• Published 24th May 2014
  • 1,578 Views, 341 Comments

This Bright Blazing Future - Dynasty-Kaine

Sequel to Our Pasts That Haunt Us. It has been a month since the last events of Rainbow's turbulent loss of Applejack, but from the ashes of that loss a glimmer of hope shows among all the terrible things going on around her. ANTHRO.

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Chapter 39: My Eyes Open For Your Future

Dash awoke in the embrace of her love the night before her wedding. Her mind had been whirling with ideas to make the day so special Spitfire would never forget it. Yet she couldn't think what to do about any of the ideas. She had to work on gently prying herself free of Spitfire's grasp so she wouldn't awaken. The cyan mare needed to go for a fly and clear her head, an action she did more frequently than she'd like to admit now days.

She managed to free herself and get dressed in more appropriate clothes for the flight. It was around midnight when she took off from her cloud home. She circled the town for a time taking in all of the beautiful scenery that seemed to glow in Luna's evening moon. After a time she began to wonder to herself, Is this really the direction of my life? It felt odd to think this considering all the good in her life, but knowing her she was just being paranoid.

During her little daydream she hadn't realized that she was now circling Sig's home. She noticed the lights were still on so she decided to ask her father for his opinion on tomorrow, and maybe weasel more out of him about how he was still alive. Which she knew she wouldn't get, but it was worth a try. She came to land gently on the yard between the shop and his home and approaching the door she could hear music. A soft playback of piano with an acoustic guitar. It was rare for Sig to pick up that old thing. She crept closer to listen in on his song as he started again...

What have I become,
My sweetest friend?
Everyone I know,
Goes away,
In the end,

And you could have it all,
My empire of dirt,
I will let you down,
I will make you hurt...

If I could start again,
A million miles away,
I would keep myself,
Cause I would find a way...

Dash could only feel tears streaming down her face but she didn't know why, the song sounded so sad yet so utterly real. It was like he was saying goodbye again... She couldn't bear that thought easily. She was about to go knock when her father opened the door and simply said, "Come in, you lil' lurker you."

"I am not lurking!" She replied indignantly.

"I could hear you crying after the first chorus, blind person hearing member?" he said mockingly.

"That's not fair dad!" Rainbow cried out.

"And neither is you lurking on my blind person musical brooding, the night before your wedding." Sig returned flatly. "Which reminds me, why are you up with that tomorrow?"

She entered his house and went straight to his messy couch and sat on his piles of papers. Making herself quite comfortable, she knew he was too quick for his own good. He would notice her odd behavior. He would notice that she was spitefully taking revenge on the stallion for making a show of her like that.

"Hey now, do you even care if those are important?"

"Blind person writing now dad?" she retorted with sarcasm.

"Maybe?" He answered scratching his head in vain. "So what's on your mind then, big day tomorrow after all?"

She knew he wouldn't miss a beat, he was after all a gifted musician. For what that was worth.

"I don't know, just distracted with all my thoughts as usual." she vaguely dodged.

"Oh, got some creative plans to make it the best day ever huh?" the stallion answered simply finding a chair and pulling it over in front of her. "But... I'd guess too many to decide on just one am I right?"

"I swear, you know me too well sometimes dad."

"What can I say, it's a gift." He said puffing out his chest proudly.

"You're right though, but I really don't know which ideas to pick."

They sat in silence for a time before he spoke plainly, "I'd suggest music to pull on her heartstrings personally."

"Well yeah, that's one of my ideas since I can play now but..." Dash hesitated for a moment before going on. "...I don't know if I can play and sweep her off her feet. Ya know dad?"

"Oh yeah, I know that one." He answered remembering his own wedding to Silent Storm. "Maybe have someone you know play for you? After all, I have to give you to Spitfire still so..."

"What, you wanna help?"

"Are you serious Dash, after all we've been through you think I'd say 'No'?"

She shrugged in submission. She wasn't even sure what she was thinking or feeling right now about tomorrow. Some would be excited, some scared of their coming nuptials, but Dash felt an oddly awkward calm about it. It almost made her feel hollow. Something inside her was trying to warn her of something, but what was it? She looked to her dad and saw a look of perplexed confusion there.

"Wh-What are you looking at me like that dad?"

He reached up and brushed a tear out of her eye, "You're crying, your hair is all tussled, and you look like shit honestly."

She was shocked, wasn't he blind?

"Now that my vision is returned I can see just how messed up your body language is."

"Wait, you can see again?" She shouted.

"You're getting married today so... Yeah, that was my deal with death." Sig answered calmly. "If that isn't proof enough that this will be true, I dunno what else I can do for you kiddo."

