• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 2,193 Views, 404 Comments

Climbing the Mountain 2 - Talon and Thorn

Baron Mounty Max may have thought his troubles were over with the recent changes to the Night Court but instead they may have just started as he has to deal with host of new problems during his second session at court

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Interlude - Meanwhile in Canterlot

Fragrant Posey leaned back in her seat and savoured the feeling of the wind in her mane as her hair billowed out behind her. This really was the best way to travel, she thought. Looking down, she admired the ornate carvings on the side of the vehicle she currently rode in. Her sky chariot really was one of her most treasured possessions.

The craft allowed her to quickly travel between her family home in Cloudsdale and her office and estate in Canterlot without having to work up a sweat herself. It was quite the status symbol as well; the enchantments required to keep the craft – and others like it – in the air were quite expensive. Normally only nobles could afford to rent one, let alone actually own their own. There were larger versions of such craft, of course; the guard used some which could carry whole squads, but they required half a dozen or more pegasi to pull them. Hers was rather more luxurious, although it could only seat three comfortably – or four with a bit of a squeeze – plus luggage, but didn’t require more than two chauffeurs and had various other added features.

She glanced out at Hot Rolls and Royston as they drew the craft though the air. She felt a little sting of guilt. It did seem a little harsh that she relied on their labours so much. Still, they were well-paid for their efforts. Her gaze momentarily locked onto their flexing flanks and she was stung by another, stronger, burst of guilt before she hurriedly averted her gaze. Long hours powering carriages had resulted in her chauffeurs having rather impressive physiques, but they were her staff; it was not right to ogle them! Besides, she had her own stallion whose hindquarters were just as picturesque, if not more so!

Her heart ached a little. It had been over a month since she had last seen Max, and it would likely be at least a further week before they were together again. She hadn’t received any correspondence from him since their last meeting; given the state of Nulpar’s postal system, that wasn’t that unexpected, although it was a little disheartening. She had considered writing her own missive to him, but she knew any letter was unlikely to reach him until shortly before he was to return to Canterlot at the earliest. His tour of his lands would take him out of contact for most of the summer. Still, she missed him and his breezy disposition.

Her mood soured, Fragrant waved a hoof at her craft’s controls and a transparent magical barrier formed around the carriage, blocking the wind. Seeking a distraction, she turned to her companion in the carriage: her current assistant, Saltpeter. He was a tall brown-coated pegasus with a speckled black and white mane in his early middle age. Although he had come to her highly recommended from his time in regional weather management, she was still getting used to him as her personal assistant.

She had to admit the report he had produced on Nulpar had been very thorough. Still, it irked her a little that he had cut short her time with Max over a few weather patrols being a day or two late; given their unfamiliarity with the province, that was to be expected. Still, to give him the benefit of the doubt, she would have felt terrible if something had happened to any of them. Saltpeter was studiously looking away from her at the moment, taking pains not to meet her gaze. They had only shared a few words in the whole journey. She sighed. She missed the easy camaraderie she used to share with her previous assistant Notebook. Then she grimaced at the thought of her treacherous ex-assistant. She would have to make a decision on his fate soon enough. Max had suggested she forgive him, but his betrayal, the invasion of her privacy, still hurt.

“I haven’t asked you before,” said Fragrant, trying to start up a conversation. “Why did you apply for the role as my personal assistant? It is somewhat of a step from weather management.”

“Oh, well,” stuttered Saltpeter, apparently in surprise. “I felt I could do with a change. I’ve been working in weather management most of my life, I was already the PA for an area manager, there wasn’t much above that apart from your personal office.”

“How are you finding your work so far?”

“It’s rather different to what I was used to, more complex than I expected, but I’m sure I should pick it up in no time,” he said positively.

“Good,” replied Fragrant. There was a rather uncomfortable silence for a few minutes as both of the chariot's passengers waited for the other to say something. Trying to distract herself, Fragrant glanced ahead. There, in the middle distance, the Canterhorn was growing larger, the city of Canterlot at the moment only a white blur on its side. She estimated she had about half an hour before they would arrive at their destination, slightly ahead of schedule.

It was good to be home again. The thought made her frown a little. Maybe Canterlot was more of a home to her than Cloudsdale; after her long years at court she may well have spent more time there than in her actual ancestral province.

Her journey with Max had made her think how little attention she actually paid to most of her holdings. Even when away from court, she only really thought about the city of Cloudsdale itself rather than the rest of the province. She had looked into arranging a tour of the smaller cities and towns of her realm; not only of the galas or official openings she normally attended, but actually meeting with the common folk. However, with her greater responsibilities, she couldn’t be as spontaneous as Max. She could not just set out with only her saddlebags and walk around her province. It covered almost a third of the skies above Equestria, after all. Still, although it took almost a month to arrange, she had managed a tour of a few of her other cities. That had been somewhat eye-opening. She had assumed most of her holdings were little different from Cloudsdale, but she had found significant variation between different cities and different requirements. She had been inspired to pen several draft bills for the next session of court; they still required much work, of course, but they were at least something to help all her people.

A thought occurred to her. “Is this your first time in Canterlot?” she asked. The stallion turned and looked around for a moment, as if she might have been talking to somepony else.

“Oh, um, I’ve visited a few times, your ladyship, but I’ve never stayed there very long. Certainly never lived there.” He gave an awkward smile. “Never actually lived on the ground, really.”

“Ah, well, I’m sure you won’t find it that hard to adjust. It’s not all that different.”

“I’m sure I’ll be fine. A cloud house is much the same no matter what it floats over.”

