• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 5,175 Views, 83 Comments

Stuck - NickyD

I was driving home one evening and my car runs out of gas. So I try to get more, but as I was walking to the gas station, I get zapped by a purple lightning bolt and end up in a world of talking ponies. How did this happen? And why does this world lo

  • ...


...I’m still in the library?... What?... This doesn’t make sense, why am I still here? Twilight said the enhancer would work, I had where I wanted to go practically implanted in the back of my eyelids and burned in my mind. So why didn’t it work?

“What?” Twilight blurts out of complete shock. Everyone else shares the same surprised look. “This...this can’t be.”

“Try the spell again,” I quickly suggest. “Maybe I need to focus harder.”

“Uhh... okay. Remember, concentrate.” I close my eyes again and try to focus harder. I hear Twilight charging the spell and unleashing it. I open my eyes again. Nothing. What’s going on? “I don’t get it, I followed the instructions to a T, shy isn’t it working?... Spike, get me the book.” Without having to be told twice, the purple dragon heads over to one of the book shelves and grabs the spell book Twilight has been referencing. She levitates the book from Spike’s claws and vigorously flips through the pages to find the enhancer directions. “Here it is.” She stops flipping through the book and puts her hoof on the page. I see her eyes skimming across the paper, mumbling the words on it.

“Anything?” I ask.

“I followed each and every step here. I don’t see-” she stops herself mid sentence, her face going wide and pale. “No… no…. no no no no no NO! How did I miss this?”

“What’s wrong?”

“I missed this side note on the page.” WHAT!?!? SHE MISSED WHAT!?!?

“What’s it say?” I have to know what she missed.

“It says here that a solar eclipse has to occur. This allows universal transportation. When the moon and sun are aligned, it allows the item or one in question to be slingshot to set destination through space. The eclipse also has to follow the lunar and solar calendar.” Really, that’s it?

“Okay, then we can wait until the next solar eclipse occurs. Right?” Those are pretty rare, but not super rare.

Wobbly, Twilight shakes her head for her response. Oh no…

“Solar eclipses happen only once every five hundred years.”

“Once in five hundred- okay hang on a second. I was brought here because of the same spell, but it was combined with a weather spell because that spell became too much to handle.” Twilight nods. “Then you sent the storm to my world using the teleportation spell on Sunday.” Twilight nods again, but then her faces shows surprisement, as if she remembered something important.

“That was when the last solar eclipse was!” ...Are you kidding?

“Did you even notice the side note then?!” The purple unicorn is starting to cower a little. She’s starting to tremble like a leaf and takes a step back.

“N..n-no, I didn’t. I..I guess I l-lucked out there.” I need to see if I have this whole situation correct.

“Okay, so because something was overlooked, the teleportation spell won’t be able to work.” Nervousness is starting to build up in me, I can feel it. “And the next solar eclipse won’t happen for the next five hundred years.” Twilight nods for her response. I see her eyes starting to water. This, is not looking good. “So what you're saying is...that I’m stuck here in Equestria...for the rest of my life?” My nervousness is causing me to breath heavily and make my head feel a little light.

“Nick...I-I’m...I’m sorry...I-I-I’m so sorry,” is all a Twilight could say with a cracked voice. I can’t believe it. This can’t be. This can’t be happening! I have to be dreaming. I’d pinch myself but my body has gone numb and I can’t move it. I can however feel something cold and moist on my forehead and palms. Is it sweat? I think it is.

I see everything starting to look like it has a pale tint to it. It's like everything is a shade lighter than it was earlier. Everything is spinning too. It’s like the ground is going in circles around me and I’m having trouble staying on my feet. The dizziness gets to me and I collapse onto my hands and knees. My breathing starts to get heavier now. Actually no, it’s getting harder to breath. It’s like my windpipe is closing. Every breath I take, it gets harder to breathe. I clasp a hand to my throat, I feel like I’m being choked. Everything is starting to get a bit fuzzy, my vision is starting to go. I can barely see two sets of orange and yellow hooves approach me.

