• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 5,175 Views, 83 Comments

Stuck - NickyD

I was driving home one evening and my car runs out of gas. So I try to get more, but as I was walking to the gas station, I get zapped by a purple lightning bolt and end up in a world of talking ponies. How did this happen? And why does this world lo

  • ...

Comfort and Music

A/N: This is the music discussion chapter. So there are going to be a crap ton of music references. I know referencing up the wazoo is a rookie move, but it is just part of the story. So deal with it! Enjoy the chapter though.

Wednesday, 9:00 A.M.

I slowly eat my breakfast with my head being propped up by my left arm. F##king Princess Luna is tearing my mind inside out. What is she not telling me? Why is she not telling me anything? Dear God, can't she be anymore-

"Are you okay Nick?" Twilight asks, interrupting my thoughts. "You're eating rather slowly. Is something wrong with your breakfast?" I snap out of my thoughts, sort of giving off a surprised reaction. I look at Twilight, who has concern in her eyes.

"Uhh...no, it's fine. The food's fine. It's nothing really," I say, trying to let go of the topic. Twilight raises an eyebrow.

"Nick, I may not be the Element of Honesty, but I can tell if somepony's lying. Something is bothering you and I want to know." I let out a sigh. It's probably better if I tell her, just to let it off my chest.

"Well, a couple of nights ago, Princess Luna came into my dream and gave me a warning."

"Of…?" Twilight asks, trailing off.

"My worst fear becoming a reality. I don't have much of a clue on what she means by it. I do fear quite a few things, everyone does, but a fear of mine becoming a reality is what has me puzzled. And she even came back into my dream last night. I tried to get more info out of her, but she's so darn persistent on being confidential. What ever she's hiding has me paranoid beyond anything." I drop the fork I am holding onto the plate and rub my temples with my fingers. What she is hiding is driving me to the point of insanity.

"And she also mentioned that it won't happen until the time I'm leaving." I rub my temples a little harder to cope with the situation and calm myself. Suddenly, I feel a soft, warm embrace around me. I look to my side and see Twilight's head resting on my shoulder with her forelegs wrapped around my torso.

"Don't worry Nick, everything is going to be fine. Whatever happens, I'll stand beside you. Not just me, but Spike, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and all of us will be there for you too. Though we may have only known you for half a week, we all consider you a good friend and we'll do anything to help you and each other out." ...Wow, she and the rest of the girls are willing to stand beside me in a time of need. These girls are a lot like my friends back in Jersey. They have been nothing but loyal and kind to me throughout my life and these fictional ponies are just like them. Quite frankly, and I never thought I would mutter these words ever, but I consider these fictional characters my friends too.

I wrap my arms around Twilight and lightly pat her on her back "Thanks Twi. It means a lot that you're doing all of this for me."

"It's no trouble. Hey, even if you're stuck here longer than expected, I would still want you to stay here." Room-mating with Twilight even longer? That sounds awesome really. But I think a week in Equestria is a good amount of time for a any human to be here.

"It means a lot that you would do all of that too," I say letting go of the hug, but keeping my hands on her shoulders. "I have no idea how to repay you for everything."

"Your friendship is payment enough." With that in mind, we hug one more time. You know, hugging a pony is sort of like hugging a teddy bear, but ponies aren't as fluffy or squeezable. But anyway, I greatly appreciate that Twilight is willing to keep a roof over my head and give me food to eat for the time being.

Town Square 12:03 P.M.

After brushing off the events of this morning, and Twilight easing my nerves, I make my way to Vinyl and Octavia's. I do have a lot of music on my phone, but it wouldn't even be scratching the surface with all the music that's back on earth. But it should give them some sort of baseline to understanding human music.

However, for some of the songs, I had to use the clean versions or radio edits 'cause I don't think this world needs swearing. I mean I am inside a kids TV show after all, I'd hate to see little kids repeat swear words. Dear God, the very thought of Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle swearing sends shivers down my spine.

