• Published 24th May 2014
  • 1,579 Views, 341 Comments

This Bright Blazing Future - Dynasty-Kaine

Sequel to Our Pasts That Haunt Us. It has been a month since the last events of Rainbow's turbulent loss of Applejack, but from the ashes of that loss a glimmer of hope shows among all the terrible things going on around her. ANTHRO.

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Chapter 23: The Love, The Birth, And The Death

Author's Note:

Get ready for the feelz! Seriously this chapter will take you on a ride, and note there is a decent level of music on this chapter as well! As this WAS the longest chapter yet, I WANT feedback please! =3 Now hope you enjoy!

Signature Sandwich began to straighten out his memories again, and it was quite clear why his mind had tried to push him out. This was the point in his life that was both the happiest and the saddest for him. He knew all too well what memories would be next through his eyes, and he silently begged Celestia wouldn't do this to him. The stallion's plea was in vain though as his vision began to form.


The Love...The Birth...

The months following Kirin Rush's success at the Battle of the Bands competition was more than any of them could have anticipated. Left and right came offer upon offer from record labels, managers, other wanna be musicians, marketing representatives, and venue after venue wanting them to play their events. Over night Sig, Ace, Redd, and Brim had become international stars.

The forest green stallion became tired of it all very rapidly, and events began to threaten an event he had been looking forward to. It was soon to be his 25th birthday. He wanted it to himself and yet calls and letters kept arriving to all the band members in droves. After a great deal of consideration for the band a decision was made to go to Canterlot Castle and appeal to the person who had given them their fame, Princess Celestia.

Sig practically barged in through her guards to negotiate with her. Well, actually more of ask for her advice on what he should do. She had laughed at his entrance into the grand hall, but was very serious in her negotiations.

"From now on I'll manage your band's schedule, finances, fan mail, and other necessary details." the white alicorn declared crossing her legs as she sat upon her throne. "But the price you must pay for this freedom Signature, is your guitar."

The guitar player was shocked as his jaw hung agape. He took the guitar from his back and held it in front of him for a moment. It had to be the one instrument he never let go of that she would want as payment, after all it had the ability to conjure up storms. She knew that though.

"But I can still get another guitar to play with the band right?" Sig asked not looking away from his guitar.

"Of course you can, it wouldn't be much of a band without its lead guitarist!" Celestia replied pleasantly.

The green stallion hesitated over his most prized possession in this world. Yet, he pondered on the thought of why the princess wanted it above all things she could ask for. Maybe she sensed that the power of the instrument, its mana, was running out gradually as he played. Even when he didn't summon a storm it drained a little mana. Nature could take care of her own storms though now days.

"Why do you hesitate so Signature?" Celestia broke into his thoughts. "Many questions plague you it seems, but I may answer one for you if it will ease your worries. Yes, the reason I want your guitar is to prevent it from draining it's mana any further. With only four internal crystals left you may want to save those for a later occasion--not to mention Cereza has gained a good grip on nature's forces. So you don't have to act as a storm bringer anymore."

He had knew it. As he admired the glossy blue tie-dye guitar once more, he stepped forward to Celestia's throne with the neck of the guitar in hand. He had resolved himself to this choice, for himself and the band.

"Then I accept your terms Princess." he said kneeling and directing the instrument her way.

"Please, call me by name or even a nickname will do...something less formal." She suggested strongly.

"Alright 'Tia, please just give me and the guys less to worry about." Sig said with a heavy heart.

"That won't be a problem at all, and your guitar will be given a home in the Magical Channeling Instruments vault so you know." Celestia said with a devilishly knowing smile.


At that time he hadn't understood why she smiled like that but now it made perfect sense. She knew he would return just as he had done. By that logic she knew what would befall him in the end, and did nothing about it. Did she really know though? Signature sat and pondered this as his memory shifted to a later date. Which memory was coming to him next, he always had a hard time placing his memories chronologically.


His memories began looking out on a valley surrounded by mountains covered in snow. The valley wasn't empty either. It was filled to capacity with Equestria's finest soldiers. It was two years later when the Gryphon conflict arose between Gyre and Equestria. The forest green stallion remembered this scene clearly now, Celestia had drug them out of a hiatus to play for the troops.

She had done it strategically though, with their concert being on the front lines of combat. Ace's hiatus had actually led him to joining the armed forces, which had made this all the more convenient for the princess. Ace's platoon was reconnaissance and information gathering and they recently received intelligence regarding a possible spy in their ranks.

Celestia knew how to send a message to the traitor most effectively. Yet the enemy would also get that message this day as they tried to infiltrate during the festivities. Little did they expect that they were being allowed in on purpose.

Signature had on the replacement guitar at the time. It was an old looking red and orange sunburst guitar and he was tuning it after their long set so far. They were at intermission but the crowd was still utterly crazed. Sitting stage left was where the forest green stallion was as he made sure his guitar was in top condition. Ace approached him, an edgy look in his eyes.

