• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 2,195 Views, 404 Comments

Climbing the Mountain 2 - Talon and Thorn

Baron Mounty Max may have thought his troubles were over with the recent changes to the Night Court but instead they may have just started as he has to deal with host of new problems during his second session at court

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33) Month 3 - A Night at the Opera

Fragrant hummed happily to herself as she put on the last part of her outfit for the night. The pearl earrings would go well with her long red dress. There was something about tonight that really felt like it was a date. Not to say that her previous three nights out with Max hadn’t been special. The first one hadn’t gone exactly to plan, but was still memorable in the same way as a train crash would be. The second, well they had only eaten a meal in her mansion, but it had been nice to have some time to themselves away from work. The third had been a picnic, a traditional event for courting couples but Max had to be different, few others had eaten on the roof of Princess Luna’s office. She had expected to be stopped by the guards at any moment which had given the night a bit more of a buzz, and the view from near the top of the castle had been spectacular.

Still maybe there was something traditional about a night at the opera. Like the picnic, it was a classic date situation. It helped her to feel like they were a real couple. She checked her purse for her opera glasses. What a night it promised to be, it was almost unknown for a complete performance of Ta Chrysá Papoútsia outside of a cloud city. Even in pegasus settlements the effort needed to produce the quartet of operas that made up the whole cycle meant that it only took place a few times a generation. She was really looking forwards to the chance to show Max a sample of her culture.

She examined her outfit a little more critically, maybe she should have worn something a little more historic to honour the event? The play was supposed to be performed in a traditional style... It wasn’t like she had any armour but she probably had a chiton and himation in her wardrobe, somewhere. No, she didn’t have time to search for it and get changed. She had at least done her mane up in a more period style.

There was a gentle knock at the door shaking her from her thoughts. “My lady,” came Loyal’s voice from the other side. “Your gentlestallion caller is here.”

Fragrant rolled her eyes a little at the humour in her butler's voice. “Let him in Loyal,” she replied.

“Max, it is-” her voice caught a little as the door opened. Normally Max was a handsome stallion, but tonight he had outdone himself. Was that a new suit? It certainly fit him well and was in a very modern fashion and with a top hat to go with it! He even had a bow in his tail! His coat was practically gleaming although his mane was still a mess, but then he wouldn’t be Max without that, it just made her want to run her hoof through it.

“Are you alright Fragrant?” asked Max sounding somewhat worried.

“Oh, yes, I am fine thank you.” How long had she been gawking at him? “You look, you look very good tonight. Very good indeed!”

“Thanks,” said Max with a grin turning around a little. “Mellow helped me get a new suit, it wasn’t all that expensive either.”

“Well he, and you, certainly have good taste.” She hadn’t thought too much of Baron Mellow Dramatic in the past, he always seemed rather too emotional for his job, but maybe there was more to the high-strung stallion then she’d previously seen. She trotted over and kissed Max on the lips, feeling the familiar tingle run through her body. Even though this was their fourth date she could certainly imagine an event normally associated with a third date occurring tonight. The matter had been on her mind during their real third date. Maybe not actually on the roof of Luna’s quarters, although that was certainly a naughty thought but she had considered inviting Max home after their meal. Then she had felt a certain panic grow within her and she’d had to cut the date short, hopefully the same wouldn’t happen this time.

“You look beautiful,” commented Max running his eyes up and down her form.

“Why thank you,” said Fragrant with a blush. They would certainly make a good pair walking down the red carpet outside the theatre, the jealous eyes of the crowd on them. Her ears drooped, of course things wouldn’t be like that, not for them the normality of other couples. They had to be more discrete. “Are you ready to go?” she asked.

“Yes,” said Max looking a little disappointed. “Are you sure we can’t go together?”

“No, I am-I am sorry,” she admitted. “Here,” she passed him a ticket for the show. “I will take my air carriage. I will try to get through the ceremony as quickly as possible and retire to my private box. If you wait here for a while then make your own way to the theatre, this ticket will allow you entrance to the same area, we can meet up there. Remember, my box is A17.” It just didn’t seem fair; any other mare could spend time with their stallion in public and not worry about being mobbed by the press. Why did her life have to be so hard?

