• Published 5th May 2014
  • 4,488 Views, 550 Comments

Purple Guardian - DragonPony

Spike and Twilight return from the alternate world to only see that Spike has not changed back to a dragon. Spike must come to terms with his new form and fight to protect those that come to rely on him.

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Sweet Tooth

Chapter 5
Sweet Tooth

Owlicious, Peewee and I talked for roughly about an hour about everything under the sun. Peewee went on and on about the things he did during his time with his parents. He also seems to have repeatedly told them about his cool dragon big bro that protected him when he was still an egg. As Peewee energetically went on and on I started to think that his parents sent him to us to give them a break from the talkative phoenix.

I did notice that Owlicious did not say much during this time. He would just sit there silently and nod with a smile on his face. There were still many things that I do not know about him and would like to learn. We never could ask him questions like this before and his whole past was a mystery to us. I did however decided not to press it, I don’t want try to make him tell me about something he isn’t ready to share.

After our talk Peewee and myself decided it was late enough that we can go for that stroll around town. Owlicious decided to stay behind and help Twilight with her work. It worried me he would rather stay cramped up inside then go hit the town with two other single studs. The idea of dragging him out with us did cross my mind, but was quickly crushed it when I thought that if he wasn’t here Twilight would be making me do it.

So with that new realization I began my stroll around town with Peewee sitting on my back enjoying the ride. The walk wasn’t as eventful as I thought it would be, I was half expecting everyone to come rushing to see what had happened. But most people just looked for a second out of curiosity then went back to their lives. This is definitely different compared to when I first walked the streets here alone as a dragon. Back then almost every citizen gave me a look of pure fear, ready to run with every breath I took. That irritated me to no end seeing people treat me like a monster or a threat when all I was doing was taking a stroll around my new ‘home’. I was happy that they soon got over their fears of me and accepted me into the community.

“So Big bro where are we headed first?” Peewee asked me as he flew up and rested on top of my head.

“Hmm I was thinking of taking a stroll over to SugarCube Corner. Introduce myself to the Cakes and the twins again.” I say while shrugging my shoulders. Peewee gives me a nod as we then go on our way to the sugar rush inducing building.

As we make it to the door I take a deep breath to calm myself for the storm of craziness that I was about to walk into. I push the door open and walk up to the counter to see Mrs. Cake at the counter just finishing up putting out some new treats. She looks down at me and Peewee and gives us that great salesman smile she has honed from years of dealing with guest.

“Well isn’t that just the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s a little phoenix riding on a dog. Oh look at the little dear,” Mrs. Cake cooed as she trots from behind the counter and start to pet Peewee on the head gently. “You are just too cute!”

I can just feel Peewee sticking out his chest in pride as she is patting him on his head. “Hey you see that big bro I even make older
birds flock to me!” I could only let out a sigh at his comment. I started to would wonder where he would develop an attitude like this but then I remember that he was raised by me. And if I was in the same situation I probably would have said the same thing. That does put a grin on my face; he picked up a lot from his time from me I can only hope he got some of my good aspects as well.

“Mrs.Cake can you cut back on the praise a little please. If his head gets any bigger Peewee here won’t be able to fly.” I say as I hear my feathered little brother let out a huff in protest. Unfortunately thanks to my habit of being a smart flank I forgot I didn’t tell Mrs.Cake who I was or that I could talk.

As I look up at her I see her eyes becoming as big as dish plates while she slowly backs away from me. “H-Honey. HONEY!!!” she shouts as she seems to almost vanish from in front of us into the back room. All I can think is ‘Wow for a bigger girl she really can move. I guess have twins and a Pinkie keeps you light on your feet’.

My amusement at my own comment was cut short when I see Mr.Cake walking out holding a broom in his mouth. The only thought in my head was ‘Oh please don’t do what I think he is going to do’. And I hate that whenever I think this it almost always happens.
“Go on get! Get out of here!” Mr.Cake shouts as he walks closer turning his head to getting ready to swing the broom at us. As he twisted his neck making the broom whip through the air. I barely have enough time to duck low enough to keep me and Peewee out of harm’s way. The force of that broom is not joke, with Mr.Cake’s earth pony strength it would hurt like Tartarus if he hit me.

