• Published 5th May 2014
  • 4,488 Views, 550 Comments

Purple Guardian - DragonPony

Spike and Twilight return from the alternate world to only see that Spike has not changed back to a dragon. Spike must come to terms with his new form and fight to protect those that come to rely on him.

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Gem That Breaks Hearts

Chapter 10
Gem That Breaks Hearts

The scolding I got from Fluttershy was still ringing in my ear as I strolled through the streets that afternoon. After she told Angel and myself off for wrecking her kitchen with our ‘rough housing’ she made us clean every inch of the kitchen till it shinned more than a bald stallion’s head in the summer sun.

Normally cleaning would have been a simple task for me to compete without much stress. But this time every five minutes Shy would come in with a different animal and had me act as translator for her so she could understand what they were saying. I really didn’t mind helping Shy considering I just had a legendary battle in the middle of her kitchen with her pet bunny. That still sounds weird.

Most of the conversations between Shy and the animals where normal everyday stuff anyone would talk about. Some would ask for more food, others would give her advice for dealing with their kind. But there are always the ones that have to be really unique problems.

There was one deer couple that was having relationship problems. The issue was, and get this, the buck kept trying to stick it in her ear. I almost chocked laughing when I heard this, even Shy with her goddess level kindness and compassion had to bite her lip to stifle the laughter that was building in her.

I swear I almost passed out when he looked me dead in the face and was like, “What? All the kids are doing it.” This time I didn’t even need Shy to fix this. I first told him just no, no kids are sticking their dicks in each other’s ear. For real, we would have a bunch of deaf black bears running around if that was true. Which then he told me the ‘new’ saying. “Once you go black bear, you go deaf.”

Had to admit I did laugh a little at that one. But then I decided to talk up his doe, telling him how beautiful she is. I complimented her coat, her eyes, her muzzle, her great physic I told him he would have to be nuts to not want to mate with her and have some fawns with her. I figured it worked because he just nodded and told her to come along, what took me by surprise was before she left out the door she turned around blushing and gave me wink.

I spend the whole morning cleaning and helping Shy talk to her animals. She was so ecstatic from the fact that she now could hold conversations with her animals and speak to them as equals. Once we had the last counseling secession with the woodland critters I said my good byes and went on my way.

My stroll through town was far warmer than it has before. This time everyone knew who I was and said their hellos as well as giving me praise for protecting Apple bloom from the timberwolf the day before. Looks like the CMC and Pinkie made sure to spread the word about my heroic deeds throughout the whole town.

This reminded me of when I saved the Crystal Empire and became their savoir. They were so happy for me I thought they would build a statue of me out of crystal. But I mean come one, what would be the chances they would do that. Never less it did make me happy to have their eye. It wasn’t the praise that I like the most. It was the fact that for once I was in the forefront and not standing in the shadows like I usually do.

Once I reached the center of town I had to decide what I wanted to do for today. I could go to the library. Going back home though would probably mean straightening it up and fixing the mess that I know accumulated over my recovery. Yeah I think not, I would much rather take advantage of my now day off.

I see the Carousel Boutique out in the distance. This puts a smile on my face .Now that I think about I haven’t spent time with the Rarity in what felt like forever. Spending the day assisting her with making her works of art would be a great way for me use a free day.

I arrive at the door to the Boutique about to enter when I was greeted by the pleasant scent of Rarity. This is one of those moments when I am glad to be a dog. With her perfume filling my nose, I walk into the shop with a drunken smile on my face. As the door opens I hear chime go off for me once again. I don’t know how many times I have heard that cling over the 3 years we have lived here but every time it makes me smile knowing an angel will soon be appearing.

I hear from the other room sweet voice sing out from the other room.


Then she appears looking as stunning as ever. I could spend hours just sitting here describing her and how beautiful she is but luckily she stops my train of thought. Good thing to I started thinking about carrying around a gold heart shape locket with her picture in it, I know if I did that I would be all ‘Oh Rarity’ and recite poetry to it. That wouldn’t have been pretty and I would have needed to get some help.

“Oh hello Spikey. How are you doing this lovely day?” She asks me as we walks farther into the room.

“I am quite fine Lady Rarity. I have come to assist you with your dresses today and enjoy your company.” I tell her as I give her a proper high society bow.

