• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 5,165 Views, 83 Comments

Stuck - NickyD

I was driving home one evening and my car runs out of gas. So I try to get more, but as I was walking to the gas station, I get zapped by a purple lightning bolt and end up in a world of talking ponies. How did this happen? And why does this world lo

  • ...

Two Mares and a Party

Dream Sequence
Southern New Jersey
Saturday, 11:00 P.M.

“Man, I love this film,” Connor says chuckling while pointing to Pat’s TV screen. He, Pat and I have decided to get together for a movie night. I'm on the recliner in Pat’s living room while the other two are on the sofa that is parallel to the wall. We’re watching “The Music Man” and it is currently the scene where everyone in River City, Iowa is singing about trouble. I haven’t seen this film since middle school, but Connor and Pat have seen it multiple times.

“I remember seeing this scene for the very first time,” I say with nostalgia. The first time saw this film, in fact, was at the end of seventh grade. I used to be in band and at the end of the year, when there was no more shows to perform, the person who was leading band would show us some movies, and, one of them was “The Music Man”.

“You know, Sinatra was supposed to be the lead in this movie,” Pat says.

“I heard about that too,” Connor adds.

“Really?” I inquire. “Huh….well I can’t see Sinatra as Harold Hill.”

“I said the same thing! Sure it’d be cool, but I don’t think Frank Sinatra can pull off a character like Harold Hill.”

“Oh absolutely not,” Pat adds. It gets quiet for a moment and we return our attention to the movie.

“Hey, where’s Loretta?” I ask Connor after five minutes of being quiet. “Isn’t she supposed to be here?”

“Yeah, she should have been here by now.” Both Pat and I look at Conner. He just shrugs his shoulders. He then reaches for his pocket to pull out his cell phone. He gives out a grunt after looking at the screen.

“She’s still at work. She had to cover for someone for a while,” he says annoyed. Pat and I give out a groan. “She should be here in half an hour.”

“She missed a good chunk of the movie.”

“Hey boys, I’m ordering some pizza,” Patrick's mom calls from the other room. “You boys want any toppings?”

“Sausage!” Connor and Pat shout simultaneously.

“What about you Nick?”...I don’t know why, but I could have sworn, when Pat’s mom said my name, she had Twilight’s voice for a second. “Nick,” Twilight's voice calls out again. “Nick.”

End Dream Sequence
Ponyville, Equestria

“Nick, wake up sleepy head,” Twilight says, both chippy and lightly shaking me from my slumber.

“Uhh, five more minutes,” I grunt.

“I think you had plenty of sleep there pal. It’s 11:30 in the morning.”

“Oh come on that’s…..what time did you say it was?” I have to make sure Twilight said what I think she said.

“11:30.” OH CRAP!!

“I have to get ready!” I throw the covers off me and quickly get out of the bed.

“Ready for what?” Twilight asks confused. I run over to one of the bags of clothing and take off my shirt.

“I’m meeting up with Lyra and Bon Bon for lunch! And it’s almost lunchtime!” I rummage through the bag to find something good to wear. There’s the cross shirt, my red v neck, OH, let’s go with the “italian flag” outfit. I throw the white t-shirt and green short sleeved sweatshirt on. I’m hesitant to change my into my red shorts because Twilight is still here. I turn to look at her who is looking at me somewhat confused and lost.

“Twilight, can I have some privacy so I can finish getting changed?” She snaps out of some sort of trance the second I utter her name.

“Oh, sure!” She trots out of the room and magically closes the door behind her. Good, I can get changed without feeling watched. I don't mind taking off my shirt in front of others, but pants are a different story.

I take off my current shorts and put on the red cargos. Once they’re secure, I slip on the red, white and green basketball shoes. Man, this outfit is on point.

I jog out of the room and head into the bathroom, taking a quick look in the mirror. Clothing looks neat, I have my ring, watch and necklace on. I just need to comb my hair and brush my teeth quickly. I open one of the draws from the vanity and grab a comb. I turn the faucet on and put the comb under the running water for a couple of seconds. I bring the comb to my hair and let it run through my locks a few times. I pat my head once or twice to make sure my hair looks neat.