Mr.Cake lifts his head up high and brings down the broom with heavy force. I throw my head to the side to have Peewee take the sky as I jump to the right to avoid the blow. This is starting to not be fun anymore. As I am trying to decide on what to do next that won’t lead to me or Mr.Cake being harmed. I look around to see if there is anything I can use to my advantage but all I can see is that I am stuck in the seating area with a bunch of booths on my left and right. Mr.Cake slowly walks words me clearly getting ready to try to knock me out and get me out of his shop.

I came up with an idea that I hope will try to end this bad ‘Micky Chan’ movie I seem to be stuck in. Once Mr.Cake was close enough for me to put my plan into action I quickly leaped to the left right on top of one of the tables. If Rarity was here she would have fainted at the scene of a dog hoping on top of a table and yell at me for a lack of table manners. Me hoping up on the table only seemed to piss Mr.Cake off more as the then started to swipe the broom at my legs over and over with enough force it would knock me right on my flank if any of them caught me. But thanks to my higher ground he can’t drop any of those heavy drops down on me anymore. When I finally have enough of playing hop scotch with an enraged baker and his broom of death I focus intensely on him to try to read when he will perform his next swing while he is up at base. Once I read the see his swinging motion begin to take action I raise my left paw and wait for it to come close. As it finally did I stopped down on the broom handle keeping it pinned under my weight and strength as Mr.Cake tries to tug it from under me. Wanting to end this little game now I take my right claw and do some of my own swiping and cut the broom right in half leaving Mr.Cake holding barely a stick in his mouth.

Mr.Cake backs away from me clearly startled by just how sharp my claws are and at the loss of his weapon. He takes a more feral stance near the counter trying to block me from getting to the back of the shop where I can only guess his family is. He clearly has the look that he is ready to fight to the death and that is a fight I want no part of. I start to frantically look around for another way out as Peewee lands back on my head. The next thing I hear is a loud BAM come from behind Mr.Cake.

“WWWAAIITT.” was shouted so loud it could have woken Luna all the way at Canterlot. I look to see who has those gold lungs; low and behold it was none other than Pinkie running out from the back pulling out Mrs.Cake and almost knocking over Mr.Cake as she runs in front of me with her arms up. “Stop fighting Mr. Cake. This isn’t some meanie monster or anything. This is our little dragon buddy. Well I guess now you are no longer a dragon, or little anymore huh she says looking back at me with her classic smile on her face.

“No I guess not anymore but now I am your furry dog buddy huh.” I while finally relaxing from my time in the sugary battlefield I found myself stuck in for the past few minute.

“YUP! But you have to get off the table silly. The Cakes really don’t like it when you stand on them… trust me.” Pinkie tells me as she finally put her harms down seeming to relax a good bit as well.

I hop off the table to only then to have a pink blur wrap itself around my neck and nuzzle next to me like I am a big stuffed animal. “But I do have to say you are a lot more comfy to hug now Spike. Not that you weren’t before but now you are warm and furry.” Pinkie tells me after she finally lets me go.

I couldn’t help but laugh at that statement never even considering how hugging me felt like when I was a dragon. I guess it must have been like hugging a leather jacket right out of the oven, smooth and toasty.

After I finish pondering my cuddling factor I look over at the Cakes who had confused looks on their faces. I slowly, very slowly, walk over to them and tried to do my introduction all over again. My hope is that Mr.Cake doesn’t go for the knives and try to make me the daily special.

