• Published 5th May 2014
  • 4,486 Views, 550 Comments

Purple Guardian - DragonPony

Spike and Twilight return from the alternate world to only see that Spike has not changed back to a dragon. Spike must come to terms with his new form and fight to protect those that come to rely on him.

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The Dog and Bunny

Chapter 9
The Dog and Bunny

I lay there trying to get some rest from the long tiring experience I have just gone through. My sleep was not sound for every time I started to drift off I would see Deeproot’s face as he died by my paws. The look in his eyes as the life slowly left his body while my flames engulf him. When he looked at me I could feel a shiver ran up my spin. Did I become the monster I have been fighting for years?

I started pondering what would the girls think and say when they find out what happen. I know they will be terrified of me. Killing is not something that is a normal occurrence here. The only things that kill normally are predatory animals for meals and the very rare dragon attack. So any time a sentient being kills something it is looked at with disgust.

Sure they will try to put an understanding light on it to try to protect me. They will tell me that I had no chose and he was going to kill us all if given the chance. Even with that logical reasoning I fear that they will be scared of me or start seeing me as a wild animal. Man I don’t know what would be worse.

As I sigh and lay deeper into the bed it made me think what would Fluttershy say when she finds out. She never hated or even disliked timberwolves. Shy just saw them as another animal, a very scary and dangerous animal, but an animal none the less. It almost breaks my heart to see the look of pure terror on her face as she looks at me. This is the last thing I wanted from any of them; I don’t want them to see me as a killer.

My inner turmoil was ended when I felt a force slam down on my chest. I couldn’t tell what it was but whatever it was had fury feet and wasn’t that heavy as it rested on my chest now. As I slowly open my eyes and remove the sleeping mask I say Fluttershy’s main pet a bunny named Angel standing on my chest with a carrot handing out of his mouth.

Angel was the traditional bunny in almost every way. He had white cute, big buck teeth, long ears, bushy tails, Eyes of a little devil with the soul purpose of making my life a living hell

I have always figured he hated me for my little pet sitting miss hap before. I could understand him being alittle pissed about all of that but it felt like he hated me for it. Whenever I would come over to help Shy Angel would come and kick my leg or throw a carrot at my head. For a bunny he has great aim.

“Who are you and why are you in my master’s den?” Angel growls out with pure venom spilling with each word.

“Angel it is me Spike. Some things happen and I am now a dog. It is nice to see you again.” I tell him with a friendly tone. I hope this is just him being protective of Shy. I mean I am not what one would call too normal looking. Even though I think I pull off the whole canine look pretty well.

This seems to throw Angel slightly as he looked at me like I grew a second head. But as he looked me over it seemed that he started to notice the similarities between this me and my dragon form.

“So you are that green lizard that master thought could watch me before, huh?” Angel says with a smug attitude as he bit into his carrot.

I don’t like being called a lizard one bit. Even if I am not a dragon anymore it still rubbed me the wrong way and to have a bunny looking down on me didn’t sit right with me at all. Now that I think about it why am I letting him still stand on my chest?

I started to roll over so I can get up from my sleep possession I toss Angel off of me over to the other side of the bed. He popped up clearly pissed that I just flung him off of me. To be frank I didn’t really care I could tell that even being able to talk directly to him he still had an attitude problem.

“Yea that is me and the name is Spike.” I tell him as I watch Angel pull himself up from being removed off of me. I couldn’t help but grin at the irritated look that grew on his face.

“So what are you doing here flee bag? Besides making one of my master’s rooms stink.” Angel spits out as while he picks up his carrot and put it back into his mouth and continue to eat it.

“I got into a fight with a timberwolf and had to get Shy to patch me up.” I point to the bandages on my body to illustrate my point.

“You couldn’t take one little wood doggy without being hurt this that extent. Some big bad dragon you are.” Angel says with sarcasm in every word as he rolls his eyes at me while he crosses his forelegs.

“This is coming from someone that wouldn’t have even been able to take it down at all. You would have just been a white puff in some timberwolf crap right now.” I say as get down to Angel’s eye level and gave a big toothy grin.

My comment seemed to not affect the bunny at all. He just kept eating his carrot while meeting my gaze in full force. What happen next I really should have saw coming but I was too irate by the white furball to think things through. After he ate his carrot down to the nub he took and spit it right at my face. It hit me smack dead on the forehead.

Now normally I would have been annoyed by that but would have passed it off as Angel being Angel but being able to talk to him made it so much worse for some reason. I lifted my head up and started to rub the red spot on my forehead as I look down at the little bunny that just assaulted me. Angel had a shit eating grin on his face this time and that really bugged me.