I grab some toothpaste and my toothbrush next. I squeeze the blue paste onto the bristles of the brush. I run the brush under the still running water for half a second. Oh hey! No toothpaste fell off the brush! I bring it up to my mouth and do the usual routine: get the back of my mouth, then front and back of the teeth to finish off. I do this for about two minutes and spit. I put my mouth under the running water to let some in. I swish the liquid around my mouth for a few seconds and spit that out. I look up and look at myself in the mirror. Hair looks good, clothing seems fine, nothing stuck in my teeth, everything seems okay. I don’t want too look ridiculous in front of Lyra and Bon Bon.

I jog downstairs and see Twilight who has a her face in a book. Nothing too different there. “Okay Twilight, I’m getting ready to go.”

“Before you leave,” Twilight says, “I have two things for you. One, take this.” She levitates a small brown sac to me. I take hold of it and feel something in there. I hear a little jingling in the sac too. It’s possibly something metallic. I open up the sac and see a small sum of bits inside.

“What’s this for?’ I ask.

“It to cover your tab.” Oh boy, she’s acting just like my mom. Whenever I go out to eat with my friends, she’ll always give me, like, ten or twenty bucks to pay for my portion of my meal, even if I have enough to pay for it myself. Then again, I don’t have a source of income here. So give out a light chuckle and grin at her.

“Thanks Twilight. And what’s the other thing you wanted to tell me?” She gives me a big grin and trots to me.

“It’s ready! I can send you home by tonight!”....is she serious? The spell enhancer is ready?!?! I can go home tonight?!?!

“I-It’s ready!?!?” I repeat to her, stuttering a little. “I-I can go home by tonight?!”

“Indeed. The solution just needs to settle. It’ll be ready by evening. Dusk at the earliest.” I don’t know what to say...this is amazing! My instincts are telling me to hug Twilight….and the next thing I know, I’m picking her up and giving her the tightest hug ever. I spin her around a little too. I’m so happy right now. I think there’s a tear in my eye. “I’m guessing you’re glad to hear that.”

“What gave it away?” I humorously say. This is incredible! I can go home tonight! I get to see my family and friends again. I know it wasn’t that long from seeing them, but knowing I get to see them after a while is an amazing feeling. I’m going home! “Thank you so much Twilight! You...you are truly amazing!”

“Aww, thanks Nick.” I place Twilight down and let her go. I can see she’s grinning. I guess my happiness is rubbing off on her. Or that she is happy to help someone in dire need. One or the other. “Okay, I’m holding you up, go see Lyra and Bon Bon and tell them I say hi.”

“Sure thing Twi. I’ll see ya when when I get back.” I quickly give her one more hug, then jog out the door, feeling like an almost free bird.

I reach Sugar Cube Corner in less than a minute. I stand about thirty feet from the entrance with my hands on my hips, eyeing up the establishment. I want to have a nice, good look at the store before I go home. Wait, maybe I don’t have too. After all, I am in a show’s world, I can just watch it on TV! I won’t exactly be seeing it in person, but I’ll still be seeing it regardless.

After twenty seconds of looking at Sugarcube Corner, I enter the establishment, looking (and smelling) the same as it did when Rainbow Dash showed me this place. I quickly find Lyra and Bon Bon at that little side table. Bon Bon has her back towards the entrance while Lyra is able to see me come in. She waves to me and Bon Bon turns around. “Hey girls,” I say, walking over to the table. I see an empty chair in between the two mares and point to it. “Saved me a seat?”

“Of course we did,” Lyra says. “Come sit down.”

“Thanks.” I take a seat in the empty chair and take quick glances at the two mares. Both smiling at me and me smiling back at them.

“You seem to be in a good mood,” Bon Bon says.

“How can you tell?”

“Well your grin is bigger than your face for starters.” Really? Is my grin that big now. Geez... “And we saw you ginning outside when you were looking at this place.” Must of saw me through a window.

“I think it’s obvious Bon Bon,” Lyra says. “The reason why Nick is in such a good mood is because he knew he was going to hang out with us today.” I chuckle a little at Lyra’s joke and Bon Bon gives out a light hearted chuckle. “That or something else.”

“Well, I did get some good news today,” I say.

“So, you're not in a good mood because you’re hanging out with us?” Lyra does a fake sad face, frowning, and flattening her ears. Aww...that’s actually kind of cute. I let out another chuckle and pet Lyra’s mane a little.

