• Published 20th Dec 2014
  • 1,131 Views, 192 Comments

Dragons of Hourglass - Rammy

Spike has chosen but now the task of bringing the dragons into harmony must begin and the return of dragon clans seems like a good start

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A Lesson on the Code

“Hey, He of Hourglass.” Harmony smiled when he saw that Golden Heart was casually leaning against his desk eying an emerald in his hand. He was hoping that the former Garble “He of Hourglass” wasn’t here. Most likely moving his hoard… again.

Golden Heart popped the emerald into his mouth shattering it with a single bite. “He is not here…”

“Thank the stars…” Harmony felt relieved at that. “I don’t want to start that again.”

“Start what again?” A blank stare from Golden Heart nearly got him giggling.

“Let’s just say He of Laughter and leave it at that…”

“So, what brings you here to the library?” Golden Heart got up onto his feet so he could properly talk with his visitor.

“I want you to send this to Celestia.” Harmony lifted up a sealed scroll. “It’s time to start the Bearer of Magic’s lessons.”

“Aren't you a bit early for that? I do recall you saying giving her a week to settle back in and to read that book of yours.”

“True, but she has a tenancy to fret and freak out when even the most minor things throw off her schedule.”

Golden Heart crossed his arms before asking, “And what makes you think I’ll allow you to purposely cause her stress?”

“Because I know that you know that there is more to life than rigid schedules, lists, and checklists to check the checklists to make sure she did everything on her list.”

“Wait. Are you serious?” Golden Heart’s eyes widen, his jaw dropping a bit, “She really does that?”

“Sadly, she does…” Harmony shook his head in confirmation.

“Then by all means hand me the ‘scroll of her doom.’” Golden Heart smiled evilly while looking about conspiratorially. Harmony snorted as he tried to suppress his laughter at his antics.

Golden Heart couldn’t help but to start chuckling. It got so bad that he soon sounded like a rolling rumble. He tried to get his fire to work but he was unable to stop shaking long enough to properly form the right fire. Everytime he tried all he produced was smoke. At this Harmony lost it and joined in repeatedly slamming his hoof to the ground.

A squawk woke up Twilight from her slumber. She groggily looked around seeing nothing but scrolls and opened books lying everywhere. She had fallen asleep in the middle of her studying… again. Another squawk fully awakened her. She looked towards the window to see that Philomena was perched next to a snoozing Owlowiscious. A scroll was tied to her leg.

“A letter?” She wondered as she grabbed the scroll. The phoenix squawked again then took off back to Canterlot. Twilight quickly unsealed the scroll. She quickly read the letter. Not believing what she read she read it again. She began to panic as she realized that she read it correctly.

“He gave me a week! That’s seven days not five. Maybe he wanted to test me to make sure I don't wait until the last minute. Or maybe it has been a week because dragon weeks are shorter oh dear oh dear oh dear what to do what to do! I know! A list!” Twilight pulled out a scroll and started scribbling down a list of things she needed to have when her first ‘official’ dragon culture lesson from Harmony started.

Harmony lit his horn with mana then shouted in power, ”Private: Twilight: Lock.“ The crystal walls glowed for a moment then dimmed back to normal. There that should keep Discord out not that I think he’s there but with him… Harmony scrunched up his muzzle at that. Twilight was too busy wondering what was going on to notice. I hope she will ignore the fact that I also removed her assembled note taking materials. Somehow I doubt it.

“What did you do?” Twilight continued to scan the chambers trying to figure out what exactly Harmony’s randomness did.

“I just made sure that this meeting is private. There is a book under the dais that lists the spells enchanted into the castle and how to activate them. I suggest you memorize them so you know how to secure the castle and especially the council room.” Harmony raise a hoof when he saw the look in her eyes. “Later, once we are done. Also those books need to remain there and are enchanted to return there… You can add other books to there as well.”

