• Published 20th Dec 2014
  • 1,131 Views, 192 Comments

Dragons of Hourglass - Rammy

Spike has chosen but now the task of bringing the dragons into harmony must begin and the return of dragon clans seems like a good start

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False Homeward Bound

As the weeks turned into months the matrix slowly came together. Both Quartermaster and Harmony stayed away from each other except when Harmony got the pieces for the matrix from his forge. They only exchange a few curt words during those short encounters.

It was a cool morning when Harmony finally attached the final metal strip on the matrix. Now he just needed to check to see if the everything was correctly attached. He pulled out the schematic he made. The sound of an approaching dragon got his attention and he put the scroll away.

“Good morning He of Music.” Harmony greeted when he saw which dragon it was. He was not expecting him as he usually was a night dragon given that the cool of the night always carried sound better. “I’m a bit surprised to see you up so early…”

“Ha. Ha.” He of Music rolled his eyes before waved his claw at the large metal matrix. “How long have you been working on this strange…” He eyed it a bit more trying to figure out what exactly it looked like. It was clearly in the shape of a circle it was what was inside that circle was what made no sense. To He of Music it looked like a spider got drunk and tried to spin a web, “...contraption Harmony?” It sounds strange too. He added to himself.

“Just a week over six months, and all that is left is adding the power crystals and testing.”

“That’s good to hear.” Came the sound of Golden Heart as he walk in behind He of Music. He of Music looked back to greet his Firstclaw with a slight bob of his head.

“Just in time He of Hourglass.” Harmony threw a scroll to Golden Heart who caught it before throwing several crystals back. With some of his magic Harmony levitated each of the crystals into slots around the edge of the large webbed circle matrix. “Okay it is ready for testing He of Hourglass please send that scroll to the Bearer of Magic.”

Golden Heart obliged and a few minutes later he received a reply. “She’s ready.”

Harmony channeled a bit of magic into a specific spot on the matrix. And now we wait.

After a while He of Music could no longer stand the silent waiting. “Uh… I think your contraption didn’t work. We have been waiting for nearly ten minutes.”

“That was intentional… 5… 4… 3… 2…1.”

The entire matrix glowed than the room. He of Music nearly jumped and Golden Heart went wide eyed. It was as if they were standing in the Council room in the Crystal Tree Castle. Twilight could be seen sitting on her throne. She was slack jaw at seeing the Hourglass council room around her.

“Bearer of Magic?” Harmony spoke. Twilight either didn’t hear him or was too enraptured

“Ascended One?” Golden Heart tried but she still gave no indication that she heard.

“TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” Harmony yelled at the top of his lungs.

Twilight took off in fright nearly hitting the ceiling. She looked down and saw Harmony, Golden Heart, and an unknown to her dragon below. The unknown dragon was clutching his stomach and crying from the force of his laughter. With a hint of anger she slowly lowered herself back to the ground.

“Bearer of Magic, can you hear me well?” Harmony calmly spoke as soon as Twilight touched the ground. He needed her to focus on the task at hand and not at the laughing dragon that got the back of his head whacked by Golden Heart.

“Yes… but it’s a bit... buzzy? Also your image is blurry and distorted.”

“Let me make some adjustments.” Harmony eyes wandered around looking for the right spot.

“Other way Harmony…” He of Music called out as Harmony tinkered with a slat.

“How do you know that!?” Harmony went slack jawed staring at the now amused He of Music.

“Because I can hear its song and its getting worse not better.” Harmony smiled at that as it meant it would speed up the process a bunch.

Harmony dug at the lattice structure for a while getting feedback from He of Music and Twilight. They even tested various situations like having the Hourglass shield up to test for interference. It was nearly an hour before Harmony seemed satisfied.

“Do you sense any more dissonance in the matrix?”

“No, but to be fair the song this matrix produces is so complex that it was a miracle that I heard what I have heard.”

Harmony nodded in acknowledgement. He slowly breathed in and out. His horn glowed brightly and He of Music and Golden Heart watched as the matrix sank into the floor below. Harmony slowly walked around the room inspecting the matrix to make sure it was flush with the floor. He nodded in approval then waved He of Music over to a spot on the matrix. “He of Music can you channel a small amount of dragon magic right here?” He tapped the floor to indicate the spot.

“Wouldn’t it make more sense to have He of Hourglass do this as he is more adapt at it then I.”

“That is exactly why I want you to do it.” Harmony turned to the image of Twilight. “Okay your cutiemark on your throne should vibrate with a magic glow. It will do that any time we need to talk with you. With any luck it should remain that way until He of Music uses magic again to stop it or until you answer. For this test, though, I don’t want you to answer it. Contact the Harmony council like normal in fifteen seconds.”

With that the image of the Friendship council faded. A flash and Harmony disappeared as well.

“Where did he go!?”

“To the council chambers of the Keepers of Harmony.”

“Twilight? Report.”

“The pulsating glow is dimming…”

“Hmmm…” Harmony was sure he knew what was mostly causing the problem. It was not unexpected. “I think the tree is dispelling the dragon magic. I was hoping it wouldn’t do that. Luckily, I have a solution already made up. But...It means I need to make a trip to Ponyville.”