“Well I am happy to hang with you gals.” Lyra’s face does light up a little. Of course I’m just humoring her for her joke. “And, I found out I am able to return home today!” Two mare’s eyes go a little wide and their mouths open in surprise. I can tell it’s in the good way by just looking at them.

“Really? That’s great!” The two say simultaneously. They booth look at each other. “Jinx! Jinx again! Stop it….Stop repeating everything I say.” The two stop and squint at each other. Slowly, both of them say: “Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as….PICKLED ONIONS!!” Lyra and Bon Bon both groan out of annoyance. Funnily enough, both groans lasted the same length and are in the same register. Okay, this silliness needs to stop.

“Alright girls, it's a draw.”

“But in seriousness, that’s great you're going home sooner than expected,” Lyra tells me. “And the best thing about it is that you're spending your last day in Equestria with us.” She just loves to joke about herself sometimes, doesn’t she? Heh, reminds me of me at times. Suddenly, I hear somepony’s tummy rumbling. I notice Lyra putting a hoof over her stomach.

“Someone’s hungry,” I say. “So, what are we havin’?”

“Take a look at the menu,” Bon Bon says. “We haven’t ordered yet.” It wasn’t until Bon Bon said the word “menu” that I realized that there were a few white and pink colored menus laying on the table. Seeing no reason not too, I grab one and look over what they have. I’m a little surprised that they have a little more than desserts. They have small sandwiches (on bread or bagel), teas, fresh fruit cups, fresh fruit salads and parfaits. What to choose, what to choose? I may need some recommendations.

“What do you guys suggest I should have?”

“I really like their fruit salads,” Lyra says. “Fruit is always freshly cut and prepared just right. They got some watermelon-” WATAMALON!! “-apples from Sweet Apple Acres, fresh grapes courtesy of Berry Punch-” Who now? “-strawberries, honeydew, and some other fruits that I can’t think of right now.” I should ask if there are any bananas in it. Can’t have those.

“Sounds good.” I turn my attention to the cream colored mare. “What about you Bon Bon? What do you recommend?”

“Just like Lyra, I really enjoy the fruit salad, but I like the parfaits the most. They let you choose the yogurt you want and whatever you want layered in it.” Sounds tempting. “I like the vanilla yogurt and have granola layered on the top and their succulent strawberries in the middle.” Mmm...tasty!

“Hi Bon Bon! Hi Lyra! Hi Nick!” A familiar, bubbly, high pitched voice says very quickly. I turn my head and see none other than Pinkie Pie. You know, I haven’t seen much of Pinkie Pie this week aside from Sunday and the couple of minutes I was in here with Rainbow Dash. I spent most of my time with Twilight, Applejack, Rarity and Dash. I haven’t seen too much of Fluttershy or Pinkie. Shame really. I’m leaving today and I didn’t connect much with Fluttershy or Pinkie. “I hope everyone’s doing super today! ‘Cause I am!”

“Well that’s always good to hear!” I say.

“We’re all doing ‘super’ today,” Bon Bon says. “I think everyone’s ready. You two are ready?” Lyra nods her head for her answer.

“I think I am,” I say.

“Well, what can I get ya! Whatever your hungry bellies crave, I shall provide!” she says that as if she is willing to honor a queen her service. What a silly pony she is.

“I’ll take the fruit salad,” Lyra orders.

“Parfait for me with vanilla yogurt, oats and strawberries,” Bon Bon says.

“I think I will have the fruit salad as well,” I say. “Tell me, are their any bananas in it?”

“Yes there are,” Pinkie answers. “Why?”

“I am slightly allergic to bananas. Could you hold the bananas on my fruit salad?”

“No problem. So that’s two fruit salads, one hold the bananas and one parfait with vanilla yogurt, granola and strawberries.” Wow, she didn’t even need to write any of that down. If it were me, I’d need a pen and and pad. “I’ll have all of that on your table in just a few moments.” She bounces back to the kitchen, sounding like a spring as she goes.

“You’re allergic to bananas?” Lyra asks me.

“Sort of. Most people when they have a certain food allergy, they can not touch that food or else they’ll get an allergic reaction. But with me, I can still touch it, but eating it makes the roof of my mouth very itchy.”