"Well I'd say you could get the band together for my wedding, Spits is a huge fan after all." she retorted with a cocky smile.

"That's already done actually." He answered with a smile. "Kinda figured you'd want a band for entertainment so I booked the best... ME!"

"You are shameless dad... No wonder you adopted me!" She laughed so hard in that moment.

She realized her stony calm attitude was her way of expressing her anxiety at the marriage that was coming. As per usual though, Signature Sandwich had helped her to laugh again. It was a great thing to have her father back in her life, it was a dream that most ponies never got to experience. She silently thanked Celestia for putting him in this world and giving him back. She may not be here without the elder stallion.

"Hey kid I can tell you what song will hold a lot of memory for and melt the heart of Spits till she is mush in your hands!" Sig broke in with excitement. "In fact, if you want we can work it into how your I do's go. Can I do it? I bet you even know the words to it!"

"More than likely dad, but what else can we do?" She got enthusiastic herself now. "I mean this has to be the best day ever for Spitfire. I don't want her to ever forget it!"

The father daughter duo began their plotting together happily for another hour or so until Dash passed out on the couch. Sig knew he had another place to get to, though if he tried to explain how he knew... Not a soul would believe him.


Spitfire awoke moments after Dash had left, and she knew the younger mare had a lot on her mind. Maybe she was even trying to organize her thoughts of how to surprise her tomorrow as, no doubt, she wanted to make it the best day ever. The golden mare would gain nothing by worrying at this point though as she couldn't stop her betrothed's actions. She was herself, also a bit on edge the more she thought about tomorrow.

"Heh, now I get why Dash went on a flight." She mused sullenly. "Miracles surround her though, so she will be fine. Maybe a flight wouldn't hurt any for me either, I get this feeling she will crash at her dad's. So I don't have to wait."

She laughed at this thought as she knew she would be right. Dash had clung to any moment she could spend with her father since he came back into her life. Though knowing her love, she went for advice on whatever she had been feeling that woke her from her restless sleep. She got dressed as well and headed to the window for a flight as well. Something was sitting in the pit of her stomach as well, but she could keep it quiet more easily than Dash. Life experiences and all.

She looked at the clock as she turned and leaped from the window. One in the morning, looks like neither of them were getting the best sleep, but these sorts of things happened. She was two months from turning 30 so it was expected that it would be harder to come by sleep with her age. At least, that was how she felt. With all she had experienced in the past five years it was expected that she was tired, and it is a wonder she never actually picked up smoking. Out of everything she had done in her life oddly enough.

Her journey took her all over Ponyville until eventually she came to a park on the outskirts of town that she and Dash had once walked to on their casual date night long ago. The moon lit up the atmosphere around her with clouds occasionally taking the light for a brief moment before returning it. Crickets chirped and owls hooted in the distance, it was utterly peaceful. As she walked along the dirt paths thinking to herself how beautiful it was here she heard a voice suddenly break into her revelry.

"What is it with you two and interrupting my evening?" came Sig's exhausted voice.

She turned and saw the green stallion sitting on a bench... Smoking.

"I didn't know you smoked Sig." she answered moving closer.

He coughed a bit before replying, "I don't, but you two are driving me to take a little chance this evening."

"Can you spare a smoke fer me?" she asked sweetly.

"Didn't know you smoked." he answered tilting his head curiously.

"I don't, but considering events its a miracle I never did until now."

"Yeah no, you just did worse things to yourself with drugs and alcohol." he gently reminded her giving her a small cigarette and then lighting it for her as she sat beside him. "So I guess it won't hurt you none."

She took a long satisfying drag on the death stick and at once felt her tense muscles loosen up. She exhaled a massive cloud of smoky vapors with such satisfaction. She wondered what the stallion could be doing out here at this late hour, but she didn't pry in the least. leaving conversation to him may have been the best option for her.

"Worried about the future?" Sig said suddenly.

"A little bit honestly." Spitfire shifted uncomfortably.

"Diligence and patience is what she needs most from you, and no normal level of understanding as well." the stallion said cryptically to her as he shifted himself to face her. "Otherwise your temper will betray you Spitfire. Yet there is always hope for you to be the happy ending she ultimately needs, and that's why I trust giving her to you. Hope."

The stallion took a drag of his own from the cigarette in his own hand, and let it out softly. He was warning her of the future, and his eyes were crystal clear in that darkness that surrounded them as a cloud passed over the moon. He was looking right through her, and she would not deny that it felt extremely scary. Spitfire had no idea how to reply other than nod her ascent.

"So, Dash was bugging you too tonight eh?" the golden mare started casually. "What was she up to? More plans about the best day ever?"

