• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 2,195 Views, 404 Comments

Climbing the Mountain 2 - Talon and Thorn

Baron Mounty Max may have thought his troubles were over with the recent changes to the Night Court but instead they may have just started as he has to deal with host of new problems during his second session at court

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42) Month 4 - Relationship Upgrade (Part 1)

Max sat outside of the office door feeling rather like a naughty school colt. Around him swarms of ponies carried out the various affairs of state. Papers were efficiently moved from desk to desk and dozens of conversations were carried out in hushed whispers. He’d thought that Fragrant’s Weather Ministry could be busy but it had nothing on the Over-ministry of the Interior where a good chunk of the bureaucracy which kept Equestria running day to day was carried out. Some said that the largest of the three Over-ministries was actually the least interesting compared to Finance which paid for everything and the Exterior which dealt with Equestria’s interactions with the rest of the word, but it was here were the million and one minutia needed to keep the country afloat were carried out.

Max knew he was very lucky to have been granted even a few minutes of Viceroy Night Light’s, the head of the Over-ministry, time. Especially given the short notice. Still the wait was making him think more and more that it had been a bad idea. He glanced over at a nearby secretary who looked up from her work and gave him a reassuring smile before turning back to her scroll. To be honest it wasn’t just the meeting with Night Light that had him worried. He’d arranged to visit Fragrant after court and he intended to ask her to come to Mellow’s engagement party next week, as his date. He knew she didn’t want their relationship to be public, but it had been almost half a year! He wanted to be seen around town with her, be able to talk about them to his friends, to be able dispel the occasional feeling that he was her dirty secret! They were planning to spend Hearth’s Warming together, for Luna’s sake, but they couldn’t be seen in the same restaurant! He really felt he had to put his hoof down, he knew she was uncomfortable about the possible press coverage and he didn’t want to upset her, but he felt he’d waited long enough for their relationship to move on.

There was a cough nearby which drew his attention back to the outside world. The secretary was looking at him. “The Viceroy will see you now,” she said nodding towards the office door.

“Oh, right. Thanks!” said Max as he got up from his chair and gathered up the few notes he’d prepared. Night Light had offered to help sponsor his road building bill but Fragrant had been worried that he might try to steal the glory for the idea. It all seemed silly to Max but she’d insisted he arrange a meeting with the other stallion to worked the issue out.

He gently rapped a hoof on the door and was bid to enter after a few moments. The room on the other side was surprisingly spartan and small given how important the owner was. It was still larger than Max’s personal office, but not by all that much. The furnishing was of the highest quality but mostly consisted of the desk, some chairs and several bookcases. The only decoration were some pictures on the desk and wall showing various members of Night Light’s family. The Viceroy himself was sitting on the opposite side of the desk staring down at some papers in front of him.

Night Light was a stallion in his middle years, maybe a little older than Fragrant. His light blue coat and darker, but slightly greying, mane were well groomed. At present he was only wearing a light coat with his houses crest on it. After a moment he looked up. “Ah, baron, please excuse me, I was looking over a letter from my daughter. A logic puzzle actually.” He stood and offered his hoof to Max who gave it a somewhat timid bump. “Something she picked up from one of the other continents, I do like how all the numbers fit neatly into the grid.” He sat down again. “I’m trying to keep in touch with her more at the moment, given how close she’s staying.” He sighed for a moment. “Now you wanted to talk to me about my support for your bill...?”

“Yes, I, well... thank you very much for your help, it’s very welcome. I just wanted to go through a few of the details,” began Max.

“And you want to know what the cost would be? If I was going to try and steal your glory?” said Night Light leaning forwards his hooves steeped under his chin, one eyebrow raised.

“Well, um, that is to say well... yes,” said Max a bit taken aback by the Viceroys bluntness.

“No need to be ashamed, it’s a fair question and certainly something you should think about before entering into an alliance with me or any other pony.” He leant back. “To be truthful, you don’t have anything that I need baron Max, and even if I did ponies of my rank don’t tend to need to play the same games the rest of the court does.” He closed his eyes for a moment. “Not to say that I am perfect, I am only equine, as I proved all too recently. I just think that your proposal will be of great benefit to Equestria and wish to aid you as best I can. Given the princess’s speech at the opening of court included a wish that transport be improved now is an excellent time to put your idea in place. Some similar proposals have previously been made, but most were of limited scope. The range of your suggestions are refreshing, grants to all underdeveloped provinces, not just your own. It should cut down the number of areas which feel they aren't getting their fair share. Although the overall cost is of course much higher but I feel it will be worth it.”