“That must be annoying.”

“Oh it is! But when I have banana yogurt or put bananas in my cereal, it doesn’t really affect me.”

“Huh...that’s weird.”

“I know right?”

“Here’s your orders!” Pinkie says trotting up to us with a tray of food in one hoof. She carefully and quickly puts each order in front of us, with the proper utensils to use. I gaze at my fruit salad looking at all the colorful and yummy fruits that are all different shapes and sizes.

“This looks great Pinkie, thank you.”

“You're welcome Nick. If you need anything, just call for me.” She bounces back to the counter and looks like she is surveying the contents inside the glass case. Probably seeing if everything is in order.

I take hold of the fork and jam it into a grape, a blueberry and a watermelon slice. All looking like a fruit kabob on a fork. I put the contents of the fork in my mouth and chew. The juices of each fruit combine in my mouth as it makes a flavor that is very sweet, but is also a little tart.

“Mmmmm,” I let out. “That is some real good stuff there.”

“I know right?” Lyra says. “One of my favorite combos: apples, grapes and strawberries on one fork.” She brings a forkful of that combination of fruit to her mouth, using her magic. She munches on it delightfully and sighs in content after swallowing.

Just looking at her after she swallows that combination of fruit is convincing enough for me to try. I use my fork to dig around for an apple, grape and a strawberry. I find a strawberry and a grape easily. The apple slices are a bit tricky to find. Jeez, I can't seem to find-wait….oh, they’re cubed apple slices! Interesting. I jab the apple cube with the fork, not it is on the end with the grape and strawberry behind it. I put the fruit pieces in my mouth and take in the flavor. It’s a bit more tart than the other combination, but still is good.

“Mmmm, tasty,” I say, with my mouth still slightly full of food. I take a swallow before I continue. “That’s a good one.” I turn my head to Bon Bon, who is using her hoof to use the spoon to eat the parfait (man that’s hard to say). Must be difficult to use your hooves to use utensils. The advantage to having hands...or if you're a unicorn, telekinesis.

“How’s the parfait?” I ask her.

“Delicious,” she says smiling. “The granola is lightly coated in honey which gives it that sweet taste, the yogurt is quite tasty and the strawberries just gives it that extra kick to make your taste buds dance.” This girl must love her parfaits.

“So Nick,” Lyra starts off, “tell me, what is your world like?”

“Why do you want to know?”

“I’m intrigued. See, I’m a little curious about humans and where they come from. I want to know what your world is like. Is it good, is it bad, is it a fiery inferno where only those of thick skin can survive in?” What? Is she serious on that last one? I look at Bon Bon and give her a look that says: “is this chick for real?” and she just shrugs.

“Well,” I begin, “it is not a fiery inferno. I say it’s a good place. It isn’t too different from here. I mean, we still have a sky with clouds, a sun and moon that both rise and set, plants to either eat from or for nice scenery, people living in towns and cities, big and small businesses, schools, the list goes on.”

“But is it a good place to live?” Uh oh, she wants details. Great.

“Well, it depends on where you live.”

“Okay, what about where you personally live? What’s that like?”

“It’s a nice little community. I have some great friends both in and out of there, rarely anything bad happens.”

”Bad like what?” Bon Bon asks.

“Robberies or uhh...something worse.”

“Ulg...I remember when Lyra and I took a trip to Fillydelphia and someone, while we were gone, tried to rob us of our couch. Of all things to rob, why a couch?”

“Jeez! Did you guys find the perps?”

“We did actually,” Lyra says. “Turns out it was a few young colts who lost a bet and were dared to do it. Bon Bon gave them a good scolding and had a nice, long talk to each of their parents. We only found out because we asked Derpy to watch our house while we were away and she arrived just in time to see the little guys leave through the door with the couch on their backs.” Derpy…why does that name sound familiar? Derpy, Derpy….ah ha! I know who that is! I see that blond haired pegasus with crossed eyes on the internet almost all the time!

“Thank goodness she was right there.”

“I know!?” Bon Bon says. “We would have been couchless if she wasn’t there. I paid over six-hundred bits for that thing!”

“Well, back to the original conversation, what else can you tell us about your world?” Lyra asks.

