• Published 26th Oct 2014
  • 1,595 Views, 37 Comments

Mark of Baen - CrypticMetaphor

In the final installment of the Baen duology, Baen must fight old enemies and come to terms with his past to prevail

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The afternoon sun shined brightly as the Ponyville Express chugged through the countryside toward the quaint little village of it’s namesake. Everypony was seated calmly, enjoying the ride…. well almost everypony.

“I’M GETTING MARRIED!!!!” Baen yelled out in excited triumph at the heavens outside as he hung halfway out of the window which Rainbow Dash and Applejack were trying to pull him back through.

As the train whizzed past a nearby wheat field, two stallions looked up as Baen pointed at them, “MY FELLOW STALLIONS!!! I’M GETTING MARRIED!!!”

One stallion tipped his hat and yelled back, “CONGRATULATIONS PARTNER!!”

Rainbow Dash attempted to pull harder with gritted teeth, “How is he this strong!?!”

Applejack had Baen’s tail in her mouth as she pulled harder, “Just keep pullin!!”

Eventually Baen was yanked inside and smashed to the floor with the two mares landing on top of him.

Twilight shook her head with a small smile and levitated the three ponies into the standing position, “Baen I understand you’re happy for your engagement to Coco Pommel, but this is just the first step.”

“Indeed Twilight,” Rarity stated with a nod, “Baen darling from here on out, it’s not going to be a cake walk, as the saying goes.”

Pinkie Pie popped out from the seat behind Rarity, “But cake walks ARE easy and fun! It’s like musical chairs, but you win cakes!”

Twilight chuckled at Pinkie then looked over at Baen who’s eyes were on her, “What we mean is, a wedding takes a lot of work to undertake. I mean speaking from experience,” she smiled a bit, “the last wedding I attended was a pretty big procession. Pony’s were running all over Canterlot.”

Rainbow Dash nodded with a small smirk, “Was that before or after the changelings attacked and invaded Canterlot?”

Twilight scrunched her face at forgetting that one detail.

Baen blinked a few times and his eyes widened in panic, “I’ll have to plan an entire cotillion?! B-but I thought it was still tradition to merely be married and attend a simple feast!”

Rarity calmly patted his back, “Relax darling, in some ways it still is! It’s just more…..,” she twirled her hoof looking for the right word.

“Special.” Twilight added quickly.

“Exactly! I’m not sure how a wedding was done in your time Baen, but here we have grand celebrations,” Rarity said with a knowing look.

“Tons of delicious food!” Pinkie added.

Rainbow Dash draped a wing over Baen and waved a hoof in a grand sweep, “Amazing entertainment

Applejack tapped her chin, “Place settings I figure and decorations.”

Fluttershy smiled and raised a knowing hoof, “Delightful music.”

Twilight then calmly added, “And dancing.”

Baen started to sweat and panic, “When in Tieg’s name did wedding become so difficult?! All we had to do in my tribe was merely ask a mare to marry. When they agreed, a feast was prepared and ponies would entertain with feats of skill and steel with plenty of sweat and blood. Then the two would be married. And then after the festivities, the married couple would go to their home and copulate from dusk to dawn!”

All the girls were silent with blushes on their faces as Twilight raised a hoof, “Leeeet’s just put a pin in that for now,” she quickly shook her head, “Baen, just relax, we’ll help anyway we can. Right girls?”

They all nodded in unison with good natured smiled.

Applejack chuckled slightly as she elbowed Baen playfully, “We got yer back Baen, as long as we don’t have to dump a bucket of blood on anypony.”

Baen looked at Applejack, “What on Earth are you talking about, that’s disgusting!”

The girls laughed.

Baen then leaned back in his seat and casually added, “The bucket of hydra blood isn’t dumped on the married couple until the first-year anniversary.”

Applejack pursed her lips in utter bafflement as everypony fell silent.


Vida yawned cutely as she awoke from her slumber in a large bed of furry blanket the Diamond Dogs had retrieved for her. Upon emerging from the bed, several dogs and the turned guard ponies were around her, dressing her and bringing her water.

