• Published 5th May 2014
  • 4,488 Views, 550 Comments

Purple Guardian - DragonPony

Spike and Twilight return from the alternate world to only see that Spike has not changed back to a dragon. Spike must come to terms with his new form and fight to protect those that come to rely on him.

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A Howl Is Worth A Thousand Words

Author's Note:

Hey everyone. I am sorry I took so long to update. I have been having some personal things I had to take care of and haven't had the chance to write at all. I missed Hanging with you all. I Wasn't able to do a artwork for this week's chapter and I am sorry about that. I hope I didn't lose any fans from my lateness. I will try to catch back up and have the next chapter out before to long. Hope you all enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 15
A Howl Is Worth A Thousand Words

Well the first thing I try to do is figure out where to start. This is my first negotiation with anyone before and not to mention it is with a species I have no idea what their customs are. The last thing I want to do is insult them. I figure a proper introduction would be a good starting point.

“Hello My name is Spike it is very nice to meet you both and your pack.” I lower my head hoping that is a sign of respect to them.

The large gray wolf did not respond to my greetings. I guess this might be harder than I thought. Luckily enough the white wolf decided to speak up and introduce them.

“It is nice to meet you Spike. My name is Shimmering Lotus,” The then takes and raises a paw gesturing to the other wolf. “And this is my mate and pack leader Shadow Bite.” He raised his head in pride at the mention of his name.

“Tell me what are you want from us Spike? Moon here as told me you are here to talk on behalf of the Jackalopes but that cannot be correct right?” Bite made it sound like it was impossible for me to be here to help them.

“Actually that is why I am here. A friend of mine came and told me you came and encroached onto their territory. I would like to know why. From the way he talked this isn’t something that happens normally around here so I figured there must be a reason for it.” I try to read his read his reaction from what I have told him. He has a great poker face; it is like trying to read a wall.

“It does not concern you dog now go.” Bite goes to turn around and head back into the den but I won’t let it end that easy.

“Wait!” I took a few steps towards Bite. Scarlet Claw, Silver Moon, and Shimmering Lotus all ran in front of me clearly ready to put me down if I made any attempt to get any closer to their leader.

He stopped and turned around to face me. He jerked his head to the side to signal for the three to stand down as he walked back in front of me. Bite still felt like he towered over me. His presence was enough to make one want to submit to him but I have a whole species putting their trust into me.

“Tell me why does this matter to you so much? You are not one of them or are you of these lands. If they are inconvenience or whipped out how does that affect your life or your kin?” His question seemed so foreign to me.

“I am doing this because he is my friend and he needs my help,” I stand up straight looking him in the eye. This is something that I can’t afford to show weakness in. “Not just him but his kind needs my help and I can’t just sit this out when something needs me. It doesn’t matter if it affects me or not I don’t want to see anything suffer.” I stay strong as I look down the older wolf using all my will power to not weaver under his stare.

“So you are trying to be their hero by taking down the big bad wolves. You have come here to threaten us and make us clear off their land is that it.” I can see his gaze intensify under his comments. It is clean I am walking on shallow ground here. One slip up and I could be seeing if he lives up to his name ‘Bite’.

“No I never said that Shadow Bite,” I relax my poster to try not like I am trying to intimidate anyone. “I am not saying you are in the wrong or anything. There are a lot of things I do not know about the lands here and the way things like this is handled. The only thing I know is that jackalopes are having a really hard time. But I also see you are a leader that puts his kind’s need above all else. So I figured there is a reason for what you are doing. I just want to know what they are.” Once again I go back into looking into those yellow orbs he calls eyes but this time instead of trying to show power I am trying to show the honesty in my words.

It seems to work because as he looks into my eyes I see that he start to relax as well. Good even with me being a dragondog I don’t know if I could take him in a one on one fight. That doesn’t include a pack of twenty something wolves.

“Lotus” He calls out still not breaking his line of sight off of me.

“Yes dear.” She stepped forward to his side.

“Give….Spike here a basic run down of the territory rules of the land.” He then walks back as his mate gets right in front of me. It is kind of odd how she can smile at me when not a few seconds ago she was ready to rip my throat out.

“Certainly dear,” She give Bite a nod as they pass each other. “Well Spike most creatures here have regions they like to think of as their territories. This keeps most conflict to a down to a minimum.”

“Most herbivore creatures like to combine their territories and live amongst each other in groups. Whereas kinds like us wolves are very territorial and do not like to share our land. We do co-exist with other species though. Our kind even mainly eats fish in our diet to try to keep conflicts with the other species down as low as possible.”

“The jackelope are an interesting that unlike many of the other herbivore has a special pheromone that they produce that drives out every other creature around them. Only a few creatures have a tolerance to this. It even affects the fish in the river to stay away from their area. They can only eat a special plant that grows in a certain area of a river.” She finishes her crash course of the territories of the land.