“Before we get too far along and I forget, Golden Heart sends his regards. I might add that he was quite amused at your stilted writing…” Twilight blushed completely embarrassed as her apparently abysmal letter writing. “Listen it’s alright to talk about yourself and the past. Write like he was right there listening to you. Obviously you will need to omit any reference remotely related to Spike that includes his job as an assistant. I sure you can come up with a spell to remind you before you slip up. While we are on this, you also knew Garble as well so that applies to him as well…” Harmony stopped when he noticed that Twilight had stopped listening and was showing signs of worry.

Twilight was trying to mask the fact that she was in the middle of a desperate search. Harmony shook his head in amusement as he watched her increasingly frantic nature. “Wait!” Twilight yelled out as she gave up trying to hide her panic. Her horn glowed even brighter as she tried even harder to get her writing materials, “What happened to my scrolls, my ink, my quills!” She started to run about looking literally everywhere for her missing items.


“Oh dear, I just had them!”


“I double and triple checked to make sure and I still forget them!?”


“I got it! I must have left them in the office!” Twilight frantically tried to push the side door to the office open. “Come on. Door. Open!”

“TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” Harmony yelled in the Canterlot Royal Voice. Twilight gulped and turned to face Harmony's image. “I removed them.”

“Why?” Harmony facehoofed so hard that he was sure he gave himself a bruise. Twilight nervously laughed when she realized that she had just done. She had panicked in front of her teacher.

“You did read the book right? I don't write those graphic ‘threats’ to fulfill some sick twisted sadistic pleasure. Those ‘threats’ actually happened. Most of which was punishments for being irresponsible with the knowledge they were taught. Dragons had taught or told things about dragons to those who were not able, wanting, or willing to understand the immense responsibility and honor that comes from having said knowledge. The dragons that gave out that knowledge received the mark of dishonor and you remember what I said about Garble being really lucky? Golden Heart has has so much faith in you that he is willing to take the risk.”

Twilight visibly paled as she recalled all the terrible things that she now knew the dragons had actually done never mind the more recent events with Garble. Harmony wanted to put a wing around her to calm her but his wings would only pass though her if he tried. So he did the next thing and adjusted his spell temporary so that he could walk to her huddling form. He laid down so that she could see him easily. “Relax, Bearer of Magic.” Harmony soothed.

“So if I misuse this knowledge or flippantly spread it Golden Heart could…” Twilight shuttered at the thought.

“Now you see why dragons are very leary about revealing anything about their culture and ways.“
He released his additional spell and his image wavered out of existence for a second before reappearing back above the dias.

Harmony nodded in approval as Twilight got up and took a seat on her throne. Wasting no time he dived right into what he needed to talk about. “There are three levels or types of dragon code: hatchling, whelp, and the third (which I don't know the ‘name’ of) that adults get imprinted with at the Choosing.”

Harmony lifted up the guide and allowed it to slow spin in the air. “The Reference Guide contains mainly hatchling and some whelp code. I was given permission by several dragons to write that book because its express purpose was to prevent unnecessary death from accidental ‘culture misunderstandings’. Normally the code is never allowed to be written down.”

“Why is that?”

“Besides the risk that it could end up being read by anyone? Because if you are unable to remember by heart then you are are considered not responsible enough to know the code.” At seeing Twilight appearing still confused he added. “Would you find it rude for someone to be constantly consulting a book just to talk to you?”

“Yes…” Twilight blushed and sheepishly rubbed the back of her head, “a little.”

“There is the simple answer to your question.”

“Here is your assignment,” Harmony levitated a scroll so she could see then in a flash the scroll disappeared and then popped back into existence next to Twilight. “I have enchanted it so that only you can read it and will disappear the moment you finish reading it or leave the council chambers.”

“Wait, I thought that…”

“That the Reference Guide was the only exception? For non-adult, non-dragons yes. It seems I left out something…” Harmony rubbed a hoof to his head as he felt a headache forming. Now I know how my teachers must have felt...

