• Published 20th Dec 2014
  • 1,129 Views, 192 Comments

Dragons of Hourglass - Rammy

Spike has chosen but now the task of bringing the dragons into harmony must begin and the return of dragon clans seems like a good start

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Eggland's Best

“Ponyville looks brighter and livelier than Hourglass.”

“Obviously,” Harmony rolled his eyes and almost face hoofed before stopping himself, “but with enough time Hourglass can be restored to its former glory.”

“I predict centuries…”

“Okay,” Harmony finally facehoofed which got the dragon to smirk, “quit it.”

“I agree with him.” Came a scratchy female voice.

“Bearer of Loyalty.” Harmony glanced upwards to see a grinning rainbow mare hanging half off a cloud. “I see that you managed to not try and kill a visiting dragon on sight. However, it is extremely dangerous to eavesdrop on a dragon.”

“Sorry, Harmony. Twilight asked me to watch out for you so I could escort you to the castle and hopefully lessen the townpony’s panic. You caused quite a stir last time.”

“Yes I did, didn’t I?” Harmony laughed. “Bearer of Loyalty say hello to He of Music.”

He of Music studied the rainbow mare. Her song just screams of confidence.. like she could take on anything… interesting.

“He of Music, eh? What kind of music?”

He of Music raised an eyebrow. Harmony could only facehoof. She was definitely cocky and brash. He of Music could she this mare both getting into trouble and/or impressing dragons. “Any type but I only have an ocarina and a bass guitar…”

“A bass guitar? Cool! I’ve always wanted to get one.”

Rainbow lead the way followed closely by He of Music as he wanted to talk about the types of instruments and music in Equestria. Harmony smiled to see the quick friendliness between a pony and a dragon. Although to be fair neither were typical examples of their races, but still. Somehow to his amazement Rainbow managed to know enough about music to keep He of Music interested long enough to reach the Friendship Castle.

“That’s all that I’m aware of you might have better luck with Pinki or Vinyl… Just don’t ask the egghead Twilight unless you want to be stuck in a boring lecture for hours.”

With Rainbow no longer supplying a distraction He of Music finally noticed that he could hear, the song, the one he heard in Hourglass. He pulled off his headphones and dropped them. His eyes went all wide and sparkly while his tongue rolled out of his maw dripping hot dragon saliva on the floor.

Harmony could only facehoof while Rainbow thought it best to hover behind him a bit weirded out.

The dragon then started to run about giddily drooling like a puppy dragging himself about with his ear frill pressed against the castle. His headphones temporarily forgotten.

“Wha…?” Was all Rainbow could get out her brain not functioning.

“Let’s just say that he’s doing a Pinkie before we both get a headache…” Which for me is too late... Harmony shook his head in defeat.

“Right…” Rainbow thought now would be a good time to escape before the dragon really did pull a Pinkie. “I think, I think I should go do something… yeah, something…” Rainbow tripped as she tried to scramble out of the castle while keeping a worried eye on the dragon.

Harmony chuckled at that before he started walking further into the castle. He called back to He of Music “Coming, He of Music?

“Huh?” The dragon lifted his head to figure out where Harmony was. It was then he remembered that he should stay near Harmony for the moment. “Oh, yeah, sure!” He quickly grabbed his headphones before he ran to catch up to the alicorn.

He managed to catch up to him just as he was turning a corner. A diamond dog could be seen standing at attention at the end of the hall. The diamond dog seemed to be of average height, not quite going up to Harmony’s shoulder. He had white and black mottled fur and was wearing a sharp red vest.

“Hello Mangy. I hope everypony has been treating you well.”

“Mangy is quite happy in new pack. New pack is very friendly if a bit odd.”

“That is great to hear. Is Mistress Twilight in?”

“Mistress Twilight is in the library.”

Library? I don’t remember enchanting a library into the castle… Harmony then mentally slapped himself. Of course, this is Twilight’s castle afterall. “Lead the way.”

Mangy bowed slight and opened the door for them. On the other side of the door was a library. Harmony wanted to facehoof. Well that would explain why her assistant would be standing just outside...

Mangy closed the door once He of Music and Harmony walked through. He locked the door before he called out. “Mistress Twilight we have guests.”
A crash then the sounds of a grumbled mare could be heard from within the maze of bookshelves.

“Mangy I thought I asked to be left alone…” Twilight stopped in mid sentence when she saw Harmony standing in her library. She had managed to hold back her anger during their occasional meetings but seeing him face to face was too much. “YOU!” In a span of less than a second she covered the distance between her and him and stuck him with her hoof.