“Oh, um, thank you sir. This is all a little unexpected,” said Max.

“You thought things might be harder?” said Night Light, “Well most things are, as I’m sure you’ve seen in the past, but sometimes things can go your way.” He paused for a moment. “We are alike in some ways baron.”

“Really?” asked Max in surprise glancing around the room again. He certainly didn’t think he had all that much in common with one of the three most powerful mortal ponies in the country. “How?”

“I wasn’t born a Viceroy you know. I married into the position. Like you the court seemed very strange when I first joined it. Of course, unlike yours, my family have been nobility for several generations now, but we were of low rank and non-voting.”

Max doubted that Night Light had been quite as out of sorts as he had been when he’d first started at court. Still the idea of a stallion marrying a mare much above his status was interesting. “Did that cause any problems? Your marriage I mean,” he asked cautiously.

“A few,” admitted Night Light with a thin smile. “I’m not sure the mother in law ever forgave me. There were certainly problems with the press, I was portrayed as little more than a gold digger.”

“Oh,” said Max, maybe Fragrant did have a point.

“But they moved onto the next scandal soon enough. Overall, I think it was worth it, after all I got Velvet and two wonderful children out of the deal. I think I can live with a few made up stories from the press in exchange for that.” He nodded.

Max smiled, when he put it that way maybe things wouldn’t be all that bad. “That sounds nice.”

“Indeed, but we aren't here to talk about my family are we.” He opened a folder in front of him. “As I said I think the overall idea of your bill if good and well timed, but there are a few changes I think could be made to improve it. Not to mention your grammar...”


Fragrant had to admit she was looking forwards to her time with Max this morning. Not that she ever really regretted spending time with him, but today was especially important. This night’s work had seemed to stretch out almost to eternity. After a stream of unacceptable replacements she’d finally given in and agreed to take Notebook on again as her personal assistant, although only for a short trial period to start with. Things had been just as tense between them as she’d feared they would be. She’d found herself double checking even his least important duties, waiting for the sign that he would betray her again. It was easy enough to say all was forgiven, but she still found herself unable to look past his previous behaviour. He’d sensed her unease and it had heightened his own. They had both been walking on eggshells all night.

Her other duties had been just as bad. With the holiday season just around the corner many courtiers were trying to get things finished as quickly as possible, which seemed to always result in more work being dumped on her. She’d spent much of the night rushing from meeting to meeting trying to try and keep on top of everything. The whole thing had left her feeling stressed and strung out. She was sorely in need for some relaxation.

Which is where Max came in. An hour or so spent in front of the fire with him - and maybe some kissing and cuddling - would do wonders for her mood. It probably wouldn’t be very difficult to convince him to give her one of his divine wing massages. Really she couldn’t remember what she did to get over the hard days before she had her coltfriend. At the beginning of the year she’d been afraid that she wouldn’t have the free time to spend with Max, but when you really wanted something, you made the time. Still it had been a few days since they had done much more than just talk in passing.

“Your guest has arrived, Madam,” came her butler’s voice from just outside the room.

“Send him in Loyal,” she instructed as she carefully laid herself down on the couch near the fire, it didn’t usually take much to draw Max to her, but every little helped. She spent a few moments adjusting her dress to ensure her legs were nicely highlighted, she knew how much Max liked them. The effort was immediately rewarded as her coltfriend entered the room and his jaw instantly dropped. Fragrant never felt more attractive, more sexy, than when she saw herself reflected in Max’s gaze.

“Fragrant you... you look...” managed Max after a moment.

“Thank you,” purred Fragrant trying to stop a smile growing across her face. This was just the thing to make her forget about today's problems. She patted a hoof against the seat next to her. “Would you care to join me?” she asked coyly.

Max didn’t waste a moment as he dropped down next to her, muzzling against her cheek. “How was your day?” he asked.

“Terrible,” she admitted, “everypony seemed to want a piece of me.”

“Well you have some very nice pieces,” said Max with a grin as he engulfed her in his embrace.