Harmony rubbed the back of his head trying to remember what else he need her to do. “Okay, I want you to use the ‘knocker’ spell I gave you. Remember it will only work inside the council chambers.” He sent of a scroll with a bit of magic and waited.

A shimmer of green magic soon coiled in front of Harmony before a scroll popped into existence.

It is working.

“Okay, cast the spell again.”

Again a scroll appeared.

It has stopped glowing.

“Well it is working on your end at least. Now before I let you go remember the knocker spell is the only way to reach Hourglass without needlessly exhausting your or the castle’s magic.”

“Whoa!” Golden Heart had to stifle a laugh as He of Music fell over from being startled by Harmony’s sudden reappearance.

Harmony rolled his eyes before he helped He of Music back up from the floor. “The ‘knocker’ matrix is not working on the castle with dragon magic… Which I suspected would, but hoped wouldn’t, happen... Luckily I have a fix already made up. However, it will require a trip to Ponyville.”

Golden Heart sighed. At least it was going to be an easy fix they badly needed this matrix to work if the plans he had made up could even begin to be implemented. “Take He of Music with you.”

“Yes!” He of Music fist pumped. He had heard the most harmoniously bright song ever coming through the connection and he just had to hear it first hand. He started drooling in anticipation.

Harmony facehoofed as he watched He of Music drool like a dog. Golden Heart rolled his eyes at not only Harmony but the drooling dragon. At least he can’t get Greed growth… He thought as he pinched his snout.

They had been silently traveling for nearly a day before Harmony’s curiosity got the best of him. “So, what got you so excited about going to Ponyville?”

“The song I heard… Hourglass… It’s okay, but it’s quiet…”

“Wait, I thought that you could hear the songs coming from the ley lines spiraling around Hourglass.”

“I can but it has no soul to it. Its more like the crashing of waves. Relaxing, sure...”

“You never been to the ocean. For that matter this is the first time you have left Hourglass. How would you know how it sounds?” He of the Music just shrugged.

Hmmm… Harmony thought. He was sure he could fix that but how? The forest and the city has been without animals for a long time maybe it was time to fix that. But I can’t just bring animals to Hourglass Quartermaster eats meat and it may be too much of a temptation. Harmony started getting a headache as he spun around in his head trying to find a way to help He of Music that didn’t get Quartermaster seeing red.

He looked over to see the ocarina hanging from He of Music neck then it hit him. Songbirds! Bear of Kindness!

“Whoa…” He of Music’s exclamation pulled Harmony out of his scheming.

“What is it?”

“The lands ahead…” He of Music nodded ahead.

Harmony looked ahead and could just make out the grasslands beyond the desert. “Equestria? What about it?”

“The sound coming from there is so different from the Untamed Wilds.”

“That’s because Equestria is of the land of ponies a land of Order not Chaos.”

“At yet they are both sound harmonious…”

“Yes. Different but the same…”Harmony noticed that the sun was close to setting. “Looks like Celestia is lowering the sun we had better land. Besides it will be easier to cross the border while not flying, at least on your first time.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I do have the Dragon Heritage Memories you know.” He of Music puffed out a bit of smoke in irritation.

“It’s still not the same. Also the Memories are not all encompassing.”

He of Music facepalmed while shaking his head in amusement, “Now you're sounding like He of Hourglass.”

“Then you will really like the Bearer of Magic then.”

They landed on the Untamed side of the boulders and walked through a gap between two. Harmony began to look to a good place to camp when He of Music asked, “Mind if we continue for a while?”

“Hmmmm…Harmony thought about that he pressed forward. “We can until we get to the edge of the Everfree Forest. The forest become more dangerous recently, and even with both River Guardian and He of Everfree it’s too large to completely cover. They also tend to focus on the other side…”

“Wait.” The dragon stopped trying to feel any draconic magic, “The Everfree is another dragon’s territory? Then why haven’t I sensed their wards?”

“Their wards are not this far out.” Harmony stopped when he realized that He of Music had himself stopped walking from his confusion.

“What!?” He just couldn’t understand why Harmony was so calm with his answers. This was not something to be lax about. It was possible that Harmony didn’t know completely how wards worked. “That is odd that only happens if there is another more power or honorable dragon in the area.”

“Right you are and we just past through his ward back there.” Harmony nodded back at the large stones now in the distance.

“WHAT!!? ARE YOU AN IDIOT! I MIGHT HAVE TO TAKE ON A FORCED CHALLENGE!” He of Music stomped right up to Harmony not caring that he was beginning to lose control of his fire.

“Relax.” Harmony showed no fear at the angry dragon. “All dragons from the Clan of Hourglass have free access to Equestria.”


“The ‘dragon’ is me.”

“You mean…” His face redden from his building fury and lack of breathing. What he said next came out as a roar. “YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE!!”


He of Music vented his frustration in streams of dragon flames aim up into the sky.

