place much to Twilight’s inevitable worry, “I only wish to see these ‘Games’ in person. What exactly are they?”

Twilight sighed in resignation, “The Games, are a bunch of events that show a ponies attributes and skills to all who are present to watch. It can be sports, wrestling, magical duels, spellcraft, or even sprinting and long jumps. It can vary really. Now the Champion titles themselves are quite simple enough. Champions are usually contenders who have excelled in one field and remained unbeaten. For example, the Champion of Sprinting, could be a pony that has won every hoof race in the coliseum through skill alone.”

“And the Champion of The Coliseum?” Baen questioned as the two approached one of the entrances.

“The Champion of The Coliseum is the highest title one can achieve, you’re essentially a celebrity in the eyes of the public,” Twilight’s horned lit up showing to armored ponies, “Usually the ‘Final Game’ is a gladiatorial match between any ponies who are daring enough to challenge the Champion. Any number can, the event ends when all contenders are defeated, BUT whomever defeats the Champion at the time is crowned the new one and has to wait for the next bout to defend their title.”

“The next bout?” Baen asked as he passed a few bits to a guard who ushered them inside.

“It’s a bi-monthly sporting event,” Twilight said as the sounds of battle met their ears.

Baen and Twilight entered into a lively and roaring coliseum. The ground below was covered in sand with various items of wood and metal lining the wall, mostly barriers to protect the attendees. Baen glanced down as he saw two unicorns engaging in a massive show of arcane skill, twins by the looks of them. Both brothers seeking to best the other in a show of magical skill, but neither seeming to best the other. Baen glanced to the right and saw a lusciously decorated viewing box where a snow white pegasus stallion with a short curled golden mane sat on a quite impressive chair. He wore a pristine white toga and had a golden laurel grown resting on his brow. His eyes were hetero-chromatic, one a deep orange while the other was a soft indigo. Twilight followed Baen’s gaze.

“That’s the Mayor, Cornucopia. I’ve heard he only recently got elected but he’s a really jolly stallion,” Twilight whispered as Cornucopia cheered with his citizens, “and by the looks of it, a sports fan. I heard he actually used to live in Canterlot.”

“Really? A Canterlot pony came here? Hm.” Baen mused.

Cornucopia applauded as the Game began to reach its conclusion. From behind the Mayor, from the entrance to the booth, a unicorn mare with a lavender pink coat and a light wine red mane came to his side. Her mane was done in an alluring wave of a style as she sat beside Cornucopia and nuzzled him. She was thin but her curves drew some of the guards looks, but they stared straight ahead out of respect. Her scarlet eyes looking into Cornucopia’s eyes lovingly. Like Cornucopia, she wore a matching toga, but a gold ring across her brow. Baen smile warmly, visions of his possible future with his betrothed running in his mind. Soon, Cornucopia raised his hoof and stood as every eye fell on him.

“Bravo! Bravo! Such an excellent show of skill!” he said with almost childlike excitement, “Cane Sugar, Hot Spice, as skilled as you two are, a victor must be declared.”

Cane Sugar looked at his twin brother and bowed his head. However Cornucopia smiled warmly.

“Which is why I believe you two, being the twins you are, deserve a share of the credit. Someday, however, only one of you will finally be selected and I cannot wait to see that bout!” Cornucopia proclaimed as everypony stomped in agreement.

Both twins happily embraced each other and galloped out, most likely to begin training. Cornucopia then addressed the gathered citizens once more.

“Fillies, Gentlecolts, and creatures of all ages, It’s now the moment you’ve been waiting for!” Cornucopia proclaimed loudly thanks to his wife’s magic enhancing his voice, “The Main Event! The Match of Champions is upon us once more!”

The audience stomped as both Twilight and Baen noticed a gate beneath Cornucopia’s viewing booth began to open as deep drum beats began to shake the stone of the coliseum, “You all know him, revere him, and applaud him in all his labors here in our great Coliseum!! HERE HE IS FOLKS!”

A stallion emerged from the gate as Cornucopia continued his triage, “THE CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS!! THE VALIANT! THE BRAVE!! THE MIGHTY!!! LION HEART!!!!!!”