“Wuuu alwwww sugaww cuww,” I hear. It sounds like Applejack’s voice, but it all muffled, slowed down and sounding like some slurred gibberish. I can’t tell if it’s her or not.

I’m not feeling too well, I need some air. I have to get up. I bring one knee forward and put a hand on it. I prop myself up, but I still feel off balance.

“I-I-I…” I sputter out. “I need some air.” Frantically, I make my way to the front door. I open it, take some steps outside and close the door, fast. The fresh air feels better, but not by much. I feel the strength in my legs start to go again. I let my backside fall against the bark of the tree and I slide down. I sit with my knees propped up. I lean my head back against the bark, and my breathing is slowing down a bit. I bring my hands to my face and cover it. “...F..f##k,” I utter quietly.

Back Inside

The group of seven have all witnessed the same thing: their human friend receiving the news that he won’t be able to go home. He was having a breakdown and had to go outside to get some air. All seven of them are looking at the door, all of them sharing a similar look of worry for their human friend.

“It’s my fault,” Twilight utters. Her eyes are starting to water more than they were a short while ago.

“Twilight-” Spike says in a comforting tone, but Twilight doesn’t let him finish.

“I brought him here by mistake and now he’s stuck in this world for the rest of his life! All because of me!” The tears in her eyes stream down her cheeks and she is starting to sob. “It’s all my fault, and Nick probably hates me! I ruined his life!”

“Twilight…” Spike trails off. Before he could even say anything else, Twilight runs up the stairs of the library without another word. The sound of a door being slammed shut can be heard from the the main room. The rest of the group share looks of worry and concern for not just their human friend, but for Twilight too. They are silent for a few more moments.

“What should we do?” Fluttershy asks to the group. Applejack takes a look at each one of her friends, then the main entrance door of the library, and then the stairs that go to the second floor. She closes her eyes, lowers her head and sighs. She opens her eyes back up.

“I’m gonna talk to Nick and see if he’s alright,” Applejack says. “Spike, can you and Fluttershy try to talk to Twilight?” The two nod for their response. “I guess the rest of you should just clean up here and just be here to support Nick, if or when comes in.” The other ponies nod too. Applejack trots to the door. Before she opens it, she takes a deep breath to ready herself. After doing so, she steps outside.

Back Outside

I can’t believe this is f##king happening. I’m stuck in the My Little Pony world for the rest of my God d##m life. I can’t go home. I can’t see my friends or family again, I won’t be able to graduate high school and go to college, I won’t be able to see Italy or Ireland ever, I won’t be able to get a girlfriend or get married, I won’t be able to achieve my dream of performing in front of thousands, I won’t be able to see the Eagles win a Superbowl or see the Phillies win the World Series again! The opportunity to see or do any of those things, or do anything else back on Earth have been taken away from me. F##k.

I am still sitting against the tree, my knees still up and my elbows are resting on them. I keep running my hands through my hair, just trying to cope with this unbelievable reality. This feeling leaves a rock in the pit of my stomach and makes my eyes sting a little. I’m doing my best to not cry. I know it's not healthy, but I can’t show weakness. Not here.

Why did I not prepare myself for this? Why wasn’t there any foresight to this? Why was...hang on a second…

"By the end of your stay in Equestria, your greatest fear will be in your presence for the rest of your life," Princess Luna’s voice echos in my head. Is this what she was talking about? Is this what she was keeping a secret from me? Being stuck in Equestria? Come to think of it, did Princess Celestia give out any hints either?

“Doesn't it also require...oh never mind, I’m thinking of a different spell.” Hmm, maybe she wasn’t thinking of a different spell. Did those two know I would be stuck here the whole time? No, they wouldn’t do that. Would they? Would they purposely hide information from me? Or Twilight for that matter?

As I continue to try to deal with the news, I hear the library door open and close, then the clip clop of hooves approach me. I just keep my head down, I don’t bother to look at who it is, but I can see a bit of orange out of the corner of my eye. It’s probably Applejack. I don’t say anything.

I hear her hooves stop and I assume she sits next to me. I hear her let out a sigh. “You doin’ alright sugarcube?” Applejack asks. I can hear the worry and concern in her voice. I take a breath before I can answer.