“Anything specific?”

“I have a few ideas.”

My conversation with Lyra and Bon Bon was very similar to the conversation I had with Princess Celestia the other day, except it was a little less political. She wanted to know more about culture, technology and a little bit of sociology. I told her that I am no expert on everything in the human world, but I told her whatever I knew. And during our conversation, I have noticed Pinke bolted out of the shop after Mrs. Cake came in with a slip of paper for her. She read it and next thing I saw was Pinkie sprinting out of Sugarcube Corner. Not sure what that was all about.

By this point, we have finished our lunches and I am quite satisfied with my fruit salad choice. “Was everything good you three?” Mrs. Cake asks, trotting up to us. She took over for PInkie after she left for whatever reason.

“It was great Mrs. Cake,” Lyra says. “Can we have our check please?”

“Absolutely.” She trots back to the counter to write up our bill.

“I can cover my own meal girls,” I say pulling out the bag of bits Twilight gave me.

“You sure?” Lyra asks me. “I was the one who offered for you to come, I should be-”

“Nope, I have it.” I smile at the teal unicorn to reassure her. Mrs. Cake has the bill griped in her teeth and she lays it down on the table. I look at the fruit salad price and its says it was only four bits. Reasonable. I open my bag of bits and put the appropriate amount on the table. Lyra and Bon Bon do the same. Mrs. Cake collects the bits and brings them to the cash register so she can put them in. I bring my attention back to the two mares sitting with me. “Listen, thank you girls so much for inviting me to have lunch with you two today.”

“Thanks for coming!” Lyra exclaims a little. “We’ve learned quite a bit about your home world and have enjoyed your company.”

“Want us to walk you back to the library?” Bon Bon asks. I don’t really need someone to escort me back to the library, but some company would be nice.

“Sure, why not?” I say getting up. The other two ponies hop out of their seats and take a few steps to get next to me. “Mrs. Cake, take care now.”

“Alright sweetheart, it was nice meeting you. Have a nice trip home,” she says. I shoot her a smile and walk out of the sugar house with Lyra and Bon Bon in tow. I take a step outside and take a nice deep breath of that Equestrian air. I exhale, feeling satisfied. I scan the town and see...no one.

“Hey, where is everyone?” There are literally no ponies out and about, aside from Lyra and Bon Bon. The two scan the town themselves, both looking surprised.

“I….don’t know,” Bon Bon says. “I wonder where everypony is?”

“Hello!” Lyra calls out. “Anypony around?” No response. Isn’t this how The Walking Dead started off? The city was quiet for a little bit, and the next thing Rick sees are walkers everywhere? Is that what I’m gonna’ see? Zombies?

“Let’s get to the library,” I say with a little uneasiness. The two nod and walk to the library. Fortunately it is only a short walk. We make it to the library in like, two minutes. The three of us step inside and...I can’t see anything. It’s dark. “That's weird, why are the lights out?” I mumble to myself. “Yo Twi, forget to pay the electric bill or something? Where it that light-”


The lights flash on and the random, numerous voices startle the hell out of me. I look around and I see...looks like everyone who resides in Ponyville, including Applejack, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie. There are some balloons and streamers, hanging and floating around with some confetti littered on the floor. Everyone is smiling and looking happy. What is going on?

“What’s all this?” I ask.

“A PARTY!” Pinkie Pie shouts, bouncing up to me. “I never threw you a ‘Welcome to Equestria Party’, so I thought we should have a ‘Belated Welcome to Equestria Party, but also going away party’!”

“You said party twice.”

“You know I did! What do you think?” I take a look around again, seeing the decorations she set up, all of these ponies to bid me farewell, the food tables that I just took notice of look great, and doing all of this in a short time. I wonder if planning this party was on that paper Mrs. Cake gave Pinke. I look at the Pink earth pony again, who is giving me a HUGE smile. I can’t help but smile back at her. Before I can say anything, I give her a tight hug.

“It’s great PInkie! Thanks!” She and I let go of each other.

“Well, it was all Twilight's idea. I just put together everything else. It’s my specialty. ALRIGHT EVERYPONY, LET'S PARTY! DJ, SPIN THAT GOOD STUFF!” And within that moment, party music fills the room. Ponies are bopping or dancing to the music in that instant. I make my way to the punch bowl, I’m feeling a little thirsty. I grab a cup and the ladle in the bowl. I bring the ladle to the cup and pour the punch into the cup. I bring the cool liquid to my lips and take a sip. Mmm, tastes good to me.