“Ah, I am afraid that would not be possible. The capital has very stringent zoning regulations. No cloud buildings are allowed over the city and its surrounding environments.” From what she remembered of her history, that rule had been down to competition between pegasus nobles, which had resulted in a small cloud city forming over the Canterhorn, blocking much of the sunlight from their ground-based peers.

Saltpeter’s face dropped at the news. “Oh, I... I didn’t know...”

“Like I said, you will get used to it soon enough. You may stay in my estate for as long as you wish. There are lots of spare quarters for staff.”

“Thank you, your Ladyship, but I should get a place of my own as soon as I can. I’m bringing my family over.”

“You have foals?” she asked, a little surprised.

“Two of them, both colts. Charcoal is eight and Brimstone is two. They certainly keep Quicksilver, my wife, on her hooftips,” he smiled.

“I am sure they will all enjoy living in the city. It is good to keep your family close.” As well as her short tour, Fragrant had many other duties during her time away from court. Briefings on the status of her ministry, details of implications of various bills implemented during the last session of court, the list seemed almost endless. It had meant she had far less time to spend with her family than she had hoped.

She had seen Thunderous and Edelweiss frequently enough, although even then their schedules had rarely matched up long enough for more than a hurried meal each day. She’d only gotten to see her nephew Dangerous a few times; the colt always seemed to be busy running between one trip with friends or another. His father had been trying to talk to him about taking on a role in the family business, but the boy seemed to be enjoying his youth far too much at the moment. Fragrant couldn’t really blame him; she often wished she had had more time before having to take up her mother's role at court. He deserved to have time to enjoy himself while he still could, although Thunderous didn’t agree. She hadn’t had any time to visit poor Fluttering at all, although they had shared a few letters. Maybe she’d get a chance to visit before court formally began? The filly only lived a few hours from the capital.

“My Lady?” said Saltpeter, shaking her from her thoughts.

“Sorry?” said Fragrant, turning back to him.

“I said, do you wish to go over your schedule for today before we land?”

“Oh, yes, I think I have most of it down. I will need an hour or so with the guard to update my security clearance. That is always somewhat tedious. Then the rest of the morning at the ministry, catching up on things. A few meetings with other courtiers in the afternoon, and finally a meeting with Vicereine Wallflower.”

“Pardon me, my lady?” The stallion looked a little confused. “I don’t have anything down about the vicereine here.”

Fragrant looked over at the notes. “Are you sure? I always meet her on my first day back in Canterlot.” She had considered changing her plans after what the vicereine had done, but she had to keep up at least a working relationship with her ex-mentor.

“I do not think you mentioned it.”

“I thought I had.” She thought back. She was sure it had been discussed last week when her trip back was planned, but she wasn’t that sure. Notebook would have known her habits without her having to mention it. “What is in its place?”

“A few meetings. One with Duke Sands, tea with Fancy Pants.”

Fragrant clicked her tongue in frustration. “You will have to send my apologies. You should probably go in person.” Saltpeter looked a little nervous. “Do not worry, I am sure they will understand.”

“My lady.” He still looked a little unsure.

“Now, we should go over the schedule for the rest of the week. I will have to move the meetings to another day.”

Feeling a change in the direction of the chariot, Fragrant realised that they must have almost arrived. Putting aside her papers, she glanced down and saw the city coming up to meet them. They passed the towers of the castle before preparing to land on the roof of her family estate. Peering down, she noticed the lime green figure of her niece Forming waiting for them. From what Fragrant had read in the various reports from her office, the girl had done very well in her role as her proxy for the summer. Although nothing of great note had occurred during that time, she had kept on top of the day-to-day tasks her role required, as well as the few minor emergencies. In fact, there was only once that she had needed her aunt's help: a particularly difficult negotiation between two rival provinces. The filly had been rather distraught that she had needed the assistance, but Fragrant had been quick to point out that knowing your limitations was just as much a skill to be learnt as was dealing with such disagreements.

She smiled as she saw Forming waving at her as the carriage came into land. Feeling spontaneous, she alighted from her craft before it even touched the ground, swooping down towards her niece. She tried to ignore the slight throbbing of her back muscles. Since her trip to Nulpar, she had asked her personal trainer to work on her flight muscles. Although she had not told her why, she rather hoped she would be able to fly with Max somewhen in the near future. He had seemed to enjoy it when that Gryphoness had carried him. So far, despite laps around the estate each day as well as an extra half hour workout, she couldn’t really feel much improvement. Although Tough Love had said she was making good progress.

“Forming!” she cried as she landed next to her niece. “It’s good to see you again.”

“You too, Aunt Fragrant,” replied Forming, the larger mare leaning down to muzzle her aunt.

“How are you?”

“I’m well. Everything has been going fine, most of the court are still away and nothing very serious had been happening with the weather ministry.” She shuffled her hooves a little and looked down. “I’m sorry about the Mineighsota thing.”

“There really is nothing to apologize for, dear. Even after twenty years on the job, I still can’t always get ground and air authorities to agree on weather coordination all the time. You should have seen the mess I made if it when I started. Airhaven still refuses to get within a hundred miles of Manehatten!”

A slight smile spread across Forming's face, which caused Fragrant to smile widely. She really was very proud of her niece. She just wanted her to understand that she didn’t have to take everything on at once. “You didn’t have to come back so early, auntie. I would have been fine for another week or more.”