“Oh my, what a gentledrake… uh dog,” She tries to catch herself cutely trying to spare my feelings. “I would very much like your company Spike but I must run out and do some errands this afternoon. I should only take me an hour but you are more than welcome to relax here while I make my runs. I am sure you could use the rest after the day you had yesterday.” Rarity walks over to her hat rack and put on this large overly dainty looking sun hat.

“Someone is living up to their element today huh,” we both laugh at the comment as I move towards the carpet in front of her couch and she headed for the door. “Sure Rarity I will wait here for your return and then we can bring some of your amazing creations in to life.” I give her my trademark grin as she smiles back.

“Can’t wait, See you soon Spike.” Rarity walked out the door and I lay down, basking in the smell of her perfume that is still flowing in the air.

I drifted off to sleep dreaming of Rarity as we enjoying each other’s company and the fun we would have together. During my sleep I heard small paw steps on the carpeted floor. Lifting my head up I started to look around to see a white ball of fur hop on the couch. It had a face of pure I don’t care written all over it.

It was Rarity’s pet cat Opalescence or to most we just call her Opal. She was a Persian cat with white fur. Opal had a purple ribbon on the top of her head and a purple collar with jewels on it.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” She asks me not with hostility but more one the lines of a forced interest. Like it was she had to ask.

“Hello Opal, it is me Spike. Remember the dragon that watched you for that one afternoon and that is always over here helping with Rarity.” I life my head up from my resting spot and give the feline a genuine smile.

“You’re that dragon that dragged me all around town and would keep stepping on my tail as he ran round my home like he had no sense.” Opal lifted up her eyebrow as she looked at me with a less then amused look on her face.

“Yea sorry about all of that Opal,” I cringe a little as I slump my shoulders and rub the back of my head. “I wasn’t the best sitter and I wasn’t used to assisting Rarity back then so I kept making mistakes.” I bow down slightly to try to appease the cat.

“Just don’t do it again,” Opal lies down across the cushions and relaxed more that I groveled to her. “So tell me why would you want to become something as atrocious as a dog?” I never thought the whole dog/cat hate thing was real but it turns out it is. Unless Opal just doesn’t like dogs.

“It is a long story but the short version is magic portal.” I smile when I see that she looked happy that I decided to tell her the condensed version of my origin story.

“Fair enough. Tell me then what are you doing here?” It is clear she is just making small talk as she doesn’t really seem to care why I am here.

“I am just here to spend some time with Rarity and help her around the shop.” I couldn’t hold back and I start to grin like a loving idiot at the idea of spending time with Rarity.

*sigh* “Great now I will have to deal with her crying all night.” Opal started to wear a very irritated look on her face.
That comment got me to spring right up and go over to her. My sudden rush over to her seem to startled her as she jumped up and started sitting on her hind legs.

“What do you mean she will be crying? Why would me spending the day with her make her so sad.” I get right up in Opal face where my muzzle is inches away from hers. Opal does not like this one bit as the takes her paws and pushes my head away from her.

“Whenever you come over here and offer your help she does that. The second you leave she becomes depressed then starts to sob. She will say things like ‘I am sorry Spike, I don’t mean to lead you on but I just don’t feel the same way about you. I care about you dearly but just not that way. I am afraid to tell you because I don’t want to lose you, you are one if not the best friend I have ever had.’ Then she sits up and cries all night saying variations of that and forgets to feed me.” The last part seems to piss the cat off the most.

I-I was shaken to the very core. Not only did I find out I don’t have a shot with the mare of my dreams. But my affections are causing her pain, the one thing I promise to never do. I just stare off into space not moving an inch. My heart is broken but it has also been slowly poisoning the one I loved.

As I feel the tears start to build in my eyes I hear the lock on the door start to be undone. It was Rarity She is back I can’t have her see me cry, how do I face her knowing what I know now. She doesn’t love me and she never will. Admitting that hurt every time much worse than any damage Deeproot had inflicted on me.

As she slowly walked in I was able to keep the tears from falling. I keep my back to her trying to gather myself. Seeing her is going to hurt so much my heart is aching just thinking about looking at here but there is one thing I know I must do.
“Hello Spikey, I hope you weren’t too bored by yourself.” Rarity walks over to my turned back and sits her bags down.

*Deep breath* “Not at all Rarity. Opal kept me company the whole time.” I say giving her my trademark grin. It hurt every second I kept the smile but I have to do this.