“Good afternoon Nick,” I hear a posh voice, similar to Rarity’s, say. I turn to my left and see Octavia walking towards me. I couldn’t help but smile at the music mare.

“Hey Octavia! Doin’ alright?”

“Indeed I am. Excited to go home?”

“Oh absolutely. I will admit, I’m gonna miss this place.” I never thought I would say that about a cartoon world. “I met some awesome ponies here and I’m going to miss you guys.” Octavia blushes a little at my compliment.

“Oh, well, a lot of us are going to miss you. You were quite a guest to have in our town.”

“Funnily enough, I should be the one saying that,” Mayor Mare says walking up next to Octavia, smiling. “Nick, I must say, having you living in our town was a pleasure, like what Miss Octavia has said. On our behalf, we have a little, parting gift for you.”

“Oh mayor, you didn’t-” Mayor Mare stops me mid sentence by raising her hoof.

“I insist.” From seemingly nowhere, she pulls out a bag (cartoon logic) and pulls out something from it. It’s a hat! A white, snapback hat with black letters saying “Ponyville” on the forehead. “Just something to remind you of your time here.” She extends her hoof to give it to me. I grasp the hat into my free hand and look at it. I gingerly place it on my head. It’s a little big, so I take it off, adjust the size a little and place it back on my head. Perfect! “I say it looks good on you!”

“Thanks Mayor Mare, I appreciate the gift,” I say.

“You are quite welcome," she says appreciatively. "Well, I’m going to go mingle. If I don’t see you for the rest of the party, have a safe travel home.” The mayor trots off to some other part of the party to go talk to some other citizens.

“Well, I’m going to enjoy the rest of the party too,” Octavia says, trotting off. She stops for a second and turns her head to me. “Take care, you hear me?”

“Yes ma’am,” I say happily. She walks off to go talk to some other ponies. I take another sip of my punch, feeling happy that I was able to talk to them once more.

“Hey, haven’t been able to talk to you yet.” I see a light, lavender pegasus fly towards me and she’s next to a black, male pegasus with blue hair. “Cool to finally talk to you. I’m Cloud Kicker, and this is my pal, Thunderlane.”

“Sup bro,” the presumed Thunderlane extends his hoof. I comply by fist bumping it.

“Hey dude,” I say back. “So, if I may ask, how did you two learn about my glorious presence in Equestria?” The two snicker at my fake ego.

“We were on cloud duty with Rainbow Dash. Thunderlane and I were just doing our thing and Rainbow Dash tells us about this “awesome" new being in Ponyville and she told us how you two got to know each other Monday.” There is something from the show that I do know from just the small glimpses I took of it, and that was the pegasus ponies controlled the weather and that they can walk and sit on clouds, which is awesome. And I had no idea Rainbow Dash thought I was awesome, I mean, I know I’m awesome but it’s pretty awesome to have someone else call you awesome….I’m overusing awesome aren’t I?

“And for the rest of the week,” Thunderlane continues, “we’ve only been able to catch glimpses of ya. RD told us you were a pretty cool guy, would have been great if to hang out with ya.”

“Hey, the party’s still young,” I exclaim a little. “The purpose of a party is to hang out, so let's hang!” Cloud Kicker and Thunderlane both crack a smile. We walk off to another part of the library where chairs are set up and the three of us take a seat.

We just talked about ourselves, family, what we did, shared some funny stories, and all that good stuff. I made sure to tell them the story I told Rainbow Dash, the one where my friend rubbed his bare, hairy chest on me during play practice. Once in awhile, somepony would join with us for a little bit. I was also able to talk to Roseluck, Doc, Caramel, Berry Punch, Derpy, Carrot Top, the list goes on. Hell, I might have met almost everyone in Ponyville through the duration of the party.

By this point, it’s evening and the party is starting to end. Some of the party guests are starting to leave and are wishing me safe travels. Lily, Roseluck and Daisy even got me some parting flowers. Very nice of them to think of me. I made sure to thank them put those flowers in a safe place until it’s time for me to go home.