“I usually try to get back to court early if I can manage it, lets me settle back in and talk to the other courtiers as they return.” Fragrant waved a hoof. “Plus I don’t want to take up all your time carrying out my duties. University starts again in less than a month. You should get some holiday, don’t push yourself too hard.” She couldn’t have another repeat of what happened to Fluttering on her conscience. Still, her sister seemed much better suited to the role.

“Thanks,” said Forming, covering her mouth as she yawned, “but I’m fine.”

“Have you been up all day?” asked Fragrant. Another reason she tended to return early was to allow herself time to adjust back to a nocturnal schedule. She should have arrived earlier in the day, or later, so her niece didn’t need to stay up so long.

“It’s ok,” said the larger mare. “I needed to finish some things off, and I got a quick nap earlier this morning. I’m fine to spend the day with you.”

“Nonsense!” insisted Fragrant, gently pushing her niece towards the door leading into the manor. “You need your sleep. You’re a growing filly!”

“I think I might be done growing by now,” said Forming, looking down at her aunt.

“Well, you might be right,” said Fragrant, blushing a little. Of course her niece wasn’t a foal anymore, but she still didn’t want her to overdo it. “But you should still get some sleep. I’ll be spending the day settling in and meeting up with some friends, anyway. We can meet up this evening to go over things. I have a surprise for you!”

Forming’s ears pricked up. “A surprise?” she asked. “What is it?”

“You’ll see,” said her aunt with a grin.

Once she had made sure that Forming had gone to bed for the day, Fragrant settled back into her rooms in the mansion. The maids had kept her chamber well-aired, and she had brought little in the way of luggage – the house already contained most of what she needed, so it didn’t take long.

She briefly checked in with her butler, Loyal Service, but there wasn’t much she needed to be told. A few changes to her staff, but nothing unexpected. She was quite pleased to hear that one of her maids, Clothes Horse, had given advance notice that she would be going on maternity leave next spring. She asked Loyal to remind the filly that her contract included full health coverage, so she should make sure to get regular check-ups as her pregnancy progressed.

As she made her way through her home Fragrant, noticed a number of extra cloud sculptures here and there. It was good to see that her niece had found time to keep up with her hobby while she had been working. She had even converted one of the spare bedrooms into a studio; it was a good way to deal with stress. Maybe she should consider setting up a greenhouse to work on her plants here in Canterlot? She wasn’t sure if she would have the time, but it was something to consider, thought Fragrant as she made her way out of the mansion and started the short trip towards the castle.

Even when court was not in session, the castle was never truly peaceful. The wheels of government continued to roll all year round. Even at the quietest of times, guards continued to patrol, pages rushed here and there, and servants did their duties in the background. Still, Fragrant couldn’t help but think of the castle as a vast sleeping beast, just stirring into life as courtiers slowly filtered back in. One of the reasons she tried to return to work early was to enjoy the zeitgeist of this period, the feeling of things starting to get back up to speed. Still, this year things felt a little different. Maybe slightly more manic, more fearful? More courtiers had stayed at their offices during the summer, maybe afraid to return home, or trying to look busy for the princess? Other offices were almost empty, much of the staff removed as part of the general purge. In some ways, maybe it was a good thing, a new start; in others, the loss of so many familiar faces was somewhat frightening.

Putting the feeling aside for the moment, Fragrant continued on her way, stopping at the offices of selected courtiers and saying her greetings to the nobles already in residence as well as leaving messages for those who would be arriving soon. It was polite – and useful – to touch base with the members as they arrived, to get a feeling of the shape of the next court session. Over the summer, an unprecedented number of courtiers had stepped down, so there would be a large number of new faces at court this year; more ponies to meet and to get a feel for.

Eventually she made her way to her own offices within the building. She was glad to see that everything seemed to be running smoothly. Saltpeter had started to set up there by the time he arrived; the stallion seemed a little overwhelmed by the size of the operation, but she was sure he would get up to speed quickly enough. She called a meeting of her most senior staff to make sure she was briefed on anything she needed to know. Her ministry’s staff, although not as corrupt as some others, had also had a number of informers removed over the summer. This had led to a wave of promotions, but filling all the roles left hadn’t been easy; she could foresee a difficult few months ahead while the new staff settled in. Still maybe a change would be good. A shakeup could lead to new ideas.

She asked her staff about Forming’s actions while she had been gone. Although one of two were a bit hesitant they gave a mostly positive report on her actions. Fragrant wanted to make sure her niece hadn’t been hiding any problems. If she couldn’t cope, she wanted to know as soon as possible – she couldn’t stand a repeat of what had happened to Fluttering – but it seemed that Forming was much more suited to her job than her sister had been.

On her way through the castle, she found her hooves making their way towards Max’s office several times. It had become almost part of her daily routine to visit him over the last court session. Really, it was a wonder it had taken her so long to expose her feelings for him, when she thought about it.

Even now, she knew she had to visit that office, even though she wanted to keep as far away as possible. That office would only have one occupant at this time, and it would no longer be her beloved. Notebook, her treacherous assistant, was currently running Max’s affairs while the latter was away in his home province.

Fragrant knew she would have to deal with him sooner or later. Max would return in a few weeks and Notebook would be out of a job. She had originally planned to just return him to her service, but then she had found out that he had been spying on her for Wallflower, and after that she had wanted nothing more to do with him. Max had counselled her to forgive him, but her heart still wanted to punish him. He had betrayed her! He had invaded her privacy! But he had had her best interests at heart, had he not? He had been put in place to warn the vicereine if she became corrupt. Hadn’t that been an act of good? He had helped her so much over their years together. She had considered him a friend. Could that all be a lie? She didn’t know. She knew she had to make a decision sooner or later, but not right now. First she had to see her other betrayer.

