• Published 26th Oct 2014
  • 1,595 Views, 37 Comments

Mark of Baen - CrypticMetaphor

In the final installment of the Baen duology, Baen must fight old enemies and come to terms with his past to prevail

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The following morning, everypony was scrambling about Canterlot Castle. The knighting ceremony having been put on indefinite hold until the current threat was dealt with. Twilight was frantic as she poured over every form of history book, atlas, and almanac to find anything that could help her find any trace of Vida. She groaned in anger as she threw books behind her as the girls stared on with worry.

“Twi, you need to calm down,” Applejack ducked an incoming book with a yelp.

Twilight whipped around with teary eyes and a messed-up mane, “I can’t calm DOWN!! Spike’s been dragonapped to Equestria knows WHERE by a crazy mare to do who knows what to him!”

She trembled as she touched her bandaged horn, “And….I feel so helpless….”

Princess Celestia entered the library behind the girls, “Twilight, I understand your worry for Spike. But Applejack is right, you need to calm down and think about this,” she draped a wing over Twilight’s withers, “we’re here for you.”

The girls came to Twilight and embraced her in a calming hug only for Rainbow Dash to notice Baen in the doorway.

“And where the hay have you been mister fearless barbarian?” Dash said annoyed, “Nopony has seen head or tail of you since last night.”

Baen stared at the eyes on him with a calm expression, “Isn’t obvious? I’m prepping for my trip.”

Pinkie Pie blinked in shock and grabbed his head and shook it, “A trip?! RIGHT NOW?! Not only did you just get back from a vacation that we all super super missed you while you were gone. But Spike got dragonapped and is probably having a magical whammy dropped on him!!!!!”

Rarity nodded, “Pinkie’s right darling! Why would you ever want to leave now? Twilight needs our help and support more than ever! Show some compassion for Celestia’s sake!!!”

Celestia blinked at that remark Rainbow Dash slid Pinkie Pie out of the way, “Yeah! You’re her friend aren’t you?!”

Baen leaned forward and butted his forehead to Dash’s, “Yes. I am. The fact that you would put that into question is insulting,” he snorted slightly, “I’m preparing for a trip to go get young Spike back and finish what I should’ve started ages ago with that blasted mare!”

Rainbow backed up slightly seeing the anger in his eyes, “Okay okay, chill out, I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions alright?”

Baen sighed as Twilight stood up, “Baen, who was that mare?”

Baen walked over to the table she was at and placed both hooves on it’s surface, “Her name is as she said, she is Vida of Emerald Glade. She’s a powerful sorceress from my time,” everypony gasped as he turned from them and looked through the shelves, “a sorceress that I should’ve slain. Tieg damn it Yew, I knew your seal wouldn’t hold indefinitely.”

Applejack waved a hoof, “Whoa whoa, slow down sugar, what are ya talkin about?”

Baen grabbed a large and very ancient atlas and slammed it down onto the table, “Listen well,” he started to flip through the pages as everypony leaned in eagerly, “A long time ago, when my people and your ancestors walked the earth, there was a unicorn mare named Vida. She lived in the lush and mountainous village of Emerald Glade where the land’s bounty was plentiful. She was very much like you Twilight,” Twilight perked up, “studious, magically gifted, and strong in the arcane ways. But with that strength came a dangerous pride as well as envy.”

Fluttershy tilted her head, “Envy? She was jealous of other ponies?”

Baen nodded as he continued to flip through the tome, “Yes, more specifically, the beauty of other mares her age,” Baen stopped flipping, “and the magic that is most powerful indeed, love.”

Rarity blinked in fascination, “Oh my.”

“Oh my indeed,” Baen continued to flip, “Vida coveted beauty and love in all forms. She wanted nothing more than for everypony to love her, revere her, and even treat her as royalty.”

“Wow,” Rainbow Dash snarked, “she sounds like a real piece of work.”

Baen chuckled, “That’s one way of putting it. But you see, there was one power that even she couldn’t fully grasp, time. She knew that as the sun set and the moon rose, she would age and eventually she would be old and unappealing and her power that she was prideful in would wane.”