Fragrant let out a happy sigh and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of his body against her own. His embrace just made her feel so safe, she was already forgetting the cares of the day. She gave him a quick kiss in return. “So, what did you do today?” she asked after a moment.

“I had my meeting with Night Light. I don’t think he’s trying to cheat me, he really seems to just want to support my bill.”

“That’s good,” she replied resting a wing over his withers. “I’m glad my fears were unfounded, he has a reputation for honourable behaviour, but he has had some lapses.” She remembered his behaviour towards her before the gala. “Do you have anything in mind for this weekend?” She asked. It was one of their date nights coming up. “I think it’s your turn to choose, but I did wonder about ice skating, there enough secluded lakes nearby that we shouldn’t be seen.” She’d never actually tried skating before, but it didn’t look all that hard and Max probably had some experience at the sport given how frigid his province was. She was actually surprised how keen she was to try the sport out, before she’d met Max she hadn’t been quite so open to new experiences.

“Well, actually,” Max’s body tensed against hers, ”I do have an idea.” He gave her another quick kiss before pulling away into a more normal sitting position.

“Really, what?” she asked cautiously. She reluctantly repositioned herself so she could meet Max’s gaze, this sounded serious.

“Well,” he paused for a moment, “it’s Mellow’s engagement party on Saturday, and I’ve been invited.”

Fragrant nodded slowly, she’d received an invitation, probably as a formality. She didn’t know either of the couple all that well and although she was hardly a shut in, she wasn’t the most socially active noble. She hadn’t intended to go but would probably send a message and a gift of some sort.

“I wondered if we could both go,” Max continued, “you know together, as a couple.” He looked over at her expectantly.

Fragrant dropped her gaze. They had discussed this before “You know we can’t do that Max. There will no doubt be press there, they stalk that kind of events looking for scandal. If they found out about us we wouldn’t have any peace, any time to spend together like this.” She leant over towards him again hoping to distract him, but he gently shrugged her off.

“I’m sure it wouldn’t be that bad, I’ve been at court for almost a year and I’ve hardly been interviewed, let alone harassed.”

“Then you’ve been lucky, as a member of the higher nobility everything I do attracts attention. Remember the opera?” she said pointedly. “One got into my personal box! There’s nothing the press like more than a scandal, even if they have to make it themselves,” she scowled.

“Look,” said Max resting a hoof on hers, “I don’t care what they say or write about us. I just care about us. I want to be able to go dancing Fragrant, dancing with you in public!”

She met his gaze and for a moment she believed him, that things really might work out. That they could act like any other couple, but then she remembered what had happened last time. “Max, you don’t know,” he couldn’t know, he hadn’t gone through what she’d had, “you don’t know what they can be like. The lies they can make up. It’s just not a good idea. Not right now.”

“Then when?” asked Max with a snort. “Do we keep things secret forever? Even if we get married?”

“Well no, I suppose if things did get that far...” Fragrant paused, she really hadn’t thought about the future that much.

“But what about Mellow and Confidant? They’ve been dating for months now and it’s not exactly been front page news.”

“Your friend Baron Mellow is of significantly lower rank than me, the press prefers to target higher ranking nobles when they can. Plus, didn’t you tell me something about there being a story about him having an affair?” she asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well sort of... but it was a complete misunderstanding, and no one would believe that sort of paper anyway. Look don’t you want us to be open? To actually go out in public together? Not to have to hide things?” He looked over at her, eyes wide, and she so wanted to say yes, despite all the problems it could cause. The pain.

“Look Max, I, well... yes, I would. But it’s never that easy, maybe the common ponies can do what they want but we have different responsibilities, and there are costs...”

“Why can’t we just be normal ponies? Just a mare and a stallion?” he asked resting a hoof against her cheek.

“I’d like to but, you see, I...” she stuttered, she wanted to explain what had happened to her but what would he think of her if she did? Once such stories were told there would always be a little glimmer of suspicion which might poison their relationship.

“Sometimes I think you’re ashamed of us,” Max turned away, “ashamed of me.”

Fragrant felt her heart jump up into her throat, how could he think that? She was proud of him, not ashamed! She reached out a tentative hoof towards him but paused. Did it really look like that to him? To the rest of the world? She felt like she was protecting their relationship but was her history just slowly destroying it? Was her inability to move on going to just drive him away and leave her cold and lonely again? She sniffed trying to blink back the tears that started to flow.