The Wallflower estate was the biggest in the city; only the castle and its grounds rivalled it in size. It took up an entire tier of the city, placed on the opposite side of the mountain to most of the other residencies. Given the premium spent on space in the mountain-bound city, it represented an enormous status symbol, only possible because Wallflower's family had, in the dim and distant times, founded Canterlot itself around the mountain, which even then had been known as the lair of the mysterious alicorns. The manor house itself was actually comparatively small when measured against others found in different parts of Equestria, although its cellars cut deep into the rock as just as much of the house was below ground as was above. The house was surrounded by many smaller buildings, and even some decent-sized open areas acting as parks and farms. It was an even greater sign of Wallflower's wealth that she could own so much space on the mountain and not even build anything on it.

Despite visiting the estate quite frequently, Fragrant could never quite shake off the feeling of awe at entering it. At seeing the lines of portraits of earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi stretching back through time. Her own lineage was probably just as long, if not longer, but there was something about seeing another's family spread out this way, staring down at the intruder and judging her. Shaking herself from her daze, Fragrant informed the estate’s butler of her arrival and her business with his mistress. The elderly stallion nodded and invited her into one of the luxurious sitting rooms before disappearing to collect his employer.

Fragrant lounged in one of the plush chairs while she waited for Wallflower. She had for a moment considered ignoring the vicereine’s invitation after what she had done, but the less emotional, more political side of her recognised that, despite her actions, Wallflower was still her most powerful ally at court, and she would still have to work with her in future. She might not like it, but it was a necessity.

With a click, the door swung open, and Fragrant turned in her seat. She was surprised to find that it was not Wallflower who stood there, but her wife, Holly Bush. “I’m sorry you’ve been kept waiting,” said the pale blue coated mare. “Flower is out with her dogs again. She tends to lose track of time. I’ve sent a runner to get her, so she should be back soon.”

“I understand,” said Fragrant, sinking back into her chair as Holly took a position opposite her. They had been close at one point, very close; lovers for most of a year, Fragrant’s first, but over the years they had drifted apart. In fact, she couldn’t remember the last time they had talked outside of a formal situation.

“How are you?” asked Holly after a moment.

“I’m well. I just got back to Canterlot today. Forming has done a good job while I’ve been away.”

“Yes, I’d heard. You must be proud to know your legacy is in good hooves.” She sighed a little, distractedly cleaning her glasses. Wallflower and Holly had never adopted; the vicereine’s heir was currently one of her nephews. Fragrant had met the colt; he seemed a nice enough unicorn, a little dull maybe. “Look, I’m sorry about what Flower did,” said Holly, leaning forwards. “I would have told you if I’d known. I know how much it must have hurt you.” Fragrant frowned, sinking lower in her chair as Holly continued. “She didn’t mean it as an insult, you know. She had agents in most of the higher nobilities' staff.”

“And that makes it all right?” asked Fragrant with a raised eyebrow.

“No... but she wasn’t singling you out, or if she did, it was because she saw how important you were.” She sighed. “She can be so thick-headed sometimes. She finds it hard to see things from other ponies’ perspective, you see, but she really does try to do things for their benefit.” She sighed again. “It’s maternal, in a way. She sees it as her responsibility to look after them.”

“It did not seem that way,” said Fragrant huffily. “It was an invasion of my privacy.”

“Would you say the same if it was Fisher or Greengrass she had been keeping an eye on?”

“No... yes, yes, it would still be wrong,” said Fragrant forcefully. “We are supposed to be the good ponies. We can’t do things like that.”

“She’s told everypony she had agents keeping an eye on. Most of them took it better than you.”

“And that makes it all right?” repeated Fragrant, leaning forwards. “I thought she was my friend!”

“She is your friend. I am your friend. Friends look out for each other. Look, I’m sorry, I know how you feel about your privacy, what the papers did to you, but Flower was really trying to do the best for you. Maybe we could get together and just talk? Like we used to? I have some new orchids from Gia Suc to show you.”

Despite herself, Fragrant found her interest peaked. “Maybe I can find some time in my diary,” she said. Without the time cleared for her aborted trial last season, she would be much busier for the rest of the year. Still, she should have a free afternoon or two.

“Good,” said Holly with a smile. “I think you’ll...” She was interrupted by the door opening and Wallflower entering, followed by her huge two headed dog. The plump mare was panting slightly. Her hooves were still covered with somewhat muddy boots, and a cloth cap covered her head.

“Sorry,” she panted. “I lost track of time.”

“The dogs again?” asked Holly with a raised eyebrow. The Orthros barked loudly in agreement.

“You know how much they like a good gallop!” She turned to Fragrant. “Thank you for coming. I know you tend to start court early, and there are some things we need to go over.”

Fragrant nodded. “I am at your service, vicereine.”

Both Holly and Wallflower winced a little at her formality before the latter took a seat, her pet slumping to the ground at her hooves.

“If you’re going to talk business, I’ll be off,” said Holly getting up. “Would either of you like a drink?”

“Lemonade please,” said Fragrant.

“I think I could do with a little pick me up,” said Wallflower. “Maybe a brandy.”

Holly leaned forwards and gave her wife a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll get the servants to bring both of you lemonade.”

“Yes dear,” said Wallflower, a little crestfallen.

With a smile, the pale blue coated mare left the sitting room.