“A17,” repeated Max, unhappily.

“But once you get there we can spend the whole evening together,” she said with a somewhat fake smile. “The box’s curtains will stop any press from seeing us.”

“Of course,” said Max his ears still lowered. “You better be off then, the sooner you go the sooner we can meet up.” He leaned into her to kiss again.

“Thank you for understanding Max.”

Max carefully made his way through the ornately decorated halls of the Theatre Royal. The floor was covered in a thick carpet and pictures and portraits of previous productions and patrons covered the walls. It looked even grander than many parts of the castle itself. When he had arrived the front of the theatre had been awash with celebrities and members of the press. It looked like everypony who was anypony was here. It was no wonder Fragrant didn’t want the two of them to be caught together here. He’d actually been a little unnerved by the number of flashing bulbs going off and the volume of the questions being yelled by the crowd. Most of the other courtiers and other high class ponies present seemed to take it in their stride but it was rather new to him. He’d tried to sneak in without incident but to his surprise some of the press had noticed him despite the far more important ponies present. He’d tried to follow Fragrant’s advice in such situations and tried to ignore them, only giving them a vague wave in their direction. It seemed to have worked and he’d been able to pass into the theatre without any further bothers.

Once inside he’d found that most of the celebrities already present had made their way to the bar for a drink before the play started. Max had felt a little tempted but he suspected it would be just as crowded as outside and he wanted to get to Fragrant as quickly as possible. The next problem was the staff, they wanted to be far too helpful. An usher offered to show him to his box and it had taken quite a bit of effort to get her to grasp that Max could find his way there himself. She had actually looked rather suspicious but eventually agreed to let Max walk by himself at least the last section of the route. He suspected that she might have sneakily followed him a little further so he had quickly hopped into the box he had been assigned before leaving a few minutes later to head towards his meeting with Fragrant.

He counted along the doors as he made his way towards his destination. A12, A13. He heard hoofsteps coming the opposite way and he did his best to look like he was supposed to be here. The was a giggle as a pink pony with a fluffy mane hopped past, quickly followed by a white stallion in evening wear. The stallion came to a halt. “Baron Mounty Max, isn’t it?” exclaimed Prince Blueblood. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Oh, ah, Viscount Blueblood, well you know I thought I should get some, um, culture in my life,” stammered Max. In truth without Fragrant’s invitation he probably wouldn’t have come to an event like this. Opera wasn’t really his thing, maybe a few drinks and a sing along or a dance but a formal performance was a bit outside of his comfort zone. Still Fragrant had been looking forwards to it for weeks now, she seemed very keen that he get to see some of her culture, he just hoped he didn’t make some sort of faux pas.

“Yes, I suppose that’s a good idea although some of these things can be rather dreadfully dry, still it’s important to be seen at some events, isn’t it?” Max nodded hoping that Blueblood would move on. Instead the other stallion’s eyes narrowed a little. “I have to say I wouldn’t have expected to see you in these seats, they are rather exclusive, above your budget I would have thought.”

“Oh, well I thought I’d have a bit of a look around the place, my seat is,” he pointed in a random direction, “that way, I think, I’m a bit lost.”

“Ah, well if I see a servant I’ll send them to help you,” said Blueblood.

“Come on Bluie!” called the pink mare bouncing back into sight. “Hurry up, this is only supposed to be a cameo, we don’t get a bigger part for loads of chapters yet. Still I think the triple date will be worth it!”

Max frowned, what was the mare talking about? Her date looked equally bemused but shrugged. “Very well Miss Pie, our box awaits! I hope you have a good night, Baron,” said Blueblood leading his companion down the corridor.

Wiping a little sweat from his brow Max continued along his route until he stopped at the door reading A17. Quickly glancing up and down the corridor to see if there were any more ponies around he tapped gently on the door. “Enter!” came Fragrant’s muffled voice from within.