“So I take it that area is the one that your kind has now moved into,” When she gave a nod confirming my suspicions. “Okay but that doesn’t answer my question as to why you did it though. It sounds like everything around here runs without anyone stepping on each other toes so why did that change?” I waited to hear an answer to what I like to think was a reasonable question. Bite walked back up to me and started to look at me with irritation I his eyes. But for some reason I feel that I wasn’t the source of it.

“That is a matter for our pack and you have you have no right to know the matters that concern us.” It is clear that there is something wrong and caused them to make this move.

“Please Shadow Bite I can see that something must have happened to cause you to act so drastically to take a land that you knew would doom a whole species. I want to help any way I can but I can’t do that if you do not share what is weighing on you.” I plead with him hoping he sees I am only here to help.

“I said no. You are an outsider to these lands and to our pack. This is a matter between us that call this place home.” He kept a steel gaze down on me. It is clear trying to change his mind won’t be easy to do.

“Perhaps he could be of use to us.” To my surprise it was Silver Moon that spoke up. I wasn’t really a fan of her making me sound like a tool but if it is to help Kick I will put up with it.

“Silence Moon. You know as well as I do that matters of the pack must be handled by the pack. We can’t let an outsider intervene with our doings.” He turned and went to look down on the smaller wolf but she did not weaver in the slightest as she kept her gave as hard as his.

“But father we both can tell he is not the average, run of the mill creature. He is different from us and that could be just what we need.” Man I don’t know if I could be happy how Silver is trying to get my help or be pissed how she is talking about me.

“That doesn’t change the fact that we cannot allow him to know any issues that the pack as for we are honor bound to fix it amongst ourselves.” He spoke like he was stating this from an ancient tome passed down from wolf to wolf, a credo that he would never break.

“Well what if we were to add him to our pack. Then we wouldn’t have any issue in revealing our conflict with him.” Bite raise at brow at the solution his daughter has proposed to him.

“Moon we can’t just induct him into the pact. One must do something worthy of being one of us. Even if he is a rare breed that doesn’t mean anything if he cannot prove he can stand with us as a fellow brother.” For once Bite didn’t sound intimidating but more like a father educating her daughter.

“Besides who would want a freak like that among our kind in the first place.” Scarlet says with a cocky smirk on his face. This caused me to cut my eyes on him. If there is one thing I hate it is to be called freak… or monster. I was about to say something to the arrogant brat but I was beaten to the punch by non-other than Shadow Bite.

“What your muzzle Claw! Spike has shown no sign of aggression or disrespect since arriving and I will not dishonor our pack by doing so to him.” Bite looked back to the younger wolf causing him submit to his pack leader.

I stood there listening to everything they were saying. It seems that if I become a member of their pack I will be entitled to the information of why they did what they did. However I do not know what becoming a member of the pack entails. I really don’t want to have to move out there and live among them.

“Excuse me but what would it take for me to become a member of the pack.” I figure that is the first thing I need to figure out. It might not even be possible for me to become one of them.

“You would have to perform a feat that shows us that you are worthy to be counted among us.” Bite seemed skeptical that there was anything I could do to earn my place.

“Well I did save the Crystal Empire a few years ago does that count?” I hope it will be that easy. But isn’t how my luck goes.

“No that doesn’t count. Saving some kingdom that holds no weight with us. It wouldn’t affect us if that kingdom were to fall. The deed you do must be something that would be deemed impressive by our kind as well as be something that directly affects us.” Bite seemed to really not care, most ponies would be impressed by that claim. Even though most believe it was Twilight and Candence that saved the day.

I take a seat on the ground and put my paw to my chin as I start trying to think of anything that might get me into the pact. Man I really wish I have done more than just clean up a library and help Rarity in her shop. That is when I remembered what Kick told me when he was convincing me to help him. I really don’t want to speak of that act as a positive thing. But I think right now I do not have much of a choice.

“I have killed a male alpha timberwolf in one on one combat before.” I take a deep breath this is the first time I have admitted taking the life out loud. And here I am saying it like it is an accomplishment. It slightly turns my stomach doing this, taking a life shouldn’t be seen as a good thing.

This one however seem to capture Shadow Claw’s attention. He walked up closer to me and started to look me in the eyes again. I can only assume he is doing this to see if I am just saying that to get into his good favor.

“Really and how did you pull that off when only some of my most senor wolves could pull that off and not without walking away badly injured.” He is waiting to see how I respond. It looks like Kick was right taking out such a dangerous predator might just be my in with this pack.

“As Sliver said. I am far from normal and I can do some things that no other wolf can do. And trust me I didn’t come out unscratched but thanks to me being what I am I can heal very quickly.” I say trying not to brag or give away too many details about myself. I still don’t know where this might end and I will need every trick I have to get out of here alive.

