• Published 20th Dec 2014
  • 1,129 Views, 192 Comments

Dragons of Hourglass - Rammy

Spike has chosen but now the task of bringing the dragons into harmony must begin and the return of dragon clans seems like a good start

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To Find a Name

“Good Morning Tierra…” Harmony greeted the pink dragoness who was yawning loudly.

“Is it?” Tierra looked around. It was light enough to be just before dawn. Not quite morning in her book. “It’s so strange here…”

“Welcome to Hourglass. The center of strange for the entire world… the only place the comes close is Hydro Hourglass.”

“Hydro Hourglass?”

“Well it can’t call it an hourglass without two halves now can we?” Harmony smirked. He waved for her to start exploring as he knew she was already itching to do so. He also let her take the lead figuring she would prefer that over a guided tour. “This one, ‘officially’, is called Terra Hourglass as it is composed of earth and rock. I think you can guess what the Hydro Hourglass is composed of.”

“So why is the mountain upside down? It doesn’t make sense and Quartermaster couldn't answer why yesterday.” Tierra asked as she poked her head in a small building.

“Do you know how a compass works?”

“Yes.” Tierra answered pulling her head out of the building after seeing not of great interest inside.

“Well the two Hourglasses are the equivalent for the magic ley lines.”

“So it’s because of the massive amounts of magic ley lines that allow it to be upside down?”

“That is the theory.” Harmony shrugged there was things about magic even he didn’t know and the exact reason alluded him. He remembered there were some books on the subject in the library but found them to be a bit out of his league.

“I still can’t believe how little damage the city has for it’s age. Is every building like this?” Tierra gestured to the buildings around them most only having sections of plaster missing from them.

“There are some that have collapsed but to the most part most have relatively minor damage…” Harmony acknowledged as he followed Tierra through a side door of a mansion, “and it has a lot to do with the ley lines as well as how well the city was constructed in the first place.”

“Yeah….” Tierra absentmindedly agreed as she carefully examined a vase before moving into the main hall. At what she saw her eyes watered. “I think I’ll ever want to leave.” Tierra drooled a bit at all of the ordinary artifacts of everyday life scattered about in the main hall. It’s was as if she could close her eyes for a second to reopen them to see the past right before her. The City of Hourglass was a treasure trove that could keep a team of archeologists busy for decades.

“Then don’t.”

“He of Hourglass… I…” Tierra fumbled from the unexpected intrusion of He of Hourglass.

One by one the entire clan soon enter the mansion… which was a bit difficult for Quartermaster because of his bulk but he managed.

“Is this what I think it is and how did you know?”

“It is what you think it is, and I knew you would never want to leave after what He of Harmony told me…”

It looks like time for me to make my exit. Harmony smiled before quietly leaving.

“Why’d you leave?”

“A Choosing is one of the most sacred rites of a dragon… I will not lessen it by being there. It was bad enough I was there for three… Yours, Quartermaster’s, and He of Music’s…”

“Oh Harmonious Knight, sometimes I wonder if your name shouldn’t be Golden Heart…”

“My name has a broader meaning but part of it does mean to have a heart of gold…”

“So you weren’t kidding all that time ago when you said we had similar names?”

“I’m surprised you remember that as I barely remember that day as it is…One question though, am I going to have to go through the whole ‘No the other She of Hourglass’ like I did right after Quartermaster’s Choosing?”

“I have no idea…” Golden DragonHeart admitted. “As it was, He of Music not using He of Hourglass was surprising…”

“Swell.” Harmony deadpanned.

“This is stupid…” Twixt’d complained. “Having to stay so close to your house. The city is huge and so empty it’s not like I can really get into trouble here.”

“Life sometimes is unfair Twixt’d. Now I have to head out to help the Dragon of Black and Green Scales and the Dragon of Orange Scales and Spikes.”

“Why? From what you told me it’s sounds like a dragon problem.”

“Because I am a Keeper and what has ailed them was caused by a changeling so the thinking is that I might find a way to counteract it.”

“Sounds boring.”

“For you maybe… Why don’t you go out hunting. There is a forest to the south that has prey not native to the area around Traxti City. Take a scroll just encase you get lost.”

“Yes, father…” Twixt’d dramatically pouted. He took a scroll before exiting.

“Dragon of Orange Scales and Spikes you seem a bit down. How come?”

“We have not been able to find anything that I feel a pull to here and we have been at this what?” The orange dragon counted on his claws. “Five months?”

“I’m sorry.” Harmony looked downward in shame. “I still have not be able to find a way to fix your memories and as much as I don’t want to bring this up its very likely they are gone forever. He of Hourglass has tried several times to restore it as he not?”

“Yes he has.” He of Music spoke up. “I even tried to help with combining his harmony magic with soul song magic, but still nothing.”

“I’m okay with not regaining my memories if only I could remember my name or find one that calls out to me but…”

“Don’t give up yet…” A scroll shimmered into existence in front of Harmony, interrupting him. He read the scroll then flashed it away.

Harmony sighed heavily, “Twixt’d got himself in a bind… I have to go figure out where he is…”

“He didn’t say where he was?”

