• Published 24th May 2014
  • 1,576 Views, 341 Comments

This Bright Blazing Future - Dynasty-Kaine

Sequel to Our Pasts That Haunt Us. It has been a month since the last events of Rainbow's turbulent loss of Applejack, but from the ashes of that loss a glimmer of hope shows among all the terrible things going on around her. ANTHRO.

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Chapter 18: What Comes Next

Spitfire giggled like a little filly, "Come here big boy and let me take care of you tonight!"

Soarin shook his head to clear the memory from flooding his senses again, he had more important things to think about right now. His dark, grey-blue mane rustling in the breeze as he flew for Rapidfire's home with haste. He had been told that Spitfire crossed paths with Misty Fly, and, from what he knew of that situation, could not have ended well for the Wonderbolt Captain.

Yet in his mind, he knew he was going to have to start brainstorming ideas to pass on to the golden mare. If she was ever going to make progress on Misty Fly and Wave Chill she was going to need some form of help. Every time that the stallion began to think of ways to help Spitfire though, it immediately switched over to the memory of their bad past. It was blocking him from being effective, almost like it was trying to keep him away from her. Defending him against her.

He had to land and found a sturdy little cloud that would make a good point to clear his head. Soarin maneuvered his large wings to slow himself enough to land easily upon the surface, but upon landing collapsed into a kneeling position. The pale blue stallion was shocked that his legs gave under him after such a short flight. The memories flooding back again, which he pushed aside one more time as he stood up and looked out at the horizon.

"Maybe it is time I confronted my own feelings..." Soarin said to himself wistfully. "...About the memory and Spitfire. If I don't come to grips with this then she'll suffer for it."

The stallion let out a breath as he exhaled, it was peaceful here on this cloud. Maybe if he just let the memory fully shake him, he could find the way to disabling his defenses against helping her. It was a long shot the pale blue stallion could admit, but he had to try something at this point. Soarin sat down and let himself relax, and as the memory came back to him once again he let it take shape in his mind.

He let it all flow into him, analyzing it with all he could muster. The night he escorted her home, what she had said and done to get him into bed with her, the feeling as their bodies connected in the most pleasurable way the stallion ever knew, waking up the next morning alone, and then the bar scene. The Wonderbolt remembered walking away from the bar phone in hand calling the police anonymously, believing that would get the best results.

Yet, it had done nothing but cement Fleetfoot's place in this entire thing. The mare had become the indisputable heir of Spitfire's disgusting legacy, the new queen who pushed every limit beyond belief. Soarin began to tense up at the thought of what the silver maned mare did with her time, and it wasn't the Wonderbolt Captain's fault Wave Chill became what he did. It was all Fleetfoot's doing.

It was at this moment a realization hit him like a brick, and it made a lot of sense when he considered it.

What if I'm subconsciously blaming Spitfire for everything that happened, even the stuff she didn't actually do?

It was a sobering thought to realize he was secure with the memory of how she hurt him, but what if he blamed her for every person she effected with her actions. Not to mention the actions those ponies took after Spitfire left for rehabilitation. That was a thought that he hadn't concerned himself with in the least, but maybe it was time to do so. After all, Spitfire would need to know just how bad things became after she left, and Soarin was the only one who could give her those details and more.

How can I do that if I haven't even confronted those memories myself?

He began to feel very ashamed of himself for giving Spitfire such a hard time when he wasn't entirely together himself. Maybe it was time to confront what happened so he can give his Captain, no his friend, all the information he could. The pale blue pegasus pondered as to where he should begin, and found himself stumped quickly.

There were many places he could dive in from, but which one would get him the answers he truly needed? It took him some time but Soarin found the place in his memories that he should start from. The week that Fleetfoot began to convert Wave Chill's moderated easy-going personality, into one of sadistic domination and greed.


It was at a show to be held in Manehatten for charity that things began. The majority of the team had been in the locker room getting ready for practice before the show that evening. All of the team except Fleetfoot and Wave Chill. Misty Fly began to look about in a worried manner not being able to locate the stallion everyone knew she had a crush on.

In the next moment, they came through the doors in a fashion Soarin could not stomach in the least. Fleetfoot had been drug into the locker room wearing a leash and collar in only a black bra and panties by none other than Wave Chill. The stallion had a look in his eyes that the pale blue temporary Captain had never seen before, and it disturbed him greatly to see Fleetfoot kneeling at his hooves.

"See Master didn't I tell you that you would enjoy this power greatly?" the arctic blue mare touted submissively.

"I do." was his answer as a sadistic smile crept across his face. "And I demand that you show me more of this world Fleet!"

"What in the name of Celestia are you two doing?" Soarin roared in anger. "We have a show to practice for still, and we can't afford to lose any more members of the team to a jail sentence!"

Fleetfoot looked at the pale blue stallion with a mocking defiance in her fuchsia eyes before turning to the steel blue stallion. He simply nodded to her.

