• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 5,165 Views, 83 Comments

Stuck - NickyD

I was driving home one evening and my car runs out of gas. So I try to get more, but as I was walking to the gas station, I get zapped by a purple lightning bolt and end up in a world of talking ponies. How did this happen? And why does this world lo

  • ...

Celestia in the Day

By the time I reach the library, I see two, white pegasi in front of the entrance, both standing at attention. It looks like they are wearing some sort of armor. Gold armor to be exact. There is a bright gold colored carriage parked next to the library as well. “What is going on?” I mumble to myself. To figure out this little mystery, I walk to the entrance, only to be stopped by the guards who quickly extend their wings, blocking the entrance. I jump at get a little startled at this sudden action.

“Stop. Who goes there?” The left one says sternly.

“Hey, I live here...well, for the time being.”

“We cannot have anyone enter this-'

“What’s going on?” I hear Twilight’s voice cut off the guard. The top part of the door opens and Twilight appears to be behind it. “Oh hey Nick. Sorry about this.” She shifts her attention to the guards. “Let him through.”

“As you wish,” the right guard says. The two pegasi retract their wings and Twilight opens the rest of the door. I enter the library and see...something odd. I see, what appears to be, a tall, white unicorn with wings, along with a crown upon her head. Her mane is sort of like Rainbow Dash’s, but consists of a light green, light pink, light green and light blue. It also seems to be flowing. There's no wind, so why is it flowing?

“Hello there,” she says softly. Holy crap, it's the female, pony version of Bob Ross! Her voice is so...calming. “You must be Nick.”

“Uh...hi,” I say awkwardly. “Um, not to sound rude or anything, but who are you?” She lets out a slight chuckle.

“Allow me to introduce myself,” the pearl white pony says standing up and walking over to me. She stands at about maybe six inches taller than me. “My name is Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria and goddess of the sun.”

“Well it’s nice to-” I stop mid sentence when I realize what the white pony just said. “Did you just say you’re a princess?” She slowly nods her head. Dear God she is! “Your majesty,” I say getting on one knee and bowing my head. I will admit that is a bit over dramatic, but I have never meet royalty. I don't know what the protocol is.

“Oh, please, no need for that,” Princess Celestia says smiling. I get back up on my feet.

“Sorry, it’s just that-wow, I-I never meet, or been in the presence of royalty.” I say this excitedly. “Dear God, wow!” I realize how I am acting in the face of a princess. I try to calm myself now. “Sorry about that, just, really excited.”

“It is quite alright,” she says. “So I understand that my student sent you here by mistake.”


“Twilight Sparkle. She is my personal student. She has been living in Ponyville for a while now for her advanced studies.”

“Oh okay.”

“Honestly, Princess Celestia,” Twilight starts off, “it was a mistake from that storm spell I was trying the other day. I sent it away with the universal teleportation spell. The combination of the two must have sent him here.”

“The universal teleportation requires supply to perform, does it not?” Celestia asks.

“Yes it does.”

“Doesn't it also require...oh never mind, I’m thinking of a different spell.” That’s weird. It sounded like she was sure about what she was about to say. Eh, whatever. “So I understand that you are a new species to visit Equestria.”

“I guess so, now that you mention it,” I say. I haven't exactly realized that I am the first of my kind to be here in Equestria. Jeez, talk about not being aware of what's going on. I let that one fly over my head.

“If I may ask, what is your race called? Ever since Twilight told me about you, I have become curious to know about your kind. Come and sit with us for a discussion.” I take a seat on a purple cushion already set for me and the other two follow in suit. “So starting with my first question, what is the name of your species?”

“I am known as a human, the dominant race of my home planet.”

“And what is your home planet known as?”

“It is known as Earth.”

“I am going to have to check to see if Earth appears in any of the books and archives back in Canterlot. Your planet’s name does sound sort of familiar.”

“I wasn't able to find anything about Earth in the books I have,” Twilight mentions. “Maybe somepony checked it out or it just isn't here.”

“The libraries in Canterlot may have something,” Princess Celestia points out. “Now what I'm really curios about is your form of government. How does that work?” I don't know why she would want to know about government specifically. Maybe so could better understand how us humans function as a society is my best guess.

