• Published 20th Dec 2014
  • 1,129 Views, 192 Comments

Dragons of Hourglass - Rammy

Spike has chosen but now the task of bringing the dragons into harmony must begin and the return of dragon clans seems like a good start

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He of Music’s arms started to ache. It was getting difficult to keep the Soul Song magic going so he quickly put his bass guitar back on his back. The drones noticed this and rushed in. He of Music roared in anger letting loose a blast of neon blue flame incinerating the first wave. The second wave, however, got through, and they started to blast him with either their magic or slam him with their hooves.

He of Music struggled to keep the changelings off of him. They were also making it hard for him to produce any flame. Reduced to just his claws, tail, and fangs he crouched down to make it easier to defend himself. He grunted in frustration as the drones got smart and would rush in to make an attack then retreat just out of his range. Come on He of Hourglass I don’t think I can hold out much longer...

He of Music head snapped off to his left when he heard the rage roar of He of Hourglass. A moment later nearly every changeling around him dropped dead from the sky. Those that didn’t die started to buzz about erratically. He of Music breathed a sigh of relief as he assumed that He of Hourglass must have succeeded in his part of the fight.

He looked down towards the ground. He felt an urge to get down and quickly. So tired from the fight he didn’t realize why he felt the urge to ground himself. He started to slowly glide down, too tired to be quick about it. He was halfway down when a spasm coursed through him and his wings suddenly snapped shut. He yelp in surprised as he fell like a stone. He only had a second to prepare to slam into the cobblestone pavement.

He slammed to the pavement a bit hard and he nearly lost his balance. His hand shot out instinctively to help steady himself. The moment his hand touched the street his mind changed. A growl of pleasure escaped his mouth as he felt tingling sensations all over his body. He put both hands firmly on the ground and stretched like a cat. He knew was coming and was excited for it.

Muscles stretched and bulged and bones and joints cracked as his arms shifted to became forelegs. This made his enjoyment to soar as it disgusted him that he had been on two legs. He was dragon not filthy minotaur or gargoyle.

He panted hard as his snout stretched forward and he could feel his teeth lengthen and sharpen. Now he could really tear and shred up prey. He drooled hungrily at the images of the tasty blood dripping down from a dead prey in his jaws staining his white scales red. A grin crossed his snout as this made him feel like a powerful, deadly apex predator that his was. Now nothing could touch him as his body was becoming truly dragon.

His black claws sharpened and lengthen nicely as he shuddered in pleasure as the changes continued. He was loving every moment and so did a certain part of him. His wings flung open in sexual arousal and quickly doubled in size. He growled in frustration, though, as he had no mate to release these new urges. And he so wanted to act on those urges, to be consumed by it. His now longer, thicker tongue rolled out as his mind went through all the ways he would do the deed if he had a mate. His tail, that was lengthening, twitched back and forth pleased at those thoughts. I shall capture a female as soon as I’m done here.

The tingling sensation that had coursed through his body as it went though all his changes faded and he knew he was now complete. He gave himself a look over with his now longer neck and a vicious smile grew. He could see that his spines on his back and tail were now long and now went to a much sharper point then before. A look at a reflective part of the Spire nearby and he could see his now much longer fangs and that nearly a dozen were now visible even with his mouth closed. His head spines had not changed but because of his now longer, slightly larger head and snout made the spines to appear much shorter and more spiky, deadly.

He laughed. He was now a perfect killing, greedy creature that he was always meant to be. But on that thought his smile turned that around as he realized that his hoard was too small he needed more… more instruments, more birds, and more gems… At least my ocarina and bass guitar survived my metamorphosis.

As he turned away from the Spire He of Music suddenly blinked, shaking his head slightly… Whoa… He clutched his head with a foreleg trying to forget some of awful thoughts that his mind had as he went through his first growth. The urge to have a mate remained but it was now only in the back of his mind and not in the forefront. I never would have thought how much those changes would temporarily change my thoughts and increase my primal instincts… which means if... “HE OF HOURGLASS!” He shouted in a deeper but smooth bass voice.

