• Published 5th May 2014
  • 4,488 Views, 550 Comments

Purple Guardian - DragonPony

Spike and Twilight return from the alternate world to only see that Spike has not changed back to a dragon. Spike must come to terms with his new form and fight to protect those that come to rely on him.

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Checkup Part 2

Chapter 3
Checkup Part 2

As I lay out under the mid afternoon sun I couldn’t help but think about how different things are going to be from now on. I don’t believe I will have to worry about growing giant and having to leave my friends and family anymore which I can count that as a plus. However those wings I so longed for I can only consider them as good as gone now. The really sad thing I realize is that becoming a dog might not affect my life as much as originally thought. When I think of all the ponies that might be put off or the friends that might start to treat me funny due to my new physic; the only ones that come to mind are the girls. The concern comes from the fact that I wouldn’t be able to help them out as I use to. Don’t get me wrong, I do love helping the girls and making sure they are as happy as they can be. That doesn’t take away the fact though that due to my consent service to them I don’t have much of a life myself.

My pondering was cut short when I heard a pair of hoofs coming down the stone floors of the stairs heading towards the castle. One thing I do enjoy about being a dog are these heighten senses, I can hear a bee sneeze down the road with these bad boys. I look up to see who was coming and none too surprising it was Twilight, holding Fluttershy’s notes. She looked much more rested then during breakfast as she dawned a smile on her face.

“Hey Twi, are ready to take your turn to check out all this greatness?” I say with a toothy grin on my face. I see her lift up an eyebrow and the corner of her mouth at my comment. I pay it no mind, just seeing her smile become a little bigger was worth the clear cheap shot that I know I have coming.

“Oh yes Spike, how could I keep my hoofs off of all that purple hotness,” She says as she rolls her eyes… hard. This caused both of use to break out into a laughing spell only to die down after a minute or two. “Seriously Spike from what I can see from Shy’s notes it seems that some of your dragon traits were imprinted onto this new form of yours. This is good news, the fact that there is still some dragon in there means there is a chance we can find a way to turn you back. But for now I want to check you and give you a once over to make sure there is no residual magic in you or if it is effecting any of your internal organs.”

Well it is nice to hear there is a ‘chance’ of me turning back to normal. I sigh just thinking that there is indeed a chance that I could be stuck like this for the long haul. My mind wouldn’t wonder to what those odds could be. “So what are we going to do first?”

“First I am going to look you over and make sure everything inside of you is where it should be and is healthy.” After Twilight said that her horn started to glow with her trademark purple aura. But to my surprise her eyes also glowed as well. The next thing I know I see an aura come out and surround my body. Needless to say it felt very strange; it was like being naked in front of a room full of people. Okay so we are naked most of the time but I am sure you get the idea. I watch as Twilight walks around me, looking at every inch of my body like a fine piece of art occasionally looking back periodically at notes which I can only assume are from Shy's.

“Hmm from what I can see everything seems to be in order. Your internal organs look to be the same as any normal dog. That is excluding your flame gland, but that is located at a spot that won’t cause you any problems.” Twilight said, not looking up from the papers she is holding. It seems she is documenting everything the same way Shy was, not that I mind though.

“Okay now that we have that out of way, let’s see if there are any magical side effects on you.” Twilight’s horn started to glow once again as my body was covered in an aura but this time it didn’t feel as intrusive as before. I kept hoping there is nothing else wrong with me. The last thing I need to be is cursed or something while I am stuck as looking like ‘Sassy’ from those old movies.

I started to become very nervous when I saw the expression on Twilight’s face change to one of confusion. “W-what’s going on Twi? Am I cursed or something? Please tell me I am not going to go all ‘Cujo’ on everyone. Please don’t ‘Old Yeller’ me!” I say clearly sounding a little freaked out by her reaction.

“Huh, oh sorry Spike, it is nothing like that there are no side effects from the mirror. There is something else interesting that I did notice about you though.” Twilight tells me while placing a hoof on her chin, clearly she is processing some information in that super computer she calls a brain.

“Okay, so are you going to share what you learned with the rest of the class Twi or am I just going to have to sit here and play twenty questions with you?” I am clearly getting slightly annoyed by the fact she seems to just keep drifting off in her own little world without telling me what is going on.

“Well you see Spike; it looks like your essence is still a magical charged, like when you were a dragon. Also you seem to be drawing in magic naturally and storing it inside you.” She tells me still clearly processing all she has learned about me.
“So what does that mean? Am I going to like blow up or something, I really don’t want to end up a stain on the library walls.” I say in a joking tone, but still sounding very worried about what she has told me. She takes her hoof away from her chin and waves away my worry of becoming a dog shaped firecracker.

“No no it is nothing like that Spike. You see every other creature that has magic produces it from inside of their body and releases it. Unicorns and Alicorns can do it at will with their horns. A Pegasus and Earth pony does this sub consciously. From what we know the only creature that draws in magic and can store it in their bodies, are dragons. It is due to this unlimited amount of natural energy that dragons live for as long as they do.” Twilight states almost like she is giving a lecture at one of the major universities in the capital.

