• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 5,175 Views, 83 Comments

Stuck - NickyD

I was driving home one evening and my car runs out of gas. So I try to get more, but as I was walking to the gas station, I get zapped by a purple lightning bolt and end up in a world of talking ponies. How did this happen? And why does this world lo

  • ...

Rarity's Genorosity

After a good five or ten minutes of Rarity poking me in the back, we make it to her boutique “Agg, was poking my back in order to get me here necessary?” I ask rubbing my lower back while putting the bag of cake on the ground next to the door. My back is gonna hurt for quite some time now. I hope I can get some sleep tonight.

“I needed to get you here in somehow," the unicorn says. "You're going to need new clothes if you’re going to be here for a while.” Is that why she brought me here? Well that's awfully kind of her.

“If I'd would've known that I was going to be transported to a different world, or dimension, I would've packed my other threads.” Rarity looks at me confused and with a raised eyebrow.

“Other whats?”

“It’s a slang term where I’m from. Threads mean clothes.”

“I see.” She levitates a pair of red glasses and measuring tape with her magic. Going off record, I still think that levitating stuff in this world freaking awesome. She places the glasses on the bridge of her nose starts to measures me. Though I shouldn't tell a professional how to do their job, I point out a couple of areas for her to measure since ponies and humans have two different types of anatomy. “Okay now I just….” She stops talking for a second and looks like something just came to realization for her. “I have nothing. I just jumped right into this and didn't think about what your clothes would look like.” She magically pulls up a red cushioned couch and falls on it, very dramatically. “I never had designers-block like this before.” I don't think that's even designer's block, but I think I know a way to help her.

“Well, allow me to help you with that,” I say with a smirk. I pull out my phone and open up my photos.

"What's that thing?" Rarity asks.

"My cellphone. It's a device that I use to contact friends and family. I can also store photos on this. These photos that I have here could be some sort of inspiration to you." I sit next to her on the soft couch and show her the pictures of the clothes I wore on earth. I also have a couple photos of celebrities on my phone (cause I’m weird like that) and show her the clothing they wear. The celebrities range from people like rappers to pop stars, to other icons because their sense of fashion is popular. Snap back hats, plaid buttoned shirts or basic colored shirts with a couple of patterns once in a while, cargo shorts, sweat shirts, and so on.

I show her these pictures so she can have an idea of what is trending in the human world and so she can have some future ideas. Hopefully show won't be critical about my fashion sense. Besides, my fashion game is on fleek.

“This is a favorite of mine,” I say showing her my favorite outfit from home. It is a purple and white, plaid colored short sleeve shirt that is a button up with a collar. It is usually worn with either bluish grey cargo shorts or blue jeans along with purple basketball shoes.

“You must like purple.”

“Well, it is my favorite color.” Rarity lets out a humorous 'hm' and changes the subject real quick.

“Speaking of purple things, how is Twilight treating you?”

“Very nice. Nothing but a heart of gold.”

“All six of us and Spike, have nothing but hearts of gold. Not to toot my own horn or anything.” She hops of the couch and walks over to a desk for sketching clothing ideas. I follow in tow. “I think I have a couple ideas for…” She stops mid sentence again and she sniffs the air a couple of times. “Pardon me, but do you smell something?” I smell the air and detect a very slight, yet somewhat foul stench. It smells near by. I smell my forearm and realize it is me. I haven’t showered in a while. I was planning on showering the night before I came here. But other trials and tribulations got in the way. I blush out of sheer embarrassment.

“I’m so sorry Rarity. I haven’t showered since I got here.” Truth be told, I have good hygiene. I shower everyday, brush my teeth thoroughly, and all that jazz. But, I haven’t since I got here. Whoops.

“Well, I can let you use my shower if you want,” she says with a smile. Is she serious?

“Really? Are you sure?”

“Absolutely! Next to fashion, hygiene and being fabulous is a must. The shower is upstairs, first door to the left. Just make sure you lock the door, I wouldn't want to accidentally barge in on you. Also, feel free to use my mane dryer too.”

“Thank you.”

“By the time you get out, I should have your first outfit done.”

“Can you work that fast?”

“Darling, I have been able to pull off various miracles in the past. You can trust me.”

