• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 5,165 Views, 83 Comments

Stuck - NickyD

I was driving home one evening and my car runs out of gas. So I try to get more, but as I was walking to the gas station, I get zapped by a purple lightning bolt and end up in a world of talking ponies. How did this happen? And why does this world lo

  • ...

Lunch Time

12:35 P.M.

"Wait wait wait," I say to Rainbow Dash. The two of us are at a small cafe waiting for our food to arrive. I ordered a cucumber sandwich, because that sounds like it's the only thing I can eat in this place. Rainbow Dash ordered something called a daffodil sandwich. "So you and Rarity were competing at the same time in the contest, her magically crafted wings burned in mid-air, so you had to save her and three elite fliers?" She already gave me the whole Wonderbolts talk about who they are the best fliers in Equestria. She even mentioned she was able to part take in the trials to join, which is a big deal to Rainbow.

"That's pretty much it," Rainbow Dash says.

"Boy, that's really something," I say impressed.

"I know right? Okay, now you have to tell me a story. Something really interesting."

"Hmm." I rub my index finger and thumb on my chin. How can one top a story like that? Saving a friend, and a few others, from an almost certain death? Come to think of it, I'm not sure if I have too many interesting stories. I have already told her that my highlight in my life is that I am an entertainer and a performer. "I don't know."

"Oh, come on! You have to have something. You're a performer for goodness sake. You have something interesting. Some funny behind the scenes stories maybe?"

"Well...I do have something that is both awkward and humorous. Interesting, I don't know."

"Alright, lay it on me Nick. I wanna hear it."

"Okay, so during one play practice for a production I was in , the cast and crew were on break. We just finished a scene that involves background music and it's a fun song . So during break, the guy who is in charge of playing the music plays the song. The cast and crew of the production are all dancing, having fun. Me and my friend, Kayla, were dancing with each other, having fun and all. As the two of us are dancing, I have a strange feeling someone is behind me. I turn around and notice my buddy Connor, who is shirtless and is sort of-scratch that, IS rubbing his bare, hairy chest on my shoulder." I see Rainbow Dash trying to contain a couple chuckles.

"You have some weird friends." Calling us weird? I'm the one talking to a Pegasus who should be the new Skittles mascot. Then again, that's considered normal here, and she is right.

"A lot of us theater kids are weird."

"Why would he do that?"

"I don't know. Like what you said, weird friends." I then take a quick sip from my glass of water that the two of us received earlier when we were seated.

"To be honest, your friends seem normal compared to Pinkie. No disrespect to her, of course."

"How so? She just seems very energetic if you ask me."

"She is able to break any and all laws of physics for one thing. For example, she was able to squeeze herself into a mailbox."

"Okay, that is pretty weird, but that's-"

"She once had a flying contraption to fly up high enough to the clouds."

"I'm not sure how-"

"That contraption was no where in sight when I saw her on the ground. She literally pulled that contraption from nowhere."

"Maybe she-"

"She also at one point made clones of herself and the town was a muck because of it." She did that?

"How did she do that?" I ask, finally being able to complete a sentence.

"Something called a Mirror Pool, but that's a story in itself."

"Okay, so maybe she's a bit abnormal."

"If you want my opinion, "a bit" is an understatement." I think I should just take her word for it now. By this point, we see a waiter levitating a tray full of food. Rainbow Dash and I look at that waiter with anticipation, hoping he'll lay that sliver tray on the table we sit at. But he walks right past us to another table.

"Ah man. Thought that would be our food," I say sarcastically disappointed. "Happens almost every time I go to a restaurant."

"I've been there before. I think they purposely do that do disappoint their customers." Her stomach growls pretty loud now. "Now, I think I'm hungrier than earlier."

"Me too, I'm starving. Our food shouldn't take this long. They're sandwiches for goodness sake! It should literally take two minutes to make both of them."

"Well, it's a tad bit more crowded than usual. They have to serve others too."

"True." There is an awkward pause for a moment. I just look around aimlessly, just taking in the surroundings. Rainbow taps her hooves on the table, making a beat. She keeps the beat going on. It's steady and easy to rock to. "Dash keep that beat going."

"Umm....okay," She says unsure-like. The pegaus keeps tapping her hooves in that beat and rhythm. I know what must be done. here. I rock my head easy and formulate what I'm gonna say.

"Uh, uh, check it, check it,
Now I'm chilling with the girl they call RD,
Not looking like it, but damn she's a smarty,
Giving me a beat, I give out rhymes,
Y'all ready for story time?"

Rainbow rocks her head to the beat and my rhymes. A huge smile is plastered on her face, clearly enjoying this. Time to put on a show.

"Sometime ago, I was hit by a bolt,
Caused by Twi, but it wasn't her fault,
Landed in an acre, owned by the Apples,
Confused, leaving my brain all rattled,
Twi introduced, me to the crew,
With my time here, what we gonna do?
Rarity creating, Pinkie Pie baking
And a solution, that Twi is making
Music my passion, here outlasting,
My words...are blasting
One final thing that I have to say:
Where's our food? Is it on the way?"