In his panic he forgot that he could fly and bounded down streets dodging dead bodies and at one point an unconscious orange dragon. He sniffed the air as he went trying to find He of Hourglass by smell, forgetting he could use magic. He went down several dead ends as he would at times temporarily lose the trail. He finally found He of Hourglass crouched low to a patch of blacken ground.

He of Music slowly approached him not sure what to expect. “He of Hourglass? Firstclaw?”

He of Hourglass slowly got to his two feet. His rage and anger now evaporating quickly. He turned around to see that He of Music, as expected, had gone through his first growth spurt. He of Hourglass also noticed that even with He of Music in his quadrupedal form that his eye level only dropped a few inches as he only had to slightly lower his gaze to look into his clanmate’s newly slitted eyes. This he was thankful for as he was not really ready to deal with a full grown clanmate just yet.

He of Music tried not to let his jaw slackened in his surprise. This is odd. He of Hourglass has not gone though the changes he should have for his first life or death defense of a hoard.

He of Hourglass seemed to not make anything out of it as he watched the few remaining drones flying about in a confused manner. He mused, almost to himself. “It appears that without the changeling queen most of the drones died from the shock of the loss of the hive mind and it appears that the rest are not going to survive much longer…”

“But, Firstclaw…” He of Music tried to point out what was bothering him.

“I don’t know He of Music...” He of Hourglass responded without lowering his gaze from the sky. “It may have to do with me being a Keeper…” He finally lower his gaze to look at the still worried clanmate. “It’s not important right now. We need to clear the city of the dead bodies and see what we can do for the two dragons. I suspect that they will be out for a while.”

Not important? It could become very important... He of Music shuddered as he thought of the worse case scenario.

They worked on clearing out the bodies for the remainder of that day and long into the night. By night fall the remaining drones had died. It was midnight before they took a break. At that point there was still scattered spots where there was dead bodies but He of Hourglass felt that it was enough for the moment. It would take a few days to depose all of the bodies anyway. They had mainly got them into piles away from the clans individual hoards and away from Harmony small home that he used.

It was a few hours before sunrise before they dealt with the two dragons. He of Hourglass grunted as his levitated the dragons carefully into a wider street and checked for signs of life while he did it. Both dragons appeared to be basically fine. The fall seemed to only knock them out so they should be no worse for wear and with their mind hopefully no longer enthralled.

Should be fine… He of Hourglass thought. Hopefully...

A stirring in the mind and two dragons began to awake. While the sun felt good on their scales a dull ache ruined it. A ‘what happened?’ went through both of their minds as they struggled to awaken enough to find out.

“Welcome to Hourglass Dragon of Black and Green Scales and Dragon of Orange Scales and Spikes.” A voice called out in the retreating darkness of sleep.

Both of the dragons finally opened their eyes and looked up to see a very young, but adult, purple and green dragon with magic sparks flowing from his scales sitting on the edge of a building smiling down at them.

“How are you feeling?” The dragon asked.

Both of the unknown dragons looked at each other before the black and green dragon responded. “Confused. You said we are in Hourglass Dragon of Purple and Green Scales of Hourglass?”

“Address me as He of Hourglass, please. Do you remember anything?

The black dragon again took the lead. “I’m not sure…Other then that evil pony insect... creature... It’s as if my life is but a series of blurry after images and muffled sounds…”

He of Hourglass hoped that it was just temporary confusion that was causing the memory loss and that his memory would return as they awoken further. “And for you Dragon of Orange Scales and Spikes?”

“I am the same as the Dragon of Black and Green Scales…”

“Please tell me.. Do you at least know your own names?” A hesitant shake of their heads was their response. He of Hourglass paled at this. This does not bode well…

“It’s too soon to say but so far your Dragon Heritage Memories are intact. It just seems that your normal memoires are messed up. Which is not good. I’m not familiar with changeling magic so I don’t have a clue what if anything can be done to help with your memories.”

