• Published 5th May 2014
  • 4,488 Views, 550 Comments

Purple Guardian - DragonPony

Spike and Twilight return from the alternate world to only see that Spike has not changed back to a dragon. Spike must come to terms with his new form and fight to protect those that come to rely on him.

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An Apple a Day, Keeps the Flutter Away

Chapter 8
An Apple a Day, Keeps the Flutter Away

Well I know I am not in dead, the dead don’t feel pain so I guess that is a plus. All of my limbs are throbbing with pain; my back is killing me, not to mention there is all this bucking noise all round me so I can’t rest. So all in all it is still better than being timberwolf shit right now. But I am still very cranky and whoever is making all that noise is who I am going to take my discomfort out on.

“Whoever is making all that noise I swear I will beat you harder than a fifteen year old does his own junk.” After my colorful commentary I decided to try to open my eyes to see who is the one refusing to let me sleep.

Oh course when I finally get my eyes open I see that I am in Fluttershys cottage with the poor girl looking slightly confused at my comment. I thank Celestia that she is so dense when it comes to things like sex. It does make me wonder if she will be like some 40-year old virgin if she stays like this. She already has the cats…and dogs, bunny, birds, hell even a bear.

“S-sorry Spike… Spike! Oh I am so happy you are awake. We have all been so worried about you.”Fluttershy says slightly hysterically as she runs over and hugs me. I would be happy to have a mare hugging all over me if it didn’t cause me so much pain to have her do it.

I wanted to ask her to let go but I didn’t have the heart too, especially after my little comment I made before I opened my eyes. I lift up my leg and go to wrap them around her to return the hug. I see my arms are wrapped in green bandages while I look down and see my torso is wrapped with in red bandaged with yellow clips holding them together.

“Yeah, thanks Shy. There is no way I would go down from that four legged toothpick and leave you girls alone. I mean who would be the pretty one of the group then.” That got Shy to chuckle as she removed herself from her hug.

“Please tell me that Applebloom, Winona, and that Jackalope got away to safety?” The concern in my voice and face was as clear as Pinkie is crazy.

“Don’t worry Spike they are fine. They were able to make it back to the farm and Peewee was able to make it to get Twilight just in time. If you were left out there bleeding out even you wouldn’t have made it out alive.” That final comment clearly hurt Shy to even consider one of her few dear friends dying out in the middle of the woods.

“Well it is a good thing I have such good friends to come and give me a hoof when I need it and can patch me up when I decide to play a game of tag with a timberwolf.” I tell her showing her the biggest grin I can muster trying to relieve her mood. I see a slight blush form on Fluttershy’s cheeks at my compliment.

“O-oh no I didn’t really do anything anyone else wouldn’t have done if they saw a friend in trouble.” She says as she then found the floor to be the most interesting in the world.

“Don’t sell yourself short Shy. Who else in town has the knowledge and skill to patch up a dragon dog as good as new,” I lift my head up and start to stroke my chin. “Hmm I can think of only one pink hair mare that can do such a thing.” I say as I give her a smile. We both break out into laughter as I then heard a bunch of hooves stomping up the stairs.

The door swung open to reveal all of the girls, the CMC, and Peewee all standing in the hallway with looks of shock and happiness from my resurrection. Twilight was the first one to move as she pushed past everyone and ran into the room. She jumped on the bed and wrapped her arms around my neck.

It was painful to have her crash into me like that but the pain was dwarfed by me seeing her burying her face into my bandage chest. When the she started to soak my bandages with her tears, I knew the little pain I felt was nothing compared to the need to comfort her. I then wrapped my bandage legs around her and pulled her closer to me to try to give her some feeling of safety.

“S-Spike, I am so glad to see you are okay. We were so worried about you. When I found you in the forest and you were covered in cuts and bleeding so much. I-I…” She couldn’t even finish her statement as she then started to sob even harder at the memory.

“Hey, hey it is fine Twilight. I am fine. What matters is you did find me and helped me. You don’t have to worry anymore I am safe,” I start to run my paws in her mane as I looked around the room. “You brought me to our own little white mage here and she used a phoenix down on me and got me as good as new.” That time I had to shake my head at what has to be one of my nerdiest comments I have ever said.