Twilight leaned in and tapped a hoof on the table, “So she wanted to fix that.”

“Exactly,” Baen groaned and retrieved an even older Atlas and flipped through it, “but to reverse age was an impossible feat. But Vida found a way. She managed to suspend her age indefinitely using the dark arts and to further her ambition of being adored, she continued to practice in those wicked magics. Until it twisted her and turned her into what you saw last night.”

Pinkie tilted her head in confusion, “Buuuuuut, she looked like a normal pony.”

Baen stared at them for a moment, “That’s merely a trick. Her beauty is unnatural and her mere voice can ensnare the hearts of the weakest minds, especially stallions. Her glamour’s and mind-altering spells can bend any she sees fit into her slaves thinking of only pleasing her and stopping all who would dare appose her,” Baen looked to the side, “Only once did I see her true face. Believe me when I say, I sometimes still see it when my eyes close for my sleep.”

Celestia, who had been silent, piped up with a focused look and tone to match, “Then how is she here now? From your time?”

Baen nodded as he slammed the atlas shut, “When I met her, I was with my friends of old. Yew Evertree, a powerful yet kind mage. A’Dare Onyx, a rogue of great skill. Argon Steel, a knight of great strength. Myself and Lucretcia Falconia, a princess who possessed great combat skills and stratagems. We came to Emerald Glade to stop her reign of terror and only could stare at the monolithic castle that crested the horizon. After a grueling battle, Yew sealed her very being in the very gem atop her tiara,” Baen tsked, “If only I had smashed that blasted gem before the castle crumbled around us.”

Twilight approached Baen who turned to face her, “You said last night that her enchantments didn’t work on you,” she asked, “how?”

Baen tapped his head, “Yew made sure to protect us from her glamour’s and tricks, but my mind can’t be so easily penetrated. My father thought me how to focus my thoughts and block out all influence of others. It’s like walking through a dark tunnel. You just need to focus on the light in front of you and nothing else.”

Twilight nodded in mild understanding as Baen furiously grabbed another book and flipped through the atlas and stared at one of the maps of Equestria. He tapped his chin and went silent, as his eyes scanned the old map.

“Hm….,” he mumbled.

Celestia approached him and gazed at the map, “What is it Baen?”

“This is the oldest atlas you have here correct?” Baen stated without looking up.

Princess Celestia nodded, “Unfortunately yes, the oldest tomes go as far back as Discord’s rule. Any others are either lost to history or beyond the grasps of anypony.”

Baen nodded as he scanned the map and slammed his hoof down, “THERE!”

The girls crowded and stared at the map with raised eyebrows as Rarity looked at where his hoof was, “But darling, that’s so far south of Equestria’s borders, how can you be sure that’s where that ghastly mare has taken Spikey Wikey?”

Baen looked at them with a toothy smirk, “Because despite what you all think, Equestria itself might’ve changed, but the geography stays the same. That mountain range in this,” he read the section of map, “Mysterious South, is the EXACT same mountain range as the one where Emerald Glade stood. Knowing Vida, she’ll most likely go to these….Windy Peak Mountains to raise her castle.”

Twilight nodded as she tapped her chin, “But that’s a very long trip Baen, to make it to the Windy Peak Mountains, we would have to stop off in Hollow Shades to get supplies and then we would have to stop in Manhatten to catch an airship that goes south to Fleece and catch a ship to get us even close to a port near that mountain range.”

Baen nodded, “Exactly,” he blinked in mild realization, “Wait a minute, we?”

Twilight stared straight at him with a determined look as she jabbed a hoof at his chest plate, “Yes, we. I’m going with you!”

“Twilight,” he gently lowered her leg, “though you are formidable in your own right, I could never forgive myself if you got hurt. Plus your horn is still healing from your last fight with Vida.”

“I don’t care,” Twilight stared into Baen’s eyes, a familiar fire burning in her very soul, “I’m going with you whether you like it or not,” she started to back Baen into a corner as she advanced on him, “I’m your Blood Sister and Spike is like a little brother to me, you both are family and family doesn’t leave family behind! Got it buster brown?”

