• Published 24th May 2014
  • 1,579 Views, 341 Comments

This Bright Blazing Future - Dynasty-Kaine

Sequel to Our Pasts That Haunt Us. It has been a month since the last events of Rainbow's turbulent loss of Applejack, but from the ashes of that loss a glimmer of hope shows among all the terrible things going on around her. ANTHRO.

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Chapter 29: Worry

Four days later...

Rainbow Dash awoke and headed into Harmony Breads for her usual all day shift with Sig, worry etching her mind violently as she had not heard anything from her marefriend the past four days. The last her boss had heard from her was when he told her about the rental place he had gotten her. It seemed no one had heard from or seen Spitfire anywhere for the past few days. Has she abandoned me too? Dash quickly pushed the thought from her mind, she had to have faith in her lover.

When the afternoon rush came to a slow lull, Princess Celestia came into the cafe in all her glory to deliver supplies to Signature Sandwich for the coming concert that would kick off the band's eight city tour. Flyers, stickers, even a small stack of the last tickets and backstage passes for those he felt deserved to get in for free. Yes the concert wasn't free, but it was exceedingly cheap too. Prices for the tickets were ten bits entry fee, which considering bands now days was an amazingly low price! It was because of that that the show had already sold out.

Through the past few days she had learned a lot about Sig's musical career, one fact being that the Princess was, in fact, the manager of Kirin Hoof. It was surprising to see how casually her majesty and the sandwich maker interacted. Despite all of this her head was so fogged over with worry something finally happened that snapped her back into reality. As she was cutting a sandwich with a knife, she sliced her own index finger on the side.

"Agh, now that's gonna sting fer a while!" Dash exclaimed withdrawing her hand in pain.

She headed for the sink to wash out the cut, it was a goodly sized nick in her finger. She was going to have a rough time stopping it from bleeding. She couldn't believe she had let her mind get so fogged over, and the forest green stallion would have surely noticed her mistake.

"Dash are you okay, you've been more distracted than normal for you." Sig asked coming up behind her.

"It's nothing boss man, I just looked away for a second more than I shoulda." She didn't look at him.

"Come on lets wrap that finger up now." the forest green stallion started off for the first aid kit.

Dash just followed him and sat on the step ladder near by, she knew what he was up to. She always could figure this out, but the pegasus just let him have his way. In more ways than one, the mare knew it would be for the better. He came over and dabbed her wound with antiseptic, and then began to wrap a small bandage pad with gauze around her finger.

"You aren't fooling anyone Dash, you are worried about why Spitfire disappeared and I get that." Sig said at last, just like the mare knew he would. "I know you want to leave it alone but it might be wise for you to go over to her place. I mean how can you ask her out to the concert if you don't see her?"

At that moment Sig pulled out two tickets for the show and handed them to Rainbow. The sold out show tickets were for them, but why would he do that? He just smiled and looked at her, she could tell he was doing what he could to help ease her worries. She felt a tear escape her eye, horsefeathers!

"You okay sport, you're getting all teary on me all of a sudden." the sandwich maker teased lightly.

"Why do you do this for me Signature?" Dash questioned feeling something begin to click in her heart.

"Hmm, what do you mean Rainbow?" he played dumb and she knew it.

"When I suffer, you are there to help me shoulder my way through the pain." the cyan mare began a stanza she wasn't sure would lead anywhere. "You protect me, care for me, teach me, build me up, support me, you guide me, and you genuinely give me all that you can. Why Sig, why do you watch over me so dutifully?"

"Heh, to be honest, I'm not sure myself why I do." He admitted closing his eyes with a smile warm as the sun. "Guess I just see a lot of myself in who you are today, pain of loss and all. There is no explanation in words though as to exactly why."

"Sometimes I really feel like you could be my father..." Rainbow stumbled into a thought. "...I mean you and my dad are so alike if I compare my most vivid memories. Sometimes I find you two are one in the same. Wish I'd run across you back when I was younger and still being passed around the orphanages like a stray puppy."

"Hah, you act like it's too late to have a legal guardian!" Sig laughed at her wistful rambling.

She was shocked, because he was right in a sense but it seemed to be an odd concept to her. After all she was almost 21, why did she need a father figure in her life? She felt her heart scream out a response, "Because we do need a father figure...we never knew family and this is our best chance to know and have a family. We may not be blood but blood doesn't decide family...unconditional love and understanding does!" She knew in her heart what she had to ask, what she had always wanted to ask since he saved her from wasting away after Jackie.

"S-Sig...can I ask you something then?" He just nodded listening carefully to her, and she shook deep down inside. "W-Would you become m-my...Ugh this is so difficult for me. Would you be my family...W-will you become my f-father?"

