• Published 5th May 2014
  • 4,488 Views, 550 Comments

Purple Guardian - DragonPony

Spike and Twilight return from the alternate world to only see that Spike has not changed back to a dragon. Spike must come to terms with his new form and fight to protect those that come to rely on him.

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Snake In The Grass

Chapter 16
Snake In The Grass

Man if feels like I have been walking for like three months and have gotten nowhere. All I have seen for who knows how long have been trees and shrubbery. I guess it was too much to ask for this to be a quick mission so I could get home and relax.

It seems that I have finally started to make some headway in my travels since I now can hear the sound of flowing water. I continue down the path towards the source of the sound. The river soon came into view and I have to say that it is a pretty nice fishing hole they had. The river was a decent size and depth I could see a vast amount of fish traveling along with the current.

‘Okay well I finally made it, let’s see if I can find this Boitatá guy and talk him into relocating or even just sharing.’ I thought to myself trying to keep my spirits high hoping that this doesn’t end up like every other thing I try...A cluster buck.

I walk along the river bank hoping to see some kind of sign of him. After a few minutes there was no trace of him around and I started to get bored. I wonder if calling him will be able to draw Boitatá out to play.

“Hey, Boitatá are you around? I just want to talk,” Still nothing man ether he can’t hear me or he is just being an ass. “Boitatá I have some filly scout cookies for you! Hmm they’re coconut!!” Still silence. Well if that didn’t work nothing will. I mean anyone that has had those cookies would chew off their leg to get just a crumb of one.

As I continue looking for him I started to hear something alittle ways off from where I am. Figuring it was the best lead I had I started to head towards the sound.

As I wander towards the unknown sounds I start to think how I was going to convince him to leave in the first place. I mean what I could offer him to get him to move? I could promise to help him find a better place to live. If that doesn’t work I could try talking him into sharing the stop with the wolves, which would probably be my best chance. Worst comes to worse I will have to fight him and scare him off. I was able to beat a timberwolf alone how hard could a Boitatá be?

The noises lead me to a large dark cave. All I could think was ‘well this doesn’t look menacing at all’. I walked slightly closer to the cavern but not getting to close to it just in case. Figuring this is where Boitatá has been holding up. Well might as well get this out of the way and see if he is in there.

“Hello can Boitatá come out and play?” Man I just know one of these days my mouth is going to get me into trouble. Before I could berate myself for my stupid comment I hear a voice come from deep within the cave.

“Who has the nerve to awaken me from my slumber?” The voice was deep and carried a tone of authority to it. It clearly had a ‘don’t buck with me’ kinda feel to it.
“I am sorry for waking you I am looking for someone name Boitatá I have something important to discuss with him. Would you happen to be him?” I am doing my best to be polite now to the disembodied voice I am talking to. Kinda rude to stay hidden in the cave and not come out to talk to me but whatever.

“Oh and what would you want to discuss with him? You really think you are in the same league to speak to someone like Boitatá?” Wow I could almost taste the smugness rolling off his words as I am once again talked down to again. Really is it my fur cut why does everyone see me as low class?

“Well that is something that is between Boitatá and me. I don’t think someone as ‘mighty’ would want to discuss his business with a random voice in a hole in the wall.” I am fully aware that there is a ninety-nine percent chance that this is Boitatá I am talking to but this will ether make me look good in his eyes or piss him off that I am dismissing him… I am really hoping for the first one.

“I see your point. Well then why don’t you come on in? You and he can talk about whatever you want to talk to him about.” Now the voice is trying to sound civil with a more friendly tone.

Now in my mind all I can hear in my head is, “ Mmm don’t go in their! Do. Not. Go. In. There! He gonna kill you!’ Like how Pinkie yells at the TV when we have our movie night and Dash bring over one of her horror movies. I can still see Shy shivering in her seat with her face buried in a pillow.

“Yyeeahh. Here is an idea. Why don’t you come out here? It is a great day out here, a pleasant breeze, the sun shining down, I mean look you some flowers right here,” I walk over and sniff the flowers. “I like your flowers, these are some nice flowers. Come out here so we can talk.” And so I can run my ass off if need be.

“Are you trying to tell me what to do? You think you are my equal to order me around?!” Oh no I really don’t’ like the way he said that.

The next thing I know I see a pair of eyes glowing in the cave. They slowly get bigger and bigger as they come closer. My instincts tell me to get away from the entrance of the cave and I tend not to argue with them. The moment I dive out from the mouth of the cave I see this huge creature come barreling out of it. As I pull myself up and shack my head clear after dive and I see the creature I have been conversing with this whole time. The only thing I can think to say is …. “Oh Buck”.

There in front of me was a giant snake, now when I say giant I don’t mean like your friend’s mom that is too big to go down the stairs without a spell to carry her. I mean giant as in will eat the house and your friend’s mom along with it. This fearsome reptile is at least as large as the library. Its eyes where a fierier yellow and orange, it had to long horns that came from the top of his head like a bulls. Its underbelly was this bloodshot red like it just slithered over a pile of bodies. The scales that covered its body where the same fierier color his eyes are. So the short version is he looks like a huge bucking snake that just slithered his way out of Tartarus.
Boitatá slithers closer to me as I looked at him still slightly stunned by the reptile that I just so happen to have pissed off a few seconds ago. He lowered his head to look me straight in the eye, which would be a lot better if his head wasn’t the size of my whole body.