“Good Morning Mr. and Mrs. Cake. It is me Spike, there has been kind of an accident so I am now stuck as a dog for now.” I say with as pleasant of a tone I could muster. Most would be more than a little mad that Mr.Cake tried to treat them like a piñata for the past 10 minutes. But I can understand, he saw me as a threat to his family and I can’t hold it against the guy for trying to protect them.
Once what I said seem to finally sink into the sugary couple there shared look of confusion turned into one of shame, for Mr.Cake it was more on the lines of horror what he had tried to do. I could only guess what going through their minds at this moment. Mrs.Cake was the first one to walk over to me with a look that told me she was holding back tears.

“Spike sweetie I am so sorry for how we acted. I was just so scared when you started talking and with all the craziness that happens in this town I just acted without thinking first. I am sorry Spike can you ever forgive me.” Mrs.Cake said as looked at me with eyes that only a remorseful mother could muster.

“Mrs.Cake it is fine really. You should have seen me early when I first heard Owlicious talk for the first time. Needless to say you handled the situation much better than I did,” I look up at Peewee on top of my head and grin. “And besides Peewee would never forgive me if I made a cute mare that complimented him sad.” This comment earned a slight blush and a smile from her. Peewee on my head started to shack his head up and down agreeing with my statement which earned a giggle from the mother of two.

I then saw Mr.Cake slowly walk up to me with his head hanging low as he won’t even look me in the eye. Once he made is way in front of me I already knew what it wanted to say. “Spike… I-I don’t know what to say, I am sorry. I don’t know what came over me I just…” I cut him off by putting a paw on his shoulder and giving him a smile with a very understanding look.

“Mr.Cake it is fine really. You were doing everything you can to protect your family and home. There is no way I would ever hold that against you. I would have done the same if I was in your place. In fact I am the one who should be saying sorry for making a mess of the restaurant and breaking your broom.” I say with a blush on my face as I rub the back of my head.

“Oh no it is quite alright Spike, we all were caught up in the moment. Don’t worry about any of that. We needed a new broom anyway that thing was a piece of junk.” Mr.Cake state as he finally looked up from the floor.

“Okay, but man Mr.Cake you were crazy with that thing. I would have to see anyone that tries to rob you,” This comment sparked a blush on the yellow stallion. “Be honest Mr.Cake how often do you say lines like ‘I am sweeping up the trash!”

Before he can answer Mrs.Cake cut him off. “All the time, he has a whole book of catchy one liners by the bed,” This got everyone to burst into laughter at the expense of the poor stallion. “I mean really ‘Say hello to my little friend’, when would that ever catch on?” Mrs.Cake says as she leans in and kisses her husband on the cheek.

“H-Hey it could happen!” Mr.Cake stammers out trying to salvage any pride he has lift. After everyone finishes laughing we all start to clean up the mess we made as I tell them all about the other world and why I am now a dog. Needless to say they were very shock to hear that there were versions of them in this alternate universe filled with these creatures we know of as only a myth.

After spending some time there I feel it is time to go and say hello to a few more people before I finally head home. The Cakes gave me a cupcake as a sorry gift and Peewee some sunflower seeds they were going to use for their sunflower cookies. As I am walking out I poke my head back in the restaurant and say, “I’ll be back.” As the door was closing I heard Mr.Cake mutter “Hey that is a good one. Have to remember to add that to the book.”

As Peewee and I stroll down the street thinking where we could head next I heard Peewee finish off his seed. “Hey bro”

“Yea Peewee, what’s up” I say as I lick the remaining frosting from my face. Man even as a dog a gem cupcake still hits the spot.

“I was just wondering during your epic battle with the baker of death why didn’t you just talk during it and tell him who you were to get him to stop?” He asks me with his head tilting slightly to the side.

There was a quite as I just stop moving and look into nothing this. I stood there and didn’t move as I just process what my little buddy has just told me. Then only one world and thought run through my brain. A thought so strong I have to verbalize it.

…. “Buck me”

Author's Note:

Hey everyone. Another day another chapter up and ready for you all to enjoy it. This one give a very tiny sample of a action scene, there will be much better ones down the road really soon. I hope you call can get the joke of the picture this time around. If you have any advise or feedback please don't be shy and share so I can try to make the best story I can. Hope you all like the new chapter.