• Published 20th Dec 2014
  • 1,129 Views, 192 Comments

Dragons of Hourglass - Rammy

Spike has chosen but now the task of bringing the dragons into harmony must begin and the return of dragon clans seems like a good start

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The Beats of the Heart

“So, why does He of Hourglass want to talk to me? And why now?”

Without looking back Harmony commented. “You know if you strap that to your back you can find out faster.”

Nova slapped his face. Harmony had to stifle a laugh at hearing the sound. Nova quickly strapped his bass guitar across his back. It felt snug on his back as his quickly over tooked Harmony blowing him a raspberry with a bit of neon fire mixed in as his ran by. Harmony yelped in fright before he realized that he had been had. Harmony chuckled evilly as he yelled out, “You are in so much trouble for that!”

“Does he have to be here?” Nova complained as they approached the library where Quartermaster and He of Hourglass could be seen waiting.

“Yes, because it concerns him as well.”

“Nova Blaze,” He of Hourglass stepped forward as they reach the dragons, “I want you to join the clan of Hourglass.”

Nova blinked in confusion. That’s what this is about? Which begs the question, “Why couldn’t you have Harmony invite me?”

“Because Nova, I’m not part of the clan.”

“You’re not?!” He turned to face Harmony fully, shocked. “And why not?”

“He he…”Harmony rubbed the back of his mane quickly trying to find a way to help Nova join the clan. It was the only way to make sure that he could make sure to stay close to his brother and for him to have a family that he lost… even though I will lose him either way... “It’s complicated. Remember I may live the code but I’m still technically an alicorn. The Hourglass Clan is a dragon clan. I am, however, an ally and will defend this clan as if it was my own self just as He of Hourglass and Quartermaster would.”

“I’m not so sure about this. I mean doesn’t it mean that I will no longer have Harmony as a brother?”

“Nova, no, you will always be my brother.” He leaned in to whisper into Nova’s ear. “He of Hourglass is also my brother.”

“To be in a clan is be apart of a family for a clan is family.” He of Hourglass added clearly hearing Harmony calling both of them his brother. Harmony nodded in agreement.

“I can’t make this decision for you, but this is a one time offer.”

Nova was overwhelmed. His mind was screaming at him that he need to roar out his chosen name soon, but to be with the clan or not weighed heavily on him as well. He looked to He of Hourglass then to Harmony and back. He so wanted to be a part of a family again after so many years of being alone. After all that time it was Harmony that first befriended him. He didn’t want to leave him, but… He looked back at Harmony to try and get an answer. He could see that in some small way Harmony was happy but at the same time sad. Harmony caught him looking at him and smiled.

Nova heart nearly stopped again. He could somehow see into Harmony’s heart and hear his song. The song was filled with deep pain and sadness. But every so often he heard hope course through the notes. He also could sense the feelings of loss and yearning for family.

It was just too much.

A memory bubbled to the surface.

“I don’t know Harmony…”

“He of Harmony is the correct way to address him whelp!”

“He of Everfree, please, he is nervous enough as it is.” Harmony turned back to face Nova. “Listen Nova He of Hourglass is uh… he is not like what you expect for a dragon. Believe me when I say this that he is one that is more concerned about what’s in your heart not by how well you understand the code. He has enough wisdom to be patient with you. Why? Because he knows that you have been alone for so long without another dragon to teach you the right way. The fact that you are willing to learn from one such as I will reflect extremely well on yourself.”

He of Everfree grumbled, “He should have gotten the ‘He of’ part down already…”

Nova looked now at He of Hourglass and as before he could hear his heart singing. What got him was he could hear a theme that he heard before. It was the same as Harmony. The one that he some how intuitively knew meant the yearning for family.

Quartermaster’s song was gruff, more militaristic. He could hear the familiar family theme but it was slightly different than He of Hourglass’ and Harmony’s. His felt that it was about the longing to protect his family more than have a longing for one. Only, one last heart he needed to hear.

Nova closed his eyes and listened inwardly and could hear that he too shared the yearning for family theme as his friend Harmony and his brother. He slowly let it sink in. After a while of hearing it he made his decision. He knew what he wanted and hoped that Harmony would be proud of it. “I’ll join on one condition. He of Harmony is to be here so he can hear my name.”