I took and put my paw right in front of him and gave him a small flick with my claw. Not enough to hurt him mind you just to take him off his paws. He took and tumbled down to the end of the bed. Angel shot up from his little tumble and shot me a death clear. But I couldn’t take it seriously because right in the center of his pristine white forehead was a red bump on it much like mind.

I started to laugh at the current condition of Angel. As I was bellowing over cracking up at the Angel came up with a way to pay me back for my treatment of him. If I would have been paying attention I would have saw that Angel was no longer on the bed.

The next thing I knew a thick book came flying through the air and crashed right into my snout. It was like playing brick catch with my face and I was the undisputed champion. Luckily it didn’t cause a nose bleed or anything but it did make my whole snout red as Fluttershy was that one time she and the girls watch that movie ‘Magic Michel’ during one of their sleepovers.

I heard laughing coming from the other end of the room as I looked up I saw Angel standing in front of the bookcase in the room. Once he saw me glaring at him with pure hate in my eye he decided it was time to make his exit and he hoped out of the room. The only thing I could think was…. ‘Of course you realize this means war.”

I stand up from the bed, which to pleasant surprise my legs didn’t hurt anymore. Must be a dragon thing, I seem to heal much faster than a normal dog. This could come very much in handy living in this crazy town.

As I poke my head I see that none of the lights are one and I don’t hear any movement. I listen closely and I can hear low deep breathing down the hall in Fluttershy’s room. ‘Good she must be sleep.’ I thought as I crept out into the hall. I wouldn’t want her to be awake when I throttle that long eared dick.

Slowly I walk down the stairs; I see the floor littered with sleeping animals all over. Man it always takes me back just how many animals Shy takes care of. There must be at least 20 different animals sprawled out across her living room and these are just the ones that live here. I think Celestia need to just give Shy a sainthood or something because no one else I know would be this kind. Guess she lives up to her element and then some.

I then heard some raddling in the kitchen and I just knew it had to be that little fur ball in there. Slowly I crept past all of the sleeping animals when I heard a noise behind me. I turn around and see a frog sitting on the window seal. It was just a normal everyday frog but for some reason he had a can and top hat next to him. I dismissed it and was about to go on my way when I notice the frog jump up on his hind legs and put the top hat on and grab the can. He starts to do high kicks as he began to sing.

“"Hello! ma baby,

Hello! ma honey,
Hello! ma ragtime gal,

Send me a kiss by wire,
Baby my heart's on fire!
If you refuse me,
Honey, you'll lose me,
Then you'll be left alone;
oh baby, Telephone
and tell me I'se your own,”

Then just as quickly as he started he stopped and dropped back down to all fours and just started to crock like a normal frog. I-I didn’t know what to say. All I did was stand up with my mouth open and looked around the room gesturing to the frog hoping someone else saw what I just did. I then just decided it to count it as a Pinkie level phenomenon and kept on my way to the kitchen.

Slowly I strolled in the kitchen, on the hut for the pesky rabbit. I looked all around and didn’t see him anywhere but I could smell that his scent was still fresh. The only problem was his sent was everywhere so I couldn’t pin point his location.

“Angel…. Where are you? I am not made at you I just want to talk.” I whisper out trying to lure him out of whatever whole he is hiding in.

I hear some raddling over by lower cupboard under the sink. Smiling I drop down low as I can to the floor as I inch my way closer and closer to the source of the noise. Once I reached it I got ready to pounce as I rose to my hind legs and while I yanked the door open.

“Gotcha!!” I yell as I lunged at the cupboard.

Angel was waiting for me and squeezed liquid soap in my eyes. I don’t need to say just how much that STUNG! I yelp as it started to wipe the soap out of my eyes. As I franticly attempt to clean my eyes Angel lunged at me full force and hit me with both back legs dead center in my chest.

The blow knocked the air out of me but I didn’t say down long as I had to get the soap out of my eyes. I jumped up and ran to the sink and started to rinse my face off. As I kept my head buried under the stream of water I heard Angel laughing on the counter next to me. He was rolling around like it was the funniest thing he has ever seen.

Once I got enough soap out of my eyes to see I quickly reached my paw out and grabbed Angel by the ears. He was less than happy with that.

“Looks like the little bunny missed his bath time” I say as a wicked grin stretched across my water logged face.

“You wouldn’t dare!” Angel looked like he wanted to kick my head clean off my shoulders as he tried to wiggle out my grip.