"Yo, dude. Looks like I just got confirmation on our little plan." The white pegasus said in a hushed tone. "The spy as well as some of the higher up gryphons are slinking their way through the crowd. It's as good a time as any to show off."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah man." Sig said waving him off dismissively. "I'll give it my all just gotta make sure this beauty can take it."

In all honesty Sig didn't care about this one way or the other. He believed in the music, not in the wars of nations. Fighting among one another solved nothing. It just created more to mourn over, more sad songs that the world didn't need. If Celestia's plan worked though he wasn't about to complain. They were going to use music to make them realize just what they were getting into, and hopefully that would bring them back together. Hopefully.

Finally the forest green stallion stood upon his legs, guitar fully tuned up, ready to finish this concert and get home as soon as possible. Ace noticed this and moved to center stage once again.

"Weeeellll then soldiers, what do you want so much that you'd be so loud?" he hollered as he held the microphone out to the crowd.

"We want rock!" was the resounding response.

The set list was pretty metal, even Sig couldn't deny that. They started off topic to rile the crowd up. The stallion always enjoyed these types of songs because he would always jerk his body based on the riff he was playing. Dancing around his mane flew about as gravity would take it with every move he made. He always let his passion flow through him as he played. Sick riff after sick riff the song finally echoed away on its last note.

"So then everyone here has shown so much love for our music, and really you guys have been great to us over the years." Ace began once there was a level of quiet. "But when have we done a song that symbolizes our harmony, our unity through all? I'll tell you when!"

Sig and Redd moved up closer to the front of the stage, mic stands in tow. Ace grabbed his guitar and started the song, while Sig echoed him. Once the chorus came in they all sang it so the crowd could hear the words, their harmony vocally was always surprising to hear so crystal clear.

"So give it up!" Ace broke suddenly.

Bass and guitar instantly went silent and only Brim's drums held strong until Ace began vocals again. This was one of his more interesting ideas for a song, a breakdown.

Ace began, "United, United, United we stand. United we never shall fall!"

Then I joined in next, "United, United, United we stand. United we stand one and all."

Then Redd, "United, United, United we stand. United we never shall fall!"

Then Brim, "United, United, United we stand. United we stand one and all."

As we all continued to sing Ace held the mic out to the crowd, who as one began singing along with the song. The united sound was absolutely beautiful, they were an unbreakable family just like the band. As they chanted Sig spotted one of the gryphon's in the crowd looking around in shock, a sense of fear falling over the sore thumb in the crowd. One, two, three, four, five and six. He spotted all the gryphons he could, and saw the most important looking one talking to a young stallion whose attention kept going between the stage and the person speaking to him.

He was torn between two.

I'll end this for him! Sig vowed as the song ended.

"Well what do you know, looks like we have attracted some foreign attention today!" Sig bellowed into his mic as he pointed down to the shocked looking gryphon. "We allowed you lovely guys in here to deliver a message, start it Brim!"

The obsidian maned stallion kicked into his drums and though it was a slow intro, he was going to enjoy himself as Ace started in. The guitar and bass parts weren't exactly easy for them either, but singing the chorus together with Ace made it that much harder.

Run to the hills,
Run for your lives,
Run to the hills,
Run for your lives!

At this point, Brim was rocking out and would surely have a neck ache tomorrow. It also had come time to test his guitar again as the solo erupted forth, followed by bass as leading instrument and Ace's scream hitting its highest pitch. Most of the gryphons had taken their advice and ran from the crowd, all of them except the important looking one who stood there applauding silently as the crowd stared.

"So what do you achieve by staying when we warned you to leave?" Ace started. "Oh mister air of importance gryphon?"

"So this is the great Signature Sandwich, who is said to put gryphon virtuoso's to shame with his guitar skills." The tall male gryphon stated plainly. "I am honored."

"Yo I'm talkin'--" the white pegasus began seething.

"Ace I got this." Sig said holding up a hand to silence his friend.

"How 'bout you prove it to my people?" the winged male challenged.

"Wait, wait. Are you saying you want me to prove I'm anyone's match on guitar?" the forest green stallion was shocked. "Who are you to demand this of me?"

"Earn the right to know, so far as I know it's just a rumor that you are any good on guitar." he scoffed.

He couldn't believe this guy's audacity! He quickly scanned his mind for a plausible song, and the first thing to mind was a song that for some reason or another had massively offended the populace when they played in Zebrand. Normally Zebricans weren't so easily offended by any type of music.

"Fine, you want a show you old feather duster?" Sig taunted in his rage. "Guys, here comes the Voodoo!"

It was a sound not heard since by any guitarist with the heavy distortions, but he had single handedly changed music the second he had played it. This time he was performing for a much larger crowd. Every section of guitar he was moving, bobbing his head, dancing, and feeling the music just like the body of another. As he slammed out the last note the crowd went utterly berserk, and the gryphon stood there nodding his head approvingly.

Ugh, my neck is gonna hate me later for that...

"That is indeed some skill." he praised Sig, whose neck began to throb. "I believe I won't have to go far to find counsel with Celestia."

With that she appeared on stage, arms crossed defensively, "I'm listening Lord Garrond."

The LEADER of the gryphons was who it was?!