“Wait, so what your telling me is….” I start to say only to have her cut me off.

“That is right Spike, you will still live for thousands of years if not longer it looks likes. We can’t be too sure since you do not have the body of a dragon. So we don’t know how the inflow of energy will affect you.” Twilight says with a smile on her face as she places her hoof on my shoulder.

I give her a weak smile back at the news, which see clearly see though. Sometimes I regret having a lifelong partner that knows me better then I know myself. She can read me like a book most of the time. “Spike? What’s wrong? I thought you would be happy to still get to live for such a long time.” She asks me giving me those big concerned eyes that seem to work on me every time.

“Yea Twi, I am ‘so’ very happy that I still have to watch all my friends and loved ones slowly age and die right in front of me without me being able to do anything. I have dreaded the idea of that for years, sometimes waking up screaming after dreaming of watching each and every one of you die slowly in front of me one after another." I give a slight chuckle as I lower my head down as I continue to pour out my worries. “You know for a little while I was thinking that becoming a dog might not be so bad if I didn’t have to watch loved one after loved one die in my arms.” I can feel the tears in the corner of my eyes but use all my willpower to keep them from falling.

It was clear by the look on Twilight’s face she didn’t know what to say or do. But the next thing I knew she ran over to me and threw herself against me and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I am sorry Spike! I *sob* I didn’t know you were going through something like this for so long. I didn’t know you were suffering with this so long. I know it hurts; I have had the same fear myself about you. I hate the idea of all of us leaving you alone in this world. But then I start to think and I realize you won’t be alone Spike. We all will have families and you will have your own family, they will be there for you during the hard times. No matter how much time passes we will always be your family, so will our children and our children’s children Spike. Not to mention that you are so loveable that I am sure you will find somepony, dragon, or whatever to be by your side and love you.” Twilight tells me as she is wiping her eyes and giving me a smile to try to reassure me, and I can only assume herself as well.

I take some comfort in her words, I don’t know how much of what she says is true but I will trust her and believe in that future she hopes for me to have. I don’t know about that lover part though, I mean the only ones that will live anywhere near as long as I will are dragons and the princesses. And I find it really hard to believe either one will find me really attractive right now. “Thanks Twi...that means a lot to hear. It is just...that is something that has always been in the back of my mind. But I will believe you, and trust you Twi. I love you and the girls.” I say as I hold her back, I feel her un-stiffen in my arms as I seek comfort in her as well as she does the same with me.

“It’s okay Spike. I can understand how you can worry about that. But one thing you don’t ever have to worry about is how we feel about you. Whether you are a dog, dragon, a little baby or as big as a castle we will always love you Spike and I know every girl feels the same way,” She finishes wiping her now puffy red eyes and gives me her old smile I love to see on her face. “At least take some comfort that you don’t have to worry about becoming a giant monster anymore. That was something that dragons do to show their dominance and to protect their hoards.”
“But...wait, I have so many dragon tendencies, and not to mention I also have natural energy flowing into my body as a normal dragon does. How can you be so sure I won’t grow over time?” I ask trying to cover all the bases of my new form, the last thing I want to do is become the next Cerberus because someone took one of my squeaky toys.

“Well let’s see, tell me Spike since yesterday, did you feel any overall urge to hoard or gather anything like you usually do,” This was when I notice she was right, I didn’t have that nagging in the back of my mind I always had before when I was a dragon telling me to take and collect, the horrible voice that I have learned to push back to the deepest reaches of my mind but could never completely silence. I shake my head, this action seem to put a smile on her face once again. “See, you don’t have the dragon’s greed anymore weighing down on your mind making you want to hoard as many thing as you can.”

I decide to take her word for it and enjoy the fact that the thorn in my side is gone now. I stand up off the grass and look at her with a smile. “Well, now that we have this done, why don’t we see what everyone else is doing? Then we can head to library to see what we can find about changing me back.”

It looks like the idea of having a research marathon perked Twilight right up. She nodded yes vigorously. I shook my head with a grin as we both head back inside. As we walk I can’t help but think about what is ahead of me now that I am on this road. If I am going to be stuck as a dog from now on I am going to make the most of it. I won’t be seen as just Twilight’s ‘pet’ or any less from anypony else. But I won’t stop looking for a way to go back to my old self ether.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have to also give another big thanks for giving me 400+ views and over 100 likes that really means the world to me. I know it didn't have as much comedy as the past chapters did. It had to be slightly serious for the ending of this section of the story. It will pick up after this I promise. Also I am still getting the hang of using proper grammar so be try to give me a little slack on the field. Anyway Thanks for reading my story will have the next chapter out before too long. So look forward to it.

For everyone that has been wondering how big Spike is here is some work to show you how large he is. Don't pay attention to the numbers they were just on the height chart I had in my files it is really about how big he is compared to ponies. Mac being on the larger end and Twi being alittle shorter then average.