“Hmmm…” He of Hourglass wasn’t terribly surprised at the request. Normally he wouldn’t allow but because as it was He of Harmony that Nova wanted he didn’t see the harm. The alicorn had already witnessed his and Quartermaster’s Choosing. Plus, He of Harmony wouldn’t be able to understand Nova’s Hoard name anyway… “I’ll allow it.”

Quartermaster was not believing that He of Hourglass would allow this it was bad enough that his choosing was tarnished by all those ponies being there but to also tarnish the whelp’s?! “But...” A quick glare and growl from his Firstclaw shut down any protest that he was about to make.

Harmony said nothing but Nova knew enough about the pony to see a glimmer of pride in his eyes. Than I made the right choice. Grinning ear to ear he turned to face his soon to be clanmates. Quartermaster was stoic but He of Hourglass grin seemed to match his own.

Harmony whispered one last piece of encouragement to Nova, “Nova, let instinct guide you, brother.Don’t cry; stay strong for him.

Nova nodded slightly as he moved closer. As Harmony watched closely he could see the nervous excitement in his body language. As before he could see He of Hourglass’ sparks beginning to frantically danced about. After a second they scattered about around the three dragons and just as before a few sparks floated around Harmony. With a shared nod He of Hourglass started to roar followed quickly by Quartermaster.

Nova’s roar instantly match in harmony with the other two dragons. Harmony wasn’t too shocked on that given his musical abilities what surprised him was the sparks from He of Hourglass changed into streaks of light that spun up and around them. The shared roar strangely changed. It sounded familiar… It’s a draconic song! It was so beautiful. Almost more beautiful than the egg name of Spike, He of Hourglass, Golden Heart. The streaks of lights that spun around each of the dragon changed to the color their scales. The singled streak near Harmony became a rainbow.

After the song ended and the moment of silence Golden Heart roared his name followed by Quartermaster’s but when it was Nova’s turn he turned his roar into something that sounded musical. Harmony ears twitched as he was sure he heard him sing the words: “Eternal Beats.” There it is again...

As the sound of dragon roaring fading Harmony choked up. Goodbye Nova Blaze, brother.

Harmony waited to see how this dragon would respond to him being at his choosing. He didn’t have to wait long as the dragon in question noticed him almost right off the bat. The dragon’s expression was unreadable and worse he was slowly approaching him.

“Hmm…” Harmony resisted the urge to back up as the newly adult dragon shoved his snout right into his face. After a moment of the close scrutiny he finally spoke ”You share the same gift as I... I like him.” The dragon backed up with a strange crooked smile. “You may address me as He of Music.”

Harmony blinked in confusion. I really was expecting something along the lines of scorpion. Or if not, a repeat of the ‘He of Hourglass’ problem with Quartermaster.

Golden Heart and Quartermaster shared a similar confusion. Without looking at his clanmates He of Music spoke. “I wasn’t going to do ‘He of Hourglass’ because I can tell he doesn’t have the ability to do it correctly. Now I want to find a place to hang my bass guitar up.”

“Inside the city.” Golden Heart called out to the retreating, newly adult, dragon.

“Yes, Firstclaw.” Both He of Music and Quartermaster seemed a bit deflated at hearing that He of Music had to have his hoard inside the city.

“I am going to being in the southern quarter if you need me.“ Harmony flew off quickly he didn’t know how much longer he could hold out. Golden Heart turned to leave for the library leaving Quartermaster to stew as he watched the retreating figure of Harmony.

He couldn't understand it. Having that pony around could bring dishonor and trouble on the clan. What was the angle of this outsider? Why was Golden Heart so lax is the sacred traditions of dragons? One way or another he was going to find out.

The sun was rising as Quartermaster finally caught up to his target. He slammed down in front of Harmony. “I don’t have time for this Quartermaster.”

“Make. Time.”

Harmony just moved around the dragon to continue on his walk. “You lost the last challenge within seconds. If you try now you will not come out of it unscathed. Now. Leave. Me. Be.”

“No, because I think you just did something worthy of the mark.”

Harmony stopped and resisted the urge to grind his teeth into dust. If this dragon wasn’t a member of the Hourglass Clan, and if Harmony didn’t know why the dragon challenged him in such a way he would have challenged him to the death right there and forget the mark. Sadly, he knew it was because Quartermaster was so paranoid about letting anything harm the clan. He slowly turned around to face the smirking dragon to speak the only word he could. “Speak.”