“She thinks I drink too much,” muttered Wallflower. Next to her, the dog growled quietly. “You too?” she asked, patting one of the dog's heads, making its tail thump against the ground. “Now,” she said more clearly, “as I told you a few months ago, I hope that my... actions won’t stop our business relationship.” Fragrant glared at her sharply. “You’ve always been a good ally... a good friend to me, and given what happened after the Gala, I need all the allies I can get.”

Trying to force down her annoyance, Fragrant nodded. The two of them were the major driving force behind the proposed changes to court to try to reduce the previously rampant corruption. Despite her personal feelings about Wallflower, they did still need to work together if possible. “I understand,” she said.

“Good. Now, Luna seemed to accept our proposition at old Rolling’s funeral, but we still need to work out all the details and finalize it all. The Princess could just implement if by herself if she wanted, but I think she’d like us to formally vote on it as soon as possible. Show we’re all in agreement about it.”

Fragrant nodded. She had expected that. “I’ve been working on the full text. I’ve kept in contact with others in the court to run the drafts past.”

“Good, good,” said Wallflower, nodding as a servant glided in with a tray containing two glasses of lemonade. “Add a snifter of something a bit stronger to mine, will you,” she commanded.

“I’m sorry, madam, but your wife gave me very strict instructions,” explained the servant apologetically.

“I pay your wages, you know,” muttered Wallflower, taking a sip of the drink and scowling.

“Yes, madam, but your wife is the one who decides where you’re sleeping.”

“She’s got me there,” said Wallflower, taking a larger mouthful. “Now where were we? Oh yes, I think we should try and get the vote as one of the first after the opening ceremony, right in the early night motions.”

Fragrant nodded. “That makes sense. It could be considered business held over from the last session. I’m not sure if we’ll get all the issues worked out by then. With so big a bill, others are sure to try and add a few riders at least.”

“I’ve talked to Nightlight and Puissance about that. After a bit of jaw wagging, we’ve all agreed to make sure that doesn’t happen. I don’t think anyone will stand against all of us.”

“That should work,” agreed Fragrant. She couldn’t think of a time when a bill all three viceroys agreed on didn’t pass unchanged. “Still, we’ll probably have to leave some of the details to be worked out later. We can’t agree on it all in only a few more weeks.”

“Fair enough. I think the Princess will understand. I just hope none of the new starts will decide to make things difficult.”

“There will be a lot of new courtiers this year,” said Fragrant, nodding. “Almost unprecedented.”

“Almost one in five. A lot of the rot decided to jump ship while they could, and good riddance. But,” she sighed, “some of the good wood decided they couldn’t take it either. On top of that, you’ve got the normal attrition. Some of the old duffers getting on a bit, probably would have called it a day anyway. It’s going to be a bit chaotic for a bit, trying to show everypony the ropes. It’ll probably be the youngest court for a generation.”

“That might not be a bad thing. Less stuck in our ways, more open to new ideas.”

“You might have a point there, but also inexperienced, all looking to make a name for themselves. Could cause problems. We need a way to teach them how things are done.”

Fragrant considered for a moment. “There is the squire project I suggested. It... well, it worked well for Baron Max.”

Wallflower raised an eyebrow. “I doubt it would work quite that well every time, do you?” Fragrant blushed a little. She hadn’t personally told Wallflower about her relationship, and she really didn’t feel like telling the older mare now. Still, Wallflower had noticed the attraction even before Fragrant had admitted it to herself. “Still, it might be an idea. Maybe strengthen the bond with the sponsors at the ennoblement ceremony. It was its original purpose, after all.” She rubbed her chin for a moment. “Anyone new you want to take under your wing?”

Fragrant considered for a moment. She felt that Max probably still needed help, but she should probably do what she could to help any other new courtiers. “Maybe Buttercup Fields? She did seem to be taking her father's death badly, but I can see she’d make an excellent courtier. She’s practically been running her father's office since she left school, so she knows the ropes.”

“Sounds fair,” said Wallflower, nodding. “There’s a new baroness I’ve had my eye on for a while – Slime Ball’s replacement, gal called Soft hoof. She’s got some interesting suggestions and the most gorgeous Golden Retriever...”

Most of the rest of the meeting was fairly normal. They went over the other changes at court and already proposed legislation, as well as any future suggestions they had. Wallflower seemed a little more open to Fragrant’s suggestions than normal; the younger mare wondered if it was her way of apologizing for what she’d done.

Finally the meeting came to an end and Wallflower stood up, her knees cracking a little. “Oh, what did that niece of yours say to my suggestion?” she asked.

“Forming?” asked Fragrant in confusion.

“No, the other one, Fluttering. I asked you to ask her about adopting one of Liebe and Toleranz’s pups.” The dog’s two heads popped up as they recognised their names.

“Oh, that.” Fragrant paused. She had been somewhat torn about asking her niece. Fluttering so loved all her animals, but Orthoses were so large and fierce. She had eventually given in and passed on the suggestion to Fluttering; her niece was a grown mare, after all. The response had been very enthusiastic. “She said she would be honoured.”

“Good,” said Wallflower with a wide grin. “You can see the litter and pick one out now!”

“Oh, I’m sure whatever one you choose would be fine,” said Fragrant nervously.

“No, no, I won’t hear of it. Unless your niece is going to come in person, you’re the next best thing. There needs to be a proper bond between dog and mistress, doesn’t there, sweetums.” she rubbed her hoof on her dog’s back and it barked the affirmative.

“No... I don’t think Fluttering will be able to make her way to Canterlot,” said Fragrant. If there was anything that might get Fluttering to come up here, it would be an animal, but she doubted even that could get her niece to visit such a crowded city right now.