Anyway, I arrive at the house that erupted party music yesterday and knock at the door. I hear hoof steps approach from behind. The passageway to the home opens and Octavia is at the door frame. "Oh, hello Nick," she says warmly. "Please, do come in." She steps to the side and allows me to enter. I step inside the house and it seems like it's a nice, simple house. Standard, yet very homey. "Vinyl has been looking forward to you to coming over all morning and, quite frankly, I have been too."

"You're taking part of this as well?" I ask. I had no idea Octavia would want to become part of our discussion.

"When I came home yesterday, I asked if I could take part of it and Vinyl had no problem with having me here."

"Well, well, well, how about we stop this idle chit-chat, and talk music?" An awfully familiar voice says belonging to a disc jockey. Octavia and I turn our heads to see Vinyl approach us. She doesn't have her purple sunglasses on. Instead, I see two bright red irises looking up at me. "Sup Nick? Sorry I couldn't be at the door with ya, I had to get my equipment ready."


"Her Wubs," Octavia points out, flatly. What? "Wubs are the equipment where the sound comes out. She also has this thing called a mixer that, well, mixes the music. She plugs the mixer into the wubs and there you go! Vinyl has music."

"Oh, sweet," I say.

"So lets head into the living room, that's where everything is set up." So the three of us take a five second walk to the living room and it seems like they have pretty cozy digs. Very modern, by Equestrian standards I guess, with a few odds and ends for decoration. I see those "wubs" are set up in a corner and a cello in another corner. Oh, hopefully Ocatvia will give me a demonstration of her music.

"Alright everypony, lets take a seat," Vinyl says. Vinyl and I take a seat on the couch and Octavia sits in a recliner. "Alright bro, before we get to listening, I just want a sense of music genres you humans have." A sort of easy base to start with.

"Where to begin is the question." I tap my chin to think. "Well, I'll start off with some of my favorite genres and then I'll talk about the other stuff. Some of my favorite genres are: Pop, Rock and Roll, R&B and Soul, Hip-Hop, Contemporary and Broadway."

"Broadway?" Octavia asks.

"A better term would be show tunes. I'll tell you what Broadway is in a little while. But yeah, those are my favorites. There are other genres like: Country, Techno, Dubstep, Classical, Gospel, Jazz, Cultural, Indie, Punk, Grunge, Metal, I could go on."

"I think that is a good enough list to go off of," Vinyl says. "There is not too much of a difference genre wise really. We have those types of music in our world as well." Okay, so genre wise, we're not too different. "What about sound?" Oh, the fun part!

"Well, I have some songs from my favorite genres, wanna hear a few?"

"That's what we're here for." She says, with a hint of anticipation.

"Which do you want to hear first?" Vinyl puts a hoof up to her chin and thinks.

"I wanna here some Hip-Hop." Excellent choice. I pull out my phone and then Vinyl asks the most obvious question.

"What's that?"

"My cell phone," I answer. "It has many purposes, but it's purpose for today is playing music," I explain, and then receiving a nod from Vinyl. I open my music and scroll through the huge playlist of music I have. I stop my scrolling when I see the perfect song to play. It's a true reflection on what Hip-Hop should be: Changes by 2Pac Shakur.

Not only will they get a feel of Hip-Hop, they would also get an idea of how some humans think about society. "Okay, here's the first song, it's a Hip-Hop song with a powerful meaning. You two ready?" The two show mares nod and I play the song.

I remember when I first discovered 2Pac. I was on YouTube one day, and I see this video of this hologram that performed at Cochella. Out of curiosity, I play the video. And it was within that instant, I became a fan of Tupac Shakur. I started listening and downloading his songs and I couldn't get enough of him. The messages he portrays though his music are humanistic and full of morals that everyone should carry through their life. He's actually one of the reasons why I wanted to become a performer.

So Vinyl and Octavia are listening attentively. I am rocking my head back and forward to the beat while I also lip sync to the lyrics. Vinyl is rocking her head to the beat as well and I can tell Octavia is listening very closely to the lyrics. She's more than likely trying to figure out the message Tupac is trying to convey.

When the song ends I ask, "So whatcha' think?"

"I really like it!" Vinyl says. "But what is he talking about exactly?"

"I do wonder that as well," Octavia points out. "I did get that he said 'Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live, and let's change the way we treat each other' but what about the rest of the song."