With a smile, he turned the handle and stepped into the box. The inside was just as plush as the rest of the theatre if not more so. It was larger than he’d expected, a dozen ponies could probably fit in it comfortably. Gently flickering gas burners lit it with a dim but warm light. The opening into the auditorium itself was currently covered by curtains. A large red velvet covered settee took up much of the space, its carved hooves sticking out from the drapes surrounding its sides. Several other unused seats were lined around the walls. There were a number of small tables as well, one had a bottle of wine in a cooler resting on it, another a vase of flowers surrounded by other snacks. In the middle of it all reclining on the couch was the most magnificent part of the whole set up, Fragrant herself. “Max!” she cried getting up and walking over to kiss him the cheek. “I was starting to worry.”

“It took me awhile to get here, it’s so busy out front,” said Max returning the affection.

“Yes, it took me a while to shake hooves with those I had to. It looks like it’s going to be a packed house today. Would you care for a snack?” she asked gesturing to the flowers as she sat down.

“Thanks,” said Max taking his place next to her so that their flanks were just touching, he leant over and snipped off a bloom with his teeth and chewed appreciatively. The flower was fresh and succulent. “These are really good!”

“I thought it was best to bring my own snacks so we don’t have to summon any servants,” said Fragrant with a smile.

“Good plan,” said Max taking another bite of the flowers, maybe he should have eaten before he’d come, he’d hoped he could persuade Fragrant to go to a restaurant after the show. “This is a very nice seat.” He looked around the box again.

“Thank you. I’ve been reserving it for years now.”

“Do you go to the theatre that much?” asked Max, Fragrant hadn’t mentioned it before.

“Not as much as I’d wish, but it’s use is a useful gift for friends and associates. The waiting list for private boxes can be several years, it’s more convenient to keep the one I have than to try and obtain one for specific performances. It’s all part of being a patron of the arts really.”

Max nodded, it really wasn’t something he’d gotten into so far, but he should help anypony from Nulpar who wanted to put on a show in the rest of Equestria, if the opportunity ever came up. “You said you’d supported this show?”

“Yes, I’m financing most of it. The director, Ancient Skies, is from Cloudsdale. Most of the cast as well, I think. He was introduced to me by the representative for Cloudsdale, King Fisher. I’ve actually only talked to Ancient a few times but he certainly seems very enthusiastic about his work. Most of his previous performances have been on a much smaller scale, but they were all very well received by the critics. He apparently puts great effort into researching and recreating ancient plays from before unification. If what he’s said is correct this should be the most authentic performance of Ta Chrysá Papoútsia in over a millennium now.”

“Oh, that sounds interesting,” said Max. He had meant to investigate the show a bit before he’d come but things were getting busier and busier in the office right now and it didn’t seem right to leave it all to Mrs G. There were some times he wasn’t sure she was getting home at night. Once he’d found her asleep at her desk in the morning, she’d said she’d just nodded off but he wasn’t so sure. The old goat wasn’t getting any younger and he didn’t want her to push herself too hard. He’d tried to talk to her about getting some more help around the office but she’d taken it as an insult.

Fragrant seemed to sense Max’s preoccupation. “Do you even know what Ta Chrysá Papoútsia means?” she asked with gentle exasperation.

“Um, it’s something about shoes I think?” ventured Max.

“It’s ‘The Golden Shoes’ in Pegasophian after the shoes forged from the gold taken from the sirens by-” Fragrant was interrupted by a knock from the door. She frowned. “What is it?” she called, “I asked not to be disturbed.”

“It is rather urgent my Lady,” came a mare’s voice from the other side. “A message from your office.”

Fragrant bit her lip before nodding. “Max, would you mind, well hiding for a moment?”

“Hiding?” exclaimed Max.

“I’m sure this will be nothing but, it might be something important, a vote or powerful rogue weather. I don’t want questions about why you’re here with me. Please!” she begged, her eyes wide.

Max couldn’t argue with Fragrant when she looked like that. “Fine,” he said looking around the room, there didn’t seem to be all that many options. He lifted the curtain around the base of the settee, he could probably just about fit under there. Sighing he crouched down and started to crawl forwards.

Normally Fragrant would quite enjoy the view of Max’s hindquarters as he clambered under the seat. However, she quickly dragged her attention away and towards whatever could require her attention. She had left instructions with Saltpeter to only disturb her for a true disaster. She wished her assistant was overreacting rather than there being something true world shattering taking place. Hopefully Corona wouldn’t choose now to attack purely to ruin her date.