"Oh my goodness!" Rainbow almost belts out, leaving me grinning. "Dude, that was awesome." She puts her hoof out to me and I bump my fist to it.

"Thanks. I don't free style often, but I give it a whirl when I can," I say being modest as I can.

"Hey dude, that is some talent right there."

"Thanks." Rainbow and I sit in silence again for a few moments, until I see two ponies take their seats behind Rainbow. Getting a good look at them, I see that it's the two ponies that were behind the mayor earlier. The cream colored one's back is towards me and the teal colored one is facing my way.

"Hey, aren't those the two ponies we saw when we were talking to the mayor?" I ask Rainbow Dash in a whispered voice. She turns her head slightly and looks out the corner of her eye, then turns back to me.

"Yeah, it looks like it."

"Do you know them by any chance?"

"Sort of. If I remember correctly, the teal one's name is Lyra and the cream colored one is Bon Bon." I take a quick glance at the presumptive Lyra. The second my eyes make contact with her golden ones, she puts her head down and buries her face into a menu. I can barely hear her mumble something through her menu. She's probably whispering something to Bon Bon.

"I wonder what those two are talking about?" I whisper.

"Maybe they're nervous that you noticed them." Rainbow Dash points out.

"If they're nervous, then why would they be at the table behind us?" I inquire.

"Hm...maybe they're not nervous, but curious," the pegasus suggests.

"Curious about what?" Rainbow Dash now gives me one of those looks that say: "Seriously? You're joking, right?"

"You're a creature from another world. It's not too hard to figure out why they're curious, buddy." Well...I guess I sounded stupid for a second.

"Oh...right. Is it me entirely, or just one thing they wanna know?"

"Can't say." As discrete as possible, I try to get another look at the two mares behind RD. Bon Bon looks like she is turning her head. I can tell that she sees me looking out of the corner of her eye because she whips her head back to Lyra's direction. It's hard to tell, but I think she's whispering something to Lyra. Oh well, ponies are gonna talk, so let them.

I hear some sort of weird sound and some writing in front of me. I look up and see the teal colored pony levitate a pencil and writes, what I assume, are notes on her napkin. Then, she whispers or mumbles something to her friend. Observations and note taking too? Wonder what they're writing?

Rainbow turns her head slightly and sees what the unicorn is doing. "Seriously?" Rainbow mumbles. "She's taking notes?" RD brings her attention to me. "Want me to ask her to stop?"

"Nah," I say, swatting a dismissive hand. "She isn't bothering me."

"You sure? 'Cause I-"

"Nope," I interrupt her. "Just let her do her thing. She isn't hurting no one."

"If you say so." She and I have another moment of silence. Until she opens her mouth once more. "You know, can I ask you something?" My rainbow maned companion asks.

"You just did." Dash chuckles at the witty one liner.

"Funny. Well, I was at Applejack's earlier today and she said that you were calm when you first met her. I mean, you didn't freak out at the fact you were in a world unfamiliar to you. I mean, why so calm?"

"Well, I kind of freaked out, yes. But here's the thing, I was in a tree when I first saw her. I quietly panicked in my head, but I kept my cool. Panicking does not help at all. If I scream, she would scream, and things would just go downhill from there."

"Sir and ma'am, your food is ready," the stallion waiter says walking up to us and placing two plates in front of us. "If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask."

"Thank you very much," I say. As he walks away, I turn back to Dash. "Like that. When the waiter first saw me walk through the doors of this place, he looked like he was close to having a heart attack."

"His reaction was priceless," Rainbow says, snickering.

"But I kept calm. If I don't freak out, then it would be less likely he would. I did the same thing with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. They looked like they saw a monster when they saw me, but I kept my cool. If I do that, they would keep their cool."

"But what about Cheerilee? You didn't keep calm there." Dashie says this in between chews of her sandwich.

"She lost her cool. We were arguing. That is different."

"Fair enough." I take a bite of my sandwich. It's pretty good. The cucumbers where nice a cool, some white stuff what spread on the while bread. Quite tasty. Kind of wish I had some tea to go with this. "But not with Princess Celestia. I heard you sort of overacted when you met her."

"Well I didn't panic. There is a difference between panicking and overacting. It was just the fact that I have never met royalty."


"Yep. But back to the topic at hand, if you don't show any fear when others have no idea who or what you are, then they won't fear you. The best thing to do is to keep your composure and stay calm. If you do that, then others shouldn't have anything to worry about." I take another bite of my sandwich.

"I guess that makes sense."

Six minutes later

"Would you two care for dessert?" The waiter asks. Rainbow and I have already finished our quite delicious meals.

"Whatcha' say Nick? Got enough room in your stomach, 'cause I sure do?" the pegasus asks, patting her tummy.

"You're paying right?" I ask.