"He was describing racial issues throughout a song. Let me ask you guys a question, what color is my skin?''

"White," the two say in unison.

"The artist is talking about people who are my opposite skin color, black. Well, the proper term is African-American. But anyway, African-Americans from where I'm from tend to be a target for police, because they are, unfortunately, labeled and profiled for being criminals. And he is discussing that issue here. That is the reason why I like this song and Tupac himself, he teaches valuable lessons on how people shouldn't discriminate someone on the content of their skin color." I pause to let the two mares take in the message.

"Wow, that's...that's deep," Vinyl says. "Is all Hip-Hop that deep where you're from?"

"A lot of it is. There are upbeat, positive songs, but this specific one is what I believe what true Hip-Hop should represent. What is Equestrian Hip-Hop music like?"

"There aren't really any songs that are too political or meaningful, but there are some that are strong motivators for ponies to get out there and do something with themselves." That's not too different from home either. There are a couple like that. "Well, what else ya got?" I scroll through my music to try and figure out what else to listen to. How about something more appealing to Octavia? My thumb stops moving and I find the perfect song.

"Okay, I think I found something that Octavia may like," I say. "It's one of my mom's favorite songs too."

"Well, by all means," the cellist says. I play the song and I let the music fill the room.

I notice Vinyl isn't really taking too much of an appeal for this song, but I see Octavia with her eyes closed, letting the music move her. She has a smile on her face and she is tapping her hoof to the gentle beat of the song. It honestly is a beautiful song and I just can't see anyone not liking this. Well, Vinyl is probably the only exception.

The song ends and I ask, "What about that one?"

"I personally think it is a marvelous piece," Octavia says. "That beautiful piano playing at the beginning and how it sways me. Oh, it's beautiful."

"Eh," Vinyl says. "It's okay." I'm not too surprised that Vinyl would say that. "There are definitely some mushy songs like that here." Mushy? "Anything else interesting?" Hmm, how about something Pop worthy? Oh, I got it!

"Okay, here's a good one." There isn't anyone I know who doesn't know this song. "It's probably one of the most iconic pieces I can think off."

"Well, play it!" Vinyl exclaims.

"With pleasure." I press the play button and the urge to dance fills me up.

This is honestly one of my favorite songs. I know the entire Motown Anniversary dance routine for this as well. And, as if it needs to be added, I LOVE Michael Jackson! He was another inspiration for me getting into music. It is a shame that I became a fan of his some time after his death. If I could go back in time, I would tell my eight year old self to listen to Michael Jackson. But that's off topic...moving on!

The song plays and I tap my foot to the beat. I see Octavia and Vinyl bop their heads to the rhythm and they both look at each other, sharing a "not-bad" look. I would stand up and dance right now, but I'm afraid I'll just make a fool out of my self. Like what I said, I do know the routine, but just bursting into dance out of no where might be a little weird.

By now the song wraps up and I ask, yet again, (this is getting redundant, isn't it?) "Whatcha' think?"

"I thought it was nice," Octavia says.

"Ditto," Vinyl says. "It was very poppy and funky. Not usually my style, but I really dig the tune." I still can't believe that the types of music here are parallel to the music at home. Though we may not have the same songs, the types of songs and sounds are quite similar.

"Well, what about your stuff," I say. "I want to hear some of you guys material."

"Aww come on, one more?"

"I don't know. I think three songs are en-"

"Please." Vinyl is pleading with puppy dog eyes. Okay, I'd be lying if I didn't say that looked adorable. I'd also be lying if I say it didn't work.

"Okay, one more." So once again, I look through my music. Since this would be the last song I want to play, I better make it a good one. What is the best song of all time? I got it! Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley...Just kidding. Though I actually don't mind that song really.

What should it be though? Smells like Teen Spirit? Too grungey. Stairway to Heaven? Too long. Tears in Heaven? Too sad. Dancing Queen? How'd that get on here!? F##k Tha Police? I don't think I should bother with that one. To Succeed on Broadway? Too much Jew bashing. Imagine? It's a great song, but it's a little too soft. Oh, I think I got it! "Alright guys, last song, then I wanna hear you guy's stuff. Alright?'" I ask.