“Fragrant!” called Max in alarm, “look I’m sorry, I didn’t want to upset you, I-”

“No,” she rested a hoof on him, “No, you are,” she sniffed again, “you are right. It is unfair of me to force you to keep our relationship secret.”

“Really?” He sounded surprised, did he think her so unbending?

“Yes, I know it hurts you but if we could still keep things low key? The press can be intrusive, we can go to your friend’s party together but we shouldn’t advertise our relationship, but if anypony asks, well...”

“I understand,” he leant forwards and gently kissed her on the lips, “I won’t buy us matching hats or anything.” She couldn’t help but smile at that image.

“No, I don’t think that would be the best idea, although I did like the hat you had with your red suit. What ever happened to it?”

“Oh that, it was stolen by a foal at the gala, I didn’t have the heart to ask for it back.”

“You do live an interesting life Bow wow,” she said reclining on the couch.

“We all do, Kitty cat,” he replied running a hoof through her hair as he rested his body next to hers. Despite his warmth Fragrant couldn’t help but feel ice in her stomach, maybe she did need to make this sacrifice for their relationship but she couldn’t help but dread what could happen to them at the party.


Max felt quite buoyant the next day. Fragrant was clearly still unhappy about the whole revealing their relationship thing, but she had agreed for them to appear together in public. It was a small step, but at least it was a step. Really he’d like to be able to tell his friends right away, but if she wanted to keep things low key, he’d respect that. He didn’t like seeing her obviously upset by the idea of the press knowing about them, but he was sure she was overstating the danger. He wasn’t sure what had happened to make her so paranoid, and to ask seemed too much of an imposition, he was sure she’d tell him when she was ready. Hopefully a few good experiences would let her move past it. He was sure that given a bit of time she’d see that they weren't going to be constantly hounded just because they were seen holding hooves in public, or even kissing.

“~Good morning Mrs G~” he sang as he entered his office. He frowned as his assistant didn’t look up from her work. He knew she was often busy but she usually at least greeted him each morning. “Is everything alright?” he asked cautiously she had seemed a bit distant for the last few days.

“Hum, oh, good morning Max,” said Mrs G after a moment. She looked up and regarded him through her glasses, blinking a few times.

“Is everything alright?” he repeated glancing around. The goat’s desk didn’t seem all that packed, actually it was clearer than he’d seen in a while. He hoped she wasn’t ill or anything, she was getting on a bit and she ran the office by herself, it was a lot of work. Maybe he should try suggesting she get some help around the place again?

“Oh, yes, yes. I was just hoping to catch up on some work.” She waved him away but Max didn’t budge.

“It looks like you’ve done a good job of it. You seem up to date.”

“Well things are starting to wind down for the end of the year.” Max nodded, the Twelvetide was only a few weeks away now and things were getting quieter. One of his committees had already stopped for the year.

“Well given things are quiet I thought I might, well...” she paused causing Max to frown, this wasn’t like Mrs G at all. “I thought I might head back to Nulpar a bit early.”

“Oh,” said Max in surprise. He had suggested it a few times, so she could be there for the birth of her grandkid. “Well I don’t see a problem with that.”

“If you need any help I’ll stay of course, I doubt you could run this place without me,” she said sharply. Max felt a little slighted, but it probably was true.

“I can probably muddle along for a while,” said Max, “I could get some extra help if I need it.”

“No, if you think you’ll need help I’ll stay,” snapped Mrs G. “No need to bring in anypony else.”

“No, no I’m sure I can manage by myself,” said Max holding up a hoof. “Look is everything alright?” Mrs G could be a bit crotchety if she didn’t have her tea of a morning but she was normally much more even tempered than this.

Mrs G looked up at him for a moment then sighed. She pulled open a drawer in her desk and removed two letters. “I got these yesterday.” She passed one over to Max. He opened it and quickly scanned through it. It was signed by Brian and Caoimhe, Mrs G’s son and daughter in law, although the latter had probably done most of the writing, it seemed to be a normal update, both were in good health and life in Sadlzburg was carrying on as normal.

“Seems standard to me,” said Max with a shrug. Certainly there didn’t seem to be anything to get Mrs G upset.