Straightening the drape to make sure Max was fully hidden she whispered, “Thank you.” Before turning to the door. “Come in,” she called as she undid the latch, “Now what is this-” she began before a mare in the uniform of an usher barged into the room. “What is the meaning of this!” she exclaimed.

“I’m sorry your ladyship!” exclaimed the usher, a rather young unicorn mare with an untidy red mane beneath her hat. “I had to speak to you!”

“Who are you?” asked Fragrant. She noticed that the uniform didn’t quite fit the mare. “You aren’t a member of the theatre’s staff, are you?” Could this mare mean her harm? she didn’t look all that dangerous, but you never could tell, particularly with unicorns, magic could often be unpredictable.

“No, I’m not. Don’t be afraid,” said the mare holding a hoof up. “I don’t want to hurt you, I-I just want an interview!”

“An interview?” asked Fragrant in surprise, then her brow furrowed. “You’re a member of the press?” This was just like a journalist, trying to ambush her, spoiling her time with Max.

“No! Well yes, sort of... I’m well, I’m sort of hoping to get a job. I’m just out of college you see, I need some way to make a name for myself!” the mare hoped from hoof to hoof nervously.

Fragrant examined the reporter. Now that she looked the mare was hardly more than a filly really, probably not even as old as Forming. “And you thought an interview with myself would help?”

“Well it’s well known that you don’t give interviews, not for, well, not for a long time.”

“And with good reason,” snapped Fragrant causing the reporter to flinch. “Is there any reason I shouldn’t have you thrown out of the theatre? Or arrested for trespass?” her tail swayed angrily from side to side.

“I well, I thought, you see,” mumbled the mare looking down her eyes starting to water.

Fragrant sighed. It really was hard to stay angry at the mare she seemed so inoffensive, yet she’d still snuck into the theatre under false pretences and ambushed her. “You thought getting an interview with me would be a feather in your cap?” The other mare nodded. “And you thought just barging in on me would help your case? That interrupting my personal time would endear you to me?”

“Well, I don’t know, I didn’t think-”

“No, you didn’t! If you did want to interview me about something important and not just invade my privacy you should have gone via the proper channels. I do give interviews about my work.”

“I-I did,” mumbled the reporter looking down at the floor, “I got turned down.”

Fragrant’s brow furrowed again, she wasn’t aware of any interview requests being rejected but that would have been organised by Saltpeter and he had worked for her long enough now to know her thoughts about most journalists.

“I’m sorry,” continued the mare, starting to turn towards the door. “I’ll just go now...”

Fragrant let out a sigh. “I suppose there is something to be said for using your initiative,” she grumbled. The opera would be starting soon, but she guessed she had ten minutes or more. “You can have five minutes,” she decreed, “and no more.” The reporter blinked in surprise her ears starting to rise. “And any questions should be about my work, not my family or personal life!”

The mare nodded a smile starting to grow across her face. “Thank you! Thank you!” she exclaimed. “I understand, it was totally wrong what they did to you, what they said about you back then, I’d never do anything like that-”

Fragrant help up a hoof. “You are using up your time.” She really didn’t want to think about that now, it would our sour her relationship with the reporter. She settled down on the settee, there was a faint mumble from beneath it as she remembered to late where Max was hiding. The journalist excitedly hopped into the seat next to her causing another groan. The mare’s face frowned for a moment and she started to bend down towards the base of the seat. “Before we start can I ask your name?” asked Fragrant trying to distract the other mare.

“Oh, right,” said the reporter pulling out a large pad and taking a quill in her aura. “I’m Lilac, Lilac Lane.” She started to flip through the pad rapidly.

“You had queeee-” exclaimed Fragrant as she felt something tug at her tail. For a moment she almost leapt from her seat, then she realised it must be Max.

“Are you alright?” asked Lilac in alarm.

“I am-” Fragrant felt another gentle tug on her tail, what was Max doing? And when had he discovered her sensitive her tail was? She tried to suppress a shudder. “I am fine, I just sat down awkwardly.”