Almost all the girls, and one phoenix, had a shared look of confusion on their face about what I was talking about. To my surprise not everyone was lost to my reference as Rainbow Dash, Scoots and even more shocking Twilight all looked with eyes of amusement at what I said.

“I get it.” All three of them in unison as I couldn’t hold back and burst out laughing. But with each laugh a sharp pain would shoot through me body.

“Ha *ouch* ha, I-It.. It hurts to laugh. Ha” I say as I hold my side with one paw and wipe tears from my side. Twilight looked happy that I was able to laugh and seemed okay so she let me go and walked over the girls.

The next one to walk up to the bed was Applejack. Once she got next to me she took off her hat and placed it against her chest with her head down. She seemed to be remorseful that I ended up in this state due to her sister.

“Spike I just want to say thank ya so much for saving my sis and Winona from that varmint. I don’t know what I would have done if I would have lost ether one of’em or you.” I could see her doing her best to hold in her tears.

Everyone thinks of AJ as this unshakable mare that nothing can ever get to her. I realized a long time ago that isn’t the case. She is strong that much is true but she cares a lot about her family. AJ worries about them all the time and wants them to be safe. So the idea that she could have lost two of them must be terrifying to her. As I look at her trying to hold back her tears I decided she doesn’t need to pretend with us, her friends. I then lean over and pull her into the bed and pull her into a hug.

“It is okay AJ. Bloom, Winona, and I are safe. We are not going to leave you any time soon. You are stuck with us.” I tell her as I pat her on the back while I rest her head on my shoulder.

This was enough to break the dam as I then felt her start to sob lightly and began to squeeze me in her arms. I started to regret trying to be cool right now as I felt her almost break me in half with her crazy strength.

“Thank ya sugarcube. Thank ya for bringing my family back to me” She said as she was sniffling trying to get back her composer.
I let her out of my legs and she did the same, whipping her eyes as he pulled her hat down to cover her red shot eyes. Even when we have a touching moment she has to try to keep up her appearance.

Once she walked back to the others I notice three little fillies slowly walk over to me. It was clear that they all have been crying before it the puffy eyes and red noises were any signs. While Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were looking at me with smiles on their faces Applebloom wouldn’t look up at me.

“Go on Bloom.” Scoot said as she pushed Applebloom to the forefront of the trio.

“S-Spike… I just wanta tellya I am sorry. I am sorry for almost getting all of us really badly hurt by that big bad timberwolf,” she started to tear up again and it was kinda breaking my heart. I would have saved her no matter what. “I was out there because I was following that Jacka-whatever after I found him on our property. But before I knew it me and Winona were in the Everfree and that timberwolf came out of nowhere.” She confessed her reason for being out there while the tears run down her face.

I reach over and started to pat her on the head. She flinched when I first started to pet her. Bloom them looked up at me with puppy dog eyes that beat mine out tenfold. All I could do was give her a smile.

“Bloom it is fine, it was no one’s fault that it happened. I am happy this happen, if me not being hurt means you would have been, I would happily have fought ten of those walking planks and beat them all…. But don’t you try to test that!” I tell her trying to keep her from trying to set me up with a fight against a whole pack of timberwolves.

My sudden panic causes the young filly to giggle. She seems to be comforted by my words as she started to smile like Celestia just gave her a cutie mark personally.

Now that the tension was gone, Sweetie and Scoots ran up next to their friend and both had grins on their faces as well. I may have just taken down an Alpha class timberwolf alone but looking at those three was terrifying.

“Now since that has been taken care off. We want to reward you, Spike, for saving one of our Cutie Mark Crusaders.” Sweetie said as she started to jump up and down.

“That is why we would like to give you this,” Scoot held out in her hoof, a metal that was black with a large yellow ‘S’ in it. “With this you are now the honorary hero of the CMC!” Scoot shouted as the all through their forelegs in the air.

“It was close between giving it to you or Dash but with your recent action you earned it… barely.” Scoot just had to tack that on to try to appease her hero.

“Thanks girls, this really means a lot,” I take the metal and clip it on to my bandages around my chest. “Hey Dash check it out I beat you in something. You will need to become 50% cooler to beat me now.” I stick out my chest and point the medal on my chest.