The earth pony stallion in question fully stepped into the light. He was around Twilight’s age, and was toned with modest muscle. His coat was a dark sand brown, while his mane and tail were black. His mane was medium length and parted down the middle, but just as wild as the heart of its owner. His coal black eyes scanned the crowd as a toothy grin alighted on his face. He was garbed in a faded white toga, due most likely to the sun and sandy air. He possessed gold bands on the fetlock of his front legs and a heavy golden necklace around his neck. The chain was composed of interlocking flat disk like medallions adorned with ancient etchings, on the front however was the molded head of a roaring lion made of the same gold. His cutie mark was also that of a roaring lion head. He stood on his hind legs and raised his front legs with a bigger smile which caused the crowd to roar in exhilaration. Twilight shook her head with pursed lips.

“Wow, I can FEEL the ego on this guy,” Twilight leaned over to Baen, “he and Rainbow Dash would be the best of friends.”

Baen stifled a snicker as Lion Heart went back to all fours and looked back at the gate. Six guards dressed in much heavier bronze armor marched in. Their’s toga’s were wine red with matching mantles trimmed with gold and a matching crest. They had large round shields across their backs and imposing swords.

“Who are they?” Baen questioned.

“The Evzones, their the elite guards for the mayor and by extension, the best of the Fleece Army,” Twilight tapped her chin as the six Evzones parted to make way for various ponies of build and varying armors, “Shining always dreamed of trying to be one, so imagine how elated he was when he was made captain of the guard.”

Baen half heard her as his eyes were still on the stallion before him, his gaze focused in deep thought. Lion Heart smirked at his opponents which caused a good portion of them to back down. Lion Heart rolled his eyes and turned to Cornucopia.

“Mayor, may I make a request?” Lion Heart said, his voice youthful but with a very mild deepness to it and a small hint of an accent.

“Go right ahead,” Cornucopia replied with a small smile.

“Can you bring me an ACTUAL opponent that won’t back down at a glance? Or at least put up a fight, I’m kind of getting bored with the usual stock,” Lion Heart said dryly.

One burly stallion, taken offense, stepped forward with a growl. Lion Heart merely fixed him with a glare and stepped forward. The stallion whined like a scared animal and backed away.

“Well, I suppose...but these nice ponies came to test themselves against you.” Cornucopia said with a bit of a worried expression.

“I realize that, and I welcome them to try, but I just want to fight somepony new,” Lion Heart looked at his hoof in a mocking gesture, “I mean I DO want a challenge eventually.”

Cornucopia glanced at his wife who nodded slowly to reassure him, “Well, why not,” he said with a big smile as he stood up and addressed the crowd, “Citizens! For the first time, I am honored to announce that I am opening The Games to all of you! Who among you will step forward to fight our Champion in the first match of the day! Who will test their might! Their skill! Their-”


All eyes turned in unison to look at a smirking Baen. Twilight was in shock.

“WHAT HAPPENED TO JUST WATCHING!!?” She sputtered in annoyance.

Baen stared at her with the same smirk, “I am watching, I’ll just have a front row seat.”

Cornucopia’s eyes lit up, “By the sun and moon, Princess Twilight Sparkle!!! You honor us with your presence!”

Cornucopia noticed Baen and smiled even wider, “And Baen the Barbarian! Oh my this will be quite the fight indeed!”

Baen passed his axe to Twilight and cleared the barrier wall in one leap and landed with a loud thud on the sand. His look hardened and focused, his training already sizing up the young stallion and every opening he could find.

“Baen of Ponyville. Wow,” Lion Heart smiled with eagerness, “Now THIS is an opponent I’ve been waiting for!!!”

“Rest assured, you’ll get a fight,” Baen approached Lion Heart and the two stallions started circling each other, “That is if your up for it.”

“Oh please,” Lion Heart snarked back, “You may be a hero in your own right, but I’m the Champion of Champions. Try as they might, sturdier ponies than you have failed to beat me.”

“Hm, Twilight was indeed right, your head is quite swollen,” Baen responded plainly causing the crowd to collectively ‘Oooooh.’

Lion Heart pushed his forehead against Baen’s as the younger stallion growled, “The only swollen head here will be yours when I’m through with you!”

“You’ve got fire, I’ll give you that,” Baen growled and pushed back, “But I’ve beaten far more threatening opponents than you!”

Twilight face hoofed, “Oh great…..”

Cornucopia tapped his hoof on the banister in front of him, “Excuse me? Baen, though it’s a pleasure to have you and Princess Twilight here this day. We DO have rules,” Cornucopia gestured to Twilight, “Would you care to join us up here?”