“You influenced the name He of Music chose.”

Harmony blinked for a second before bursting out in laughter. It stopped as soon as Metal Claws tried to burn Harmony who casually parted the flame with his magic.

Harmony walk up the parted flame until he was right in the dragon face. He then conjured all six of his swords around the dragon. All of them in positions to strike at life threatening locations. Metal Claws stopped his flames as Harmony began to speak, “I did nothing to influence He of Music’s Hoard Name. That guitar has been in the works for weeks! It just happened to be finished last night. Don’t believe me? Ask He of Hourglass as he was the one the cured the enamel on the guitar.

“I got it to help him develop his music skills that he had long before I met him not to get him to choose faster or the ‘correct’ name. I had no clue that it would trigger his Choosing. If it truly did.” Harmony dismissed his swords and turned to leave but before he did he added, “And before you accuse me of the other thing I also don't know enough to even have a clue on how one could be triggered! Now if you excuse me, I must go grieve in a non dragon ‘outsider’ way.”

Metal Claws was deep in thought as he approached his forge and hoard. He stopped in surprise when Golden Heart appeared out of nowhere in front of the door. “What is it Firstclaw? I have a lot of work to do on that metal contraption.”

“You know exactly what Metal Claws.” Golden Heart crossed his arms trying hard not to let his anger come out in the form of lashing claws. “Don’t think I don’t know what you have being thinking and what you just did.”

“All I did was make sure the outsider…”

ENOUGH! Golden Heart’s roar of rage shut Quartermaster up. He stuck an accusatory claw at him while his eyes became flames. “My patience has worn out with you. I allowed this behavior to go on in hopes that maybe you would come around on your own but now I have more than just you to think about.”

“Tell me about the mark of Dishonor.” Before Metal Claws could say anything other than ‘uh’ Golden Heart pushed further “And the Rite of Guardianship?”

“The mark of Dishonor is a mark of shame and of death. The Rite of Guardianship is one of redeeming a life and if successfully completed gains the one who passes the highest honor and praise. That Rite? The one of bestowals great honor? To He of Harmony it is a mark of dishonor!”

Metal Claws jaw dropped. To call the passage of the Rite the same as receiving the mark was unthinkable. Yet, that is exactly what his Firstclaw said it was. His own rage now rose. “YOU DARE CALL THE RITE OF GUARDIANSHIP A DISHONOR!”

FOR HE OF HARMONY IT IS!!!! Golden Heart’s sparks deepened to a blood red black flames engulfed him. The air thickened with so much mana that even in Metal Claw’s rage induced stupor knew was beyond his ability to protect himself from. He now knew the immense power of a spark dragon. And he was moments from a surefire death.

Everywhere he goes he deals with dragons calling him an outsider even though they know fully his deeds as he passed the Rite thousands of years ago! The Rite ostracized him from his own people. Not only because he had to ‘disown’ them, but also because he was willing to associate with and disown them for beings that most ponies are afraid of and think of monsters.

Metal Claws inwardly breathed a sigh of relief as the black flames dissipated and the sparks surrounding Golden Heart lighten back to normal. He rage was still high, though, as he continued. “To be honorable to the ways of dragons he became a dishonor his own, and yet, it seems like nearly every dragon is like you. They consider him an outsider and shun and revile him because he is not a dragon by birth! Hence he has no place in this world. That is not harmonious.”

“If there was a way he would be part of this clan.” Metal Claws gasped as he saw his Firstclaw crying. “Every time I try to ease to his pain more comes to the surface. His heart is so scared it’s like all he know is pain and yet it he takes it on all alone, willingly. Well, no more. You once asked me why I’m ‘mothering the “outsider” like a wayward hatchling.’ Here’s why: He is one of the most precious treasures of my hoard!”

Golden Heart sighed as the last of his rage left him. He moved past Metal Claws to allow him access to his forge. As he was leaving he weakly added. “You have work to do. I’ll leave it to you.”

Metal Claws just stood there at a loss for what just happened.

Author's Note:

Eternal Beats is now the "third" dragon of Hourglass.

QM gets a chewing out by GH and GH finally reveals that Harmony is apart of his hoard.

What is in store for the dragons of Hourglass? Find out soon!

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