At least he didn’t start a grass fire. Harmony deadpanned. It’s crazy, but the more I’m around them the more I see the whelps (and one hatchling) they used to be. Its almost as they are still here. Spike… Nova Blaze… Even Garble…

“Whoa… what in Tartarus is wrong with you?”

“Huh?” Harmony looked at He of Music and blinked. He had completely zoned out again... I really need to learn to stop zoning out in the past... Harmony turned to face forward again before responding, “Oh, sorry, when you get as old as I you tend to stack up a lot of bittersweet memories.”

“Well, that would explain the happy, sad song coming off of you. Is it because you are coming home after so long?”

Ugh… I have got to learn better control! Who would have thought that a natural dragon harmony music user would be so dang sensitive and powerful. Harmony snorted. “Home? Ha! Make no mistake Equestria is my territory but it is not my home for I have none.”

“I sense a dragon’s ward.” He of Music called out

“Hmm… We don’t actually need to ask permission but I think you should met him as in a way he is almost an ally. ”

He of Music followed Harmony lead as they dove towards a river. They landed next to a river and waited. Soon the water boiled before a purple dragon with orange hair popped up

“He of Everfree River, River Guardian!”

“He of Harmony. Glad to see you.” The purple sea drake waved a hand in welcome. He then noticed what had set off his ward there was a young adult dragon behind Harmony. He was hoping it was the Dragon Keeper but it seems that wasn’t the case. Why he was traveling with him did intrigue him but he could wait on that. “Welcome Dragon of White and Blue with Ocarina.”

“You may address me as He of Music.”

“If you are traveling with He of Harmony feel free to pass though my territory unheeded.”

“My thanks.” He of Music bobbed his head. He turned to face Harmony. “Harmony how much longer to Ponyville? I’m not used to this much flight yet.”

River Guardian raised an eyebrow at the lack of the use of ‘He of.’ Harmony didn’t seemed to care or maybe he didn’t notice. That, however, wasn’t like Harmony. He was know to be vigilant about the such an important part of the code. “Interesting. May I ask why you didn’t use the ‘He of’ honorific?”

Harmony laughed and answered to prevent He of Music from getting even more embarrassed. “I guess we should be glad that it wasn’t He of Everfree that met us. The reason for the drop of the honorific is mine.”

“Dare I ask why?”

“My reasons will remain my own. I don’t need you gossiping with the Bearer of Generosity any more then I’m sure you already do.”

He of Music laughed at the shocked look that RIver Guardian was giving Harmony. It reminded him when he first learned how to address him.

“Hey, you’re the pony that was there at my choosing.”

“Yes I am. I must say He of Music I’m not surprised you picked the amphitheater for you hoard.”



“So then what brings you here… Okay, how do I address you? You're not a dragon, but, still...”

“My humble apologies, He of Music. To the dragons I am known as He of Harmony. As for you address me as Harmony when you are around me…”

“My reasons will remain my own.” He said the same thing to me...

“Well I shall not press the matter as long as you fulfill my curiosity from the last time I saw you.”

“Hmmm... I will be around Ponyville for a while so I will make sure to add you to my schedule.”

“I’m free tomorrow afternoon for tea. Make it then.”

Harmony sighed. “Fine.”

With that River Guardian disappeared under the river’s surface. Harmony shook his head. There were times that River Guardian tested his limits. He was very much like the nobles that he despised when he was on the throne but there were a few key differences. River Guardian was always honorable and would always stand by whatever Harmony felt needed to be done. That and he knew not to push too hard.

“Hmmm… As to your question He of Music, we are maybe an hour out… better send a letter.”

A shrill whistle issued forth from Harmony. He of Music visibly cringed at the sound but said nothing. He didn’t want to offend Harmony in his own territory. He was curious though why he whistled like that. He didn’t get a chance to answer when he heard the screech of a hawk. He looked up to see a young hawk flying down to land on Harmony’s shoulder.

“Hello. You must be Wind Slicer.” The hawk seemed to puff up in pride and screech out a clearly affirmative answer. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know…” Harmony responded as he busily wrote a note. He then sealed and tied it on the hawk’s leg. “Take this to Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy knows where she lives so go by her cottage first if you need directions.”

He of Music noticed that Harmony was now putting on a cloak. “Why are you putting on cloak? It’s not that cold and this is your territory after all. You should have free reign.”

“Ponies are by nature and instinct a herd animal. The only of two the twelve major races to be that way. The minotaurs however have always been more aggressive. Its hard to be ‘aggressive’ when your coat is bright and colorful.”

“Tell me, what do herd animals tend to do when one of their numbers is different?”

He of Music thought on that he wasn’t sure if he wanted to eat meat or not but he at least understood how prey animals think. Still, even with that in mind it didn't matter to him. Prey animals are different then sentient beings.

“That, however, is not the only reason. My coat shifts color constantly and most ponies don’t have the stomach to handle it. I would not want to cause everypony I meet nausea or worse make them lose their lunch.”

Author's Note:

Harmony has no home and the talk at the end of the chapter... I wonder if that is the reason for him not being in harmony... What do you think?

What are the plans that GH have and what could they mean for the clan and Harmony?

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