“Yes, that’s what I thought.” She scowled. “Then I got this one,” Mrs G waved a second sheet of paper in Max’s face. “It’s from Conn, but Brian made him write it. Apparently Caoimhe has been having a hard time with the foal, she’s been laid up in bed for a few days, but she doesn’t want to worry me.” She scowled, but Max could tell she was indeed worried. “It’s probably nothing, billies worry about that sort of thing,” she waved a dismissive hoof but then her face fell. “But if there is something wrong, maybe it’ll be better if I was there? Just to make sure. I’m sure your mother would do a good job but well Caoimhe’s family now and it is her first...”

Max nodded. “You should go, I’m sure I’ll manage until the end of the year.”

“Well if you’re sure.” said Mrs G biting her lip. “It’ll be a few days until the next train anyway I’m sure I can finish most things off by then.”

“Think of it as an early holiday, you deserve it,” said Max. “I’m sure things will turn out alright.” His mother would have written to him if things were bad, she’d always said that goat births were easier than ponies. Both mother and kid tended to be calmer. “But you should spend the time with your family, get to know your new grandkid. Spoil him or her a bit.”

Mrs G smiled. “Caoimhe thinks it’s going to be a girl, but Brian’s sure he’s going to have a son. I think the mother always knows, although I did think Conn was going to be a nanny for a bit.”


Max was all behind Mrs G heading back to Nulpar early, it had been years since she’d had anything like a holiday from his service and she, and her family, deserved the time. However, it did mean that he had a lot less time to arrange a Hearthswarming present for her than he’d originally planned. He had just the thing in mind though, a new pair of glasses. They certainly weren’t easy to come by in Nulpar, he’d heard that one of the griffin’s up in the Eyrie could grind lenses but he’d never met whoever it was. The only real source was mail order from outside the province, and that was very expensive. Ironically despite Canterlot generally being more expensive than his home province, glasses themselves were probably going to be cheaper. There were even several shops that did them in the city, he didn’t really know which one to choose so he just went with the closest to his home.

“And how can I help you, sir?” asked a shop assistant, a middle-aged earth pony stallion with a pale blue coat and a thinning black mane which Max suspected might be dyed.

Max glanced around the shop, there was rack after rack of frames in a wide range of colours and styles. He really didn’t have any idea what Mrs G might like. “I’m, um, looking for some glasses.”

The assistant gave a thin smile. “Well you have come to the right place, we have the widest selection in the city.” The stallion looked Max up and down. “Do you have a price range in mind?”

Max considered for a moment, glasses couldn’t be that expensive, could they? Plus this was for Mrs G, she’d been helping him out for, well for ever really, since even before he took over being Mayor from his Dad. Really her help had been priceless. “I don’t think price will be a problem,” he said and noted the stallions smile crank up a notch. Maybe he worked on commission.

“Very well sir, do you see anything you like?” He reached up and picked a set of grey frames. “How about these, they would go with your coat?”

“Actually, they’re not for me, they’re a present for my assistant.”

“Your assistant?” his brow furrowed.

“Yes, up at the castle, I’m a member of the court,” he explained.

The assistant seemed taken aback for a moment before his smile grew even larger. “Oh, of course sir. I guess this would be the sort of thing you would normally have your assistant do for you. If they weren't for your assistant?” He giggled a little. Max frowned. He wasn’t sure he quite got the joke. “Anyway,” said the salespony hurriedly, “do you have any design in mind?”

Max considered for a moment. Mrs G’s current spectacles just had simple wooden frames and he knew she sometimes had problems keeping them on her ears. Goat faces were rather slimmer than ponies. Was it possible to get a pair which would affix to her horns? He glanced around, there didn’t see anything which fit the bill. “These are nice,” he said picking up some which looked like they were made out of mother of pearl.

“An excellent choice, sir.” Max glanced at the price tab and blinked. Ok, maybe it was possible to place a price on what Mrs G had done for him. He could buy a house in Nulpar for the price of the glasses!

“Or maybe these,” said Max picking out a similar looking, but much cheaper pair.

“Yes, well I suppose they would do,” said the salespony a little bitterly. “If you are happy with the lower quality.” Max felt a little bad for a moment, Mrs G did do a lot for him, but he was sure she wouldn’t want him to bankrupt himself to get her a present. “Now, lenses, do you know your young mare’s prescription?”