“I don’t know Applejack,” I say a bit somberly. “I mean...ullghh…” I rub my brows with my index fingers. “It sucks. I thought I’d be going home. I thought I would be able to go back to my friends and family, I thought I could follow through my ambitions back home, but now...I can’t.” I can feel my lip quiver and more water is starting to well up in my eyes. Just verbally saying that sentence emotionally hurts. It’s like stabbing yourself through the heart. “And I didn't even say goodbye to anyone…” That sudden realization hits me like a ton of bricks, plus the stab. The water welling up in my eyes starts to slowly roll down my cheeks. I begin to sob as I put my hands on my face. “O-o-oh God why?!” I continue to sob. Why am I being like this? I shouldn’t be all ‘woe is me’, but I can’t help it. The reality of not being able to go home and being possibly eons away from it puts a huge emotional toll on you. “I’m only seventeen for God’s sake! I can’t be on my own yet...I...I…” I can’t seem to form any more words. This state of mind has put me in such a state of sadness, I can't seem to complete a sentence.

Before I knew it, I feel something embrace me. I move my hands away from my face and see Applejack giving me a tight hug. Her face is buried into my shoulder, I can tell she’s letting out a few tears because they’re bleeding through my shirt. “I’m so sorry that this is happenin’ Nick. I can’t imagine what your going through. All I can say is how sorry I am.” Huh?

“Why are you being sorry? It’s not your fault.” The orange earth pony lifts her head from my shoulder and looks at me. I see the streams of tears on her face. I wrap my arms around her and return the hug she still has me in.

“Aren’t you mad though?” I let out another sigh.

“I am mad, but it’s at the situation that I’ve been thrown into. I'm just mad about that."

“So you’re not mad at Twilight?”

“Wha-no! I’m not mad at Twilight.” Applejack’s reaction is one of surprise.

“You’re not? Even after all of what's happened?”

“Applejack, Twilight made a mistake. That’s it, a mistake. I shouldn’t hold that against her. Like what I said, I am mad but it’s not at her, it’s at my situation. Why would you think I’m mad her?”

“Well...after you ran out here, Twilight got the idea that you hated her and that she ruined your life.”

“What?... oh no…” I trail off. Now I feel a little guilty. Twilight is upset because of me. “Is she still inside?”

“Yeah, but she’s locked herself in her room. I’ve asked Spike and Fluttershy to see if they can try to talk to her.”

“Did she come out?”

“Don’t know, I asked them to talk to her right before I came out here.” I take a moment to take that in: Twilight is upset because she feels all of this is her fault. I have to make this right.

“I’m going to talk to her. If Spike and Fluttershy can’t get her to talk, I probably could.”

“You think you can?” I give her a nod.

“Let me go and I’ll see.” Applejack looks at me for a few moments before nodding. She lets go of her embrace of me and I stand up, feeling the strength and balance return to my legs. I re-enter the library with Applejack in tow. I see everyone look at me the second I open the door. Everyone is present, except for Spike, Fluttershy and Twilight. All the ponies who currently occupy the room share a look of pity on faces. I give them a somber nod. Pinkie rushes up to me and tightly gives me a hug while she buries her face into my stomach. I hug her back.

“You alright Nick?” she asks, her voice muffled by my stomach.

“I guess...I just want to talk to Twilight.”

“Spike and Fluttershy have been trying to talk to her for the past few minutes,” Rarity says. “They’ve unfortunately been fruitless in their attempt.”

“I’m gonna try to talk to her. Pinkie, can you let go?” Pinkie promptly does so and looks up at me and I give her an assuring nod. I go to the steps and walk up, hearing Spike’s and Fluttershy’s voices get closer. The tone in their voices are of begging someone to come out. By the time I make it to the top, I see Spike and Fluttershy in front of Twilight’s door.

“We just want to talk Twilight,” Spike says. “Please come out.”

“Just go away,” I hear Twilight say behind her door. “I want to be alone.” I can hear the sadness and shame in her voice. It even sounds like she’s crying. Man, she must be real broken up about this.

