• Published 20th Dec 2014
  • 1,131 Views, 192 Comments

Dragons of Hourglass - Rammy

Spike has chosen but now the task of bringing the dragons into harmony must begin and the return of dragon clans seems like a good start

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How Dragons Mate

Harmony was impressed at the rapid improvement of Metal Claws over the past week. When it came to fighting he was a very fast learner. Harmony figured that he would have to stop holding back any day now and that maybe in a week the dragon would finally be able to prove to be a challenge. It will be nice to have someone to be a challenge so that I can improve my own skills.

Or maybe not… Harmony thought when his hoof connected unexpectedly when Metal Claws suddenly looked around. “Focus, Metal Claws…”

“Sorry He of Harmony, I…” What is that smell? It’s as if I should know it...

“Metal Claws?” Harmony questioned when he saw Metal Claws forked tongue flicked out. What is going on?

Metal Claws only growled as his mind started to change. Thoughts of sex and female dragons invaded his mind and he wanted it. Metal Claws started to drool at those thoughts. Must find mate. Mate smell good. Must have sex. Sex good. His tongue flicked out as he attempted to to find where this female was. He turned toward the forest flicking his tongue again. Mate there.

“Damn it, Metal Claws! What is going on!?” Harmony yelled after the dragon now pushing his way through the underbrush and into the forest.
Harmony quickly composed a message and sent it off before rushing into the forest after the dragon.

HELP! something wrong with qm
harmony council
will allow image and sound of what i see
bring writing stuff

Gah, he his fast! Harmony grunted as anything branch smacked against his muzzle as he struggled to keep up with Metal Claws.

A scroll suddenly popped up in front of him almost causing him to smack into a tree.


“QM and I... Sparring… Something distracted him…. Tongue flicked out... Growled. Ran into forest. Following.” Harmony panted out as he dodged obstacles while trying to keep up with Quartermaster.

Sounds like he his smelling a potential mate nearby. Keep your distance, because if there is another male dragon nearby that also smells her as a potential mate it could get dangerous.

“Lovely…” Harmony deadpanned as he picked up his speed again as he noticed that Metal Claws was getting out of sight.

After a few minutes more Metal Claws suddenly stopped. Harmony had to dig in his hooves to get to a stop while not getting too close. From the actions of the dragon it was clear he was spying on something or someone. Harmony moved around so that he could also see what the dragon was seeing. He saw that Metal Claws had stopped at the edge of a wide meadow with a cliff face on one side.

Quartermaster started to stalk a female dragon in the clearing. Harmony stay backed to observe. His potential mate is a sea serpent dragon?! I would not have never thought that he of all dragons… He could already see He of Music being amused by the irony of it.

He ignored Quartermaster for a bit to get a better look at the female. Her scales were a light, almost powdery, robins egg blue and her belly scales, in stark contrast, was a rich ruby red. What an odd coloration combo… Her wavy, hair-like head spines were a glossy black. A small red horn jutted up from the tip of her snout and tuff of the same wavy, black spines stuck out at the end of her tail. Like all sea serpents, even at her young age, she was walking on four legs.

His eyes then went wide in shock when he noticed something else about the female. “She’s only a whelp!”

So? It is typical for a female dragons to be mated when she is a whelp.

“What!?” Harmony whispered-yelled. A feeling of revulsion nearly caused him to see his breakfast.

You weren’t told of this?! You should have been told that given that your sibling would have most likely been female. (If your magic affected the egg like dragon fire would)

“No…” Harmony shook his head still fighting back his nausea. “I had enough troubles getting any information as it was...”

Well, it’s because a female that becomes a mate before she has a chance to choose has a stronger bond with her mate. So when a female dragon becomes a whelp she will produce pheromones to attract a mate.

“Makes sense, even if it seems…” Harmony couldn’t suppress a shudder “...a bit wrong to me…

I can say the same about pony herds.

“Touche.” Harmony conceded.

Quartermaster finally made his move on the female dragon. He didn’t get far before the female roared in annoyance and shoot out a stream of her red flame right at him. Quartermaster ducked to his hand and feet to avoid it. He growled angrily at being rejected so quickly.

Quartermaster pawed the ground and Harmony watched as his arms twisted to become forelegs. His buck front teeth straighten so they no longer poked out of his snout at a bent angle. The quill part of his fin-like spine doubled in length and a few even sprouted along his back where they once weren’t anything. His wings expanded in size along with the rest of him. He was now the size of He of Music

“Whoa, did I just see that?”

Yes, you did… it’s possible for Quartermaster to fully grow before this is done. It really depends on the female and/or if there is a fight for her… But there doesn’t appear to be any male nearby that attracted to her scent.

“Thats good then.”

I said doesn’t appear it’s too soon to be sure…

Harmony bit back a curse before returning his attention back to the dragons.

Quartermaster had just roughly grabbed the female. He then forced her into what seemed to be a kiss but he was blasting his tanish-orange flame into her mouth.

“Is he nuts? Shooting flame like that into her mouth could kill her!”

That flame is not the usual flame… He’s trying to overpower her inner flame with his own

“He can actually do that?”

No, he can’t, not without killing her, but right now he doesn't know that...

“So, his mind is completely animalistic then?”

If I understand the Memories correctly, yes.

Harmony couldn’t help but chuckle at the female who had just slashed at Quartermaster. He let go of her in his attempt to avoid her claws. Again his size increased as he went after the retreating sea serpent roaring his discontent.