“I think it’s obvious that adults are the ones that teach whelps and hatchlings. I think that hoofwriting or in this case clawwriting should look familiar. I had discussed this with Golden Heart and he has agreed that this will be less stressful on our magic reserves. To teach you the ‘proper’ way would require the extended use of this connection. To begin with using this form of communication is a drain on the magic of myself or Golden Heart on this end and the castle on your end. This alone would normally not be enough but with the now ever present threat of the ‘Dark One’ and the strain this connection would have with extended use on this plane is a risk the world can’t afford. The last thing we can afford is the ‘Dark One’ finding a way into this plane. The power he could wield…”

Twilight saw him going pale and decided it might be best to ask a question to hopefully move the lesson away that dark topic. “What about the spell matrix that you are working on?”

Harmony snapped out of his inner dark thoughts with a slight blush. He figured she would ask that question when he trailed off. Secretly he was glad she did. “There is still a chance that it won’t work and I can’t guarantee that I will always been in Hourglass. Also it will still put strain on your side.”

“Now you have one week to memorize the list. I taped a piece of paper over the final code to give you time to memorize the rest. Be at Zecora’s next Tuesday at noon along with the Bearer of Generosity. I have arranged for River Guardian to test you. Do us both a favor and don’t just regurgitate the codes. This is a test of using the code you have learn in normal conversation. He will be able to tell if you are just repeating it or know how to truly use it.”

“Why can’t River Guardian teach me?”

Harmony couldn't’ believe she asked that question he was sure he had already said why not earlier. “That would be improper.”

“How could it be improper?”

“Uhhh…” Harmony facehoofed. Twilight He made a mental note to have Golden Heart explain the finer details as to why only Golden Heart and Himself would be teaching her. For now he was going to have to stall her. “Hold that question for next time. And because I know that you will try don’t ask River Guardian because that would be extremely rude and it will reflect on you ‘test.’”

Twilight gulped at that. She prided herself on always getting high scores on tests and the idea of getting a lower grade or Celestia forbid fail… She gulped again at that thought.

“Back to our lesson.” Twilight snapped back to attention. “You remember that I have said on many occasions that I follow dragon code? That is only partially true. I live the code. There is a difference. You will only have to follow the code. And you are only going to learn part of the code: The Rules of Interaction.”

“This next part I’m going to tell you as a warning. The code I live by is known as the Acolyte Code which is the code that non dragons can follow. The Acolyte Code is a conglomerate of all of the hatchling and whelp codes with slight modifications for being biologically not a dragon. The Rules of Interaction that you are learning are contained within that. Be aware that you may encounter a dragon that doesn’t approve of ‘outsiders’ learning about dragon codes. Some will assume that because you know the Rules of Interaction that you are wanting to live the code. For your own safety deny that. And never imply that you are interested. You must be firm that you only are following the Rules of Interaction to help promote peace between dragons and those that are in your care. Do you understand?”


“Now there is something else. Pop quiz: What do you and I know that is normally not to be known by those that aren’t adult dragons and why we might know it?”

Twilight thought for a moment. She racked her brain trying to think of something that she knew that would be adult only knowledge. Suddenly she thought of it. “The memory wipe but I have no idea why.”

“Correct. Though you shouldn’t know why. That part was a trick question. You are allowed to know because of hatching him and me from being designated as his guardian by the dragons. This gives of us the unique privilege of knowing some of the adult codes. One of them is the example that you gave. That is something that only adults are suppose to know. So of course it is not part of the Acolyte Code.”

“There are a few others but I’m not going over them. If a dragon accuses you of knowing more then you should let them know that you hatched a dragon egg. Don’t reveal any more than that. That should pacify them.”

“What if they think I stole the egg?”

“Good question…” Harmony racked his mind but couldn't think of a good answer. “I will have to consult Golden Heart so I will get back to you on that.”

Harmony could feel that his magic was beginning to wane. He wanted to teach some more, but sadly, he knew not to push it. He figured it would be best to wrap it up by allowing her to ask a few questions. Hopefully they would be questions with simple answers.