"Alright," Vinyl says, accepting my wager. I press play and a group of four people start the song, acapella.

Though Vinyl may be more of a Party Music junkie, I definitely think she would get a kick out of this. I mean, it's Queen for goodness sake. How can anyone hate Queen? Octavia seems to be impressed with the opening vocals and the piano playing that comes in a little bit after the song starts.

Vinyl seems to be impressed to with the vocal work here as well. Okay, so far so good. It's not going to be gentile and soft for long girls.

Fast forward to the song's end

"Well?" I ask. Let's see what the reaction is.

"That...was...AMAZING!" Vinyl exclaims. "Holy cow, it was all soft like this and then it went all like, bew dadada bew dadada bew with the guitar solo! Oh my Celestia that was amazing!" She plops her back onto the couch with a contempt sigh. I take it that she really enjoyed it.

"What about you Octavia?" I ask, giving the cellist my full attention.

"That was very interesting," she says with an impressed tone. "The vocals were quite sublime. Though the Rock and Roll part wasn't my favorite part, it kept the song moving at the pace it wanted to go at. I thought it was interesting to go from slow, to fast and back to slow again."

"Glad you enjoyed it." I turn my attention to the collapsed disk jokey next to me. "You ready to show your stuff?"

"Oh yeah!" Vinyl says excitedly. "Alright, prepared to be blown away!" Vinyl trots over to her equipment, but Octavia motions me to lean close to her.

"She literally means that," Octavia whispers. "Find something to hold onto."

"Oh please," I whisper back, "it can't be that lo-"

I am cut off with the music coming from the "wubs". The first eleven seconds are soft, but then it really starts to kick in. I feel my hair blowing back and I see the same for the grey mare who foretold this. I think this is what skydivers experience when they go into free fall, the skin on your face just pulls back along with everything else. Though this type of music isn't really up my alley, I'm impressed at Vinyl's DJ skills. She does have a lot of talent, I can give her that, but she's blowing out my ear drums.

After three minutes of her playing her music, my hair is whipped back and so is Octavia's. "Whuwuwah, whuwuwuwah," is all I heard from Vinyl, who is still behind her wubs.

"WHAT?!" I shout. I'm barely able to hear myself.

"Shwupwupwuwha, wuwuwuwa!" Octavia tries to say to me. I have no idea what they're saying. They sound like those off screen adults in those Charlie Brown cartoons.

"HANG ON A SECOND!" I put my index finger in my ear and jiggle it a little, hoping to regain my hearing. I remove my index finger from my ear and ask, "What did you guys say?"

"What did you think?" Octavia says, enunciating each word. Good, I didn't go permanently deaf.

"It was something else, I'll say that much." I run my hands over my hair, trying to get it back to it's previous state. "There is definitely music like that back on my home planet."

"Even the party music is the same?! That's so cool!"

"Well, if I may interrupt," Octavia says, "I may want to show Nick some music that is more refined and proper."

"Alright Octy, go for it." Octavia trots over to the cello that sits upon its stand. She gingerly moves the bottom of it to the ground and holds it up. To my amazement, she is able to stand on her two hind legs, hold the bow in one hoof and control the strings of the cello with the other. Quick question, how do hoofs work? She shouldn't be able to hold a cello bow like that? Ah screw it! I'm in a kids cartoon for God's sake, not all logic has to apply here.

Within mere seconds of her playing, I am amazed at her cello playing. It is a beautiful piece of music and quite frankly, I feel like I'm being serenaded. It is classy, majestic and...umm….if there's a better word for amazing, I would use it, but I can't seem to think of one. Point is, Octavia's musical piece beautiful and moving.

When her piece ends, I immediately get up and clap for her. "Brava! Brava!" I shout. "That was great Octavia!" She blushes a little at my compliment.

"Why thank you Nick. It's always good to hear positive feedback."

"Meh," Is all Vinyl could say. These guys are polar opposites when it comes to music, aren't they? "Not much of an ear for the classy stuff." 'Nuff said. "So Nick, I wanna ask ya, what got you into music?" That's not too much of tricky question, but it is one that sort of came out of left field. Answering it regardless though.