Twilight sighed and teleported up the box while Baen snorted as he backed away from a smug Lion Heart. Twilight seated herself on the left of the mayor while his wife was on his right.

Her wife leaned over and offered a hoof to shake, “Lotus Blossom.”

Twilight gingerly shook her hoof, “Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Cornucopia raised his front hooves in a grand gesture, “As it is written, the bout shall begin at the sound of the gong. Once it has begun, it shall continue until one combatant yields or is rendered unable to continue! Now!!”

Baen and Lion Heart narrowed their eyes.


The moment the gong rang out, Baen bulrushes Lion Heart with the intent to strike him. Lion Heart tensed and met both of the Barbarian’s hoofs with his own with a loud clap of raw power. Baen grit his teeth as he pushed against the younger stallion whom started to stand on his hind-legs with a toothy grin.

“What’s the matter Baen? Too much for you?” Lion Heart jeered.

“So you think this is all I have, a foolish thought,” Baen growled back as his Wrath Aura flared to life.

Lion Heart’s eyes widened as Baen started to push him back, the sand scraping under him in two lines. Baen then, with glowering fury, brought his hoof back and smashed the stallion in the jaw. Lion Heart hit the ground hard, kicking up sand. He managed to sit himself up and wiped some spittle from his mouth as Baen advanced on him.

“Nothing but ego,” Baen intoned as he loomed over Lion Heart who glared at him.

“Alright,” Lion Heart said as he stood, “My turn.”

Baen didn’t see the hoof that hit him in the chin, but he felt the force, and everything in his line of sight was a blur as the wind rushed past him. Twilight yelled out in shock as Baen flew up into the air, right up to level with her, and then smashed down hard back into the sandy ground. Baen’s Wrath Aura flickered as he shook the stars from his vision.

“What devilry is this?!” He wheezed out in shock as the young stallion advanced on him.

“What’s the matter? Not used to fighting somepony STRONGER than you?” Lion Heart sneered as he rushed the stunned stallion.

Baen, acting as swiftly as he could, delivered a right hook. Lion Heart smacked it aside and dodged a rear leg roundhouse kick, Baen channeling a bit of Rainbow Dash. Lion Heart dodged underneath and countered a follow up right hook with a swift block. He then grabbed the barbarian’s armored fetlock. Baen could only strangle out a gasp as his head was seized at the same time, and smashed into the ground hard enough to crack it. Lion Heart smirked as he planted a rear leg on Baen’s back and held his front leg still straight behind him.

“Stand up Barbarian,” Lion Heart stated in a challenging tone, “We’re not done yet!.”

Baen growled as his Wrath Aura flared up once more and he began to shakily stand despite the force pressing on him. Blood dripped from Baen’s nose as his coat was dirtied with sand and dirt.

“BAEN! STAY DOWN!” Twilight yelled desperately.

“I NEVER! STAY DOWN!” Baen yelled back and threw Lion Heart from his back and whipped around on him.

Lion Heart shook his head as he got back to his hooves, “You should’ve listened to the princess,” he stated plainly.

Baen roared and ran at Lion Heart-

He was met with a hard hoof to the chest which shattered his chest armor and sent him flying into the far wall. A crater formed behind him. Baen’s eyes were wide, the air left his lungs, and he collapsed in a heap on the ground.

Cornucopia and the crowd applauded as he proclaimed, “LION HEART WINS!!!”

Twilight teleported down to the arena floor to her friend, “Baen! BAEN!”

Baen groaned as an Evzone approached the duo and spoke in a deep voice, “Do not fear Princess, the apothecary is just outside the arena. Be swift, we shall gather his armor for reforging.”

Twilight looked up at a solemn Cornucopia who nodded at her as the Evzone smiled, “By favor of the mayor.”

Twilight looked up at Cornucopia as Lion Heart cleared his throat.

“Please hurry, I have other matches to get to,” Lion Heart stated plainly.

“Listen here you POMPOUS-” Twilight began but Baen stopped her with a hoof and a shake of his head.

Twilight heaved Baen away from the arena, glaring at the waving stallion who had damaged him.


“The nerve of that...BIG HEADED- GAH!!” Twilight fumed as Baen was bandaged by some attendants to the apothecary.

Cornucopia sat with Lotus as he watched the angered Princess, “I must apologize for Lion Heart’s behavior, he’s rather…”

“Full of himself?” Twilight replied with disdain.