"I'd say it is high time we put an end to this conflict." he returned with a smile. "My people are missing out on much needed musical culture. I mean how can our music get better without a target to aim for?"


Months later...

"...And that's how we single handedly ended the war Storm!" Signature said cheerfully.

They had returned home after the peace talks had concluded, and the forest green stallion couldn't be happier to be holding his mare in his arms. He had missed Silent Storm dearly while he was away. They had been together since shortly after the Battle of the Bands competition, and hadn't gotten tired of each other yet.

She had been shocked at first to learn the truth about his past, and past lives as the keeper of the rains of Equestria before he had left for the war front concert. After a moment of contemplation though she found herself at terms with it, and understood why giving up his guitar had been so hard on him. Revealing this to her though hadn't been an easy thing as it brought up pain from another lifetime.

"Are you alright?" the white mare said looking back at him. "You're twitching."

"It-It's nothing." he fidgeted more.

She moved so she sat in front of him now, "No its not, so spill it Sig!"

He admired her conviction and sighed. She gave him time to think of what he would say, she had learned to give him time to decide his starting point.

"My second life was my introduction to plausibility of love, and was quickly reminded of that when I started my third one." he let out another sigh. "I fell in love with a unicorn mare named Gleaming Crest, spent my days with her, and ended up dying first. Upon my reincarnation Celestia entrusted my younger years to the very mare who I had been with my second life. Needless to say it has me feeling a bit awkward toward falling for another."

Storm sat silently for a moment before speaking, "You know, I was gonna wait until tomorrow cause of the forecast...but I can see we need to go now. Pack an overnight bag, we are going on a mini vacation."

She got up from the couch and headed to their room, and left Signature sitting there utterly confused. As he regained himself he headed into their bedroom.

"Wait, where are we going?" he asked as she threw a dufflebag onto the bed.

"It's a secret hun...just be patient and get packed." she answered as she pulled choices of clothing from their closet.

"What types of clothing?" he tried to get her to give it away.

"Nice try sweetie, but you have to guess on that one." she retorted shooting him down.

After they had packed enough they headed outside and she pulled out a handkerchief, turning it into a makeshift blindfold. Where ever they were going they had to fly so the blindfold had Sig a little more than anxious.

"Are you kidding? I know we are flying there but being blindfolded is too much Storm!"

"Sig." she answered softly as she put her forehead to his. "Don't you trust me?"

"I do it's just..." he whined.

"Then put it on, and you'll be fine." She soothed him.


A short flight later...

Incidentally the forecast had been spot on and they were hit by a massive rainstorm mid flight knocking the blindfold loose. Sig hadn't cared though, as the pristine white mare held him tight and flew strongly into the harsh winds. It was hard to see but they arrived at a small cabin at last and they quickly landed and ran inside. As the door closed the darkness swallowed them up, and the next words he heard made him laugh.

"Oh dammit, the lights aren't working!" Storm uttered with a groan.

He reached out for her and found her quite easily pulling her close, "It's fine, lets just find some candles and matches. I'm sure a cabin like this has that at the least."

They split up and searched the place finding a matchbox, three candles, and surprisingly a prepared fireplace. After lighting the three candles and got the fireplace going steadily they changed out of their wet clothes. Sig being the faster to undress, watched in warmth as he studied his love's body in the dim fire light. They were both in their undergarments and she looked up before getting her change of clothes, rosy red blush heating her cheeks.

"Why don't we just get a blanket and cuddle close like this?" She suggested shyly.

He went over and grabbed a heavy blanket off of the bed and met her in front of the fireplace gently sliding his hands along her sides. He stared into her dazzling peridot colored eyes and she stared back as they settled down onto the ground. They cuddled close quietly sharing one another's body heat staring at one another and nothing else. She looked away for a moment from the intensity.

"Hey Storm." Signature said gently as she turned back. "You are so beautiful tonight."

With that he leaned in and kissed her lips like he had many times before, but this time was very different. It almost felt like they were both on fire, the level of passion they both experienced that night was like none they had ever felt before that point. The forest green stallion felt her fall backwards slowly on purpose as they began their journey into the rest of their lives.


He felt a warmth in his heart that came from that fond memory, but a coldness he feared was coming for his happiness.

"Please let me leave it at this!" he cried out in vain.

Next was marriage, and then the life they would both make. They were both happy memories, but hindsight was what made this unbearably painful.


Almost one month later...

Silent Storm and Signature Sandwich decided upon a plain and casual marriage within the Canterlot Castle gardens. It was very casual as Sig wore a black dress shirt and black dress pants, while Storm wore a simple floral print dress. Her parents on the other hand seemed less than pleased about everything to do with the ceremony to come.

"Your father seems rather irritated at all this, does he not approve of me?" Sig asked his fiance sheepishly.

"Oh don't be bothered by him, he just had this whole grand vision of how his daughter should be married." Storm began with disdain. "And when things don't happen the way he wants he tends to be judgmental. Mom is only following suit right now for his ego hun, so don't let it concern you!"