He of Hourglass went silent for a while putting a claw to his mouth in thought. “He of Hourglass!” He suddenly called out.

“Yes, Firstclaw?” A white and neon blue dragon that appeared to have gone through the first growth step out from the shadows of a near by grove of trees.

The two nameless dragons looked at each other in shock before the black dragon exclaimed. “Firstclaw?!”

“There is a dragon clan!?” The orange dragon added.

“Yes. He of Hourglass is the third member of the clan.” He of Hourglass responded.

At this point the orange dragon had broken off his attention from the Firstclaw of Hourglass to the white and neon blue dragon that had a strange instrument strapped to his back and a black band wrapped around his head and over his ear frills. There was something on a gold chain hanging from his neck but he couldn’t get a good look. The orange dragon figured that the instrument was part of this dragon’s hoard but the black band and the strange object hanging from his neck really upped his curiosity.

The white and neon blue dragon noticed the orange dragon eying him with curiosity. “The black band is headphones I wear to lessen ambient sounds. The instrument is a bass guitar and the object on the chain is a metal scorpion ocarina. May I examine you with magic to check for invincible damage?”

The orange dragon titled his head in confusion it was clear this dragon was a bit young to have enough dragon magic knowledge to examine him effectively. The black dragon also turned when he heard the question and he also felt the same way.

“Why would you need to ask us permission to check for damage as I’m sure you already checked.”

“This is not a normal examination to check for something like internal bleeding. I need to hear your soul song itself and while I won't hear or see any memories its still is a bit... intrusive.”

“If it could help recover my memories please do so.” The black dragon gave his permission while the orange dragon just nodded his consent.

The white He of Hourglass shifted his headphones off of his ear frills then walked up to each dragon and put his ear against each of them in turn. After a moment he stopped and flew up to where the purple He of Hourglass was sitting so he could address the other dragons without straining his neck.

“What can you tell from their songs.”

“It’s more like: ‘What song?’” He of Hourglass turned to face the two dragons “Your songs are as muddled as your memories.”

“Can anything be done about this not knowing my name troubles me.”

“At best I might be able to use Soul Songs magic to fix it but... While I’m a natural there are aspects I’m not clear on and I could end up doing more damage at worst…” He shifted his sight back to his Firstclaw. “He of Harmony might know more…” He scratched the back of his head trying to think of anyone else that could know. “...and possibly He of Laughter if what I’ve been told of him is true…”

“He of Laughter has been MIA for a while. He of Harmony’s Bearer of Kindness has promised to contact us if he contacts her. We’d better head to the Council Chambers. The Bearer of Magic has had some experience dealing with changelings. Though I suspect we will have to enter the Plane of Harmony in order to have a chance…”

He of Hourglass paused as he blew out a small flame revealing that someone had sent him a scroll. He frown as there was no seal on it so he had no clue who had sent it. What he saw inside drained all the blood from his face. He took off running at speeds that He Hourglass didn’t think was possible.

“He of Hourglass!” He of Hourglass called out.

“Council Chambers. NOW!” He of Hourglass roared back.

“Yes, Firstclaw.” He of Hourglass sighed. “Come. I’ll show you the way.”

Harmony could hear the sounds of birds chirping and a slight warm breeze went across his body. A stray leaf carried on that breeze and stopped right on the tip of his muzzle. The sensation of the leaf on his nose caused him to sneeze. He groaned as the bright light of day shined on his now open eyes.

*He awakes.* Came a voice from above.

Harmony slowly got up to his feet. His whole body still ache but he still needed to know something. *How is my companion?* He called up blindly not sure which ‘tree’ had spoken.