“I think we have time for a few questions…” Harmony stopped talking as he heard a painfully high pitched squeal echo across the chambers. He looked around the Council of Harmony for the source but couldn't find it. It was at that point that he realized it was Twilight. His ears flatten as he thought darkly. This could be the death of me.

After a few minutes, Twilight was finally able to get her brain working again after her initial excitement. She had written nearly a hundred questions but was of course without it as Harmony took away all of her materials earlier. One did come to mind though. Recent events had brought it up and the book gave no answers. The book went so far as to implied that outside of the Dragon Migration that dragons kept to themselves which begged the question. “What are dragon clans?”

“I know just as much as you do about dragon clans. If I learn anything that I’m allowed to pass on I’ll let you know.”

“You said you were designated as Spike’s guardian. How?

“You picked a very complex question... I will give you a basic overview.” Harmony sighed at seeing Twilight’s faltering expression. “Please, understand, Bearer of Magic, that there parts of the story that I can not tell. Other parts would take too long to go over right now and we both have responsibilities to get back to.” Twilight‘s expression was still down but at least it stopped darkening. Harmony smiled a bit upon seeing that at least he would alleviate at least some of her curiosity. “The simple answer would be that Spike’s parents entrusted me with his egg. Remember that a Keeper manifests only when there can be no more of that race. Spike’s egg appeared as… as both…”

“Harmony?” Twilight asked softly as she noticed his eyes glazing over.. or at least she thought they were glazed over.

“Sorry, lost in memories there for a second…” Harmony sniffed slightly. “Anyway, an egg by code would have been normally been smashed upon being orphaned or abandoned as that is considered the same. There is a part of the whelp code that never is taught unless a clutchmate wishes to care for his unhatched cluthmates or aka orphaned siblings. Now obviously I’m not a dragon even though I was living by the Acolyte Code by that point. So how could I be considered his clutchmate?”

After a few moments of silence Twilight suddenly realized that Harmony was waiting her to answer his question. “You mean you want me to figure out how…” She trailed off as the gears in her head went into overdrive trying to grasp at anything that would help her answer.

“It’s okay not to know.” Harmony chuckled when he saw that Twilight realized that he had tripped her up on purpose again. “Admitting that might save your life one day… Names are sacred to a dragon. Remember when I said I was never allowed near a dragon about to Choose? But who would be near them?”

“Their family.”

“Usually. On occasion a dragon can be away from family when it happens. There are two magical names a dragon has: their hoard name and their egg name. I was there when his egg was sung over. That is also sacred as it is to be only known by family which is why you only heard the translated version. By allowing me to be there and to hear it Spike’s parents adopted me as his clutchmate as if I was by blood.”

“Wait, Spike considered us his family so why…”

Harmony raised a hoof to silenced her. He couldn't allow any more interruptions if he was going to finish answering Twilight’s question. He continued as if she hadn’t interrupted. “It was that name that gave me the opportunity to take Rite of Guardianship. If a whelp passes then he is magically linked to the egg or eggs. The codes that the whelp is taught after passing are some very basic adult codes. They are also are addressed as if they are adults (even though they are not adults and most codes will still not apply) That is all I am able to talk about because you have not and are unable to take the Rite.”

“So that is why you have a ‘territory,’ hoard, and are address as ‘He of Harmony.’”


Twilight grumbled, rubbing her hooves against her head. “This is giving me a headache.”

“Yeah,” Harmony sighed heavily, “The codes are complex and can seem contradictory at times…”


Harmony rolled his eyes, snickering, “Welcome to the club.”

Author's Note:

Finally after 2 short chapters, a bonus chapter, and a GJ we get a nice "long" one.

A bit of Spike there with the "scroll of her doom"

Lets see if this info dump gets those questions flowing (And hopefully from more then just RadicalDishonesty... though maybe I'll get lucky and manage to pull a fast one again.)

I still have availability for a dragon OC if you want yours in the story see this blog post or PM me for details.

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