“Twilight please,” Fluttershy begs. I put a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder and she turns her head to me.

“I got this,” I mouth to her. I twitch my head a little to the right, telling them they should go downstairs. She and Spike look at each other and nod. They back away and head downstairs. I step to the door, bring my knuckles to the wood and give it a few light taps.

“I said go away,” Twilight exclaims. I can still hear the shame and somberness, but there’s a hint of anger or frustration mixed in it too. Damn, she must really feel bad.

“Twilight it’s me,” I say. “Look… Applejack told me how upset your are and how you think you ruined everything. I’m not mad at you Twilight, please understand that. Please understand that I don’t hate you. You made a mistake, alright? We all make them. Please for the love of God open the door.” I can feel the tears starting to come back. They’re blurring my eyes a little. “I can’t stand to see you upset. I don’t hold it against you Twilight, I honestly don’t. Please open the door.” I place the pinkie side of my fist to the door and lightly thud my forehead against the wood. “Please…” I just need to see Twilight. She has to know I’m not mad at her.

I hear a latch click on the other side of the door. She’s opening up!

The door opens with a slow creaking noise and Twilight is only a couple of inches away from the frame. I see the stream of tears on her cheeks and her eyes look a little red. She must have been crying a lot. I get on my knees and keep my back erect while I open up my arms to her.

“Come here,” I say quietly. Twilight takes a few steps towards me, still looking sad, but also confused and uneasy. She stops just inches in front of me and looks at me dead in the eyes. “Come on,” I say a little more quietly. She rears up and wraps her forelegs around my torso, placing her chin on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her. One hand on her back and the other on the back of her head. I rub her back slowly, trying to comfort her.

“I’m so, so sorry Nick,” she says, sobbing. “I-I-”

“Shhh...It’s alright.” More tears are streaming from my eyes and they fall onto her shoulder. “I can’t bear to see you like this. Please just stop blaming yourself.”

“But I brought you here-”

“By accident.”

“And I overlooked a crucial step in the spell to send you back.”

“Which was just a mistake, we all make them. Look, you tried, I know you did. You did your best.”

“But that wasn’t good enough.”

“Stop it!” I move my chin from her shoulder and look her directly in the eye. Her purple irises are looking a little glassy. I can almost see my reflection in her eyes. “Look Twilight, even though you couldn’t bring me home, you tried your best and you looked out for me. You gave me a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, and friends to have during my time here. You have helped me out so much. How can I hold resent towards someone who's helped me?” Quiet. That’s all Twilight is. She must have listened to every word I said. At least I hope she did.

“So...you don’t hate me? You’re not mad?” All do is shake my head.

“No...I don’t hate you and I’m not mad at you. The only thing I am mad at is the situation.” Twilight moves her eyes to the floor.

“I still feel guilty.” Hearing her speak lowly of herself feels like a dagger being driven through my gut. It hurts. I place my finger on her chin and I lift her head to me so we can have eye contact again. But she just moves her irises to the lower right corners of her eyes.

“Look at me,” I say quietly. She does. I flash a weak, but hopefully reassuring, smile to her. Twilight embraces me once more and I promptly return it. I should be saying some more encouraging things to her. “Listen Twilight, you have to forgive yourself. You’re letting one mistake ruin you. Like what I said, I am not holding anything against you.” I move my head so I can look at her again. She looks back down at the floor, then back to me. She flashes a weak smile herself. It’s a start. “There we go.” I put my head on top of her mane and rustle it a little. “Let's head back downstairs and let the others know everything’s alright, okay?”

“Okay,” she responds. Good, she’s willing to see everyone else. I stand back up and face the stairs. I turn my head to get another glimpse of Twilight. She still has a weak smile on her face, but its assurance enough for me.

Author's Note:

Now I know what most of you are thinking: “Is it over/ is the story almost done?” Oh no no no. This is just getting the ball rolling folks. There is more critical plot points to roll over. I can tell you, in the future chapters there will be more laughs, more drama, sadness and darkness may happen and SO! MUCH! MORE!!!! Strap in everyone, you're about to go on one Hell of a roller coaster.