“Are you-”

“You have only four minutes remaining now, Miss Lane,” reminded Fragrant, the tugging on her tail had resolved into a rhythm which was causing her to slump further into the seat. Whatever was Max doing down there? She tried to flip her tail away from him but it was held down securely.

“Right, right,” said the journalist clearing her throat. “You are the minister for weather but your family, and your brother in particular,” Fragrant tried to stiffen at the mention of her family but the tingling running through her back made it hard to maintain any sort of tension, “run the largest weather company in Equestria. There has never been any evidence of impropriety in this relationship,” she quickly added, “but don’t you think that such connections could result in corruption?”

Fragrant raised an eyebrow at the younger mare. This was hardly what she had expected. The journalist seemed collected now, quite different than earlier, had this all been a ruse? “My situation is hardly unique, either at present or historically. The princess often chooses ponies with personal or familial experience of their portfolios for the various roles in her cabinet, I trust her judgement in this matter.”

“But the princess herself has admitted that she, and her government, are fallible. Surely it would be better if such opportunities for corruption were minimised? There have been several situations where previous courtiers have taken the opportunity to line their own pockets at the public's expense. Providing government contracts to their own, or their families, companies.”

“And in each case they have been caught and punished for their transgressions,” insisted Fragrant, she might have come up with a few examples if she wasn’t so distracted right now.

“If only the known ones got punished? What about those good enough not to get caught?”

“There are certain checks and balances put in place to make such things much harder than you would think. The addition of the Internal Affairs Bureau has only improved the protection. Would you prefer that somepony without experience be put in charge of a ministry? I certainly feel that my history with weather management gives me a better understanding of the challenges facing the industry and of the ponies on the front line working the weather. True my families company does receive many government contacts but they have to bid for them the same as any other company. I am required to be able to justify any decision I, or a member of my ministry, make not only to the rest of the court but to the princess herself.” From below a slightly stronger tug sent tingles up her back causing her to bite back a squeak.

“Are you alright Duchess?” asked Lilac her eyes narrowing.

“I am, I am fine, just a draft,” said Fragrant trying to keep her body under control. “Do you have any other questions? I think you may have another minute left.”

“Oh, right,” said Lilac glancing back at her pad. “You’ve been very much at the forefront of the recent court reforms attempting to stop corruption. Up until now your record at court has been clean but somewhat unimpressive, why have you taken the lead on this matter?”

For a moment Fragrant wondered if the journalist might have found out about her bribe all those years ago but Lilac gave no hint of wanting to continue. “I have to admit that I did find myself in somewhat of a rut in recent years. Things became rather routine,” she paused, “I think it was seeing some of the younger members of the court take up their mantles that helped me focus myself. Their vigour and drive has reminded me of why I took up my role in the first place and I feel that if properly tempered by wisdom they could lead our country forward into a better age. My reforms have been for the betterment of all of Equestria of course, but I do think one of their biggest benefits is to allow a cleaner environment for the next generation to flower in. Younger stallions and mares, such as yourself will have a brighter future to look forward to.”

Lilac blushed a little. “You are currently mentoring Baroness Fields aren't you, and Baron,” she flicked through her notes, “Mounty Max was your squire until recently.”

“Yes,” said Fragrant with a smile, “and I have great hopes for both of them, baroness Fields has the potential to go far and Baron Max, well he still has a few rough edges which need smoothing,” there was a harder tug from below her causing her to bite her lip to stop from giggling, “but I am sure he could be a great courtier, given time.”

“But how can you-” began Lilac.

“I believe that your time is up,” noted Fragrant, she was sure she could hear movement in the theatre beyond the heavy curtains, the majority of the audience were probably taking their seats. The opera would start soon.

“Oh, right, um, thank you Duchess.”

Fragrant nodded graciously and leaned forwards to stand from the seat. Her tail felt heavy and stiff, whatever had Max done? She didn’t dare look back and draw attention to it. “I would suggest that in future you do not try to get interviews via deceit, many of the other courtiers will not take it as well as I did. I would certainly be less well inclined to you if you were to repeat today's incident,” she tried to put a hint of a threat into her words.

