• Published 24th May 2014
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This Bright Blazing Future - Dynasty-Kaine

Sequel to Our Pasts That Haunt Us. It has been a month since the last events of Rainbow's turbulent loss of Applejack, but from the ashes of that loss a glimmer of hope shows among all the terrible things going on around her. ANTHRO.

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Chapter 4: Determination Flavored Tea

Rainbow Dash sat in a plainly decorated waiting room reading one of her Daring Do books. By plainly decorated she meant white walls with two paintings hanging upon them. The walls all lined with plain old chairs of moderate comfort, except for the wall separating visitors from doctors and patients. It had a booth where nurses would file paperwork, and check in visitors that had made appointments. The entry and exit doors were both extremely heavy duty to prevent break outs, or break ins.

Ponyville Psychiatric Hospital of the Sun, somewhere the cyan mare only came to for a friend. After her breakfast with Spitfire, the young flier decided there was quite a few things she absolutely needed to address. This was the exact reason she had requested a second visit of her friend Pinkie Pie this week, as well as to see her doctor.

One did not get that many visitation days a week unless there was a reason, or under more observant eyes at the least. This was after all the main holding grounds for the most mentally unstable citizens of Equestria. So there was bound to be some restrictions.

Dash had been told she would have to meet with the doctor first, and she had no issue with that at all. In fact, it was exactly what she had wanted. So now she sat, reading and waiting for him. Ten minutes quickly became thirty, and she slowly began to lose her patience. Just as she was about to set her book down and go ask the nurse where the doctor was, a cream colored stallion in a white medical coat came out of the exit door. He strode over and sat next to her calmly his black mane short and well kept.

"So miss Dash, what brings you here today?" he started neutral in tone.

"If you think I'm here for therapy, nice try doc!" the rainbow maned mare replied with an impish smile.

"All the same, this is your second visit this week." he stated clearly. "So forgive protocol, but I must be a tad, nosy as to your intentions."

"Sorry doctor." Rainbow apologized. "There has just been a bit of a change in the original plan we agreed upon concerning Pinks."

"Oh?" the cream colored stallion replied turning slightly to face her. "What kind of change would that be?"

"The one I said I would never involve myself in, even though you said it would be better for the both of us." she said sullenly. "And I would rather you observe out of sight for overall effectiveness."

The good doctor looked genuinely shocked now, "But you know how dangerous that can be! She has been in a relatively lucid state, but what you propose could set her back weeks!"

"Or it could give you the look inside you need to treat her more effectively!" Dash said with conviction.

Dash knew what she had to do, and she didn't like it one bit. She had to confront the reality of things, and she had to get Pinkie to open her eyes to the reality of things as well. Maybe, just maybe, she could come back to them again. Things like this though, were entirely left up to chance. So the cyan mare could see why the doctor was worried for her safety, but he didn't know that Rainbow anticipated this danger.

"I-I'm not sure." he stuttered.

"I am, but doc you have to agree to one thing." the pegasus negotiated.

"What, you think you can make terms on this?" he shot back at her incredulously.

"Doc, I need you to put a lil more faith in me." Dash said seriously. "I know what I'm getting myself into."

He looked at her discerningly for a moment before replying, "What do you want?"

"Promise me you won't enter the room at ANY time unless, I say a safe word." Rainbow answered simply.

He swallowed hard before answering, "Alright, then your word will be eventide. Mind you though we can do this with her own room, but I need to make necessary preparations first."

She sighed, "Then go get to it, I can wait. I don't have work today after all."

He stood up from his seat and headed towards the nurse booth, but he stopped and replied over his shoulder, "Let us hope neither of us regrets today's outcome, whatever it may be."

I'll never regret this, because I know it has to be done.


Roughly One Hour Later...

It took the nurses some doing but they finally got her through the clearance check without a hitch. It was mandatory that you be searched entirely, and after all the visits Dash wasn't bothered by it in the least. A guard waited for her after she came out, this was new.

"Doctor Psych required that I escort you to him before your visit to your friend's room." the guard said in a burly voice.

The cyan mare just shrugged her indifference and followed along with the guard. Doc had to save face in some way she figured, and this had been his choice. Yet as always, she watched her surroundings noticing the patients that were doing well and the ones that weren't so well. In this part of the hospital anything could go wrong at any second, and Dash wasn't going to chance getting caught up in that sort of thing.

Mere moments later the guard ushered her into a darker room where Psych was waiting, and watching Pinkie through a window with great interest. Dash looked in as well, her friend looked happy and showed all the signs of it. Yet there was also a dead look in her eyes, which disturbed the rainbow maned mare greatly. The guard shut the door as he exited and it surprised the cyan pegasus.

"Welcome Rainbow Dash." the cream colored stallion said without averting his gaze. "As you can probably already tell, something doesn't match up in Pinkie Pie's behavior right now. That is why I brought you in here first."

"So I know she is already more unstable than usual?" she questioned.

"Precisely!" he answered. "It is almost like she knows you're here!"

"Alright doc, when can we start this?" she inquired with mild impatience.

He turned his gaze to her, "So you are absolutely sure about this then?"

