• Published 15th Aug 2014
  • 5,165 Views, 83 Comments

Stuck - NickyD

I was driving home one evening and my car runs out of gas. So I try to get more, but as I was walking to the gas station, I get zapped by a purple lightning bolt and end up in a world of talking ponies. How did this happen? And why does this world lo

  • ...


9:10 PM

After everything has settled down, everyone heads home… well, almost everyone can go home. Applejack is trotting back to Sweet Apple Acres with her head hanging a little low. With all that has transpired minutes ago, the only emotion running through her is pity for her human friend. She’s glad she tried to comfort him, but she can’t help but feel bad for him. The poor guy has been torn away from everything he's loved and was in total bliss to it for the entire week.

She can’t help but imagine what it would be like to be in Nick’s horseshoes… well, just shoes for that matter. Not being able to return home where your family and friends are. Just the very thought of her being separated from Apple Bloom, Big Mac or Granny Smith is scary. Heck, the thought has never crossed her mind until today. She’d hate to be separated from her family or friends for the rest of her life.

Applejack makes it to the door of her home and enters the abode. She closes the door behind her with one of her hind legs and takes a few steps to the center of the living room. She lets out a sigh and continues to walk through the room. Applejack takes notice that her sister is sitting by a window looking up at the night sky. A beautiful night it is no doubt. The moon is in full glow, stars are shining bright, the temperature outside was perfect, it seems like it’s the ideal spring night.

“Whatcha’ still doin’ up sugarcube?” Applejack asks, walking to her sister and sitting next to her.

“Just thinking. Nick is probably floating around up there somewhere,” Apple Bloom says. So she’s thinking of Nick too.

“Yeah, about that…” Apple Bloom turns her head to face her sister with those young innocent eyes of hers. “Uh… Apple Bloom, Nick can’t return to his home world. He’s stuck here.” Apple Bloom lets those words sink in.

He’s stuck here?” Apple Bloom thought. “But, didn’t Twilight-”

“She thought she had it, but something was overlooked. Because of that, Nick can’t go home.”

“Oh… wow…” Apple Bloom says with the tone of disbelief. “He can’t go back to his family?” Applejack just shakes her head for her response. Hearing what Apple Bloom just said emotionally hurts. No one should be deprived of seeing their family, but Nick unfortunately is living in that reality.

“He can’t go back to them.” In one quick motion, Apple Bloom wraps her forelegs around her sister and buries her head into Applejack’s chest. Applejack is, at first, taken by surprise, but quickly returns the hug and nuzzles her nose on top of Apple Bloom’s head. “You know, it kind of shows how lucky we are.”

“We are?”

“Mmm hmm. The poor feller can’t see them again, but we can always see each other.”

“...” Apple Bloom never realized how lucky she is, now that Applejack says it. She is always with her family and friends who sees her every day. Nick on the other hoof, can’t anymore. She wonders if there is anypony else in Equestria going through what Nick is. “What do you think we should do?”

“I think the best thing we can do, Apple Bloom, is just be there for him, if or when he needs us. If he needs to talk to someone, we’ll lend an ear, if he needs a shoulder to cry on, we’ll be there, you get what I’m sayin’ sugar?”

“Yes Applejack.” Apple Bloom nuzzles the top of her head to Applejack’s chin and Applejack tightens her embrace of her sister, wishing she could just stay like this for the rest of her life.

With Rarity

Very quietly, Rarity enters her home and shop. She doesn’t want to make a sound, knowing Sweetie Belle is asleep. Just to make sure, she trots up the stairs to Sweetie Belle’s room. She gingerly opens the door and sees her younger sister, fast asleep in her bed. She looks content as she sleeps, dreaming pleasant dreams no doubt.

Knowing her sister is out like a light, she closes her door as quietly as possible and walks back down stairs. Rarity isn’t ready to go to sleep yet, too much is on her mind. What’s going to happen with NIck? Will he be okay? How will he manage here? All of these questions are purging her mind. She wants to do something, but she just doesn’t know what.

Rarity can not imagine what it would be like to be in her human friend’s place. Finding out you can’t go back to the home you love is probably one of the worst things to happen to someone.

She is pacing around her work quarters, just thinking on what to do, when something catches her eye. That something is just some loose fabric laying around on the ground. Next to the loose fabric is a spool of thread, layered down to the last bit. That very fabric and spool were used to make Nick’s first outfit the other day.

“Wait a second,” Rarity mumbles. Outfits… “Idea!” Rarity knows how she can help out Nick! Not only that, maybe she can do more for him. “Where did I keep that note pad?” She trots to her desk and opens the top drawer, the notepad being the first thing she sees. She levitates the note pad and flips through it to find her human friend’s measurements. She reads over them a few times. Satisfied with knowing what to do, she says, “Alright Rarity, lets make some magic!”

