• Published 24th May 2014
  • 1,579 Views, 341 Comments

This Bright Blazing Future - Dynasty-Kaine

Sequel to Our Pasts That Haunt Us. It has been a month since the last events of Rainbow's turbulent loss of Applejack, but from the ashes of that loss a glimmer of hope shows among all the terrible things going on around her. ANTHRO.

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Chapter 12: Surprises Come In Many Forms

After going and talking to Rapidfire about their plans for the evening, Dash got to find out one of the coolest things she never knew about the Wonderbolts before. That there was a brother and sister duo on the team, Rapidfire and Spitfire. It was almost too much for her inner fan girl to take, but she held it together by putting a different thought there instead.

"So even though you just got here Spits, you want to go off right this moment?" the pale golden pegasus uttered bemused. "Still living in the moment are ya?"

"Come on bro, look at how far they came for this!" the fiery maned mare pleaded. "Well mostly Dash, but that isn't the point!"

Rapidfire seemed hesitant to let this event happen, but Rainbow couldn't entirely understand why that was. Then again, there was probably something between the siblings that she had no idea about. Yet, it seemed Spitfire was adamant about going; even if her brother should disagree. Looking to her friend Twilight though, the cyan mare realized this might not happen tonight anyways.

The lavender unicorn looked absolutely drained of her magic for the evening.

"Guh, fine!" the stallion said crossing his arms gruffly. "Not like I can convince you when you're in this stubborn mood. But I doubt that lavender mare is gonna be able to get you there!"

Despite Rapid pointing out the obvious problem, the Wonderbolt Captain hopped up in glee. Outwardly Dash snickered, but deep down all she could think of was how cute Spitfire looked doing that. It was in this moment she realized just how tattered and dirty the golden flier's clothes looked.

"He has a point Spits, Twi doesn't look like she could teleport ten feet." the rainbow maned pegasus reasoned. "Plus, you look like you need a change of wardrobe yourself."

"Oh come on Dash, we can just fly the distance!" the golden mare said turning toward her with a bright smile. "Let's go the long way and enjoy the company of one another. We will stop at my apartment and freshen up before heading on to Ponyville, right?"

"Um, yeah that's right." was all she could manage under the bright gaze of Spitfire.

"So we will arrive tomorrow evening most likely, the perfect time to go out on the town!" the fiery maned mare continued exuberantly.

Dash felt entirely out shined in presence at this point, her date was reacting so happily to her invitation. Had the older mare really held all this emotion back this whole time, or was it there from the start? So many questions popped into her head that it made her dizzy.

"Hey Dash, you okay up there?" Spitfire broke into her mind.

"Huh, oh, yeah I'm all good!" she responded trying to save face. "Are you already good to go then Captain?"

"If it's with you I'm sure I can fly for days!" the mare declared with a fire in her amber eyes.

Dash walked over to the porch to see what Twilight wanted to do about her situation. It was only polite to ask since she had been kind enough to get her here in the first place. The purple maned mare seemed to be working on getting her focus back so she could get moving soon, but it looked like that was going poorly at best.

"Hey Twi." the rainbow maned mare started softly. "You okay to get back on yer own?"

"Oh Dash, well..." she paused a moment before shrugging. "I honestly have no clue at this point. I feel I need quite a bit of rest to make it home, but I don't want to intrude on Rapidfire here."

"It's no trouble at all." the stallion said overhearing Twilight. "If you had the need for a room I can even provide a private one for you miss..."

Mischief sparkled across her friend's eyes as she stood up and walked over to the pegasus. She held out her hand offering a polite shake he reached forward to take it in understanding.

"Twilight, Sparkle." she declared with an impish smile upon her face. "But you can call me Twilight for short."

"Pleasure to meet you Twilight." was his prompt courteous reply as they shook hands.

"Well then, I think I'll stay here for the evening." the librarian declared turning back to Dash. "Go on Rainbow, you two have your fun!"

"Are you sure--Ah!" the cyan mare was interrupted by Spitfire grabbing her and pulling her into the sky.

"Come on slow poke, they said they'd be fine!" the fiery maned mare shouted from above. "Have a little trust in your friend and my brother!"

She was dropped in the next moment by the Wonderbolt, and quickly unfurled her wings gliding along easily to get her bearings. Once she had them she just pumped her wings as hard as she could to catch up to the eager Spitfire. To fly next to the older mare, was a dream come true.

"You know Dash, I noticed your friend Twilight's expression before we left." the golden mare started over the winds once they got a short distance.