She felt her face burn with a red hot blush as she looked down into her lap bashfully. It felt so akward to ask someone to become your parent. To become the only family you may ever truly know. Dash was afraid that she would be turned away even though it seemed Sig only could be kind to her. And who was she to ask this of him so soon after he lost his own flesh and blood son? Oh she was an idiot to do this, why did she do this?

Her hands gripped at her knees hard in her own fear of what was to come, but she was shocked into looking up when she felt Signature Sandwich's hand touch her own gently. She saw an unfettered expression of warmth and pride in his eyes. Like he knew this day would come, like he was utterly ready for it. Almost as if he knew her story as well as she knew his, without even talking about it ever before.

"You worry yourself too much Rainbow Dash, of course I'll accept your wishes for me to become your father." His smile was bringing even more tears to her eyes, joyous ones. "In fact, we can have that taken care of right now. Celestia is still outside waiting on her sandwich I'm sure, and she can put the paperwork in motion for it immediately. How does that sound kiddo?"

She laughed and cried in joy, "Oh my gosh, I wouldn't want it any other way!"

"But after that you gotta promise me you will go find Spitfire, I get the distinct feeling she needs your presence around her." Sig said ominously.

What could he have meant by that? Was Spitfire's heart in danger again like the one night at Fleetfoot's club? Only one way to find out, but first she had a family to be made official!


After handling the process of granting guardianship to Sig, and then the last small shift at work Dash had been eager to go find Spitfire and tell her the great news. She now had a father, and he had given her tickets to his sold out show. It would be the perfect date for the two of them! She was beyond elation at this point hopping, skipping, jumping, and gliding all about as she headed for the address Sig specified was home for the golden mare.

As she arrived at the house she stopped dead in her tracks, this house is far too familiar. Images of blood, anger, fear, and the breaking of a heart. No Signature wouldn't have done this on purpose, but how and why was this place still here?

"This is where Jackie died." she muttered to herself a weight beginning to form in her stomach.

Something was wrong here and she knew it, but if she was going to see Spitfire she had to rise above the worry in her heart. She walked up to the front door hesitantly and knocked a couple of times. There was an odd scent about the house, and Dash began feeling an odd arousal fluttering into her body. Am I really that eager to see her?

"Who is it?" came Spitfire's voice at last.

"It's Rainbow hun!" she replied happy to hear a familiar voice. "Are you okay in there, we haven't seen you in four days...I was starting to worry about you."

"O-Oh you were?" came a hesitent reply. "Well don't worry hun I'm just trying to get my head together, and I didn't need you distracting me with your luscious...forget I said that."

"Okay then, would you open the door up already?" Rainbow asked politely. "I have something I want to show you, and so much I wanna tell you!"

"I-I don't think that is a wise idea right now Dash..." her marefriend sounded distraught.

"Why not Spits?" the hurt was unmistakeable in the cyan mare's voice. "Are you abandoning me now after everything we have been through? A-After everything I've given you...I..."

"Dash no, it's not that!" Spitfire was panting with her reply. "I--just...I'm not feeling myself right now..."

"It's this house isn't it?" deep down the younger mare knew she was right. "It is poisoning your mind with the leftover pain, anger and heartbreak...this house where Jackie died!"

She heard the sound of a body fall hard to the floor and Dash clung to the door pounding on it a few times scared out of her mind for the safety of the golden mare. It was after a short pause the door cracked open and a part of Spitfire's face was visible now, her amber eye just barely glowing out of the opening.

"She died here?" came the feeble squeak of her marefriends voice.

"Yeah, in my arms." was Rainbow's short reply. "You gonna come out now, did that snap you back into who you are?"

She looked into the door into Spitfire's only visible amber eye, and saw a great longing in it. An unfathomable hunger burned there, and Dash could scarcely understand why. The door opened rapidly outward and she moved to avoid it hitting her, and like a flash Spitfire was in front of her wrapping her arms around the cyan mare as she almost fell off the stairs. She was pulled quickly into a deep and hungry kiss. It lasted several moments, and it seemed like Spitfire was letting her lust get a hold of her as she wouldn't break the kiss for more than a few moments to breathe.

She finally broke away and looked into Dash's eyes, "You can't keep trusting me when I'm like this hun, I might just lose myself in you. I can't hurt you like that, it would just kill me."

She just sat there limply in Spitfire's arms dazed and confused by the kiss she just felt. It was like nothing she had ever felt before and she could feel a tingling in her wings that spread across her body. Her marefriend released her and turned to walk away, and Dash felt compelled to not allow this. Something had definitely come over her now, she knew what she wanted.

"Dashie, please go home for now I--"

Spitfire wasn't able to utter another deterring word as the cyan mare grabbed the golden mare by the shoulder, spun her around and pulled her back into a kiss. Spitfire seemed to hesitate at first but then quickly melted into the moment. Dash didn't know why but she felt so drawn into Spitfire after that first kiss, it was like fireworks had exploded in her heart. As this kiss broke it was her turn to speak.