"Alright, but you weren't kidding about having a large family were you?" the forest green stallion commented looking around. "Yer dad is prolly also irritated that I have no relatives showing up..."

"He is actually more irate because you are breaking with tradition by seeing the bride before the ceremony." the pegasus joked lightly. "Plus he doesn't know what I know about--"

"Ah the father of the bride to be today, I am glad to give my Signature to your daughter today!" came the voice of a tall regal figure a short distance away from them.

"Princess? Oh this just figures...I'll be back Storm." He raced over and intervened in the conversation before it got too detailed. "Excuse me, Mother, but could I speak to you for a moment?"

"Oh of course Siggy, whatever you need!" was her curt and playful response as they left Storm's parents.

"What are you doing telling them you're my mother?"

"Oh just a bit of fun, and it isn't quite false either. I did create you after all Signature, and ended you, and recreated you again five times I believe now. So..."

"That's not the point!"

"Oh but isn't it?" she questioned innocently. "He is already in a foul enough mood for his daughter refusing his offer of a full blown wedding, what makes you think he can take any more of his vision for his daughter going wrong before he interrupts your vows?"

He just gritted his teeth in a scowl as he admitted her point, but she was going around mischievously putting ideas into other pony's heads. Why did she always enjoy causing chaos at random times, probably remnants of her relations with a certain draconequis. As they parted he realized Storm had disappeared from the crowd, and at first he was worried till his best man Ace showed up.

"She's going in to get her makeup re-done, and get a few touch ups for her dress man don't freak out." the stallion announced casually. "Let my mother at least have that from her man!"

Sig laughed heartily, "And I bet your sister is none too pleased with it either!"

"Nah, she gives when it comes to mom, but in that case you won't see her until the ceremony." Ace's expression got more sly as he continued. "By the way, are we still up for breaking the traditional vows ceremony? Lectric is already here with Redd and Brim helping him set up."

"Yeah we are still golden for it man, your father will probably flip a gasket over it though!"

The two stallions began laughing energetically, but despite this moment Sig was more nervous than anypony in the world right now. Aside from maybe Storm. He was afraid that he would fail her more than anything in this world, and fail their soon to be child they knew she was now carrying. It was too early for them to know, but she said she knew and that had been enough for the forest green stallion.


A short ceremony later...

They were holding one another's hands as they stared into each other's eyes before princess Celestia the priest of the occasion. She looked beautiful with amber undertones on her eyes drawing him into her peridot gaze, and she had changed into a shorter but more traditional wedding dress. It wasn't too much like traditional wedding dresses though, and Sig could see a new trend in this smaller less floofy dress. It still captured Storm's natural beauty all the same.

"Now for the exchange of the bride and groom's vows." Celestia announced.

Every pony had wondered why Ace, Redd, and Brim had left early. Now was the time for Sig to spring his trap.

"Storm you're so gonna hate me for this." he said with an impish smile.

"Why would I hate you?" she answered with eyes filled with love.

"Notice your brother, Redbook, and Brimstone Beats are gone?" the stallion's smile only grew.

She looked over his shoulder and her eyes squinted as she looked back at him, "What do you have up your sleeve?"

"I would like to give my expression though music, the same way we met years ago now!" Sig announced loudly. "I hope you will forgive my breaking with tradition Storm!"

"It's who you are Signature Sandwich, I wouldn't have it any other way!"

"Take it Ace!"

From the side of the procession a curtain was pulled away from two tall trees as Ace and Brim kicked in with saxophone and drums. Vocal harmony followed in with Lectric Scream and Ace after that and then the actual words came next. Which Sig took to singing main vocals for.

Wooaaah, Do I love you with all my heart?
I do, I do now, yes I do!
Dooo, I want you to stay by my side?
I do, I do now, yes I do!
Dooo, I want you to be all mine?
I do, I do now, yes I do!
And I love you my baby, yes I do!
And I want you my baby,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I do now!

Ace belted out on saxophone and then Brim got to try out his new drum modifier before Sig pulled out a small harmonica and belted out a quick bit before going back into the song. Taking Storm's hand he and her began to dance twirling about the altar happily till the final vocal piece slowed it down and he had her in his arms leaning over as he kissed her deeply.

As he came out of the kiss he simply said, "I'll follow and care as long as I walk this earth with you Silent Storm."

"And I will give you all the strength you need to walk this earth with me, Signature Sandwich."


Little did Sig know she had meant walking the earth without her as well. His tears were falling at this point as this memory broke away from his mind. He remembered her smile all through out the night following. Her dad was furious and began a full rant aimed at him until finally, his own daughter came up and slapped him for his crimes against her happiness.

She had told him it was her happiness and not anyone else's. She didn't care that Sig broke with traditions because he was true to himself. At least that was what she had always told him, and not a month after marriage they knew what she had always known--she was pregnant with their first child.

"I would have been...almost 28 by the time that little one was born. He had some good first years...although fate can be cruel."

He remembered with fondness that Brazen had clung to his mother a majority of the time, he learned how to read and write very quickly, speaking was easy, walking was nothing. When Storm had suggested the name Brazen Wind, Sig took one look at his son and had agreed. At the age of five he had taken an interest in the piano and his father of course wasted no time in asking if Redd could teach him what he knew.