“Then tell me do you feel lucky punk. Well …do ya.” I then take and dunk Angel under the water. I dunked him nowhere near long enough to drown him or anything just to make him wet like me over and over.
I didn’t count on how resourceful he is for when I went back for my third dunk he twisted his body so he was able to make it to the corner of the sink. He then kick the bare of soap out of its tray into the air, Angel kicked the bar hard sending it flying at my head hitting again in the forehead. I swear this bunny must have been a mage sniper or something in a past life with this kind of deadly aim.

I fell back from the blow to the head, I let go of Angel as we both went falling to the floor. Once we both regain our composer we scurried around looking for something else to use. I picked up a rolling pin from the counter while Angel jumped up and grabbed a wooden spoon from on top of the table.

I turned around and swung at the bunny with my baking weapon. Angel was able to leap over it with his impressive jumping skills and started to come down with the spoon ready to strike me like he as a grandmother disciplining a bad foal.

Luckily enough I had enough time to raise the pin and block his strike. I lunged the rolling pin at Angel as he used the spoon to parry my attack redirecting it away from him. He then jumped over the counter to get better leverage against me.

There we went blow for blow with our weapons. If anyone was there they would have spoken of our battle for it was legendary. Every stroke I threw at Angel he masterfully dodges it with jumps and flips.

Every time he would maneuver out of the way from my much larger attacks he would counter with precision strikes of his own. It was only thanks to my dragon instincts and reflex time that I was barely able to stop his strikes.

Angel would use everything around him at his disposal as a weapon to make up for his lack of size and strength. He jumped on a bag of flour making a cloud blocking my vision. The next thing I knew Angel came flying through the cloud the only thing I could see were the black of his eyes and the pink of his nose in the white cloud.

How long our battle of the millennium lasted was lost to me, I was getting tired and so was he. It was clear we were reaching the end of our struggle. I ran towards him and tried to overpower him and win our duel but Angel was ready for me and jumped as high as he could clear out of my line of sight.

I looked around to see where he landed but he was nowhere to be seen. That was when I put it together that he hasn’t landed yet I quickly looked up to see him hanging from the ceiling fan. He then shot down like a magic bolt straight down at me. I got ready to counter his lighting fast strike.

Once he came into range our weapons collided together with a wooden thumb. To both surprise our weapons give way and shatter under our force. Without our tools Angel came flying right at me and he crash right into me. Our forehead bang against each other and we go falling to the floor.
We both lay there breathing heavy, wet, tired and just plain spent. Angel was the first of us to get up and we walked over the fridge. He grabs what looked to be a carrot juice and a Yoo-Hoo. To my shock he tossed the Yoo-Hoo at me. I grin and sat at the table with Angel as we drink our beverages.

*Phew “That exculpated quickly. I mean that really got out of hand.” I say as I take a swig of my chocolate milk

“That jumped up a notch.” Angel leans back in his seat which is too big for him and whip carrot juice from his mouth.

“It did didn’t it.” I say as I put the cold drink up against my forehead.

“I was hanging from the ceiling fan.” Angel has a smile on his face as the feat he did.

“I saw that.” I grin remembering my surprise at the white lightning bolt coming down at me.

Angel give a long sigh as the then look back to me. He seems to have a content look to him as he struggles but seat his drink on the table.

“You’re not bad Spike.” I get the feeling that him saying this is a big honor and he hasn’t said this to many animals around here at all.

“You’re not so bad yourself” I smile at the little warrior. Man I am happy Angel isn’t a bigger animal or he would have beat me like a foal that called their mother fat.

“So do you think we should clean up before Shy wakes up?” As I say this I this I see Angel’s eye grow big and for the first time tonight I see fear in his eyes.

*Sigh* “Fluttershy is behind me isn’t she?” I ask already knowing the answer. Sometime I feel like I live in a bad cartoon sometime. I watch as Angel shack his head up and down and hops off the table then take off running.

I turn around and see a very angry Fluttershy looking down at me with those disappointed mom eyes I haven’t seen since I was a hatchling and I colored all over the main hall of the castle. Only one thing I could think to do at the moment. I extended my paw with the drink in it and ask


Author's Note:

Hey everyone! Another Day another chapter posted for you all to enjoy. I had to make Angel a badass I always saw him as being one. He ended up becoming a mini boss out of nowhere lol. IF anyone gets a chance check out How Did This Happen? by my man Killeroreo. I did the cover art for this story as well. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this one and I will have the next one out before you know it.