"I'm not going home till I give you this ticket and ask you if you will go out with me Spits?" Dash pulled out the ticket and handed it to her marefriend as they parted from their embrace.

She literally had to put it in Spitfire's hands as she hadn't opened her eyes yet. After a moment she looked down at the ticket and seemed to notice what it was for. A little of her usual self began to show as she spoke.

"See I told you that stallion would help us find a good date at last!"

"Yeah, and that's not all he has done today!" Dash answered with a proud smile, a slight blush lighting her face now.

"Oh yeah, what else did he do, promote you?" Spitfire teased, while in an instant Dash noticed she licked her lips.

"In a way, I promoted him." her smile was so bright at this point as she told the best news ever. "As of today, he is my father!"

"Oh my gosh, you asked him finally?" Spitfire returned seeming absolutely joyous as well. "And he accepted?"

"Yeah, he did!"

They sat on the porch and just began talking about the past four days. She began to notice Spitfire's body would tremble every so often and her wings were fluttering restlessly, her body spoke of a need for passion. Dash licked her own lips and looked away from her marefriend. Was this really the right time for this? Every bit of her heart said yes but her mind always had to remind her that signs showed from Spitfire's past self. Signs that were dangerous if handled incorrectly.

"Dash you alright?" the golden pegasus inquired innocently.

She turned and leaned over to Spitfire's shoulder and was easily accepted with an arm wrapped around her. She felt safe, and despite the warnings not to trust the golden mare, she couldn't help but do so with her words that came in but a whisper.

"Spitfire I want you."

"Wh-What was that Dash, I don't think I heard you right." her marefriend replied startled.

She looked up into her eyes and said it directly and gently, "I want you Spitfire, why do you seem so shocked and afraid?"

"I-I-I just..." the older mare sighed and looked away in a feeble manner. "I don't want to become the whore you hated again...I don't want to lose you in my lust."

Dash put her hand on the golden mare's cheek and turned her gaze back to hers, "You won't become that as long as I show you the purest passion I have in me. At least, that is what my heart tells me."

She leaned in and kissed Spitfire gently and with utter care. She could tell her marefriend was crying, and when she broke the kiss she had just one thing to tell her.

"Spitfire, I trust you with all my heart." She smiled warmly, as she truely loved the older mare with all of her being. "No matter what you say or do, I will always be there to catch you should you fall."

Tears streaming from her eyes she answered, "I love you Rainbow Dash, and I don't deserve you!"

"Yes you do, now lets head back to my apartment for the night okay?" the cyan mare returned standing up slowly.

"Y-Yeah, that sounds nice." she answered wiping away the tears on her face.

"And don't worry about a thing, I'll take it easy on you tonight!" Dash taunted playfully.

"Oh, what makes you think I'm that out of practice?" Spitfire grinned devilishly at her marefriend as they headed off into the evening sky.


Much later that evening...

Fleetfoot lay in a lavish bed alone now resting her body from today's games with other ponies. She had yet to figure out where Spitfire had run off to, not to mention the entire Wonderbolt team had gone entirely off the radar. It didn't matter she would eventually find her and make that mare hers again. She was honestly quite bored of all the patrons and employees recently, and had not been able to get a satisfying level of release. Even now in her pale purple nightgown she had her hand down under trying to get the release she so desperately wanted.

It was no good though as she couldn't even come close. She needed a specific touch at this point and there was no way to find somepony who could give her that touch right now. She had attended to the kinks of others that she didn't always try. Chains, whips, role playing of many types, submissive pet, dominatrix, insertions of foreign objects, light branding, multiple partners, and all of it failed to get much reaction out of her. She had taken to drinking that evening when she realized she just couldn't get it going, and eventually retired to her room early to try her own hand at it.

Why can't I just find Spitfire, why can't she just see I need her more than anypony in all this world? Fleetfoot despaired at her predicament. She would turn from side to side to try to get a better angle for herself but it changed very little for her stimulation. She had even gone through all the stimulating lubricants she had in her room. She was at the point where she knew she just couldn't keep this up. It was at that moment the phone rang at her bedside, she wiped her hand off on the bed sheets, and she crawled over to answer it.

"Didn't I tell you not to disturb me this evening?" Fleetfoot started irritably.

The voice that answered her with a "sorry" entirely changed her mind about being upset. Her body trembled and her wings fluttered so happily. She felt her own climax was within reach now, Oh the good things that come to those who wait!

"Oh no you don't have to apologize, that was my fault I thought you were one of my employees." the arctic blue mare began with a sugary sweet tone. "So to what do I owe the pleasure Spitfire?"

Author's Note:

So you guys know the next piece, the bonus material, takes place before the Fleetfoot scene...if you read the bonus material that is. Just thought I'd let you know. Also, what are your thoughts after this bombshell of a chapter?:rainbowhuh:

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