“Then it’s settled. You should come out and have a look,” said Wallflower, grabbing Fragrant’s hoof.

The two mares and the two-headed dog quickly made their way out of the manor house itself, and into one of the many kennels surrounding it. The sound of all the dogs within barking hit Fragrant almost like a physical blow, and she had to struggle to force her way into the building. It seemed each of the kennels' many inhabitants all wanted to greet their owner with a lick, and Wallflower almost disappeared under a pile of furry flesh before, with a few bellowed orders, she sorted the animals out. Followed by their slightly cowed but still buoyant entourage, Wallflower and Fragrant made their way further into the building, until they came to an open straw-covered area where another two headed dog laid on its side. Around it, a number of smaller Orthoses rolled around in mock battle.

“There we are!” exclaimed Wallflower. “My Liebe and Toleranz are such studs, aren't you! One of the finest litters I’ve ever seen. Which one do you think Fluttering would like?”

Fragrant looked down a little nervously. Even as puppies, Orthoses were big animals; each was the size of a foal several years their senior. As she watched, the animals were pouncing and wrestling with each other, their little jaws snapping at each other as they played. They didn’t look very safe to her. “I’m not sure...” She glanced over to one side and noticed another puppy partially covered by the straw. It was a little smaller than its siblings; most of its back and its left head were black, whereas its belly, legs and right head were white. It was keeping well away from its siblings, huddling down in its bedding. “What about that one?” she asked.

“Him? He’s the runt of the litter. Timid little thing, you probably don’t want him. How about this one?” She lifted up another of the puppies, who struggled in her grasp as she patted it. “Look at her coat, it’s so sleek! She’ll be a prize winner for sure!”

Fragrant looked down at the timid puppy again. His right head was looking up at her with big blue eyes, while the other glanced nervously over at his brothers and sisters. He was shaking slightly, seemingly scared by the commotion. She gently, as not to scare him further, extended a hoof towards the orthos, placing it just in front of him. Cautiously, both heads stretched out and gave Fragrant a sniff, before resting a paw on her hoof and barking a greeting. To her surprise, its little tail started to wag gently. “No,” she said, not taking her eyes off of him. “I think this one is just perfect.” She reached over, causing the puppy to cower back for a moment, and gently lifted the young dog out of the straw. He went stiff before relaxing and resting both of his heads against her. “He reminds me of Fluttering,” she said, hugging the puppy to her. “Does he have a name?”

“Not yet, none of them do. That’s up to you,” said Wallflower with a smile. “I think you might have bonded.”

Fragrant held up the puppy in front of her. It licked at her hoof as she examined it. “I’m not sure what to call him,” she said. “I think I’ll leave it up to Fluttering.”

Once Fragrant had returned to her estate, she left Fluttering’s new pet in the care of her staff. It was a sweet little thing; now that she had its trust, its earlier nervousness seemed to have faded from at least one of its heads as it examined its new environment. The other still looked around nervously as it wandered the room she had put aside for it to be temporarily housed in. The small dog had quickly charmed its carers, and when she had last seen him he had been almost smothered by a small pile of cooing maids. Fragrant had even briefly considered keeping it and purchasing another dog for her niece, but she really didn’t have enough time to truly care for a pet. Just keeping up with Max was tiring enough.

By the time she had settled the puppy into its temporary home, the sun was starting to set, and she only just had enough time to bathe and get dressed before it was time for her combined breakfast / supper with Forming.

Her niece was wearing a light pink dress cut in the latest style; unfortunately, Forming was significantly differently shaped compared to the mares the dress was designed for, resulting in the outfit hanging rather awkwardly on her. It was a rather sensitive topic Fragrant would have to bring up with her niece somewhen; Fragrant knew Forming loved trying to keep up with the latest fashions, but it might be better to find a style that better matched her body type. Still, that was not something to talk about now. This was a meal to celebrate her niece's success. Fragrant had made sure the chef had made her niece's favourite foods, and the two of them made casual conversation while they ate.

“And as the ball ended, Viceroy Night Light himself complimented me on my work on the export of clouds to the camel lands. I told him it was mostly your idea and I’d just implemented the last bit of your plan, but he said that I’d implemented it perfectly!”

Fragrant look a sip of her drink and smiled as her niece made her way through her story. She had heard that Night Light’s daughter had turned herself in over the summer. It wasn’t entirely clear what was going to happen to her, but the viceroy’s disposition seemed much improved now that she was safe. She couldn’t entirely forgive what he had done to her, but he seemed to be trying to work back into her graces, and of course his comments were entirely true.

“His son Shining Armour was there was well. He’s so very handsome, it was just a shame his dance card was full... I would have given almost anything to spend just a few minutes in his arms.” She sighed.

Fragrant felt like pointing out that Captain Armour had recently been romantically linked to Princess Cadenza, but she didn’t want to break her niece’s fantasy. Besides, there was no reason any stallion shouldn’t want to spent time with Forming. She was such a nice, happy filly.

“You did implement everything well,” said Fragrant, pushing aside her plate. “And it wasn’t all my plan. You changed things when they needed changing. I’m very proud of you – with a few more years' practise, I’m sure you will be ready to take over from me when the time comes. I’ve talked to all of the staff in my office,” Forming stiffened slightly, “and none of them have anything bad to say about you.”

“Thank you, Auntie,” said Forming, taking the last bite of her own meal. “I haven't had a chance to ask how your summer was.”

“It was mostly uneventful. I carried out a tour of some of the smaller settlements in Cloudsdale and looked into possible ways to integrate cloud cities into the growing telegraph network.”