“Yes...unfortunately,” Cornucopia tapped his chin, “As for your request, I can of course part with a boat to take you where you need to go. However, I’d recommend at LEAST a days rest before we send you on your way.”

“Good,” Baen said as he sat up, “A day’s all I need to beat that cheater.”

“Cheater?” Twilight said with a bemused expression, “Baen, he’s many things obviously, but he’s no cheater. He beat you fair and square.”

“No,” Baen stated firmly, “He did not.”

All ponies turned at the sound of cheering as Lion Heart was mobbed by onlookers on the street. Baen snorted and rose from his seat. Twilight, the Mayor, and Lotus followed him out the door as he went to the crowd.

“Thank you, thank you,” Lion Heart said with pride, “I do all that I do for all of you, my fellow Fleecian’s! I am more than happy to be-”

“A no good cheat,” Baen chimed in.

Lion Heart whipped around and chuckled as he walked through the crowd, “Well, well, if it isn’t the FORMER great Barbarian. No one likes a poor sport Baen.”

“I am NO poor sport, I am a warrior who fights with honor, something you seem to lack,” Baen pointed at him, “You don’t deserve the title of champion, boy!”

“Boy?!” Lion Heart replied with growing anger, “Who are you calling BOY!?”

Twilight got between the two stallions, “That’s ENOUGH! You had your battle with each other, let it be!”

Lion Heart smirked as he turned back to his fans, “Exactly, you and the Princess should go home. This is no place for Barbarian’s, only heroes.”

Baen narrowed his gaze, “Spoken like a true coward.”

Lion Heart came to a halt, “I,” he turned and glared at him, “Am NO coward.”

“Then fight me, in a days time, I guarantee you will lose. Unless of course, you’re as yellow as Princess Celestia’s cutie mark,” Baen jabbed.

Lion Heart stalked up to him and slammed a hoof into his injured chest, “One day. In that time, I’ll show just who the REAL Champion is!”

Baen nodded firmly as Lion Heart spoke with a few mares, ignoring the duo. Twilight turned to Baen.

“Baen! We don’t have time for this! Just take the loss, we have to go get Spike, remember?” Twilight scolded.

Baen looked her dead in the eye, “You wouldn’t understand. My pride as a warrior has been tarnished, I have to avenge myself against him. I REFUSE to acknowledge his victory,” he turned to head back into the apothecary.

Twilight groaned, “Baen, let it go. It doesn’t matter!”

Baen froze as he looked over his shoulder with a glare that could melt ice, his tone was filled with anger, “It matters to me. My pride-”

“Isn’t worth Spike’s life! I refuse to entertain this...this ridiculous endeavor! He beat you, accept that fact that he was stronger than you, and move on!” She growled back.

Baen glared at her, “Then leave.”

Twilight stepped back like she had just been slapped, “What?!”

“If you don’t want to ENTERTAIN me, than you’re free to leave. I’ll catch up,” Baen muttered with annoyance as he slammed the door behind him.

Twilight yelled out in anger, “GAH!! STUPID!! That stallion can be just so- UGH!!!”

Twilight plopped on a bench, exhausted and stared at the retreating crowd of fans. But her eyes lingered on two individuals. One was a Pegasus mare with a pale lime coat with periwinkle eyes. Her mane and tail were light chestnut that became darker further down. Her mane was done up in a braided warrior’s ponytail while she wore form fitting leather armor with a bow and quiver on her back. Her cutie mark was a bronze bow and arrow crossing together. Beside her was a unicorn stallion with a dark midnight blue coat. His mane and tail were long and his mane was parted at the bangs, both were white gold with silver highlights. He wore a black hooded cloak with constellation markings adorning it. On his neck was a silver necklace with a silver bauble attached with a blue pearl within. His cutie mark was series of stars in the shape of a dream-catcher, while the the strands inside it were made of silver magic swirls. Wrapped around the stallions eyes was a simple blindfold of black cloth

Both ponies watched the crowd go and shook their heads sadly and sulked off.

Twilight narrowed her eyes in thought and rubbed her chin.

Author's Note:

We're Back!!!

And VERILY!! We arrive in Fleece! Have I ever mentioned I LOOOOVE World Building? And I love ancient greece and myths? Who is Lion Heart? And what do those two ponies know or what's their connection with him? Find out next TIME!