He of Music growled and was about to make a move when Harmony held out a leg looked at him and shook his head. Harmony turned back to Twilight once he was sure He of Music would do nothing. “The room is still there…”

“Then why did you make it disappear!”

“Because your grief was slowly killing you…” Harmony lifted her head and wiped away the tears falling from her eyes. “The door to that room will reopen when, and only when, you have truly let go.”

“Truly let go?...”Twilight whispered, confused. Then her brain finally got what the words were and her sadness switch right to rage. “TRULY LET GO!!!”

Harmony shooked her a bit. “TWILIGHT! Please. Listen. To let go never means forget him! It means to let go of the all consuming pain. To let go is to keep living… You will need to understand this one way or another! There may come a time that you will join him but don't waste your life in the mean time. If you do you’re no brother of him.” Harmony caught the hoof that tried to hit him again. “Enough. Being angry at me and hitting me will do nothing to change anything.”

“Now, Bearer of Magic dry your tears we have work to complete in the council room.”

“Okay, you are giving me a headache!” A diamond dog and two alicorns faced the anyo dragon with expression of confusion.

What could be giving him a headache? Harmony heard a panting sound and looked to see that Mangy was panting. It was then the he figured it out. “Oh, I see. He of Music, I keep switching because not everyone are dragons and there are very few non dragons that know even a single bit of the code. You would have noticed this back in Hourglass if you hadn’t been laughing at the Bearer of Magic’s misfortune.”

At that He of Music blushed his scales turning a beet red. Twilight put a hoof to her mouth to cover her snickering at the embarrassed dragon. Damn white scales… He grumbled crossing his arms.

Harmony continued on as if nothing was wrong. “There are only two non dragons that have the ‘He of’ honorific in their titles. One is myself the other is Discord a.k.a. He of Laughter. Also if you wish to make friends with races other than your own you need to understand their culture. To a Diamond Dog such as Mangy Mutt ‘Mistress’ is used as a honorific.”

“Just like ‘He of’ is to a dragon.” He of Music commented. He was quite fascinated but he needed a break to play his ocarina. The song from the castle was so inspirational. He hadn’t had a chance to play yet and he wanted to see how different it would be here in Equestria over Hourglass.

“Similar, but not the same, and I rather not go into all the details as it will get a bit... embarrassing…”

This time Twilight was the one that went red in embarrassment. He of Music chuckled, glad that the tables turned on her. This was a perfect time to escape. “I’m itching to play some music. Laterz.”

He of Music started to walk out humming a tune. Harmony and Twilight joined in after only two notes. Harmony smiled as he hummed knowing full well what was going on.

“Why was I humming?” Twilight wondered as He of Music disappeared and they stopped humming.

“That would be because he is a natural at Heartsongs.”

“Like Pinkie Pie is?” Twilight shuddered at the thought. If those two ever joined forces. It was already bad enough that she was married to another hyper party pony but at least he wasn't a natural at Heartsongs, or a natural song initiator as it was known to academics such as herself. At least she hoped he wasn’t.

“Yeah a little. But I don’t think Pinkie Pie is as strong as he is. If he were to ever apply himself to honing his natural skills in harmony music magic like you do to magic in general... He has the potential to be more powerful than the ‘Dark One’ at the height of his power. He would put the power of the Elements, the power of all five alicorns, plus the last Spark dragon to shame. Considering that a spark dragon’s magic to a younger race dragon is like a comparing an average unicorn to you… and He of Hourglass still has the dragon harmony ‘elements’ which boasts his power over normal spark dragon even more…”

Twilight jaw dropped. To have power like that was mind boggling and she once all the magic from the other three alicorn rulers in her. To think that a single dragon could eclipsed that power plus the elements. She didn’t know how powerful the friendship rainbow wave was but she was sure that He of Music could produce one all on his own. She shuddered at the thought of what if the dragon wasn’t apart of the Hourglass clan.

“Scary, I know.” Harmony seemed to echo her sentiments.

He of Music was glad he didn’t have to look too long for a suitable tree for him to lounge in as he played. The ley lines here were strangely quiet here in Equestria at least in comparison to Hourglass. It was odd that he didn’t really notice until now…Hourglass ley lines were like the sound of waves or rushing water it was chaotic and soothing but here it was like the ley lines were waiting in quiet anticipation. They had a song but it was so faint that he could barely hear it, even with his headphones off.