“Okay.” I start to walk up the spiral staircase that leads to the bathroom, but I turn my head really quick. “Hey Rarity, thank you very much for the clothes and shower.”

“It is no problem darling. Now run along, you smell like Applejack’s farm.” Well, considering the fact that I was just there like ten or twenty minutes ago.

Twenty Minutes Later

I step out of the steaming hot shower with a soft towel wrapped around my waist. I walk over to the mirror and take a look at my reflection. I touch my face a little. It feels a tad bit stubby. I wonder if they have razors here? I would check for them, but I don't want to look through Rarity’s personal belongs, aside from the mane dryer she allowed me to use.

The mane dryer, speaking of, is already on the counter. Convenient really. I firmly grasp it and turn it on. The hot air rushes through my hair. I point the dyer towards my right side so the air can sweep it to the right a little. I would say may haircut is sort of a a John Lennon bowl haircut.

It takes less than two minutes to dry my hair. That mane dryer works fast! Better than any other dryer I have ever used. I put the dryer down and feel my hair. It's very warm, soft, and smooth. I groom my hair really quick to get it in the style I want it. I put my clothes back real quick and jog back down stairs.

As I make my way downstairs, I hear Rarity humming a tune. I don’t know why but her humming reminds me of Mary Poppins. Probably because of her slight, upper class tone. For the record, Marry Poppins, best Disney musical ever.

She turns around to see me and a smile is on her muzzle. “I thought I heard someone coming down,” she says putting on the finishing touches on the first of my new outfits. Damn, she does work fast. “I hope you like it.” Truth is, I don’t like it. I love it! It’s simple, but very stylish and too my taste. It is a white v-neck t-shirt with black cargo shorts that comes with a belt.

“You got all of this done in twenty minutes?” I ask.

“Like I said, I can perform miracles. Go try it on behind the dressing screen.” I follow her instructions. I take off my other clothes put on the new clothing quickly and emerge from the screen. “I think we have a winner.” She pulls up a long mirror with her magic. I take a look at the clothing she made for me in as many different angles as I can. “Do you like it?”

“More than like. I love it.”


“Yeah. It's great.”

“I’m so glad you like it!”

“How much?” I ask.

“I beg your pardon?”

“How much for the new threads?”

“Free of charge, and so are the next few outfits that I’ll be making for you.” For real? She's not charging me for this? She must, no, has be kidding. I have to make sure.

“Are you serious?”

“Like a heart attack.” Okay, that was a weird comparison to use. “Please, you need clothing. I charge for customers. Friends get in for free... that or discounts.”

“Well I…” Did she call me her friend? I've only known the white and purple mare for a day, and she already considers me her friend. Making friends in this town must be easier than I thought.

“Is there something wrong?” With her taking me out of a trance, I stumble to find my words for a second.

“Sorry, it’s just, the fact that you already consider me a friend after knowing me for only a day.” Usually for me, I take the time to get to know someone to see if they should be considered a friend. But I guess she has already proven herself. Providing me with clothing and a shower right off the bat, and being good company. Sure there was earlier when she took me hostage to get me here, but regardless.

“Please, I can already tell you and I are going to get along just fine.” I think she is right.

“Well I’ll get back into my other clothes and…”

“Oh no you’re not! I would recommend you wear the new clothes I just made. Your other ones are smelly. I’ll wash them up and have them cleaned by the time I have your other outfits ready."

“Are you absolutely sure?” I ask with a hint of uncertainty. I mean, she's already making me new clothes and she's offering to wash my other set of clothes. If there was a word for being beyond generous, she'd be that.

“Don’t worry, everything should be ready within thirty six hours or two days.” I guess she can work fast.

“Well okay. If you absolutely insist”

“And I do." She pauses for a moment to look at a nearby clock. "You should also get going. Twilight might be wondering where you are.” I look at my watch to check the time. It is twenty minutes to one!

“Yeah, I should get going. Thanks again Rarity. I really appreciate what you're doing for me.”

“It’s no trouble at all Nick. Now run along now. I have your order to get started on. So many ideas are going through my head now.” She jogs in place out of excitement.

I smile leaving Rarity's boutique, making sure to not forget the applesauce cake.