• Published 24th May 2014
  • 1,578 Views, 341 Comments

This Bright Blazing Future - Dynasty-Kaine

Sequel to Our Pasts That Haunt Us. It has been a month since the last events of Rainbow's turbulent loss of Applejack, but from the ashes of that loss a glimmer of hope shows among all the terrible things going on around her. ANTHRO.

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Chapter 22: The Mountain That Lies Before Me

Author's Note:

Chapter 22! Again back to Spitfire's tale, and even a little insight to the tormented mind of Wave Chill as well as the illusive Fleetfoot! Is Wave really as bad as you think or is there hope? Is Fleetfoot beyond saving as well, or is she permanently corrupted? Who knows read on and you may yet find these answers as well as Spitfire's dark side! Christmas present 2/2 fyi.
***NOTE***Occasionally when I view this chapter things don't show up correctly...So please anyone experiencing this issue as well let me know.

"Wave Chill! You let her go!" the Wonderbolt Captain roared, instantly parting the crowd.

"Oh look what we have here, the disgraced Wonderbolt Captain!" the steel blue stallion taunted getting up off Misty and striding over to his new prey. "Now Auburn's injuries make sense, but it was a long over due beating."

"So much for the strong willed Master Wave Chill!" the fiery maned mare taunted back. "I saw that loss of control before you hit Misty! Stop trying to fool everyone else, and most of all stop lying to yourself!"

"Oh like you would know half of the joys I take from what I've become?" he smiled sadistically. "Fleetfoot has taught me unbelievable things, some that will even drop you Spitfire."

His gleaming eyes worried her greatly, and suddenly she felt very vulnerable. Something was off but she had to remain strong. She wanted so badly to avoid this stallion until he was safer to handle and not a threat to her demeanor, but this was not an option anymore. It was almost as if Fleetfoot had planned this.

Within a quick second he had closed in on her and took her in his arms, and with the gentlest of hands stroked her cheek. She felt her defenses melt, and inside her mind she began to panic. Her body betrayed her though at this weakness, a weakness only Fleetfoot had known about.

"See Spitfire, you can't break your old habits when your own body can't let them go." Wave said ever so softly, a weakness when paired with soft touch. "Guess Rainbow will have to live with the smutty Wonderbolt Captain, either that or she can leave you to all of Equestria again."

The sick delight in his voice and the use of Rainbow's name instantly broke his hold on her body. She broke away from his hold and in one vicious swing broke his nose. No one was going to take her Rainbow away, and fury had saved her this day.

"You dare bring Rainbow Dash into this you dirty two faced piece of scum?" Spitfire roared at the absolute limit of her temper. "I'll tear you a new one so big, all that training Fleetfoot gave you won't matter one bit!"

"Ow, you tramp!" he shouted holding his nose in pain. "You broke my nose, my bucking nose!"

"And I'm about to break the rest of your face, now hold still!" she said taking a threatening step toward the steel blue stallion.

"Not today, boys give me a hand!" he commanded backing away.

Out of the crowd filed ten to twenty thugs to block Spitfire. She looked to Misty who still just laid pitifully in the dirt below her, and it was surprising that she hadn't blocked Wave Chill from her assault. Even though that had happened, the dirty stallion had brought his goon squad with him.

"You freakin' coward, get out here and take yer beating like a real stallion!" Spitfire shouted.

"I think not Captain, you don't control me any more." he answered his voice sounding odd as his nose had swollen. "Plus, I think you've done enough damage, to me and to Misty Fly. Considering I will never be seeing her again!"

As Spitfire looked at Misty, her heart sank. The pale yellow mare's eyes wide in pain, that one statement may have broken her old friend entirely. That coward pulled anyone he could into a fight to shield himself, and this had to have been Fleetfoot's handiwork. But despite this, the golden mare still had one question: Why?

He retreated and the crowd, for once, stayed to see if Misty Fly had been okay. Spitfire rushed through the crowd to her friend, and the presence the pale yellow mare gave off was disjointed, and broken. As she knelt down beside her Misty spoke.

"Guess things didn't quite go as planned did they Spitty?" she said with a cracked smile.

"Oh Misty, this isn't the time." she cooed softly to her hurt friend. "Let's go back to my brother's house, we can talk there."

"Okay, that sounds nice." she agreed pleasantly.

Spitfire helped Misty back onto her feet, and they proceeded to limp to the outskirts of town before flying off together toward Rapidfire's home. Her friend's demeanor becoming hidden from sight the closer they got, it would be hard prying her open again. Just like an oyster, Spitfire hated oysters.


Wave Chill got up from his lavish bed, in which an arctic blue mare laid without clothes on silently. He on the other hand got on his pants and walked over to the large scenery viewing window and pulled the curtains aside. In clear view was the setting moon, but it felt cold and lonely somewhere in the stallion's mind.

He had everything money, power, a mansion, all the best foods, servants, friends, mares, and not to mention the most enticing of those mares was his own personal pet. Though she only let him have total control of her, she played dominatrix to every other stallion. They spent hot steamy nights together quite frequently and then slept next to one another till the morning light woke them. So why did he feel like it wasn't enough?

He sighed and those violet eyes filled his vision once again, and he groaned almost punching the window in his anger.