This raised a laugh out of everyone in the room, all but one skittle haired mare that was now floating with her arms crossed and a slightly bugged look on her face. But it didn’t last.

“Ha ha good one, and it only took you almost being killed by a bunch of tree bark to do it. But for real good job there Spike, That wolf better just be lucky I wasn’t there or I would have took it down with a wing tied behind my back.” Dash shows her combat skills by throwing jabs in the air.

“Oh I am sure you would have showed him who is in charge. You can do it by giving him heartburn as he is using your feather as a toothpick.” These comments seem to make Dash flinch slightly at the idea of being eaten by the wolf…. Wow that just took my mind to the gutter really quickly.

“Hush now darling, Spike here is a hero for saving two young damsels in distress valiantly.” Rarity comes to my defense. It always makes me happy when she shows me extra attention and doesn’t treat me like a background character. I will show her that I am hero of this story one day.

“You are right Rarity! Spikey here is a hero and heroes get a party. A ‘Spike is a hero for beating the mean old timberwolf and saving Applebloom and Winona’. OH OH we also have to have a party for Spike becoming a dog a ‘Welcome to being a dog Spike’ party as well.” Pinkie shouts at the top of her lungs as she throws her forelegs in the air to show how epic these parties will be.

“I think first we need to let little Spike here rest. Here I brought you one of my extra sleep masks. I figure you having to say here overnight you might have problems falling asleep somewhere that isn’t home.” Rarity stated as she used her magic to drop a black and white sleeping mask on my lap.

“Thanks Rarity I will make sure I use it tonight.” I tell her as I hold it in my paws.

“Hey big bro I knew I had nothing to worry about with you fighting that big dumb tree stump.” Peewee chirped as he flew and landed on top of my head.

This caused me to laugh. Knowing him I bet Peewee really did think there was no way I could lose even though I came so close to dying so many times during that fight.

“Well of course I would win the heroes can’t go down that easy now can they.” I tell him to raise his spirit, not having the heart to tell him that any moment during the fight if I slipped up once I would have been used to feed that ‘Forest Mother’ Deeproot kept talking about.
It took me a moment to notice that all the girls in the room besides Twilight looked at me like I was running around with my forelegs sticking out as I make whooshing noise with my mouth.

“Huh Twi why is Spike talking to himself? Did he hit his head harder than we thought?” Dash says as she leans over trying to whisper into Twilight’s ear.

She then shakes her head no as she then informs every one of my new skill. “No Dash, You see Spike can now talk to animals.” Twilight tells them all not aware of how that would make Fluttershy’s eyes bulge out of her head.

“YOU CAN TALK TO ANIMALS!!!” To everyone surprise Fluttershy shouted as she then come right up into my face.

“Y-yea. It seems I can talk to any animal.” I say slightly taken back by this newly aggressive Fluttershy.

“What do they say? How do they sound? Do they speak like us? Who have you talked to so far?” Fluttershy started asking question after question to me. I couldn’t keep up with all her requests. I let out a large yawn. I wasn’t trying to be rude but I was still recovering and was still tired. It looked like Fluttershy notice this and started to blush how forward she was being with me.

“Everyone I think we need to let Spike get some sleep. He should be okay by tomorrow but for now he needs to rest. Do you mind if I talk to you about your gift tomorrow Spike?”Fluttershy asked still blushing over how she was before but still looking very eager to talk to me in the morning.

“Sure Shy, have no problem with that at all. I will see you all tomorrow.” I tell them as they all walk out the door waving and saying their goodbyes. I take the mask and put it on my face.

I am happy she gave me a present but that ‘little’ comment kinda bugged me a little. I’ll just count that as a slip from how I use to be in fact little. I am just happy that I was able to help those two out and no one was hurt… well no one but me. As I slowly drifted off to sleep little did I know that I was going to have a rough night ahead of me.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone. Back again with another chapter. I hope you all enjoyed the last one. I am hoping I can keep making Spike the Dog more and more interesting. I can't wait to release the next few chapter and see what people will think of them. Thanks you all who read my story and enjoy it. Even if this never becomes a featured story with all you enjoying my work is more then enough for me.