Quartermaster roared in pain. Harmony couldn’t help but wince. A claw to an ear would do that. This only angered Quartermaster as he roared a challenge, quickly doubling his size as he did. It appeared that he was now full sized as the female could easily fit in his mouth now with some room to spare. The now full sized dragon roared into the sky his flame going hundreds of feet into the sky. The female gazed him with an odd look in her eyes.

“Oh no, I know that smell…” Harmony stated with dread.

Then she has chosen to accept him as a mate. All that’s left is for them to join their souls together.

“I can’t tell what seems more embarrassing: having to watch this or having you explain what is going on…”

Then I wont tell you that it’s common and expected for other dragons to watch the miracle of mating.

“You just had to write that, didn’t you…” Harmony facehoofed, knowing that He of Hourglass had to laughing his tail off over his embarrassment.

Harmony didn't want to see this part as it would be extremely embarrassing for him to watch. The act that was about to happen he considered a private act even if it was being done in the open… He was beginning to turn away when another scroll popped into existence to stop him.

Keep. Watching.

“You weren’t kidding, were you, about the watching?” Harmony hug his head in defeat. ”Ugh… The things I do.” I think there are some things about dragons I think I rather never know…or see...

Given your earlier embarrassment keep your gaze at their heads because looking anywhere else

Harmony didn’t even finish reading before he responded, “Not going to be a problem…”

Quartermaster was about to lunge at the female again when he suddenly backed up a bit in confusion. The female instead of trying to get away was now charged right at him. She got right up to him and roared. Quartermaster seemed taken aback at the change in behavior. He whimpered as she roared again, shooting a small stream of flame at him. He lowered his head onto the ground. She stalked right up to his clenched mouth and smacked his beak like lips. He obediently opened his mouth and as he did the female sea serpent open her mouth and a stream of her ruby red fire flowed into his open maw.

As she poured her own flame into Quartermaster showed no further signs of resistance (If the tongue rolling out of the side of open jaw dripping with saliva was any indication). Harmony jaw cropped as he noticed that she was beginning to grow to match Quartermaster's size.

Quartermaster then roughly shoved the growing female down and straddled her. She responded by wrapping herself around him. Harmony doubled his focus trying to keep his eye off the regions of the dragons anatomy he was not wanting to see.

As he watched, both dragons started forcing their fire into each other at the same time. To Harmony it seemed odd as the fire was mixing together instead of repelling each other like normal. Something else about the flames really caught Harmony’s attention. “Did I just see their flames change color?”

Yes, remember when Quartermaster tried to overpower She of Hourglass’ inner flame? That was the draconic animalistic urge to hoard. Here, though, it’s the opposite. His flame will forever be her red color as it is her flame just as She of Hourglass’s flame is his tanish orange. They literally exchanged their inner fire.

“Whoa…”Harmony couldn't help but being awed at that. No wonder mated dragon pairs are so close, and why dragons have an issue with polygamy that is common or expected in some cultures. “I have seen dragons with different colored flame then their scales but I had not considered this was the reason…”

Dragons can change the color of their flames but usually don’t as it takes a lot of mana every time they breath that flame. It’s mainly used in feats of magical or flame prowess.

“I have seen a few of those contests during the Migration. Though, I admit, I never paid too much attention, given my inability to do dragon magic... or breath fire.”

Quartermaster suddenly roared in triumphant before biting down on his mate’s neck. His now ruby red flames leaked out a bit in his climax. This caused She of Hourglass to shudder a gasp of tanish orange flame escaping her mouth.

Let me know when they are done. It would be nice for She of Hourglass to meet her fellow clanmates.

“Ugh…I take it I can turn away from this now... Harmony then added, mostly to himself, “I think I might need a memory washing before the day is over.” More like a memory erasing magic bomb… He added as he tried to ignore the sounds of the dragons beginning to rut again.

The sun was low in the sky when Harmony awoke to the sounds of something large approaching. He looked around to that it was Quartermaster and his mate who had her long neck wrapped around Quartermaster's. Harmony yawned and stretched, glad for the nap. He was excited to meet She of Hourglass even though he was still a bit embarrassed over being forced to be a spectator of the ‘act.’

Harmony smiled as looked up at Quartermaster and She of Hourglass. He couldn’t help but show his joy for the two of them. He tilted his head when he noticed that Quartermaster seemed a bit embarrassed. Why would he be embarrassed? If what He of Hourglass said was right he should have no shame in his actions. She of Hourglass slowly unwound herself from him before nudging him gently

Quartermaster sighed. He knew the message his mate was giving him. “He of Harmony, sorry about running off without warning like I did. I wasn’t myself at the time.” Quartermaster spoke his voice now deep, rumbling, and raspy just like most fully grown dragons. He nodded to She of Hourglass next to him. “This is my mate She of Hourglass.”

“Evening, He of Harmony.” She spoke with the voice of chiming bells.

“Whoa…” Was Harmony’s response at the sound of Quartermaster’s mate voice. He knew that sea serpents tending to have softer voices over other types of dragons but he didn’t expect her voice to be so musical.

“I know.” Quartermaster looked lovingly at his mate. He flicked a tongue at her causing her to giggle.

“Keep her away from He of Music.” Harmony commented lightheartedly.

“And what is that suppose to mean, outsider?” Quartermaster shoved his snout at Harmony who was barely able to remain standing from the onslaught of the snout coupled with the hard look that the dragon was giving him..

Harmony gulped while She of Hourglass giggled at his apparent misfortune.

Author's Note:

I hope I didn't embarrass anyone too much... At least it wasn't someones OC this time:pinkiecrazy:. Now everyone start guessing She of Hourglass' Hoard Name!!!

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