Sig cringed then as darkness swept over his visions. His son didn't have his mother for the older years of development, and this thought spread into a massive storm cloud that threatened to overtake the stallion's soul.

"No, no, no! I want to stay in the happy memories...don't make me re-live this hell!" Sig cried out again in vain.


The Death...

It was after a concert in Raven's Hollow a little town between gryphon lands and Equestria when the fateful call came in from emergency response units. The concert hall they were playing got the call on their land line and summoned him quickly and quietly.

"Hello Signature Sandwich speaking, may I ask who is c--Brazen?"

"Son quiet down I must speak with your father." the person on the other end of the line tried to calm the young colt to no avail. "Well mister Sandwich, I wish we could be talking under better conditions but your wife has had an accident of sorts."

"Wh-what, S-Storm?" Sig felt his mind cracking as Ace came up behind him laughing. "Shut up Ace, something is wrong!"

"As I was saying she has been transported to the hospital after her body began seizing up while she was mid flight earlier this evening. As of yet we have no way of telling what brought about this attack and the hospital should have more information upon your return to Canterlot."

"I'll be there immediately!" with that he hung up.

He knew Brazen would stay with his mother in the hospital and that the staff wouldn't contest an overnight stay from the child. He and Storm knew about there being something wrong with her body in the last few months, but no doctor could give them any definite answers on what was wrong. As he rushed to collect his most needed things Ace grabbed his shoulder.

"Get off man!" Sig yelled at his brother in law knocking his hand away.

"Dude, what's going on that's got you so riled?" the white pegasus asked with concern.

"Storm's in the hospital, she suffered another seizure. This time she was mid flight." he felt tears welling up in his worry.

Ace's eyes went wide with shock, "What? Not Storm!"

"We have to can this tour now, we have to get home to Canterlot!"

They had gathered their things and took the next speed train back to the Equestrian capital city. Ace could have flown but he had known in his heart he couldn't leave Sig alone with his thoughts. Silently the forest green stallion had always thanked him for being there with him that night. The train ride was quiet the entire way home and it took a day and a half without stops to get home. Sig hadn't slept one minute, and the second the train stopped he grabbed his things and bolted straight for the hospital.

None of the hospital staff were able to hinder him once he found out what room Storm was in. Even though they insisted upon him letting her rest.

"To hell with that I'm going to see my wife!" he roared as he broke though many different medical staff members barring his path.

He took the stairs but they locked the level she was on, and he laughed aloud at their foolishness. As if that would stop him! He busted the door right open with one strong, well placed kick.

"You will not be barring me from my wife!" he growled as he passed the receptionist desk.

They finally submitted to his will as he calmly entered her room, his earlier strength melting away as the reality of her being in poor health dawned on him now. They had her on a machine helping her to breathe as well as many different needles going into her, but the cardiograph was beating steadily on. She was alive at the very least.

He fell to his knees at her bedside, tears breaking from his eyes as a heavy stone settled in his gut. This unknown sickness was slowly claiming his beautiful and elegant Silent Storm. He was going to lose everything he had ever wanted in a moment. He instantly tensed up when he felt her hand softly lay upon the top of his head. He looked up but she wasn't conscious, it was as if she just knew at this point when he needed her.

"Why did this have to happen to you of all mares Storm, and me of all stallions to be here to bear my weakness alone?" Signature mused aloud to himself, almost.

The forest green stallion had found out later Ace just leaned upon the doorway to his sister's room watching his friend and brother break down and cry. He only knew Ace was there that day because he could hear him crying as well, at his sister's sad state.

Just as they felt at their lowest, the doctor walked in.

"Well now that was quite the rampage Sig, you two must be a lot closer than most married couples." a light brown unicorn started in. "And you must be the brother, Tempest Wing. If I may borrow Sig for a moment?"

"Go ahead, if you can get him to move from under his wife's hand."

"Wait, what now?" the doctor looked over to Storm in astonishment. "Well I'll be, she has been comatose since she got here. That has gotta be the fist good thing I've seen since her arrival!"

"What do you want doc?" Sig said through sobs turning to look at the doctor.

"To speak with you about her condition."

"I don't think I could take any worse news today doc."

"You have to hear what I have to say Signature Sandwich."

He took her hand and set it at her side gently as he leaned over to kiss her forehead, "I'll be back in a moment my love."

He headed back to the doctors office for the private conversation he dreaded deep in his gut. Somewhere in his mind he knew that this conversation was going to make him feel worse but he had to know what was going on. Even if it killed him inside.

"Sig there is no easy way to put this, so please take a seat and humor me." the doctor said as he sat down in his own chair, the forest green stallion in no mood to humor the doctor stood. "Rebellious as ever, fine have it your way young man. Silent Storm is suffering from a condition that is causing her body to attack itself in an odd way. Her neurological pathways are getting blocked or are sending out signals not from her own mind and as a result her own internal workings are attacking her brain and other vital organs. We don't know quite how to classify this disease as its chemical makeup is like nothing we have ever seen before."