*Other than the various cuts that leaked life sap he was just over tired. He has been hibernating since he came crashing through the canopy with you.*

Harmony continued to glanced around trying to find the ent speaking. *That is to be expected after what he went through.*

He suddenly remembered something and rummaged through his saddlebag that he noticed nearby, pulling out the his last vial of ash cure. *I need some help gather some supplies to make more of this potion.* Harmony lifted the vial. *It is medicine that helps counter an ash illness that I have. I’m sure you had to clean up some of the ash already.*

*We noticed the ash that was coming out of you. We used our arts to put life air back in so you are now stable and should not need any more of your medicine.* Harmony finally found the ent as the end has spoken enough to be found.

*Thank you, but it is chronic and could return when I leave.*

*This is true.* The ent paused before continuing. *Please show me what you need.*

*I need the following herbs and plants.* Harmony conjured images of what he needed as he wasn't sure what the name were in entish.

*The sun might be low in the sky before the gathering of those will be completed.*

*No rush. Can you tell me where my companion is?*

*He is in a treeless area to your south.*

*Thank you.*

*No, thank you. For you have stopped the rampaging firebreather.*

“Quartermaster?” Harmony softly spoke hoping to not spook the dragon when he found him not more than six hundred hoofs to the south.

Quartermaster awoke in a start. “He of Harmony!” He exclaimed scrambling to get up.

Unfortunately, he did too much too quick and he collapsed from the his body protesting the sudden movement. Harmony shook his head in amusement before he leaned in to whisper. “It’s Harmonious Knight, brother.” He then held out a helping hoof that Quartermaster finally took.

“I need to ask... If you always thought of me as a ‘hatchmate’ why did you not call me brother until now and after I told you my name yesterday just before you passed out?”

“If I called you brother before than what do you think would have been your reaction?” Quartermaster gaze shifted away clearly in shame. “Exactly.”

Harmony waited until Quartermaster recollected himself. He took this time to check his injuries and as far as he could see that they were already healing nicely and appeared to not be infected.
“Have you sent a letter to He of Hourglass yet?” Quartermaster shook his head. “Thought as much but given the circumstances not surprising…” Harmony wrote a quick letter.

We were attacked by a rage dragon yesterday. Rage dragon is dead. Only minor injuries. Still recovering, full report later.

He sent it off and less than a moment later a reply came back. That was unusually fast...

harmony council chambers one hour

“Hmm…” Harmony could see from the shaky claw writing that He on Hourglass was holding back immense emotion. This doesn’t bode well.

“What is it He of Harmony?”

“Not sure…” Harmony showed him the scroll, “but we need to get back to where we defeated…”

"You…” Quartermaster interrupted at nearly a whisper. “You defeated the dragon.”

“I may have given the final death blow but you still contributed.”

“If you say so.” Quartermaster conceded a bit reluctantly.

Harmony raised an eyebrow at this. What is with him?! This is not the Quartermaster I know… He studied Quartermaster a bit more before turning around and taking off. After not hearing the dragon taking off he nearly facehoofed.

When he looked back to see what the hold up was he noticed that Quartermaster now appeared to be anxious. The dragon wringing his claws. Harmony landed and put a reassuring hoof on his shoulder. “Relax, Quartermaster. I will keep He of Hourglass off your back…” Harmony shifted his gaze downward. “If anything, it’s my fault for not making sure that you would be prepared for the possibility of a beast growth dragon.”

When the dragon body language remained that of one that was still feeling shame he shouted, “Quartermaster!” This got his full attention. “The past is. in. the. past. I never held it against you. I’m not going to now, and I’m sure as Tartarus that I will not He of Hourglass even glance at you in anger. And stop this. You are creeping me out. Where is the tough dragon that was confident?” Quartermaster looked at him still not sure if to believe him or not. Harmony sighed. It looks like Quartermaster will not believe me… Actions seem to him speak more than words… yep, loyal…

Harmony put his hoof down and turned around extending his wings in preparation for flight. Before he took off he glanced back. “Come, Quartermaster. Lets not dally any longer or He of Hourglass might have more of a fit than what I’m sure he will already has.”

Author's Note:

Whoa what happened to EB? And why did GH not go through it as well and why is EB worried about that?

Don't worry about QM being a namby-pamby dragon right now that will change real fast...

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