“Oh that is great to hear darling. Do you want me to make you something to eat as an I’m sorry for having to make you wait?” Seeing those beautiful eyes and that dazzling smile knowing that they will never look at me with the same love I have for her made my heart feel like it was being squeezed in a vice, slowly constricting squeezing everything out of me. But this is something I must do for her as my final act of love to her.

“No thanks Rarity, I am not hungry. But I know when I use to have a crush on you I would have jumped at the chance to have you cook for me.” I laugh… I so wish this laugh was me screaming away my pain. I finally confess to the love of my life and it is me dismissing it and acting like it is old news while in truth that very flame is burning my alive right now.

My comment seems to completely thrown Rarity off her game. She didn’t know what to do or think. She was so confused that I admitted my feeling for her but instead of me making it where she had to crush my heart she heard me talk about my feeling like they are a thing of past. I must keep going; I must bury this so she can be happy.

“What? Are you telling me you didn’t notice I had a huge crush on you when I first got here Rarity,” I walk over to her using all of my will to keep my legs from shacking from under me. “I mean let’s face it I was really bad at hiding you. I even tried to confess to you before during my birthday remember?” I kept the smile going. It felt like I had needles keeping my lips up so try to free her of the guilt she has been drowning in this whole time.

“I-I did notice Spike. But do you mean you are not infatuated with me anymore?” She asked not able to hide the hope in her voice. That hope crushed my heart. She was hoping I didn’t love her anymore.

“I've got over that childish crush Rarity. I do like our little dynamic we have so I kept up the ‘my lady’ thing since it made me feel like a knight,” I chuckle. “Don’t get me wrong I still love you Rarity but as a friend. I will always love you in that way. And besides it wouldn’t have worked out anyway. You couldn’t handle all of this sexiness.” I then place my paw to my rear and make a sizzling noise.

“O-of course I couldn’t Spike,” She mutters out covering her mouth as she laughs at my antics. I never thought that the beautiful laugh I loved to hear would scratch and tear at my heart like it is doing now. “But I do know that whoever wins your heart will be the luckiest girl in all Equestria.” She looks down on me smiling like ten tons have been lifted from her haunches.

“Soo darling is there a mare that you have your eyes on right now.” She leans over and grasps my front paws. As she holds them all that runs through my mind is all the time and love I spent with her and how none of that could lead her heart to mine.

“No pony at the moment. I want to play the dating pool around a little before I try to settle down. I mean I can’t go locking all of this,” I jester up and own my body. I have to put her heart and mind at ease. Even if each second I do this is like nails on a chalkboard to my own heart. “I have some time to make up for and I plan to do that.”

“Quite right. I don’t have any work due darling do you just want to hang out for a while?” She asked me as she goes to sit down next to Opal who hasn’t paid us any attention.

“That sounds nice and all but I really should be getting home. I stop by to see you and haven’t gone to see Twilight yet.” I start on my way to the door.

“I understand Spike, it was nice having you stop by,” She walks me to the door. Before I could leave out she pulled me into a hug. I would always love her hugs but this one hurt so much I had to bit my lip to keep from letting all these bottled up emotions pour out right here. “Thank you Spike. Thank you for always being there for me and being my best friend. I would never want to lose you.”

“Come on Rarity you couldn’t lose me. You are one of my dear friends and I would do anything to make sure you are happy.” I pull out of her hug and give the first honest smile since she came home. If it is for Rarity I would shatter my own heart to make sure she can be happy.
I walk out the door onto the busy street. I turn back to wave at her as she stands in the doorway. She waves back with a smile plastered on her face.

I start walking home. Everything around me just seems like a blur. Nothing right matters to me for I have done it. I cut the last string connecting any chance I have to be more than just a friend to Rarity. I am not so naive I didn’t considered that she wouldn’t return my feel but that doesn’t change the fact that it hurt to have it confirmed. And out of fear of hurting me she made herself suffer just because she did care about me in a different way.

I walk right past the library and keep going down the road. Being around ponies, even Twilight, is not what I want right now. My heart is shattered from doing my kindest thing I have ever down. I crack a smile as I think how proud Fluttershy would be of me. All that is running through my mind is that I need some time to re-evaluate things and I need to do that alone right now. So I just keep going down the path hoping I can find somewhere quite to be alone with my thoughts.