"What are you saying doc?" Sig asked terrified of the answer.

"I'm saying that she is..."


The memory cut and switched at that point to Signature Sandwich mowing down Celestia's guards in utter rage as he made his way to her throne room uninvited. He cared not one bit for those he hurt to see the princess, his heart was beyond consolation. Arriving at the grand double doors he kicked them open with no remorse.

"What is the meaning of this?" Celestia roared setting down multiple documents she was scanning through as she stood up from her throne. "Signature you are supposed to still be on the--"

"Shut up Tia, why would you care when you're about to take everything that ever truly mattered to me away!" Sig fumed not caring about the rulers falsehood. "I only require your guitar as payment, who knew that included what made my soul burn with a fire as well!"

"I certainly do not know what you mean Sig, I only took your guitar that day." she looked taken aback.

"Oh yeah, then tell me why...tell me why..." he could feel the tears breaking away as the anguish hit his voice. "Tell me why she is DYING! Why are you taking Silent Storm away from me after everything I've done for you and Equestria!"

The princess' weight seemed to fall out from below her as she fell to one knee, "Dying, that's impossible! She was to have a life exactly as long as yours!"

Sig now knew it wasn't her fault, her voice had been far too shocked to hear the news. If she didn't do this then there was no hope that there was a cure for the disease that slowly was killing his one and only love. He felt his world shatter as he fell to his knees, his tears overtaking him again. He would spiral out of control before Storm even woke up again, his spirit was broken.


One week later...

Sig had sat at his wife's bedside for days now and he couldn't be parted from her either. It was this fate that had let him be there when her eyes fluttered open again.

"Signature?" she said with a weak dry voice. "Is that you?

"It is my lovely Storm, welcome back!" He replied with the utmost haste.

"Alas, it will be only a short welcome back I fear." she answered dismally.

"N-No don't say that, you will be fine I'm sure of it!" Sig stuttered in denial.

"Can you listen to me for a minute please Sig?" she said with an exasperated tone of voice. "We both know this time I'm still here is limited, and I have only one joy to ask of you before my passing."

"I-I-I..." the stallion said being unable to utter anything else.

"If I am to pass on I want it to be seeing you give it all to your music for me...I want you to, sing me back home as it were." she didn't even let him hold onto a glimmer that she might survive. "Only you can help me to rest in peace my lovely little storm maker!"

"Storm I...I...Can't let you go..." Sig said with a whimper in his voice.

"You don't get a choice." a tear broke from her eyes. "And neither do I. All we get is the time my body will allow me to make my peace."

He could see it in her eyes, this fate was tearing her to pieces inside just as much as it was tearing at him. He had to do something but how could he with little to no heart behind his music.

"Looks like you are going to need this Signature Sandwich, my son." came the voice of princess Celestia from the doorway.

She held out his blue tye-dye guitar the Rainmaker. It was understood that a storm was a fitting thing to summon for this moment of their lives. Celestia wouldn't have allowed this for just any occasion.

"I have already sent Redd and Brim to set up the stage at the Bowl." the princess noted. "And Ace is on his way now, though he aches just as much as you, his brother, do."

"But how can I play without my entire soul backing my guitar, my passion is gone!" He cried out.

"Do you love her?" was all the pristine white alicorn asked simply.

"Of course I do!" the earth stallion answered with great conviction.

"Then focus on that, the love you had and will always have." was the princess' caring reply.

"She is right hun." Storm said turning his attention back to her. "Every time you play that guitar, I want you to play it...the same way you love me. With undying conviction. Never forget who you are my musical man."

"Do not worry I will get Storm to the bowl so she can have a front row seat, and I will make sure everything from there on is taken care of." Celestia promised tenderly a tear in her own eye.

A tear broke through his eyes again as he stood up, took the guitar, and left the hospital for the bowl. This would be the last time he would ever play the guitar for the world. He knew the pain would be too much for him to bear when Silent Storm took her last breath in this world. If he could scarcely bear this pain, how could their eight year old understand that his mother was never coming home again?


When Sig arrived the guys had already begun their sound checks and everything was already set up. The second Ace saw him he jumped off the stage and ran up to the green guitarist, pausing in front of him for a moment.

"So is what Tia says true man?"

"Afraid so Ace, it's her last show with us."

At that moment Ace did something he never did, he lunged forward and hugged his best friend. They were brothers so not a word need be said between them. They both understood they were losing an important mare in their lives. His sister, my true love. Both of their eyes had some trace of redness around them, but they had to keep strong for one more show before it was over.

"Wait, isn't this...your old guitar?" Ace asked as he broke from the hug.

"Yeah, Celestia gave me permission to start a storm with it today." he answered abysmally.

"I wondered why there was a chill about the air when it's so sunny!" the vocalist tried to brighten the mood.

"You know, she has never seen me start a storm with my guitar..." Sig mused almost to himself.

"Let it carry her home brotha." Ace closed.

"I'll sing her back home, in peace." Signature ended.