Baen fell back as Twilight took him by surprise with the force of her words.

“A-alright,” Baen said as he gave a small nervous smile, “you can come.”

“Good,” Twilight said with finality.

Rainbow Dash flew between the two, “Hold on a minute here. There’s no way that I’m missing out on a good old-fashioned Quest-style adventure! I’m going to!”

Applejack nodded, “Same here!”

Rarity put a firm hoof forward, “Likewise! That Vida will rue the day she hurt Spike!”

Pinkie Pie grabbed Fluttershy in a one-legged hug while the poor yellow pony smiled nervously, “MAGIC QUEST TIME!!!!!!!”

Twilight shook her head, “Sorry girls, though I’d love to have you come along, I’m afraid you can’t.”

Everypony stared in confusion as Rainbow Dash groaned, “WHY NOT?!”

“Look, you all saw how powerful Vida was last night,” Twilight placed a hoof over her heart, “Like Baen said, I could never forgive myself if I allowed you all to get hurt because of me. Besides, I need you all to hold down the fort, without me and Baen here you all are the last line of defense should Vida come back.”

“Alright,” Applejack stated as she walked to her friend and placed a hoof to her withers, “You be careful now you hear? You may be a Princess, but there’s only one Twilight Sparkle and we’d all be crushed if she never came back.”

Baen looked at all the mares in the room, “Rest assured Applejack, all of you, as long as I live and breath. Twilight and Spike will come back here in one piece. Count on it!”

Rainbow Dash landed in front of Baen and playfully slugged him in the shoulder, “Go give that green witch a run for her money. And give her some shots for us alright?”

Baen hoofbumped the Pegasus with a smirk, “I’ll give her the biggest shot, I’ll even sign it with your name.”

“And bring me back something cool will ya?” Rainbow asked, “like a statue or a sword or something.”

Twilight giggled, “Maybe.”

Baen turned to Twilight, “Alright, we should leave while we can.”

Twilight nodded, “Got it, I’ll go pack what I need and you do the same. We’ll convene in the throne room in twenty minutes and leave for the train station.”

Baen sharply nodded as both ponies ran into the hallway and split in separate directions to pack for the journey ahead.


Meanwhile, across Equestria to the south. Vida was calmly seated on a cushion being carried by four diamond dogs and flanked by various stallions in emerald green armor. Spike was furiously shaking his cage and attempting to bit his way out.

“You won’t get away with this!” Spike angrily shouted at Vida, “Twilight and the Girls will come for me and if they bring Baen, you are in SERIOUS trouble!”

Vida looked at Spike from the corner of her eye, “Am I now?” she tittered lightly, “I sincerely doubt those children could even hold a candle to me.”

Spike growled as he continued to gnaw at the bars of his cage, “Twilight’s stronger than you’ll EVER BE! She’s defeated evil ponies worse than you!”

Vida gestured to the dogs to stop as she turned to face the dragon with a small smile, “A certain someone should keep their voice down lest a certain someone,” he eyes glowed dangerously, “Be rendered unable to USE their voice.”

Spike stuck out his tongue at the mare who tsked in disgust and made a motion for the group to move on.


Baen and Twilight sat on the Ponyville Express as it chugged along. The sun was setting as Twilight gingerly poked her horn which had regained its color. She winced a bit, the appendage still a bit tender, as she looked over their mapped route again. Baen however, across from her, was examining Arondight.

“So that’s the sword Princess Celestia gave you as a present then,” she questioned with interest, “I remember seeing it once when I was a filly.”

Baen glanced up, “Pretty entrancing, isn’t it?”

Twilight chuckled, “Scary is more like it,” she pointed at the sword, “That thing scared the daylights out of me when I saw it. The glowing blade in the dark room, it was pretty jarring.”

“I’ll bet,” he muttered as he tapped the crystalline blade.

Twilight tapped her front hooves together as she looked out the window, “One thing bothers me. Vida mentioned extracting something from Spike, and it’s bothering me to no end.”

Baen looked up at her, “Most likely, she’s going to siphon the magical energies from his body as well as those of the book that you told me about last night that he ate.”

“Siphon!” she yelped.