He cautiously played a few notes before stopping. What was that? He tried a few more notes training his ears to pick up what he heard before. He could hear the ley lines resonated in harmony to his playing. He wasn’t expecting that. This was so different from Hourglass. He could get the ley lines there to resonate but it took a bit of time… I need to ask Harmony about this… it is seems so strange….

He was about to start playing again when the ley lines began playing a joyful song all on their own. What’s this? He wondered. Someone else must be affecting the ley line song around me. But I don’t hear anyone singing, playing, whistling, or humming...

“Whatcha lookin’ at?”

“YeeeaaaaaH!” He of Music screamed at the sudden and unexpected intrusion of his personal space. He was so startled that he also fell backwards and out of the tree he was sitting in.

“Silly dragon, you shouldn’t fall out of trees like that.”

He of Music grumbled a bit and he got up. He checked his ocarina for damage before he dusted himself off. He just managed to finish that when he nearly fell backwards again when a pink mare suddenly filled his vision.

“My name is Pinkie Pie but almost my friends, which is like everpony, calls me Pinkie of course you’re not a pony so I think that I should say everydragon of then there is Harmony who likes to call me ‘Bearer of Joy’ because I wield the power of joy or something like that… He told me that you liked to be called or was it address as...”

How in the world can this pony manage to say so much in one breath? He listened to her song for a bit while he ignored her never ending gibberish. He was annoyed with the pony but was too afraid of what Harmony would do if he did anything to any of the ponies here. Especially if he did anything to one of them that wielded part of Harmony’s power. He just listening to the peppy song for a while not thinking of anything else until something hit him. He went wide eyed as he noticed that it was her song that was effecting the ley line song.

To have someone else like him was fascinating. Harmony had told him once that he too was a natural at soul songs but he never was able to effect the ley line in the way that he could.

For some odd reason he wanted to be friends with this pink ball of fur but that would mean he would need to share his name… “If you wish to make friends with races other than your own you need to understand their culture.” Which seemed alright. And why not, as she shared the same talent as himself…

“Can you promise me something… uh Pinkie?”

“I can do one better! I will give you my Pinkie Promise!”

“Pinkie Promise?”

“Yeah! No one breaks a Pinkie Promise. No one. “ Somehow when Pinkie said ‘No one’ A chill went up and down the dragon’s spine. He just somehow knew that she could end him right here and now if he were the one to break the ‘Pinkie Promise.’ “Because if they do they could lose a friend forEVER!”

He of Music smiled as it seemed to him that a Pinkie Promise was similar to how a dragon would swear by their honor… That was more then enough to trust her. “How much do you know about dragons and dragon names?

“Harmony told us all about dragon names, I think… It was a bit sad…” Pinkie’s mane deflated a bit as she recalled the memory.

The way her moods change is so strange… Her mane seems to reflect her song… she is special… worthy of being a friend and more. He took a hand out and caress her head. He then sang a short song to lift her spirits back up.

Don’t be sad
Don’t cry
I’ll dry those tears
If you let me.

He stopped as soon as he noticed that she was back to her, he thought, peppy self. “Than can you Pinkie Promise me that you won’t reveal to anyone what I’m about to share with you?

“Anything, for a friend.” He of Music raised an eyebrow at Pinkie Pie as she wave a hoof and stuck it into her eye while saying, “Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye.”

She already thinks of me as a friend?! He had a strange urge to hug her. Maybe it’s her song… He leaned into her ear and whispered, “My Hoard Name is Eternal Beats.”

“Eternal Beats? Neato! ” She yelled in a whisper.

Eternal Beats fell backwards in surprise. How in Tartarus did she both whisper and yell!?

Somehow her mane went even more wild as she began to pace around the dragon. It only served to confuse then worry him as he watched. “OOooo you need a nickname! Something other than He of Music...” Nickname? What is that? Is it similar to how He of Hourglass is known as Quartermaster and He of Everfree River is known as River Guardian?

She stopped for a moment to pull out a pipe and blow some bubbles thoughtfully. “Oooh I know EB!”


“Yeah like you're a dragon and dragons come from eggs and this company, Eggland’s Best from the land of eggs, I guess, he-he that sort of rhymed, they claim their eggs are the best and they mark their eggs with an EB, just like the initials of your name and and I think you are the best dragon ever!”

Eternal Beats smiled as he reached out to ruffle Pinkie’s mane. “Feel free to call me E.B. anytime Pinkie.”

Author's Note:

I can't see to stay away from the Bearers of Harmony/ Ponyville :facehoof:

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