"It can't wait another day." she said with dread. "For either of us."

The doctor stood up and lead her back out into the hallway. Walking over to Pinkie's door he put his hand on the knob before announcing himself to the pink mare.

"Pinkie, it's me doctor Psych!" he shouted. "Is it okay to come in? You have a visitor."

"A guest, a guest? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!" was the high energy response. "Who could it be I wonder, oh I know it has got to be Dashie here again to say hi!"

He turned to Dash and said, "Well I guess that is the best answer we can expect. Remember, eventide is the word."

"Of course doctor." she replied with tranquility.

He opened the door and let Dash enter the room by herself. Closing it behind her after he was sure she was within. Despite Pinkie's cheerful answer of the doctor, as the cyan mare looked upon the pink mare sitting upon her bed, something was definitely off. Her eyes looked dead still, and there was a sadistic smile plastered across her face.

"Come to see me again so soon Dashie?" Pinkie said with a voice that took her back to the night Applejack died.

The memory caused her to twitch slightly, but in her psychotic state her friend caught it.

"Oh, how cute that you still remember this tone of voice." the pink mare said with sick pleasure.

"Pinkamina, give me my friend for a moment would you?" Dash said emboldening herself as well as her posture. "Have your fun later."

"Well now that was quite the switch wasn't it?" she answered with a laugh. "And they call me crazy? By the way the answer is no. The cute little thing is sleeping right now, and I just can't bear to wake her."

"Don't toy with me right now Mina!" Rainbow fumed.

"Also, I just love the name given to me by her!" the cotton candy maned mare cheered.

"And it's about time she took that name from you and left you to die." the cyan mare retorted darkly.

With one swift motion Pinkamina cleared the distance between the two of them and slammed her into a wall. She was quite strong, but physically Dash could easily turn the situation. She waited though, it would be a big opportunity to get under her skin.

"Think before you speak Dashie." the words were spit out like venom. "I'm more than she can handle now. There is nothing you or that dolt of a doctor can do to help her!"

"Oh you really think so, Pinkamina?" Dash said as she was pinned by her shoulders to the wall. "What was the one thing that made Pinkie weak enough that you could swoop in like a vulture and destroy her?"

"Oh what are you blathering on about?" she answered pulling the cyan mare from the wall and slamming her back into it hard. "She came to me! Searched for me in her weakness, and in her need!"

Rainbow looked on confused at Pinkamina, and the narcissism of her psychotic side took the bait.

"Oh didn't know did you?" she said with sick delight. "Even without me there, her body still remembered what it had felt at the claws--oh those claws!" the pink mare stopped for a moment with a full body shiver. "Yes she wanted to feel that again, she wanted to feel that closeness again, and was quite willing to trade her sanity to me for it!"

"Have you even once questioned what drove her into that pitiful state of mind though?" Dash challenged. "Did you even once think about it?"

Pinkamina then punched the cyan mare quite viciously, "Why should I question it? It isn't like anything anypony could say will change the power I hold over her!"

"What if she is listening to the words being spoken right now, simply faking sleep and waiting for her moment to throw you away!" the pegasus continued her verbal assault. "You would never see it com--"

Another forceful punch silenced her and split her lip open as well, "Shut your mouth Rainbow Dash!"

"No, I won't!" she shouted back in defiance blood welling up and out of her lip. "I want my friend back, and I will go to any and every length to get her back!"

Pinkamina's grip loosened as she backed away, but she still threw another punch hitting Dash square in the eye. That one hurt a lot but she couldn't restrain her friend, she had to drive in the final stake. The pink mare was still backing away, looking to be in a state of total unrest.

"Pinks, I know you can hear me in there!" Dash yelled as she stepped toward the retreating pink mare. "I need you and your crazy understanding of the world around us. I need it more than you can ever know."

"Sh-Shut up Rainbow, she can't hear you!" Pinkamina shot back in what seemed like a last defense as she doubled over holding her head. "She will only fail you like she did when she lead Gilda right to Applejack. Like she did when your beloved Jackie was killed!"

"Pinks, I'm sorry."

In that moment Pinkie Pie snapped back into reality, instantly snapping her head up to look Rainbow in the eyes. Her friend's eyes were glazed with tears, confusion etching her expression.

"Wh-What did you say Dash?" Pinkie said weakly.

"I'm sorry for putting that pressure on you." the cyan mare answered with an honest grin. "I forget how serious you can get at times about things, almost to the point of insane worry."

"B-But why would you apologize for that?" the pink mare questioned.

"Because I can, and AJ can't." she started solemnly. "Because you don't deserve to lose yourself to this darkness that Gilda left in your heart. I can't lose my friend to this. Not now, not ever."

Pinkie continued looking on with anxiety lighting her eyes, she was on the edge of control and Dash knew it. It would take more than this, and she had made up her mind on the next words of choice.

"I know I've said this before Pinks, but you need to stop blaming yourself for what happened." the rainbow maned mare said with a friendly smile. "In fact, I may have found another mare of interest to me."

"Y-You what?" Pinkie Pie exclaimed obviously shocked. "You moved on from Jackie?"