His sound check took everything to get right exactly, and his fellow band mates offered their own red eyed condolences. Picking which song was what was haunting the forest green stallion though and no matter what Ace suggested he refused.

"Come on man, what are you gonna play as tribute to my sister's last moments on earth?" the white pegasus fumed.

"Ace this isn't exactly easy when you're trying to push me so..." the guitarist broke off, it just dropped into his head. "...I've got it Ace! Open with Wheels of Steel."

"Dude really, why that one?" the white pegasus questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know, it feels like a song that screams me to the world right?" Sig returned.

"Well that's true man, fine." he conceded.

"Then...my vow song." the guitarist proclaimed.

His friend looked at him stunned, "I Do? Interesting choice. Do you think she will make it to that ending though?"

"She will, I have no doubt of that." he said with utter conviction.

The sound of commotion out on the streets drew the bands attention, and they had no instant answer to what was happening. Finally, through the stone arch entrance to the open air amphitheater, came princess Celestia guiding a weak but bright spirited Silent Storm. As they reached the front a few onlookers had peaked their heads into the theater.

"Redd hit the mic real fast." Ace asked quickly, and their friend complied.

Ace walked out to the center of the stage and opened the floor to those who could hear his voice, "Citizens of Canterlot, today Kirin Hoof has gathered together to honor the life of my sister and Signature's wife, Silent Storm with a final farewell. And she would have it no other way than to greet you into the Canterlot bowl for a brief show, but please respect the band's wishes that you avoid the entire front row for Silent Storm and the princess. Thank you."

With that a crowd began to file into the bowl, even some carrying candles arrived later on. The people had known Silent Storm's part in the band, and they came to show their respect as well. They respected the space requirement that Ace had hollered as well, and Sig was quite impressed with this. As everyone settled in the sun began to set that evening sending a perfect light across their stage.

Sig struck his guitar with all he had and held his arm high in the air as he vibrated the note with his finger, holding the sound as long as he could before driving into the rhythmic song. It was a long repetitive song but it allowed Sig to completely focus his mind on the guitar and his passions. Every so often he was able to pull off a windmill style strum through every string on his guitar but he was waiting for the inevitable solo.

His guitar began feeling quite warm to the touch and clouds began forming in the skies above the amphitheater, out of what seemed like thin air and they began darkening rapidly. Then he heard Ace's cue line and it was time as he slid forward on the stage pointing the neck of the guitar towards the sky a light shot forth from his guitar into the clouds. He ripped into his solo and the rain instantly began coming down in waves as he let himself be taken over by the memory of him and Storm's first night in the cabin. All he felt was the passion that drove every inch of his musical being as he broke from the solo back into the rhythm.

The vocals came back in but it was Sig who went up to the mic, using one of his higher tones.

I'm burning aviation fuel, my foot's to the floor,
You know she's cruisin' one forty, she can do even moooorrreee,
I'm burnin' sonic rubber, I don't take no bull...shit!
Cause my wheels of steel are rollin, if your coming come quick!
She's got...wheeeeeels, wheels of steel.

Ace took over at this point and it continued for a few moments more before Sig slammed what normally was the last note. Until, Ace's vocals came back and it went a minute more before finally hitting the last note strong and clean as the rain poured down. The crowd didn't run for shelter, they stayed right where they were for the band and the mare that had been the key morale of the whole thing going so far.

"Amazing, he really can bring rain down from the skies!" he heard Storm proclaim as the last note died away.

He walked to the front of the stage and hopped off to stand in front of his wife. He knew he couldn't do this without a little help either. He looked to Celestia and she simply nodded magic coursing through her for a second.

"Hey there Storm, you're looking lively as ever tonight." he said his voice echoing as though it was being channeled into the speaker system. "Though your breath seems shorter and every moment becomes more precious as your time fails you...I just want to remind you of what I promised you almost nine years ago now."

Brim kicked in on drums and Ace in on sax, as Sig prepared to tell Storm "I do" one last time. He sang it with all his heart standing closer to her and kneeling in front of her he could hear her say something before his harmonica bit.

"Oh I love you, with all my heart Sig." she smiled looking as if tears were going to explode from her eyes.

He smiled as he broke into the harmonica with all his soul, as it cried to the heavens. The rain still falling all around them as if crying for the poor stallion. As the vocals came and faded once more, he took her hands in his. Then looking in her shimmering peridot eyes spoke the words he needed to let out.

"I do always love you, till the very edge of the world, unto the very day of my life, and in my final breath Stormy." He declared.

Her tears broke away as she smiled at him, her breaths slower and fainter by the second. He could feel it coming now and would hold her hands until the end.

"I-I-I will always watch over y-you...I will al-always stand by you even...even in death...m-my little storm making Signature. I...L-Love...you..." her breath left her as she uttered her last words.

Signature Sandwich felt his jaw quiver, his hands shake, his tears break free, and his heart break in two. She was gone and he knew it now for sure. A song began echoing in his head and he had not the faintest idea why but its pure melancholy sound was perfect for the emptiness he now felt.