Max made a face. Maybe he hadn’t thought this through enough. “Sorry, I don’t. Oh, and she’s not a young mare, she’s an old goat.”

“Ah, well if she is getting on a bit I’m sure I can get something appropriate, maybe she could come in later to get her eyes properly checked and we could provide more exact lenses then? Unless her temperament is too ‘goatish’ for that?” said the salespony with a grin.

“That sounds like a good idea, although she actually is a goat, will that make a difference? I know their eyes look a bit different.”

“Actually a goat...” said the stallion looking confused. “I’m sorry sir but is this a joke?”

“No, why should it be?”

“Well, you have a goat as an assistant? How is that possible? She couldn’t possibly be able to actually work in the government? Clean your office maybe, but work there...”

Max was taken aback, he was aware that there were some ponies who didn’t consider goats to be all that capable, but this was the first time that he’d had it thrust into his face. “Of course she can! She even voted in court once!”

“A goat,” gasped the salespony, “a goat voted in the night court! You are lying! The Princess wouldn’t allow something like that! This is all a joke, you’re not a member of the court at all... who are you?”

“No really, I’m a baron!” protested Max.

“Out, out!” cried the salespony gesturing towards the door, “and don’t come back!”

Max gritted his teeth and had to fight against the instinct to strike the other pony. How dare he think Mrs G incapable! Luckily he managed to reign himself in and merely stamped on the ground before turning and striding from the store, head held high. He couldn’t stop himself from shaking a hoof at the store once he was outside though. “As if I would want to!” He shouted back getting some surprised looks from various passers-by. Forcing down his temper Max tried to think where else he could go next to get Mrs G glasses, he didn’t have that much more time.


“Glasses for goats?” said the young clerk. “I don’t think I’ve heard of any.” She shrugged. “Not much call for them really.”

Max tried not to sigh in exasperation. This was the fifth shop he’d tried. None had been quite as rude at the first one but nopony seemed to have any products designed for non-ponies. Most had seemed quite surprised by the very idea. He’d certainly seen goats and griffin and even a few other species around Canterlot, it was very cosmopolitan, it was hard to believe that no one provided for their needs. Maybe he could try nearer to where Mrs G lived, that seemed to be where non-ponies were most common, but he wasn’t sure he had the time. A quick glance out of the window showed the sun already disappearing under the horizon. He’d have to head home pretty soon if he wanted to get ready for his date with Fragrant.

“Isn’t there anything you can do?” he pleaded.

“Well I don’t know... I guess there’s no reason why a goat couldn’t wear pony glasses. Their eyes probably work the same despite looking, well how they look. You say she’s quite old?”

Max paused, Mrs G probably wouldn’t describe herself as all that old but she was certainly getting on now. He wasn’t actually sure her exact age, he wasn’t going to risk her anger by asking. “You could say that,” he said cautiously.

“So she’s probably far sighted then, I have some standard lenses for that. If you just pick a set of frames I can put them together, if there are any problems then she can bring them back and we’ll see about customising them.”

“That sounds good,” said Max eagerly.

“It will cost though,” added the clerk.

Max sighed. “I’ll pay.” He looked over the selection, it wasn’t as wide as the first store but he eventually found a wire frame that he thought would look good on Mrs G and could probably be twisted to fit her face better. He hadn’t realised how hard it could be to live as a non-pony, nothing seemed to be produced specifically for goats or any other species. It brought his mind back to his research into legislation mentioning ‘anypony’ rather than ‘anyone’ it had seemed such a big task at the time and maybe not worth it, but really he should put more effort into it. Mrs G and all the other non-ponies who lived and worked in Equestria deserved it. Still, it would be a thought for another time. He had a party to prepare for.

He thanked the clerk and quickly paid for the glasses before heading out of the store and back towards his home.

Author's Note:

Well it's been a while but I'm back. As usual writing this took longer than I'd planned but once this and the next chapter are up I'll effectively be up to date with the Hearthwarming chapters I wrote over 2 years ago now (Where has the time gone). Over the next few days I'll give them a quick once over to make sure they fit continuity and then renumber them to fit the rest of story.

Thanks to Rainbow Double Dash for editing.

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