“I heard you spent some time in one of the northern provinces,” said Forming a little slyly.

Fragrant coloured a little. “I spent a week or so in Nulpar. As a new province, it required a full review of what weather services it will need in future. The work is still going on, actually.”

“Nulpar,” said Forming, tapping a hoof to her chin. “That’s Baron Max’s province, isn’t it?” She grinned.

“Yes, it does happen to be, I did spend quite some time with Baron Max, um, exploring his province.”

“Exploring his province?” Forming raised an eyebrow. “Is that what they called it in your day?” She struggled to constrain her laughter.

Fragrant tried to sound offended, but couldn’t quite manage it. “I don’t know what you are talking about! But I did enjoy the time we spent together.” It was nice to spend the time with her family, where she could really say what she felt. “We spent several days together touring his holdings, it is most picturesque, you might even want to visit yourself someday. Anyway, your surprise, I have a present for you.”

Forming straightened, looking around as if there might be a parcel hidden somewhere in the room. “You really don’t have to, auntie.”

“No, you have given up part of your holiday to help me and your work has been exceptional. You deserve a reward. You need to return to university in only a few weeks, and you should have a good time until then.”

“What have you gotten me, then?” asked Forming.

“Come with me and I’ll show you,” said Fragrant with a smile as she stood from the table.

Fragrant led her slightly confused-looking niece to the top of the mansion where her sky chariot was parked. “Are we going somewhere, auntie?” asked Forming, looking around.

“I am not, but you might be,” said Fragrant with a smile.

“I don’t understand.”

“I am giving you my sky chariot to do what you want with until university starts. You, and any of your friends, may go wherever you wish and do whatever you want... have a good holiday, dear!”

Forming's jaw dropped and her eyes widened. “Re... really!”

“Yes, dear, you deserve it.”

“Oh! My! Gosh! Thank you auntie, thank you.” The large filly leant forwards and took her aunt in a crushing hug. “Oh, thank you!”

“That’s alright,” gasped Fragrant, trying to return the hug. “I know you’ve always wanted to go to Whinnyworld.”

Forming released her aunt. “Oh, Upper Crust will be so jealous! Maybe Twinkle Shine will want to come, or even her brother! We could go to Mareami beach or Los Pegasus! We’ll have so much fun!” She galloped over to the craft and ran a hoof over it.

“Maybe you could take your first trip to see you sister?” suggested Fragrant hopefully. “There is a present to deliver to her.” Forming looked up and her ears drooped a bit. Forming had used to look up to her big sister a lot, but since Fluttering’s breakdown, their relationship had been a little more strained. It was Forming who had first found her sister after her... episode. Fragrant hoped that spending a little time together would help bridge the gap between them.

“I’ll... I’ll think about it,” said Forming before she hopped into the craft and stretched out on the seat.

Smiling at her niece’s actions, Fragrant turned to the chauffeurs and passed them a large bag of bits. “This should be enough to cover any accommodation and costs. There is also a bonus for the two of you.”

“Thank you ma’am,” said Royston with a bow.

“And if you could both make sure of my niece’s safety during her trip. There might be a number of ponies who might try to take advantage of her better nature.” She probably didn’t have anything to worry about, but she knew how dangerous the world could be. “If you could report back to me anything problematic that might occur during her holiday. She is normally a very sensible filly, but I think she deserves a chance to let off some steam after her hard work.”

“You want us to spy on your niece, duchess,” asked Hot Rolls, stiffening a little.

“Of course not, I just...” Fragrant stopped. She just wanted what? She just wanted to make sure her niece was safe by asking her staff to report on her actions? Wasn’t that exactly what Wallflower had asked Notebook to do to her? This was different, wasn’t it? Forming was only a filly, she needed to be protected. She glanced over at her niece. No, Forming was a grown mare by now, had been for a few years. She had a right to her own privacy, to make her own mistakes. Was she really no different from Wallflower? Surely she was? “Just tell me if anything... if anything... if she does...” If she does anything wrong? And Notebook had decided that she didn’t do anything wrong, so he didn’t report to Wallflower, but it had still hurt. Did she want to do that same to Forming, make her feel the same way about her aunt? Surely this was different – Forming was her niece, not her peer – but was it? Holly had said that Wallflower looked on the court in a maternal fashion. Was it really any different...?

“Ma’am?” asked Royston looking concerned.

“Oh... er... no, no, of course I don’t, forget about that. Just make sure she has a good time, keep her safe.”

“I’ll look after her like she was one of my own,” he replied. Hot had turned and was grinning at the young mare in the carriage behind them as she bounced her flanks up and down on the seat. Royston kicked out at his partner. “And I’ll make sure he’s on his best behaviour as well.”

“Right, of course,” said Hot, wincing a little.

“Can I... can I take it for a spin now...” asked Forming, setting down in the seat.

“It’s yours for the moment, dear,” said Fragrant, trying to push her revelation to the side for the moment. She didn’t want to upset her niece. “Just try not to wear Rolls and Royston out too much.”

Forming nodded and tried to compose herself. “Giddy up!” she commanded.

Hot Rolls turned to his partner before grinning and winking. As one, the two chauffeurs reared up with a whinny and slammed their hooves back down onto the roof, before galloping forwards as fast as their hooves could take them and driving down with their wings. The chariot shot forwards at near top speed, and Forming gave a little squeak of surprise as she was driven back into her seat, which quickly became a cry and joy as the craft shot off into the air towards the rising moon.

Fragrant stood watching as the craft dwindled into a spot in the distance. The smile dropped from her face. She had a lot to think about.