"Well yes and no." Dash answered hesitantly. "Yes, because I found someone I feel I can be myself with one hundred and twenty percent; without a second thought. And no, because I still care about Jackie. I feel like she would be ashamed of me for moving on so soon."

Dash felt her feelings of confusion begin to stir inside her chest, and it physically hurt a great deal. She had to try to restrain herself from crying and she held her eyes closed. She knew it would make her vulnerable to attack, but an attack did not come. Only a gentle hand upon her shoulders, reassuring and kind. Opening her eyes as tears broke away she saw only her friend Pinkie Pie looking back at her.

"Dashie, I cannot undo what has been done." the pink mare said with a hint of regret. "But I can work towards the future still. I can still hear her voice in my head, Gilda left it there as you said. One day I may find a way to cope with it, but for now please don't worry about it!"

"But Pinks I--!" the rainbow maned mare argued.

"Don't argue, just be here. Just be my friend." Pinkie said with a smile.

In that moment her friend's attitude changed to lethargy, and she turned and headed back to her bed. She climbed up onto it and sat facing away from Rainbow. The air in the room became quite tense as the silence dragged on. The pegasus began to wonder if she became Pinkamina again, but there came no violent shift.

"All you feel in your heart is confusion." Pinkie suddenly said with a dreary tone. "Dashie, you said you needed my help...and I will give it to you. If you keep worrying about what Applejack thinks of you, soothe your heart with two simple things."

She stared on in confusion at her friend and asked what needed to be asked, "What two things do I need Pinkie?"

"Go to Twilight's and collect both your element of harmony, and Applejack's element." she answered dryly. "Return the element to where true honesty, now rests in peace. You will find your answers there, now Dash if you'll excuse me. I need some rest."

"Of course Pinks!" Dash said with a bright smile and headed for the door.

"By the way Rainbow." Pinkie said suddenly. "Thank you."

Reaching the door she answered, "Every time friend. Eventide."

Pinkie simply laid down to rest as she had said, and a few moments later Doctor Psych opened the door to let the cyan pegasus out. As she exited she could tell the doctor was quite pleased with what he had just watched as it transpired. It wasn't her concern though, she had to get to Twilight's house immediately.

"Doctor you'll forgive me if I feel the need to leave right away." Dash said in a hurry.

He simply smiled and answered, "Of course, every patient has been returned to their rooms for nap time anyways. You will find the hallways quite unobstructed, and don't worry I'll take care of Pinkie Pie with the utmost care as always!"

"Thanks Doc!" the rainbow maned mare answered as she turned and jogged down the hall to leave.


As Rainbow approached Twilight's library she remembered something rather important. Her friend was probably still mad at her from their recent fight. Which made getting the elements of harmony she needed difficult at best. She now stood at the front door of the library, and almost felt sick to her stomach as she forced herself to knock.

"Go away Rainbow Dash, I don't want to talk to you." was the angry reply of Twilight Sparkle.

She continued knocking, "Please Twilight I need your help with this, it's really important!"

"You need my help?" the lavender mare replied with incredulous rage. "You didn't even care to listen to me two weeks ago, so why should I listen to you?"

"Twilight, look I'm sorry for what I did!" she shouted.

"Go away!" Twilight's voice roared back.

Her friend was adamant about holding a grudge, and it was practically infuriating. The cyan mare had to do everything she could to not throw a barbed reply back. Then a scent caught her attention, the scent of apples and hay. Her heart began to ache as she realized just what her feud with Twilight had taken away from her. The chance to find peace within herself over Applejack.

"No, Twilight." Dash muttered in defeat as she planted both her hands upon the door to brace herself from falling. "You don't...understand." tears quickly came to her eyes and ran down her face. "I just...please Twilight."

Her weight became too much for her and she fell to her knees weakly. Her earlier pride had cost her much more dearly than she could have ever imagined. If she couldn't get the elements she needed then how would she find the answers she needed so desperately? Not only that, but now it seemed Twilight hated her for her behavior that day two weeks ago.

There was nothing she could do but break inside, at the sheer loss before her. As she cried she buried her face in her hands pitifully. Why can't I do anything right? was the single abysmal thought in Rainbow's mind.

Then her ears perked at a sound she heard in front of her, and she looked up from her hands to see a blurry purple unicorn standing in front of her. Twilight's caring nature had overruled her anger from the looks of things as she stared down at Rainbow with concern.

"I don't understand why you're having such a major breakdown over this." the lavender mare said with concerned confusion.

"Twi-Twilight?" Dash answered through sniffles. "I-I'm sorry okay, but I had to make my own choice alright? B-But the thing I need your help on has nothing to do with that, and if ah gotta say sorry to get my friend to help me, so be it."

"Wow its got to be something really heart breaking if my refusal to help you did this to you!" the purple unicorn said astonished. "Dash what's the problem?"

"C-Can I come in and settle down first?" she asked through a still sniffly nose.

Twilight's hand reached out to her as she answered, "Of course you can, I'll even brew you some tea if you'd like."

Rainbow Dash smiled, "I would love that Twi."

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