“Why thank you my dears,” she said with her melodious voice and sipped her water with swan-like grace causing all present to fawn over her.

Vida ran her tail under each of her thralls as she passed them staring ideally into space as she came into the main antechamber with her throne. She sat and stared into the distance in contemplation.

“My lady,” a unicorn guard asked in concern, “does something trouble you?”

“Yes. Since I have been awoken in this time, much has changed,” she mused, “however one thing worries me.”

The unicorn trotted to his lady’s side, “What is it my lady?”

Vida sighed, “Before my horrible imprisonment, I had a book in my possession, a book of stone that possessed all my strongest and most potent spells. I always had a connection to that book, now I vaguely feel it’s energies, as if they have faded or ARE fading.”

The Unicorn Guard kneeled before her, “Is there anything you wish for us to do? Perhaps seek out this book?”

“Oh no, I can retrieve it with ease, all I need is some time and focus,” Vida tapped her chin as her look became lidded and she leaned forward, “However, there IS something you can do for me Captain. A rare and very treasured feat that very few who are loyal to me get the chance to undertake. For you see,” she levitated the Guard Captain off his hooves as she trotted back toward her bedchambers dismissing all present before she sealed the chamber, “I have a great need.”


Two days passed by after Baen arrived back in Ponyville from his successful marriage proposal in Manehatten. Baen had been in pretty highs spirits for those two days. A spring in his step and a smile on his face, he didn’t even smash or break anything….it was creepily unnatural for him to say the least. But one day, when Baen was trotting back home with Nibbles resting comfortably in his mane, Baen noticed his mailbox flag was up. Raising an eyebrow, he opened the mail box and retrieved the lone letter inside.

“Hm,” he noted the royal seal on the fold of the envelope, “I wasn’t expecting something from the princesses…”

He trotted inside his home and shut the door, Nibbles scuttling into his small basket inside Baen’s room, as Baen seated himself at the table in his kitchen and examined the letter. He briefly hummed before breaking the wax seal and opening it revealing the folded note.

“Greetings Baen,

I, on behalf of the royal house of Canterlot, am pleased to inform you that you have been formally issued this summons to attend-“

Baen’s eyes widened in shock as he brought the letter closer to his eyes.

“-a prestigious ceremony where you shall be formally knighted before a royal procession of the present rulers of the Equestrian Kingdom. Your attendance is mandatory tomorrow and you are welcome to bring all friends or family to attend as your honored guests. We hope to see you soon.

Sincerely her royal highness, Princess Celestia.”

Baen dropped the note on the table as he stared into space, speechless.

“Knighted….me?” Baen muttered.

Baen’s mouth stretched into a massive smile as his eyes lit up, only to notice a small addendum.

“P.S. Bring some of your personal cider, for the after party of course.”

Baen chuckled, “Celestia you are indeed a clever mare.”

The barbarian immediately stood and fastened his axe to his back and ran for the door, “NIBBLES! I’M GOING TRAVELLING AGAIN! THE HOUSE IS UNDER YOUR PROTECTION ONCE MORE! BURN ALL INTRUDERS!!”

Nibbles yawned and the salamander curled up into a ball and fell asleep as his owner slammed the door shut behind him.


The news was passed swiftly to the girls who immediately gathered their things and soon they had once more piled onto the train, with an extra passenger in tow.

Spike was sitting beside Baen with a beaming smile, “Wow Baen! First you save Equestria, then you’re going to get married to the love of your life and NOW you’re being knighted! That’s so awesome!”

Baen pat the dragon on his head, “I must admit, it is pretty…awesome. But all things considered,” he rubbed the back of his head, “I’m a little nervous. I’ve honestly never been knighted.”

Twilight lowered a small novel she was reading, “Well it’s not as complicated as you’re thinking. I’ve attended a few knighting ceremonies myself.”

“I never went,” Spike stated waving his claw absently, “Twilight said I wasn’t ‘mature’ enough for a ceremony like that.”

Twilight blushed lightly but quickly followed with a quick retort, “I only meant that you would get bored really fast and I didn’t want you to cause a scene.”

Spike harrumphed, “Cause a scene she says.”