Later that night with Nick

I slowly open my eyes, vision a little fuzzy. By the time my eyes become clear, I just see white. Wait a second… white! Frantically, I get to my feet and look down at my clothing. It’s all black. Black clothing, white all around me, last time there was all of this, I was with Princess Luna. Is she here? She has to be.

“Princess Luna!” I call out into the white limbo. “Are you here? Hello!” I have some questions for the Princess of the Night. “I know you’re here Princess. I need to talk to you.” I hear the clip clop of hooves in the distance. I turn around and see the night princess approach me. When she gets closer, I see she has a face of pity and sadness. A little regret to, I can tell. “Did you know?” I ask her. A simple nod is her response. She did know! “Why didn’t you tell me? Why keep it a secret?” I say with venom at the tip of my tongue.

“Would you rather know right from the start, or stay in bliss for a week?” she asks.

“I would have preferred it if you were honest and upfront with me.”

“And I was. I told you you’re greatest fear would become a reality by the end of your stay in Equestria.”

“... Guess I didn’t realize my greatest fear would be being separated from my family and friends.” I pause and look down at the floor, keeping an expressionless face.

“How are you handling the news?” I look up and stare into her light blue eyes.

“To be honest, it sucks Luna. I mean, I’ve been torn away from everything I loved. I don’t know what’s going on back home, I can’t do the things I always wanted to do back there, I don’t know how everyone else is holding up, I just…” I can’t finish my sentence. I don’t know what else to say really. All I do is just run my hands through my hair, frustrated.

“I can help fix that.” My gaze returns to Luna.

“What, am I like some sort of beacon or link to my world that allows you to see what’s going on?” I ask sarcastically.

“Actually, yes.” Wait what? “We couldn’t quite figure it out, but your presence in Equestria allows me and my sister to look into your world. Strange anomaly really.”

“Wait wait wait wait wait, so you and Princess Celestia can see what is going on in my world?”

“Indeed. I’ll demonstrate.” Her horn lights up with a blue aurora and a bright flash appears, blinding me.

In mere seconds, I hear cheering. Lots of it. I open my eyes and look down to see I am on top of a green wall both tall and wide. People are on my right and left, overlooking something. I take a look at the direction most of these people are facing, only to see I am overlooking a baseball diamond. I see a guy running towards second base and sliding into it. The second baseman tags the guy with the ball in his glove, but the umpire calls it safe, causing the crowd around me to cheer. I squint my eyes to see who’s on second. the jersey says…

“Victorino?” I recognize him!! He used to be on the Phillies! Now he’s on the Red... Soxs. Wait a second, Shane Victorino is here, me and Princess Luna are overlooking a baseball field on top of a tall and wide wall that's green. “This is Fenway Park. Are we in Boston?” I ask.

“Yes we are. What you and I are seeing are visions of what is currently going on in your home world.” This is amazing!! I can’t believe it! As I am enticed in this amazing thing, some dude walks through me. I mean, kind of like how Moaning Myrtle is able to pass through Harry Potter. Trippy.

“So, they can’t see us?” I ask, padding my my body, making sure I was still intact. Luna shakes her head.

“We are merely observers.” Okay. So it’s not exactly like coming back home, but I have to say, it’s still pretty cool.

“Hey Luna, how did you know this was Boston?” I asked her if we’re in Boston and she knew we were. How, is what I want to know.

“Well, I have done some research on you humans by watching your world. I have visited your schools and universities and sat in at lectures and lessons . I also picked up a lot from just listening to your species. I have to say, you humans are very interesting and can be very complex.” Huh.

“Really?” I kind of want to test her. I want to see how much she’s picked up. “Okay Princess Luna, name a Running Back for the Philadelphia Eagles.”

“Darren Sproles.” Okay.

“Who was the United States President from 1960 to 1963?”

“John F. Kennedy.”

“Who were the Axis Powers during World War Two?”

“The main Axis Powers were: Italy, Germany and Japan.” Looks like she has been doing her research.

“Who is the current leader of Russia?”

“Vladimir Putin.”

“Hmm… Okay, I’ll take your word for it.” I wonder, how much did she learn? I mean, those were questions that were just out of the blue and she answered them without hesitation. She must know plenty. Wait, does that mean…

“I want to ask you Nick, is my world entirely fictional in your world?” Uh oh…

“Umm…” S##t.

“So I guess I wasn’t the only one holding information.” Touche Luna, touche. “Upon doing research of your world, I have noticed there are these moving picture programs and it seems that our world is one of them. It has quite a… fanbase as you call it.” So she didn’t just find the show, she found the bronies too. Oh boy, this will be fun.