"Pretty much, and I think my insight helped her to find an idea for you." he returned with a smile, but that smiled darkened quickly. "Though it will be for the last time that I can help."

"Heading home to the ether for the last rest?" she said calmly.

Spitfire wasn't shocked at his revelation in the least bit. Somewhere in her heart she knew that this, would be the stallion's last gift to his beautiful young daughter. To give her to another, and help entertain that after event before slowly being escorted from the stage. Probably to a hospital or hospice to live out his last bits of life on his own. She knew he was fading back to black. He was, after all, tethered to this realm by his love for Rainbow Dash.

"Heh you can tell that much, but you have no idea of the details." Sig answered with a sly smile flicking away his cigarette, now burned out. "You always seem to be quicker than Dash at realizing the darker truth... Even if you don't entirely know you have a slight grip. Remember, I'm leaving her in your hands Spitfire. Don't you let her go, and don't you stop taking care of her."

"Maybe somewhere in my heart I'm worried about where the road will take us I guess..." She admitted with the weight in her gut shifting.

"Me and Storm were too, but we faced it... Together." the stallion put his hand on her shoulder. "You just gotta have faith, even in the face of your own darkness."

"Yeah I suppose so... Will the mare to be, be spending the night at your place?" the mare asked taking the last drag of her cigarette and putting it out.

"She will be... Oh and before I forget..." Sig started to dig through his jacket pockets. "...Give her this, but only when you know the time is right. Oh wait, not in my pockets!"

He reached down under the bench and pulled up a small brown paper wrapped package. And envelope attached to it said: To my beloved daughter, Rainbow Dash. Her only question as she reached out to take the package was instantly answered.

"Don't worry... You will know when." Sig smiled warmly. "Now you had best get home otherwise you are both gonna look like zombies for your wedding day!"

He was right. She sat the package down and reached forward and pulled him into a tight hug that he returned. This stallion was truly great and wouldn't ever be again someday. It made her sad to know that one day he would be gone, but she knew that when that day came she would have to be Dash's strength.

"Thanks for caring Signature."

"Get ready to call me dad soon!"

"I'll try not to!"

They both laughed with all their heart as they parted ways for the night. Tomorrow was the day that her and Dash had worked toward for years, and she wouldn't ruin it for anything.

Comments ( 8 )

Awesome, an update! Perfect end to my birthday! Thank you(even though you didn't do it intentionally)!

Thank you! I've been needing something good to read! Also why did you have to use Johnny Cash, he's my favorite, but always makes me break down from the feels, especially with that sort of contex.:fluttercry:

7851406 Then that has gotta be the best of coincidences! :pinkiehappy: Happy Birthday! :pinkiehappy:
7852136 Because oddly enough Johnny Cash was what actually pulled me together to start writing this chapter...now i have to remember the music i had picked for the wedding :applejackunsure:...may take time but it will work. I'm glad you enjoyed the writings.:twilightsmile:

Great work as usual. It's always enjoyable returning to this story (especially after reading some of the warhammer books. Bit of light always helps to brake the grimdarkness of those stories).

Hope your plans for the wedding are good, can't wait to see what you write:pinkiehappy:

7870471 Thank you for the appreciation! I don't quite know how to start it... Keep conceptualizing it but, keep losing the ideas. BAH! I will finish it somehow...just gotta work out the kinks.

Huh...my mom was just telling me the other day about how my grandpa (her dad) Would sit and, listen to Johnny Cash on a loop. Johnny Cash, was his favorite musician.

Anyway~! Finally made time for this! Put Pokemon Sun and, Moon aside, work, even though that's making me a bit more tired lately and, the ability to not get good nights sleep for the pass few days. I've finally read this!

This was very good~. Kinda how I feel about RP when one of mine and, friend's character get married. Cause, I gotta think how to show that character the best afterwords which I'm somewhat good at and, the vows part..which I'm not so good at. XD

And, once again, I've been teased with a perfect set up for that beautiful song "Guide you home" from the ending of Spyro... We'll see were that goes cause you'll find something even better. XD

7900322 Okay trust me, there is something good if you listen to it (Whenever I write the damn thing), and there is going to be a lot of music...in fact...call the last chapter bittersweet. Then I got a damn epilogue to write:ajbemused:...that should be fun actually:derpytongue2:. But putting all the ideas in my head when its spinning with so much other stuff...Whew! That is the tough part of being an adult these days...I think?
Thank you for the compliment on the johnny cash song btw...anyone pay attention to the mood it set up? :trollestia: Difficulty and trials of life await!

That was a good story!

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