“I am out here, so tell me what do you want before I devour you like the pathetic morsel you are?” Well that is kind of mean, I happen to think I am a nice hunk of hot dog…. Did I just think that? I got to stop hanging out with Pinkie so much. After my unfortunate ‘Pinkie pun’ I was able to come back to my senses and find my voice to respond to the huge pair of almost glowing eyes in front of me.

“Buck m.. I mean I take it you are Boitatá? I am Spike and I am here for the wolf pack that uses this area for their hunting.” I am doing my best to not piss off the giant mouth and stomach that is right in front of me.

“Oh and what do those furry bags of meat want?” Wow that is a very creepy way to describe them. This guy might need some professional help… or a lot of electroshock therapy.

“I am here to talk on their behalf on trying to see if you are willing to move to a different location so they can come back here for the fish or if you would be willing to share this spot with them without incident.” I am getting the feeling that this guy will not want to be reasonable about the situation.

Boitatá broke his stare on me to lift his head up and bellow out a thunderous laugh. Well I guess I called it that, anyone that laughs like he just got out of super villain school with honors will not want to coexist with anything.

“That is rich. Tell me you purple meatbag why should I let them into my territory much less leave so those pathetic predators could come here to eat fish? So they can honor some pact made to protect weaklings like them from true predators like myself?” Boitatá says with a level of smugness that makes BlueBlood look like AppleJack.

“Well Boitatá it would be useful to have some allies on your side. It is clear you are powerful,” Man I have puffing up his already huge ego but it might be the only way to get through to this flaming pain in my ass. “But even someone as strong as you will need supporters to help you if you ever need it. The wolves have numbers to be great assets to you and they wouldn’t forget the favor of sharing hunting ground with them without their kind being killed.” Man I hope this doesn’t come to bite me in the ass but I figured I could talk the wolves into a truce with Boitatá easier than it would be into talking him into leaving.

This idea seems to have gotten Boitatá thinking. It is clear by the look into his eyes that he is pondering the deal. Any sane person would see that this deal has everyone win but from my experience the sane solution isn’t always the one that is chosen.

“You make a point meatbag, I could use those wolves to protect what is mine without having to do it myself,” Well this is looking up, he will have to stop talking about the land being his and I might be able to get the wolves to go along with. “The wolves will have to do something for me before I consider making a truce with them.” Well this can’t be good.

“Okay Boitatá, what do you want of the wolf pack?” Please be something reasonable, like a massage or something I am sure being a giant snake must get crazy muscle pains.

“I want them to deliver all their pups to me to be devoured as proof they will be loyal to me.” My jaw hit the ground hearing his insane request. That has to be one of the craziest things I have ever heard and I heard Pinkie want to cover herself in chocolate so she can bring chocolate to everyone she meets.

“Okay how about hell no! What are you bucking crazy, I would never ask them that!” I shout at Boitatá snarling at him the fact he wants to eat all their pups has thrown all my tact out the window and set it on fire.

“You will watch your mouth meatbag, you have no right to tell the mighty Boitatá what to do! Now ether you tell them and they serve me or I go there and I eat their pups and then all of them.” I watch as he eyes lock on me, his eyes seem to be glowing now with a demonic eeriness.

“Or I can tell you to bite my shinny furry purple ass! I won’t tell them to give up their children to a leathery bastard like you. And I won’t let you get anywhere near them to attack them!” I drop down in a more feral stance and start to let my flames dance on my gums.

“Oh you are going to stop me you pathetic meatbag? Well then,” I watch as Boitatá pull himself up and towering over me looking down on me and then it happen. His whole body burst into flames. It was giving off a heat I have never been felt before. The grass and leaves around use started to burn just by being in the vicinity of this inferno. “By all mean try meatbag and I will enjoy torching your body before I swallow you whole.”

As I look at the monstrous flaming reptile in front of me I can only look back at how I got here and wonder why these things always seem to happen to me. The only words that I can think to express the situation I was now in were the words I first though when this all got started.

“Good grief.”

Author's Note:

I'm Back Bitches!!!!!!!
I am so sorry it took me so long to get back in the game guys but I am back and I am here to make you laugh as well as drop your jaws. Now for the bad news. I won't be able to do artwork for every chapter anymore. I will do it for every major chapter or if a chapter really inspire me. But this does mean I should be able to help pump out chapters all that much faster. I hope I didn't lose any fans with my delay.

Comments ( 53 )

Glad your back!