“Yes, sorry but I had to try something,” said Lilac standing up as well. She stared at Fragrant’s tail for a moment, her brow furrowing before gently shaking her head and giving a bow. “Thank you again for your time.” She walked to the door and left closing it behind her. Fragrant made sure it was locked before slumping against it. She let out a sigh of relief before turning to examine her whatever Max had done to her.

“You braided my tail!” she exclaimed, noting the rather sloppy platting.

“Well I didn’t have anything else to do,” noted Max as he struggled to extricate himself from beneath the seat. “Did you have to sit on me?!”

“I didn’t want to give away your secret.” She picked at her tail a little, it didn’t want to come apart.

“So, I have a few rough edges?” asked Max stretching his back.

“Of course,” said Fragrant giving up on her hair and walking over to run a hoof over his side. “But the smoothing of them is proving to be rather enjoyable.” She kissed him gently on the lips.

“And Buttercup?”

“I don’t think any smoothing will be needed there.” The tension in her voice was a surprise to even Fragrant. She was aware of the previous relationship between Max and her prodigy, although she hadn’t pushed either of them for full details. She’d thought she had found peace with the situation but she found a rather strong feeling of possessiveness running through herself.

Apparently Max wasn’t at his most perceptive as he decided to continue to talk about the younger mare. “I saw her at court last week, she didn’t look all that well. Do you know if she’s coming down with anything?”

Fragrant considered for a moment, Buttercup had seemed rather tired at many of their recent meetings although she didn’t actually seem sick. “Not that I’m aware of. I think she may still be having difficulty settling into her role.”

Max seemed unconvinced. “It’s been a few months now and she ran her father’s office for I don’t know how many years.” Fragrant nodded, Buttercup had been her father's assistant since she was practically a filly, not that she was all that old now. “Do you know who she’s got running her own office?”

Fragrant thought for a moment, she actually couldn’t recall seeing any staff around Buttercups office. There had to be somepony surely? Even Max had Mrs Grobhar to help him. “You know I’m not sure... You can’t be running a whole province by herself, can she?”

Max bit at his lip. “I don’t know, she always seemed capable but she could probably do with a hoof, maybe I should-”

“No,” said Fragrant maybe a little more sharply than she’d intended. “Let me, she is supposed to be my prodigy after all. I’m due to talk to her next week, I’ll make sure she’s delegating.” Max nodded. “Anyway, this is supposed to be our date night, let's not get caught up in work.” She turned towards the curtains, it must be more or less time for the show to start now. Pulling at a cord she opened the box to the theatre beyond. Max shied back.

“Won’t ponies see me?” he asked.

“No, this box has a privacy spell on it, while it is active nopony outside will get a clear view of who is in it,” she said with a smile. She glanced around the theatre rather pleased to see that the place was full. Even the royal box was in use. Sadly, the princess herself had declined an invitation but the royal musician, Octavia Philharmonica, had come in her place. She glanced over at the grey mare who had apparently invited several other members of the castle staff with her and was deeply in conversation one of her companions. She also recognised several high-ranking nobles in various other boxes, those who didn’t have privacy spells activated anyway.

“That's certainly handy,” noted Max peering out of the box.

“It comes as standard, it is not only myself who has problems with the press. Sometimes it is nice to be able to spend some time enjoying yourself anonymously.” She didn’t mention that they were rumoured to be used to hide romantic or even amorous liaisons, presumably during rather boring performances, she didn’t want to give Max, or herself, any ideas.

“So, the show...” began Max.

“Ta Chrysá Papoútsia,” said Fragrant, “it more or less means ‘The golden shoes’ in pegalopean.”

“Right, you said that before. It’s a big thing, right? It doesn’t get performed all that often? I tried to do a bit of research but I couldn’t find out all that much about it.”

“It’s an ancient pegasus opera, older than Equestria by maybe a millennium or more,” continued Fragrant with pride. “It’s actually a series of four plays, usually played over three or four days, with feasts and other entertainments in between. The whole thing takes maybe fifteen to twenty hours to perform in full.” She sighed. “Unfortunately, we will only be able to see the first one tonight, although the whole cycle is due to be performed over this week.” It was a shame she couldn’t make time for the whole event, it would truly be a once in a lifetime occurrence. Still her work had to come first, at least Max would get to see the first part.