“Yeah. You guys are fictional characters on a TV show. No one knows you actually exist. But the reason why I held that information is because I don’t know how everyone else will react. I mean, it’s kind of like prying into people’s personal lives, you know? If it was a fan in my place, he would know something Fluttershy, or somepony else, did on the show. It’s a little weird.”

“I understand. Only Princess Celestia and I are aware of these moving picture shows and the somewhat odd fan base around it.” Understatement of the year. “This information must stay between you, me and my sister. Like what you said, who knows how everypony would react if they learned that their lives were some source of fiction. Kapish?” She picked up on some lingo too, that's kind of cool.

“Kapish,” I respond. She’s taking it rather well.

“Good.” Both Luna and I return our gazes to the ball game. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to Citizens Bank Park to see a Phillies game. The times I saw them they lost, but I still had a good time. I remember my dad taking me to a game when I turned fourteen. I forget who they were playing, but it was bucket hat day and I got a Phillies bucket hat for free. Good memories.

I feel worse now. Thinking about my dad and family again. How I may never have time with them again. I wonder how they’re holding up. Wait…

“Hey, Luna?”

“Yes?” she responds, looking at me.

“Is it at all possible for me to see how my family’s holding up?”

“I can take care of that.” Her horn lights up again and bright flash blinds me. Taking only a few seconds to recover from my temporary blindness, I see I am in my living room back in my home. I’m facing the TV and see a program is on. It’s Law and Order.

“My mom watches Law and Order quite a bit.”

“Turn around.” I do so and see her! My mom is on the couch, laying her head against my dad’s shoulder, him embracing her with one arm. It appears that the both of them are watching TV. Maybe they’re trying to keep their minds off of me. I don’t think Law and Order will help, Lennie’s wise cracks can only do so much.

“You okay sweetie?” my dad asks my mom, rubbing his hand on her arm.

“I’m just worried about my baby,” my mom says, somberly with a tear rolling down her cheek. F##k, that hurts to both hear and see. “It’s almost been a week and the police still haven’t found him.” Search parties are out there?

“He’ll turn up,” my dad tells her, trying to speak comfort. He kisses the top of mom’s head. “It’ll be alright. Someone will find him.” I don’t know about that dad.

“I miss him.” Seeing my mom like this causes tears to fill up my eyes. It’s unbearable. I take a quick glance at Luna and she has a couple of tears rolling down her cheeks.

“I miss you too mom,” I say, voice cracking a little with more tears flowing. “I miss all of you guys. I love you.”

“Your entire family has been praying day in and day out for your return,” Luna says. “Your parents have been asking other family members it they know anything, your siblings have been asking everyone at your school for information. Your parents also asked your teachers and principal if they know anything. Each member of your family even asked your closest friends if they know anything.” That’s right, because I was with them the night I went to Equestria.

“How are they?”

“They’ve been doing the same as your family, praying for your safety and return while asking anyone with any information. Heck, your entire school is worried for you. All your teachers, peers, every one. They’re all really concerned.” I let out a lengthy sigh. Well ain’t that comforting. I’m missing from earth and everyone I know, and a couple hundred more, are worried sick about me. Great.

I look back at my parents. My dad has my mom in a full embrace, rubbing her back too. I can hear her letting out some more sobs. Loud ones too. That’s it, I can’t take it anymore.

“Luna, take us back to the limbo, I can’t bare to see this anymore.” Luna nods her head and in a flash, we’re back to where we were earlier. I bring my thumb and index finger to my eyes and try to wipe away the tears.

“I’m sorry that you are going through this Nick,” the Princess of the Night says. I try to wipe the tears away, but they don’t want to stop. I just lower my head.

“They don’t know what happened to me. They may never know. They-they won’t have any closure on it and they’ll just be guessing for the rest of their lives and I won’t be able to tell them! God d##m it all!” I turn my back to Luna, breathing heavily from frustration. I put my hands on the back of my head.

“Well… that’s not entirely true.” I swing around and look at Luna dead in the eye.

“Come again.” Is she saying there’s a solution?

“By tomorrow at nine, a chariot will be in front of the library. It will be for you. The chariot will take you to our castle in Canterlot. Me and my sister will explain everything once you arrive.” Jesus, more hidden info from these damn princesses!

“Why can’t you just tell me now?!” I almost shout with some edge.

“It’s going to be a surprise. Trust me, I think you may enjoy this one.” A grin spreads across her face. Why this little... might as well just go with it.

“Fine. I’m still pissed off at you guys for not telling me anything about my situation sooner. You and your sister owe me big time.”

“Understandable. I must go now. Take care of yourself my little human.”

“Yeah, whatever,” I mumble. She takes a giant leap and flaps her wings, flying off into the abyss leaving me alone. “Wait, what am I supposed to do all by myself here?”