“Well, depending on what part of the world you’re from,” I start off, “ you’ll have a different form government. Where I’m am from, it is a presidential system where we vote for our country's leaders. Other parts of my planet use this practice of government as well. Some nations still do have royalty, but they are usually symbols and don’t really make many or any executive decisions. And there are some nations that are, unfortunately, under dictatorships.”

“And what are those?”

“Well, hmm,” I know what dictatorship is, but I never been asked to define it. Let's see how well I can define it. “The only way I can think of describing it is that when a single person rules the government. They are not elected, so they force themselves into power. They are the ones who make the law. Dictators are cruel and vicious. In this type of government, there are little to no rights unless you are a certain individual. If you speak out against your country that is under a dictatorship, you would be either thrown in jail or worse, killed.” Twilight and the princess both grimmise at that. “Fortunately, in my country, you have the right to say whatever you wish and you won’t get killed or thrown in jail for it. My country is nothing like those of a dictatorship.”

“Well, it is good to hear that you are from a brighter side of your world,” Princess Celestia says with a sigh. Amen to that. “What about your species in general? Can you generalize your species?” Now that’s a really tough one.

“You can’t really make much of a generalization about a species of seven billion people. But I will say this: a good portion of people on my planet are good and decent people who are loving, nice, tolerant, and accepting. Some are even very charitable. But when there’s a positive-”

“-There is a negative,” the Princess finishes. I nod my head slowly and seriously.

“Yes. Unfortunately there are people who only care for themselves, hate, disrespect others or discriminate others for who or what they are without actually getting to know them. Some people even take their hate out on others through violent acts, but I don’t want to get to into that.” Princess Celestia nods in understanding. “Fortunately, I was raised on the idea to be caring, nice, considerate, liberal, and respectful to others. Some people may not agree with what I have to say or what I believe in, but that is their opinion and I’ll respect it.” Princess Celestia nods her head again.

“Well, it is also good to know that you come from a positive side of your species.” Amen to that as well.

An hour and a half later

We discussed a lot of thing about my home planet (to the best of my ability of course). Things ranging from government and society, to politics and the actions of others. I have told them that there are periods of time for peace during sporting events called the Olympics. When I talked about that, her highness mentioned they have something similar called the Equestrian Games where athletes from all over Equestria compete in sporting events in a time of peace. There are more parallels to my world and this world than I thought. Then again, this is a kids TV program, so there has to be somethings to relate to.

I would have also talked about that horses on my planet can be used for sporting events, but I am not sure how they would react to that, so I don’t mention that. I also didn't mention the human diet. Thank God they didn't even ask about it. The ponies here appear to be vegetarians. There are chickens, cows and pigs here too, but they are not used for food by the looks of things.

Come to think of it, I am craving some meat. I can really go for a spicy chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-a, or a Bic Mac from McDonalds, maybe all the Locos Tacos from Taco Bell. Going off topic, sorry.

By the end of the conversation, Princess stands up and walks to the door. Twilight and I stand up as well. “Thank you for talking to me Nick,” she says. “You’re species is quite interesting and very complex. I look forward to seeing you again, if I get the chance.”

“It was nice talking to you too your highness,” I say while doing a respectful bow.

“Twilight, keep up the good work.”

“Of course Princess Celestia,” Twilight says. “Have a safe trip back to Canterlot.” Princess Celestia magically opens the library door and tells the guards to prepare the carriage. The two guards latch themselves on to the wheeled transport, Princess Celestia steps on, and they fly away. Twilight and I watch this from the entrance of the library.

“She seems nice,” I say.

“She is. She can be stern, but only when she needs to.” She looks at me for a second. “I meant to ask you sooner, but when did you get new clothes?”

“Oh, well I helped Applejack and her family with something and that took a while, then on my way back here, I bumped into Rarity. She sort of held held me hostage to get me to her shop. And she made this for me in twenty minutes. She said she is also making some more clothes for me as well.”

“Well that's nice of her. She isn't known for her generosity for nothing.”