He rose up and turning away from his wife's now lifeless body drew the neck of his guitar into his hands. Holding his guitar above his head he brought it down to the ground in fury and anguish, destroying it easily Celestia and the crowd were too stunned to speak. Tia held an expression of a silent scream, and that was enough.


The Dream... (Bonus Piece)

Sig could feel himself now in a dark room upon his knee's crying his heart out, why did she feel the sick desire to make him re-live these terrible memories. Wasn't it enough that his son's death was still fresh in his mind, no she had to remind him of his wife as well!

"Do not spite me for showing you these things Signature Sandwich." Came the voice and presence of princess Celestia. "It was a necessary evil to open your eyes to another delusion you try to convince yourself of every day at that sandwich shop of yours."

"What do you know, I delude myself of this so I don't break down into a shambling mess of a stallion...for her!" he turned and roared at the princess he could see before him.

"THERE ARE STILL OTHERS WHO REQUIRE YOUR CARE IN THIS WORLD!" Celestia instantly made her presence threatening as she roared at Sig.

"Who gives five damns to the truth of that statement!" he threw back unafraid of the white alicorn. "As far as I'm concerned no one needs me in this world anymore!"

"You thick-headed minotaur! Fine, I will force your eyes open!" she fumed as an immense amount of energy flowed into her horn.

The world around him dissipated and then he heard it, they were the cries of a young filly in utter anguish.

"...Dad! ...Mom! ...Wake up! ...Please wake up, this isn't funny! ...Please Mom! ...Please Dad!"

He felt he was an observer in someone else's memories. It was raining, thunder and lightning all around with heavy winds about. It was very hard to see anything as the storm raged, but among it all he could make out one thing. A grayish blue body and rainbow colored hair.

"What the heck?"

"Its the Giornos tornado catastrophe we had a good fifteen years ago, she would have been about five or six then." Princess Celestia said walking up beside him.

"And who might that be, it can't be who I think it is." Sig questioned in disbelief.

"Find out for yourself Signature Sandwich." the princess answered him sternly.

He began to make his way over to the little thing and she was beyond distraught. Crying out as if the world had cursed the little thing she was becoming. The closer he got the more he realized who the filly was, it was indeed Rainbow Dash. Her parents lay before her beaten and bleeding from the tornado, yet no longer drawing breath. Their gazes stared out into the distance. They were dead.

"I'm sorry Mommy, I'm sorry Daddy! I should have never flown off into the skies! I should have just stayed home and listened to you!" the young mare wailed out in pain.

"She left her home to go on a flight even though her parents warned her about the coming storm and the dangers it posed." Princess Celestia began. "Despite their warnings she took to the skies, and when her parents found her missing they bolted into the sky to save their one and only little filly. Dash had been caught up in the storm, and they both shot into the depths of the wind turbine to try to save her. Untamed tornadoes can be a dangerous thing, but they both worked together to cover the body of their only child."

"And they payed the ultimate price for her." Signature concluded.

"Exactly, and she has been alone ever since."

"Wait what?" he turned to the princess in rage. "Like as in no parents to raise her alone?"

"Her aunt took guardianship but was quickly found to be lacking in her ability to actually care for the young child. So I entrusted her fate to another, Appledusk, the mother of Applejack. I asked her to watch over the young child when she could, and to do what she could to help her grieve for her parents. Yet, that only lasted so long before she was grieving again, at losing another mother, but this time she turned it inward on herself. It is why she doesn't remember being a part of the Apple family temporarily."

"But that doesn't explain some of the stories she told me about Junior Flight Academy."

"She and Gilda made a connection in that inside Rainbow felt alone and abandoned by the world, and Gilda had been alone and horribly abused as a child. They came together out of a need for attention, affection, and love."

"I just can't believe it..."

Signature Sandwich couldn't believe the scene before him, and those deep pained magenta eyes would forever be seared into his mind he knew. He also knew that he never wanted to see those eyes glaze over in sadness or fear ever again.

"So what will you do with yourself now Sig?" the princess challenged.

"I'll watch and wait a little longer, but I'm still going back to performing!" the stallion declared boldly. "She has to want me in her life like that before I go and intrude on it Tia!"

"I am glad to hear your choice." the alicorn smiled brightly.

Just like that they were back in the channeling vault and Sig stood up and put his guitar back on the stand. At that moment it hit him, this guitar should have been destroyed!

"How is this still together Tia?" the guitar player questioned not turning around.

"Temporal magic, I sent its physical state back to before you broke it." she giggled mischievously. "That's why you had to tune it again, as temporal magic isn't a perfect fix after all."

"You devious little fox!" he said turning around with an impish smile plastered to his face.

They both laughed for a good time before Celestia spoke, "Your heartstrings are tuned in again Sig, may your next ten years be fruitful!"

"I'll be getting into all kinds of trouble I guarantee it!"

Despite walking through the pain of his memories he had come out again now knowing he and Dash shared a great pain together. He knew the young mare suffered through feeling like the universe had abandoned her too. Like all the universe wanted to do with them was take everything they held dear away, but together they could both easily rise above and survive!

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