Sleep did not come to Fragrant that night. She found herself tossing and turning on her cloud bed. She felt so conflicted. Deep in her heart, Notebook’s actions still hurt; the feeling of betrayal – of invasion – cut so very deep. She had been so sure she could trust Notebook, had told him so much over the years. It hurt.

But in her head, she understood that he had dealt with the situation as best he could. He had carried out his duty to Wallflower, to Equestria, to ensure she remained on the straight and narrow, and he had not passed on a single confidence to another. He had served her faithfully.

On the third hoof, would she ever manage to trust him again? She had just seen how easy it was to want to look after somepony you cared for, and to invade their privacy for just that reason. The road to Tartarus truly seemed to be paved with good intentions... how easy would she find to continue down that road in future?

On the fourth hoof, should she not practice forgiveness? She had made her mistakes in the past, had she not, and she had been punished, so very harshly punished. Max had suggested she forgive Notebook. Wouldn’t that be the noblest solution? The Princess herself had practiced a harsh form of forgiveness when she had chosen not to purge the court for their transgressions. Shouldn’t she act the same?

She gave a frustrated growl and rolled off of her bed, landing heavily on her hooves. She didn’t know what to do. Her heart tore her one way and her head the other... and she had run out of hooves.

Snorting, she wrapped herself in a robe and strode out of her room and through the mansion. Maybe a flight would clear her head. As she was heading for the central shaft which connected all the floors of the house, she paused outside the room containing Fluttering’s puppy, listening she could hear a little whimpering. Her heart would out to the puppy, it was probably the little creature's first night away from its mother and family. It was likely lonely. She opened the door and peeked inside. The dog was lying on the pet bed provided for it. Its ears popped up as it looked up at her and its cry’s stopped. Carefully, Fragrant approached and sat down next to it. The puppy crawled nervously forward and rested its heads onto her. She leant an arm over it, feeling its little tail wag slightly as it settled down.

She sighed. If only she could be more like this little innocent creature. It did not care what she had done in the past, only that she was kind to it now. Should she be the same way to her errant employee? He truly had had the best interest of Equestria in his heart and had judged her actions to be for the best. He had not truly betrayed her, even when he had had many chances. But she still could not get past it, him watching and judging her constantly. It was not his fault, really; previous events had made her so sensitive, but she felt the way she felt. Still, her feelings should not affect his life.

She sighed. She could only see one fair response now, one path than satisfied both her heart and her brain. Gently she lifted the now sleeping puppy from her and placed it in its bed, resting a blanket over it and watching it twitch slightly. Hopefully Forming would take it to Fluttering soon, or she might have great difficulty giving him up.

Straightening, she headed towards the door. She had her mission now.

Taking a deep breath, Fragrant knocked on the door.

“Come in,” came Notebook’s slightly surprised-sounding voice from the other side. She gently opened it and entered. “My lady,” said Notebook, getting up from his desk. “I was not expecting you yet.”

She gestured for her ex-servant to sit. “I hope I am not interrupting anything?”

“No, running Baron Max’s office is much easier than your own. Is there something I can do to help you?” he said a little stiffly. “Do you need something from Nulpar? I’ve had a few run-ins with your niece while she was standing in for you, she asked for my help a few times, if that was all right with you? She has the makings of a good courtier, once she has a bit more experience. You should be proud.”

“I am, although I think you may have taught her almost as much as I have over the years. Anyway, I am not here on official business. I am... I am here to talk about you.”

“Ah. Have you decided to report my actions to the Princess, or the new oversight committee?”

“No, no, you did not do anything that would require their intervention. I...” She took a deep breath. “I am offering you a position on my staff.”

“My lady!” exclaimed Notebook, a wide grin crossing his face.

Fragrant held up a hoof. “Wait! Listen to all that I have to say first.” Notebook’s smile dropped. “I... I recognise the situation you were put in, and I can accept that Wallflower did what she did for the best of reasons, but I cannot, at this time, work alongside you. This is mostly my own failing, not yours, but I can not... can not forgive or forget what you did. I am sorry.”

“I see,” said Notebook. “I am truly sorry for what I have done to you, then.”

“I cannot take you on as my assistant. However, I can offer you another job in my office. There is a position open as a liaison with one of the area weather heads. I think you would be well suited for it; it has slightly better pay and conditions than your last role. We would meet on occasion, but not continuously.”

“I see,” said Notebook. “And if I choose not to take this position?”

“Then you are free to do whatever you want. I will pay redundancy and provide you with excellent references. Your hard work over the years deserves no less. Your service has been exceptional. If you have enjoyed your time here,” she looked around the office, “I will recommend you to Baron Max. He... he has been more forgiving than me.”

“That is very... fair. I am sorry for breaking your trust in me.”

“I am sorry for being unable to get over this issue, but,” she looked down at the desk, “I can’t.”

“I understand. I would like to take up the new role in your office.”

Fragrant’s eyes flicked up. “You are sure? You can have some time to consider the position.”

“Thank you, but I think I have made up my mind. This way I hope I can eventually reclaim your trust, and your friendship.”

“Very well,” said Fragrant, holding out a hood. “Welcome back to my service, then.”

Author's Note:

This is likely to be the last chapter for a while, the end of the Nulpar arc is rather complicated and I think long so it'll take some time to put it together, I had planned to put this bit after that had been completed but I found this wrote itself quite quickly so I put it first.

Thanks to RDD, G&C and Striker for their comments and to Mooncalf for his editing.

As always comments are very welcome.

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