Right now, I’m helping Vinyl put away her equipment. “And you can just put those records in the sleeves,” she says. I grab one record off the turntable and read the label in the center.

“Sapphire Shores’ Greatest Hits,” I say, reading the label out loud. So that’s the name of this person, er, pony Vinyl was playing. She’s got some soul to her. Now she is like the Pony Beyonce….not as good but still VERY talented. “She’s got a heck of a voice.”

“I know right?!” Vinyl replies. “You know, Rarity is her designer.”

“Get out! No way?”

“Yep! She’s been her designer for I don’t know how long.” I had a feeling Rarity made a bit of a name for herself, but I had no idea she was able to make herself known to a pony superstar.

“That’s pretty cool.” I continue to put respectable records back into the sleeves. After I finish that, the crusaders are walking up to me, looking a little tired from the partying.

“Hey Nick,” Apple Bloom says. “Me and the Crusaders are gonna’ be heading home now.” She lets out a quick yawn. Bet she wants to go home and rest up from this party. “Listen, it was really great meetin ya’!”

“It was great meeting you too.”

“You have a safe trip back pal,” Scootaloo says. Before I knew it, the Crusaders are hugging my legs. I can’t help but bend down and give them a group hug.

“I’ll miss you guys.”

“We’ll miss you too,” Sweetie Belle says. “And, sorry about mistaking you for a monster when we first met.”

“Same here,” Apple Bloom adds.

“It’s alright girls,” I say, still holding on to them. “You’re reactions were pretty just. I’m not mad at ya.”

“Thanks for forgiving us.” I hold on for a few more moments. I want to remember this, holding these three adorable fillies for a heartfelt goodbye. After I feel like it’s been long enough, I let go and so do the crusaders. I hear some sniffling...is that Vinyl sniffling. I turn my head and see the blue-haired disk jockey holding a tissue to her eyes.

“Are you crying?” Is she seriously getting emotional seeing this?

“No!” she slightly shouts, defensively. “Something’s just in my eye.” If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, I would have enough to buy a mint 70s Malibu and and an Eldorado. I just simply roll my eyes. Sure, something’s in her eye. Anyway, I look back to the crusaders who are chucking a little. I guess they found the little scene amusing.

“Alright, we’re gonna get going. We’ll see you around,” Scootaloo says.

“Goodbye Crusaders.” The three turn around and exit the library, making sure to tell their sisters they are leaving. “Good luck on your future crusades,” I mumble. I turn back to the disk jockey and see that she is done packing up. “All done?”

“Yep! I should be good now. Hey man, it was cool getting to know you.” Vinyl extends her hoof outward to me. I bump my fist to her hoof.

“It was cool getting to know you too Vinyl. Need any more help?”

“Nope.” Her horn lights up with a light purple color and so does her equipment. Using her magic, she lifts up everything. “I got it.”

“Well… alright then! I guess it’s goodbye Vinyl.”

“I’ll be seeing you around dude. Take care of yourself.” With her equipment lifted by her magic, she exits the library. I scan the library and see that the only ones left in here are the Elements of Harmony, Spike and I. There is also nothing to clean. They must have cleared up everything when I was helping Vinyl pack up. I take a good look around the library. I want to make sure I have a one nice, long look at it. It’s pretty nutty to think that I spent the week in this library, in this town, in this world! I have made some awesome memories here and made some good friends too, even though they’re fictional.

“How are you feeling Nick?” A soft voice asks me. I look to my left and see Fluttershy with a smile on her face.

“I’m feeling alright Fluttershy,” I respond.

“Are you ready to see your friends and family again?”

“More than ready! I will be honest Fluttershy, I’m going to miss this place.”

“We’re going to miss you too.” Aww, that’s so sweet. “Do you think you would want to come back?”

“Well…” How should I answer this? “To be honest, I do like this place....how about this: If I had the option or opportunity to come back here for a few days, I’d take it. Sound good?”

“I like that.” I flash her a smile and she gives me a slightly bigger smile.

“Nick, it should be ready now!” Twilight says, trotting to me. “You ready?” I look at her, then Fluttershy, then the other ponies and Spike, all of whom are giving off wide grins. I grin back.

“I’ll go get my things.”