Baen chuckled but looked to Twilight, “So then I must ask, what is a knighting ceremony like?”

Twilight closed her book and set it down as she placed a hoof to her heart, “Well if you must know I’ll tell you. First, Princess Celestia will give a small speech to all nobles and attending guests of the one to be knighted for thanking them for attending. Once that’s done, the presiding Equestrian rulers consisting of Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadance,” she giggled lightly, “and myself take our seats and then you enter. Princess Celestia will then ask you to take an oath of loyalty to honor Equestria and it’s crowns, all it’s kingdoms and all who live in them and that you will protect all of them to the best of your ability. Then you’ll be asked to kneel. Once you do, Celestia will take out the ceremonial solar sword Temperance and then you’ll be knighted.”

Pinkie Pie then jumped up near the back, “THEN WE PARTY!!!!”

Twilight nodded with a warm smile, “Yes, then we party.”

Rainbow Dash playfully slugged Baen in his withers, “It’s funny how you went from a violent jerk to a future knight and a great friend huh?”

“Yes, fate works in strange ways,” Baen mused as he looked outside at the horizon.

As he watched the horizon, somepony passed behind him, her reflection catching his eye. He turned as the girls chatted amongst themselves. The mare in question was wearing a white sun hat and dress combo with gold lilacs on the dress and a pair of refined sunglasses over her eyes. Her pale coat shimmering in the sun as her emerald green tail swished soundlessly. Baen titled his head as the mare stopped and glanced at him for a moment. She lowered her glasses, her light emerald green eyes meeting his darker ones as she winked seductively at him and trotted briskly into the next car.

“Baen? Equestria to Baen,” Twilight waved her hoof in front of his eyes causing him to snap back into reality.

“Huh? What?” Baen said in confusion.

Twilight looked where he had been staring and shook her head, “Your engaged remember? You can’t just go around and stare at other mares like you used to.”

Rarity nodded, “As Coco’s future husband you must ALWAYS have eyes for her.”

Baen nodded, “I know, I get it. It’s just…..I feel like I’ve seen her before.”

A trainpony came into the car, “Canterlot! Next Stop!!”


After disembarking the train, the sun was already setting. The group was escorted into the main hall and were met by a trio of smiling faces.

“Twilight,” the warm voice of Celestia greeted her fellow Princess, “It’s so good to see you as well as all your friends.”

Celestia turned and regarded Baen as the girls went to greet Luna and Cadance, “And Baen, always a pleasure.”

Baen bowed his head briefly, “Likewise Celestia.”

Princess Celestia turned to the groups of ponies and baby dragon, “Luna, Cadance, why don’t you go to the dining hall. Baen and I shall meet you there momentarily.”

Luna nodded, “Of course sister.”

Cadance smiled as she led Twilight and the group away, “There’s so much we have to talk about!”

As the two led them away, Celestia looked down at Baen, “Come Baen, walk with me.”

Baen matched a slow pace beside Celestia as she stared straight ahead. As they walked, there was a steady silence between the two, the only sound being their hoof steps. Baen stared at the solar monarch briefly before he cleared his throat.

“Celestia,” Baen said calmly, “Why is it that I’m being knighted?”

Princess Celestia chuckled slightly, “Well it’s quite simple Baen. As I said before when you defeated Malachi, you’ve done so much for my kingdom since awakening in this time. And, with what Twilight has told me about your past deeds, I decided it was time you got the recognition you deserve than a simple thank you and a,” she smirked cheekily, “roll in the hay.”

Baen grinned slightly, “Princess you must watch your wording, such language from royalty could prove quite scandalous.”

Both ponies laughed as they entered a small sitting room with something wrapped in cloth on a round table in the center of the room.

“But all joking aside Baen,” Celestia placed a hoof on his shoulder with a kind smile, “You’ve done so much for us ponies past and present and it’s only fair a stallion who has endured so much be given his due.”

Baen smiled but shook his head as he gently removed her hoof, “Though I am entirely flattered by the honor you’re going to bestow upon me. Seeing everypony free, happy, and able to enjoy their lives is reward enough for me.”