"Oh yeah, what did you notice about it?" the cyan pegasus dug deeper.

"I don't think her room will be so private tonight!" she said with a hearty laugh. "But if her intent is what I think it is, she is in for quite the uphill battle! My brother isn't the easiest egg to crack!"

"Wait, are you suggesting what I think you are about Twi?" Rainbow asked knowing the answer.

"She is totally diggin' on my brother!" the Wonderbolt roared doing a barrel roll maneuver.

Dash broke out into laughter dropping a little from the sky. She had thought that was what was happening, but to get confirmation from Spitfire was the same as being given the answer. Rapidfire may be a tough stallion to crack, but if Twilight was determined to succeed--he was doomed! The cyan mare began to regain her altitude as her laughter subsided, and they continued on to the golden mare's apartment in New Trottinghem.


The Next Day...

Dash had to wait outside once Spitfire started getting ready for their night tonight. This was of course after she let the cyan mare straighten herself up first. While she did so she tried to implore the golden pegasus to dress casually tonight, as the rainbow maned mare had done so herself. The only difference was make up was involved and she had made sure the braid over her left ear was in tact and cleanly woven.

She waited patiently outside playing with her braid as she sat on the stairs, of course the older mare hadn't listened to her about going casual this evening. Dash looked down at her own clothes wondering if she would regret the choice of casual attire. A simple form fitting black sequin studded shirt that only went over one of her shoulders, and blue denim jeans that were a tad bit form fitting tight.

Is this too showy for me? My clothes outline my figure almost too perfectly...

Dash had sat there lamenting and worrying about so many things. It covered everything from her make up highlighting what it needed to, to the average and plain size of her breasts. She loved the fact that they weren't too big, but had always felt a little less than when compared to other mares. Mares like Applejack and even Spitfire she realized when she thought about it.

The cyan mare then heard the door open behind her, but Spitfire didn't come out of it just her voice.

"Come back in for a moment Dash." the golden pegasus said upon cracking the door open.

The rainbow maned mare just shrugged in confusion and did as she was asked. As she stepped back into the living room area Spitfire was nowhere in sight. It was possible she was still getting ready, and didn't mind her being inside with her now. The younger mare had a feeling though that there was more yet to this.

"Hey Dash, can I ask for a blind opinion real quick?" Spitfire's voice came drifting through the apartment.

"Sure, what do you need Spits?" she answered sitting on a couch that faced what she guessed was the fiery mare's room.

"Outfit one, two, or three?" came the Wonderbolt's voice again.

"What, you're kidding me, you still aren't dressed after an hour?" the cyan mare roared incredulously.

"I couldn't pick an outfit that stayed within...well you know..." the fiery maned mare responded sounding ashamed.

"Oh, well if that's the case." she replied sheepishly. "How about outfit number...two?"

It was silent for a moment before the rainbow maned pegasus heard a chuckle from the room in front of her. What was so funny about her choice?

"Well if that's the case then I'll be out in a moment!" Spitfire shouted playfully from her room.

Again, Dash decided it wise to wait, but surprisingly she didn't have to wait all that long. Spitfire stepped out of the doorway in front of her, and the cyan mare instantly felt her breath stolen away from her. Bronze eye shadow and light eyeliner use drew her into the mare's amber gaze, but there was more as she continued along she found her wearing crimson lipstick as well. The outfit she had blindly chosen was apparently a small, tight, navy blue spaghetti strap tank top.

The golden mare's stomach showed and so did her bust in this top. The rainbow maned mare cursed herself for picking this outfit, because it seemed to get worse as she went. She continued to look down her body to be surprised by her comfortable fit black denim jeans. The younger mare breathed a sigh of relief that it hadn't been a skirt, or even shorts would have destroyed her this evening.

"Well what do you think Dashie." Spitfire asked modestly.

Looking back up to her face she saw the golden mare was blushing, she was actually embarrassed to wear something like this? No way! That wasn't what caught the cyan pegasus' attention most though, her orange fiery hair wasn't flared back today. It was straightened and down, not even tied back. Her mane was actually gorgeous like this Dash thought.

"The top is too showy isn't it?" the golden pegasus fretted aloud.

"No, no, no!" Rainbow said trying to correct her silence. "I love the outfit! It really shows off your feminine beauty Spits, but maybe we could add a light jacket? You know in case it gets cold?"

"Oh, really?" she giggled. "Well I guess you have a point, a light jacket would make the top a little less showy. I'll grab my black and grey striped hoodie then lets get moving!"