Glad to see this back up to date. Congratulations

Bitches... Like female dogs... And the story is...ah... About dogs... Yeah...:unsuresweetie:
Well glad your back and as always I liked the chapter :yay:

Nope you didn't loose ME once i start watching a story i don't stop until its finished
I know how life can really kick you in the but so i don't blame this chapter for being extremely late
you more than mad up for it

Welcome back. and remember, there is NOTHING hotter than a dragon flame. and Spike is also a dog which means he could use his agility to dodge

4846093 Glad to be back. I missed my adoring fans:moustache::facehoof:

4846120 Thanks, just read your new chapter as well funny stuff. I already commented on it.:pinkiehappy:

4846142 Happy to see someone got it. I was hoping people didn't take it the wrong way lol. :twilightblush:

Do snakes have an ass?

4846152 Thanks i try. I wonder how many people can pick up all the cartoon comments i have in this chapter lol

It's good to see your back, and this fight is going to be interesting, with out spike able to eat fire.

4846178 Oh what about Spirit fire lol.:derpyderp2:

4846201 Yup and not to mention he is fighting something the size of his whole house... with teeth... and fire... fun:moustache::ajbemused::facehoof:

Maybe. but every writer Ive read so far has forgotten ONE thing about Spike. He's already shown his ability to change his size in the greed episode of the show. if Greed can cause him to change his size then so can OTHER emotions. but Ive only seen maybe 1 story 2 at the most (of course I haven't read everything on the site) that uses that.

Good to see you finally updated this story. Look on the bright side Spike, if you manage to live through all this you will no doubt be a badass.

This was very good and now I cant wait for the next chapter because it is going to be so epic!

4846270 Epic is my middle name... well it is really Dragon 'Epic Awesomeness Extreme Sexy Glen' Pony

4846264 Yea but this would be one tough ass fight, I the only one that notice that I kinda write Spike with a Spider-man Deadpool'y style lol.:rainbowhuh:

4846287 I was hoping for a futurama picture. Bender (spike) telling robot Satan (snakey) to bite his shiny metal ass. Whatever.

4846634 yup that is one, but there are still 2 more in this story that noone have found.
Hint: One was a movie with a talking animal as one of the stars

Been long but at least ya came back...... Sure is nice thought the return and the story....

so... it's going to be a fight between a fire-snake (all I know right now) and a dog-shaped dragon that can bathe in lava like it was a swimming pool (unless he can't, but that would negate what you said in chapter 2: "Let me guess, it seems that my skin is made of the same super tough material and texture my scales are made out of")

Comment posted by beirirangu deleted Aug 14th, 2014

4846884 Ha but here is the thing can Spike withstand Spirit fire:derpyderp2:

4846896 with the spirit he consumed, it's possible that he can if he uses some of the energy of it... but I'm just thinking out the top of me head

Hashimee... FIGHT!

and so the epicness continues:pinkiehappy:

4848286 yes someone caught that, for a second there I thought that would go unnoticed lol

Come on Spike! It's just a giant snake made of fire! What's the worse it can do?

Great chapter!

Giant flaming snake... I hope someone has insurance on that territory, because that doesn't sound healthy for the trees :derpytongue2:

I wonder if the wolves will declare Spike to be the dragonborn, prophesied to bring balance to the force to the Everfree.

You better hope that spike can use 'THE FLAMES OF YOUTH'
Lee- Oh Ludacris-sensei your flames are brighter than ever.
Ludacris- OH LEE
'they hug each other with the image of them hugging at a beach with a sunset'
I am so sorry I put you all in that situation, I have just been reading a lot of Naruto fics.

4870997 Thanks all my artwork is hand drawn and done myself. Hope you like it, it gets better as it goes (less grammar error and things lol):twilightblush:

4871031 Great to see you return! And you got me so pumped for the fight scene!

I'm still here and ready for the next chapter!

4846206 Sounds like the giant snakes of the Redwall series by Brian Jaques, but with immolation as an added defense/ offense bonus. Asmodeus with the Human Torch ability. Now break out the sexy firefighter outfit and some clubbing music.

Awesome chapter! Can't wait to read more.

I've gotten 2 be like a junkie off this fic I need the nxt chapter I'll sell u my socks :pinkiesick:

I hope there is a new chapter to this soon!!!!

Why no update????:fluttercry::fluttercry:
It's been like a year.

rereading this again's got me thinking about how Spike'd fight this bad boy... and I just keep getting back to him noticing that he only either tries to bite him, or burn him with his body, but never both at the same time, making him realize that the snake ain't fireproof on the inside! So while repeating to himself "This is crazy! This is crazy! This is crazy!" he leaps straight down the beast's throat, making sure to avoid the dagger-like teeth he's been avoiding since second 1, to use his own flame from within... and probably do as much damage as he can with his claws as well... heck, maybe he finds that he can do the same trick with his teeth with his claws

Just an idea after another read of this fantastic fic that I wish'd come back to life... but 16 months in a long time to stay dead


First Futurama the Charlie Brown awesome

ANY idea when a new chapter will be out?????

Oh spike is gonna kick ass!

“Pump out chapters all that much faster.” Mhmm... Might want to change that author’s note.

Is this story dead?


That was 5 years ago. I don't remember now

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