"Well Soary boy, we both know how that would end." she turned on him in a moment. "You know first hand that I'd use what I've got to get out of it. Not like they could arrest me for public indecency anymore, and I'd do anything to make sure they left Master Wave out of it as well."

"Soary boy? Master Wave? What the hell is this to you Fleetfoot, a game?" the Wonderbolt growled at his teammate. "How long will it be before you realize nothing good can come of what you're do--"

"Cut the crap story, guilt trip Soarin!" the steel blue pegasus spoke up. "Plenty of good is coming of Fleet's actions, maybe you should just mind yer own damn business?"

"There is not a chance that I will do that as interim Captain!" the pale blue pegasus retorted. "Especially when what she is doing is tearing the team further apart!"

"Well, if you would all just let down your barriers to what I'm doing, it wouldn't be tearing the group apart." the arctic blue mare countered suggestively. "In fact, it would make us all a little bit closer to one another. If you know what I mean?"

At this point Misty Fly's eyes went wide and she squeaked as she made the connection in her mind. She had to have been one of the most innocent Wonderbolts out of every bizarre personality on this crazed team. Fleetfoot's gaze quickly shifted to the innocent pale yellow mare, and a smile spread across her face before she turned back to her Master.

Soarin thought they were going to do something more to Misty Fly, but the event never came to pass. Instead they did more of their master/servant or whatever it was play, and when the steel blue stallion would make a mistake she would correct him with physical incentives. It was like she was grooming him for her own uses, whatever they may be.

When it came time for the show that evening it went without a hitch, everyone performed their part perfectly. Fleetfoot and Wave Chill got dressed again and left without a second thought though the instant they were done. Soarin managed to catch Misty before she left, laying a hand softly on her shoulder.

"Hey Misty, can I have a word with you right quick?" the pale blue pegasus started.

"S-Sure Soarin, what's up?" the pale yellow mare stuttered.

"I know you have your affections to tend to, but please promise me you will avoid him for the time being?" the Wonderbolt asked kindly.

"Who might you be talking about Cap'n?" she said with a fake smile.

"Misty, you know exactly who." the stallion answered in exasperation. "Be careful, I don't want to see you get swallowed up by this as well."

"Oh don't you worry about it Soary, I'll be fine!" she said moving away from him and starting to leave. "Well I gotta get home now, see you tomorrow!"

Once he stood there alone his mind broke, she had called him "Soary" the very name Fleetfoot had mocked him with. He also knew that she didn't usually go straight home after a show, she was going to track down Fleetfoot and Wave Chill. Her crush on that stallion was going to be the end of her since Fleet got her hook in him first.

What can I do to stop this from getting any worse?

"Hey Captain, if you are worrying about that scene today." came the deep tone of Rapidfire. "Then have I got a warning for you."

"Oh really Rapid, what could be worse than that?" Soarin said sarcastically as he dramatically flailed his arms.

"I think Fleetfoot is trying to put together a mock harem of sorts." the pale fiery maned pegasus suggested walking over to him.

"What, why would you say that?" answered in shock.

"Well seeing as she made a pass at me not five seconds before her and her Master left the arena, I've learned quite a bit more than I needed to from her." Spitfire's brother answered unphased by what he had said entirely. "If you ask me this team is going to hell in a hamster ball at light speed."

"Wow that was a colorful analogy." Soarin was stunned for a second before looking grim again. "So what did you learn from her?"

"Look buddy, I know you are trying to hold the team together for my sister." Rapid started with a sigh. "Cancel the next show, Fleetfoot is gonna pull something that isn't exactly family friendly."

"What Rapid, do you know what Nydus will do to me if I even suggest something like that without proof?" the pale blue stallion shouted.

"Do you know what he will do to you if she succeeds in showing off the little smut group, she has already assembled, to a packed stadium of mixed crowd opinions?" Spitfire's brother countered stoically.

Never mind it's already gone from bad to worse, I'm gonna have to tell Nydus.

Soarin hung his head pitifully in defeat, he knew he couldn't keep back the tide that Fleetfoot was amassing against him. So he was going to have to cut her stage out from under her entirely. Problem after problem had arisen from what Spitfire had done, and all of those issues were so conveniently dropped onto his shoulders.

"Thank you Rapidfire." the pale blue pegasus said hollowly standing up and walking toward Nydus' temporary office. "I'm putting an end to this."


His eyes opened as he confirmed what he feared about himself.

"I did blame you for everything...even the weight of what fell on my shoulders afterward." Soarin muttered weakly. "But if you are determined to put things right again, then so help me, I will be there to help fix it this time!"

The pale blue stallion resolved himself to put things right, he had failed Misty Fly that day and that could not be overlooked anymore. Leaping with all his strength into the sky he took flight once again for Rapidfire's home, he knew he would arrive the morning of the next day.

Though it would take time to arrive he began constructively thinking about methods he could suggest to Spitfire to try out in changing what Misty and Wave Chill were doing. He smiled brightly as he felt he could truly be of use to his Captain again!

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