“You really are looking forwards to this aren't you,” said Max leaning forwards.

“Yes, I’ve seen two previous performances, both in Cloudsdale, but this one promises to be spectacular. The cast is fairly young but they have been rehearsing for this moment for almost a year now. The idea of putting on a production in the original style is inspired. I’m so glad I was able to help in its creation. The director Ancient Skies was nice enough to offer me entrance to some of the rehearsals, but I wanted to keep things a surprise until tonight. Saltpeter told me the performance was breath-taking though.”

Outside of the box the theatre’s lights were starting to be lowered. The gas lights around the walls were turned off and outside clouds were shifted aside to allow the moonlight to play in through panels in the roof. Torches were lit around the stage illuminating it with flickering light.

The level of authenticity was incredible, thought Fragrant, of course the original performance would have been lit mostly by the sun or moon with only naked flames as support. “It’s about to start!” she announced excitedly. She reached out a hoof and rested it on Max’s. The orchestra began, brass and string sections together along with a faint wispy sound playing under them that could only be an aeolian harp, a huge instrument played by a pegasus manipulating the flow of air over its strings.

After a moment, a single figure flew onto the stage, a grey coated pegasus stallion with a light blue mane dressed in a toga. Fragrant recognised the figure as Ancient Skies, the director. He gave a short bow to the audience and received a polite stomp of applause in response. “Thank you, thank you,” he announced. His voice a little squeaky for a stallion. “Thank you for gracing my performance with your presence.” He waited for a second round of applause to die down. “Now some of you may have seen Ta Chrysá Papoútsia performed before, however, I can guarantee that none of your will have ever seen it performed like this. In fact there is only one individual in Equestria, well maybe two now, who can have seen a performance of this type.” He paused for a moment to allow his words to sink in. “It may be just as well that the princess is not present, she could probably point out any errors I’ve made.” He smiled and the crowd gave a polite laugh. “Personally the first time I saw this show was as a foal, a local amateur production of only the first opera in the cycle. As an adult I know it was poorly performed, but at the time I was spellbound, even at that age I recognised it as a link, a link to the past of my tribe, to its history and its culture. It was that production which started my interest, some would say obsession, with this opera and with researching its history and the methods by which it would have been performed all those millennia ago. Much has been lost over time, ancient pegasi did not record things for perpetuity preferring an oral history where possible but I persevered. Some of the things I found surprised me, others I had always known to be true. Still all this work might have got to waste if it were not for the support granted to me by my patron, Duchess Posey.” Dramatically he swung out a hoof towards Fragrant’s box.

She turned towards Max but he was already on his hooves and making his way to the back of the box. She gave him a thankful smile as her hoof reached out to turn off the privacy spell allowing the rest of the theatre to see her. She felt faintly embarrassed as she waved a hoof towards the crowd. It was nice of Ancient to mention her, he probably hoped for further funding in future and the public thanks would help her standing at court when the show became a hit. Still she preferred to work more behind the scenes. “I am just glad to be able to have helped a talented artist from my province and to bring such an important part of my home city’s culture to the rest of Equestria,” she said projecting to the crowd as best she could, the acoustics of the building were not designed to allow those in the boxes to be heard from the rest of the auditorium.

“Thank you once again Duchess,” said Ancient with a bow. “You are as much to thank for this performance as I am.” There was a further round of applause. “Now without further ado, I present to you Ta Chrysá Papoútsia, as it was originally intended!” Mist started to cover the stage blanketing the torches, and the director rushed towards the side of the stage.

Fragrant turned the privacy field back on as Max returned to his position next to her. She found herself holding her breath as the first notes of the opening number could be heard. She smiled letting the music flow over her. Perfect, it was just perfect. At the edge of her vision she could see Max smiling at her, she held out a hoof and he rested his on it. She hoped he was going to enjoy this just as much as she would.

Author's Note:

Sorry for how long this one took to finish, I got to about this point and just got stuck for almost two months. I'm a bit more up to speed now so hopefully the next set of chapters will be a little quicker, but we'll see.

Comments are always welcome.

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