"Well, I guess when I found out I had a singing ability I really got into it. I have only discovered that I can sing only in the December that has just past."

"Why that month?"

"Because I was auditioning for a musical, and lucky for me, I got in."

"Oh," Vinyl lets out.

"I started to sing more, and I loved it. I started singing all the music I enjoyed and, well, that's it there. With rapping, I started to do that about two or three years ago. I remember when I first heard about rap music, I didn't like it. But as I matured, I started to appreciate it a lot more, and practice it until I got better. The same could be said with a lot of other genres I enjoy. And even before that, I learned how dance."

"You can dance?" Octavia asks.

"It's pop dances really. You know that Billie Jean song we were listening to a while ago?" Octavia and Vinyl both nod their heads. "I only know the dances by the guy who sings it. I dance to his music very often. And even before that, I used to play the saxophone and piano. So, it's safe to say that music has had an influence on me for a while, but I only just recently let my full "musicality" come out."

"Wow. That's really somethin'," Vinyl says.

"So how long have you been a DJ?" I ask. I am curious to know how long this white unicorn has been DJing.

"Ever since I was a filly really." So she's been surrounded by music since she was a child. "When I first listened to the party music, my inner conscious was saying 'this is your calling'. And ever since then, I have been at the wubs. I have worked hard when I was young and I was able to make a name for myself. Heck, I was able to DJ for Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armour's wedding."

"You DJed at a royal wedding?" I ask this sort of surprised. Vinyl nods her head. "Yo, that's cool! Must be a huge honor."

"It was. And the pay was good too. I was able to take off two months mortgage because of that night. It was all thanks to Pinkie Pie."

"Pinkie Pie got you the gig?"

"She was the one in charge of setting up the reception. Every reception needs music and she asked me. How could I turn down an offer like that? And of course if Pinkie is planning any sort of event, I'm her go-to music gal. She has parties almost on a daily basis and I get asked to do my work for almost every one." Jeez, Pinkie must like working her to the bone for parties. And since Pinkie has parties on a daily basis, I bet she is a go-to event planner.

"That is something. What about you Octavia?" I turn my attention to Octavia, who was listening attentively. "When did you get into music and performing?"

"Let me think," She says, putting a hoof up to her chin. "I started getting into music when I was about seven years old. I was at yard sale with my father and I saw this cello. It was a beautiful cello made of dark, mahogany. I have never seen anything like it before. The cello itself was a piece of art. I begged my father to buy it for me. He he'll only buy the cello if I learn how to play it.

"So I promised him I would learn how to play it. It wasn't easy, learning how to play the darn thing. My hoofs wouldn't allow me to pick up the bow, but I learned a little trick to hold on to it and then it was smooth sailing from there.

"I practiced almost daily and I loved every second of it. I played for school events, local charities, and so on. I got recognized by the Royal Canterlot Symphony in my teenage years, and they offered me a chair. I could not turn down the offer, so I said yes. From then on, I have been a cello player and a member of the Royal Canterlot Symphony."

"Sounds like your destiny was made at a young age," I say. That is quite a story and just comes to show, that if you love something at a young age, it will stick to you for the rest of your life. I guess that applies to all three of us really.

2:06 P.M.

For the last couple of hours, we just hung out and talked. Vinyl and Octavia did want to hear a couple more songs from the human world. So I played a few for them, when they asked. I did make sure to tell Octavia what Broadway is and how amazing the productions are. Funny enough, they have their own Broadway called Bridleway. Not surprised at the pony pun for it, really.

As of now, I am just getting ready to leave. "Thanks for inviting me over you two. It was really nice getting to know ya'," I say.

"No problem man," Vinyl says. "I learned quite a bit about human music today. You have some good tastes. And you know what, you're a pretty cool guy."

"Of course I am." Heh, I love pretending to be egotistical. Vinyl snickers a little at my remark. "Well, I'll see you two around." I turn around, open the door, step out, wave to the two mares one last time, close the door, and I make my merry way back into the town.