As long as she didn't have to zip up that jacket it would be fine, the Wonderbolt Captain oddly enough, favored tight jackets for warmth. Dash scolded herself for thinking these things, and not doing a thing to filter them down. Yet it looked like she wouldn't get that opportunity tonight. It wasn't like it mattered much though, they were going somewhere Dash loved to start their evening. A place where no one will judge you for who you are, Harmony Breads and Cafe.

She hoped Spitfire's presence with her would brighten Signature Sandwich's mood of late a little bit. Deep down she didn't know what would happen, but she had to try something to help the stallion. Who knows, if he is feeling good enough we might be able to get a guitar demonstration out of him!


As the sun was setting over Ponyville the two mares walked laughing towards the sandwich shop of Signature Sandwich. Upon reaching the road that lead directly to the front door, Dash saw something she couldn't believe. The forest green stallion was out front locking the shop up, the air around him seemed too tense for words.

Rainbow didn't care she had to be sure he was okay, and she ran from Spitfire to the front of the shop in the blink of an eye. She stood panting at the fence that lined the property, something had happened since she had been away.

"Sig what are you doing closing shop so early?" the cyan mare shot at the stallion.

Once he turned to face her she knew whatever happened was absolutely horrible. The stallion's eyes were red from tears shed, and his face looked dark and worn from lack of sleep. Signature's presence was utterly feeble this evening.

"Rainbow, you wanted to know what was bothering me a day or two ago?" he mused with a raspy voice. "It was my son, he was in the hospital."

"Was?" the cyan mare dreaded the answer to that question as Spitfire slowly approached from behind.

"My only son is dead Rainbow Dash." he muttered as if he was a cold wind.

Her eyes bolted wide in utter shock, and her legs seemed to turn to jelly beneath her. Signature Sandwich's son had passed away and joined now with his wife. It felt like the cyan mare's heart broke instantly for the older stallion.

It's not possible! How could this happen to such a good pony?

"I'm closing shop to go help plan the funeral in Manehattan." he told her softly. "Before you ask, no you can't attend. That's because till I get back I want you to watch, and if you're feeling up to it, operate the shop while I'm gone. Here, catch."

Signature threw the keys to the store to her and she caught them easily in her hands. She looked down at them jaw agape and then looked back to him.

"Sig what are you saying? I don't know the first thing about running a business." she uttered breathlessly.

"I'm not worried, I trust you to do what's best Dash." the green stallion replied with a solemn smile. "By the way your rent for the month has been taken care of. For your apartment as well as this establishment. So at least you don't have to worry about that."

"It's been taken care of...but Sig what are you doing?" the cyan mare questioned, she felt something was wrong here.

"Woah now, don't worry Dash!" he said raising his hands in defense, palms open. "I'll be back it, just might be a while!"

"What the..?" she was dumbfounded by his change of attitude.

"Look squirt." he said walking over and rustling her nice hair. "I can't go leaving you behind now can I?"

"H-Hey, you messed up my nice hair!" she pouted.

He laughed heartily as his eyes landed on Spitfire a short distance behind me. He looked at her thoughtfully for a moment before leaning over oh so craftily.

"Hey, is this the mare you've been caught up on?" he fake whispered loudly.

"Why did you ask that so loudly?" she shouted in embarrassment.

"Just tell me Dash." he continued his playful fake loud whisper.

"Of course it is, we were coming here for our first date." she puffed her lips out in a pouting manner.

"Oh, then I do apologize for the bad circumstances." Sig said to the both of them before leaning in and whispering in a voice only the cyan mare could hear, "She's beautiful, I get the feeling you're quite the lucky mare when it comes to romance Dashie."

She blushed brightly at Signature's words and could only nod in reply. He reached over and hugged her, it was time for him to go now.

"Anyways I've got a train to catch, but if you two are dead set on that date tonight." the forest green stallion started. "Why not grab dinner at that one Zebrican place they opened recently, and then catch a movie? Or just catch a movie...either or works. Just take care you two!"

Signature then left their company heading directly for the train station, he had his own hurdle to jump and he was going to do it no matter what. Shortly after he left, Dash felt Spitfire's hand upon her shoulder and she just reached up and put her own on top of it gently.

"You okay Rainbow?" the golden mare inquired.

"Well we aren't gonna let this stop us are we?" the cyan mare said looking back at her with a defiant sparkle in her eyes.

"Heh, of course not!" the fiery mare answered with an invigorated grin.

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