Celestia’s kind smile warmed as she tilted her head, “You would make quite the benevolent ruler. I know your family and friends would be proud of how far you’ve come.”

Baen glanced at the dark red teardrop shaped stone on his neck solemn look, “I know.”

Celestia levitated the bundle over, “Which is why, though you are to be knighted, I have this token of my gratitude and esteem I wish to bestow upon you.”

Baen tilted his head as she unwrapped the bundle revealing what was within. A simple longsword laid in her magical grasp. The swords handle and cross guard were made of black iron engraved with ancient Equestrian script with a faded brown grip. The iron however wasn’t a pure black, it was almost the same black as one would see on the surface of a darkened lake and it even shined like water. The blade however was what drew Baen’s eye. The blade seemed to be made of smoothed and sharpened diamond that had an almost otherworldly pull and soft glow about it. The blade was engraved with magical line leading from tip to guard on either side of the center. On the hilt was a smoothed sphere of the same material.

“What…manner of sword is this?” Baen said in wonder.

Celestia regarded the blade with a wondrous look, “Even I, who have seen a great deal of things, don’t even know. All I know is this relic, though old, is quite powerful. It once belonged to one of Equestria’s finest sword ponies and most loyal knight. The blade’s name is Arondight,” she stated.

“Why does it,” he leaned over slightly, “glow?”

“As I said, even I am not so sure,” Celestia looked at Baen, “However I do know this. This sword, as I said, is quite powerful. It can cut through and absorb magic into itself making for a formidable tool in the right hooves. Which is why for a warrior of your skills and resourcefulness,” she sheathed the blade in a nearby scabbard and presented it to Baen, “I can think of no better hooves for it to be in than yours.”

Baen took the blade and fastened it to his side, “Princess, I don’t know what to say.”

Celestia gently ruffled his mane, “Don’t say anything, just accept the gift.”

Baen smiled at the Princess who returned the smile only for the both of their stomachs to growl. Both ponies chuckled.

“I suppose we’ve kept the rest of them waiting long enough eh?” Baen stated with a raised eyebrow.

“Indeed, shall we convene for our evening meal then? Sir Baen?” Celestia added with a small grin.

“After you,” Baen ushered her through the door as the two ponies went for their meal.


Later that evening, after much merriment, cider drinking thanks to Baen, and eating. Everypony turned in for the night and slept soundly. Although, one dragon, found himself waking up with a grumbling stomach.

“I knew I should’ve had more helpings,” Spike muttered as he walked through the dark castle halls toward the kitchens.

Even though the night guards patrolled the halls, some of the halls were eerily silent and vacant, making the dragon uneasy as he walked through them. Occasionally he would looked around corners or in darkened open doorways in an effort to alleviate his fears, but to no avail. Spike jumped slightly as he thought he heard a light tittering somewhere nearby followed by hoofsteps in quick succession.

“Come on Spike,” he said to himself as he neared the kitchens, “It’s just…the wind….or Luna doing……Luna stuff.”

Spike eventually entered the darkened kitchen and glanced around for an instant before he spotted his target, the fridge. Rubbing his claws together, he glanced around quickly and rushed to the door and opened it. Within were the dessert leftovers from that evenings meal including the topaz short cake and emerald muffins he had got a craving for.

“I’m sure the Princesses won’t mind if I just have a midnight snack,” Spike pulled out the treats in question.

“Such a naughty little dragon.”

Spike jumped at the sing song sounding voice and looked around quickly, “W-Who’s there?”

“Don’t you know eating sweets this late could give you nightmares?”

Spike looked from side to side again, “Rainbow Dash? Is that you? I’m not in the mood for a prank right now! You’re actually scaring me!”

“Oh, I’m so sorry if I scared you little one, but my name isn’t Rainbow Dash.”

Spike slowly turned around and saw, at eye level with him was a mare he had never seen before…and she was an inch from his face. Her light emerald eyes staring into his as he jumped back in surprise as she stood up with a sweet smile.

“My name is Vida, and I need some assistance.”

Author's Note:

I'm BACK BABY!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the long wait!

Looks like things are kicking off now! What'll happen next?