“No…” Harmony shook his head. “He says he can’t see the sun…” I’m surprised he was as detailed in his letter as he was...

“I could find him for you…” The black dragon offered.

Harmony raised an eyebrow. The way that the dragon sounded with his offer made him wonder. “I sense you want something in exchange for said help?”

“Of course.”

Harmony took a studying glance at the black dragon. “He of Music, has he been like this before?”

“Uh, yes, actually he has…” He of Music’s eyes went wide before he facepalmed.

Harmony stayed his own facehoof. He didn’t want to embarrass He of Music any more than he already had… While it was true he had no idea how to direct a dragon to a hoard name he usually could see the general direction of what it could be. Sometimes having an outside perspective helped too.

“Dragon of Black and Green Scales let’s be honest, shall we? I have a feeling you already know the name that you want… what is stopping you?”

“I can answer that.” Came a voice.

“He of Hourglass!” Harmony spun around to see the purple and green dragon leaning against a nearby building. Has he been there this whole time? Harmony wondered.

“Dragon Keeper.” The black dragon bobbed his head.

He of Hourglass walked up next to Harmony. “I have tried finding a way but only the magic at an original choosing has the power to create clans. There may be another way but I have not found it or there really isn’t one. While it is possible that my harmony magic could help I can’t guarantee it will work. Another issue is as you said, Dragon of Orange Scales and Spikes, nothing seems to pull your heart here.”

He of Hourglass let his wings sprout and flew up to rooftop to better address the black dragon. “How long have you know what your name should be?”

The black dragon thought for a moment before answering, “About a week now…”

“Do you sense the instinct telling to to declare it right this moment?”

“I want to, but instinctively… no. I feel as if I can wait as long as needed.”

“Then it should be no problem for you to leave together to figure out what the Dragon of Orange Scales and Spikes name should be. Even if we find out at the Dragon of Orange Scales and Spikes Rechoosing that my harmony magic is unable to start your clan magically if you still wish to become a clan, if only in name, than a clan you shall be. You already operate like a clan as it is.”

Harmony could tell that it was time for him to leave. He needed to go rescue Twixt’d anyway. He wasn’t sure exactly how he could have gotten so thoroughly tied up by hanging vines. It should be an interesting story one way or another.

“Where are you going He of Harmony?” The black and green dragon asked Harmony when he noticed him turning away.

“I’m going to go get Twixt’d as it’s improper for me to be here. I don’t wish to lessen the sacredness of what is about to happen.”

“Nonsense,” The dragon blocked Harmony’s path with his tail, “You played a role in trying to help to recover my memories even though you were unsuccessful. And you leaving would lessen my name.”

Harmony sighed. “Very well Dragon of Black and Green Scales.”

“I will need to help you release the power to rename yourself.” He of Hourglass sat down and began to mediate. “When you are ready roar it out.”

“Es izvēlēties Atlītzīsa Leülētājs.” The dragon roared. He of Hourglasses eyes glowed gold as he did.

Fascinating. Harmony wondered. I heard the draconic language but unlike the Hourglass Clan I can’t understand it… weird. Maybe it’s because this not a typical choosing… similar to when Golden Heart’s name changed...

The black dragon blinked a few times. His mind settling from the magic of renaming himself. “My name... My name is Reward Seeker.”

The two dragons from the Hourglass Clan and Harmony looked at each other and nodded.

“Golden DragonHeart.”

“Harmonious Knight.”

“Eternal Beats.”

When Harmony heard Eternal Beats it confirmed that he he did hear his name at his choosing just like with Metal Claws.

Reward Seeker’s jaw dropped in shock. A very common occurrence during his stay in Hourglass. “You have been chosen by The Voice for the Path of the DragonWyrm!?”

“Yes.” Golden DragonHeart confirmed.

“Then I wish the best and may your name be remembered. By your leave Dragon Keeper.”

“You have it.” Reward Seeker turned to prepare to fly but stopped as Golden DragonHeart continued. ”One last thing, Reward Seeker, before you go, remember the way the power from me felt when you Rechose. I say this because if, for whatever reason, you are unable to return when it comes time, hopefully soon, for your Secondclaw to Rechoose you can help him.”

Reward Seeker swung his head back to give his thanks. “Thank you, for everything. Whether or not you find a way for myself and the Dragon of Orange Scales and Spikes to become a clan or not we can never repay you. Come Dragon of Orange Scales and Spikes your name is out there somewhere.”

“Yes, brother.” The orange dragon took off after him.

“It is starting in earnest…” Harmony spoke softly, smiling towards the dragons leaving Hourglass.

“What does that mean Harmony?” Eternal Beats asked. Golden DragonHeart eyed Harmony as he was pretty sure he knew what Harmony meant.

“The dragons are rapidly returning to harmony… I have only seen this once before with the ponies and to see it start happening to the dragons… it makes all the sweat, blood, and tears worth it.”

“How would you know that?” Eternal Beats asked in astonishment.

“I just do.” Harmony kept watching even as the new ‘clan’ disappeared into the sky.

Author's Note:

Seven point two guesses on what happened to Tierra:derpytongue2:

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