"Of course I- "

"What's on the dessert menu garcon?" I say interrupting my friend. Dash laughs at my little antic. I do have a bit of a sweet tooth. I do prefer healthy foods like good salad, a good portion carbs, and a great serving of protein is the way to go. But make sure to have some fruit and dairy in the mix as well. But I do like a good dessert at the end of the day.

"I'll fetch the dessert menus for you two," the waiter says, then walking away to get Dash and I some menus.

"Sweet tooth?" Rainbow Dash asks. I nod my head. "A lot of us in Ponyville have a bit of a sweet tooth. Especially Pinkie Pie." That kind of does make sense. Her being as energetic as she is, it's probably because of the sugar. "I love sweets as much as the next pony, make sure I don't have too much of it. It's bad for my health and could ruin physique." Amen to that sister.

The waiter returns to our table with two dessert menus in his hoof and he gives one to each of us. After thanking him, he moves on to another tables, leaving me and Dash too look over what delectable treats they serve here. There's chocolate cake with a scoop of your choice of ice cream, a build your own ice cream sundae, two cinnamon buns for the price of one, a root-beer float with vanilla ice cream and too many other things to list. "See anything you like Dashie?"

"I think I'll have cinnamon buns. You?"

"I think I'll take the root-beer float."

"Is that all?" I hear a voice say. I turn around and it's our waiter, and he gives me a bit of a jump scare.

"Yo! Dude, not cool," I say slightly hyperventilating. The waiter just snickers. How nice it is to laugh at my suffering.

"You're orders should be ready in a little bit." He writes down our orders and walks back to the kitchen to fufil our requests. .

"Was he behind me the whole time?" I ask Rainbow.

"Yes," she says with a huge smile. "I just didn't want to tell you."


"Because I thought you're reaction would be funny." Wow. Rainbow Dash has an odd sense of humor.

Five Minutes Later

"Your desserts," the waiter says placing our treats on the table. "Enjoy you two." And with that, he walks away. I take sip of the root-beer float through a straw and it tastes delicious. Probably not the number one root-beer float I have had, but it's still very good none the less. The vanilla ice cream and the brown, carbonated beverage compliment each other pretty well. Match made in heaven really.

"How is it?" Rainbow Dash asks.

"Really good," I reply. "How are the cinnamon buns?"

"Good as well. I can never refuse a good cinnamon bun."

"My brother would say the same thing." Seriously, when you mention cinnamon buns around my brother, he'll see who said it and constantly ask where they are until he finds them. And the second he finds them, he'll dive in. It's like Marshawn Lynch and skittles.

"He likes cinnamon buns?"

"Yeup. Whenever they are available at restaurants or parties, he almost always goes for them. And when he goes for them, there is no stopping him." Rainbow Dash chuckles and continues to enjoy her treat.

Two Minutes Later
(a lot of time skips aren't there?)

"I'm full," I say putting up my hands after I set my glass down.

"Me too," Rainbow says, throwing her hooves up in the air. "I got the check. Garcon, check please." Our waiter walks over and places a piece of paper on our table. Rainbow Dash pulls out a sum of gold coins from nowhere (Seriously! How does she do it!?) and pays for the bill.

"Thank you for dining with us and have a good day," our waiter says and then walks away.

"You ready to continue the tour?" RD asks.

"You bet, lets go," I say. The two of us get up and start to make our way to the exit, but then that teal colored pony from earlier stops us.

"Umm…" She says shyly. "You're Nick right?'


"I just wanted to say, welcome to Ponyville. I'm Lyra Heartstrings, and that's my friend Bon Bon."

"Well, thank you very much for the welcome Lyra, and it's a pleasure to meet you," I say in a chippy tone. "Hey, can I ask you a question?"


"What were you writing down? I noticed earlier, as you were looking me, you were taking notes or something. What was that?"

"To answer you question, I have to ask, are you a human?" Answering my question with a question? Interesting. Let's see how this plays o...wait, she knows about humans?

"Uh, yeah. How'd you know what I was?"

"There are some folk tales, stories and myths of humans. I always believed humans existed despite them being fictional, but everyone, especially my good friend here thought I was crazy." She points to Bon Bon and she gives me a smile with a wave. "Guess I was right all along Bon Bon." So there are stories about humans in this world? That's some crazy stuff there. If or when I get the chance, I should see if I can find any of these stories and see how Equestria depicts my race.

The earth pony leans closer to me and I lean closer to her. Looks like shes going to whisper something to me.

"I wont be hearing the end of this any time soon," she quietly tells me. I can't dispute that. Lyra is going to be boasting how she was right to any and everyone for a while.

"Well gals, it was nice meeting you," I say, "but Dash and I have a tour to finish up." As she and I exit, the two mares wave to us and we wave back, each of us with smiles on our faces.

By the time Dashie and I leave the cafe, I lean down and say, "Those two seem to be pretty cool."

"They appear so," Rainbow says. "So Nick, you ready to continue the tour?"

"Heck yeah!"