“Well then what are you then Spike? You are clearly not a wolf but you are not a dog as well.” He seemed more curious then trying to interrogate me so I figure there is nothing wrong with telling him what I am. I won’t tell him all I can do yet though.

“I am a Dragondog or at least that is what I call myself. I am part Dragon part canine. From what I know I am the only one of my kind and do to this it grants me a few skills unique to me.” I try not to sound like I am bragging but I have to try to sell myself to them if I am going to get into their club. Man it is harder to get into here then the CMC.

That fact I am such a rare breed seem to catch Shadow Bite’s attention greatly as I could see the gears turning in his head. He could be thinking of any number of things from how much of an asset I could be or how I could be a threat and need to be taken out. I really hope it is the first one.

“So father was I correct that he could be a productive member of the pack?” Sliver walked up to us and stood next to her father.

“Yes it would seem so. Someone as young and inexperienced being able to take down an alpha timberwolf is no small feat. There is a chance he might be able to assist us with our problem.” Bite nodded to her admitting she was right. I am happy it seems I am in but I have to make some things clear first.

“I have to let you guys know that I want help you guys and set everything right but there are some things we have to clear up first. I will help with whatever your problem is if I can but if I do fix the issue you must return the land to the Jackalopes. Also I will be a member of your pack but I have a life back home so I won’t be able to live here with you all. But if there is ever anything you need of me I will come running to help. Do we have a deal? I look around to gauge their reactions.

“We agree with your terms now step forward.” Bite said as he took a more serious tone then he had a moment ago.

I step forward to be right in front of him. He then walks over to a sharp rock sitting next to the den entrance. Bite picks it up with his mouth and walks back to me. Then out of nowhere he cut his paw with it till small drops of blood are falling from him.

“ Drink my blood. You must have the blood of a wolf flowing through you in order to join. By taking my blood you pelage to be loyal to this pack and do whatever you can to protect us. You are willing to put your body and life on the line if it means the betterment of our kind.” Bite held out his paw right in front of me.

I had to take a second to think if I really wanted to do this. I would become part of this pack. But then I started to think what that would mean. They would rely on me the same as the jackalopes do. And besides they will only come calling if anything happens, even if none of them will admit is they are desperate right now if they are willing to let me in for a chance to fix this problem. There is only one thing I can do.
I open my mouth and tilt my head back. Bite take and put his claw over my mouth, a few drops fall onto my tongue. I can taste his coppery blood which reminds me of the time I fought Deeproot.

After the deed was done all the wolves tilted their head back and howled. I don’t know what came over my but I felt the need to do the same. I let loose a howl from some deep primal part of me that seems to be coming stronger and stronger.

“Welcome to the pack Spike.” For the first time since arriving I saw Bite smile at me with those sharp teeth shrinking from his grin.

“I am happy to be a part of it. So before we have my welcome party why don’t you tell me what is really going on?” Well it is clear I killed me mood quickly for the smile that was on Bite’s face faded just as fast as it appeared.

“If you wish. The reason we took over the Jackalope’s land was because our every own feeding grown was taken over. There is a river to the north of here that we get all of our fish and water from. But last week Boitatá came.” The very mention of this creature’s name caused Bite to growl.

“Who is Boitatá?” I had to ask since that is a name I have never heard of.

“Boitatá is the creature that has taken over the area around the river. We can’t even get close to it and he is far too dangerous to take on. So instead he moved to the river to the south which turned out where the jackalope have to feed.” Silver seemed to not be very proud of this fact.

“We didn’t have a choice in the matter. It was them or us; we must take care of our kind before we worry about others. Due to their ability we cannot live with them because they drive away the fish.” Scarlet Claw seemed to be trying to justify this action to not only me but to himself as well.

“I don’t agree with that Claw but it is this Boitatá guy’s fault all this happen huh. So I need to go and talk to him and try to get him to leave then you can get back your old fishing hole.” Looks like I figured out the source of this disruption. Now I just have to go see this Boitatá and talk him into leaving.

“Boitatá is someone that cannot be reason with. He will kill you long before it ever makes it to that point.” Silver said with a slight level of concern in her voice. I don’t think she want to lose someone as valuable as me so soon after getting me.

“Well I don’t really have a choice but to try. This is the whole reason I came here. And besides I don’t die that easy trust me if I did I would have been worm food long ago.” I gave them a smile trying to calm down all the looks of worry I was getting.

“Very well. I will give you credit for bravery young Spike. Just keep heading down the path to the north of here and it will take you right to the river.” Bite walked up to me and put his good paw on my shoulder.

“Don’t worry I will be back. Silver still has to show me how to play Os Pass.” I see her crack a smile as I then stand up and start headed towards the path.

Alright I didn’t have to fight a whole pack of wolves so that is a plus. Now I just have to deal with some hothead named Boitatá and everything will be okay. How bad could this be?

…. Wait did I just say that!