"Why must she constantly follow me, why must she haunt my visions and dreams, why does she care so much, why can't she just leave me alone?" Wave mumbled aloud not noticing the presence approaching him.

She slipped her arms around him from behind wearing one of his bath robes her presence was a welcome sedation to the mare that plagued his mind. He felt her press herself up against him reminding him gently of the body that was his to own, but a part of him screamed out that this was wrong. He wanted to kill it so badly but that part of him was rather illusive.

"What's wrong Chill, you keep relaxing and tensing up." the arctic blue mare said in a sultry tone. "Is something on your mind? Something I can, ease?"

"I ran into Misty Fly and Spitfire today Fleetfoot." he admitted through a sigh.

Fleetfoot tensed behind him but relaxed just as quickly, "Oh did you, and how did that go?"

"Well in the end I smacked Misty around and forced her face into the dirt, telling her to stop pursuing me cause I wasn't interested in a useless mare like her." Wave told her, although it wasn't totally true. "And then I did what you told me to do to Spitfire. It worked like a charm at first but..."

"But what my dearest Master?" the temptress of a mare dug deeper.

"At the first mention of Rainbow Dash, she flipped." he admitted shuddering at her fury. "Taunting her about losing Dash was enough to spark her fury to break my hold on her. Truth be told that's actually why my nose was broken when I came back."

"Oh really now, that's interesting to know about her."

"It doesn't bother you that I lied about how my nose was broken?"

"Not really, you had your reasons I'm sure." she said pressing her body against Wave Chill again. "Now hun, come back to bed. Your mare has some...needs that she would like you to attend to."

She turned him around, grabbed him by his front belt loops, and began pulling him back towards the bed.

"Again?" he questioned in surprise. "That's five times tonight!"

Fleetfoot pulled him close as they got near the bed and whispered to him, "I don't see you complaining about it, or telling me no."

She had pulled open her robe just so slightly, and one look over her bare body was enough as he tackled her into the bed and gave her exactly what she wanted so badly. Unbeknownst to him though, she was planning how to handle this new reformed Spitfire and dispose of Misty Fly before she could break Fleetfoot's hold on Wave Chill. There were so many variables to be removed for her to be victorious, but it was going to be foals play for her to accomplish.

The old Spitfire would be proud of what I've accomplished in such a short time, I'll never be her shadow...I will be greater than her!


"He told me that he still cared for me, but he enjoys his new life far greater." Misty Fly admitted to Spitfire, tears in her eyes. "That he would rather have his pet Fleetfoot's supple body at his beck and call. But what was odd was, that just before you broke in he whispered something almost to himself."

"What was that Mist?" the fiery maned pegasus could barely contain herself.

"He said, I'm sorry."

There it was, the proof that Spitfire needed. Despite his vaunted strength after looking Misty in the face, he was still in there hiding away behind who he had become and the shame that went with it. What seemed odd was that he seemed to have formed a type of affection for Fleetfoot that wouldn't break easily either. He would be torn apart if Spitfire tried to do anything, but did the arctic blue mare even really care about Wave Chill?

The two former Wonderbolts had secluded themselves to Spitfire's room upon arrival, with no quarrel from Soarin' or Rainbow. After the fiery maned mare convinced her friend to calm down they had sat down at a table and got to talking, and even caught up a great deal. They learned too much about what they had seen, and Spitfire even learned that Misty had maintained her virginity. Despite what types of degradation she had gone through before the golden mare came into the picture.

Spitfire was proud her friend had managed to maintain her purity through all of this, unlike herself. She told Misty about Valkyrie and her love interest, about Rapidfire not changing much, and talked her ear off about Rainbow Dash.

"Wow, you're really smitten with her aren't ya?"

"I was willing to destroy Wave Chill earlier over his comment, so I'd say yeah I really am."

"Not like you to ignore consequences like that." Misty commented plainly. "I'm glad you didn't though. I have one question though, was what he did to you...did it really weaken you?"

Spitfire did not want to admit to it but for a moment she felt like she slipped back into her old ways, and if he had said the right words she would have given in to her temptations. The right words though required practiced finesse to pull off, and that was something that worried her about Fleetfoot. That mare had used that method dozens of times after she figured it out on the athletic golden mare.

She shivered at the heated memories that arose in her mind, and she had to end this quickly.

"Rainbow get in here!" she shouted.

Rainbow Dash entered the room a look of shock on her face, "What's going on Spitfi--mmph!"

Spitfire jumped up from her chair and pulled Dash into a quick powerful kiss that lasted several moments before they parted again.

"Ah, much better!" the golden mare sighed. "Thank you hun!"

"I seriously don't know what just happened here." Dash said dazed.

"Just know that you kept me strong." Spitfire said with a radiant smile.

"Well, I'll take that as a yes to my question." Misty said blinking rapidly in surprise. "But Spitfire what if--"

"Misty dear," the fiery maned mare turned to her friend now. "...let's not talk about this anymore tonight. I'm just happy to have you back."

In reality, Spitfire did not want to worry Rainbow about the plausible problem in the future until it was absolutely necessary. She wasn't sure exactly how to tackle the problem with Wave Chill let alone his actual puppet master Fleetfoot. Misty Fly was going to have her own mountains to overcome in her heart. In such a small time the golden pegasus found herself up to her neck in problems she had no idea how to break down.

Now the good doctor's plan...seems like an actual punishment!

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