“Aye,” Baen nodded somberly, “She’ll siphon out the energies to forge her book anew and unfortunately….”

“Say it,” Twilight pleaded, “Please.”

“Spike….won’t survive the process.”

Twilight started to tremble only to stop as Baen pulled her into a hug, “Don’t worry Twilight, we’ll stop Vida before that happens.”

Twilight smiled but then pulled away, “How can you be so sure?”

“Simple Twilight,” Baen leaned back in his seat, “I can see strength and I know for a solid fact that you have much strength inside you. If anything, if you stopped holding back, you’d surpass even me.”

The train turned into a tree shrouded path as Twilight looked at the smiling face of Baen, “Really?”

Baen nodded, “Really.”

Baen placed his forelegs behind his head, “Besides, if you ever asked me, I’d be happy to train you and the girls in weapon combat.”

Twilight chuckled, “There’s a scary thought, Pinkie Pie using a morning star.”

Baen trembled, “That’s not even funny, the Pink One would destroy all in her path with a smile and a spring in her step.”

Both ponies laughed as the train came to a halt, “HOLLOW SHADES! EVERPONY DISEMBARK!”

Twilight and Baen strode from the train in a casual manner.

“I’ve never been to Hollow Shades myself,” Twilight admitted, “I’ve heard it’s pretty pleasant. Did you know that the sun provides only a fraction of the light in the morning hours?”

Baen looked at her as they touched down onto the ramp, “Really?”

Twilight nodded knowingly, “Yes. Hollow Shades natural tree canopy has bioluminescent bobbles which grow from the bark that illuminate the town and gives it an air of mystery and magic.”

Baen and Twilight stood on the train platform and beheld the town before them. It was around the same size of Ponyville. Large dark wooded three floor or single floored shops and homes dotted the bluish green grassy landscape before them. Small fireflies flitted in the air as Baen glanced up at the gargantuan trees made of darkened bark and bearing violet leaves with almost eerie bluish white bobbles stuck to the bark. All of it would have been quaint indeed….if not for the fact everypony within hoof’s reach was running screaming from large ghastly smoke like creatures with claws that bore the rough shape of ponies that chased them relentlessly.

Baen pointed at the panicking townsponies, “Um…I’m no expert, but is this supposed to be something that naturally occurs in this village?”

Twilight glanced around worried as she ducked one of the creatures, “No! This is something new,” both ponies ran into the town’s central street as Twilight yelled out over the din, “EVERYPONY QUICKLY GET INDOORS!!!”

The townsponies stopped and noted the purple alicorn in their midst and attempted to oblige, only for the smoke creatures to screech and surge at the two interlopers.

“Twilight, get ready!” Baen readied his ax as Twilight’s horn lit up.

However, the screeches of anger turned to ones of pain as a massive bolt of raw golden light scorched through one of the creatures and obliterated it. Behind Baen and Twilight stood a mare with a sandy yellow coat, a long wavy bright gold mane and tail with shining blue eyes. Her bangs were swept behind her rightmost ear as she stepped between Baen and Twilight much to their shock. Her cutie mark was of a shining golden star leaving a dusty trail behind it.

The Mare lowered her head and her horn flared with bright light, “Wraiths!!! BEGONE!!!!”

There was a massive blast of raw light as the Wraiths screeched in agony and were blasted into blackened dust.

Everypony emerged from their hiding places as one pony, hiding in a pickle barrel, emerged from it and yelled out with a jubilant smile, “THREE CHEERS FOR STARDUST!!!”

Everypony crowded the mare and congratulated her as she smiled sweetly and thanked each one in turn

Twilight and Baen both looked at each other and tilted their heads and spoke as one, “Stardust?”

The mare called Stardust, at hearing her name, turned to the two strangers, “Yep, that’s me.”

Author's Note:

And so the journey begins! Allow me to introduce Stardust!
In terms of how the story will go in the Vida Arc. There will be small almost MLP Episode style chapters to introduce lessons as well as mini-adventures leading up to Baen & Twilight squaring down with Vida.

So what you all think of Stardust's design? I myself think she looks pretty